def __init__(self, parent=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") device = "MYRIAD" self.config = config self.face_database, self.face_collection = self.loadFaceData() self.log_database, self.log_collection = self.loadLogData() plugin = IEPlugin(device, plugin_dirs=None) self.face_embed = FaceEmbedding(plugin) self.face_detect = MobileFaceDetect(plugin) self.head_pose = HeadPoseEst(plugin) self.emotion_detect = EmotionDetect(plugin) self.ag_estimate = AgeGenderEstimate(plugin) = int(config["CAMERA"]['Height']) = int(config["CAMERA"]['Width']) self.door_host = config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Host'] self.door_port = int(config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Port']) self.door_name = config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Name'] self.door_url = "http://{}:{}{}".format(self.door_host, self.door_name, self.door_port) self.door_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.door_socket_timeout = float(config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Timeout']) # try: # self.door_socket.connect((self.door_host, self.door_port)) # except: # print("can't connect to door socket") self.open_door_signal = config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Open_door_signal'] self.open_door_signal = self.open_door_signal.encode() self.face_lap_min_score = float( config["MOBILE_FACE_DET"]['Laplacian_min_score']) self.face_min_size = float( config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_min_ratio']) * ( * self.face_margin = float(config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin']) self.fm_threshold = float(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Face_threshold']) self.debug = int(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Debug']) self.no_face_frame_limit = int(config["DELAY"]['No_face_frame']) self.recognition_delay = float(config["DELAY"]['Recognition_delay']) self.recog_suc_delay = float(config["DELAY"]['Recognize_success']) self.recog_fai_delay = float(config["DELAY"]['Recognize_failed']) self.angle_min = ast.literal_eval(config["HEAD_POSE"]["Angle_min"]) self.angle_max = ast.literal_eval(config["HEAD_POSE"]["Angle_max"]) self.log_img_dir = config["IMAGE_DIR"]['Log'] self.window_mult = float(config["DISPLAY"]['Window_mult']) self.max_signal_send = int( config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Max_signal_send']) self.use_emo = int(config["ADD_MODULE"]['Emotion']) self.use_ag = int(config["ADD_MODULE"]['Age_gender']) self.display_draw = DisplayDraw() self.test_face = False self.face_img = cv2.imread("test_img/test_face.jpg") self.face_img = cv2.resize(self.face_img, (120, 180)) if not os.path.exists(self.log_img_dir): os.mkdir(self.log_img_dir)
def main(): cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # load data embed_file_path = "data/embed.pkl" face_database = loadData(embed_file_path) # load models device = "MYRIAD" plugin = IEPlugin(device, plugin_dirs=None) face_embed = FaceEmbedding(plugin) face_detect = MobileFaceDetect(plugin) # params config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") fm_threshold = float(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Threshold']) label = "new" while (True): ret, frame = if not ret: print("dead cam") cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break continue face_bboxes = face_detect.inference(frame) if len(face_bboxes) > 0: areas = [area(box) for box in face_bboxes] max_id = np.argmax(np.asarray(areas)) mfb = face_bboxes[max_id] main_face = frame[mfb[1]:mfb[3], mfb[0]:mfb[2], :] # TODO real face detection # TODO face alignment # face_feature = face_embed(main_face, fe_net, fe_input_blob) # s = time.time() face_feature = face_embed.inference(main_face) # print(time.time() - s) # TODO face record best_match = bruteforce(face_feature, face_database, fm_threshold) if best_match is None: label = "new" else: label = str(best_match['id']) # visualize for debug cv2.rectangle(frame, (mfb[0], mfb[1]), (mfb[2], mfb[3]), (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.putText(frame, label, (mfb[0], mfb[1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 0, 255), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.imshow("gandalf", frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break
def __init__(self, parent=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") self.config = config self.face_db, self.face_col = self.loadFaceData() self.log_db, self.log_col = self.loadLogData() self.face_img_dir = config["IMAGE_DIR"]['Employee'] self.log_img_dir = config["IMAGE_DIR"]['Log'] self.face_lap_min_score = float(config["MOBILE_FACE_DET"]['Laplacian_min_score_update']) self.fm_threshold = float(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Face_update_threshold_max']) self.fm_identical_threshold = float(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Face_update_threshold_min']) self.max_img_per_acc = int(config["MONGO"]['Max_img_per_acc']) device = "MYRIAD" plugin = IEPlugin(device, plugin_dirs=None) self.face_embed = FaceEmbedding(plugin)
def __init__(self, parent=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") self.config = config self.face_detect = FaceDetection(config) self.face_embed = FaceEmbedding(config) # standby phase, delayed face detection self.standby_detection_delay = float(config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Standby_detection_delay']) self.standby_max_analysis = int(config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Standby_max_analysis']) self.clustering_upload_delay = float(config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Clustering_upload_delay']) self.max_img_per_person = int(config["UPLOAD"]['Max_img_per_person']) self.face_lap_min_var = float(config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Laplacian_min_variance']) self.face_margin_w_ratio = float(config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin_w_ratio']) self.face_margin_h_ratio = float(config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin_h_ratio']) self.xnet = Xnet(config) self.unprocess_face_queue = [] self.face_queue = [] self.feat_queue = [] # self.standby_mode = True self.last_detected_face_time = time.time() self.last_clustering_time = time.time()
def main(): src_dir = "new_register" dst_dir = "data" face_collection = loadFaceData() device = "MYRIAD" plugin = IEPlugin(device, plugin_dirs=None) face_embed = FaceEmbedding(plugin) cos_dst = 0.5 for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(src_dir): for d in dirs: print(d) dir_path = os.path.join(src_dir, d) feats = [] name = d for sd, ds, files in os.walk(dir_path): for f in files: file_path = os.path.join(sd, f) img = cv2.imread(file_path) fe = face_embed.inference(img) feats.append(fe.tolist()) new_face = {'name': name, 'feats': feats} # insert to Mongo p_id = face_collection.insert_one(new_face).inserted_id # commit changes face_collection.update_one({'_id': p_id}, {"$set": new_face}, upsert=False) # create account imgs dir new_id = str(p_id) img_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, str(new_id)) if not os.path.exists(img_dir): os.mkdir(img_dir) # paste images to account dir for sd, ds, files in os.walk(dir_path): for f in files: src_file = os.path.join(sd, f) dst_file = os.path.join(img_dir, f) print(dst_file) shutil.copyfile(src_file, dst_file) print("done!")
def __init__(self, parent=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") self.config = config self.face_detect = FaceDetection(config) self.face_embed = FaceEmbedding(config) # standby phase, delayed face detection self.standby_detection_delay = float( config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Standby_detection_delay']) self.standby_max_analysis = int( config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Standby_max_analysis']) self.clustering_upload_delay = float( config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Clustering_upload_delay']) self.max_img_per_person = int(config["UPLOAD"]['Max_img_per_person']) self.face_lap_min_var = float( config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Laplacian_min_variance']) self.face_margin_w_ratio = float( config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin_w_ratio']) self.face_margin_h_ratio = float( config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin_h_ratio']) self.task_await = float(config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Task_await']) self.xnet_timeout = float(self.config["XNET"]['Timeout']) self.cam_width = int(config["CAMERA"]['Width']) self.cam_height = int(config["CAMERA"]['Height']) self.ROI = ast.literal_eval(config["CAMERA"]["ROI"]) self.img_upload_width = int(config["UPLOAD"]['Img_width']) self.img_upload_height = int(config["UPLOAD"]['Img_height']) = cv2.VideoCapture(0) self.set_cam_params() self.xnet = Xnet(config) self.unprocess_face_queue = [] self.face_queue = [] self.feat_queue = [] self.upload_ufq = [] # self.standby_mode = True self.last_detected_face_time = time.time() self.last_clustering_time = time.time()
def main(): cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # load data config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") face_database, face_collection = loadMongoData(config) # load models device = "MYRIAD" data_dir = "data" plugin = IEPlugin(device, plugin_dirs=None) face_embed = FaceEmbedding(plugin) face_detect = MobileFaceDetect(plugin) # params fd_conf = 0.5 fm_threshold = 0.6 label = "new" period = 1 button_pressed = False max_num = 3 num = 0 face_features = [] face_imgs = [] s = time.time() while (True): ret, frame = if not ret: print("dead cam") cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break continue face_bboxes = [] # if time.time() - s > period: if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('c'): button_pressed = True if button_pressed and (num < max_num): face_bboxes = face_detect.inference(frame) if (len(face_bboxes) > 0) and button_pressed: areas = [area(box) for box in face_bboxes] max_id = np.argmax(np.asarray(areas)) mfb = face_bboxes[max_id] main_face = frame[mfb[1]:mfb[3], mfb[0]:mfb[2], :] # TODO real face detection # TODO face alignment face_feature = face_embed.inference(main_face) face_feature = face_feature.tolist() face_features.append(face_feature) face_imgs.append(main_face) num += 1 button_pressed = False s = time.time() # visualize for debug cv2.rectangle(frame, (mfb[0], mfb[1]), (mfb[2], mfb[3]), (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.putText(frame, str(num), (mfb[0], mfb[1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 0, 255), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) print(num) if num >= max_num: # add new face features to database new_id = face_database.count() new_face = {'name': str(new_id), 'feats': face_features} p_id = face_collection.insert_one(new_face).inserted_id # commit changes face_collection.update_one({'_id': p_id}, {"$set": new_face}, upsert=False) # save images img_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, str(new_id)) os.mkdir(img_dir) for i, face in enumerate(face_imgs): img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, "{}.jpg".format(i)) cv2.imwrite(img_path, face) face_imgs = [] face_features = [] num = 0 s = time.time() print("done!") cv2.imshow("face registration", frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break
class FaceQueueClustering(object): def __init__(self, parent=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") self.config = config self.face_detect = FaceDetection(config) self.face_embed = FaceEmbedding(config) # standby phase, delayed face detection self.standby_detection_delay = float( config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Standby_detection_delay']) self.standby_max_analysis = int( config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Standby_max_analysis']) self.clustering_upload_delay = float( config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Clustering_upload_delay']) self.max_img_per_person = int(config["UPLOAD"]['Max_img_per_person']) self.face_lap_min_var = float( config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Laplacian_min_variance']) self.face_margin_w_ratio = float( config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin_w_ratio']) self.face_margin_h_ratio = float( config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin_h_ratio']) self.task_await = float(config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Task_await']) self.xnet_timeout = float(self.config["XNET"]['Timeout']) self.cam_width = int(config["CAMERA"]['Width']) self.cam_height = int(config["CAMERA"]['Height']) self.ROI = ast.literal_eval(config["CAMERA"]["ROI"]) self.img_upload_width = int(config["UPLOAD"]['Img_width']) self.img_upload_height = int(config["UPLOAD"]['Img_height']) = cv2.VideoCapture(0) self.set_cam_params() self.xnet = Xnet(config) self.unprocess_face_queue = [] self.face_queue = [] self.feat_queue = [] self.upload_ufq = [] # self.standby_mode = True self.last_detected_face_time = time.time() self.last_clustering_time = time.time() # self.num_cams = int(config["CAMERA"]['Num_cams']) # self.cam_ids = ast.literal_eval(config["CAMERA"]['Id']) def read_frame(self): s = time.time() ret, frame = print("read cam time", time.time() - s) # print(frame.shape) if not ret: # dead cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) self.set_cam_params() time.sleep(3.000) # some delay to init cam # cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0 + cv2.CAP_DSHOW) return None r = self.ROI frame = frame[r[0]:r[2], r[1]:r[3], :] # cv2.imwrite("frame.jpg", frame) return frame def serve(self): while (True): if (time.time() - self.last_clustering_time) > self.clustering_upload_delay: # asyncronous clustering/upload and sensing else: return 0 async def task_scheduler(self): self.cluster_processed_feature() await asyncio.gather( self.upload(), self.sense_process(self.xnet_timeout), ) print("finish upload/sensing block") return 0 async def sense_process(self, duration): await asyncio.sleep(self.task_await) init_time = time.time() while ( print("unprocess: ", len(self.unprocess_face_queue), "processed: ", len(self.face_queue)) # get RAM info, TODO: save to disk when OOM # print("RAM", psutil.virtual_memory()[2]) if (time.time() - init_time) > duration: print("finish sensing block") return 0 if (time.time() - self.last_detected_face_time ) > self.standby_detection_delay: print("last face detected", time.time() - self.last_detected_face_time) frame = self.read_frame() if frame is None: continue st = time.time() self.standby_serve(frame) print("standby", time.time() - st) else: frame = self.read_frame() if frame is None: continue st = time.time() self.active_serve(frame) print("active", time.time() - st) def set_cam_params(self):, self.cam_width), self.cam_height), 3) def standby_serve(self, frame): """ 1 face detection + n face analysis from queue """ print("standby process detect") self.process_queue() self.detect_queue(frame, mode='standby') return 0 def active_serve(self, frame, mode='active'): """ 1 face detection, save face to memory """ self.detect_queue(frame) return 0 def detect_queue(self, frame, mode='active'): face_bboxes = self.face_detect.inference(frame) print("faces detected: ", len(face_bboxes)) if len(face_bboxes) == 0: return 1 self.last_detected_face_time = time.time() # if mode == 'standby': # return 0 # print(face_bboxes) for b in face_bboxes: if (b[3] > b[1]) and (b[2] > b[0]): # detect blurr, headpose est # crop = frame[b[1]:b[3], b[0]:b[2], :] # crop = face_marginalize(crop, self.face_margin_w_ratio, self.face_margin_h_ratio) crop = face_crop(frame, b, 0, self.face_margin_h_ratio) blur_face = cv2.resize(crop, (112, 112)) blur_face_var = cv2.Laplacian(blur_face, cv2.CV_64F).var() if blur_face_var > self.face_lap_min_var: self.unprocess_face_queue.append({ # 'crop': cv2.resize( # crop, # ( # self.img_upload_height, # self.img_upload_width # ) # ), 'crop': resize_keepres(crop, self.img_upload_height, self.img_upload_width), 'time': self.last_detected_face_time }) # cv2.imwrite("face.jpg", crop) return 0 def process_queue(self): """ face embed, age, gender recognition TODO: memory management """ for i in range(self.standby_max_analysis): if len(self.unprocess_face_queue) == 0: break face = self.unprocess_face_queue.pop(0) # print(face) input_face = face_marginalize(face['crop'], self.face_margin_w_ratio, self.face_margin_h_ratio) face_feature = self.face_embed.inference(input_face) self.face_queue.append({ 'crop': face['crop'], 'time': face['time'], # 'feat': face_feature }) self.feat_queue.append(face_feature) return 0 def cluster_processed_feature(self): """ cluster face queue into different people send several imgs and info per person to server # TODO: separate into cluster and upload functions """ self.unique_faces = [] # clustering if len(self.feat_queue) > 0: # print("no human") # self.last_clustering_time = time.time() # return 1 print("cluster size", len(self.feat_queue), len(self.face_queue)) labels = face_clustering(self.feat_queue) class_ids = np.unique(labels) print("unique ", class_ids) print(labels) for cli in class_ids: # noise if cli == -1: continue if len(labels) > 1: cli_feat_ids = np.asarray(np.where(labels == cli)) cli_feat_ids = np.squeeze(cli_feat_ids) sample_size = cli_feat_ids.shape[0] # print(sample_size, self.max_img_per_person) # TODO handle sample_size < max_img_per_person num_upload_imgs = min(self.max_img_per_person, sample_size) chosen_ids = np.unique( np.random.choice(sample_size, num_upload_imgs, replace=False)) else: cli_feat_ids = np.asarray([0]) chosen_ids = np.asarray([0]) self.unique_faces.append({ 'faces': [ b64_encode(self.face_queue[cli_feat_ids[i]]['crop']) for i in chosen_ids ], 'time': [self.face_queue[i]['time'] for i in cli_feat_ids], }) print("num of unique people: ", len(self.unique_faces)) self.last_clustering_time = time.time() # cleanup garbage self.feat_queue = [] self.face_queue = [] # convert b64 unprocess_face_queue self.upload_ufq = [{ 'face': b64_encode(ufq['crop']), 'time': ufq['time'], } for ufq in self.unprocess_face_queue] self.unprocess_face_queue = [] async def upload(self): # upload to server # st = time.time() await self.xnet.log_face(self.unique_faces, self.upload_ufq) # print("upload time: ", time.time() - st) self.upload_ufq = [] return 0
class FaceQueueClustering(object): def __init__(self, parent=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") self.config = config self.face_detect = FaceDetection(config) self.face_embed = FaceEmbedding(config) # standby phase, delayed face detection self.standby_detection_delay = float(config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Standby_detection_delay']) self.standby_max_analysis = int(config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Standby_max_analysis']) self.clustering_upload_delay = float(config["TASK_SCHEDULER"]['Clustering_upload_delay']) self.max_img_per_person = int(config["UPLOAD"]['Max_img_per_person']) self.face_lap_min_var = float(config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Laplacian_min_variance']) self.face_margin_w_ratio = float(config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin_w_ratio']) self.face_margin_h_ratio = float(config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin_h_ratio']) self.xnet = Xnet(config) self.unprocess_face_queue = [] self.face_queue = [] self.feat_queue = [] # self.standby_mode = True self.last_detected_face_time = time.time() self.last_clustering_time = time.time() # self.num_cams = int(config["CAMERA"]['Num_cams']) # self.cam_ids = ast.literal_eval(config["CAMERA"]['Id']) def serve(self): # TODO: multi-cam central processing # cams = [ # cv2.VideoCapture(i) # for i in self.cam_ids # ] cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cam.set(3, 1920) cam.set(4, 1080) cam.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE, 3) while(True): ret, frame = print(frame.shape) if not ret: # dead cam cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) time.sleep(3.000) # some delay to init cam # cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0 + cv2.CAP_DSHOW) continue if (time.time() - self.last_detected_face_time) > self.standby_detection_delay: # TODO: clustering and upload mode st = time.time() self.standby_serve(frame) print("standby", time.time() - st) else: st = time.time() self.active_serve(frame) print("active", time.time() - st) if (time.time() - self.last_clustering_time) > self.clustering_upload_delay: st = time.time() self.cluster_upload() print("clustering", time.time() - st) return 0 def standby_serve(self, frame): """ 1 face detection + n face analysis from queue """ self.process_queue() self.detect_queue(frame) return 0 def active_serve(self, frame): """ 1 face detection, save face to memory TODO: memory management, e.g. save to disk before OOM """ self.detect_queue(frame) return 0 def detect_queue(self, frame): face_bboxes = self.face_detect.inference(frame) if len(face_bboxes) == 0: return 1 # TODO: blurry analysis, head angle estimate self.last_detected_face_time = time.time() # print(face_bboxes) for b in face_bboxes: if (b[3] > b[1]) and (b[2] > b[0]): crop = frame[b[1]:b[3], b[0]:b[2], :] # detect blurr, headpose est # TODO: head pose est, move to separate function/class blur_face = cv2.resize(crop, (112, 112)) blur_face_var = cv2.Laplacian(blur_face, cv2.CV_64F).var() if blur_face_var > self.face_lap_min_var: self.unprocess_face_queue.append( { 'crop': crop, 'time': self.last_detected_face_time } ) return 0 def process_queue(self): """ face embed, age, gender recognition TODO: memory management """ for i in range(self.standby_max_analysis): if len(self.unprocess_face_queue) == 0: break face = self.unprocess_face_queue.pop(0) # print(face) input_face = face_marginalize(face['crop'], self.face_margin_w_ratio, self.face_margin_h_ratio) face_feature = self.face_embed.inference(input_face) self.face_queue.append( { 'crop': face['crop'], 'time': face['time'], # 'feat': face_feature } ) self.feat_queue.append(face_feature) return 0 def cluster_upload(self): """ cluster face queue into different people send several imgs and info per person to server # TODO: better time handling (timezone, cam location based, etc) """ if len(self.feat_queue) == 0: print("no human") self.last_clustering_time = time.time() return 1 print("cluster size", len(self.feat_queue), len(self.face_queue)) labels = face_clustering(self.feat_queue) class_ids = np.unique(labels) unique_faces = [] print("unique ", class_ids) print(labels) for cli in class_ids: # noise if cli == -1: continue if len(labels) > 1: cli_feat_ids = np.asarray(np.where(labels==cli)) cli_feat_ids = np.squeeze(cli_feat_ids) sample_size = cli_feat_ids.shape[0] # print(sample_size, self.max_img_per_person) # TODO handle sample_size < max_img_per_person num_upload_imgs = min(self.max_img_per_person, sample_size) chosen_ids = np.unique( np.random.choice( sample_size, num_upload_imgs, replace=False ) ) else: cli_feat_ids = np.asarray([0]) chosen_ids = np.asarray([0]) unique_faces.append( { 'faces': [ b64_encode(self.face_queue[cli_feat_ids[i]]['crop']) for i in chosen_ids ], 'time': [ self.face_queue[i]['time'] for i in cli_feat_ids ] } ) print("num of unique people: ", len(unique_faces)) self.xnet.log_face(unique_faces) # cleanup garbage self.feat_queue = [] self.face_queue = [] self.last_clustering_time = time.time() return 0
class FaceRecognition(object): def __init__(self, parent=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") device = "MYRIAD" self.config = config self.face_database, self.face_collection = self.loadFaceData() self.log_database, self.log_collection = self.loadLogData() plugin = IEPlugin(device, plugin_dirs=None) self.face_embed = FaceEmbedding(plugin) self.face_detect = MobileFaceDetect(plugin) self.head_pose = HeadPoseEst(plugin) = int(config["CAMERA"]['Height']) = int(config["CAMERA"]['Width']) self.door_host = config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Host'] self.door_port = int(config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Port']) self.door_name = config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Name'] self.door_url = "http://{}:{}{}".format(self.door_host, self.door_name, self.door_port) self.door_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.door_socket.connect((self.door_host, self.door_port)) self.open_door_signal = config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Open_door_signal'] self.open_door_signal = self.open_door_signal.encode() self.face_lap_min_score = float( config["MOBILE_FACE_DET"]['Laplacian_min_score']) self.face_min_size = float( config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_min_ratio']) * ( * self.face_margin = int(config["FACE_CONSOLIDATION"]['Face_margin']) self.fm_threshold = float(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Face_threshold']) # self.face_counter = int(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Counter']) # self.ct_threshold = float(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Counter_threshold']) self.debug = int(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Debug']) self.no_face_frame_limit = int(config["DELAY"]['No_face_frame']) self.recognition_delay = float(config["DELAY"]['Recognition_delay']) self.recog_suc_delay = float(config["DELAY"]['Recognize_success']) self.recog_fai_delay = float(config["DELAY"]['Recognize_failed']) self.angle_min = ast.literal_eval(config["HEAD_POSE"]["Angle_min"]) self.angle_max = ast.literal_eval(config["HEAD_POSE"]["Angle_max"]) self.log_img_dir = config["IMAGE_DIR"]['Log'] self.window_mult = float(config["DISPLAY"]['Window_mult']) self.max_signal_send = int( config["DOOR_CONTROLLER"]['Max_signal_send']) self.display_draw = DisplayDraw() self.test_face = False self.face_img = cv2.imread("test_img/test_face.jpg") self.face_img = cv2.resize(self.face_img, (120, 180)) if not os.path.exists(self.log_img_dir): os.mkdir(self.log_img_dir) def serve(self): face_rec_delay = time.time() no_face_frame = 0 cv2.namedWindow('gandalf', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow('gandalf', int( * self.window_mult), int( * self.window_mult)) cv2.setWindowProperty('gandalf', cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0 + cv2.CAP_DSHOW) # label = "Hello" while (True): ret, frame = # h, w, c = frame.shape # print(h, w, c) if not ret: # dead cam cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) time.sleep(3.000) # some delay to init cam # cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0 + cv2.CAP_DSHOW) continue # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # return 1 if self.test_face: frame[120:300, 280:400, :] = self.face_img # add test face on frame # go from standby to face detection phase # if no_face_frame > self.no_face_frame_limit: # # no error # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # return 0 # face detection phase face_bboxes = self.face_detect.inference(frame) if len(face_bboxes) > 0: no_face_frame = 0 areas = [area(box) for box in face_bboxes] max_id = np.argmax(np.asarray(areas)) mfb = face_bboxes[max_id] # print(area(mfb), self.face_min_size, frame.shape) # face consolidation phase, calculate face angle if area(mfb) > self.face_min_size: x0 = max(0, mfb[0] - self.face_margin) y0 = max(0, mfb[1] - self.face_margin) x1 = min(, mfb[2] + self.face_margin) y1 = min(, mfb[3] + self.face_margin) main_head = frame[y0:y1, x0:x1, :] # detect blurry face h, w, c = main_head.shape # print("hp img shape: ", img.shape) if (h > 0) and (w > 0): blur_face = cv2.resize(main_head, (112, 112)) blur_face_var = cv2.Laplacian(blur_face, cv2.CV_64F).var() if blur_face_var < self.face_lap_min_score: cv2.rectangle(frame, (mfb[0], mfb[1]), (mfb[2], mfb[3]), (255, 0, 0), 2) face_rec_delay_amount = time.time( ) - face_rec_delay if face_rec_delay_amount > self.recognition_delay: frame = self.display_draw.drawLACText(frame) else: frame = self.display_draw.drawLastText(frame) # label = "please look at the camera" cv2.imshow("gandalf", frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() return 2 continue # detect head pose yaw, pitch, roll = self.head_pose.inference(main_head) if not good_head_angle(yaw, pitch, roll, self.angle_min, self.angle_max): cv2.rectangle(frame, (mfb[0], mfb[1]), (mfb[2], mfb[3]), (255, 0, 0), 2) face_rec_delay_amount = time.time() - face_rec_delay if face_rec_delay_amount > self.recognition_delay: frame = self.display_draw.drawLACText(frame) else: frame = self.display_draw.drawLastText(frame) cv2.imshow("gandalf", frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() return 2 continue # TODO: face liveness detection else: # face too small face_rec_delay_amount = time.time() - face_rec_delay if face_rec_delay_amount > self.recognition_delay: frame = self.display_draw.drawMCText(frame) else: frame = self.display_draw.drawLastText(frame) cv2.imshow("gandalf", frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() return 2 continue # face recognition phase face_rec_delay_amount = time.time() - face_rec_delay if face_rec_delay_amount >= self.recognition_delay: main_face = frame[mfb[1]:mfb[3], mfb[0]:mfb[2], :] # TODO face alignment face_feature = self.face_embed.inference(main_face) best_match = bruteforce(face_feature, self.face_database, self.fm_threshold) # TODO face record if best_match is None: new_log = { 'result': 'failed', 'time':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') } self.updateLog(new_log, main_face) self.display_draw.drawFailedText(frame) self.recognition_delay = self.recog_fai_delay else: self.callDoorControllerSocket() new_log = { 'result': 'success', 'face_id': best_match['_id'], 'time':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') } self.updateLog(new_log, main_face) self.display_draw.drawSuccessText( frame, str(best_match['name'])) self.recognition_delay = self.recog_suc_delay face_rec_delay = time.time() cv2.rectangle(frame, (mfb[0], mfb[1]), (mfb[2], mfb[3]), (255, 0, 0), 2) else: no_face_frame += 1 face_rec_delay_amount = time.time() - face_rec_delay if face_rec_delay_amount > self.recognition_delay: frame = self.display_draw.drawDefaultText(frame) else: frame = self.display_draw.drawLastText(frame) cv2.imshow("gandalf", frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() return 2 elif cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('t'): self.test_face = True elif cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('y'): self.test_face = False def loadFaceData(self): """ return cursor and collection """ url = self.config["MONGO"]['Url'] port = int(self.config["MONGO"]['Port']) db_name = self.config["MONGO"]['Database'] col_name = self.config["MONGO"]['FaceCollection'] client = MongoClient(url, port) db = client[db_name] collection = db[col_name] # get the whole collection people = list(collection.find()) return people, collection def loadLogData(self): """ return collection """ url = self.config["MONGO"]['Url'] port = int(self.config["MONGO"]['Port']) db_name = self.config["MONGO"]['Database'] col_name = self.config["MONGO"]['LogCollection'] client = MongoClient(url, port) db = client[db_name] collection = db[col_name] # get the whole collection logs = list(collection.find()) return logs, collection def updateLog(self, new_log, face_img): p_id = self.log_collection.insert_one(new_log).inserted_id self.log_collection.update_one({'_id': p_id}, {"$set": new_log}, upsert=False) new_img_name = "{}_{}.jpg".format(new_log['time'], new_log['result']) # remove special chars new_img_name = new_img_name.replace("-", "_") new_img_name = new_img_name.replace(":", "_") new_img_name = new_img_name.replace(" ", "_") new_img_path = os.path.join(self.log_img_dir, new_img_name) # print(new_img_path) cv2.imwrite(new_img_path, face_img) return p_id def callDoorControllerPost(self, signal): body = { 'signal': signal, 'time':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), } header = { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain" } body_json = json.dumps(body) r =, data=body_json, headers=header) print(r.json()) def callDoorControllerSocket(self): # check connection try: ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error = \[self.door_socket,], [self.door_socket,], [], 5) except select.error: print(select.error) # shutdown connection self.door_socket.shutdown( 2) # 0 = done receiving, 1 = done sending, 2 = both self.door_socket.close() self.door_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # try to reconnect self.door_socket.connect((self.door_host, self.door_port)) for i in range(self.max_signal_send): print("sending to door controller") self.door_socket.sendall(self.open_door_signal)
class FaceUpdate(object): def __init__(self, parent=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") self.config = config self.face_db, self.face_col = self.loadFaceData() self.log_db, self.log_col = self.loadLogData() self.face_img_dir = config["IMAGE_DIR"]['Employee'] self.log_img_dir = config["IMAGE_DIR"]['Log'] self.face_lap_min_score = float(config["MOBILE_FACE_DET"]['Laplacian_min_score_update']) self.fm_threshold = float(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Face_update_threshold_max']) self.fm_identical_threshold = float(config["FACE_MATCH"]['Face_update_threshold_min']) self.max_img_per_acc = int(config["MONGO"]['Max_img_per_acc']) device = "MYRIAD" plugin = IEPlugin(device, plugin_dirs=None) self.face_embed = FaceEmbedding(plugin) def loadFaceData(self): """ return cursor and collection """ url = self.config["MONGO"]['Url'] port = int(self.config["MONGO"]['Port']) db_name = self.config["MONGO"]['Database'] col_name = self.config["MONGO"]['FaceCollection'] client = MongoClient(url, port) db = client[db_name] collection = db[col_name] # get the whole collection people = list(collection.find()) return people, collection def loadLogData(self): """ return collection """ url = self.config["MONGO"]['Url'] port = int(self.config["MONGO"]['Port']) db_name = self.config["MONGO"]['Database'] col_name = self.config["MONGO"]['LogCollection'] client = MongoClient(url, port) db = client[db_name] collection = db[col_name] # get the whole collection logs = list(collection.find()) return logs, collection def dailyUpdate(self, prev_days=1): """ update all faces in defined previous days """ epoch = - timedelta(days=prev_days) epoch_str = epoch.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # success_logs = [log for log in self.log_db if log['result'] == 'success'] success_logs = [ log for log in self.log_db if (log['result'] == 'success') and (log['time'] > epoch_str) ] for log in success_logs: # load face based on log log_id = str(log['face_id']) face_acc = self.face_col.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(log_id)}) # get associated log image log_img_name = "{}_{}.jpg".format(log['time'], log['result']) # remove special chars log_img_name = log_img_name.replace("-", "_") log_img_name = log_img_name.replace(":", "_") log_img_name = log_img_name.replace(" ", "_") log_img_path = os.path.join(self.log_img_dir, log_img_name) log_img = cv2.imread(log_img_path) # calculate blurness blur_face = cv2.resize(log_img, (112, 112)) blur_face_var = cv2.Laplacian(blur_face, cv2.CV_64F).var() if blur_face_var < self.face_lap_min_score: print(log_img_path, " : face too blurry") continue # calculate arcface score log_face_feat = self.face_embed.inference(log_img) # get smallest cosine distance min_dst = 100 best_feat = None for feat in face_acc['feats']: feat_np = np.asarray(feat) cos_dst = cosineDistance(log_face_feat, feat_np) if (cos_dst < self.fm_threshold) and (cos_dst < min_dst): min_dst = cos_dst best_feat = feat_np if min_dst > self.fm_threshold: print(log_img_path, " : face too different", min_dst) continue elif min_dst < self.fm_identical_threshold: print(log_img_path, " : face too similar", min_dst) continue print(log_img_path, " : added!") # update database, if number of imgs per acc exceed max allowance, # delete first recorded feat, keep image face_acc['feats'].append(best_feat.tolist()) if len(face_acc['feats']) > self.max_img_per_acc: old_feat = face_acc['feats'].pop(0) self.face_col.update_one({'_id': face_acc['_id']}, {"$set": face_acc}, upsert=False) # save new image face_acc_img_dir = os.path.join(self.face_img_dir, str(face_acc['_id'])) new_log_img_path = os.path.join(face_acc_img_dir, log_img_name) cv2.imwrite(new_log_img_path, log_img)