def add_keys2(dst, a, b, B): dst = _ensure_dst_key(dst) crypto.decodeint_into_noreduce(tmp_sc_1, a) crypto.decodeint_into_noreduce(tmp_sc_2, b) crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp_pt_1, B) crypto.add_keys2_into(tmp_pt_2, tmp_sc_1, tmp_sc_2, tmp_pt_1) crypto.encodepoint_into(dst, tmp_pt_2) return dst
def _generate_clsag( message: bytes, P: List[bytes], p: Sc25519, C_nonzero: List[bytes], z: Sc25519, Cout: Ge25519, index: int, mg_buff: List[bytes], ) -> List[bytes]: sI = crypto.new_point() # sig.I sD = crypto.new_point() # sig.D sc1 = crypto.new_scalar() # sig.c1 a = crypto.random_scalar() H = crypto.new_point() D = crypto.new_point() Cout_bf = crypto.encodepoint(Cout) tmp_sc = crypto.new_scalar() tmp = crypto.new_point() tmp_bf = bytearray(32) crypto.hash_to_point_into(H, P[index]) crypto.scalarmult_into(sI, H, p) # I = p*H crypto.scalarmult_into(D, H, z) # D = z*H crypto.sc_mul_into(tmp_sc, z, crypto.sc_inv_eight()) # 1/8*z crypto.scalarmult_into(sD, H, tmp_sc) # sig.D = 1/8*z*H sD = crypto.encodepoint(sD) hsh_P = crypto.get_keccak() # domain, I, D, P, C, C_offset hsh_C = crypto.get_keccak() # domain, I, D, P, C, C_offset hsh_P.update(_HASH_KEY_CLSAG_AGG_0) hsh_C.update(_HASH_KEY_CLSAG_AGG_1) def hsh_PC(x): nonlocal hsh_P, hsh_C hsh_P.update(x) hsh_C.update(x) for x in P: hsh_PC(x) for x in C_nonzero: hsh_PC(x) hsh_PC(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, sI)) hsh_PC(sD) hsh_PC(Cout_bf) mu_P = crypto.decodeint(hsh_P.digest()) mu_C = crypto.decodeint(hsh_C.digest()) del (hsh_PC, hsh_P, hsh_C) c_to_hash = crypto.get_keccak() # domain, P, C, C_offset, message, aG, aH c_to_hash.update(_HASH_KEY_CLSAG_ROUND) for i in range(len(P)): c_to_hash.update(P[i]) for i in range(len(P)): c_to_hash.update(C_nonzero[i]) c_to_hash.update(Cout_bf) c_to_hash.update(message) chasher = c_to_hash.copy() crypto.scalarmult_base_into(tmp, a) chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, tmp)) # aG crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp, H, a) chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, tmp)) # aH c = crypto.decodeint(chasher.digest()) del (chasher, H) L = crypto.new_point() R = crypto.new_point() c_p = crypto.new_scalar() c_c = crypto.new_scalar() i = (index + 1) % len(P) if i == 0: crypto.sc_copy(sc1, c) mg_buff.append(int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b(len(P))) for _ in range(len(P)): mg_buff.append(bytearray(32)) while i != index: crypto.random_scalar(tmp_sc) crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[i + 1], tmp_sc) crypto.sc_mul_into(c_p, mu_P, c) crypto.sc_mul_into(c_c, mu_C, c) # L = tmp_sc * G + c_P * P[i] + c_c * C[i] crypto.add_keys2_into(L, tmp_sc, c_p, crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp, P[i])) crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp, C_nonzero[i]) # C = C_nonzero - Cout crypto.point_sub_into(tmp, tmp, Cout) crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp, tmp, c_c) crypto.point_add_into(L, L, tmp) # R = tmp_sc * HP + c_p * I + c_c * D crypto.hash_to_point_into(tmp, P[i]) crypto.add_keys3_into(R, tmp_sc, tmp, c_p, sI) crypto.point_add_into(R, R, crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp, D, c_c)) chasher = c_to_hash.copy() chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, L)) chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, R)) crypto.decodeint_into(c, chasher.digest()) P[i] = None C_nonzero[i] = None i = (i + 1) % len(P) if i == 0: crypto.sc_copy(sc1, c) if i & 3 == 0: gc.collect() # Final scalar = a - c * (mu_P * p + mu_c * Z) crypto.sc_mul_into(tmp_sc, mu_P, p) crypto.sc_muladd_into(tmp_sc, mu_C, z, tmp_sc) crypto.sc_mulsub_into(tmp_sc, c, tmp_sc, a) crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[index + 1], tmp_sc) mg_buff.append(crypto.encodeint(sc1)) mg_buff.append(sD) return mg_buff
def generate_mlsag( message: bytes, pk: KeyM, xx: List[Sc25519], index: int, dsRows: int, mg_buff: List[bytes], ) -> List[bytes]: """ Multilayered Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signatures (MLSAG signatures) :param message: the full message to be signed (actually its hash) :param pk: matrix of public keys and commitments :param xx: input secret array composed of a private key and commitment mask :param index: specifies corresponding public key to the `xx`'s private key in the `pk` array :param dsRows: separates pubkeys from commitment :param mg_buff: mg signature buffer """ rows, cols = gen_mlsag_assert(pk, xx, index, dsRows) rows_b_size = int_serialize.uvarint_size(rows) # Preallocation of the chunked buffer, len + cols + cc for _ in range(1 + cols + 1): mg_buff.append(None) mg_buff[0] = int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b(cols) cc = crypto.new_scalar() # c = crypto.new_scalar() L = crypto.new_point() R = crypto.new_point() Hi = crypto.new_point() # calculates the "first" c, key images and random scalars alpha c_old, II, alpha = generate_first_c_and_key_images(message, pk, xx, index, dsRows, rows, cols) i = (index + 1) % cols if i == 0: crypto.sc_copy(cc, c_old) ss = [crypto.new_scalar() for _ in range(rows)] tmp_buff = bytearray(32) while i != index: hasher = _hasher_message(message) # Serialize size of the row mg_buff[i + 1] = bytearray(rows_b_size + 32 * rows) int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b_into(rows, mg_buff[i + 1]) for x in ss: crypto.random_scalar(x) for j in range(dsRows): # L =[i][j] * G + c_old * pk[i][j] crypto.add_keys2_into(L, ss[j], c_old, crypto.decodepoint_into(Hi, pk[i][j])) crypto.hash_to_point_into(Hi, pk[i][j]) # R =[i][j] * H(pk[i][j]) + c_old * Ip[j] crypto.add_keys3_into(R, ss[j], Hi, c_old, II[j]) hasher.update(pk[i][j]) _hash_point(hasher, L, tmp_buff) _hash_point(hasher, R, tmp_buff) for j in range(dsRows, rows): # again, omitting R here as discussed above crypto.add_keys2_into(L, ss[j], c_old, crypto.decodepoint_into(Hi, pk[i][j])) hasher.update(pk[i][j]) _hash_point(hasher, L, tmp_buff) for si in range(rows): crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[i + 1], ss[si], rows_b_size + 32 * si) crypto.decodeint_into(c, hasher.digest()) crypto.sc_copy(c_old, c) pk[i] = None i = (i + 1) % cols if i == 0: crypto.sc_copy(cc, c_old) gc.collect() del II # Finalizing by processing[index] mg_buff[index + 1] = bytearray(rows_b_size + 32 * rows) int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b_into(rows, mg_buff[index + 1]) for j in range(rows): crypto.sc_mulsub_into(ss[j], c, xx[j], alpha[j]) crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[index + 1], ss[j], rows_b_size + 32 * j) # mg_buff[-1] = crypto.encodeint(cc) return mg_buff
def gen_clsag_sig(self, ring_size=11, index=None): msg = random.bytes(32) amnt = crypto.Scalar(random.uniform(0xFFFFFF) + 12) priv = crypto.random_scalar() msk = crypto.random_scalar() alpha = crypto.random_scalar() P = crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, priv) C = crypto.add_keys2_into(None, msk, amnt, crypto.xmr_H()) Cp = crypto.add_keys2_into(None, alpha, amnt, crypto.xmr_H()) ring = [] for i in range(ring_size - 1): tk = TmpKey( crypto_helpers.encodepoint( crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.random_scalar())), crypto_helpers.encodepoint( crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.random_scalar())), ) ring.append(tk) index = index if index is not None else random.uniform(len(ring)) ring.insert( index, TmpKey(crypto_helpers.encodepoint(P), crypto_helpers.encodepoint(C))) ring2 = list(ring) mg_buffer = [] self.assertTrue( crypto.point_eq( crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, priv), crypto_helpers.decodepoint(ring[index].dest), )) self.assertTrue( crypto.point_eq( crypto.scalarmult_base_into( None, crypto.sc_sub_into(None, msk, alpha)), crypto.point_sub_into( None, crypto_helpers.decodepoint(ring[index].commitment), Cp), )) clsag.generate_clsag_simple( msg, ring, CtKey(priv, msk), alpha, Cp, index, mg_buffer, ) sD = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(mg_buffer[-1]) sc1 = crypto_helpers.decodeint(mg_buffer[-2]) scalars = [crypto_helpers.decodeint(x) for x in mg_buffer[1:-2]] H = crypto.Point() sI = crypto.Point() crypto.hash_to_point_into(H, crypto_helpers.encodepoint(P)) crypto.scalarmult_into(sI, H, priv) # I = p*H return msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp
def verify_clsag(self, msg, ss, sc1, sI, sD, pubs, C_offset): n = len(pubs) c = crypto.Scalar() D_8 = crypto.Point() tmp_bf = bytearray(32) C_offset_bf = crypto_helpers.encodepoint(C_offset) crypto.sc_copy(c, sc1) point_mul8_into(D_8, sD) hsh_P = crypto_helpers.get_keccak() # domain, I, D, P, C, C_offset hsh_C = crypto_helpers.get_keccak() # domain, I, D, P, C, C_offset hsh_P.update(clsag._HASH_KEY_CLSAG_AGG_0) hsh_C.update(clsag._HASH_KEY_CLSAG_AGG_1) def hsh_PC(x): hsh_P.update(x) hsh_C.update(x) for x in pubs: hsh_PC(x.dest) for x in pubs: hsh_PC(x.commitment) hsh_PC(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, sI)) hsh_PC(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, sD)) hsh_PC(C_offset_bf) mu_P = crypto_helpers.decodeint(hsh_P.digest()) mu_C = crypto_helpers.decodeint(hsh_C.digest()) c_to_hash = crypto_helpers.get_keccak( ) # domain, P, C, C_offset, message, L, R c_to_hash.update(clsag._HASH_KEY_CLSAG_ROUND) for i in range(len(pubs)): c_to_hash.update(pubs[i].dest) for i in range(len(pubs)): c_to_hash.update(pubs[i].commitment) c_to_hash.update(C_offset_bf) c_to_hash.update(msg) c_p = crypto.Scalar() c_c = crypto.Scalar() L = crypto.Point() R = crypto.Point() tmp_pt = crypto.Point() i = 0 while i < n: crypto.sc_mul_into(c_p, mu_P, c) crypto.sc_mul_into(c_c, mu_C, c) C_P = crypto.point_sub_into( None, crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp_pt, pubs[i].commitment), C_offset) crypto.add_keys2_into( L, ss[i], c_p, crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp_pt, pubs[i].dest)) crypto.point_add_into(L, L, crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp_pt, C_P, c_c)) HP = crypto.hash_to_point_into(None, pubs[i].dest) crypto.add_keys3_into(R, ss[i], HP, c_p, sI) crypto.point_add_into(R, R, crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp_pt, D_8, c_c)) chasher = c_to_hash.copy() chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, L)) chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, R)) crypto.decodeint_into(c, chasher.digest()) i += 1 res = crypto.sc_sub_into(None, c, sc1) if not crypto.sc_eq(res, crypto.Scalar(0)): raise ValueError("Signature error")
def prove_range_borromean(amount, last_mask): """Calculates Borromean range proof""" # The large chunks allocated first to avoid potential memory fragmentation issues. ai = bytearray(32 * 64) alphai = bytearray(32 * 64) Cis = bytearray(32 * 64) s0s = bytearray(32 * 64) s1s = bytearray(32 * 64) buff = bytearray(32) ee_bin = bytearray(32) a = crypto.sc_init(0) si = crypto.sc_init(0) c = crypto.sc_init(0) ee = crypto.sc_init(0) tmp_ai = crypto.sc_init(0) tmp_alpha = crypto.sc_init(0) C_acc = crypto.identity() C_h = crypto.xmr_H() C_tmp = crypto.identity() L = crypto.identity() kck = crypto.get_keccak() for ii in range(64): crypto.random_scalar(tmp_ai) if last_mask is not None and ii == 63: crypto.sc_sub_into(tmp_ai, last_mask, a) crypto.sc_add_into(a, a, tmp_ai) crypto.random_scalar(tmp_alpha) crypto.scalarmult_base_into(L, tmp_alpha) crypto.scalarmult_base_into(C_tmp, tmp_ai) # if 0: C_tmp += Zero (nothing is added) # if 1: C_tmp += 2^i*H # 2^i*H is already stored in C_h if (amount >> ii) & 1 == 1: crypto.point_add_into(C_tmp, C_tmp, C_h) crypto.point_add_into(C_acc, C_acc, C_tmp) # Set Ci[ii] to sigs crypto.encodepoint_into(Cis, C_tmp, ii << 5) crypto.encodeint_into(ai, tmp_ai, ii << 5) crypto.encodeint_into(alphai, tmp_alpha, ii << 5) if ((amount >> ii) & 1) == 0: crypto.random_scalar(si) crypto.encodepoint_into(buff, L) crypto.hash_to_scalar_into(c, buff) crypto.point_sub_into(C_tmp, C_tmp, C_h) crypto.add_keys2_into(L, si, c, C_tmp) crypto.encodeint_into(s1s, si, ii << 5) crypto.encodepoint_into(buff, L) kck.update(buff) crypto.point_double_into(C_h, C_h) # Compute ee tmp_ee = kck.digest() crypto.decodeint_into(ee, tmp_ee) del (tmp_ee, kck) C_h = crypto.xmr_H() gc.collect() # Second pass, s0, s1 for ii in range(64): crypto.decodeint_into(tmp_alpha, alphai, ii << 5) crypto.decodeint_into(tmp_ai, ai, ii << 5) if ((amount >> ii) & 1) == 0: crypto.sc_mulsub_into(si, tmp_ai, ee, tmp_alpha) crypto.encodeint_into(s0s, si, ii << 5) else: crypto.random_scalar(si) crypto.encodeint_into(s0s, si, ii << 5) crypto.decodepoint_into(C_tmp, Cis, ii << 5) crypto.add_keys2_into(L, si, ee, C_tmp) crypto.encodepoint_into(buff, L) crypto.hash_to_scalar_into(c, buff) crypto.sc_mulsub_into(si, tmp_ai, c, tmp_alpha) crypto.encodeint_into(s1s, si, ii << 5) crypto.point_double_into(C_h, C_h) crypto.encodeint_into(ee_bin, ee) del (ai, alphai, buff, tmp_ai, tmp_alpha, si, c, ee, C_tmp, C_h, L) gc.collect() return C_acc, a, [s0s, s1s, ee_bin, Cis]