예제 #1
 def test_mod(self):
     static, var, _ = genmodstr_to_engine("Carbamidomethyl (C);; Biotin(K) ;",
                                          "300/300.1 (STY);Label:13C(6)15N(4) (H)",
     print static, var
     self.assertEqual(static,"C 57.021464 K 226.077598")
     self.assertEqual(var,"[STY] * 300.000000 [H] * 10.008269")
     with self.assertRaises(Exception):
         genmodstr_to_engine("Doesnotexist (C)", "", "Myrimatch")
예제 #2
    def prepare_run(self, log, info):
        wd = info[Keys.WORKDIR]
        exe = info.get(Keys.EXECUTABLE, 'tandem')

        # need to create a working copy to prevent replacement with app specific definitions
        app_info = info.copy()

        app_info = self._define_score(app_info, log)
        app_info["STATIC_MODS"], app_info["VARIABLE_MODS"], app_info[
            'TERMINAL_MODS'] = genmodstr_to_engine(info["STATIC_MODS"],
        app_info['ENZYME'], app_info[
            'XTANDEM_SEMI_CLEAVAGE'] = enzymestr_to_engine(
                info['ENZYME'], 'XTandem')

        #files required and written
        app_info['XTANDEM_PARAMS'] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.params')
        templates.read_mod_write(app_info, templates.get_tpl_of_class(self),
        app_info['XTANDEM_INPUT'] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.input')
        app_info['XTANDEM_TAXONOMY'] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.taxonomy')
        app_info['XTANDEM_RESULT'] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.result')

        #integrated tandem2xml XTANDEM_RESULT conversion
        info[Keys.PEPXML] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.pep.xml')

        command = '%s %s && Tandem2XML %s %s ' % (
            exe, app_info['XTANDEM_INPUT'], app_info['XTANDEM_RESULT'],
        return info, command
예제 #3
    def prepare_run(self, log, info):
        wd = info[Keys.WORKDIR]
        basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(info[Keys.MZXML])[1])[0]
        info[Keys.PEPXML] = os.path.join(wd, basename + ".pepXML")  #myrimatch default is pepXML NOT pep.xml

        # need to create a working copy to prevent replacement or generic definitions
        # with app specific definitions
        app_info = info.copy()
        app_info['ENZYME'], app_info['MYRIMATCH_MINTERMINICLEAVAGES'] = enzymestr_to_engine(info['ENZYME'],
        app_info["STATIC_MODS"], app_info["VARIABLE_MODS"], _ = genmodstr_to_engine(info["STATIC_MODS"],
                                                                                 info["VARIABLE_MODS"], 'Myrimatch')
        if app_info['FRAGMASSUNIT'] == 'Da':
            app_info['FRAGMASSUNIT'] = 'daltons'

        #link DB to cwd
        app_info['DBASE'] = os.path.join(wd, os.path.basename(info['DBASE']))
        os.symlink(info['DBASE'], app_info['DBASE'])

        #tpl = os.path.join(wd, 'myrimatch.cfg')
        tpl = 'myrimatch.cfg'
        tplfile = os.path.join(wd, tpl)
        read_mod_write(app_info, get_tpl_of_class(self), tplfile)

        exe_path = app_info['MYRIMATCH_DIR']
        exe = app_info['MYRIMATCH_EXE']
        command = "{exe} -cpus {threads} -cfg {tpl} -workdir {workdir} -ProteinDatabase {dbase} {mzxml}".format(
            exe=os.path.join(exe_path, exe), threads=app_info['THREADS'], tpl=tpl,
            workdir=app_info[Keys.WORKDIR], dbase=app_info['DBASE'],
        # update original info object with new keys from working copy
        #info = DictUtils.merge(log, info, app_info, priority='left')        
        return info, command
예제 #4
파일: comet.py 프로젝트: lcb/applicake
    def prepare_run(self, log, info):
        wd = info[Keys.WORKDIR]
        basename = os.path.join(wd, os.path.splitext(os.path.split(info[Keys.MZXML])[1])[0])
        info[Keys.PEPXML] = basename + '.pep.xml'

        # need to create a working copy to prevent replacement or generic definitions
        # with app specific definitions
        app_info = info.copy()

        if info['PRECMASSUNIT'] == 'Da':
            app_info['PRECMASSUNIT'] = '0'
        elif info['PRECMASSUNIT'] == 'ppm':
            app_info['PRECMASSUNIT'] = '2'
            raise RuntimeError("Precmassunit %s unknown" % info['PRECMASSUNIT'])

        if info['FRAGMASSUNIT'] == 'ppm':
            raise RuntimeError("Comet does not support frag mass error unit PPM")

        if not 0.01 < float(app_info['FRAGMASSERR']) < 1.1:
            log.warn('Very high or low fragmasserror ' + app_info['FRAGMASSERR'])

        app_info["STATIC_MODS"], app_info["VARIABLE_MODS"], _ = genmodstr_to_engine(info["STATIC_MODS"],
                                                                                 info["VARIABLE_MODS"], 'Comet')
        app_info['ENZYME'], app_info['NUM_TERM_CLEAVAGES'] = enzymestr_to_engine(info['ENZYME'], 'Comet')

        tplfile = os.path.join(wd, "comet.params")
        template = get_tpl_of_class(self)
        read_mod_write(app_info,template, tplfile)

        exe_path = app_info['COMET_DIR']
        exe = app_info['COMET_EXE']

        command = "{exe} -N{basename} -P{tplfile} {mzxml}".format(exe=os.path.join(exe_path, exe), basename=basename, tplfile=tplfile, mzxml=info[Keys.MZXML])
        return info, command
예제 #5
    def prepare_run(self, log, info):
        wd = info[Keys.WORKDIR]

        #add in blast and mzxml2mgf conversion
        omssadbase = os.path.join(wd, os.path.basename(info['DBASE']))
        os.symlink(info['DBASE'], omssadbase)
        mzxmlbase = os.path.basename(info[Keys.MZXML])
        mzxmllink = os.path.join(wd, mzxmlbase)
        mgffile = os.path.join(wd, os.path.splitext(mzxmlbase)[0] + '.mgf')
        os.symlink(info[Keys.MZXML], mzxmllink)

        basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(info[Keys.MZXML])[1])[0]
        result = os.path.join(wd, basename + '.pep.xml')
        iresult = os.path.join(wd, basename + '.withRT.pep.xml')
        info[Keys.PEPXML] = iresult

        # need to create a working copy to prevent replacement or generic definitions
        # with app specific definitions
        app_info = info.copy()
        app_info['DBASE'] = omssadbase

        if info['FRAGMASSUNIT'] == 'ppm':
            raise RuntimeError(
                "OMSSA does not support frag mass error unit PPM")

        app_info['USERMODXML'] = os.path.join(wd, 'usermod.xml')
        app_info["STATIC_MODS"], app_info[
            "VARIABLE_MODS"], tpl = genmodstr_to_engine(
                info["STATIC_MODS"], info["VARIABLE_MODS"], 'Omssa')
        if app_info['STATIC_MODS']:
            app_info['STATIC_MODS'] = "-mf " + app_info['STATIC_MODS']
        if app_info['VARIABLE_MODS']:
            app_info['VARIABLE_MODS'] = "-mv " + app_info['VARIABLE_MODS']

        open(app_info['USERMODXML'], 'w').write(tpl)
        app_info['ENZYME'], _ = enzymestr_to_engine(info['ENZYME'], 'Omssa')
        mod_template = templates.modify_template(
        # necessary check for the precursor mass unig
        if app_info['PRECMASSUNIT'].lower() == "ppm":
            mod_template += ' -teppm'
                'added [ -teppm] to modified template because the precursor mass is defined in ppm'

        exe = app_info.get(Keys.EXECUTABLE, 'omssacl')

        #grep to prevent log overflow, InteractParser to add RT to pepXML
        #note: mod_template paths are quoted in the template file
        command = 'makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in "%s" && ' \
                  'MzXML2Search -mgf "%s" | grep -v scan && ' \
                  '"%s" %s -fm "%s" -op "%s" && ' \
                  'InteractParser "%s" "%s" -S' % (
                      exe, mod_template, mgffile, result,
                      iresult, result)
        return info, command
예제 #6
    def prepare_run(self, log, info):
        wd = info[Keys.WORKDIR]
        basename = os.path.join(
        info[Keys.PEPXML] = basename + '.pep.xml'

        # need to create a working copy to prevent replacement or generic definitions
        # with app specific definitions
        app_info = info.copy()

        if info['PRECMASSUNIT'] == 'Da':
            app_info['PRECMASSUNIT'] = '0'
        elif info['PRECMASSUNIT'] == 'ppm':
            app_info['PRECMASSUNIT'] = '2'
            raise RuntimeError("Precmassunit %s unknown" %

        if info['FRAGMASSUNIT'] == 'ppm':
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Comet does not support frag mass error unit PPM")

        # Note: FRAGMASSERR does not apply to Comet; instead use pre-defined
        #       FRAGBINTOL and FRAGBINOFF values
        frag_bin_tol, frag_bin_off, frag_ions_theor = self.get_fragment_ions_values(
            info.get('COMET_FRAGMENT_IONS', None))
            'FRAGBINTOL': frag_bin_tol,
            'FRAGBINOFF': frag_bin_off,
            'FRAGIONSTHEOR': frag_ions_theor,

        app_info["STATIC_MODS"], app_info[
            "VARIABLE_MODS"], _ = genmodstr_to_engine(info["STATIC_MODS"],
        app_info['ENZYME'], app_info[
            'NUM_TERM_CLEAVAGES'] = enzymestr_to_engine(
                info['ENZYME'], 'Comet')

        tplfile = os.path.join(wd, "comet.params")
        template = get_tpl_of_class(self)
        read_mod_write(app_info, template, tplfile)

        exe_path = app_info['COMET_DIR']
        exe = app_info['COMET_EXE']

        command = "{exe} -N{basename} -P{tplfile} {mzxml}".format(
            exe=os.path.join(exe_path, exe),
        return info, command
예제 #7
    def prepare_run(self, log, info):
        wd = info[Keys.WORKDIR]

        #add in blast and mzxml2mgf conversion
        omssadbase = os.path.join(wd, os.path.basename(info['DBASE']))
        os.symlink(info['DBASE'], omssadbase)
        mzxmlbase = os.path.basename(info[Keys.MZXML])
        mzxmllink = os.path.join(wd, mzxmlbase)
        mgffile = os.path.join(wd, os.path.splitext(mzxmlbase)[0] + '.mgf')
        os.symlink(info[Keys.MZXML], mzxmllink)

        basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(info[Keys.MZXML])[1])[0]
        result = os.path.join(wd, basename+'.pep.xml')
        iresult = os.path.join(wd, basename+'.withRT.pep.xml')
        info[Keys.PEPXML] = iresult

        # need to create a working copy to prevent replacement or generic definitions
        # with app specific definitions
        app_info = info.copy()
        app_info['DBASE'] = omssadbase

        if info['FRAGMASSUNIT'] == 'ppm':
            raise RuntimeError("OMSSA does not support frag mass error unit PPM")

        app_info['USERMODXML'] = os.path.join(wd, 'usermod.xml')
        app_info["STATIC_MODS"], app_info["VARIABLE_MODS"], tpl = genmodstr_to_engine(info["STATIC_MODS"],
                                                                                   info["VARIABLE_MODS"], 'Omssa')
        if app_info['STATIC_MODS']:
            app_info['STATIC_MODS'] = "-mf " + app_info['STATIC_MODS']
        if app_info['VARIABLE_MODS']:
            app_info['VARIABLE_MODS'] = "-mv " + app_info['VARIABLE_MODS']

        open(app_info['USERMODXML'], 'w').write(tpl)
        app_info['ENZYME'], _ = enzymestr_to_engine(info['ENZYME'], 'Omssa')
        mod_template = templates.modify_template(app_info, templates.read_template(templates.get_tpl_of_class(self)))
        # necessary check for the precursor mass unig
        if app_info['PRECMASSUNIT'].lower() == "ppm":
            mod_template += ' -teppm'
            log.debug('added [ -teppm] to modified template because the precursor mass is defined in ppm')

        exe = app_info.get(Keys.EXECUTABLE, 'omssacl')

        #grep to prevent log overflow, InteractParser to add RT to pepXML
        #note: mod_template paths are quoted in the template file
        command = 'makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in "%s" && ' \
                  'MzXML2Search -mgf "%s" | grep -v scan && ' \
                  '"%s" %s -fm "%s" -op "%s" && ' \
                  'InteractParser "%s" "%s" -S' % (
                      exe, mod_template, mgffile, result,
                      iresult, result)
        return info, command
예제 #8
    def prepare_run(self, log, info):
        wd = info[Keys.WORKDIR]
        basename = os.path.join(wd, os.path.splitext(os.path.split(info[Keys.MZXML])[1])[0])
        info[Keys.PEPXML] = basename + '.pep.xml'

        # need to create a working copy to prevent replacement or generic definitions
        # with app specific definitions
        app_info = info.copy()

        if info['PRECMASSUNIT'] == 'Da':
            app_info['PRECMASSUNIT'] = '0'
        elif info['PRECMASSUNIT'] == 'ppm':
            app_info['PRECMASSUNIT'] = '2'
            raise RuntimeError("Precmassunit %s unknown" % info['PRECMASSUNIT'])

        if info['FRAGMASSUNIT'] == 'ppm':
            raise RuntimeError("Comet does not support frag mass error unit PPM")

        # Note: FRAGMASSERR does not apply to Comet; instead use pre-defined
        #       FRAGBINTOL and FRAGBINOFF values
        frag_bin_tol, frag_bin_off, frag_ions_theor = self.get_fragment_ions_values(
            info.get('COMET_FRAGMENT_IONS', None))
            'FRAGBINTOL': frag_bin_tol,
            'FRAGBINOFF': frag_bin_off,
            'FRAGIONSTHEOR': frag_ions_theor,

        app_info["STATIC_MODS"], app_info["VARIABLE_MODS"], _ = genmodstr_to_engine(info["STATIC_MODS"],
                                                                                 info["VARIABLE_MODS"], 'Comet')
        app_info['ENZYME'], app_info['NUM_TERM_CLEAVAGES'] = enzymestr_to_engine(info['ENZYME'], 'Comet')

        tplfile = os.path.join(wd, "comet.params")
        template = get_tpl_of_class(self)
        read_mod_write(app_info,template, tplfile)

        exe_path = app_info['COMET_DIR']
        exe = app_info['COMET_EXE']

        command = "{exe} -N{basename} -P{tplfile} {mzxml}".format(exe=os.path.join(exe_path, exe), basename=basename, tplfile=tplfile, mzxml=info[Keys.MZXML])
        return info, command
예제 #9
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_mod(self):
        static, var, _ = genmodstr_to_engine("Carbamidomethyl (C);; Biotin(K) ;",
                                             "300/300.1 (STY);Label:13C(6)15N(4) (H)",
        print static, var
        self.assertEqual(static,"C 57.021464 K 226.077598")
        self.assertEqual(var,"[STY] * 300.000000 [H] * 10.008269")
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            genmodstr_to_engine("Doesnotexist (C)", "", "Myrimatch")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and 'test' not in sys.argv[1]:
        mod = sys.argv[1]
        print "Testing modification '%s'" % mod
            for i in ['XTandem', 'Omssa', 'Myrimatch', 'Comet']:
                genmodstr_to_engine("", mod, i)
            # print out one example to show masses. myri varmod is most compact
            _, p, _ = genmodstr_to_engine("", mod, 'Comet')
            print p,_
            print "OK"
        except Exception, e:
            print "ERROR"
            print e.message
예제 #10
파일: xtandem.py 프로젝트: lcb/applicake
    def prepare_run(self, log, info):
        wd = info[Keys.WORKDIR]
        exe = info.get(Keys.EXECUTABLE, 'tandem')

        # need to create a working copy to prevent replacement with app specific definitions
        app_info = info.copy()

        app_info = self._define_score(app_info, log)
        app_info["STATIC_MODS"], app_info["VARIABLE_MODS"], app_info['TERMINAL_MODS'] = genmodstr_to_engine(info["STATIC_MODS"],
                                                                                 info["VARIABLE_MODS"], 'XTandem')
        app_info['ENZYME'], app_info['XTANDEM_SEMI_CLEAVAGE'] = enzymestr_to_engine(info['ENZYME'], 'XTandem')

        #files required and written
        app_info['XTANDEM_PARAMS'] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.params')
        templates.read_mod_write(app_info, templates.get_tpl_of_class(self), app_info['XTANDEM_PARAMS'])
        app_info['XTANDEM_INPUT'] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.input')
        app_info['XTANDEM_TAXONOMY'] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.taxonomy')
        app_info['XTANDEM_RESULT'] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.result')

        #integrated tandem2xml XTANDEM_RESULT conversion
        info[Keys.PEPXML] = os.path.join(wd, 'xtandem.pep.xml')

        command = '%s %s && Tandem2XML %s %s ' % (
        exe, app_info['XTANDEM_INPUT'], app_info['XTANDEM_RESULT'], info[Keys.PEPXML])
        return info, command