예제 #1
파일: hwlookup.py 프로젝트: sungitly/isr
    def refresh(cls, lookup_type, account_info=None):
        if not account_info:
            from application.models.hwaccount import HwjdAccount
            # 如果没有传hwjd账号,则默认使用高德店的账号来获取基本配置信息
            account_info = HwjdAccount.find_by_store_id(11)

        from application.integration.hwjd import get_hwjd_scrb_info
        results = get_hwjd_scrb_info(account_info, lookup_type)

        if len(results) > 0:
            cls.query.filter(cls.type == lookup_type).delete()
            for item in results:
                lookup = HwjdLookup()
                lookup.type = lookup_type
                lookup.code = item['CODE']
                lookup.name = item['NAME']
                lookup.extra = item['GGXH']
                if lookup.type == u'品牌类型':
                    names = lookup.name.split('-')
                    if len(names) >= 2:
                        lookup.make = names[0]
                        lookup.model = names[1]

        return results
예제 #2
파일: hwjd.py 프로젝트: sungitly/isr
def update_hwjd_oa(hwjd_customer):
    account_info = HwjdAccount.find_by_store_id(hwjd_customer.store_id)

    if account_info:
        params = dict()
        params['Companycode'] = account_info.org_code
        params['Usercode'] = account_info.user_code
        params['Password'] = account_info.password
        params['Version'] = API_VERSION
        params['P_xml'] = hwjd_customer.to_xml()

            r = requests.post(Config.HWJD_OA_SERVER +
            if r and r.status_code == 200 and 'OK' in r.content:
                return SUCCESS
            return FAIL

    return FAIL
예제 #3
파일: hwcustomer.py 프로젝트: sungitly/isr
    def convert_from_reception(cls, reception):
        hc = cls.find_by_reception_id(reception.id)

        if not hc:
            hc = cls()
            hc.reception_id = reception.id
            hc.customer_id = reception.customer_id
            hc.store_id = reception.store_id
            hc.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())

        customer = reception.customer

        from application.models.hwaccount import HwjdAccount
        hwjd_account = HwjdAccount.find_by_store_id(hc.store_id)
        hc.company_code = hwjd_account.org_code if hwjd_account else ''
        hc.created_date = reception.rx_date
        hc.intent_car_code, hc.intent_car_model, hc.intent_car_name = convert_car_code(
            hc.store_id, customer.intent_car_ids)
        hc.visit_type = convert_visit_type(reception.rx_type)
        hc.rx_start = reception.created_on.strftime(TIME_FORMAT_WO_SEC)
        hc.rx_end = (reception.created_on + timedelta(
        hc.rx_duration = reception.rx_duration
        hc.rx_type = convert_rx_type(reception.rx_type)
        hc.channel = u'其他'
        hc.sales = reception.sales.username
        hc.intent_car_color = customer.intent_car_colors.split(
            ',')[0] if customer.intent_car_colors and len(
                customer.intent_car_colors) > 0 else ''
        hc.intent_order_date = None
        hc.budget = customer.budget
        hc.payment = customer.payment
        hc.purchase_type = convert_purchase_type(customer)
        hc.intent_level = LookupValue.get_vendor_code_by_code(
            customer.intent_level, hc.store_id, 'intent-level')
        hc.on_file = convert_boolean(customer.mobile
                                     and len(customer.mobile) >= 11)
        hc.has_trail = convert_boolean(
            and customer.test_drive_car_ids != 'none'
            and len(customer.test_drive_car_ids) > 0)
        hc.name = customer.respect_name
        hc.age_group = LookupValue.get_vendor_code_by_code(
            customer.channel, hc.store_id, 'age-group')
        hc.gender = customer.gender_str
        hc.mobile = customer.mobile if customer.mobile and customer.mobile != '000' else ''
        hc.has_order = convert_boolean(
        hc.discount = ''
        hc.price = ''
        hc.gadgets_gift = u'否'
        hc.gadgets_purchase = u'否'
        hc.competing_car_brand = u'未定'
        hc.competing_car_name = u'未定'
        hc.used_car_model = u'无'
        hc.remark = customer.remark

        from application.models.customer import CustomerAddlInfo
        addl_info = CustomerAddlInfo.find_by_customer_id(reception.customer_id)
        if addl_info:
            hc.purpose = addl_info.purpose
            hc.industry = addl_info.industry
            hc.district = addl_info.district
            hc.dealership = addl_info.dealership
            hc.used_car_value = addl_info.used_car_value
            hc.has_used_car_assess = addl_info.has_used_car_assessed

        return hc