예제 #1
def add_sphere(world, radius=1., mass=1., name=None):
    """Build a ball robot.


        >>> w = World()
        >>> add_sphere(w)
        >>> w.update_dynamic()

    assert isinstance(world, World)
    ball = Body(name=name, mass=massmatrix.sphere(radius, mass))
    world.add_link(world.ground, FreeJoint(), ball)
    world.register(Sphere(ball, radius))
예제 #2
def add_sphere(world, radius=1., mass=1., name=None):
    """Build a ball robot.


        >>> w = World()
        >>> add_sphere(w)
        >>> w.update_dynamic()

    assert isinstance(world, World)
    ball = Body(
        mass=massmatrix.sphere(radius, mass))
    world.add_link(world.ground, FreeJoint(), ball)
    world.register(Sphere(ball, radius))
예제 #3
def add(w, is_fixed=False, create_shapes=True, create_contacts=True):
    construction of the icub robot for arboris-python:
    Kinematics data are from: http://eris.liralab.it/wiki/ICubForwardKinematics
    Inertia comes from the Icub.cpp used in the iCub_SIM program
    Some data are not well explained, or are badly defined

    bodies_data = get_bodies_data()
    bodies_shapes_data = get_bodies_shapes_data()
    joints_data = get_joints_data()
    shapes_data = get_contact_data()

    ## bodies creation
    bodies = {}
    for name, data in bodies_data.items():
        bodies[name] = Body(name=name)
        mass = zeros((6, 6))
        for dims, m, H in data:  # get dims, mass and transformation from data
            sf = SubFrame(bodies[name], H)
            if len(dims) == 3:  # check the type of shape: len =3: box
                M = box(dims, m)
            elif len(dims) == 2:  #  len =2:cylinder,
                M = cylinder(dims[0], dims[1], m)
            elif len(dims) == 1:  #  len =1:sphere,
                M = sphere(dims[0], m)
                raise ValueError
            mass += transport(M, inv(H))  # add the mass of the shape to
        bodies[name].mass = mass  # the total mass

    ## check if iCub has its waist fixed on the structure (the ground)
    if is_fixed:
        bodies['waist'] = w.ground
        w.add_link(w.ground, FreeJoint(name='root'), bodies['waist'])

    ## joints creation
    for name, data in joints_data.items():
        parent, Hp_l, child = data
        w.add_link(SubFrame(bodies[parent], Hp_l), RzJoint(name=name),

    if create_shapes is True:
        ## body shapes creations
        for name, data in bodies_shapes_data.items():
            for dims, H in data:  # get dims, mass and transformation from data
                sf = SubFrame(bodies[name], H)
                if len(dims) == 3:  # check the type of shape: len =3: box
                    sh = Box(sf, dims, name + ".body_shape")
                elif len(dims) == 2:  #  len =2:cylinder,
                    sh = Cylinder(sf, dims[0], dims[1], name + ".body_shape")
                elif len(dims) == 1:  #  len =1:sphere,
                    sh = Sphere(sf, dims[0], name + ".body_shape")
                    raise ValueError

    if create_contacts is True:
        ## contact shapes creation
        for name, data in shapes_data.items():
            parent, dims, Hpf = data
            sf = SubFrame(bodies[parent], Hpf, name=name)
            if len(dims) == 3:  # check the type of shape: len =3: box
                sh = Box(sf, dims, name=name)
            elif len(dims) == 2:  #  len =2:cylinder,
                sh = Cylinder(sf, dims[0], dims[1], name=name)
            elif len(dims) == 1:  #  len =1:sphere,
                sh = Sphere(sf, dims[0], name=name)
                sh = Point(sf, name=name)

예제 #4
body = f.body  # return parent body (itself if f is body)
pose = f.pose  # return H_0_f      (0 is world.ground)
bpose = f.bpose  # return H_b_f      (b is f.body)
twist = f.twist  # return T_f_0_f (T of f relative to 0 expressed in f)
jacobian = f.jacobian  # return J_f_0_f such as T_f_0_f = J_f_0_f * gvel
djacobian = f.djacobian  # return dJ_f_0_f

##### The Body class ###########################################################

# It derives from Frame class, so properties above are available.
# They are rigid and represent "nodes" in the kinematic tree.

# How to create a body
from arboris.core import Body
from arboris.massmatrix import sphere
M_sphere = sphere(radius=.1, mass=1.)
b = Body(mass=M_sphere, viscosity=None, name="myBody")

# body properties
M = b.mass
N = b.nleffects
B = b.viscosity

# information about its position in kinematic structure
p_joint = b.parentjoint  # return the parent joint
c_joints = b.childrenjoints  # return list of chidren joints

##### The SubFrame/MovingSubFrame classes ######################################

from arboris.core import SubFrame, MovingSubFrame
from arboris.homogeneousmatrix import transl
예제 #5
##### About twist ##############################################################

rot_velocity = [.1,.2,.3]
lin_velocity = [.4,.5,.6]
twist = np.array(rot_velocity + lin_velocity) # rotation velocity first
print("twist", twist)

##### About mass matrix ########################################################

import arboris.massmatrix as Mm

# mass matrix expressed in principal inertia frame, length in "m", mass in "kg"
M_com = Mm.sphere(radius=.1, mass=10)
M_com = Mm.ellipsoid(radii=(.1, .2, .3), mass=10)
M_com = Mm.cylinder(length=.1, radius=.2, mass=10)  # revolution axis along z
M_com = Mm.box(half_extents=(.1, .2, .3), mass=10)

isMm = Mm.ismassmatrix(M_com)       # check validity of mass matrix
print("is mass matrix?", isMm)

H_com_a= Hg.transl(.4,.5,.6)        # translation from {a} (new frame) to {com}
M_a = Mm.transport(M_com, H_com_a)

H_a_com = Mm.principalframe(M_a)    # return principal inertia frame from {a}
예제 #6
def add(w, is_fixed=False, create_shapes=True, create_contacts=True):
    construction of the icub robot for arboris-python:
    Kinematics data are from: http://eris.liralab.it/wiki/ICubForwardKinematics
    Inertia comes from the Icub.cpp used in the iCub_SIM program
    Some data are not well explained, or are badly defined

    bodies_data = get_bodies_data()
    bodies_shapes_data = get_bodies_shapes_data()
    joints_data = get_joints_data()
    shapes_data = get_contact_data()

    ## bodies creation
    bodies = {}
    for name, data in bodies_data.items():
        bodies[name] = Body(name=name)
        mass = zeros((6, 6))
        for dims, m, H in data: # get dims, mass and transformation from data
            sf = SubFrame(bodies[name], H)
            if len(dims) == 3:      # check the type of shape: len =3: box
                M  = box(dims, m)
            elif len(dims) == 2:                            #  len =2:cylinder,
                M  = cylinder(dims[0], dims[1], m)
            elif len(dims) == 1:                            #  len =1:sphere,
                M  = sphere(dims[0], m)
                raise ValueError
            mass += transport(M, inv(H))    # add the mass of the shape to
        bodies[name].mass = mass            # the total mass

    ## check if iCub has its waist fixed on the structure (the ground)
    if is_fixed:
        bodies['waist'] = w.ground
        w.add_link(w.ground, FreeJoint(name='root'), bodies['waist'])

    ## joints creation
    for name, data in joints_data.items():
        parent, Hp_l, child = data
        w.add_link(SubFrame(bodies[parent], Hp_l),

    if create_shapes is True:
        ## body shapes creations
        for name, data in bodies_shapes_data.items():
            for dims, H in data: # get dims, mass and transformation from data
                sf = SubFrame(bodies[name], H)
                if len(dims) == 3:      # check the type of shape: len =3: box
                    sh = Box(sf, dims, name+".body_shape")
                elif len(dims) == 2:                            #  len =2:cylinder,
                    sh = Cylinder(sf, dims[0], dims[1], name+".body_shape")
                elif len(dims) == 1:                            #  len =1:sphere,
                    sh = Sphere(sf, dims[0], name+".body_shape")
                    raise ValueError

    if create_contacts is True:
        ## contact shapes creation
        for name, data in shapes_data.items():
            parent, dims, Hpf = data
            sf = SubFrame(bodies[parent], Hpf, name=name)
            if len(dims) == 3:      # check the type of shape: len =3: box
                sh = Box(sf, dims, name=name)
            elif len(dims) == 2:                            #  len =2:cylinder,
                sh = Cylinder(sf, dims[0], dims[1], name=name)
            elif len(dims) == 1:                            #  len =1:sphere,
                sh = Sphere(sf, dims[0], name=name)
                sh = Point(sf, name=name)

bpose     = f.bpose       # return H_b_f      (b is f.body)
twist     = f.twist       # return T_f_0_f (T of f relative to 0 expressed in f)
jacobian  = f.jacobian    # return J_f_0_f such as T_f_0_f = J_f_0_f * gvel
djacobian = f.djacobian   # return dJ_f_0_f

##### The Body class ###########################################################

# It derives from Frame class, so properties above are available.
# They are rigid and represent "nodes" in the kinematic tree.

# How to create a body
from arboris.core import Body
from arboris.massmatrix import sphere
M_sphere = sphere(radius=.1, mass=1.)
b = Body(mass=M_sphere, viscosity=None, name="myBody")

# body properties
M = b.mass
N = b.nleffects
B = b.viscosity

# information about its position in kinematic structure
p_joint = b.parentjoint         # return the parent joint
c_joints = b.childrenjoints     # return list of chidren joints

##### The SubFrame/MovingSubFrame classes ######################################