def test_error_when_input_is_not_utf8(self):
        csv = u"a,b\nà,ù"

        csv_stream = _string_io(csv, "iso-8859-1")

                          lambda csv_stream: _traverse(parse_csv(csv_stream)),
    def test_accept_csv_with_CR_as_line_separator(self):
        csv = u"prop1,prop2\rvalue 1,value 2"
        csv_stream = _string_io(csv, "utf-8")

        data = parse_csv(csv_stream)

        assert_that(data, only_contains(
            ["prop1", "prop2"],
            ["value 1", "value 2"],
    def test_ignore_values_in_comments_column(self):
        csv = u"a,comment,b\nc,d,e"
        csv_stream = _string_io(csv, "utf-8")

        data = parse_csv(csv_stream)

        assert_that(data, only_contains(
            ["a", "b"],
            ["c", "e"],
    def test_ignore_comments(self):
        csv = u"# top comment\na,b\n# any random comment\nc,d"
        csv_stream = _string_io(csv, "utf-8")

        data = parse_csv(csv_stream)

        assert_that(data, only_contains(
            ["a", "b"],
            ["c", "d"],
    def test_ignore_when_empty_row(self):
        csv = u"a,b\n,\nc,d"
        csv_stream = _string_io(csv, "utf-8")

        data = parse_csv(csv_stream)

        assert_that(data, only_contains(
            ["a", "b"],
            ["c", "d"],
    def test_parse_utf8_data(self):
        csv = u"a,b\nà,ù"
        csv_stream = _string_io(csv, "utf-8")

        data = parse_csv(csv_stream)

        assert_that(data, contains(
            ["a", "b"],
            [u"à", u"ù"],
    def test_parse_csv(self):
        csv_stream = _string_io("a,b\nx,y\nq,w")

        data = parse_csv(csv_stream)

        assert_that(data, contains(
            ["a", "b"],
            ["x", "y"],
            ["q", "w"],
    def test_accept_when_some_values_empty(self):
        csv = u"a,b\n,\nc,d\nc,"
        csv_stream = _string_io(csv, "utf-8")

        data = parse_csv(csv_stream)

        assert_that(data, only_contains(
            ["a", "b"],
            ["c", "d"],
            ["c", ""],
    def test_parsing_numbers_in_cells(self):
        csv = u"int,float,string\n12,12.1,a string"

        csv_stream = _string_io(csv, "utf-8")

        data = parse_csv(csv_stream)

        assert_that(data, only_contains(
            ["int", "float", "string"],
            [12, 12.1, "a string"],
    def test_preserve_newlines_in_quoted_values(self):
        csv = u"prop1,prop2\nvalue,\"value\nwith newline\""

        csv_stream = _string_io(csv, "utf-8")

        data = parse_csv(csv_stream)

        assert_that(data, only_contains(
            ["prop1", "prop2"],
            ["value", "value\nwith newline"],
    def as_json(self):
        json = None

        with open(self.filename) as spreadsheet:
            if is_excel(spreadsheet):
                lines = parse_excel(spreadsheet)
                lines = parse_csv(spreadsheet)

            json = list(make_dicts(lines))

        return json
    def as_json(self):
        json = None

        with open(self.filename) as spreadsheet:
            if is_excel(spreadsheet):
                lines = parse_excel(spreadsheet)
                lines = parse_csv(spreadsheet)

            json = list(make_dicts(lines))

        return json
    def test_parse_empty_csv(self):
        csv_stream = _string_io("")

        data = _traverse(parse_csv(csv_stream))

        assert_that(data, is_([]))