예제 #1
    def __init__(self,
                 conf_train: Config,
                 model: nn.Module,
                 checkpoint: Optional[CheckPoint] = None) -> None:
        # region config vars
        self.conf_train = conf_train
        conf_lossfn = conf_train['lossfn']
        self._aux_weight = conf_train['aux_weight']
        self._grad_clip = conf_train['grad_clip']
        self._drop_path_prob = conf_train['drop_path_prob']
        self._logger_freq = conf_train['logger_freq']
        self._title = conf_train['title']
        self._epochs = conf_train['epochs']
        self.conf_optim = conf_train['optimizer']
        self.conf_sched = conf_train['lr_schedule']
        self.batch_chunks = conf_train['batch_chunks']
        conf_validation = conf_train['validation']
        conf_apex = conf_train['apex']
        self._validation_freq = 0 if conf_validation is None else conf_validation[
        # endregion

        logger.pushd(self._title + '__init__')

        self._apex = ApexUtils(conf_apex, logger)

        self._checkpoint = checkpoint
        self.model = model

        self._lossfn = ml_utils.get_lossfn(conf_lossfn)
        # using separate apex for Tester is not possible because we must use
        # same distributed model as Trainer and hence they must share apex
        self._tester = Tester(conf_validation, model, self._apex) \
                        if conf_validation else None
        self._metrics: Optional[Metrics] = None

        self._droppath_module = self._get_droppath_module()
        if self._droppath_module is None and self._drop_path_prob > 0.0:
            logger.warn({'droppath_module': None})

        self._start_epoch = -1  # nothing is started yet

예제 #2
class Trainer(EnforceOverrides):
    def __init__(self, conf_train: Config, model: nn.Module,
                 checkpoint: Optional[CheckPoint]) -> None:
        # region config vars
        self.conf_train = conf_train
        conf_lossfn = conf_train['lossfn']
        self._aux_weight = conf_train['aux_weight']
        self._grad_clip = conf_train['grad_clip']
        self._drop_path_prob = conf_train['drop_path_prob']
        self._logger_freq = conf_train['logger_freq']
        self._title = conf_train['title']
        self._epochs = conf_train['epochs']
        self.conf_optim = conf_train['optimizer']
        self.conf_sched = conf_train['lr_schedule']
        self.batch_chunks = conf_train['batch_chunks']
        conf_validation = conf_train['validation']
        conf_apex = conf_train['apex']
        self._validation_freq = 0 if conf_validation is None else conf_validation[
        # endregion

        self._apex = ApexUtils(conf_apex, logger)

        self._checkpoint = checkpoint
        self.model = model

        self._lossfn = ml_utils.get_lossfn(conf_lossfn)
        # using separate apex for Tester is not possible because we must use
        # same distributed model as Trainer and hence they must share apex
        self._tester = Tester(conf_validation, model, self._apex) \
                        if conf_validation else None
        self._metrics: Optional[Metrics] = None

        self._droppath_module = self._get_droppath_module()
        if self._droppath_module is None and self._drop_path_prob > 0.0:
            logger.warn({'droppath_module': None})

        self._start_epoch = -1  # nothing is started yet

    def fit(self, train_dl: DataLoader,
            val_dl: Optional[DataLoader]) -> Metrics:

        self._metrics = Metrics(self._title,

        # create optimizers and schedulers
        self._multi_optim = self.create_multi_optim(len(train_dl))
        # before checkpoint restore, convert to amp
        self.model = self._apex.to_amp(self.model,

        self._lossfn = self._lossfn.to(self.get_device())

        self.pre_fit(train_dl, val_dl)

        # we need to restore checkpoint after all objects are created because
        # restoring checkpoint requires load_state_dict calls on these objects
        self._start_epoch = 0
        # do we have a checkpoint
        checkpoint_avail = self._checkpoint is not None
        checkpoint_val = checkpoint_avail and 'trainer' in self._checkpoint
        resumed = False
        if checkpoint_val:
            # restore checkpoint
            resumed = True
        elif checkpoint_avail:  # TODO: bad checkpoint?
            'resumed': resumed,
            'checkpoint_avail': checkpoint_avail,
            'checkpoint_val': checkpoint_val,
            'start_epoch': self._start_epoch,
            'total_epochs': self._epochs
            'aux_weight': self._aux_weight,
            'grad_clip': self._grad_clip,
            'drop_path_prob': self._drop_path_prob,
            'validation_freq': self._validation_freq,
            'batch_chunks': self.batch_chunks

        if self._start_epoch >= self._epochs:
                f'fit done because start_epoch {self._start_epoch}>={self._epochs}'
            return self.get_metrics(
            )  # we already finished the run, we might be checkpointed

        for epoch in range(self._start_epoch, self._epochs):
            self._set_epoch(epoch, train_dl, val_dl)
            self.pre_epoch(train_dl, val_dl)
            self.post_epoch(train_dl, val_dl)
        self.post_fit(train_dl, val_dl)

        # make sure we don't keep references to the graph
        del self._multi_optim

        return self.get_metrics()

    def create_multi_optim(self, train_len: int) -> MultiOptim:
            'steps_per_epoch': train_len,
            'conf_sched': self.conf_sched.to_dict()
        logger.info({'conf_optim': self.conf_optim.to_dict()})

        # optimizers, schedulers needs to be recreated for each fit call
        # as they have state specific to each run
        optim = self.create_optimizer(self.conf_optim, self.model.parameters())
        # create scheduler for optim before applying amp
        sched, sched_on_epoch = self.create_scheduler(self.conf_sched, optim,

        multi_optim = MultiOptim()
        multi_optim.append(OptimSched(optim, sched, sched_on_epoch))

        logger.info({'multi_optim_len': len(multi_optim)})

        return multi_optim

    def create_optimizer(self, conf_optim: Config, params) -> Optimizer:
        optim = ml_utils.create_optimizer(conf_optim, params)
        return optim

    def create_scheduler(self, conf_sched:Config, optim:Optimizer, steps_per_epoch:int) \
        return ml_utils.create_lr_scheduler(conf_sched, self._epochs, optim,

    def get_optimizer(self, index=0) -> Optimizer:
        return self._multi_optim[index].optim

    def get_scheduler(self, index=0) -> Optional[_LRScheduler]:
        return self._multi_optim[index].sched

    def get_metrics(self) -> Metrics:
        return self._metrics

    def _set_epoch(self, epoch: int, train_dl: DataLoader,
                   val_dl: Optional[DataLoader]) -> None:
        # optimizers such as bi-level may use val set for its own use
        # which causes reshuffling due to automatic epoch counting
        # here we make sure that val_dl has same epoch as train_dl
        if hasattr(train_dl.sampler, 'set_epoch'):
        if val_dl is not None and hasattr(val_dl.sampler, 'set_epoch'):

        # apply droppath
        self._set_drop_path(epoch, self._epochs)

        assert self._metrics.epochs() == epoch

    #########################  hooks #########################
    def pre_fit(self, train_dl: DataLoader,
                val_dl: Optional[DataLoader]) -> None:

    def post_fit(self, train_dl: DataLoader,
                 val_dl: Optional[DataLoader]) -> None:

    def pre_epoch(self, train_dl: DataLoader,
                  val_dl: Optional[DataLoader]) -> None:
        self._metrics.pre_epoch(lr=self._multi_optim.get_lr(0, 0))

    def post_epoch(self, train_dl: DataLoader,
                   val_dl: Optional[DataLoader]) -> None:
        val_metrics = None
        # first run test before checkpointing, otherwise we won't have val metrics
        if val_dl and self._tester and self._validation_freq > 0:
            if self._metrics.epochs() % self._validation_freq == 0 or \
                    self._metrics.epochs() >= self._epochs:

                # these asserts makes sure train and val are not ovrlapiing
                # assert train_dl.sampler.epoch == val_dl.sampler.epoch
                # tidx = list(train_dl.sampler)
                # vidx = list(val_dl.sampler)
                # assert all(ti not in vidx for ti in tidx)

                val_metrics = self._tester.test(val_dl)

        # update val metrics
                                 lr=self._multi_optim.get_lr(0, 0))

        # checkpoint if enabled with given freq or if this is the last epoch
        if self._checkpoint is not None and self._apex.is_master() and \
            self._checkpoint.freq > 0 and (self._metrics.epochs() % self._checkpoint.freq == 0 or \
                    self._metrics.epochs() >= self._epochs):

    def pre_step(self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor) -> None:
        self._metrics.pre_step(x, y)

    def post_step(self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, logits: Tensor, loss: Tensor,
                  steps: int) -> None:
        self._metrics.post_step(x, y, logits, loss, steps)

    #########################  hooks #########################

    def get_device(self):
        return self._apex.device

    def restore_checkpoint(self) -> None:
        state = self._checkpoint['trainer']
        last_epoch = state['last_epoch']
        assert last_epoch >= 0 and last_epoch < self._epochs

        assert self._metrics.epochs() == last_epoch + 1

        self._start_epoch = last_epoch + 1

    def epoch(self) -> int:
        return self._metrics.epochs()

    def update_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: CheckPoint) -> None:
        # TODO: Don't need to pass checkpoint
        # save all necessory state
        state = {
            'last_epoch': self._metrics.epochs() - 1,
            'metrics': self._metrics.state_dict(),
            'model': self.model.state_dict(),
            'multi_optim': self._multi_optim.state_dict(),
            'amp': self._apex.state_dict()
        self._checkpoint['trainer'] = state

    def _train_epoch(self, train_dl: DataLoader) -> None:
        steps = len(train_dl)

        for step, (x, y) in enumerate(train_dl):
            assert self.model.training  # derived class might alter the mode

            # TODO: please check that no algorithm is invalidated by swapping prestep with zero grad

            self.pre_step(x, y)

            # divide batch in to chunks if needed so it fits in GPU RAM
            if self.batch_chunks > 1:
                x_chunks, y_chunks = torch.chunk(
                    x, self.batch_chunks), torch.chunk(y, self.batch_chunks)
                x_chunks, y_chunks = (x, ), (y, )

            logits_chunks = []
            loss_sum, loss_count = 0.0, 0
            for xc, yc in zip(x_chunks, y_chunks):
                xc, yc = xc.to(self.get_device(),
                               non_blocking=True), yc.to(self.get_device(),

                logits_c, aux_logits = self.model(xc), None
                tupled_out = isinstance(logits_c, Tuple) and len(logits_c) >= 2
                # if self._aux_weight: # TODO: some other way to validate?
                #     assert tupled_out, "aux_logits cannot be None unless aux tower is disabled"
                if tupled_out:  # then we are using model created by desc
                    logits_c, aux_logits = logits_c[0], logits_c[1]
                loss_c = self.compute_loss(self._lossfn, yc, logits_c,
                                           self._aux_weight, aux_logits)

                self._apex.backward(loss_c, self._multi_optim)

                loss_sum += loss_c.item() * len(logits_c)
                loss_count += len(logits_c)

            # TODO: original darts clips alphas as well but pt.darts doesn't
            self._apex.clip_grad(self._grad_clip, self.model,


            # TODO: we possibly need to sync so all replicas are upto date

            self.post_step(x, y, ml_utils.join_chunks(logits_chunks),
                           torch.tensor(loss_sum / loss_count), steps)

            # end of step


    def compute_loss(self, lossfn: Callable, y: Tensor, logits: Tensor,
                     aux_weight: float,
                     aux_logits: Optional[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
        loss = lossfn(logits, y)
        if aux_weight > 0.0 and aux_logits is not None:
            loss += aux_weight * lossfn(aux_logits, y)
        return loss

    def _get_droppath_module(self) -> Optional[nn.Module]:
        m = self.model
        if hasattr(self.model, 'module'):  # for data parallel model
            m = self.model.module
        if hasattr(m, 'drop_path_prob'):
            return m
        return None

    def _set_drop_path(self, epoch: int, epochs: int) -> None:
        if self._drop_path_prob and self._droppath_module is not None:
            drop_prob = self._drop_path_prob * epoch / epochs
            # set value as property in model (it will be used by forward())
            # this is necessory when using DataParallel(model)
            # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/16885
            m = self.model
            if hasattr(self.model, 'module'):  # for data parallel model
                m = self.model.module
            if hasattr(m, 'drop_path_prob'):
                raise RuntimeError('Drop path value {} was specified but model'
                                   ' does not have drop_path_prob() method'\