def testInitGPNoAmp(): """ Test default GP initialization. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ # For reproducibility m0 = 50 seed = 57 np.random.seed(seed) # Randomly sample initial conditions from the prior theta = np.array(lh.rosenbrockSample(m0)) # Evaluate forward model log likelihood + lnprior for each theta y = np.zeros(len(theta)) for ii in range(len(theta)): y[ii] = lh.rosenbrockLnlike(theta[ii]) + lh.rosenbrockLnprior( theta[ii]) # Set up a gp with a ExpSquaredKernel gp = gpUtils.defaultGP(theta, y, fitAmp=False) errMsg = "ERROR: Default initialization with incorrect parameters!" true = [-31.02658091, -1.0552327, -1.16092752] assert np.allclose(true, gp.get_parameter_vector()), errMsg
def test_1DBO(): """ Test Bayesian optimization of 1D function """ # Define algorithm parameters m0 = 3 # Size of initial training set bounds = [[-1, 2]] # Prior bounds algorithm = "jones" # Expected Utility from Jones et al. (1998) numNewPoints = 10 # Number of new design points to find seed = 57 # RNG seed np.random.seed(seed) # First, directly minimize the objective to find the "true minimum" fn = lambda x : -(lh.testBOFn(x) + lh.testBOFnLnPrior(x)) trueSoln = minimize(fn, lh.testBOFnSample(1), method="nelder-mead") # Sample design points from prior to create initial training set theta = lh.testBOFnSample(m0) # Evaluate forward model log likelihood + lnprior for each point y = np.zeros(len(theta)) for ii in range(len(theta)): y[ii] = lh.testBOFn(theta[ii]) + lh.testBOFnLnPrior(theta[ii]) # Initialize default gp with an ExpSquaredKernel gp = gpUtils.defaultGP(theta, y, fitAmp=True) # Initialize object using the Wang & Li (2017) Rosenbrock function example ap = approx.ApproxPosterior(theta=theta, y=y, gp=gp, lnprior=lh.testBOFnLnPrior, lnlike=lh.testBOFn, priorSample=lh.testBOFnSample, bounds=bounds, algorithm=algorithm) # Run the Bayesian optimization! soln = ap.bayesOpt(nmax=numNewPoints, tol=1.0e-3, seed=seed, verbose=False, cache=False, gpMethod="powell", optGPEveryN=1, nGPRestarts=3, nMinObjRestarts=5, initGPOpt=True, minObjMethod="nelder-mead", findMAP=True, gpHyperPrior=gpUtils.defaultHyperPrior) # Ensure estimated maximum and value are within 5% of the truth errMsg = "thetaBest is incorrect." assert(np.allclose(soln["thetaBest"], trueSoln["x"], rtol=5.0e-2)), errMsg errMsg = "Maximum function value is incorrect." assert(np.allclose(soln["valBest"], -trueSoln["fun"], rtol=5.0e-2)), errMsg # Same as above, but for MAP solution errMsg = "thetaBest is incorrect." assert(np.allclose(soln["thetaMAPBest"], trueSoln["x"], rtol=5.0e-2)), errMsg errMsg = "Maximum function value is incorrect." assert(np.allclose(soln["valMAPBest"], -trueSoln["fun"], rtol=5.0e-2)), errMsg
def testMAPAmp(): """ Test MAP estimation """ # Define algorithm parameters m0 = 20 # Initial size of training set bounds = [(-5, 5), (-5, 5)] # Prior bounds algorithm = "jones" seed = 57 # For reproducibility np.random.seed(seed) # Randomly sample initial conditions from the prior theta = np.array(lh.sphereSample(m0)) # Evaluate forward model log likelihood + lnprior for each theta y = np.zeros(len(theta)) for ii in range(len(theta)): y[ii] = lh.sphereLnlike(theta[ii]) + lh.sphereLnprior(theta[ii]) # Create the the default GP using an ExpSquaredKernel gp = gpUtils.defaultGP(theta, y, fitAmp=True) # Initialize object using the Wang & Li (2017) Rosenbrock function example # Use default GP initialization: ExpSquaredKernel ap = approx.ApproxPosterior(theta=theta, y=y, gp=gp, lnprior=lh.sphereLnprior, lnlike=lh.sphereLnlike, priorSample=lh.sphereSample, bounds=bounds, algorithm=algorithm) # Optimize the GP hyperparameters ap.optGP(seed=seed, method="powell", nGPRestarts=3) # Find some points to add to GP training set ap.findNextPoint(numNewPoints=5, nGPRestarts=3, cache=False) # Find MAP solution trueMAP = [0.0, 0.0] trueVal = 0.0 testMAP, testVal = ap.findMAP(nRestarts=15) # Compare estimated MAP to true values, given some tolerance errMsg = "True MAP solution is incorrect." assert (np.allclose(trueMAP, testMAP, atol=1.0e-3)), errMsg errMsg = "True MAP function value is incorrect." assert (np.allclose(trueVal, testVal, atol=1.0e-3)), errMsg
def testUtilsGPNoAmp(): """ Test the utility functions! This probes the gp_utils.setup_gp function (which is rather straight-forward) and makes sure the utility functions produce the right result (which is also straight-forward). Based on the Wang+2017 Rosenbrock function example. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ # For reproducibility m0 = 20 seed = 57 np.random.seed(seed) # Randomly sample initial conditions from the prior theta = np.array(lh.rosenbrockSample(m0)) # Evaluate forward model log likelihood + lnprior for each theta y = np.zeros(len(theta)) for ii in range(len(theta)): y[ii] = lh.rosenbrockLnlike(theta[ii]) + lh.rosenbrockLnprior( theta[ii]) # Set up a gp gp = gpUtils.defaultGP(theta, y, fitAmp=False) # Compute the AGP utility function at some point thetaTest = np.array([-2.3573, 4.673]) testUtil = ut.AGPUtility(thetaTest, y, gp, lh.rosenbrockLnprior) errMsg = "ERROR: AGP util fn bug. Did you change gp_utils.setup_gp?" assert np.allclose(testUtil, 37.41585067, rtol=1.0e-4), errMsg # Now do the same using the BAPE utility function testUtil = ut.BAPEUtility(thetaTest, y, gp, lh.rosenbrockLnprior) errMsg = "ERROR: BAPE util fn bug. Did you change gp_utils.setup_gp?" assert np.allclose(testUtil, 76.15271103, rtol=1.0e-4), errMsg # Now do the same using the Jones+1998 utility function testUtil = ut.JonesUtility(thetaTest, y, gp, lh.rosenbrockLnprior) errMsg = "ERROR: Jones util fn bug. Did you change gp_utils.setup_gp?" assert np.allclose(testUtil, 0, rtol=1.0e-4), errMsg
def testFindNoAmp(): """ Test the findNextPoint function. """ # Define algorithm parameters m0 = 50 # Initial size of training set bounds = ((-5, 5), (-5, 5)) # Prior bounds algorithm = "bape" # For reproducibility seed = 57 np.random.seed(seed) # Randomly sample initial conditions from the prior # Note: adding corner cases because approxposterior loves corners theta = np.array(list(lh.rosenbrockSample(m0)) + [[-5, 5], [5, 5]]) # Evaluate forward model log likelihood + lnprior for each theta y = np.zeros(len(theta)) for ii in range(len(theta)): y[ii] = lh.rosenbrockLnlike(theta[ii]) + lh.rosenbrockLnprior( theta[ii]) # Set up a gp gp = gpUtils.defaultGP(theta, y, fitAmp=False) # Initialize object using the Wang & Li (2017) Rosenbrock function example # using default ExpSquaredKernel GP ap = approx.ApproxPosterior(theta=theta, y=y, gp=gp, lnprior=lh.rosenbrockLnprior, lnlike=lh.rosenbrockLnlike, priorSample=lh.rosenbrockSample, bounds=bounds, algorithm=algorithm) # Find new point! thetaT = ap.findNextPoint(computeLnLike=False, bounds=bounds, seed=seed) err_msg = "findNextPoint selected incorrect thetaT." assert (np.allclose(thetaT, [0.79813416, 0.85542199], rtol=1.0e-3)), err_msg
def testGPOptNoAmp(): """ Test optimizing the GP hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ # For reproducibility m0 = 50 seed = 57 np.random.seed(seed) # Randomly sample initial conditions from the prior theta = np.array(lh.rosenbrockSample(m0)) # Evaluate forward model log likelihood + lnprior for each theta y = np.zeros(len(theta)) for ii in range(len(theta)): y[ii] = lh.rosenbrockLnlike(theta[ii]) + lh.rosenbrockLnprior( theta[ii]) # Set up a gp gp = gpu.defaultGP(theta, y, fitAmp=False) # Optimize gp using default opt parameters gp = gpu.optimizeGP(gp, theta, y, seed=seed, nGPRestarts=5) # Extract GP hyperparameters, compare to truth # Ignore mean fit - just focus on scale lengths and amplitude hypeTest = gp.get_parameter_vector()[1:] print(hypeTest) errMsg = "ERROR: GP hyperparameters are not close to the true value!" hypeTrue = [-1.54256578, 3.24723589] assert np.allclose(hypeTest, hypeTrue, rtol=1.0e-2), errMsg
m0 = 10 # Size of training set bounds = ((-5, 5), (-5, 5)) # Prior bounds algorithm = "bape" # Use the Kandasamy et al. (2017) formalism seed = 57 # RNG seed np.random.seed(seed) # Sample design points from prior theta = lh.sphereSample(m0) # Evaluate forward model log likelihood + lnprior for each point y = np.zeros(len(theta)) for ii in range(len(theta)): y[ii] = lh.sphereLnlike(theta[ii]) + lh.sphereLnprior(theta[ii]) # Initialize default gp with an ExpSquaredKernel gp = gpUtils.defaultGP(theta, y, white_noise=-12, fitAmp=True) # Initialize approxposterior object ap = approx.ApproxPosterior(theta=theta, y=y, gp=gp, lnprior=lh.sphereLnprior, lnlike=lh.sphereLnlike, priorSample=lh.sphereSample, bounds=bounds, algorithm=algorithm) # Optimize the GP hyperparameters ap.optGP(seed=seed, method="powell", nGPRestarts=1) # Find MAP solution and function value at MAP
y[ii] = mcmcUtils.LnLike(theta[ii], ** kwargs)[0] + trappist1.LnPriorTRAPPIST1( theta[ii], **kwargs) np.savez("apRunAPFModelCache.npz", theta=theta, y=y) else: print("Loading in cached simulations...") sims = np.load("apRunAPFModelCache.npz") theta = sims["theta"] y = sims["y"] print(theta.shape) ### Initialize GP ### # Use ExpSquared kernel, the approxposterior default option gp = gpUtils.defaultGP(theta, y, white_noise=-15, fitAmp=False) # Initialize approxposterior ap = approx.ApproxPosterior(theta=theta, y=y, gp=gp, lnprior=trappist1.LnPriorTRAPPIST1, lnlike=mcmcUtils.LnLike, priorSample=trappist1.samplePriorTRAPPIST1, bounds=bounds, algorithm=algorithm) # Run!, nmax=nmax, estBurnin=True,
m_low_arr = np.ones_like(mlims_f_j)*m_low m_high_arr = np.ones_like(mlims_f_j)*m_high total_obs = sum(len(m) for m in mlims_f_j) plims_f_bar = 1/(m_high-m_low)**(total_obs)*(1-sum(P_f)) plims_T = 1/(m_high-m_low)**(total_obs) theta = np.array([[np.random.uniform(low=-17,high=-12),np.random.uniform(low=0,high=1)] for i in range(100)]) y = np.array([kne_inf.ln_prob(th,mlims_f_j,T_f_j,t0,p_d_f,P_f,P_A,P_T,f_bar_sum,plims_f_bar,plims_T,m_low_arr,m_high_arr) for th in theta]) np.savetxt('theta.txt',theta) np.savetxt('y.txt',y) y_no_inf = np.nan_to_num(y,neginf=-600.) y_no_inf[y_no_inf<=-600.] = -600. #theta = np.loadtxt('theta.txt') #y_no_inf = np.nan_to_num(np.loadtxt('y.txt'),neginf=-710.) gp = gpUtils.defaultGP(theta, y_no_inf, white_noise=-12) m=200 nmax=3 bounds = [(-17,-12),(0,1)] algorithm = 'bape' samplerKwargs = {"nwalkers" : 20} mcmcKwargs = {"iterations" : 8000} ap = approx.ApproxPosterior(theta=theta, y=y_no_inf, gp=gp, lnprior=kne_inf.ln_prior, lnlike=kne_inf.ln_likelihood, priorSample=prior_sample, algorithm=algorithm, bounds=bounds), convergenceCheck=True, estBurnin=True, nGPRestarts=3, mcmcKwargs=mcmcKwargs, cache=False, samplerKwargs=samplerKwargs, verbose=True, thinChains=True, optGPEveryN=5,args=[mlims_f_j,T_f_j,t0,p_d_f,P_f,P_A,P_T,f_bar_sum,plims_f_bar,plims_T,m_low_arr,m_high_arr])
for iTrial in range(iTrainInit): print("Training simulation: %d" % iTrial) theta[iTrial,:] = SampleStateVector() y[iTrial] = LnLike(theta[iTrial], **kwargs)[0] + LnPrior(theta[iTrial], **kwargs) #np.savez("apRunAPFModelCache.npz", theta=theta, y=y) else: print("Loading in cached simulations...") sims = np.load("apRunAPFModelCache.npz") theta = sims["theta"] y = sims["y"] ### Initialize GP ### # Use ExpSquared kernel, the approxposterior default option gp = gpUtils.defaultGP(theta, y, order=None, white_noise=-12) # Initialize approxposterior ap = approx.ApproxPosterior(theta=theta, y=y, gp=gp, lnprior=LnPrior, lnlike=LnLike, priorSample=SampleStateVector, bounds=daBounds, algorithm=sAlgorithm) # Run!, nmax=iMaxIter, estBurnin=True, mcmcKwargs=mcmcKwargs, thinChains=True,samplerKwargs=samplerKwargs, verbose=True, nGPRestarts=iGPRestarts,nMinObjRestarts=iMinObjRestarts,