def recv_ws_con_q_handle(data,ws): recv_ws_con_q.append((data,ws)); arduino = arduino_bridge.connection() arduino.setup_digital_output(13) #left arduino.setup_digital_output(14) #right arduino.setup_pwm_output(0) # right pwm arduino.setup_pwm_output(9) # left pwm
import arduino_bridge import time pin=1 value=122 arduino = arduino_bridge.connection() arduino.setup_pwm_output(pin) for i in range(0,25): arduino.setPWM(pin,i*10) time.sleep(0.05) print("GPIO pin "+str(pin)+" set duty cycle to "+str(i))
import arduino_bridge import time print("SALSA DEMO SCRIPT") print("") salsa = arduino_bridge.connection() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# print("Lets do a fancy lightshow:") print("Do you have a few ws2812 in a string? ") print("This demo will use 24, but it doesn't really matter if you have") print("more or less connected. Connect the power to the Vcc pin on the SALSA") print("GND to GND and the ws2812 Data in pin to P6") usr_in = "a" while str.lower(usr_in) != "y" and str.lower(usr_in) != "s" and str.lower( usr_in) != "o": usr_in = input("Ready? (yes = y, skip = s, use onboard ws2812 = o)") if str.lower(usr_in) == "y" or str.lower(usr_in) == "o": print("running") LC = 24 ROUNDS = 40 DELAY = 0.02 pin = 6 if str.lower(usr_in) == "o": pin = 7 salsa.setup_ws2812_unique_color_output(pin, LC) # create a color array, rainbow for demonstration
sec_bin=bytearray(6) # prepare vars pin = 6 LC = 38 # spinach dip has 38 leds with_date = 1 with_temp = 0 offset = 4 dimm_value = 60 # divide by 15 on_value = 60 if(with_temp and with_date): exit("only date OR temperature") # setup salsa salsa = arduino_bridge.connection() salsa.setup_ws2812_unique_color_output(pin,LC) colorArray = [arduino_bridge.Color(0,0,0) for i in range(LC)] while 1: # generate color, shall be dynamic later therefor in loop temp_max_color = arduino_bridge.Color(on_value, 0, 0) # red temp_min_color = arduino_bridge.Color(0, 0, on_value) # blue month_color = arduino_bridge.Color(on_value, 0, 0) # red day_color = arduino_bridge.Color(on_value, on_value//2, 0) # orange hour_color = arduino_bridge.Color(0, 0, on_value) # blue min_color = arduino_bridge.Color(on_value, 0, on_value) # pink sec_color = arduino_bridge.Color(0, on_value, 0) # green # generate bin array for time, date and temp
def run(self,config): self.config = config while(1): p.rint("LIGHT, thread started","l") self.alive = True # Create NeoPixel object with appropriate configuration. if(str(self.config.with_lights) == "1"): p.rint("LIGHT, configured with NEO usage","l") if(self.neo_support and self.neo_loaded!=1): p.rint("LIGHT, neopixel supported, starting","l") strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(self.neo_LED_COUNT, self.neo_LED_PIN, self.neo_LED_FREQ_HZ, self.neo_LED_DMA, self.neo_LED_INVERT, self.neo_LED_BRIGHTNESS) # Intialize the library (must be called once before other functions). strip.begin() self.neo_loaded = 1 # avoid loading it twice elif(self.neo_support): p.rint("LIGHT, neopixel already loaded","l") else: p.rint("LIGHT, ERROR neopixel not supported","l") elif(str(self.config.with_lights) == "2"): p.rint("LIGHT, configured with PWM usage","l") if(self.pwm_support): p.rint("LIGHT, PWM supported, starting","l") wiringpi.wiringPiSetupPhys() wiringpi.pinMode(12,2) else: p.rint("LIGHT, ERROR PWM not supported","l") elif(str(self.config.with_lights) == "3"): p.rint("LIGHT, configured with i2c usage","l") if(self.i2c_support and self.i2c_loaded!=1): p.rint("LIGHT, i2c supported, starting","l") salsa = arduino_bridge.connection() salsa.setup_pwm_output(0) salsa.setup_pwm_output(1) salsa.setup_pwm_output(2) salsa.setup_pwm_output(3) self.i2c_loaded = 1 elif(self.i2c_loaded == 1): p.rint("LIGHT, i2c already loaded","l") else: p.rint("LIGHT, ERROR i2c not supported","l") else: p.rint("LIGHT, started without pwm and neo and i2c","l") p.rint("LIGHT, selection was "+str(self.config.with_lights),"l") while self.alive: ### ------------ check if we have something to do ------------ ### if(len(self.light_dimming_q) > 0): for data in self.light_dimming_q: if(data[0]<=time.time()): light_action=data self.light_dimming_q.remove(data) if(light_action[1]==-1 and light_action[2]==-1 and light_action[3]==-1): self.return_to_old(light_action[4]) else: self.dimm_to(light_action[1],light_action[2],light_action[3],light_action[4]) ### ------------ check if we have something to do ------------ ### if(self.l.state==1): # state= 1 means dimming is active if(time.time()>=self.l.last_ts+self.l.ms_step/1000): # last_ts holds time of last event, ms_step the time between two dimm steps, # if that sum is smaller than NOW - we have work self.l.last_ts=time.time() # refresh last_ts to now differ_r=self.l.s_r-self.l.t_r # caluclate the difference of each color between the start and the end color differ_g=self.l.s_g-self.l.t_g differ_b=self.l.s_b-self.l.t_b differ_time=(self.l.t_t-self.l.s_t) # calulate the total time between the start and end #(this should be the same as the "dimm time" specified by the user) if(differ_time>0): # if the user set instant switch, this time will be 0. avoid division by zero ratio=(time.time()-self.l.s_t)/(self.l.t_t-self.l.s_t) # ratio of the time that has passed, should be 0..1 else: ratio=1 if(ratio<1): # if ratio is below 1 we are still in the middle of the dimming if(LED_DEBUG): print(".", end="") self.l.c_r=int(self.l.s_r-ratio*differ_r) # refresh the r,g,b parts to the current dimm ratio (minus since we did a "self.l.s_r - self.l.t_r") self.l.c_g=int(self.l.s_g-ratio*differ_g) self.l.c_b=int(self.l.s_b-ratio*differ_b) else: # ratio is bigger than one, time has passed, set it to target color self.l.c_r=int(self.l.t_r) self.l.c_g=int(self.l.t_g) self.l.c_b=int(self.l.t_b) self.l.state=0 # stop further dimming if(LED_DEBUG): print("LED stop at "+str(time.time())+" "+str(self.l.c_r)+"/"+str(self.l.c_g)+"/"+str(self.l.c_b)) self.l.c_r=max(min(255,self.l.c_r),0) # avoid that we set a value bigger then 255 or smaller then 0 self.l.c_g=max(min(255,self.l.c_g),0) self.l.c_b=max(min(255,self.l.c_b),0) # neo pixel if(str(self.config.with_lights) == "1" and self.neo_support): for i in range(0,self.neo_LED_COUNT): strip.setPixelColor(i,Color(self.l.c_r,self.l.c_g,self.l.c_b)) # set value # neo pixel # pwm controll on pin 12 elif(str(self.config.with_lights) == "2" and self.pwm_support): wiringpi.pwmWrite(12, self.l.c_r*4) # pwm controll on pin 12 # i2c controll elif(str(self.config.with_lights) == "3" and self.i2c_support): try: print(str(self.l.c_b)) salsa.dimmTo(0,int(self.l.c_r/2.55),10) # dimming is in % #R salsa.dimmTo(1,int(self.l.c_g/2.55),10) # dimming is in % #G salsa.dimmTo(2,int(self.l.c_b/2.55),10) # dimming is in % #B salsa.dimmTo(3,int(self.l.c_b/2.55),10) # dimming is in % #B except: print("LIGHT i2c bus transaction crashed") # i2c controll # we can wait here a little while because we know that nothing will happen for us earlier than that anyway time.sleep(0.8*self.l.ms_step/1000) else: time.sleep(0.01) # sleep to avoid 100% cpu # while p.rint("LIGHT, thread stopped","l")