def get_type(coordinates_conv_dict, start_end_ids_dict, other, base, link_id): _a_ = start_end_ids_dict[link_id][0] _b_ = start_end_ids_dict[link_id][1] _len_ = start_end_ids_dict[link_id][2] print "{0}:{1}->{2}".format(link_id, _a_, _b_) # if any of these nodes are not in the list, just ouput if _a_ not in coordinates_conv_dict or _b_ not in coordinates_conv_dict: #route_not_found_or_not_identified_dict[link_id] = _len_ return _len_, np.nan, 1 # one or more of the nodes not in base network if _len_ < 2 * buffer_dist / 5280: # if the links are comparable in size to the buffer distance #miniature_links_dict[link_id] = _len_ return _len_, np.nan, 4 # length of the link is too small compared to buffer # prepare ND # use the key to buffer/clip/create ND #network_dataset_ND = "in_memory/ND1" other_f = "other_f" arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(other, other_f) no_tolerance_buffer_dist = "1000 feet" where_clause = """ "_ID_" = %d""" % link_id arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(other_f, "NEW_SELECTION", where_clause) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(other_f, buffer_shp, no_tolerance_buffer_dist) arcpy.Clip_analysis(base, buffer_shp, network_dataset)"in_memory_n1", network_dataset_ND, "", "NO_ELEVATION" ) arcpy.BuildNetwork_na(network_dataset_ND) (a_list, b_list) = (coordinates_conv_dict[_a_], coordinates_conv_dict[_b_]) minimum_distance = get_route_distance(a_list, b_list, network_dataset_ND) if minimum_distance == 99999: # any route not found in the buffer layer minimum_distance = get_route_distance(a_list, b_list, all_dataset_ND) if minimum_distance == 99999: #route_not_found_or_not_identified_dict[link_id] = _len_ return _len_, np.nan, 1 # nodes mapped but route not found in base network else: #route_found_within_network_dict[link_id] = [minimum_distance, _len_] return _len_, minimum_distance, 2 # route not found within buffer else: #route_found_within_buffer_dict[link_id] = [minimum_distance, _len_] return _len_, minimum_distance, 3 # routes found within buffer
SnappedNodes = 'M:/RAIL/OngoingWork/newconnections/railway_ln/allnodes_Snapped_rail2' newoldnodesconversion = 'M:/RAIL/OngoingWork/new_old_node_conversion.csv' o = "C:\\GIS\\o.shp" #temporary files d = "C:\\GIS\\d.shp" m = "C:\\GIS\\m.shp" temp = "C:\\GIS\\teemp.shp" temp1 = "C:\\GIS\\teemp1.shp" temp2 = "C:\\GIS\\teemp2.shp" B1_ND = "M:/RAIL/OngoingWork/newconnections/railway_ln/Rail2_ND.nd" feature = "M:/RAIL/OngoingWork/newconnections/intermediate/feature_unlocked.shp" #i guess this is just a temporary layer/ no worries arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Network") arcpy.BuildNetwork_na(B1_ND) #because the Rail2_ND file may have been changed print("Network Rebuilt") arcpy.MakeRouteLayer_na(B1_ND, "Route", "Length") allnodes = Dbf5(all_nodes + '.dbf').to_dataframe() Links_Final2 = Dbf5(linksfinal + '.dbf').to_dataframe() #creates a dictionary of two columns def get_dictionary(columnA, columnB, dataframe_name): dict = {} for i in range(len(Links_Final2)): dict[dataframe_name[columnA][i]] = [] dict[dataframe_name[columnB][i]] = [] for i in range(len(dataframe_name)): dict[dataframe_name[columnA][i]].append(dataframe_name[columnB][i])
(currentSpeed)) # Change Expo speed, recalculate fields arcpy.CalculateField_management("ExpoLine_split", "avgspd", "%d" % (currentSpeed), "PYTHON", "#") arcpy.CalculateField_management("ExpoLine_split", "Cost", "[TotalLengt]*21.46/ [avgspd]", "VB", "#") arcpy.CalculateField_management("ExpoLine_split", "DPS", "[TotalLengt]/ [avgspd]", "VB", "#") arcpy.AddMessage( "Expo speed changed to %d, cost and DPS recalculated. Rebuilding ND." % (currentSpeed)) # Rebuild Network arcpy.BuildNetwork_na(inND) arcpy.AddMessage("ND Rebuild completed") time.sleep(loopTime) # Add lcoations inOrigins = fcTAZ inDestinations = fcTAZ ## arcpy.AddLocations_na(inOD, "Origins", inOrigins, ## "Name ID_TAZ12A #;SourceID SourceID #;SourceOID SourceOID #;PosAlong PosAlong #;SideOfEdge SideOfEdge #", append = "CLEAR") ## arcpy.AddLocations_na(inOD, "Destinations", inDestinations, ## "Name ID_TAZ12A #;SourceID SourceID #;SourceOID SourceOID #;PosAlong PosAlong #;SideOfEdge SideOfEdge #", append = "CLEAR") #Add using geometries instead. Should only add 2 min per iteration or 40 min overall arcpy.AddLocations_na(inOD, "Origins", inOrigins, "Name ID_TAZ12A #",
old_n = old_nodes_shp new_n = new_nodes_shp old_l = old_links_shp new_l = new_links_clipped old_ns = snapped_old_nodes new_ngt = "../../RAIL11/RAIL/gis/allnodes.shp" empty = "C:/gis/empty.shp" empty_memory = "in_memory/e1" memory_1 = "in_memory/m1" memory_2 = "in_memory/m2" arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(empty, empty_memory) arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # overwrite files if its already present arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Network") arcpy.BuildNetwork_na(B1_ND) arcpy.MakeRouteLayer_na(B1_ND, B1_route, "Length") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(new_l, "newlf") # how far is the nearest node (old network) def get_near_node_dict(nodelayer): arcpy.Project_management(nodelayer, temp1, arcpy.SpatialReference(102039)) fid_id_dict = { row.getValue("FID"): row.getValue("_ID_") for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(temp1) } arcpy.Near_analysis(temp1, temp1) near_node_dict = { row.getValue("_ID_"): [row.getValue("NEAR_Fid"),
# Input: Specify a value for Impedance Cutoff (maximum distance from a facility for which a voter will be assigned) cutoff = str(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)) # Input: Facilities point FC to be added as Facilities (potential polling places) polling_facilities = str(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4)) # Input: Voters point FC to be added as Demand Points (subset of given percentage of voter points) Voters = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5) Solve_Succeeded = "true" # Run Processes... # Process: Build Network arcpy.BuildNetwork_na(Network) # Process: Make Location-Allocation Layer LAlayer = arcpy.MakeLocationAllocationLayer_na(Network, str(AnalysisLayer), "Length", "DEMAND_TO_FACILITY", "MINIMIZE_FACILITIES", "1", cutoff, "LINEAR", "1", "10", "", "ALLOW_UTURNS", "", "NO_HIERARCHY", "STRAIGHT_LINES", "1", "") # Process: Add Locations: Facilities (Potential Polling Places) arcpy.AddLocations_na(LAlayer, "Facilities", polling_facilities, "Name Name #;Capacity Capacity #", "1000 Feet", "NAME", "street_network SHAPE", "MATCH_TO_CLOSEST", "APPEND", "SNAP", "", "INCLUDE", "#") # Process: Add Locations: Demand Points (Voters) arcpy.AddLocations_na(LAlayer, "Demand Points", Voters, "", "1000 Feet", "", "street_network SHAPE", "MATCH_TO_CLOSEST", "APPEND", "SNAP", "", "INCLUDE", "#")
def solve_network(config_json): # This function creates a network dataset from a template, # builds the network, adds the nearest station points as stops, # and solves for the least-cost route # check network analyst license arcpy.CheckOutExtension("network") print('Network Analyst License Confirmed!') # set directory and path for network geodatabase config_data = read_config_json(config_json) project_dir = config_data['directories']['project_dir'] save_dir = config_data['directories']['save_dir'] direction_save_name = config_data['filenames']['direction_save_name'] gdb_dir = project_dir + r'/Data' gdb_name = r'Bikeshare_GDB' gdb_path = gdb_dir + r'/' + gdb_name + r'.gdb' feature_dataset_name = 'Bikeshare' gdb_feature_path = gdb_path + r'/' + feature_dataset_name # set arcpy workspace arcpy.env.workspace = gdb_path # create network dataset from template arcpy.CreateNetworkDatasetFromTemplate_na( (project_dir + r'/Bikeshare_ND_template.xml'), # network dataset template location gdb_feature_path # feature dataset for network ) # build network dataset arcpy.BuildNetwork_na(gdb_feature_path + r'/Bikeshare_ND') # create layer for least-cost route analysis arcpy.MakeRouteLayer_na( "Bikeshare_ND", # input network dataset "Route", # output route analysis layer "Time", # impedance attribute ) # add nearest station routing points arcpy.AddLocations_na( "Route", # input route analysis layer "Stops", # "Stops" analysis sub-layer "Bike_Stations_Intersect", # input features table "Name Name #", # field mapping "5000 Meters", # search tolerance "ORIG_FID", # sort field ) # solve the routing problem arcpy.Solve_na( "Route", # input route analysis layer ) # export bike route as feature arcpy.FeatureClassToGeodatabase_conversion( r"Route\Routes", gdb_feature_path ) print('Network Route Complete!') # export route directions arcpy.Directions_na( "Route", # input route analysis layer "TEXT", # export format (save_dir + r'/' + direction_save_name + r'.txt'), # export path "Meters", # distance units "REPORT_TIME", # write travel time "Minutes" # travel time units ) print('Route Directions Exported!')
def test_network_routing(the_scenario, logger): # already called aftot_setup.setup() to initialize and clean up : # - starting with populate network template with modes and intermodal. # no other facilities yet (e.g. raw material producers or destinations). # Setup Facilities for the Test # i. - append facilities to the network dataset template # ii. - hook the facilities with artificial links # -------------------------------------------------------- ftot_facilities.raw_material_producers_setup(the_scenario, logger) ftot_facilities.ultimate_destinations_setup(the_scenario, logger) ftot_facilities.hook_facilities_into_network( the_scenario, logger, False) # false means pipeline doesn't get used # assign baseline costs to the network ftot_supporting_gis.assign_network_costs( the_scenario, logger, False, None) # false means pipeline doesn't get used # delete the route cache from the previous test delete_routes_cache_db(logger, the_scenario) # test 0 : baseline as is. # ---------------------------"START TEST 0: baseline as is") temp_start_time = # reset artificial link costs to what they should be"reset_flow_restrictions to what they should be") reset_artificial_link_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario) # - build the network template ftot_supporting_gis.build_the_network(the_scenario, logger) # - route as is ftot_routing.initial_routing(the_scenario, logger) # output route information and maps # ----------------------------------- # some sort of test or diagnostics. what is the baseline? # report out the following from the main.db: # GENERAL - number of routes, avg. cost, total cost, get_main_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) # report out from the routes_cahce.db get_route_cache_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger)"TODO: output route information and maps") temp_end_time = temp_total_time = temp_end_time - temp_start_time logger.result("END TEST 0: baseline as is. Total time: {:.10}".format( temp_total_time)) # todo - mnp - 06152015 -- test 1 runs fine, but test 2 fails at "start: delete_temp_gdbs". # this test has 4 messages: No routing solution found -- the other methods have 2. ??? # WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'C:\\FTOT\\branches\\2017_06_15_V3_SP1\\Scenarios\\prototype_testing\\proto1\\test5_ASCENT_a2j\\temp_route_gdbs\\tmp_route_solve_batch_0.gdb\\a00000009.gdbtable' # # test 1 : no available modes - all artificial links cost -1 # # ---------------------------------------------------------- #"START TEST 1: no available modes - all artificial links cost -1") # temp_start_time = # # # delete the route cache from the previous test # delete_routes_cache_db(logger, the_scenario) # # # set artificial link costs to -1 #"set_flow_restrictions for all aritificial links to -1") # ftot_supporting_gis.set_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario, "no_modes") # # # build the network inline since the only thing that changed is network artificial link costs #"Building the network again with new impedences") # arcpy.BuildNetwork_na(os.path.join(the_scenario.main_gdb, "Network/Network_ND")) # # # do the routing #"Do the routing again.") # try: # ftot_routing.initial_routing(the_scenario, logger) # logger.error("FAIL: the routing should have failed, but didn't. check your artificial links.") # except: # logger.result("PASS: the routing failed as expected because there are no valid routes.") # # #TODO - need to deeper check to make sure that if the scenario solves a valid route # get_main_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) # temp_end_time = # temp_total_time = temp_end_time - temp_start_time # logger.result("END TEST 1: no modes. Total time: {:.10}".format(temp_total_time)) # # test 2 : only available mode: road - all other artificial links cost -1 # ---------------------------------------------------------- "START TEST 2 : only available mode: road - all other artificial links cost -1" ) temp_start_time = # delete the route cache from the previous test delete_routes_cache_db(logger, the_scenario) # reset artificial link costs to what they should be"reset_flow_restrictions to what they should be") reset_artificial_link_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario) # set artificial link costs to -1 for everything but road"set flow restrictions on rail, water, pipeline") for mode in ['rail', 'water', 'pipeline']: ftot_supporting_gis.set_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario, "no_modes", mode) # build the network inline since the only thing that changed is network artificial link costs"Building the network again with new impedences") arcpy.BuildNetwork_na( os.path.join(the_scenario.main_gdb, "Network/Network_ND")) # do the routing"Do the routing again.") ftot_routing.initial_routing(the_scenario, logger) get_main_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) get_route_cache_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) temp_end_time = temp_total_time = temp_end_time - temp_start_time logger.result( "END TEST 2: road only. Total time: {:.10}".format(temp_total_time)) # test 3: only available mode: rail - all other artificial links cost -1 # ---------------------------------------------------------- "START TEST 3 : only available mode: rail - all other artificial links cost -1" ) temp_start_time = # delete the route cache from the previous test delete_routes_cache_db(logger, the_scenario) # reset artificial link costs to what they should be"reset_flow_restrictions to what they should be") reset_artificial_link_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario) # set artificial link costs to -1 for everything but road"set flow restrictions on road, water, pipeline") for mode in ['road', 'water', 'pipeline']: ftot_supporting_gis.set_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario, "no_modes", mode) # build the network inline since the only thing that changed is network artificial link costs"Building the network again with new impedences") arcpy.BuildNetwork_na( os.path.join(the_scenario.main_gdb, "Network/Network_ND")) # do the routing"Do the routing again.") ftot_routing.initial_routing(the_scenario, logger) get_main_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) get_route_cache_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) temp_end_time = temp_total_time = temp_end_time - temp_start_time logger.result( "END TEST 3: rail only. Total time: {:.10}".format(temp_total_time)) # test 4: only available mode: water - all other artificial links cost -1 # ---------------------------------------------------------- "START TEST 4 : only available mode: water- all other artificial links cost -1" ) temp_start_time = # delete the route cache from the previous test delete_routes_cache_db(logger, the_scenario) # reset artificial link costs to what they should be"reset_flow_restrictions to what they should be") reset_artificial_link_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario) # set artificial link costs to -1 for everything but road"set flow restrictions on road, water, pipeline") for mode in ['road', 'rail', 'pipeline']: ftot_supporting_gis.set_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario, "no_modes", mode) # build the network inline since the only thing that changed is network artificial link costs"Building the network again with new impedences") arcpy.BuildNetwork_na( os.path.join(the_scenario.main_gdb, "Network/Network_ND")) # do the routing"Do the routing again.") try: ftot_routing.initial_routing(the_scenario, logger) except: logger.warning( "WARNING: the routing has no valid routes on the water mode.") logger.result( "WARNING: the routing has no valid routes on the water mode.") #TODO - need to deeper check to make sure that if the scenario solves a valid route get_main_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) get_route_cache_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) temp_end_time = temp_total_time = temp_end_time - temp_start_time logger.result( "END TEST 4: water only. Total time: {:.10}".format(temp_total_time)) # test 5: only available mode: pipeline - all other artificial links cost -1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # todo - mnp - 06152017 - this will fail if pipeline is not connected in the setup phase. "START TEST 5 : only available mode: pipeline - all other artificial links cost -1" ) temp_start_time = # delete the route cache from the previous test delete_routes_cache_db(logger, the_scenario) # reset artificial link costs to what they should be"reset_flow_restrictions to what they should be") reset_artificial_link_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario) # set artificial link costs to -1 for everything but road"set flow restrictions on road, water, pipeline") for mode in ['road', 'rail', 'water']: ftot_supporting_gis.set_flow_restrictions(logger, the_scenario, "no_modes", mode) # build the network inline since the only thing that changed is network artificial link costs"Building the network again with new impedences") arcpy.BuildNetwork_na( os.path.join(the_scenario.main_gdb, "Network/Network_ND")) # do the routing"Do the routing again.") try: ftot_routing.initial_routing(the_scenario, logger) except: logger.warning( "WARNING: the routing has no valid routes on the pipeline mode.") logger.result( "WARNING: the routing has no valid routes on the pipeline mode.") get_main_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) get_route_cache_db_route_info(the_scenario, logger) temp_end_time = temp_total_time = temp_end_time - temp_start_time logger.result("END TEST 5: pipeline only. Total time: {:.10}".format( temp_total_time))
def calculateNetworkServiceArea(inFacilities, roads, workspace): #allow overwrite table on arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True #set new workspace as the input workspace arcpy.env.workspace = workspace #check that the projections of feature classes align spatial_ref1 = arcpy.Describe(inFacilities).spatialReference spatial_ref2 = arcpy.Describe(roads).spatialReference if != print(inFacilities + " needs to be projected as " + roads + " to match the coordinate system of the clip feature class.") print(inFacilities + " is projected as " + + " and " + roads + " is projected as " + else: print("The coordinate systems for both layers match.") #check that the feature classes are the correct type #roads should be polyline shapefile #facilties (schools) should be a point file #use try to identify errors in the types of data try: #use the describe function to determine the element data type desc_inFacilities = arcpy.Describe(inFacilities) desc_roads = arcpy.Describe(roads) if desc_inFacilities.shapeType != "Point": print("Error shapeType: ", inFacilities, "needs to be a point type!") sys.exit(1) if desc_roads.shapeType != "Polyline": print("Error shapeType: ", roads, "needs to be a polyline type!") sys.exit(1) #define folder pathway folder = workspace #create geodatabase name out_name = "myGeodatabase.gdb" #Create a geodatabase using arcpy arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(folder, out_name) #pass input shapefiles into feature class in geodatabase inFeatures = inFacilities inFeatures2 = roads outLocation = "myGeodatabase.gdb" outLocation2 = "myGeodatabase.gdb" outFeatureClass = "inFacilities" outFeatureClass2 = "roads" #pass input facitilies into geodatabase arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(inFeatures, outLocation, outFeatureClass) #pass input roads into geodatabase arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(inFeatures2, outLocation2, outFeatureClass2) #test for existence of the geodatabse if arcpy.Exists(myGeodatabase): #set workspace to user input geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = myGeodatabase print("Environment workspace is set to: ", myGeodatabase) else: print("Workspace", myGeodatabase, "does not exist!") sys.exit(1) #set variable for the road network roads_shp = folder + roads #describe the road shapefile desc = arcpy.Describe(roads_shp) #check to make sure that network analysis extension is enabled arcpy.CheckOutExtension("network") #create new featuredataset arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(arcpy.env.workspace, "featuredataset", desc.spatialReference) #copy features to the new dataset arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(roads_shp, "featuredataset/roads") #create network dataset in an exisiting feature dataset"featuredataset", "roads_ND", ["roads"]) #constructs the network connectivity and also attribute information of a network dataset arcpy.BuildNetwork_na("featuredataset/roads_ND") #use make serivce area layer #define variables network = os.path.join(myGeodatabase, "inFacilities", "roads_ND") layer_name = "schoolRoadNetwork" impedance = "distanceAway" #set variables for 600, 1200, and 1800 meters #generate polygons as rings #use this function to set analysis properties of the netwrok service area and determine accessibility to schools based on roads result_object =, layer_name, impedance, "TRAVEL_FROM", "200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000", "DETAILED_POLYS", "MERGE", "RINGS")
Reader.updateRow(row) del row del Reader ########################### arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(90) #Poistetaan tiedostosta turhat kentät: arcpy.DeleteField_management( LiikenneElementit, "JuncType;JuncType2;JuncType3;JuncType4;JuncType5;DynTyyppi") msg("Aikasakot laskettu!") arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(95) Valmis() msg("----------------------") msg("Build Network Dataset") arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("AIKASAKKOJEN LASKENTA...Build Network Dataset...") Aloitus() #Buildataan NetworkDataset uudestaan, jolloin se on heti valmis käytettäväksi: arcpy.BuildNetwork_na(NetworkData) Valmis() arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(100) msg("----------------------") msg("VALMIS! Nyt käyttämääsi Network Datasettiin on laskettu todenmukaisemmat läpiajoajat sarakkeisiin: Kokopva_aa, Keskpva_aa sekä Ruuhka_aa." ) msg("Network Dataset on nyt valmis käytettäväksi reititysanalyyseihin.") msg("Halutessasi voit suorittaa 4. työvaiheen, jossa otetaan matka-ajan lisäksi huomioon kävelyyn sekä parkkipaikan etsintään kuluva aika (Kokonaismatkaketju)." ) msg("----------------------")
def calculateNetworkServiceArea(inFacilities, roads, workspace): import arcpy import sys arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True try: ##Create new gdb arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(workspace, 'serviceArea.gdb') arcpy.env.workspace = 'serviceArea.gdb' except: raise NameError('Input workspace does not exist!') try: arcpy.CheckOutExtension("network") except: print("Network Analyst Extension not available") ## Check input feature class spatial reference roads_desc = arcpy.Describe(roads) roads_desc_name = facilities_desc = arcpy.Describe(inFacilities) facilities_desc_name = if roads_desc.shapeType != 'Polyline': raise TypeError('Roads must be a Polyline!') if facilities_desc.shapeType != 'Point': raise TypeError('Facilities must be a Point!') if roads_desc_name != facilities_desc_name: print( "Projections do not match, updating inFacilities in inFacilities_reprojected to match roads: " + roads_desc_name), 'inFacilities_reprojected', roads_desc.spatialReference) inFacilities = arcpy.env.workspace + '/inFacilities_reprojected' print( "Projection updated, both inFacilities and roads are projected in: " + roads_desc_name) else: print("Input feature class spatial references match.") ## Create feature dataset arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(arcpy.env.workspace, 'featuredataset', roads_desc.spatialReference) ## Copy input feature classes to featuredataset arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(roads, 'featuredataset/roads') arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inFacilities, 'featuredataset/inFacilities') ## Create network dataset and build the network'featuredataset', 'roads_ND', ['roads']) arcpy.BuildNetwork_na('featuredataset/roads_ND') ## Generating the Service Area Layer with service areas from 200 - 2000 meters, increasing at 200m intervals. routeLy = 'featuredataset/roads_ND', 'myRoute', 'Length', "TRAVEL_FROM", '200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000', 'DETAILED_POLYS', 'MERGE', 'RINGS', overlap="OVERLAP", hierarchy="USE_HIERARCHY") ## Standard processing features routeLayer = routeLy.getOutput(0) na_classes =, 'INPUT') field_mappings =, na_classes['Facilities']) field_mappings['Attr_Length'].defaultValue = 0, na_classes["Facilities"], "featuredataset/inFacilities", field_mappings) ## Compute the service areas