def ajax_getStockList(self, request, frmName, fldName=None, msgType=ViewCapture.FORM_MSG_TYPE_NONE, msg=None): fs, form, flds, part = self.processInit(request, frmName) q = """ select STM.stm_auto_key as "stm_auto_key" , STM.serial_number as "serialNumber" , to_char(STM.exp_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as "expDate" , STM.receiver_number as "receiverNumber" , STM.original_po_number as "poNum" , to_char(STM.qty_oh) as "qtyOH" , to_char(STM.qty_reserved) as "qtyRes" , to_char(STM.qty_available) as "qtyAvail" , WHS.warehouse_code as "warehouseCode" , LOC.location_code as "locationCode" , nvl(PCC.condition_code, '-') as "conditionCode" , to_char(STM.unit_cost) as "unitCost" , to_char(STM.rec_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as "recDate" , STM.ctrl_number as "ctrlNo" , STM.ctrl_id as "ctrlId" from stock STM , location LOC , warehouse WHS , part_condition_codes PCC where STM.whs_auto_key = WHS.whs_auto_key (+) and STM.loc_auto_key = LOC.loc_auto_key (+) and STM.pcc_auto_key = PCC.pcc_auto_key (+) and STM.pnm_auto_key = :pnm_auto_key and STM.historical_flag = 'F' """ recs, fldNames = dbFetchAll(None, q, part, asDict=True) return self.processFini(request, fs, form, payload=recs)
def get_workOrderStatusList(self, fs): q = """ select wos_auto_key as "wos_auto_key" , description as "description" from wo_status order by description """ recs, fldNames = dbFetchAll(None, q, fs, asDict=True) return recs
def get_getWarehouseCodes(self, fs): q = """ select whs_auto_key as "seq" , warehouse_code as "code" , description as "desc" from warehouse order by sequence """ recs, fldNames = dbFetchAll(None, q, fs, asDict=True) if not recs: raise ServerDbError("AQC-0001", "No part warehouse codes were found. Please relay this message to a system administrator.") return recs
def get_partConditionCodes(self, fs): q = """ select pcc_auto_key as "seq" , condition_code as "code" , description as "desc" from part_condition_codes order by sequence """ recs, fldNames = dbFetchAll(None, q, fs, asDict=True) if not recs: raise ServerDbError("AQC-0001", "No part condition codes were found. Please relay this message to a system administrator.") return recs
def ajax_fld_partOrStock(self, request, frmName, fldName=None, msgType=ViewCapture.FORM_MSG_TYPE_NONE, msg=None): fs, form, flds, fldIdx, fld, data = self.processInitFld( request, frmName, fldName) # is it a control No/Id whereClause = None ctrlNo = None ctrlId = None if re.match('[0-9]{12}$', data): ctrlNo = data[:6] ctrlId = data[6:] elif re.match('[0-9]{1,6}[,. ][0-9]{1,6}$', data): ctrlNo, ctrlId = re.split('[,. ]', data) if ctrlNo: q = """ select STM.pnm_auto_key from stock STM where STM.ctrl_number = :ctrlNo and STM.ctrl_id = :ctrlId """ row, fldNames = dbFetchOne(None, q, dict(ctrlNo=ctrlNo, ctrlId=ctrlId)) if row: fs['pnm_auto_key'], = row whereClause = "PNM.pnm_auto_key = :pnm_auto_key" if not whereClause: whereClause = "1=2 " if re.match('[0-9]+$', data): # it's all numeric whereClause += " or PNM.pnm_auto_key = {0} ".format(data) whereClause += " or PNM.pn_stripped like '{1}{0}{1}' ".format( dbQuote(data), '%') elif'[\w]', data): # it has at least one alphanumeric character whereClause += " or upper(PNM.pn_stripped) like upper('{1}{0}{1}') ".format( re.sub('[\W_]+', '', data), '%') whereClause += " or upper(PNM.description) like upper('{1}{0}{1}') ".format( re.sub('[\W_]+', '', data), '%') q = """ with cq as ( select CQD.pnm_auto_key , CQD.unit_price , CQD.entry_date from cq_detail CQD , parts_master PNM where CQD.pnm_auto_key = PNM.pnm_auto_key and ({whereClause}) and CQD.cqd_auto_key = ( select max(cqd_auto_key) from cq_detail where pnm_auto_key = PNM.pnm_auto_key ) ), so as ( select SOD.pnm_auto_key , SOD.unit_price , SOD.entry_date from so_detail SOD , parts_master PNM where SOD.pnm_auto_key = PNM.pnm_auto_key and ({whereClause}) and SOD.sod_auto_key = ( select max(sod_auto_key) from so_detail where pnm_auto_key = PNM.pnm_auto_key ) ) select pnm_auto_key as "pnm_auto_key" , pn as "pn" , description as "desc" , qty_oh as "qtyOH" , qty_reserved as "qtyRes" , qty_available as "qtyAvail" , salePrice as "salePrice" , saleDate as "saleDate" , quotePrice as "quotePrice" , quoteDate as "quoteDate" from ( select PNM.pnm_auto_key , , PNM.description , to_char(PNM.qty_oh) as qty_oh , to_char(PNM.qty_reserved) as qty_reserved , to_char(PNM.qty_available) as qty_available , nvl(to_char(SO.unit_price), '-') as salePrice, nvl(to_char(SO.entry_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), '-') as saleDate , nvl(to_char(CQ.unit_price), '-') as quotePrice, nvl(to_char(CQ.entry_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), '-') as quoteDate from parts_master PNM , so SO , cq CQ where 1=1 and PNM.pnm_auto_key = SO.pnm_auto_key (+) and PNM.pnm_auto_key = CQ.pnm_auto_key (+) and ({whereClause}) order by pn ) where rownum < 100 """.format(whereClause=whereClause) recs, fldNames = dbFetchAll(None, q, fs, asDict=True) if not recs: fld['value'] = data fld['msgType'] = self.FLD_MSG_TYPE_INVALID fld['msg'] = "No Part Found" return self.processFini(request, fs, form) fld['value'] = data fld['msgType'] = self.FLD_MSG_TYPE_VALID fld['msg'] = "" self.fldsAppend(False, flds, self.createField_done()) self.fldsAppend(False, flds, self.createField_print()) self.fldsAppend(False, flds, self.createField_partList(listItems=recs)) return self.processFini(request, fs, form)
def get_workOrderList(self, fs, recentOnly=False, wildCard=None): whereClause = "" if wildCard: #match workOrders by scanned-task, workOrder, or partNumber whereClause = "and ( 1=2 " if re.match('[0-9]+[SCsc]$', wildCard): # could be a task capture whereClause += " or WOT.wot_auto_key = {0} ".format( wildCard[:-1]) elif re.match('[0-9]+$', wildCard): # it's all numeric whereClause += " or WOO.woo_auto_key = {0} ".format(wildCard) whereClause += " or PNM.pnm_auto_key = {0} ".format(wildCard) whereClause += " or WOO.si_number like '{1}{0}{1}' ".format( dbQuote(wildCard), '%') whereClause += " or PNM.pn_stripped like '{1}{0}{1}' ".format( dbQuote(wildCard), '%') elif '[\w]', wildCard): # it has at least one alphanumeric character whereClause += " or upper(WOO.si_number) like upper('{1}{0}{1}') ".format( re.sub('[\W_]+', '', wildCard), '%') whereClause += " or upper(PNM.pn_stripped) like upper('{1}{0}{1}') ".format( re.sub('[\W_]+', '', wildCard), '%') whereClause += " or upper(PNM.description) like upper('{1}{0}{1}') ".format( re.sub('[\W_]+', '', wildCard), '%') whereClause += ")" if recentOnly: whereClause += " and recent.woo_auto_key is not null" q = """ with recentTasks as ( -- all direct tasks for user within one day of most recent activity select distinct wot_auto_key from wo_task_labor where ( ( start_time is not null and stop_time is null ) or start_time > ( select max(start_time) from wo_task_labor where sysur_auto_key = :sysur_auto_key and delete_date is null ) - 1 ) and delete_date is null ) , recentIndirect as ( -- all indirect tasks for user within one day of most recent activity select distinct wot_curr as wot_auto_key from wo_barcode_labor where log_time_curr > ( select max(log_time_curr) from wo_barcode_labor where sysur_curr = :sysur_auto_key ) - 1 ) , recentWorkOrder as ( -- workorders related to the recent direct and indirect tasks select distinct woo_auto_key from wo_task where wot_auto_key in (select wot_auto_key from recentTasks) or wot_auto_key in (select wot_auto_key from recentIndirect) ) , symptom as ( select distinct WSL.woo_auto_key as WSL_woo_auto_key , first_value(DBMS_LOB.substr(WSL.notes, 512) ignore nulls) over (partition by WSL.woo_auto_key order by WSL.sequence, WSL.wsl_auto_key) as WSL_firstNote from wo_symptom_list WSL ) select distinct --needed as parts of where clause are optional WOO.woo_auto_key as "woo_auto_key" , WOO.si_number as "si_number" , as "partNumber" , PNM.description as "partDesc" , nvl(symptom.WSL_firstNote, '') as "symptom" , nvl(WOS.wos_auto_key, 0) as "wos_auto_key" , nvl(WOS.description, 'Pending') as "wos_statusDesc" from wo_operation WOO , wo_task WOT , parts_master PNM , wo_status WOS , recentWorkOrder recent , symptom symptom where WOO.woo_auto_key = WOT.woo_auto_key and WOO.pnm_auto_key = PNM.pnm_auto_key (+) and WOO.wos_auto_key = WOS.wos_auto_key (+) and WOO.woo_auto_key = recent.woo_auto_key (+) and WOO.woo_auto_key = symptom.WSL_woo_auto_key (+) and WOO.open_flag = 'T' {whereClause} order by WOO.woo_auto_key """.format(whereClause=whereClause) recs, fldNames = dbFetchAll(None, q, fs, asDict=True) return recs
def get_stockTiList(self, fs): whereClause = "" if fs.get('wot_auto_key'): whereClause += " and (WOT.wot_auto_key = :wot_auto_key)" if fs.get('partOrStockFilter'): filter = fs.get('partOrStockFilter') whereClause += " and (1=2" # is it a control No/Id ctrlNo = None ctrlId = None if re.match('[0-9]{12}$', filter): ctrlNo = filter[:6] ctrlId = filter[6:] elif re.match('[0-9]{1,6}[,. ][0-9]{1,6}$', filter): ctrlNo, ctrlId = re.split('[,. ]', filter) if ctrlNo: whereClause += " or (STM.ctrl_number = {} and STM.ctrl_id = {})".format( ctrlNo, ctrlId) if re.match('[0-9]+$', filter): # it's all numeric whereClause += " or PNM.pnm_auto_key = {0} ".format(filter) whereClause += " or PNM.pn_stripped like '{1}{0}{1}' ".format( dbQuote(filter), '%') elif '[\w]', filter): # it has at least one alphanumeric character whereClause += " or upper(PNM.pn_stripped) like upper('{1}{0}{1}') ".format( re.sub('[\W_]+', '', filter), '%') whereClause += " or upper(PNM.description) like upper('{1}{0}{1}') ".format( re.sub('[\W_]+', '', filter), '%') whereClause += ")" # ref: QC_WP_PKG.SPS_WP_STOCK_ACTIVITY q = """ select stm_auto_key as "stm_auto_key" , sti_auto_key as "sti_auto_key" , to_char(tiQty) as "tiQty" , activity as "activity" , stockLine as "stockLine" , partNum as "partNum" , partDesc as "partDesc" , partCond as "partCond" , condLevel as "condLevel" , tiType as "tiType" , taskSeq as "taskSeq" , taskDesc as "taskDesc" , taskCode as "taskCode" , serialNum as "serialNum" from ( select STI.stm_auto_key , STI.sti_auto_key , case when STI.ti_type = 'T' and nvl(STM.qty_available,0) + nvl((select sum(qty_reserved) from stock_reservations where wob_auto_key = WOB.wob_auto_key),0) < nvl(STI.qty,0) - nvl(STI.qty_reverse,0) then nvl(STM.qty_available,0) + nvl((select sum(qty_reserved) from stock_reservations where wob_auto_key = WOB.wob_auto_key),0) else nvl(STI.qty,0) - nvl(STI.qty_reverse,0) end as tiQty , QC_WP_PKG.get_wob_activity(WOB.activity) as activity , STM.stock_line as stockLine , as partNum , PNM.description as partDesc , PCC.condition_code as partCond , WOB.cond_level as condLevel , DECODE(STI.ti_type, 'I', 'Issue', 'T', 'Turn-In') as tiType , WOT.sequence as taskSeq , QC_WO_PKG2.get_taks_descr(WOB.wot_auto_key) as taskDesc , WTM.description as taskCode , STM.serial_number as serialNum from wo_bom WOB , wo_task WOT , wo_task_master WTM , wo_status WOS , part_condition_codes PCC , stock_ti STI , parts_master PNM , stock STM where 1=1 and WOB.wot_auto_key = WOT.wot_auto_key (+) and WOT.wtm_auto_key = WTM.wtm_auto_key (+) and WOT.wos_auto_key = WOS.wos_auto_key (+) and WOB.pcc_auto_key = PCC.pcc_auto_key (+) and WOB.wob_auto_key = STI.wob_auto_key and STI.stm_auto_key = STM.stm_auto_key (+) and STM.pnm_auto_key = PNM.pnm_auto_key (+) -- and WOB.woo_auto_key = :woo_auto_key and ( (NVL(WOS.status_type,'Pending') not in ('Closed','Cancel','Defer')) or (WOS.closed_allow_inv = 'T' and QC_SC_PKG.get_has_access(20441/*qsICFuncStockMaterClosed*/) = 'T')) and STI.ti_type <> 'R' {whereClause} order by partNum , taskSeq , tiType ) where tiQty > 0 and rownum < 100 """.format(whereClause=whereClause) recs, fldNames = dbFetchAll(None, q, fs, asDict=True) return recs