예제 #1
class NewVersionForm(FlaskForm):
    version_type = RDURadioField(
        label=Markup("<b>New version type:</b>"),
        validators=[DataRequired(message="Select the type of new version you are creating")],

    def __init__(self, measure_version: MeasureVersion, *args, **kwargs):
        super(NewVersionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        next_minor_version = measure_version.next_minor_version()
        next_major_version = measure_version.next_major_version()

        self.version_type.choices = [
                    f"<strong class='govuk-!-margin-right-4'>"
                    f"{next_minor_version}</strong>Edit this edition (eg for clarifications or corrections)"
                    f"<strong class='govuk-!-margin-right-4'>"
                    f"{next_major_version}</strong>Create new edition (eg after new data becomes available)"
 class FormForTest(FlaskForm):
     radio_field = RDURadioField(label="radio_field",
                                 choices=[(1, "one"), (2, "two"),
                                          (3, "three")])
     radio_field_invalid = RDURadioField(
         choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)],
         validators=[DataRequired(message="failed validation")],
     other_field = RDUStringField(label="other_field")
     radio_field_with_hints = RDURadioField(label="radio_field_with_hints",
                                            choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2),
                                                     (3, 3)],
                                                1: "Hint 1",
                                                2: "Hint 2"
     radio_field_with_dividers = RDURadioField(
         choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)],
         dividers={3: "or"})
class AddUserForm(FlaskForm):
    email = RDUEmailField(
        label="Email address",
            Length(min=5, max=255),
            DataRequired(message="Enter an email address"),
            Email(message="Enter a valid email address"),
    user_type = RDURadioField(
        label="What type of user account?",
        choices=[("RDU_USER", "RDU CMS user"),
                 ("DEPT_USER", "Departmental CMS user"),
                 ("DEV_USER", "RDU Developer")],
예제 #4
class SelectOrCreateDataSourceForm(FlaskForm):
    search_query = HiddenField()  # Retain the original query for the redirect flow when form was submitted with errors
    data_source = RDURadioField(
        label="Select a data source or create a new one", validators=[InputRequired(message="Select a data source")]

    def _build_data_source_hint(self, data_source):
        return Markup(render_template("forms/labels/_data_source_choice_hint.html", data_source=data_source))

    def __init__(self, data_sources: Sequence[DataSource], *args, **kwargs):
        super(SelectOrCreateDataSourceForm, self).__init__(data_sources=data_sources, *args, **kwargs)

        # If there are some data sources as options, we also need to include an option for users to create a
        # new data source if none of those are appropriate. This is a hard-coded choice provided by this form.
        if data_sources:
            self.data_source.choices = [(data_source.id, data_source.title) for data_source in data_sources]

            hints = {data_source.id: self._build_data_source_hint(data_source) for data_source in data_sources}
            self.data_source.choices_hints = hints

            self.data_source.dividers = {CREATE_NEW_DATA_SOURCE: "or"}

            self.data_source.choices.append((CREATE_NEW_DATA_SOURCE, "Create a new data source"))
class DataSourceMergeForm(FlaskForm):

    keep = RDURadioField(
        label="Which one would you like to keep?",
        validators=[InputRequired(message="Select one to keep")],

    def _build_data_source_hint(self, data_source):
        return Markup(

    def __init__(self, data_sources: Sequence[DataSource], *args, **kwargs):
        super(DataSourceMergeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.keep.choices = [(data_source.id, data_source.title)
                             for data_source in data_sources]

        hints = {
            data_source.id: self._build_data_source_hint(data_source)
            for data_source in data_sources
        self.keep.choices_hints = hints
예제 #6
class DataSourceForm(FlaskForm):
    title = RDUStringField(
        label="Title of data source",
        hint="For example, Crime and Policing Survey",
        validators=[InputRequired(message="Enter a data source title"), Length(max=255)],

    type_of_data = RDUCheckboxField(
        label="Type of data", enum=TypeOfData, validators=[InputRequired(message="Select the type of data")]
    type_of_statistic_id = RDURadioField(
        label="Type of statistic", coerce=int, validators=[InputRequired("Select the type of statistic")]

    publisher_id = RDUStringField(
        label="Source data published by",
        hint="For example, Ministry of Justice",
        validators=[InputRequired(message="Select a department or organisation")],
    source_url = RDUURLField(
        label="Link to data source",
            "Link to a web page where the data was originally published. "
            "Don’t link directly to a spreadsheet or a PDF. "
            '<a href="https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/youth-justice-annual-statistics-2016-to-2017" '
            'target="_blank" class="govuk-link">View example (this will open a new page)</a>.'
        validators=[InputRequired(message="Enter a link to the data source"), Length(max=255)],

    publication_date = RDUStringField(
        label="Source data publication date (optional)",
        hint="For example, 26/03/2018. If you’re using a revised version of the data, give that publication date.",
    note_on_corrections_or_updates = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Corrections or updates (optional)",
        hint="For example, explain if you’ve used a revised version of the data",

    frequency_of_release_other = RDUStringField(label="Other publication frequency", validators=[Length(max=255)])
    frequency_of_release_id = RDURadioField(
        label="How often is the source data published?",
            InputRequired("Select the source data publication frequency"),

    purpose = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Purpose of data source",
        hint="Explain why this data’s been collected and how it will be used",
        validators=[InputRequired(message="Explain the purpose of the data source")],

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DataSourceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.type_of_statistic_id.choices = [
            (choice.id, choice.internal) for choice in TypeOfStatistic.query.order_by("position").all()

        self.frequency_of_release_id.choices = [
            (choice.id, choice.description) for choice in FrequencyOfRelease.query.order_by("position").all()
예제 #7
class MeasureVersionForm(FlaskForm):
    class NotRequiredForMajorVersions:
        def __call__(self, form: "MeasureVersionForm", field):
            if not form.is_minor_update:
                field.errors[:] = []
                raise StopValidation()

    class OnlyIfUpdatingDataMistake:
        def __call__(self, form: "MeasureVersionForm", field):
            if not form.update_corrects_data_mistake.data:
                field.errors[:] = []
                raise StopValidation()

    db_version_id = IntegerField(widget=HiddenInput())
    title = RDUStringField(
        validators=[DataRequired(message="Enter a page title"), Length(max=255)],
        hint="For example, ‘Self-harm by young people in custody’",
    internal_reference = RDUStringField(
        label="Measure code (optional)", hint="This is for internal use by the Race Disparity Unit"
    published_at = DateField(label="Publication date", format="%Y-%m-%d", validators=[Optional()])
    time_covered = RDUStringField(
        label="Time period covered",
        validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="Enter the time period covered")],

    area_covered = RDUCheckboxField(
        label="Areas covered", enum=UKCountry, validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="Enter the area covered")]

    lowest_level_of_geography_id = RDURadioField(
        label="Geographic breakdown",
        hint="Select the most detailed type of geographic breakdown available in the data",
        validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="Select the geographic breakdown", else_optional=True)],
    suppression_and_disclosure = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Suppression rules and disclosure control (optional)",
        hint="If any data has been excluded from the analysis, explain why.",
    estimation = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Rounding (optional)", hint="For example, ‘Percentages are rounded to one decimal place’"

    summary = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Main points",
        validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="Enter the main points")],
            "<p class='govuk-body govuk-hint'>Summarise the main findings. Don’t include contextual information.</p>"
            "<details class='govuk-details' data-module='govuk-details'>"
            "<summary class='govuk-details__summary'>"
            "<span class='govuk-details__summary-text'>"
            "What to include"
            "<div class='govuk-details__text'>"
            "<ul class='govuk-list govuk-list--bullet'>"
            "<li>the time period the data covers (in the first bullet point)</li>"
            "<li>definitions of any terms users might not understand</li>"
            "<li>details of any serious issues with data quality</li>"

    measure_summary = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="What the data measures",
        validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="Explain what the data measures")],
            "Explain what the data is analysing, what’s included in categories labelled as ‘Other’ and define any "
            "terms users might not understand"

    description = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Description for search engines",
        validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="Enter a description for search engines")],
            "Choose an up‐to‐date statistic that shows a key disparity or change over time. The figure should work as "
            "a stand-alone statement and end with a full stop."

    need_to_know = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Things you need to know",
        validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="Explain what the reader needs to know to understand the data")],
        hint="Outline how the data was collected and explain any limitations",

    ethnicity_definition_summary = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="The ethnic categories used in this data",
        validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="List the ethnic categories used in the data")],
            "Only use this section to explain if:"
            "<ul class='govuk-list govuk-list--bullet govuk-hint'>"
            "<li>the standardised list of 18 ethnic groups isn’t being used (ONS 2011)</li>"
            "<li>there's only data for broad ethnic groups, not specific groups</li>"
            "<li>there are different ethnic classifications used in the same measure page</li>"
            "<details class='govuk-details' data-module='govuk-details'>"
            "<summary class='govuk-details__summary'>"
            "<span class='govuk-details__summary-text'>"
            "<div class='govuk-details__text'>"
            "The number of people surveyed was too small to make reliable generalisations about specific ethnic groups."
            "So the data is broken down into [number] aggregated ethnic groups."

    methodology = RDUTextAreaField(
        validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="Enter the data’s methodology")],
        hint="Explain in clear, simple language how the data was collected and processed.",
    related_publications = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Related publications (optional)", extended_hint="_related_publications.html"
    qmi_url = RDUURLField(label="Link to quality and methodology information")
    further_technical_information = RDUTextAreaField(label="Further technical information (optional)")

    # Edit summaries
    update_corrects_data_mistake = RDURadioField(
        label="Are you correcting something that’s factually incorrect?",
        hint="For example, in the data or commentary",
        choices=((True, "Yes"), (False, "No")),
        coerce=lambda value: None if value is None else get_bool(value),
            RequiredForReviewValidator("Confirm whether this is a correction", else_optional=True),
    update_corrects_measure_version = RDURadioField(
        label="In which version did the mistake first appear?",
            RequiredForReviewValidator("Confirm when the mistake first appeared", else_optional=True),
    external_edit_summary = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Changes to previous version",
        validators=[RequiredForReviewValidator(message="Summarise changes to the previous version")],
            "If you’ve corrected the data, explain what’s changed and why. Otherwise, summarise what you’ve updated "
            "(for example, ‘Updated with the latest available data’)."
    internal_edit_summary = RDUTextAreaField(
        label="Notes (for internal use - optional)",
        hint="Include any additional information someone might need if they’re working on this page in the future",

    def __init__(
        self, is_minor_update: bool, sending_to_review=False, previous_minor_versions=tuple(), *args, **kwargs
        super(MeasureVersionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.is_minor_update = is_minor_update
        self.sending_to_review = sending_to_review

        # Major versions are not considered "corrections to data mistakes", and the question is not shown to end users.
        # So let's provide the default value here.
        if not self.is_minor_update:
            self.update_corrects_data_mistake.data = False

        choices = []
        geographic_choices = LowestLevelOfGeography.query.order_by("position").all()
        for choice in geographic_choices:
            if choice.description is not None:
                description = "%s %s" % (choice.name, choice.description)
                choices.append((choice.name, description))
                choices.append((choice.name, choice.name))

        self.lowest_level_of_geography_id.choices = choices

        if kwargs.get("obj", None):
            self.internal_reference.data = kwargs["obj"].measure.reference or ""

        if previous_minor_versions or kwargs.get("obj", None):
            self.update_corrects_measure_version.choices = tuple(
                    (measure_version.id, measure_version.version)
                    for measure_version in (previous_minor_versions or kwargs.get("obj", None).previous_minor_versions)

            self.update_corrects_measure_version.choices = tuple()

    def populate_obj(self, obj: MeasureVersion):

        # We only want to record the related measure version if this is actually a correction
        if self.update_corrects_data_mistake.data is not True:
            obj.update_corrects_measure_version = None

    def error_items(self):
        return self.errors.items()