def loadUtr(modelManager): # Build a dictionary of item types that are constrained by the UTR utrItemTypeEntries = defaultdict(dict) # print('UTR LOADED FROM '+utrUrl); modelManager.cntlr.showStatus(_("Loading Unit Type Registry")) file = None try: from arelle.FileSource import openXmlFileStream # normalize any relative paths to config directory file = openXmlFileStream(modelManager.cntlr, modelManager.disclosureSystem.utrUrl, stripDeclaration=True)[0] xmldoc = etree.parse(file) for unitElt in xmldoc.iter(tag="{}unit"): u = UtrEntry() = unitElt.get("id") u.unitId = unitElt.findtext("{}unitId") u.nsUnit = (unitElt.findtext("{}nsUnit") or None) # None if empty entry u.itemType = unitElt.findtext("{}itemType") u.nsItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}nsItemType") u.numeratorItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}numeratorItemType") u.nsNumeratorItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}nsNumeratorItemType") u.denominatorItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}denominatorItemType") u.nsDenominatorItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}nsDenominatorItemType") u.isSimple = u.numeratorItemType is None and u.denominatorItemType is None # TO DO: This indexing scheme assumes that there are no name clashes in item types of the registry. (utrItemTypeEntries[u.itemType])[] = u modelManager.disclosureSystem.utrItemTypeEntries = utrItemTypeEntries except (EnvironmentError, etree.LxmlError) as err: modelManager.cntlr.addToLog("Unit Type Registry Import error: {0}".format(err)) etree.clear_error_log() if file: file.close()
def loadUtr( modelManager ): # Build a dictionary of item types that are constrained by the UTR modelManager.disclosureSystem.utrItemTypeEntries = utrItemTypeEntries = defaultdict( dict) # print('UTR LOADED FROM '+utrUrl); # skip status message as it hides prior activity during which this might have just obtained symbols # modelManager.cntlr.showStatus(_("Loading Unit Type Registry")) file = None try: from arelle.FileSource import openXmlFileStream # normalize any relative paths to config directory file = openXmlFileStream(modelManager.cntlr, modelManager.disclosureSystem.utrUrl, stripDeclaration=True)[0] xmldoc = etree.parse(file) for unitElt in xmldoc.iter(tag="{}unit"): u = UtrEntry() = unitElt.get("id") u.unitId = unitElt.findtext("{}unitId") u.nsUnit = ( unitElt.findtext("{}nsUnit") or None) # None if empty entry u.itemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}itemType") u.nsItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}nsItemType") u.numeratorItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}numeratorItemType") u.nsNumeratorItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}nsNumeratorItemType") u.denominatorItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}denominatorItemType") u.nsDenominatorItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}nsDenominatorItemType") u.isSimple = u.numeratorItemType is None and u.denominatorItemType is None u.symbol = unitElt.findtext("{}symbol") # TO DO: This indexing scheme assumes that there are no name clashes in item types of the registry. (utrItemTypeEntries[u.itemType])[] = u except (EnvironmentError, etree.LxmlError) as err: modelManager.cntlr.addToLog( "Unit Type Registry Import error: {0}".format(err)) etree.clear_error_log() if file: file.close()
def loadStandardTaxonomiesDict(self): if self.selection: self.standardTaxonomiesDict = defaultdict(set) self.familyHrefs = defaultdict(set) self.standardLocalHrefs = defaultdict(set) self.standardAuthorities = set() self.standardPrefixes = {} if not self.standardTaxonomiesUrl: return basename = os.path.basename(self.standardTaxonomiesUrl) self.modelManager.cntlr.showStatus(_("parsing {0}").format(basename)) file = None try: from arelle.FileSource import openXmlFileStream for filepath in (self.standardTaxonomiesUrl, os.path.join(self.modelManager.cntlr.configDir,"xbrlschemafiles.xml")): file = openXmlFileStream(self.modelManager.cntlr, filepath, stripDeclaration=True)[0] xmldoc = etree.parse(file) file.close() for locElt in xmldoc.iter(tag="Loc"): href = None localHref = None namespaceUri = None prefix = None attType = None family = None elements = None version = None for childElt in locElt.iterchildren(): ln = childElt.tag value = childElt.text.strip() if ln == "Href": href = value elif ln == "LocalHref": localHref = value elif ln == "Namespace": namespaceUri = value elif ln == "Prefix": prefix = value elif ln == "AttType": attType = value elif ln == "Family": family = value elif ln == "Elements": elements = value elif ln == "Version": version = value if href: if namespaceUri and (attType == "SCH" or attType == "ENT"): self.standardTaxonomiesDict[namespaceUri].add(href) if localHref: self.standardLocalHrefs[namespaceUri].add(localHref) authority = UrlUtil.authority(namespaceUri) self.standardAuthorities.add(authority) if family == "BASE": self.baseTaxonomyNamespaces.add(namespaceUri) if prefix: self.standardPrefixes[namespaceUri] = prefix if href not in self.standardTaxonomiesDict: self.standardTaxonomiesDict[href] = "Allowed" + attType if family: self.familyHrefs[family].add(ErxlLoc(family, version, href, attType, elements, namespaceUri)) elif attType == "SCH" and family == "BASE": self.baseTaxonomyNamespaces.add(namespaceUri) except (EnvironmentError, etree.LxmlError) as err: self.modelManager.cntlr.addToLog("{0}: import error: {1}".format(basename,err)) etree.clear_error_log() if file: file.close()
def loadUtr( modelXbrl ): # Build a dictionary of item types that are constrained by the UTR modelManager = modelXbrl.modelManager modelManager.disclosureSystem.utrItemTypeEntries = utrItemTypeEntries = defaultdict( dict) # print('UTR LOADED FROM '+utrUrl); # skip status message as it hides prior activity during which this might have just obtained symbols # modelManager.cntlr.showStatus(_("Loading Unit Type Registry")) file = None try: from arelle.FileSource import openXmlFileStream # normalize any relative paths to config directory unitDupCheck = set() file = openXmlFileStream(modelManager.cntlr, modelManager.disclosureSystem.utrUrl, stripDeclaration=True)[0] xmldoc = etree.parse(file) for unitElt in xmldoc.iter(tag="{}unit"): u = UtrEntry() = unitElt.get("id") u.unitId = unitElt.findtext("{}unitId") u.nsUnit = ( unitElt.findtext("{}nsUnit") or None) # None if empty entry u.itemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}itemType") u.nsItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}nsItemType") u.numeratorItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}numeratorItemType") u.nsNumeratorItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}nsNumeratorItemType") u.denominatorItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}denominatorItemType") u.nsDenominatorItemType = unitElt.findtext( "{}nsDenominatorItemType") u.isSimple = all( e is None for e in (u.numeratorItemType, u.nsNumeratorItemType, u.denominatorItemType, u.nsDenominatorItemType)) u.symbol = unitElt.findtext("{}symbol") u.status = unitElt.findtext("{}status") if u.status == "REC": # TO DO: This indexing scheme assumes that there are no name clashes in item types of the registry. (utrItemTypeEntries[u.itemType])[] = u unitDupKey = (u.unitId, u.nsUnit, u.status) if unitDupKey in unitDupCheck: modelXbrl.error( "arelleUtrLoader:entryDuplication", "Unit Type Registry entry duplication: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) unitDupCheck.add(unitDupKey) if u.isSimple: if not u.itemType: modelXbrl.error( "arelleUtrLoader:simpleDefMissingField", "Unit Type Registry simple unit definition missing item type: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) if u.numeratorItemType or u.denominatorItemType or u.nsNumeratorItemType or u.nsDenominatorItemType: modelXbrl.error( "arelleUtrLoader", "Unit Type Registry simple unit definition may not have complex fields: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) else: if u.symbol: modelXbrl.error( "arelleUtrLoader:complexDefSymbol", "Unit Type Registry complex unit definition may not have symbol: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) if not u.numeratorItemType or not u.denominatorItemType: modelXbrl.error( "arelleUtrLoader:complexDefMissingField", "Unit Type Registry complex unit definition must have numerator and denominator fields: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) except (EnvironmentError, etree.LxmlError) as err: modelManager.modelXbrl.error( "arelleUtrLoader:error", "Unit Type Registry Import error: %(error)s", modelObject=modelXbrl, error=err) etree.clear_error_log() if file: file.close()
def loadStandardTaxonomiesDict(self): if self.selection: self.standardTaxonomiesDict = defaultdict(set) self.familyHrefs = defaultdict(set) self.standardLocalHrefs = defaultdict(set) self.standardAuthorities = set() self.standardPrefixes = {} if not self.standardTaxonomiesUrl: return basename = os.path.basename(self.standardTaxonomiesUrl) self.modelManager.cntlr.showStatus( _("parsing {0}").format(basename)) file = None try: from arelle.FileSource import openXmlFileStream for filepath in (self.standardTaxonomiesUrl, os.path.join( self.modelManager.cntlr.configDir, "xbrlschemafiles.xml")): file = openXmlFileStream(self.modelManager.cntlr, filepath, stripDeclaration=True)[0] xmldoc = etree.parse(file) file.close() for erxlElt in xmldoc.iter(tag="Erxl"): v = erxlElt.get("version") if v and re.match(r"[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)*$", v): vSplit = v.split('.') # at least 3 digits always! self.version = tuple( int(n) for n in vSplit) + tuple( 0 for n in range(3 - len(vSplit))) break for locElt in xmldoc.iter(tag="Loc"): href = None localHref = None namespaceUri = None prefix = None attType = None family = None elements = None version = None for childElt in locElt.iterchildren(): ln = childElt.tag value = childElt.text.strip() if ln == "Href": href = value elif ln == "LocalHref": localHref = value elif ln == "Namespace": namespaceUri = value elif ln == "Prefix": prefix = value elif ln == "AttType": attType = value elif ln == "Family": family = value elif ln == "Elements": elements = value elif ln == "Version": version = value if href: if namespaceUri and (attType == "SCH" or attType == "ENT"): self.standardTaxonomiesDict[namespaceUri].add( href) if localHref: self.standardLocalHrefs[namespaceUri].add( localHref) authority = UrlUtil.authority(namespaceUri) self.standardAuthorities.add(authority) if family == "BASE": self.baseTaxonomyNamespaces.add( namespaceUri) if prefix: self.standardPrefixes[ namespaceUri] = prefix if href not in self.standardTaxonomiesDict: self.standardTaxonomiesDict[ href] = "Allowed" + attType if family: self.familyHrefs[family].add( ErxlLoc(family, version, href, attType, elements, namespaceUri)) elif attType == "SCH" and family == "BASE": self.baseTaxonomyNamespaces.add(namespaceUri) except (EnvironmentError, etree.LxmlError) as err: self.modelManager.cntlr.addToLog( "{0}: import error: {1}".format(basename, err)) etree.clear_error_log() if file: file.close()
def loadStandardTaxonomiesDict(self): if self.selection: self.standardTaxonomiesDict = defaultdict(set) self.standardLocalHrefs = defaultdict(set) self.standardAuthorities = set() if not self.standardTaxonomiesUrl: return basename = os.path.basename(self.standardTaxonomiesUrl) self.modelManager.cntlr.showStatus( _("parsing {0}").format(basename)) file = None try: from arelle.FileSource import openXmlFileStream for filepath in (self.standardTaxonomiesUrl, os.path.join( self.modelManager.cntlr.configDir, "xbrlschemafiles.xml")): file = openXmlFileStream(self.modelManager.cntlr, filepath, stripDeclaration=True)[0] xmldoc = etree.parse(file) file.close() for locElt in xmldoc.iter(tag="Loc"): href = None localHref = None namespaceUri = None attType = None family = None for childElt in locElt.iterchildren(): ln = childElt.tag value = childElt.text.strip() if ln == "Href": href = value elif ln == "LocalHref": localHref = value elif ln == "Namespace": namespaceUri = value elif ln == "AttType": attType = value elif ln == "Family": family = value if href: if namespaceUri and (attType == "SCH" or attType == "ENT"): self.standardTaxonomiesDict[namespaceUri].add( href) if localHref: self.standardLocalHrefs[namespaceUri].add( localHref) authority = UrlUtil.authority(namespaceUri) self.standardAuthorities.add(authority) if family == "BASE": self.baseTaxonomyNamespaces.add( namespaceUri) if href not in self.standardTaxonomiesDict: self.standardTaxonomiesDict[ href] = "Allowed" + attType elif attType == "SCH" and family == "BASE": self.baseTaxonomyNamespaces.add(namespaceUri) except (EnvironmentError, etree.LxmlError) as err: self.modelManager.cntlr.addToLog( "{0}: import error: {1}".format(basename, err)) etree.clear_error_log() if file: file.close()
def loadUtr(modelXbrl): # Build a dictionary of item types that are constrained by the UTR modelManager = modelXbrl.modelManager modelManager.disclosureSystem.utrItemTypeEntries = utrItemTypeEntries = defaultdict(dict) # print('UTR LOADED FROM '+utrUrl); # skip status message as it hides prior activity during which this might have just obtained symbols # modelManager.cntlr.showStatus(_("Loading Unit Type Registry")) file = None try: from arelle.FileSource import openXmlFileStream # normalize any relative paths to config directory unitDupCheck = set() file = openXmlFileStream(modelManager.cntlr, modelManager.disclosureSystem.utrUrl, stripDeclaration=True)[0] xmldoc = etree.parse(file) for unitElt in xmldoc.iter(tag="{}unit"): u = UtrEntry() = unitElt.get("id") u.unitId = unitElt.findtext("{}unitId") u.nsUnit = (unitElt.findtext("{}nsUnit") or None) # None if empty entry u.itemType = unitElt.findtext("{}itemType") u.nsItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}nsItemType") u.numeratorItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}numeratorItemType") u.nsNumeratorItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}nsNumeratorItemType") u.denominatorItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}denominatorItemType") u.nsDenominatorItemType = unitElt.findtext("{}nsDenominatorItemType") u.isSimple = all(e is None for e in (u.numeratorItemType, u.nsNumeratorItemType, u.denominatorItemType, u.nsDenominatorItemType)) u.symbol = unitElt.findtext("{}symbol") u.status = unitElt.findtext("{}status") if u.status == "REC": # TO DO: This indexing scheme assumes that there are no name clashes in item types of the registry. (utrItemTypeEntries[u.itemType])[] = u unitDupKey = (u.unitId, u.nsUnit, u.status) if unitDupKey in unitDupCheck: modelXbrl.error("arelleUtrLoader:entryDuplication", "Unit Type Registry entry duplication: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) unitDupCheck.add(unitDupKey) if u.isSimple: if not u.itemType: modelXbrl.error("arelleUtrLoader:simpleDefMissingField", "Unit Type Registry simple unit definition missing item type: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) if u.numeratorItemType or u.denominatorItemType or u.nsNumeratorItemType or u.nsDenominatorItemType: modelXbrl.error("arelleUtrLoader", "Unit Type Registry simple unit definition may not have complex fields: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) else: if u.symbol: modelXbrl.error("arelleUtrLoader:complexDefSymbol", "Unit Type Registry complex unit definition may not have symbol: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) if not u.numeratorItemType or not u.denominatorItemType: modelXbrl.error("arelleUtrLoader:complexDefMissingField", "Unit Type Registry complex unit definition must have numerator and denominator fields: id %(id)s unit %(unitId)s nsUnit %(nsUnit)s status %(status)s", modelObject=modelXbrl,, unitId=u.unitId, nsUnit=u.nsUnit, status=u.status) except (EnvironmentError, etree.LxmlError) as err: modelManager.modelXbrl.error("arelleUtrLoader:error", "Unit Type Registry Import error: %(error)s", modelObject=modelXbrl, error=err) etree.clear_error_log() if file: file.close()