예제 #1
파일: AIAgs.py 프로젝트: Chandler0591/mygis
 def publish(self, svc):
     if not AIUtils.isEmpty(self.__agsOutFullName) and isinstance(svc, AISvc):
         mxdFullName = svc.getMxdFullName()
         serviceName = svc.getServiceName()
         serviceFolder = svc.getServiceFolder()
         description = svc.getDescription()
         serviceItems = svc.getServiceItems()
             # 生成服务草稿文件
             sddraftFullName = os.path.join(self.__tmpOutFolder, serviceName + '.sddraft')
             sdFullName = os.path.join(self.__tmpOutFolder, serviceName + '.sd')
             mapDoc = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdFullName)
             arcpy.mapping.CreateMapSDDraft(mapDoc, sddraftFullName, serviceName, 'ARCGIS_SERVER', self.__agsFullName, False, serviceFolder)
             sDDraftEditor = AISEdit(sddraftFullName)
             # 添加服务描述
             sDDraftEditor.setItemInfo({'description' : description})
             # 添加额外服务能力
             for item in serviceItems:
                 if item.getEnabled():
                     sDDraftEditor.setSvcExtension(item.getTypeName(), 'true')
             analysis = arcpy.mapping.AnalyzeForSD(sddraftFullName)
             if analysis['errors'] == {}:
                 # 过度服务草稿文件到SD文件
                 arcpy.StageService_server(sddraftFullName, sdFullName)
                 # 上传SD文件到GIS服务器
                 arcpy.UploadServiceDefinition_server(sdFullName, self.__agsServer)
             # 发布成功存入服务地址
             for item in serviceItems:
                 if item.getEnabled():
                     typeName = item.getTypeName()
                     if AIStrUtils.isEqual(typeName, 'MapServer'):
                         svc.setUrl(self.__serverUrlPre + sDDraftEditor.getMapServerPartRestUrl())
                     elif AIStrUtils.isEqual(typeName, 'KmlServer'):
                         svc.setUrl(self.__serverUrlPre + sDDraftEditor.getKmlRestUrl())
                     elif AIStrUtils.isEqual(typeName, 'FeatureServer'):
                         svc.setUrl(self.__serverUrlPre + sDDraftEditor.getFeatureRestUrl())
                     elif AIStrUtils.isEqual(typeName, 'WFSServer'):
                         svc.setUrl(self.__serverUrlPre + sDDraftEditor.getWMSRestUrl())
                         svc.setUrl(self.__serverUrlPre + sDDraftEditor.getWFSRestUrl())
         return svc
예제 #2
    path = sys.argv[0]
    if os.path.isfile(path):
        path = os.path.dirname(path)
    rootPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, os.pardir))
    # 读取日志配置
    logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join(rootPath, "resources", "conf", "logging.conf"))
    logger = logging.getLogger("app.scripts.queryFdsList")
    # 获取参数
    param1 = sys.argv[1]
    param1 = param1.replace("null", "''")
    wksDict = AIUtils.str2dict(param1)
    # 设置工作空间
    wksId = wksDict["id"]
    wksType = wksDict["type"]
    if AIStrUtils.isEqual(wksType, "sde"):
        # 建立相关连接
        cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        cf.read(os.path.join(rootPath, "resources", "conf", "config.conf"))
        # 获取sde连接文件
        sdeIds = cf.options("sde")
        if wksId in sdeIds:
            sdeInfo = cf.get("sde", wksId)
            sdeInfos = sdeInfo.split("/")
            sdeServer = sdeInfos[0]
            sdeInstance = sdeInfos[1]
            sdeUsername = sdeInfos[2]
            sdePassword = sdeInfos[3]

                sde = AISde(
예제 #3
 path = sys.argv[0]
 if os.path.isfile(path):
     path = os.path.dirname(path)
 rootPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, os.pardir))
 # 读取日志配置
 logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join(rootPath, 'resources', 'conf', 'logging.conf'))
 logger = logging.getLogger('app.scripts.queryFds')
 # 获取参数
 param1 = sys.argv[1]
 param1 = param1.replace('null', '\'\'')
 wksDict = AIUtils.str2dict(param1)
 # 设置工作空间
 wksId = wksDict['id']
 wksType = wksDict['type']
 if AIStrUtils.isEqual(wksType, 'sde'):
     # 建立相关连接
     cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
     cf.read(os.path.join(rootPath, 'resources', 'conf', 'config.conf'))     
     # 获取sde连接文件
     sdeIds = cf.options('sde')
     if wksId in sdeIds:
         sdeInfo = cf.get('sde', wksId)
         sdeInfos = sdeInfo.split('/')
         sdeServer = sdeInfos[0]
         sdeInstance = sdeInfos[1]
         sdeUsername = sdeInfos[2]
         sdePassword = sdeInfos[3]
             sde = AISde(os.path.join(rootPath, 'resources', 'sde'), wksId, sdeServer + '/' + sdeInstance, sdeUsername, sdePassword)
예제 #4
파일: AIWks.py 프로젝트: Chandler0591/mygis
 def updateFc(self, fc):
     flag = False
     if isinstance(fc, AIFc):
         name = fc.getName()
         nalias = fc.getAlias() #新字段别名集合
         nFields = fc.getFields() #新字段集合
         nFieldNames = [nfld.getName() for nfld in nFields] #新字段名集合
         if not AIUtils.isEmpty(name):
             if arcpy.Exists(name):
                 ofc = self.queryFc(fc)
                 oalias = ofc.getAlias() # 旧字段别名集合
                 oFields = ofc.getFields() # 旧字段集合
                 oFieldNames = [ofld.getName() for ofld in oFields] #旧字段名集合
                     # 更改别名
                     if not AIUtils.isEmpty(nalias) and not AIStrUtils.isEqual(oalias, nalias):
                         arcpy.AlterAliasName(name, nalias)
                     # 比对字段
                     # 删除字段(排除保留字段)
                     for ofn in oFieldNames:
                         if ofn not in nFieldNames and \
                         not AIStrUtils.isEqual(ofn, 'OBJECTID') and \
                         not AIStrUtils.isEqual(ofn, 'NAME') and \
                         not AIStrUtils.isEqual(ofn, 'SHAPE') and \
                         not 'AREA' in ofn and \
                         not 'LEN' in ofn:
                             arcpy.DeleteField_management(name, ofn)
                     # 添加字段(排除保留字段)
                     for nfn in nFieldNames:
                         if nfn not in oFieldNames:
                             fldName = AIStrUtils.toUpper(nfn)
                             if not AIStrUtils.isEqual(fldName, 'OBJECTID') and \
                                 not AIStrUtils.isEqual(fldName, 'NAME') and \
                                 not AIStrUtils.isEqual(fldName, 'SHAPE') and \
                                 not 'AREA' in fldName and \
                                 not 'LEN' in fldName:
                                 # 需要添加的字段
                                 field = None
                                 # 查找需要添加的字段
                                 for nfld in nFields:
                                     if AIStrUtils.isEqual(nfld.getName(), nfn):
                                         field = nfld
                                 # 字段名
                                 fldName = arcpy.ValidateFieldName(fldName, self.__wksName)
                                 # 字段别名
                                 fldAlias = field.getAlias()
                                 # 字段类型 Integer--LONG  Double--DOUBLE  String--TEXT Date--DATE
                                 fldType = AIStrUtils.toUpper(AIStrUtils.trim(field.getFtype()))
                                 fldType = 'LONG' if AIStrUtils.isEqual(fldType, 'INTEGER') else \
                                 'TEXT' if AIStrUtils.isEqual(fldType, 'STRING') else fldType
                                 # 字段小数点位数(浮点型)
                                 fldScale = field.getScale()
                                 # 字段长度(文本型)
                                 fldLength = field.getLength()
                                 # 字段是否允许为空
                                 fldIsNullable = field.getIsNullable()
                                 arcpy.AddField_management(name, fldName, fldType, None, fldScale, \
                                                           fldLength, fldAlias, fldIsNullable, False)
                     flag = True
                 raise Exception('featureclass not exist!')
             raise Exception('featureclass name cannot be empty!')
         raise Exception('input parameter type not correct!')
     return flag
예제 #5
파일: AIWks.py 프로젝트: Chandler0591/mygis
 def addFc(self, fc):
     flag = False
     if isinstance(fc, AIFc):
         name = fc.getName()
         ftype = fc.getFtype()
         alias = fc.getAlias()
         wkid = fc.getWkid()
         fds = fc.getFds()
         if not AIUtils.isEmpty(name) and not AIUtils.isEmpty(ftype):
             if not arcpy.Exists(name):
                 # 要素集名称
                 fdsName = None
                 if not AIUtils.isEmpty(fds) and isinstance(fds, AIFds) and not AIUtils.isEmpty(fds.getName()):
                     fdsName = fds.getName()
                     fdsName = fdsName if ('.' in fdsName) else fdsName if AIUtils.isEmpty(self.__userName) else (self.__userName + '.') + fdsName
                 wksName = self.__wksName if AIUtils.isEmpty(fdsName) else os.path.join(self.__wksName, fdsName).replace('\\', '/')
                 fields = fc.getFields()
                 sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326) if not AIUtils.isInt(wkid) else arcpy.SpatialReference(wkid)
                     # 创建要素类
                     arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(wksName, name, ftype, None, "DISABLED", "DISABLED", sr)
                     # 更改别名
                     if not AIUtils.isEmpty(alias):
                         arcpy.AlterAliasName(name, alias)
                     # 添加字段(排除保留字段)
                     for field in fields:
                         fldName = AIStrUtils.toUpper(field.getName())
                         if not AIStrUtils.isEqual(fldName, 'OBJECTID') and \
                             not AIStrUtils.isEqual(fldName, 'NAME') and \
                             not AIStrUtils.isEqual(fldName, 'SHAPE') and \
                             not 'AREA' in fldName and \
                             not 'LEN' in fldName:
                             # 字段名
                             fldName = arcpy.ValidateFieldName(fldName, self.__wksName)
                             # 字段别名
                             fldAlias = field.getAlias()
                             # 字段类型 Integer--LONG  Double--DOUBLE  String--TEXT Date--DATE
                             fldType = 'TEXT' if AIStrUtils.isEqual(AIStrUtils.toUpper(field.getFtype()), 'STRING') else field.getFtype()
                             # 字段小数点位数(浮点型)
                             fldScale = field.getScale()
                             # 字段长度(文本型)
                             fldLength = field.getLength()
                             # 字段是否允许为空
                             fldIsNullable = field.getIsNullable()
                             arcpy.AddField_management(name, fldName, fldType, None, fldScale, \
                                                       fldLength, fldAlias, fldIsNullable, False)
                     flag = True
                 raise Exception('featureclass name cannot be duplicated!')
             raise Exception('featureclass name and geometry type cannot be empty!')
         raise Exception('input parameter type not correct!')
     return flag
예제 #6
파일: addFc.py 프로젝트: Chandler0591/mygis
 path = sys.argv[0]
 if os.path.isfile(path):
     path = os.path.dirname(path)
 rootPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, os.pardir))
 # 读取日志配置
 logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join(rootPath, 'resources', 'conf', 'logging.conf'))
 logger = logging.getLogger('app.scripts.addFc')
 # 获取参数
 param1 = sys.argv[1]
 param1 = param1.replace('null', '\'\'')
 wksDict = AIUtils.str2dict(param1)
 # 设置工作空间
 wksId = wksDict['id']
 wksType = wksDict['type']
 if AIStrUtils.isEqual(wksType, 'sde'):
     # 建立相关连接
     cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
     cf.read(os.path.join(rootPath, 'resources', 'conf', 'config.conf'))     
     # 获取sde连接文件
     sdeIds = cf.options('sde')
     if wksId in sdeIds:
         sdeInfo = cf.get('sde', wksId)
         sdeInfos = sdeInfo.split('/')
         sdeServer = sdeInfos[0]
         sdeInstance = sdeInfos[1]
         sdeUsername = sdeInfos[2]
         sdePassword = sdeInfos[3]
         # 默认文件已经存在
         sdeOutFullName = os.path.join(rootPath, 'resources', 'sde', wksId + ".sde").replace('\\', '/')
예제 #7
 path = sys.argv[0]
 if os.path.isfile(path):
     path = os.path.dirname(path)
 rootPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, os.pardir))
 # 读取日志配置
 logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join(rootPath, 'resources', 'conf', 'logging.conf'))
 logger = logging.getLogger('app.scripts.updateFc')
 # 获取参数
 param1 = sys.argv[1]
 param1 = param1.replace('null', '\'\'')
 wksDict = AIUtils.str2dict(param1)
 # 设置工作空间
 wksId = wksDict['id']
 wksType = wksDict['type']
 if AIStrUtils.isEqual(wksType, 'sde'):
     # 建立相关连接
     cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
     cf.read(os.path.join(rootPath, 'resources', 'conf', 'config.conf'))     
     # 获取sde连接文件
     sdeIds = cf.options('sde')
     if wksId in sdeIds:
         sdeInfo = cf.get('sde', wksId)
         sdeInfos = sdeInfo.split('/')
         sdeServer = sdeInfos[0]
         sdeInstance = sdeInfos[1]
         sdeUsername = sdeInfos[2]
         sdePassword = sdeInfos[3]
         # 默认文件已经存在
         sdeOutFullName = os.path.join(rootPath, 'resources', 'sde', wksId + ".sde").replace('\\', '/')