예제 #1
def _tool():
    """ run the tool"""
    in_fc = sys.argv[1]
    N = int(sys.argv[2])
    out_tbl = sys.argv[3]
    args = [script, in_fc, N, out_tbl]
    tweet(frmt.format(*args))           # call tweet
    a = to_array(in_fc)                 # call to_array
#    nt = near_tbl(a, b=None, N=N)       # call near_tbl
    nt = nn_kdtree(a, N=3, sorted_=True, to_tbl=True, as_cKD=True)
    tweet("\nnear table\n{}".format(nt)) #.reshape(nt.shape[0], 1)))
    arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToTable(nt, out_tbl)
예제 #2
def process(in_fc, id_fld, prn=True):
    """process the data for the tool or demo
    frmt = """
    Group .... {}
    points in group {}
    center ... x = {:<8.2f} y = {:<10.2f}
    minimum .. x = {:<8.2f} y = {:<10.2f}
    maximum .. x = {:<8.2f} y = {:<10.2f}
    standard distance ... {:8.2f}
    distance stats ....
      mean:{:8.2f}  min:{:8.2f}  max:{:8.2f}  std:{:8.2f}
    flds = ['SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y', id_fld]
    a_in = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, flds)
    a_sort = np.sort(a_in, order=id_fld)
    a_split = np.split(a_sort, np.where(np.diff(a_sort[id_fld]))[0] + 1)
    msg = ""
    tbl = []
    for i in range(len(a_split)):
        a0 = a_split[i][['SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y']]
        a = a0.copy()
        a = a.view((a.dtype[0], len(a.dtype.names)))  # art.geom._view_(a0)
        cent = np.mean(a, axis=0)
        min_ = np.min(a, axis=0)
        max_ = np.max(a, axis=0)
        var_x = np.var(a[:, 0])
        var_y = np.var(a[:, 1])
        stand_dist = np.sqrt(var_x + var_y)
        dm = _e_dist(a)
        dm_result = np.tril(dm, -1)
        vals = dm_result[np.nonzero(dm_result)]
        stats = [vals.mean(), vals.min(), vals.max(), vals.std()]
        # hdr = "Distance matrix...({}) ".format(i)
        # m = form_(dm_result, deci=1, wdth=80, title=hdr, prn=False)
        args = (i, len(a), *cent, *min_, *max_, stand_dist, *stats) #, m]
        msg += dedent(frmt).format(*args)
    if prn:
    flds = ['ID', 'N_pnts', 'CentX', 'CentY', 'MinX', 'MinY', 'MaxX', 'MaxY',
             'Stand Dist', 'Mean_dist', 'Min_dist', 'Max_dist', 'Std_dist']
    dts = ['<i4', '<i4', '<f8', '<f8', '<f8', '<f8', '<f8', '<f8', '<f8',
           '<f8', '<f8', '<f8', '<f8']
    tbl = np.array(tbl)
    tbl = np.core.records.fromarrays(tbl.transpose(),
    return a_in, a_split, msg, tbl
예제 #3
def _tool():
    in_fc = sys.argv[1]
    out_fc = sys.argv[2]
    shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc)
    out_flds = [oid_fld, shp_fld]
    frmt = """\nScript.... {}\nUsing..... {}\nSR...{}\n"""
    args = [script, in_fc, SR.name]
    msg = frmt.format(*args)
    a = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, shp_fld, "", SR)
    if len(a) >= 2:
        z = np.zeros((a.shape[0], 2))
        z[:, 0] = a['Shape'][:, 0]
        z[:, 1] = a['Shape'][:, 1]
        idx, a_srt, d = dist_arr(z)
        pairs = mst(d)
        o_d = connect(a_srt, d, pairs)

        os = a_srt[pairs[:, 0]]
        ds = a_srt[pairs[:, 1]]

        fr_to = np.array(list(zip(os, ds)))
        s = []
        for pt in fr_to:
                arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*p) for p in pt]), SR))

        if arcpy.Exists(out_fc):
        arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(s, out_fc)
        msg2 = """
        ---- Potential User error......
        Technically the script didn't fail.... but...
        You need at least 2 different points... make sure you don't have an
        incorrect selection
        ---- Try again
예제 #4
def _tool():
    in_fc = sys.argv[1]
    out_fc = sys.argv[2]
    shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc)
    out_flds = [oid_fld, shp_fld]
    frmt = """\nScript.... {}\nUsing..... {}\nSR...{}\n"""
    args = [script, in_fc, SR.name]
    msg = frmt.format(*args)
    a = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, shp_fld, "", SR)
    if len(a) >= 2:
        z = np.zeros((a.shape[0], 2))
        z[:, 0] = a['Shape'][:, 0]
        z[:, 1] = a['Shape'][:, 1]
        idx, a_srt, d = dist_arr(z)
        pairs = mst(d)
        o_d = connect(a_srt, d, pairs)

        os = a_srt[pairs[:, 0]]
        ds = a_srt[pairs[:, 1]]

        fr_to = np.array(list(zip(os, ds)))
        s = []
        for pt in fr_to:
            s.append(arcpy.Polyline(arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*p) for p in pt]), SR))

        if arcpy.Exists(out_fc):
        arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(s, out_fc)
        msg2 = """
        ---- Potential User error......
        Technically the script didn't fail.... but...
        You need at least 2 different points... make sure you don't have an
        incorrect selection
        ---- Try again
예제 #5

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    testing = True
    pth = "/".join(script.split("/")[:-2]) + "/Data/Near_testing.gdb"
    orig_fc = pth + "/orig_0"
    dest_fc = pth + "/dest_0"
    N = 1
#    out_fc = r"C:\GIS\A_Tools_scripts\PointTools\Data\Near_testing.gdb\a2b"
    out_fc = None
    args = [script, testing, orig_fc, dest_fc, N, out_fc]
    args = _tool()

tweet(frmt.format(*args))                    # call tweet
__, testing, orig_fc, dest_fc, N, out_fc = args
returned = connect_od(orig_fc, dest_fc, out_fc, N=N, testing=testing)   # call connect
orig, dest, pnts, n_array = returned

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
    """Main section...   """
#    print("Script... {}".format(script))
    in_fc = r"C:\GIS\array_projects\data\Pro_base.gdb\small"
    out_fc = r"C:\GIS\array_projects\data\Pro_base.gdb\ft3"
    N = 1
    testing = True
    a, b, r0, r1, r2, r3 = connect(in_fc, out_fc, N=N, testing=True)
예제 #6
    array_fc(pnts, out_fc, fld_names, SR)
ln = "-" * 70
frmt = """\n
:Script... {}
:Output to..... {}
:using ........ {}
:Processing extent specified...
: L {}, B {}, R {}, T {}
:X spacing...{}
:Y spacing...{}
args = [ln, script, out_fc, SR.name, L, B, R, T, dx, dy, pnts, ln]
msg = frmt.format(*args)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# __main__ .... code section

if __name__ == "__main__":
    : - print the script source name.
    : - run the _demo
#    print("Script... {}".format(script))
#    pnts, mesh = _demo()
예제 #7
---- Concave/convex hull ----
script    {}
Testing   {}
in_fc     {}
group_by  {}
k_factor  {}
hull_type {}
out_type  {}
out_fc    {}

args = [
    script, testing, in_fc, group_by, k_factor, hull_type, out_type, out_fc

desc = arcpy.da.Describe(in_fc)
SR = desc['spatialReference']
# (1) ---- get the points
out_flds = ['OID@', 'SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y'] + [group_by]
a = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, out_flds, "", SR, True)
# (2) ---- determine the unique groupings of the points
uniq, idx, rev = np.unique(a[group_by], True, True)
groups = [a[np.where(a[group_by] == i)[0]] for i in uniq]
# (3) ---- for each group, perform the concave hull
hulls = []
for i in range(0, len(groups)):
예제 #8
        return a, b, r0, r1, r2, r3

# ---- Run the analysis ----
frmt = """\n
:Running ... {}
:Using ..... {}
:Finding ... {} closest points and forming connections
:Producing.. {}\n

in_fc = sys.argv[1]
N = int(sys.argv[2])
out_fc = sys.argv[3]
args = [script, in_fc, N, out_fc]
tweet(frmt.format(*args))  # call tweet
ret = connect(in_fc, out_fc, N=N, testing=False)  # call connect

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
    """Main section...   """
#    print("Script... {}".format(script))
    in_fc = r"C:\GIS\array_projects\data\Pro_base.gdb\small"
    out_fc = r"C:\GIS\array_projects\data\Pro_base.gdb\ft3"
    N = 1
    testing = True
    a, b, r0, r1, r2, r3 = connect(in_fc, out_fc, N=N, testing=True)
예제 #9
# so, write to in_memory changing the required field names, then copy out
shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc)
arr = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, "*", "", SR, True)
a = arr[shp_fld]
new_pnts = trans_rot(a, angle)
nms = ['Feat_id', 'XYs'] + [i for i in arr.dtype.names[2:]]
arr.dtype.names = nms
arr['XYs'] = new_pnts
if not testing:
    arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(arr, out_fc, ['XYs'])
msg = """
Input points..... {}
Rotation angle... {}
Output points.... {}
tweet(msg.format(in_fc, angle, out_fc))
# ---- the end ----
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# __main__ .... code section
if __name__ == "__main__":
    : - print the script source name.
    : - run the _demo
    fc = "/Point_tools.gdb/std_dist_center"
    flder = "/".join(script.split("/")[:-2])
    in_fc = flder + fc
예제 #10
    in_fc = gdb_pth + r"/radial_pnts"
    cent = None
    out_fc0 = gdb_pth + r"/radial"
    out_fc1 = gdb_pth + r"/OD_01"
    testing = False
    in_fc, from_north, cent, out_fc0, out_fc1 = _tool()

# (1) Run the test to see whether to continue
results = test_envs(in_fc, cent, out_fc0, out_fc1)
cleared, vals = results
if not cleared:
    tweet("\nPassed all checks-------------\n")
    # ---- Process section ------------------------------
    pnts_out, plys_out, cent, SR = vals
    desc = _describe(in_fc)
    arcpy.env.workspace = desc['path']  # set the workspace to the gdb
    arr = _xyID(in_fc, to_pnts=True)
    indx = arr['IDs']
    pnts = arr[['Xs', 'Ys']]
    pnts = pnts.view(np.float64).reshape(pnts.shape[0], 2)
    if cent is None:
        cent = np.mean(pnts, axis=0).tolist()
예제 #11
def test_envs(in_fc, cent, out_fc0, out_fc1):
    """ test the required parameters
    # (1) ---- check input feature and for projected data
    if not arcpy.Exists(in_fc):
        tweet("\nThis file doesn't exist.\n")
        return False, []
    shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc)
    if SR.type != 'Projected':
        tweet("\nRadial sorts only make sense for projected data.\n")
        return False, []
    if shp_type != 'Point':
        tweet("\nYou need a point file.\n")
        return False, []
    # (2) ---- check the output files
    if out_fc0 not in (None, 'None', " ", "", "#"):
        is_good = check_files(out_fc0)
        if not is_good:
            tweet("\nWrong path or filename?....{}\n".format(out_fc0))
            return False, []
    if out_fc1 not in (None, 'None', " ", "", "#"):
        is_good = check_files(out_fc1)
        if not is_good:
            tweet("\nWrong path or filename?....{}\n".format(out_fc1))
            return False, []
    # (3) check the center ....
    if cent in (None, 'None', " ", "", "#"):
        cent = None
    elif isinstance(cent, str):
        for i in [", ", ",", ";"]:
            cent = cent.replace(i, " ")
            cent = [float(i.strip()) for i in cent.split(" ")]
            if len(cent) != 2:
                cent = [cent[0], cent[0]]
                tweet("\nBad center so I used... {} instead \n".format(cent))
        except ValueError:
            cent = None
            tweet("\nCenter used... {}\n".format(cent))
    # (4) all should be good
    return True, [out_fc0, out_fc1, cent, SR]
예제 #12
    in_fc = gdb_pth + r"/radial_pnts"
    cent = None
    out_fc0 = gdb_pth + r"/radial"
    out_fc1 = gdb_pth + r"/OD_01"
    testing = False
    in_fc, from_north, cent, out_fc0, out_fc1 = _tool()

# (1) Run the test to see whether to continue
results = test_envs(in_fc, cent, out_fc0, out_fc1)
cleared, vals = results
if not cleared:
    tweet("\nPassed all checks-------------\n")
    # ---- Process section ------------------------------
    pnts_out, plys_out, cent, SR = vals
    desc = _describe(in_fc)
    arcpy.env.workspace = desc['path']  # set the workspace to the gdb
    arr = _xyID(in_fc, to_pnts=True)
    indx = arr['IDs']
    pnts = arr[['Xs', 'Ys']]
    pnts = pnts.view(np.float64).reshape(pnts.shape[0], 2)
    if cent is None:
        cent = np.mean(pnts, axis=0).tolist()
예제 #13
srt_order = sys.argv[2]
ascend = sys.argv[3]
out_fc = sys.argv[4]

shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc)

a = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, "*", "", SR)
dt = [('X', '<f8'), ('Y', '<f8')]
shps = np.array([tuple(i) for i in a[shp_fld]], dtype=dt)

if srt_order == 'X':
    idx = np.argsort(shps, order=('X', 'Y'))
    idx = np.argsort(shps, order=('Y', 'X'))

shps = a[idx]
if not ascend:
    shps = shps[::-1]

arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(shps, out_fc, shp_fld, SR)
frmt = """\n\nScript.... {}\nUsing..... {}\nSR...{}\nSorting by... {},
ascending... {}\nProducing ... {}\n"""
args = [script, in_fc, SR.name, srt_order, ascend, out_fc]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
    """ No demo  """
#    in_fc = r"C:\GIS\Geometry_projects\Spiral_sort\Polygons\Parcels.shp"
예제 #14
def test_envs(in_fc, cent, out_fc0, out_fc1):
    """ test the required parameters
    # (1) ---- check input feature and for projected data
    if not arcpy.Exists(in_fc):
        tweet("\nThis file doesn't exist.\n")
        return False, []
    shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc)
    if SR.type != 'Projected':
        tweet("\nRadial sorts only make sense for projected data.\n")
        return False, []
    if shp_type != 'Point':
        tweet("\nYou need a point file.\n")
        return False, []
    # (2) ---- check the output files
    if out_fc0 not in (None, 'None', " ", "", "#"):
        is_good = check_files(out_fc0)
        if not is_good:
            tweet("\nWrong path or filename?....{}\n".format(out_fc0))
            return False, []
    if out_fc1 not in (None, 'None', " ", "", "#"):
        is_good = check_files(out_fc1)
        if not is_good:
            tweet("\nWrong path or filename?....{}\n".format(out_fc1))
            return False, []
    # (3) check the center ....
    if cent in (None, 'None', " ", "", "#"):
        cent = None
    elif isinstance(cent, str):
        for i in [", ", ",", ";"]:
            cent = cent.replace(i, " ")
            cent = [float(i.strip()) for i in cent.split(" ")]
            if len(cent) != 2:
                cent = [cent[0], cent[0]]
                tweet("\nBad center so I used... {} instead \n".format(cent))
        except ValueError:
            cent = None
            tweet("\nCenter used... {}\n".format(cent))
    # (4) all should be good
    return True, [out_fc0, out_fc1, cent, SR]
예제 #15
# so, write to in_memory changing the required field names, then copy out
shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc)
arr = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, "*", "", SR, True)
a = arr[shp_fld]
new_pnts = trans_rot(a, angle)
nms = ['Feat_id', 'XYs'] + [i for i in arr.dtype.names[2:]]
arr.dtype.names = nms
arr['XYs'] = new_pnts
if not testing:
    arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(arr, out_fc, ['XYs'])
msg = """
Input points..... {}
Rotation angle... {}
Output points.... {}
tweet(msg.format(in_fc, angle, out_fc))
# ---- the end ----
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# __main__ .... code section
if __name__ == "__main__":
    : - print the script source name.
    : - run the _demo
    fc = "/Point_tools.gdb/std_dist_center"
    flder = "/".join(script.split("/")[:-2])
    in_fc = flder + fc
예제 #16
파일: spaced.py 프로젝트: Dan-Patterson/GIS
min_space = int(sys.argv[2])
num = int(sys.argv[3])
SR = sys.argv[4]
out_fc = sys.argv[5]

frmt = """\n
AOI extent for points...
Minimum spacing.... {}
Number of points... {}
Spatial reference.. {}
Output featureclass.. {}\n
args = [aoi, min_space, num, SR, out_fc]
msg = frmt.format(*args)
# ---- perform the point creation ----
aoi = aoi.split(" ")[:4]             # extent is returned as a string
ext = [round(float(i)) for i in aoi]
L, B, R, T = ext
a = n_spaced(L, B, R, T, min_space, num, verbose=False)
all_flds = ['X', 'Y', 'x_coord', 'y_coord']
xy_flds = all_flds[:2]
xy_dt = ['<f8', '<f8', 'float', 'float']
a = np.c_[(a, a)]
z = array_struct(a, fld_names=all_flds, dt=xy_dt)
# z = np.zeros((len(a)), dtype=[('X', '<f8'), ('Y', '<f8')])
# fld_names = ('X', 'Y')
# z['X'] = a[:, 0]
# z['Y'] = a[:, 1]
out_fc = array_fc(z, out_fc, xy_flds, SR)
예제 #17
srt_order = sys.argv[2]
ascend = sys.argv[3]
out_fc = sys.argv[4]

shp_fld, oid_fld, shp_type, SR = fc_info(in_fc)

a = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, "*", "", SR)
dt = [('X', '<f8'), ('Y', '<f8')]
shps = np.array([tuple(i) for i in a[shp_fld]], dtype=dt)

if srt_order == 'X':
    idx = np.argsort(shps, order=('X', 'Y'))
    idx = np.argsort(shps, order=('Y', 'X'))

shps = a[idx]
if not ascend:
    shps = shps[::-1]

arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(shps, out_fc, shp_fld, SR)
frmt = """\n\nScript.... {}\nUsing..... {}\nSR...{}\nSorting by... {},
ascending... {}\nProducing ... {}\n"""
args = [script, in_fc, SR.name, srt_order, ascend, out_fc]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
    """ No demo  """
#    in_fc = r"C:\GIS\Geometry_projects\Spiral_sort\Polygons\Parcels.shp"