예제 #1
def roll_pitch_yaw_to_rotation_matrix(roll, pitch, yaw):
    R = rotzyx(yaw, pitch, roll)[0:3,0:3]
    return R
예제 #2
Matrices and vectors are representeed with numpy arrays.
Here, we present some functions and operations to do mechanics.

import numpy as np


##### About homogeneous matrix #################################################

import arboris.homogeneousmatrix as Hg

H_o_a = Hg.transl(1,2,3)        # get a translation homogeneous matrix
H_a_b = Hg.rotzyx(.1,.2,.3)     # get a rotation R = Rz * Ry * Rx
                                # also Hg.rotzy  R = Rz * Ry
                                #      Hg.rotzx  R = Rz * Rx
                                #      Hg.rotyx  R = Ry * Rx
                                #      Hg.rotz   R = Rz
                                #      Hg.roty   R = Ry
                                #      Hg.rotx   R = Rx

H_o_b = np.dot(H_o_a, H_a_b)       # H from {o} to {b} is H{o}->{a} * H{a}->{b}

H_b_o = Hg.inv(H_o_b)           # obtain inverse, H from {b} to {o}
print("H_o_b * H_b_o\n", np.dot(H_o_b, H_b_o))

예제 #3
 def pose(self):
     return Hg.rotzyx(self.gpos[0],self.gpos[1],self.gpos[2])
예제 #4
 def pose(self):
     return Hg.rotzyx(self.gpos[0], self.gpos[1], self.gpos[2])
def get_meshes_positions():
    return {
        "head_mesh"      : dot(transl(0,0,-0.055), rotzyx(pi/2., 0, 0)), 
        "torso_mesh"     : dot(transl(0,0.024,-0.144), rotzyx(-pi/2., pi, 0)),
        "pelvis_mesh"    : dot(transl(0.031,0.04,0), rotzyx(pi/2.,pi,pi/2.)),

        "l_upperleg_mesh": dot(transl(0,0,-.05), rotzyx( pi/2., 0, 0)),
        "r_upperleg_mesh": dot(transl(0,0, .05), rotzyx(-pi/2., pi, 0)),
        "l_lowerleg_mesh": rotzyx(pi,0, pi/2.),
        "r_lowerleg_mesh": rotzyx(pi,0, pi/2.),
        "l_foot_mesh"    : dot(transl(-0.041,0,-0.03), rotzyx(0,  pi/2.,0)),
        "r_foot_mesh"    : dot(transl(-0.041,0, 0.03), rotzyx(pi,-pi/2.,0)),

        "l_upperarm_mesh": dot(transl(0,0.01, 0.14), rotzyx(-pi/2.,0,-pi/2.)),
        "r_upperarm_mesh": dot(transl(0,0.01,-0.14), rotzyx(-pi/2.,0,-pi/2.)),
        "l_forearm_mesh" : dot(transl(0,0,-0.004), rotzyx(pi,0,-pi/2.)),
        "r_forearm_mesh" : dot(transl(0,0, 0.004), rotzyx(0,0,-pi/2.)),
        ## simple meshes
        "waist_mesh"     : transl(.006, 0,-.1),
        "chest_cylinder_mesh": transl(0, 0, -.0447),
        "neck_1_mesh"    : eye(4),
        "neck_2_mesh"    : eye(4),
        "head_sphere_mesh": transl(0, 0, .0825),
        "l_shoulder_1_mesh": transl(0, 0, .07224),
        "l_shoulder_2_mesh": eye(4),
        "l_arm_cyl_mesh": transl(0, 0, .078),
        "l_elbow_1_mesh": eye(4),
        "l_forearm_cyl_mesh": transl(0, 0, .07),
        "l_wrist_1_mesh": eye(4),
        "l_hand_mesh": transl(.0345, 0, 0),

        "r_shoulder_1_mesh": transl(0, 0, -.07224),
        "r_shoulder_2_mesh": eye(4),
        "r_arm_cyl_mesh": transl(0, 0, -.078),
        "r_elbow_1_mesh": eye(4),
        "r_forearm_cyl_mesh":transl(0, 0, -.07),
        "r_wrist_1_mesh": eye(4),
        "r_hand_mesh": transl(-.0345, 0, 0),
        "l_hip_1_mesh": transl(0, 0, .0375),
        "l_hip_2_mesh": eye(4),
        "l_thigh_cyl1_mesh": transl(0, 0, -.112),
        "l_thigh_cyl2_mesh": dot(transl(0, 0, -.224), roty(pi/2)),
        "l_shank_cyl_mesh": dot(transl(0, -.1065, 0), rotx(pi/2)),
        "l_ankle_1_mesh": eye(4),
        "l_foot_cyl_mesh": transl(0,0,.0125),

        "r_hip_1_mesh": transl(0, 0, -.0375),
        "r_hip_2_mesh": eye(4),
        "r_thigh_cyl1_mesh": transl(0, 0, .112),
        "r_thigh_cyl2_mesh": dot(transl(0, 0, .224), roty(pi/2)),
        "r_shank_cyl_mesh": dot(transl(0, -.1065, 0), rotx(pi/2)),
        "r_ankle_1_mesh": eye(4),
        "r_foot_cyl_mesh": transl(0,0,-.0125),