예제 #1
    def __init__(self, jid, password, configuration, name, auto_register=True, auto_reconnect=True):
        The constructor of the class.
        @type jid: string
        @param jid: the jid of the client.
        @type password: string
        @param password: the password of the JID account.
        @type configuration: Config object
        @param configuration: the configuration object
        @type name: string
        @param name: the name of the entity
        @type auto_register: Boolean
        @param auto_register: if rTue, entity will try to create a XMPP account if needed
        @type auto_reconnect: Boolean
        @param auto_reconnect: if True, entity will try to reconnect if disconnected
        self.name                   = name
        self.xmppstatus             = None
        self.xmppstatusshow         = None
        self.xmppclient             = None
        self.vCard                  = None
        self.password               = password
        self.jid                    = jid
        self.resource               = self.jid.getResource()
        self.roster                 = None
        self.roster_retreived       = False
        self.configuration          = configuration
        self.auto_register          = auto_register
        self.auto_reconnect         = auto_reconnect
        self.messages_registrar     = []
        self.isAuth                 = False
        self.loop_status            = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_OFF
        self.pubsubserver           = self.configuration.get("GLOBAL", "xmpp_pubsub_server")
        self.log                    = TNArchipelLogger(self)
        self.pubSubNodeEvent        = None
        self.pubSubNodeLog          = None
        self.entity_type            = "not-defined"
        self.permission_center      = None
        self.plugins                = [];

        if isinstance(self, TNHookableEntity):
            TNHookableEntity.__init__(self, self.log)
        if isinstance(self, TNAvatarControllableEntity):
            TNAvatarControllableEntity.__init__(self, configuration, self.permission_center, self.xmppclient, self.log)
        if isinstance(self, TNTaggableEntity):
            TNTaggableEntity.__init__(self, self.pubsubserver, self.jid, self.xmppclient, self.permission_center, self.log)
        if isinstance(self, TNRosterQueryableEntity):
            TNRosterQueryableEntity.__init__(self, configuration, self.permission_center, self.xmppclient, self.log)

        if self.name == "auto":
            self.name = self.resource

        if isinstance(self, TNHookableEntity):

            ## recover/create pubsub after connection
            self.register_hook("HOOK_ARCHIPELENTITY_XMPP_AUTHENTICATED", self.recover_pubsubs)

        self.log.info("jid defined as %s" % (str(self.jid)))

        ip_conf = self.configuration.get("GLOBAL", "machine_ip")
        if ip_conf == "auto":
            self.ipaddr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
            self.ipaddr = ip_conf
예제 #2
 def init_vocabulary(self):
     initialize the vocabulary
     if isinstance(self, TNRosterQueryableEntity):