예제 #1
def factCheck(val, fact):
    concept = fact.concept
    context = fact.context
    if concept is None or context is None:
        return # not checkable
        if fact.isNumeric and not fact.isNil and fact.xValue is not None:
            # 2.4.1 decimal disagreement
            if fact.decimals and fact.decimals != "INF":
                vf = float(fact.value)
                if _ISFINITE(vf):
                    dec = _INT(fact.decimals)
                    vround = round(vf, dec)
                    if vf != vround: 
                        val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.2.4.1",
                            _("Decimal disagreement %(fact)s in context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s value %(value)s has insignificant value %(insignificantValue)s"),
                            modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, unitID=fact.unitID,
                            value=fact.effectiveValue, insignificantValue=Locale.format(val.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", 
                                                                                        (dec + 2 if dec > 0 else 0, vf - vround), 
            # 2.5.1 fractions disallowed on a disclosure
            if fact.isFraction:
                if any(val.linroleDefinitionIsDisclosure.match(roleType.definition)
                       for rel in val.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.parentChild).toModelObject(concept)
                       for roleType in val.modelXbrl.roleTypes.get(rel.linkrole,())):
                    val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.2.5.1",
                        _("Disclosure %(fact)s in context %(contextID)s value %(value)s is a fraction"),
                        modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, value=fact.value)
        # deprecated concept
        if concept.qname.namespaceURI == ugtNamespace:
            if concept.name in val.usgaapDeprecations:
        elif concept.get("{http://fasb.org/us-gaap/attributes}deprecatedDate"):
        if fact.isItem and fact.context is not None:
            for dimConcept, modelDim in fact.context.segDimValues.items():
                if dimConcept.qname.namespaceURI == ugtNamespace:
                    if dimConcept.name in val.usgaapDeprecations:
                elif dimConcept.get("{http://fasb.org/us-gaap/attributes}deprecatedDate"):
                if modelDim.isExplicit:
                    member = modelDim.member
                    if member is not None:
                        if member.qname.namespaceURI == ugtNamespace:
                            if member.name in val.usgaapDeprecations:
                        elif member.get("{http://fasb.org/us-gaap/attributes}deprecatedDate"):
    except Exception as err:
        val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.testingException",
            _("%(fact)s in context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s value %(value)s cannot be tested due to: %(err)s"),
            modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, unitID=fact.unitID,
            value=fact.effectiveValue, err=err)
예제 #2
 def effectiveValue(self):
     concept = self.concept
     if concept is None or concept.isTuple:
         return None
     if self.isNil:
         return "(nil)"
     if concept.isNumeric:
         val = self.value
             num = float(val)
             dec = self.decimals
             if dec is None or dec == "INF":
                 dec = len(val.partition(".")[2])
                 dec = int(dec) # 2.7 wants short int, 3.2 takes regular int, don't use _INT here
             return Locale.format(self.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", (dec, num), True)
         except ValueError: 
             return "(error)"
     return self.value
예제 #3
 def effectiveValue(self):
     concept = self.concept
     if concept is None or concept.isTuple:
         return None
     if self.isNil:
         return "(nil)"
     if concept.isNumeric:
         val = self.value
             num = float(val)
             dec = self.decimals
             if dec is None or dec == "INF":
                 dec = len(val.partition(".")[2])
                 dec = int(
                 )  # 2.7 wants short int, 3.2 takes regular int, don't use _INT here
             return Locale.format(self.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", (dec, num),
         except ValueError:
             return "(error)"
     return self.value
예제 #4
 def effectiveValue(self):
     """(str) -- Effective value for views, (nil) if isNil, None if no value, 
     locale-formatted string of decimal value (if decimals specified) , otherwise string value"""
     concept = self.concept
     if concept is None or concept.isTuple:
         return None
     if self.isNil:
         return "(nil)"
         if concept.isNumeric:
             val = self.value
                 num = float(val)
                 dec = self.decimals
                 if dec is None or dec == "INF":
                     dec = len(val.partition(".")[2])
                     dec = int(dec) # 2.7 wants short int, 3.2 takes regular int, don't use _INT here
                 return Locale.format(self.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", (dec, num), True)
             except ValueError: 
                 return "(error)"
         return self.value
     except Exception as ex:
         return str(ex)  # could be transform value of inline fact
예제 #5
    def loadXbrlFromDB(self, loadDBsaveToFile):
        # load from database
        modelXbrl = self.modelXbrl
        # find instance in DB
        instanceURI = os.path.basename(loadDBsaveToFile)
        results = self.execute("SELECT InstanceID, ModuleID, EntityScheme, EntityIdentifier, PeriodEndDateOrInstant"
                               " FROM dInstance WHERE FileName = '{}'"
        instanceId = moduleId = None
        for instanceId, moduleId, entScheme, entId, datePerEnd in results:

        # find module in DB        
        results = self.execute("SELECT XbrlSchemaRef FROM mModule WHERE ModuleID = {}".format(moduleId))
        xbrlSchemaRef = None
        for result in results:
            xbrlSchemaRef = result[0]
        if not instanceId or not xbrlSchemaRef:
            raise XPDBException("sqlDB:MissingDTS",
                    _("The instance and module were not found for %(instanceURI)"),
                    instanceURI = instanceURI) 
        if modelXbrl.skipDTS:
            # find prefixes and namespaces in DB
            results = self.execute("SELECT * FROM [vwGetNamespacesPrefixes]")            
            dpmPrefixedNamespaces = dict((prefix, namespace)
                                         for owner, prefix, namespace in results)
        # create the instance document and resulting filing
        modelXbrl.blockDpmDBrecursion = True
        modelXbrl.modelDocument = createModelDocument(modelXbrl, 
        ValidateXbrlDimensions.loadDimensionDefaults(modelXbrl) # needs dimension defaults 
                                 'version="1.0" contextBuffer="1"')

        # add roleRef and arcroleRef (e.g. for footnotes, if any, see inlineXbrlDocue)
        # filing indicator code IDs
        # get filing indicators
        results = self.execute("SELECT mToT.TemplateOrTableCode "
                               "  FROM dFilingIndicator dFI, mTemplateOrTable mToT "
                               "  WHERE dFI.InstanceID = {} AND mTot.TemplateOrTableID = dFI.BusinessTemplateID"
        filingIndicatorCodes = [code[0] for code in results]
        if filingIndicatorCodes:
                        None, # no dimensional validity checking (like formula does)
                        {}, [], [],
            filingIndicatorsTuple = modelXbrl.createFact(qnFindFilingIndicators)
            for filingIndicatorCode in filingIndicatorCodes:
                                     attributes={"contextRef": "c"}, 

        # facts in this instance
        factsTbl = self.execute("SELECT DataPointSignature, DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards,"
                                " Unit, Decimals, NumericValue, DateTimeValue, BooleanValue, TextValue "
                                "FROM dFact WHERE InstanceID = {} "
                                "ORDER BY substr(CASE WHEN DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards IS NULL "
                                "                          THEN DataPointSignature"
                                "                          ELSE DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards"
                                "                END, instr(DataPointSignature,'|') + 1)"
        # results tuple: factId, dec, varId, dpKey, entId, datePerEnd, unit, numVal, dateVal, boolVal, textVal

        # get typed dimension values
        prefixedNamespaces = modelXbrl.prefixedNamespaces
        prefixedNamespaces["iso4217"] = XbrlConst.iso4217
        if modelXbrl.skipDTS:
            prefixedNamespaces.update(dpmPrefixedNamespaces) # for skipDTS this is always needed
        cntxTbl = {} # index by d
        unitTbl = {}
        def typedDimElt(s):
            # add xmlns into s for known qnames
            tag, angleBrkt, rest = s[1:].partition('>')
            text, angleBrkt, rest = rest.partition("<")
            qn = qname(tag, prefixedNamespaces)
            # a modelObject xml element is needed for all of the instance functions to manage the typed dim
            return addChild(modelXbrl.modelDocument, qn, text=text, appendChild=False)
        # contexts and facts
        for dpSig, dpSigTypedDims, unit, dec, numVal, dateVal, boolVal, textVal in factsTbl:
            metric, sep, dims = (dpSigTypedDims or dpSig).partition('|')
            conceptQn = qname(metric.partition('(')[2][:-1], prefixedNamespaces)
            concept = modelXbrl.qnameConcepts.get(conceptQn)
            isNumeric = isBool = isDateTime = isQName = isText = False
            if concept is not None:
                if concept.isNumeric:
                    isNumeric = True
                    baseXbrliType = concept.baseXbrliType
                    if baseXbrliType == "booleanItemType":
                        isBool = True
                    elif baseXbrliType == "dateTimeItemType": # also is dateItemType?
                        isDateTime = True
                    elif baseXbrliType == "QNameItemType":
                        isQName = True
                c = conceptQn.localName[0]
                if c == 'm':
                    isNumeric = True
                elif c == 'd':
                    isDateTime = True
                elif c == 'b':
                    isBool = True
                elif c == 'e':
                    isQName = True
            isText = not (isNumeric or isBool or isDateTime or isQName)
            if isinstance(datePerEnd, _STR_BASE):
                datePerEnd = datetimeValue(datePerEnd, addOneDay=True)
            cntxKey = (dims, entId, datePerEnd)
            if cntxKey in cntxTbl:
                cntxId = cntxTbl[cntxKey]
                cntxId = 'c-{:02}'.format(len(cntxTbl) + 1)
                cntxTbl[cntxKey] = cntxId
                qnameDims = {}
                if dims:
                    for dim in dims.split('|'):
                        dQn, sep, dVal = dim[:-1].partition('(')
                        dimQname = qname(dQn, prefixedNamespaces)
                        if dVal.startswith('<'):
                            mem = typedDimElt(dVal)  # typed dim
                            mem = qname(dVal, prefixedNamespaces) # explicit dim (even if treat-as-typed)
                        qnameDims[dimQname] = DimValuePrototype(modelXbrl, None, dimQname, mem, "scenario")
                                        None, # no dimensional validity checking (like formula does)
                                        qnameDims, [], [],
            if unit:
                if unit in unitTbl:
                    unitId = unitTbl[unit]
                    unitQn = qname(unit, prefixedNamespaces)
                    unitId = 'u{}'.format(unitQn.localName)
                    unitTbl[unit] = unitId
                    modelXbrl.createUnit([unitQn], [], id=unitId)
                unitId = None
            attrs = {"contextRef": cntxId}
            if unitId:
                attrs["unitRef"] = unitId
            if dec is not None:
                if isinstance(dec, float): # must be an integer
                    dec = int(dec)
                elif isinstance(dec, _STR_BASE) and '.' in dec:
                    dec = dec.partition('.')[0] # drop .0 from any SQLite string
                attrs["decimals"] = str(dec)  # somehow it is float from the database
            if False: # fact.isNil:
                attrs[XbrlConst.qnXsiNil] = "true"
                text = None
            elif numVal is not None:
                num = roundValue(numVal, None, dec) # round using reported decimals
                if dec is None or dec == "INF":  # show using decimals or reported format
                    dec = len(numVal.partition(".")[2])
                else: # max decimals at 28
                    dec = max( min(int(float(dec)), 28), -28) # 2.7 wants short int, 3.2 takes regular int, don't use _INT here
                text = Locale.format(self.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", (dec, num))
            elif dateVal is not None:
                text = dateVal
            elif boolVal is not None:
                text = 'true' if boolVal.lower() in ('t', 'true', '1') else 'false'
                if isQName: # declare namespace
                    addQnameValue(modelXbrl.modelDocument, qname(textVal, prefixedNamespaces))
                text = textVal
            modelXbrl.createFact(conceptQn, attributes=attrs, text=text)
        # add footnotes if any
        # save to file
        modelXbrl.modelManager.showStatus(_("Saved extracted instance"), 5000)
        return modelXbrl.modelDocument
def factCheck(val, fact):
    concept = fact.concept
    context = fact.context
    if concept is None or context is None or not val.validateLoggingSemantic:
        return # not checkable
        if fact.isNumeric:
            # 2.3.3 additional unit tests beyond UTR spec
            unit = fact.unit
            if unit is not None and concept.type is not None and val.validateUTR:
                typeName = concept.type.name
                if typeName == "perUnitItemType" and any(m.namespaceURI == XbrlConst.iso4217 or
                                                         m in (XbrlConst.qnXbrliPure, XbrlConst.qnXbrliShares)
                                                         for m in unit.measures[1]):
                    val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.2.3.3.perUnitItemType",
                        _("PureItemType fact %(fact)s in context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s value %(value)s has disallowed unit denominator %(denominator)s"),
                        modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, unitID=fact.unitID,
                        value=fact.effectiveValue, denominator=", ".join((str(m) for m in unit.measures[1])))
            if not fact.isNil and getattr(fact, "xValue", None) is not None:                 
                # 2.4.1 decimal disagreement
                if fact.decimals and fact.decimals != "INF":
                    vf = float(fact.value)
                    if _ISFINITE(vf):
                        dec = _INT(fact.decimals)
                        vround = round(vf, dec)
                        if vf != vround: 
                            val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.2.4.1",
                                _("Decimal disagreement %(fact)s in context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s value %(value)s has insignificant value %(insignificantValue)s"),
                                modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, unitID=fact.unitID,
                                value=fact.effectiveValue, insignificantValue=Locale.format(val.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", 
                                                                                            (dec + 2 if dec > 0 else 0, vf - vround), 
                # 2.5.1 fractions disallowed on a disclosure
                if fact.isFraction:
                    if any(val.linroleDefinitionIsDisclosure.match(roleType.definition)
                           for rel in val.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.parentChild).toModelObject(concept)
                           for roleType in val.modelXbrl.roleTypes.get(rel.linkrole,())):
                        val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.2.5.1",
                            _("Disclosure %(fact)s in context %(contextID)s value %(value)s is a fraction"),
                            modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, value=fact.value)
        # deprecated concept
        if concept.qname.namespaceURI == val.ugtNamespace:
            if concept.name in val.usgaapDeprecations:
        elif concept.get("{http://fasb.org/us-gaap/attributes}deprecatedDate"):
        if fact.isItem and fact.context is not None:
            for dimConcept, modelDim in fact.context.segDimValues.items():
                if dimConcept.qname.namespaceURI == val.ugtNamespace:
                    if dimConcept.name in val.usgaapDeprecations:
                elif dimConcept.get("{http://fasb.org/us-gaap/attributes}deprecatedDate"):
                if modelDim.isExplicit:
                    member = modelDim.member
                    if member is not None:
                        if member.qname.namespaceURI == val.ugtNamespace:
                            if member.name in val.usgaapDeprecations:
                        elif member.get("{http://fasb.org/us-gaap/attributes}deprecatedDate"):
    except Exception as err:
        val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.testingException",
            _("%(fact)s in context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s value %(value)s cannot be tested due to: %(err)s"),
            modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, unitID=fact.unitID,
            value=fact.effectiveValue, err=err)
예제 #7
def factCheck(val, fact):
    concept = fact.concept
    context = fact.context
    if concept is None or context is None or not val.validateLoggingSemantic:
        return # not checkable
        if fact.isNumeric:
            # 2.3.3 additional unit tests beyond UTR spec
            unit = fact.unit
            if unit is not None and concept.type is not None and val.validateUTR:
                typeName = concept.type.name
                if typeName == "perUnitItemType" and any(m.namespaceURI == XbrlConst.iso4217 or
                                                         m in (XbrlConst.qnXbrliPure, XbrlConst.qnXbrliShares)
                                                         for m in unit.measures[1]):
                    val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.2.3.3.perUnitItemType",
                        _("PureItemType fact %(fact)s in context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s value %(value)s has disallowed unit denominator %(denominator)s"),
                        modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, unitID=fact.unitID,
                        value=fact.effectiveValue, denominator=", ".join((str(m) for m in unit.measures[1])))
            if not fact.isNil and getattr(fact, "xValue", None) is not None:                 
                # 2.4.1 decimal disagreement
                if fact.decimals and fact.decimals != "INF":
                    vf = float(fact.value)
                    if _ISFINITE(vf):
                        dec = _INT(fact.decimals)
                        vround = round(vf, dec)
                        if vf != vround: 
                            val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.2.4.1",
                                _("Decimal disagreement %(fact)s in context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s value %(value)s has insignificant value %(insignificantValue)s"),
                                modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, unitID=fact.unitID,
                                value=fact.effectiveValue, insignificantValue=Locale.format(val.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", 
                                                                                            (dec + 2 if dec > 0 else 0, vf - vround), 
                # 2.5.1 fractions disallowed on a disclosure
                if fact.isFraction:
                    if any(val.linroleDefinitionIsDisclosure.match(roleType.definition)
                           for rel in val.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.parentChild).toModelObject(concept)
                           for roleType in val.modelXbrl.roleTypes.get(rel.linkrole,())):
                        val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.2.5.1",
                            _("Disclosure %(fact)s in context %(contextID)s value %(value)s is a fraction"),
                            modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, value=fact.value)
        # deprecated concept
        if concept.qname.namespaceURI == val.ugtNamespace:
            if concept.name in val.usgaapDeprecations:
        elif concept.get("{http://fasb.org/us-gaap/attributes}deprecatedDate"):
        if fact.isItem and fact.context is not None:
            for dimConcept, modelDim in fact.context.segDimValues.items():
                if dimConcept.qname.namespaceURI == val.ugtNamespace:
                    if dimConcept.name in val.usgaapDeprecations:
                elif dimConcept.get("{http://fasb.org/us-gaap/attributes}deprecatedDate"):
                if modelDim.isExplicit:
                    member = modelDim.member
                    if member is not None:
                        if member.qname.namespaceURI == val.ugtNamespace:
                            if member.name in val.usgaapDeprecations:
                        elif member.get("{http://fasb.org/us-gaap/attributes}deprecatedDate"):
    except Exception as err:
        val.modelXbrl.log('WARNING-SEMANTIC', "US-BPG.testingException",
            _("%(fact)s in context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s value %(value)s cannot be tested due to: %(err)s"),
            modelObject=fact, fact=fact.qname, contextID=fact.contextID, unitID=fact.unitID,
            value=fact.effectiveValue, err=err)
예제 #8
    def loadXbrlFromDB(self, loadDBsaveToFile):
        # load from database
        modelXbrl = self.modelXbrl
        # find instance in DB
        instanceURI = os.path.basename(loadDBsaveToFile)
        results = self.execute("SELECT InstanceID, ModuleID, EntityScheme, EntityIdentifier, PeriodEndDateOrInstant"
                               " FROM dInstance WHERE FileName = '{}'"
        instanceId = moduleId = None
        for instanceId, moduleId, entScheme, entId, datePerEnd in results:

        # find module in DB        
        results = self.execute("SELECT XbrlSchemaRef FROM mModule WHERE ModuleID = {}".format(moduleId))
        xbrlSchemaRef = None
        for result in results:
            xbrlSchemaRef = result[0]
        if not instanceId or not xbrlSchemaRef:
            raise XPDBException("sqlDB:MissingDTS",
                    _("The instance and module were not found for %(instanceURI)"),
                    instanceURI = instanceURI) 
        if modelXbrl.skipDTS:
            # find prefixes and namespaces in DB
            results = self.execute("SELECT * FROM [vwGetNamespacesPrefixes]")            
            dpmPrefixedNamespaces = dict((prefix, namespace)
                                         for owner, prefix, namespace in results)
        # create the instance document and resulting filing
        modelXbrl.blockDpmDBrecursion = True
        modelXbrl.modelDocument = createModelDocument(modelXbrl, 
        ValidateXbrlDimensions.loadDimensionDefaults(modelXbrl) # needs dimension defaults 
                                 'version="1.0" contextBuffer="1"')

        # add roleRef and arcroleRef (e.g. for footnotes, if any, see inlineXbrlDocue)
        # filing indicator code IDs
        # get filing indicators
        results = self.execute("SELECT mToT.TemplateOrTableCode "
                               "  FROM dFilingIndicator dFI, mTemplateOrTable mToT "
                               "  WHERE dFI.InstanceID = {} AND mTot.TemplateOrTableID = dFI.BusinessTemplateID"
        filingIndicatorCodes = [code[0] for code in results]
        if filingIndicatorCodes:
                        None, # no dimensional validity checking (like formula does)
                        {}, [], [],
            filingIndicatorsTuple = modelXbrl.createFact(qnFindFilingIndicators)
            for filingIndicatorCode in filingIndicatorCodes:
                                     attributes={"contextRef": "c"}, 

        # facts in this instance
        factsTbl = self.execute("SELECT DataPointSignature, DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards,"
                                " Unit, Decimals, NumericValue, DateTimeValue, BooleanValue, TextValue "
                                "FROM dFact WHERE InstanceID = {} "
                                "ORDER BY substr(CASE WHEN DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards IS NULL "
                                "                          THEN DataPointSignature"
                                "                          ELSE DataPointSignatureWithValuesForWildcards"
                                "                END, instr(DataPointSignature,'|') + 1)"
        # results tuple: factId, dec, varId, dpKey, entId, datePerEnd, unit, numVal, dateVal, boolVal, textVal

        # get typed dimension values
        prefixedNamespaces = modelXbrl.prefixedNamespaces
        prefixedNamespaces["iso4217"] = XbrlConst.iso4217
        if modelXbrl.skipDTS:
            prefixedNamespaces.update(dpmPrefixedNamespaces) # for skipDTS this is always needed
        cntxTbl = {} # index by d
        unitTbl = {}
        def typedDimElt(s):
            # add xmlns into s for known qnames
            tag, angleBrkt, rest = s[1:].partition('>')
            text, angleBrkt, rest = rest.partition("<")
            qn = qname(tag, prefixedNamespaces)
            # a modelObject xml element is needed for all of the instance functions to manage the typed dim
            return addChild(modelXbrl.modelDocument, qn, text=text, appendChild=False)
        # contexts and facts
        for dpSig, dpSigTypedDims, unit, dec, numVal, dateVal, boolVal, textVal in factsTbl:
            metric, sep, dims = (dpSigTypedDims or dpSig).partition('|')
            conceptQn = qname(metric.partition('(')[2][:-1], prefixedNamespaces)
            concept = modelXbrl.qnameConcepts.get(conceptQn)
            isNumeric = isBool = isDateTime = isQName = isText = False
            if concept is not None:
                if concept.isNumeric:
                    isNumeric = True
                    baseXbrliType = concept.baseXbrliType
                    if baseXbrliType == "booleanItemType":
                        isBool = True
                    elif baseXbrliType == "dateTimeItemType": # also is dateItemType?
                        isDateTime = True
                    elif baseXbrliType == "QNameItemType":
                        isQName = True
                c = conceptQn.localName[0]
                if c == 'm':
                    isNumeric = True
                elif c == 'd':
                    isDateTime = True
                elif c == 'b':
                    isBool = True
                elif c == 'e':
                    isQName = True
            isText = not (isNumeric or isBool or isDateTime or isQName)
            if isinstance(datePerEnd, _STR_BASE):
                datePerEnd = datetimeValue(datePerEnd, addOneDay=True)
            cntxKey = (dims, entId, datePerEnd)
            if cntxKey in cntxTbl:
                cntxId = cntxTbl[cntxKey]
                cntxId = 'c-{:02}'.format(len(cntxTbl) + 1)
                cntxTbl[cntxKey] = cntxId
                qnameDims = {}
                if dims:
                    for dim in dims.split('|'):
                        dQn, sep, dVal = dim[:-1].partition('(')
                        dimQname = qname(dQn, prefixedNamespaces)
                        if dVal.startswith('<'): # typed dim
                            mem = typedDimElt(dVal)
                            mem = qname(dVal, prefixedNamespaces)
                        qnameDims[dimQname] = DimValuePrototype(modelXbrl, None, dimQname, mem, "scenario")
                                        None, # no dimensional validity checking (like formula does)
                                        qnameDims, [], [],
            if unit:
                if unit in unitTbl:
                    unitId = unitTbl[unit]
                    unitQn = qname(unit, prefixedNamespaces)
                    unitId = 'u{}'.format(unitQn.localName)
                    unitTbl[unit] = unitId
                    modelXbrl.createUnit([unitQn], [], id=unitId)
                unitId = None
            attrs = {"contextRef": cntxId}
            if unitId:
                attrs["unitRef"] = unitId
            if dec is not None:
                if isinstance(dec, float): # must be an integer
                    dec = int(dec)
                elif isinstance(dec, _STR_BASE) and '.' in dec:
                    dec = dec.partition('.')[0] # drop .0 from any SQLite string
                attrs["decimals"] = str(dec)  # somehow it is float from the database
            if False: # fact.isNil:
                attrs[XbrlConst.qnXsiNil] = "true"
                text = None
            elif numVal is not None:
                num = roundValue(numVal, None, dec) # round using reported decimals
                if dec is None or dec == "INF":  # show using decimals or reported format
                    dec = len(numVal.partition(".")[2])
                else: # max decimals at 28
                    dec = max( min(int(float(dec)), 28), -28) # 2.7 wants short int, 3.2 takes regular int, don't use _INT here
                text = Locale.format(self.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", (dec, num))
            elif dateVal is not None:
                text = dateVal
            elif boolVal is not None:
                text = 'true' if boolVal.lower() in ('t', 'true', '1') else 'false'
                if isQName: # declare namespace
                    addQnameValue(modelXbrl.modelDocument, qname(textVal, prefixedNamespaces))
                text = textVal
            modelXbrl.createFact(conceptQn, attributes=attrs, text=text)
        # add footnotes if any
        # save to file
        modelXbrl.modelManager.showStatus(_("Saved extracted instance"), 5000)
        return modelXbrl.modelDocument
예제 #9
    def validate(self):
        if not self.modelXbrl.contexts and not self.modelXbrl.facts:
            return # skip if no contexts or facts
        self.modelXbrl.info("info","Validating calculations inferring %(inferMode)s",
                            inferMode=_("decimals") if self.inferDecimals else _("precision"))

        # identify equal contexts
        uniqueContextHashes = {}
        for context in self.modelXbrl.contexts.values():
            h = context.contextDimAwareHash
            if h in uniqueContextHashes:
                if context.isEqualTo(uniqueContextHashes[h]):
                    self.mapContext[context] = uniqueContextHashes[h]
                uniqueContextHashes[h] = context
        del uniqueContextHashes
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... identify equal contexts", minTimeToShow=1.0)

        # identify equal contexts
        uniqueUnitHashes = {}
        for unit in self.modelXbrl.units.values():
            h = unit.hash
            if h in uniqueUnitHashes:
                if unit.isEqualTo(uniqueUnitHashes[h]):
                    self.mapUnit[unit] = uniqueUnitHashes[h]
                uniqueUnitHashes[h] = unit
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... identify equal units", minTimeToShow=1.0)
        # identify concepts participating in essence-alias relationships
        # identify calcluation & essence-alias base sets (by key)
        for baseSetKey in self.modelXbrl.baseSets.keys():
            arcrole, ELR, linkqname, arcqname = baseSetKey
            if ELR and linkqname and arcqname:
                if arcrole in (XbrlConst.essenceAlias, XbrlConst.requiresElement):
                    conceptsSet = {XbrlConst.essenceAlias:self.conceptsInEssencesAlias,
                    for modelRel in self.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(arcrole,ELR,linkqname,arcqname).modelRelationships:
                        for concept in (modelRel.fromModelObject, modelRel.toModelObject):
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... identify requires-element and esseance-aliased concepts", minTimeToShow=1.0)

        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... bind facts", minTimeToShow=1.0)
        # identify calcluation & essence-alias base sets (by key)
        for baseSetKey in self.modelXbrl.baseSets.keys():
            arcrole, ELR, linkqname, arcqname = baseSetKey
            if ELR and linkqname and arcqname:
                if arcrole in (XbrlConst.summationItem, XbrlConst.essenceAlias, XbrlConst.requiresElement):
                    relsSet = self.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(arcrole,ELR,linkqname,arcqname)
                    if arcrole == XbrlConst.summationItem:
                        fromRelationships = relsSet.fromModelObjects()
                        for sumConcept, modelRels in fromRelationships.items():
                            sumBindingKeys = self.sumConceptBindKeys[sumConcept]
                            dupBindingKeys = set()
                            boundSumKeys = set()
                            # determine boundSums
                            for modelRel in modelRels:
                                itemBindingKeys = self.itemConceptBindKeys[modelRel.toModelObject]
                                boundSumKeys |= sumBindingKeys & itemBindingKeys
                            # add up rounded items
                            boundSums = defaultdict(decimal.Decimal) # sum of facts meeting factKey
                            boundSummationItems = defaultdict(list) # corresponding fact refs for messages
                            for modelRel in modelRels:
                                weight = modelRel.weightDecimal
                                itemConcept = modelRel.toModelObject
                                for itemBindKey in boundSumKeys:
                                    ancestor, contextHash, unit = itemBindKey
                                    factKey = (itemConcept, ancestor, contextHash, unit)
                                    if factKey in self.itemFacts:
                                        for fact in self.itemFacts[factKey]:
                                            if fact in self.duplicatedFacts:
                                                boundSums[itemBindKey] += roundFact(fact, self.inferDecimals) * weight
                            for sumBindKey in boundSumKeys:
                                ancestor, contextHash, unit = sumBindKey
                                factKey = (sumConcept, ancestor, contextHash, unit)
                                if factKey in self.sumFacts:
                                    sumFacts = self.sumFacts[factKey]
                                    for fact in sumFacts:
                                        if fact in self.duplicatedFacts:
                                        elif sumBindKey not in dupBindingKeys:
                                            roundedSum = roundFact(fact, self.inferDecimals)
                                            roundedItemsSum = roundFact(fact, self.inferDecimals, vDecimal=boundSums[sumBindKey])
                                            if roundedItemsSum  != roundFact(fact, self.inferDecimals):
                                                d = inferredDecimals(fact)
                                                if isnan(d) or isinf(d): d = 4
                                                    _("Calculation inconsistent from %(concept)s in link role %(linkrole)s reported sum %(reportedSum)s computed sum %(computedSum)s context %(contextID)s unit %(unitID)s"),
                                                    modelObject=[fact] + boundSummationItems[sumBindKey], 
                                                    concept=sumConcept.qname, linkrole=ELR, 
                                                    reportedSum=Locale.format(self.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", (d, roundedSum), True),
                                                    computedSum=Locale.format(self.modelXbrl.locale, "%.*f", (d, roundedItemsSum), True), 
                                                    contextID=context.id, unitID=unit.id)
                            boundSummationItems.clear() # dereference facts in list
                    elif arcrole == XbrlConst.essenceAlias:
                        for modelRel in relsSet.modelRelationships:
                            essenceConcept = modelRel.fromModelObject
                            aliasConcept = modelRel.toModelObject
                            essenceBindingKeys = self.esAlConceptBindKeys[essenceConcept]
                            aliasBindingKeys = self.esAlConceptBindKeys[aliasConcept]
                            for esAlBindKey in essenceBindingKeys & aliasBindingKeys:
                                ancestor, contextHash = esAlBindKey
                                essenceFactsKey = (essenceConcept, ancestor, contextHash)
                                aliasFactsKey = (aliasConcept, ancestor, contextHash)
                                if essenceFactsKey in self.esAlFacts and aliasFactsKey in self.esAlFacts:
                                    for eF in self.esAlFacts[essenceFactsKey]:
                                        for aF in self.esAlFacts[aliasFactsKey]:
                                            essenceUnit = self.mapUnit.get(eF.unit,eF.unit)
                                            aliasUnit = self.mapUnit.get(aF.unit,aF.unit)
                                            if essenceUnit != aliasUnit:
                                                    _("Essence-Alias inconsistent units from %(essenceConcept)s to %(aliasConcept)s in link role %(linkrole)s context %(contextID)s"),
                                                    modelObject=(modelRel, eF, aF), 
                                                    essenceConcept=essenceConcept.qname, aliasConcept=aliasConcept.qname, 
                                                    linkrole=ELR, contextID=context.id)
                                            if not XbrlUtil.vEqual(eF, aF):
                                                    _("Essence-Alias inconsistent value from %(essenceConcept)s to %(aliasConcept)s in link role %(linkrole)s context %(contextID)s"),
                                                    modelObject=(modelRel, eF, aF), 
                                                    essenceConcept=essenceConcept.qname, aliasConcept=aliasConcept.qname, 
                                                    linkrole=ELR, contextID=context.id)
                    elif arcrole == XbrlConst.requiresElement:
                        for modelRel in relsSet.modelRelationships:
                            sourceConcept = modelRel.fromModelObject
                            requiredConcept = modelRel.toModelObject
                            if sourceConcept in self.requiresElementFacts and \
                               not requiredConcept in self.requiresElementFacts:
                                        _("Requires-Element %(requiringConcept)s missing required fact for %(requiredConcept)s in link role %(linkrole)s"),
                                        requiringConcept=sourceConcept.qname, requiredConcept=requiredConcept.qname, 
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity("... find inconsistencies", minTimeToShow=1.0)
        self.modelXbrl.profileActivity() # reset