def subset (feature, raster, workspace, buffer_scale = 2): """Subset a raster based on an input features boundaries plus a buffer which should be greater then the size of the pixels in the given raster. This is to ensure there are no gaps between where the raster ends and the input feature begins. Any excess raster will be clipped later after it is converted to a feature class.""" subset = workspace + '\\' + 'raster_subset_' + str(feature.GLIMSID) + '.img' try: # Buffer the input features geometry cellsize = float(get_properties(raster, 'CELLSIZEX')) * buffer_scale mask = ARCPY.Buffer_analysis(feature.shape, ARCPY.Geometry(), cellsize) # Extract by mask using the buffered feature geometry extract = spatial.ExtractByMask (raster, mask[0]) # Save extracted mask as subset return subset, False # Return path to subset location in the workspace except: return subset, True
def clip_raster(self, in_raster, boundary_raster, out_raster): """ Clip raster Parameters ---------- in_raster : str name of input raster to clip boundary_raster : str name of raster to use as clipping boundary out_raster : str name of clipped raster """ print('Clipping raster ' + in_raster) try: scratch = sa.ExtractByMask(in_raster, boundary_raster) except: raise Exception(arcpy.GetMessages())
def subset (feature, raster, scratch, name = None, buffer_scale = 2): """Subset a raster based on an input features boundaries plus a buffer which should be greater then the size of the pixels in the given raster. This is to ensure there are no gaps between where the raster ends and the input feature begins. Any excess raster will be clipped later after it is converted to a feature class.""" # Build Export Name. This option is largely included in case there is unexpected # naming conflicts with other functions if name == '' or name == None: subset = os.path.join(scratch,'Subset.img') else: subset = os.path.join(scratch, name) # Buffer the input features geometry cellsize = float(get_properties(raster, 'CELLSIZEX')) * buffer_scale mask = arcpy.Buffer_analysis(feature, arcpy.Geometry(), cellsize) # Extract by mask using the buffered feature geometry extract = spatial.ExtractByMask (raster, mask[0]) # Save extracted mask as subset arcpy.Delete_management(mask) del cellsize return subset
arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.Describe(elevInput).SpatialReference msg("Setting spatial reference to %s" % elevInput) #Create a maskRaster from the maskPoly msg("Creating mask raster") fld = arcpy.ListFields(maskPoly)[0].name arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(maskPoly, fld, maskRaster, cellSize) #Set the mask to the mask raster arcpy.env.mask = maskRaster #Extract datasets by mask if nlcdOutput <> "#": msg("Extracting NLCD to %s" % nlcdOutput) rasterLyr = arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(nlcdInput) outputRaster = sa.ExtractByMask(rasterLyr, maskRaster) if elevOutput <> "#": msg("Extracting elevation to %s" % elevOutput) rasterLyr = arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(elevInput) outputRaster = sa.ExtractByMask(rasterLyr, maskRaster) if fdirOutput <> "#": msg("Extracting flow direction to %s" % fdirOutput) rasterLyr = arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(fdirInput) outputRaster = sa.ExtractByMask(rasterLyr, maskRaster) if faccOutput <> "#": msg("Extracting flow accumulation to %s" % faccOutput) rasterLyr = arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(faccInput) outputRaster = sa.ExtractByMask(rasterLyr, maskRaster)
weight = float(vehicleRow[3]) maxkph = float(vehicleRow[4]) onslope = float(vehicleRow[5]) offslope = float(vehicleRow[6]) vehicleTable[name] = [classname,name,weight,maxkph,onslope,offslope] del vehicleRows if debug == True: arcpy.AddMessage("vehicleTable: " + str(vehicleTable)) vehicleParams = vehicleTable[inputVehicleType] if debug == True: arcpy.AddMessage("vehicleParams: " + str(vehicleParams)) # Clip slope service layers arcpy.AddMessage("Clipping slope...") slopeClip = os.path.join(scratch,"slopeClip") #arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(inputSlope,"SlopeLayer") #arcpy.CopyRaster_management("SlopeLayer",slopeClip) outSlope = sa.ExtractByMask(inputSlope,inputAOI) deleteme.append(slopeClip) # Set all Slope values greater than the vehicle's off road max to that value arcpy.AddMessage("Reclassifying Slope ...") reclassSlope = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(scratch),"reclassSlope.tif") if debug == True: arcpy.AddMessage("reclassSlope: " + str(reclassSlope)) #float(vehicleParams[5]) if debug == True: arcpy.AddMessage(str(time.strftime("Con: %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))) outCon = sa.Con(sa.Raster(slopeClip) > float(vehicleParams[5]),float(vehicleParams[5]),sa.Raster(slopeClip)) # FAILS HERE: # ERROR 010240: Could not save raster dataset to C:\Workspace\MAoT for A4W\A4W\test.gdb\reclassSlope with output format FGDBR. # # 010240 : Could not save raster dataset to <value> with output format <value>.
def get_centerline (feature, dem, workspace, power = 5, eu_cell_size = 10): """Returns a center line feature of the given polygon feature based on cost over an euclidean distance raster and cost path. points are seeded using minimum and maximum elevation.""" centerline = workspace + '\\centerline.shp' center_length = 0 center_slope = 0 smoothing = 4 trim_distance = "100 Meters" try: # Setup extents / environments for the current feature ARCPY.env.extent = feature.shape.extent desc = ARCPY.Describe(feature) XMin_new = desc.extent.XMin - 200 YMin_new = desc.extent.YMin - 200 XMax_new = desc.extent.XMax + 200 YMax_new = desc.extent.YMax + 200 ARCPY.env.extent = ARCPY.Extent(XMin_new, YMin_new, XMax_new, YMax_new) ARCPY.env.overwriteOutput = True ARCPY.env.cellSize = eu_cell_size ARCPY.env.snapRaster = dem # Get minimum and maximum points resample = ARCPY.Resample_management (dem, 'in_memory\\sample', eu_cell_size) masked_dem = spatial.ExtractByMask (resample, feature.shape) # Find the maximum elevation value in the feature, convert them to # points and then remove all but one. maximum = get_properties (masked_dem, 'MAXIMUM') maximum_raster = spatial.SetNull(masked_dem, masked_dem, 'VALUE <> ' + maximum) maximum_point = ARCPY.RasterToPoint_conversion(maximum_raster, 'in_memory\\max_point') rows = ARCPY.UpdateCursor (maximum_point) for row in rows: if row.pointid <> 1: rows.deleteRow(row) del row, rows # Find the minimum elevation value in the feature, convert them to # points and then remove all but one. minimum = get_properties (masked_dem, 'MINIMUM') minimum_raster = spatial.SetNull(masked_dem, masked_dem, 'VALUE <> ' + minimum) minimum_point = ARCPY.RasterToPoint_conversion(minimum_raster, 'in_memory\\min_point') rows = ARCPY.UpdateCursor (minimum_point) for row in rows: if row.pointid <> 1: rows.deleteRow(row) del row, rows # Calculate euclidean Distance to boundary line for input DEM cells. polyline = ARCPY.PolygonToLine_management(feature.shape, 'in_memory\\polyline') eucdist =spatial.EucDistance(polyline, "", eu_cell_size, '') masked_eucdist = spatial.ExtractByMask (eucdist, feature.shape) # Calculate the cost raster by inverting the euclidean distance results, # and raising it to the power of x to exaggerate the least expensive route. cost_raster = (-1 * masked_eucdist + float(maximum))**power # Run the cost distance and cost path function to find the path of least # resistance between the minimum and maximum values. The results are set # so all values equal 1 (different path segments have different values) # and convert the raster line to a poly-line. backlink = 'in_memory\\backlink' cost_distance = spatial.CostDistance(minimum_point, cost_raster, '', backlink) cost_path = spatial.CostPath(maximum_point, cost_distance, backlink, 'EACH_CELL', '') cost_path_ones = spatial.Con(cost_path, 1, '', 'VALUE > ' + str(-1)) # Set all resulting pixels to 1 r_to_p = ARCPY.RasterToPolyline_conversion (cost_path_ones, 'in_memory\\raster_to_polygon') del ARCPY.env.extent # Delete current extents (need here but do not know why) # Removes small line segments from the centerline shape. These segments are # a byproduct of cost analysis. lines = str(ARCPY.GetCount_management(r_to_p)) #check whether we have more than one line segment if float(lines) > 1: # If there is more then one line rows = ARCPY.UpdateCursor(r_to_p) for row in rows: if row.shape.length == eu_cell_size: # delete all the short 10 m lines rows.deleteRow(row) del row, rows lines = str(ARCPY.GetCount_management(r_to_p)) if float(lines) > 1: ARCPY.Snap_edit(r_to_p, [[r_to_p, "END", "50 Meters"]]) # make sure that the ends of the lines are connected r_to_p = ARCPY.Dissolve_management(r_to_p, 'in_memory\\raster_to_polygon_dissolve') # Smooth the resulting line. Currently smoothing is determined by minimum # and maximum distance. The greater change the greater the smoothing. smooth_tolerance = (float(maximum) - float(minimum)) / smoothing ARCPY.SmoothLine_cartography(r_to_p, centerline, 'PAEK', smooth_tolerance, 'FIXED_CLOSED_ENDPOINT', 'NO_CHECK') field_names = [] # List of field names in the file that will be deleted. fields_list = ARCPY.ListFields(centerline) for field in fields_list: # Loop through the field names if not field.required: # If they are not required append them to the list of field names. field_names.append( # Add new fields to the center line feature ARCPY.AddField_management(centerline, 'GLIMSID', 'TEXT', '', '', '25') ARCPY.AddField_management(centerline, 'LENGTH', 'FLOAT') ARCPY.AddField_management(centerline, 'SLOPE', 'FLOAT') ARCPY.DeleteField_management(centerline, field_names) # Remove the old fields. # Calculate the length of the line segment and populate segment data. ARCPY.CalculateField_management(centerline, 'LENGTH', 'float(!shape.length@meters!)', 'PYTHON') rows = ARCPY.UpdateCursor (centerline) for row in rows: row.GLIMSID = feature.GLIMSID # Get GLIMS ID and add it to segment center_length = row.LENGTH # Get the length of the center line # Calculate slope of the line based on change in elevation over length of line center_slope = round(math.degrees(math.atan((float(maximum) - float(minimum)) / row.LENGTH)), 2) row.SLOPE = center_slope # Write slope to Segment rows.updateRow(row) # Update the new entry del row, rows #Delete cursors and remove locks # Flip Line if needed - Turn min point and end point into a line segment if # the length of this line is greater then the threshold set, flip the line. end_point = ARCPY.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(centerline, 'in_memory\\end_point', 'END') merged_points = ARCPY.Merge_management ([end_point, minimum_point], 'in_memory\\merged_points') merged_line = ARCPY.PointsToLine_management (merged_points, 'in_memory\\merged_line') merged_line_length = 0 # Get the line Length rows = ARCPY.SearchCursor (merged_line) for row in rows: merged_line_length += row.shape.length del row, rows # if the line length is greater then a quarter the entire feature length, flip if merged_line_length > (center_length/4): ARCPY.FlipLine_edit(centerline) # This function attempts to extend the line and clip it back to the # feature extents in order to create a line that runs from edge to edge #trimmed_line = ARCPY.Merge_management([polyline, centerline], 'in_memory\\line_merge') trimmed_line = ARCPY.Append_management (polyline, centerline, 'NO_TEST') ARCPY.TrimLine_edit (trimmed_line, trim_distance, "DELETE_SHORT") ARCPY.ExtendLine_edit(trimmed_line, trim_distance, "EXTENSION") rows = ARCPY.UpdateCursor (trimmed_line) for row in rows: if row.LENGTH == 0.0: rows.deleteRow(row) del row, rows # Recalculate length. Must be after 0.0 lengths are deleted or they will # not be removed above. ARCPY.CalculateField_management(centerline, 'LENGTH', 'float(!shape.length@meters!)', 'PYTHON') ARCPY.env.overwriteOutput = False return centerline, center_length, center_slope, False except: ARCPY.env.overwriteOutput = False return centerline, '', '', True
os.makedirs(OUT_PATH) for site in idList: #selStmt = "OBJECTID = " + str(tup[0]) #first value of tuple is objectid selStmt = "site_ID = '" + site + "'" arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lyr, "NEW_SELECTION", selStmt) #siteID = tup[1] #second value of tuple is siteid. Needs to be unique. outname = OUT_PATH + "\\" + site + ".tif" extent = lyr.getSelectedExtent() XMIN = str(extent.XMin) YMIN = str(extent.YMin) XMAX = str(extent.XMax) YMAX = str(extent.YMax) ENV.extent = XMIN + " " + YMIN + " " + XMAX + " " + YMAX print "clipping " + site outExtractByMask = SA.ExtractByMask(IN_RAS, lyr) # if the result is all no data (e.g. no dem under the poly), don't save # careful: this keeps partial disks if arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(outExtractByMask, "ALLNODATA").getOutput(0) == '0': print " ... saving " + site else: print " ... " + site + " dem is all null" arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lyr, "CLEAR_SELECTION") del lyr, selStmt #%% # reduce vertical resolution of DEM to remove micro-topography # TRIAL!!
# Set processing extent environments arcpy.env.snapRaster = newRast outMask = "N:/MSP/Projects/Rockweed/Zones/ClippingMask.gdb/MARClippingMask" # # # using the clipping Mask remove all values that fall under the mask print("Erasing all vegs patches in open ocean using mask") outCon =, newRast, 0) #trying to add sa to the Con Command outName = "NDVI_Final" ## using the extent of the Maritimes Bioregion, clip the final mosaic raster mask = "N:/MSP/Data/Boundaries/MaritimesRegionBound/MaritimesRegionPolygon_UpdatedSept2015.shp" outExtractByMask = sa.ExtractByMask(outName, mask) outFinal = "NDVI_FinalClip" print(str(time.ctime(int(time.time())))) # set all values >= 0.4 to 1, everything else to NULL outCon2 = < 0.4, 1) Poly1 = "NDVI_Poly" # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # Convert the raster to a polygon layer print("Converted raster to polygon layer") arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(outCon2, Poly1, "NO_SIMPLIFY", "VALUE") delFlds = "gridcode" arcpy.DeleteField_management(Poly1, delFlds)