예제 #1
파일: aCTDBArc.py 프로젝트: maikenp/aCT
    def __init__(self,logger,dbname="aCTjobs.db"):
        aCTDB.__init__(self, logger, dbname)

        conf = aCTConfig.aCTConfigARC()
        self.proxydir = conf.get(["voms","proxystoredir"])
        # mapping from Job class attribute types to column types
        self.jobattrmap = {int: 'integer',
                      str: 'varchar(255)',
                      arc.JobState: 'varchar(255)',
                      arc.StringList: 'varchar(1024)',
                      arc.URL: 'varchar(255)',
                      arc.Period: 'int',
                      arc.Time: 'datetime',
                      arc.StringStringMap: 'varchar(1024)'}
        # Attributes of Job class mapped to DB column type
        for i in dir(j):
            if re.match('^__',i):
            if i in ignoremems:
            if type(getattr(j, i)) in self.jobattrmap:
                self.jobattrs[i] = type(getattr(j, i))
예제 #2
def example():
    # Creating a UserConfig object with the user's proxy
    # and the path of the trusted CA certificates
    uc = arc.UserConfig()
    uc.ProxyPath("/tmp/x509up_u%s" % os.getuid())

    # Create a new job object with a given JobID
    job = arc.Job()
    job.JobID = "https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex/hYDLDmyxvUfn5h5iWqkutBwoABFKDmABFKDmIpHKDmYBFKDmtRy9En"
    job.Flavour = "ARC1"
    job.ServiceInformationURL = job.JobStatusURL = job.JobManagementURL = arc.URL("https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex")

    sys.stdout.write("Get job information from the computing element...\n")
    # Put the job into a JobSupervisor and update its information
    job_supervisor = arc.JobSupervisor(uc, [job])

    sys.stdout.write("Downloading results...\n")
    # Prepare a list for storing the directories for the downloaded job results (if there would be more jobs)
    downloadeddirectories = arc.StringList()
    # Start retrieving results of all the selected jobs
    #   into the "/tmp" directory (first argument)
    #   using the jobid and not the jobname as the name of the subdirectory (second argument, usejobname = False)
    #   do not overwrite existing directories with the same name (third argument: force = False)
    #   collect the downloaded directories into the variable "downloadeddirectories" (forth argument)
    success = job_supervisor.Retrieve("/tmp", False, False, downloadeddirectories)
    if not success:
        sys.stdout.write("Downloading results failed.\n")
    for downloadeddirectory in downloadeddirectories:
        sys.stdout.write("Job results were downloaded to %s\n"%str(downloadeddirectory))
        sys.stdout.write("Contents of the directory:\n")
        for filename in os.listdir(downloadeddirectory):
            sys.stdout.write("   %s\n"%filename)
예제 #3
파일: aCTDBArc.py 프로젝트: maikenp/aCT
 def _db2job(self, dbinfo):
     Convert a dictionary of DB key value into arc Job object
     j = arc.Job()
     for attr in self.jobattrs:
         if attr not in dbinfo or dbinfo[attr] is None:
         # Some object types need special treatment
         if self.jobattrs[attr] == arc.StringList:
             l = arc.StringList()
             for item in dbinfo[attr].encode('utf-8').split('|'):
             setattr(j, attr, l)
         if self.jobattrs[attr] == arc.StringStringMap:
             m = arc.StringStringMap()
             d = eval(dbinfo[attr])
             if not isinstance(d, dict):
             for (k,v) in d.items():
                 m[k] = v
             setattr(j, attr, m)
         setattr(j, attr, self.jobattrs[attr](str(dbinfo[attr])))
     return j
예제 #4
파일: job_status.py 프로젝트: floridop/arc
def example():
    # Creating a UserConfig object with the user's proxy
    # and the path of the trusted CA certificates
    uc = arc.UserConfig()
    uc.ProxyPath("/tmp/x509up_u%s" % os.getuid())

    # Create a new job object with a given JobID
    job = arc.Job()
    job.JobID = "https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex/1QuMDmRwvUfn5h5iWqkutBwoABFKDmABFKDmIpHKDmXBFKDmIuAean"
    job.Flavour = "ARC1"
    job.JobManagementURL = arc.URL("https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex")
    job.JobStatusURL = arc.URL("https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex")

    sys.stdout.write("Job object before update:\n")
    job.SaveToStream(arc.CPyOstream(sys.stdout), True)

    job_supervisor = arc.JobSupervisor(uc, [job])

    # Update the states of jobs within this JobSupervisor

    # Get our updated job from the JobSupervisor
    jobs = job_supervisor.GetAllJobs()
    job = jobs[0]

    sys.stdout.write("Job object after update:\n")
    job.SaveToStream(arc.CPyOstream(sys.stdout), True)
예제 #5
파일: job_status.py 프로젝트: maikenp/arc-1
def example():
    # Creating a UserConfig object with the user's proxy
    # and the path of the trusted CA certificates
    uc = arc.UserConfig()
    uc.ProxyPath("/tmp/x509up_u%s" % os.getuid())

    # Create a new job object with a given JobID
    job = arc.Job()
    job.JobID = "https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex/w7LNDmSkEiun1ZPzno6AuCjpABFKDmABFKDmZ9LKDmUBFKDmXugZwm"
    job.IDFromEndpoint = "w7LNDmSkEiun1ZPzno6AuCjpABFKDmABFKDmZ9LKDmUBFKDmXugZwm"
    job.JobManagementURL = arc.URL("https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex")
    job.JobStatusURL = arc.URL("https://piff.hep.lu.se:443/arex")
    job.JobStatusInterfaceName = 'org.ogf.glue.emies.activitymanagement'
    job.JobManagementInterfaceName = 'org.ogf.glue.emies.activitymanagement'

    sys.stdout.write("Job object before update:\n")
    job.SaveToStream(arc.CPyOstream(sys.stdout), True)

    job_supervisor = arc.JobSupervisor(uc, [job])

    # Update the states of jobs within this JobSupervisor

    # Get our updated job from the JobSupervisor
    jobs = job_supervisor.GetAllJobs()
    if not jobs:
        sys.stdout.write("No jobs found\n")

    job = jobs[0]

    sys.stdout.write("Job object after update:\n")
    job.SaveToStream(arc.CPyOstream(sys.stdout), True)
예제 #6
    def run(self):
        '''Do brokering and submit'''

        arclog = arc_utils.ARCLogger(baselogger, 0)
        tmplog = arclog.log
        # Do brokering among the available queues
        jobdesc = self.jobdescs[0]
        broker = arc.Broker(self.userconfig, jobdesc, "Random")
        targetsorter = arc.ExecutionTargetSorter(broker)
        for target in self.queuelist:
            tmplog.debug("considering target {0}:{1}".format(
                target.ComputingService.Name, target.ComputingShare.Name))

            # Adding an entity performs matchmaking and brokering

        if len(targetsorter.getMatchingTargets()) == 0:
            tmplog.error("no clusters satisfied job description requirements")

        )  # required to reset iterator, otherwise we get a seg fault
        selectedtarget = targetsorter.getCurrentTarget()
        # Job object will contain the submitted job
        job = arc.Job()
        submitter = arc.Submitter(self.userconfig)
        if submitter.Submit(selectedtarget, jobdesc,
                            job) != arc.SubmissionStatus.NONE:
            tmplog.error("Submission failed")

        self.job = job
예제 #7
    def __init__(self):
        self.jobattrmap = {
            int: 'integer',
            str: 'varchar(255)',
            arc.JobState: 'varchar(255)',
            arc.StringList: 'varchar(1024)',
            arc.URL: 'varchar(255)',
            arc.Period: 'int',
            arc.Time: 'datetime',
            arc.StringStringMap: 'varchar(1024)'
        ignoremems = [
            'SESSIONDIR', 'JOBLOG', 'JOBDESCRIPTION', 'JobDescriptionDocument'

        # Attributes of Job class mapped to DB column type
        self.jobattrs = {}
        j = arc.Job()
        for i in dir(j):
            if re.match('^__', i):
            if i in ignoremems:
            if type(getattr(j, i)) in self.jobattrmap:
                self.jobattrs[i] = type(getattr(j, i))
예제 #8
    def _getARCJob(self, jobID):
        """Create an ARC Job with all the needed / possible parameters defined.
        By the time we come here, the environment variable X509_USER_PROXY should already be set
        j = arc.Job()
        j.JobID = str(jobID)
        j.IDFromEndpoint = os.path.basename(j.JobID)

        if self.endpointType == "Gridftp":
            statURL = "ldap://%s:2135/Mds-Vo-Name=local,o=grid??sub?(nordugrid-job-globalid=%s)" % (
                self.ceHost, jobID)
            j.JobStatusURL = arc.URL(str(statURL))
            j.JobStatusInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.ldapng"

            mangURL = "gsiftp://%s:2811/jobs/" % (self.ceHost)
            j.JobManagementURL = arc.URL(str(mangURL))
            j.JobManagementInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.gridftpjob"

            j.ServiceInformationURL = j.JobManagementURL
            j.ServiceInformationInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.ldapng"
            commonURL = "https://%s:8443/arex" % self.ceHost
            j.JobStatusURL = arc.URL(str(commonURL))
            j.JobStatusInterfaceName = "org.ogf.glue.emies.activitymanagement"

            j.JobManagementURL = arc.URL(str(commonURL))
            j.JobManagementInterfaceName = "org.ogf.glue.emies.activitymanagement"

            j.ServiceInformationURL = arc.URL(str(commonURL))
            j.ServiceInformationInterfaceName = "org.ogf.glue.emies.resourceinfo"

        return j
예제 #9
def workspec2arcjob(workspec):
    '''Convert WorkSpec.workAttributes to arc.Job object'''

    job = arc.Job()
        wsattrs = workspec.workAttributes['arcjob']
        proxyrole = workspec.workAttributes['proxyrole']
        # Job was not submitted yet
        return (job, arc.Time(), None)

    for attr in dir(job):
        if attr not in wsattrs or attr == 'CreationTime':

        attrtype = type(getattr(job, attr))
        # Some object types need special treatment
        if attrtype == arc.StringList:
            strlist = arc.StringList()
            for item in wsattrs[attr].split('|'):
            setattr(job, attr, strlist)
        elif attrtype == arc.StringStringMap:
            ssm = arc.StringStringMap()
            for (k, v) in json.loads(wsattrs[attr]).items():
                ssm[str(k)] = str(v)
            setattr(job, attr, ssm)
            setattr(job, attr, attrtype(str(wsattrs[attr])))
    return (job, arc.Time(str(wsattrs['ModificationTime'])), proxyrole)
예제 #10
    def _getARCJob(self, jobID):
        """Create an ARC Job with all the needed / possible parameters defined.
        By the time we come here, the environment variable X509_USER_PROXY should already be set
        j = arc.Job()
        j.JobID = str(jobID)
        j.IDFromEndpoint = os.path.basename(j.JobID)

        # Get the endpoint type (GridFTP or AREX)
        endpointType = j.JobID.split(":")[0]
        if endpointType == "gsiftp":
            statURL = "ldap://%s:2135/Mds-Vo-Name=local,o=grid??sub?(nordugrid-job-globalid=%s)" % (self.ceHost, jobID)
            j.JobStatusURL = arc.URL(str(statURL))
            j.JobStatusInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.ldapng"

            mangURL = os.path.dirname(j.JobID)
            j.JobManagementURL = arc.URL(str(mangURL))
            j.JobManagementInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.gridftpjob"

            j.ServiceInformationURL = j.JobManagementURL
            j.ServiceInformationInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.ldapng"
            commonURL = "/".join(j.JobID.split("/")[0:4])
            j.JobStatusURL = arc.URL(str(commonURL))
            j.JobStatusInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.arcrest"

            j.JobManagementURL = arc.URL(str(commonURL))
            j.JobManagementInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.arcrest"

            j.ServiceInformationURL = arc.URL(str(commonURL))
            j.ServiceInformationInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.arcrest"

        return j
예제 #11
    def processToResubmit(self):

        if self.cluster:
            jobstoresubmit = self.db.getArcJobs(
                "arcstate='toresubmit' and cluster='" + self.cluster + "'")
            jobstoresubmit = self.db.getArcJobs(
                "arcstate='toresubmit' and clusterlist=''")

        for proxyid, jobs in jobstoresubmit.items():

            # Clean up jobs which were submitted
            jobstoclean = [job[2] for job in jobs if job[2].JobID]

            if jobstoclean:

                # Put all jobs to cancel, however the supervisor will only cancel
                # cancellable jobs and remove the rest so there has to be 2 calls
                # to Clean()
                job_supervisor = arc.JobSupervisor(self.uc, jobstoclean)
                self.log.info("Cancelling %i jobs" % len(jobstoclean))

                processed = job_supervisor.GetIDsProcessed()
                notprocessed = job_supervisor.GetIDsNotProcessed()
                # Clean the successfully cancelled jobs
                if processed:
                    self.log.info("Cleaning %i jobs" % len(processed))
                    if not job_supervisor.Clean():
                        self.log.warning("Failed to clean some jobs")

                # New job supervisor with the uncancellable jobs
                if notprocessed:
                    notcancellable = [
                        job for job in jobstoclean if job.JobID in notprocessed
                    job_supervisor = arc.JobSupervisor(self.uc, notcancellable)

                    self.log.info("Cleaning %i jobs" % len(notcancellable))
                    if not job_supervisor.Clean():
                        self.log.warning("Failed to clean some jobs")

            # Empty job to reset DB info
            j = arc.Job()
            for (id, appjobid, job, created) in jobs:
                    id, {
                        "arcstate": "tosubmit",
                        "tarcstate": self.db.getTimeStamp(),
                        "cluster": None
                    }, j)
예제 #12
def Submit(id, appjobid, jobdescstr, ucproxy, timeout):

    global queuelist
    global usercred

    # get the submission logger
    #log = logger()
    log = logging.getLogger()

    if len(queuelist) == 0:
        log.error("%s: no cluster free for submission" % appjobid)
        return None

    uc = usercred


    jobdescs = arc.JobDescriptionList()
    if not jobdescstr or not arc.JobDescription_Parse(jobdescstr, jobdescs):
        log.error("%s: Failed to prepare job description" % appjobid)
        return None

    # Do brokering among the available queues
    jobdesc = jobdescs[0]
    broker = arc.Broker(uc, jobdesc, "Random")
    targetsorter = arc.ExecutionTargetSorter(broker)
    for target in queuelist:
        log.debug("%s: considering target %s:%s" %
                  (appjobid, target.ComputingService.Name,

        # Adding an entity performs matchmaking and brokering

    if len(targetsorter.getMatchingTargets()) == 0:
        log.error("%s: no clusters satisfied job description requirements" %
        return None

    )  # required to reset iterator, otherwise we get a seg fault
    selectedtarget = targetsorter.getCurrentTarget()
    # Job object will contain the submitted job
    job = arc.Job()
    submitter = arc.Submitter(uc)
    if submitter.Submit(selectedtarget, jobdesc,
                        job) != arc.SubmissionStatus.NONE:
        log.error("%s: Submission failed" % appjobid)
        return None

    jconv = JobConv()
    return jconv.job2db(job)
예제 #13
    def resetJobs(self, jobstoreset):
        Empty all StringLists in jobs so that when they are updated they do not
        contain duplicate values, since ARC always appends to these lists.
        emptylist = arc.StringList()
        j = arc.Job()
        attrstoreset = [
            attr for attr in dir(j) if type(getattr(j, attr)) == arc.StringList

        for jobs in jobstoreset.values():
            for job in jobs:
                for attr in attrstoreset:
                    setattr(job[2], attr, emptylist)
예제 #14
 def __getARCJob( self, jobID ):
   """ Create an ARC Job with all the needed / possible parameters defined.
       By the time we come here, the environment variable X509_USER_PROXY should already be set
   j = arc.Job()
   j.JobID = jobID
   statURL = "ldap://%s:2135/Mds-Vo-Name=local,o=grid??sub?(nordugrid-job-globalid=%s)" % ( self.ceHost, jobID )
   j.JobStatusURL = arc.URL( statURL )
   j.JobStatusInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.ldapng"
   mangURL = "gsiftp://%s:2811/jobs/" % ( self.ceHost )
   j.JobManagementURL = arc.URL( mangURL )
   j.JobManagementInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.gridftpjob"
   j.ServiceInformationURL = j.JobManagementURL
   j.ServiceInformationInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.ldapng"
   j.PrepareHandler( self.usercfg )
   return j
예제 #15
파일: testutils.py 프로젝트: maikenp/arc-1
 def create_test_job(self,
                     job_id = "http://test.nordugrid.org/testid",
                     cluster = "http://test.nordugrid.org",
                     state = arc.JobState.RUNNING,
                     state_text = None,
                     job_description = "non-empty"):
     job = arc.Job()
     job.JobID = job_id
     job.ServiceInformationInterfaceName = job.JobStatusInterfaceName = job.JobManagementInterfaceName = "org.nordugrid.test"
     job.ServiceInformationURL = job.JobStatusURL = job.JobManagementURL = arc.URL(cluster)
     if state_text is None:
         job.State = arc.JobStateTEST(state)
         job.State = arc.JobStateTEST(state, state_text)
     job.JobDescriptionDocument = job_description
     return job
예제 #16
def example():
    # Creating a UserConfig object with the user's proxy
    # and the path of the trusted CA certificates
    uc = arc.UserConfig()
    uc.ProxyPath("/tmp/x509up_u%s" % os.getuid())

    # Creating an endpoint for a Computing Element
    endpoint = arc.Endpoint("piff.hep.lu.se", arc.Endpoint.COMPUTINGINFO,

    # Get the ExecutionTargets of this ComputingElement
    retriever = arc.ComputingServiceRetriever(uc, [endpoint])
    targets = retriever.GetExecutionTargets()

    # Shuffle the targets to simulate a random broker
    targets = list(targets)

    # Create a JobDescription
    jobdesc = arc.JobDescription()
    jobdesc.Application.Executable.Path = "/bin/hostname"
    jobdesc.Application.Output = "stdout.txt"

    # create an empty job object which will contain our submitted job
    job = arc.Job()
    success = False
    # Submit job directly to the execution targets, without a broker
    for target in targets:
        sys.stdout.write("Trying to submit to %s (%s) ... " %
        success = target.Submit(uc, jobdesc, job)
        if success:
    if success:
        sys.stdout.write("Job was submitted:\n")
        job.SaveToStream(arc.CPyOstream(sys.stdout), False)
        sys.stdout.write("Job submission failed\n")
예제 #17
파일: aCTSubmitter.py 프로젝트: maikenp/aCT
def Submit(jobdescs, uc, log, appjobid):

    global queuelist

    if len(queuelist) == 0:
        log.error("%s: no cluster free for submission" % appjobid)
        return None

    # Do brokering among the available queues
    jobdesc = jobdescs[0]
    broker = arc.Broker(uc, jobdesc, "Random")
    targetsorter = arc.ExecutionTargetSorter(broker)
    for target in queuelist:
        log.debug("%s: considering target %s:%s" %
                  (appjobid, target.ComputingService.Name,

        # Adding an entity performs matchmaking and brokering

    if len(targetsorter.getMatchingTargets()) == 0:
        log.error("%s: no clusters satisfied job description requirements" %
        return None

    )  # required to reset iterator, otherwise we get a seg fault
    selectedtarget = targetsorter.getCurrentTarget()
    # Job object will contain the submitted job
    job = arc.Job()
    submitter = arc.Submitter(uc)
    if submitter.Submit(selectedtarget, jobdesc,
                        job) != arc.SubmissionStatus.NONE:
        log.error("%s: Submission failed" % appjobid)
        return None

    return job
예제 #18
This regression test tests whether deleting a Swig iterator obtained
from a ARC C++ public member std::list object generates a
segmentation fault. That issue was reported in bug 2473.

import arc

j = arc.Job()

for i in j.Error:
예제 #19
    def submit_job(self, executable, args=[], input_files=[]):
        Submit a job and return the job ID

        :param executable:  The command to run on the LOTUS cluster
        :param args:        List of arguments to pass to the executable
        :param input_files: A list of paths to local files to copy to the remote session directory
                            (the directory the job will run from on JASMIN)

        :raises InputFileError:          if any of the specified input files do not exist or are
        :raises NoTargetsAvailableError: if no execution targets can be found on the ARC server
        :raises JobSubmissionError:      if the job cannot be submitted to any targets

        :return: Job ID
        endpoint = arc.Endpoint(self.config.ARC_SERVER,

        user_config = self.get_user_config()

        # Get the ExecutionTargets of this ComputingElement
        retriever = arc.ComputingServiceRetriever(user_config, [endpoint])
        targets = retriever.GetExecutionTargets()

        if len(targets) == 0:
            raise NoTargetsAvailableError("No targets available")

        input_files_map = {}  # Map local paths to destination file names
        for filename in input_files:
            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                raise InputFileError("{} is not a file".format(filename))

            # Use absolute local path
            input_files_map[os.path.abspath(filename)] = os.path.basename(

        template = self.env.get_template("job_template.xml")
        jsdl = template.render({
            "name": "ARC job",  # TODO: Use sensible name or omit
            "executable": executable,
            "arguments": args,
            "input_files_map": input_files_map,
            "output_file": self.config.OUTPUT_FILE
        job_descriptions = self.get_job_descriptions(jsdl)

        # Create an empty job object which will contain our submitted job
        job = arc.Job()

        # Submit job directly to the execution targets, without a broker
        # Try each target until successfully submitted
        for target in targets:
            msg = "Attempting to submit job to {} ({})".format(
            self.logger.msg(arc.DEBUG, msg)

            if target.Submit(user_config, job_descriptions[0], job):
                self.logger.msg(arc.DEBUG, "Failed to submit job")
            raise JobSubmissionError(
                "Could not submit job to any of the {} available target(s)".

        self.logger.msg(arc.INFO, "Started job with ID: {}".format(job.JobID))

        # Write information on submitted job to local job list so standard arc tools (arcstat,
        # arcget etc) can be used with this job
        job_list = arc.JobInformationStorageBDB(self.config.JOBS_INFO_FILE)
        if not job_list.Write([job]):
                arc.WARNING, "Failed to write to local job list {}".format(

        return job.JobID
예제 #20
    def submitJob(self, executableFile, proxy, numberOfJobs=1):
        """Method to submit job"""

        # Assume that the ARC queues are always of the format nordugrid-<batchSystem>-<queue>
        # And none of our supported batch systems have a "-" in their name
        self.arcQueue = self.queue.split("-", 2)[2]
        result = self._prepareProxy()
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("ARCComputingElement: failed to set up proxy", result["Message"])
            return result

        self.log.verbose("Executable file path: %s" % executableFile)
        if not os.access(executableFile, 5):
            os.chmod(executableFile, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH + stat.S_IXOTH)

        batchIDList = []
        stampDict = {}

        # Creating an endpoint
        endpoint = arc.Endpoint(self.ceHost, arc.Endpoint.COMPUTINGINFO, "org.nordugrid.ldapglue2")

        # Get the ExecutionTargets of the ComputingElement (Can be REST, EMI-ES or GRIDFTP)
        retriever = arc.ComputingServiceRetriever(self.usercfg, [endpoint])
        targetsWithQueues = list(retriever.GetExecutionTargets())

        # Targets also include queues
        # To avoid losing time trying to submit to queues we cannot interact with, we only keep the interesting ones
        targets = []
        for target in targetsWithQueues:
            if target.ComputingShare.Name == self.arcQueue:
                    "Adding target:",
                    "%s (%s)" % (target.ComputingEndpoint.URLString, target.ComputingEndpoint.InterfaceName),

        # At this point, we should have GRIDFTP and AREX (EMI-ES and REST) targets related to arcQueue
        # We intend to submit to AREX first, if it does not work, GRIDFTP is used
        submissionWorked = False
        for target in targets:
            # If the submission is already done, we stop
            if submissionWorked:

            for __i in range(numberOfJobs):

                # The basic job description
                jobdescs = arc.JobDescriptionList()

                # Get the job into the ARC way
                xrslString, diracStamp = self._writeXRSL(executableFile)
                self.log.debug("XRSL string submitted : %s" % xrslString)
                self.log.debug("DIRAC stamp for job : %s" % diracStamp)

                # The arc bindings don't accept unicode objects in Python 2 so xrslString must be explicitly cast
                result = arc.JobDescription_Parse(str(xrslString), jobdescs)
                if not result:
                    self.log.error("Invalid job description", "%r, message=%s" % (xrslString, result.str()))

                # Submit the job
                job = arc.Job()
                result = target.Submit(self.usercfg, jobdescs[0], job)

                # Save info or else ..else.
                if result == arc.SubmissionStatus.NONE:
                    # Job successfully submitted
                    pilotJobReference = job.JobID
                    stampDict[pilotJobReference] = diracStamp
                    submissionWorked = True
                    self.log.debug("Successfully submitted job %s to CE %s" % (pilotJobReference, self.ceHost))
                    break  # Boo hoo *sniff*

        if batchIDList:
            result = S_OK(batchIDList)
            result["PilotStampDict"] = stampDict
            result = S_ERROR("No pilot references obtained from the ARC job submission")
        return result
This regression test tests whether invoking the next method on a Swig
iterator obtained from a std::list of ARC C++ objects generates a
segmentation fault. That issue was reported in bug 2683.

import arc

jobs = arc.JobList()


itJobs = jobs.__iter__()
