예제 #1
파일: predict.py 프로젝트: Jwuthri/Aristote
 def __init__(self, base_path=MODEL_PATH, name='model_name', max_words=20000, cleaning_func=None, gpu=False):
     self.normalizer = TextNormalization()
     self.cleaning_func = cleaning_func
     msl = ModelSaverLoader(base_path, name, True)
     info = msl.load_info()
     label_type = info.get('label_type')
     architecture = info.get('architecture')
     number_labels = info.get('number_labels')
     pretrained_embedding = info.get('pretrained_embedding')
     input_size = info.get('input_size', 0)
     vocab_size = info.get('vocab_size', 0)
     embedding_size = info.get('embedding_size')
     super().__init__(label_type, architecture, number_labels, pretrained_embedding, base_path, name, True)
     self.build_model(input_size, embedding_size, vocab_size)
     self.model = self.load_weights(self.model)
     self.tokenizer = self.load_tokenizer()
     self.input_size = input_size
     self.possible_words = list(self.tokenizer.word_index.keys())[:max_words]
     self.no_completion = (',', '!', '?', ':', ';', '.', '\n', '\n\n', '', ' ')
     self.end_sentence = ('!', '?', '.', '\n', '\n\n')
     self.no_space_needed = (" ", "\n", "\n\n")
     self.splitter = " "
     self.delimiters = "|".join([
         "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "\\(", "\\)", "_", "-", ",", "<", "\\.",
         ">", "\\?", "`", "~", ":", ";", "\\+", "=", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\n{2,}", "\\s"
     _ = self.predict("")
예제 #2
class TensorflowPredictor(TensorflowModel, TensorflowLoaderSaver):
    """Module to predict saved model."""

    def __init__(self, name, model_load, cleaning_func=None, **kwargs):
        self.name = name
        self.cleaning_func = cleaning_func
        self.normalizer = TextNormalization()
        TensorflowLoaderSaver.__init__(self, name, model_load, **kwargs)
        self.info = self.load_info()
        self.info['model_load'] = model_load
        self.label_encoder = self.load_label_encoder()
        self.classes_thresholds = self.load_thresholds()
        TensorflowModel.__init__(self, name=name, **self.info)

    def clean_text(self, text):
        text = self.normalizer.replace_char_rep(text=text)
        text = self.normalizer.replace_words_rep(text=text)
        if self.cleaning_func:
            text = self.cleaning_func(text)
        text = self.normalizer.remove_multiple_spaces(text=text)
        text = text.strip()

        return text

    def predict_multi_label(self, text, thresholds=None):
        cleaned = np.asarray([self.clean_text(x) for x in text])
        thresholds = thresholds if thresholds else self.classes_thresholds
        predictions = [dict(zip(self.label_encoder.classes_.tolist(), x)) for x in self.model.predict(cleaned).tolist()]
        filtered_predictions = [
            [label for label, proba in prediction.items() if proba >= thresholds[label]] for prediction in predictions

        return filtered_predictions

    def predict_multi_class(self, text):
        cleaned = np.asarray([self.clean_text(x) for x in text])
        predictions = self.model.predict(cleaned).tolist()
        predictions = [self.label_encoder.classes_[np.argmax(prediction)] for prediction in predictions]

        return predictions

    def predict(self, text):
        cleaned = np.asarray([self.clean_text(x) for x in text])
        predictions = [dict(zip(self.label_encoder.classes_.tolist(), x)) for x in self.model.predict(cleaned).tolist()]
        filtered_predictions = [
            [(label, proba) for label, proba in prediction.items() if proba >= self.classes_thresholds[label]] for prediction in predictions

        return filtered_predictions
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, name, model_load, cleaning_func=None, **kwargs):
     self.name = name
     self.cleaning_func = cleaning_func
     self.normalizer = TextNormalization()
     TensorflowLoaderSaver.__init__(self, name, model_load, **kwargs)
     self.info = self.load_info()
     self.info['model_load'] = model_load
     self.label_encoder = self.load_label_encoder()
     self.classes_thresholds = self.load_thresholds()
     TensorflowModel.__init__(self, name=name, **self.info)
예제 #4
    def clean_x(x):
        pbar = tqdm(total=len(x), desc="Cleaning x")
        cleaned_texts = []
        tn = TextNormalization()
        for text in x:
            text = tn.replace_char_rep(text=text)
            text = tn.replace_words_rep(text=text)
            text = tn.remove_multiple_spaces(text=text)
            text = text.strip()

        return cleaned_texts
예제 #5
    def clean_dataset(self, data):
        pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(data), desc="Cleaning the dataset")
        cleaned_texts = []
        tn = TextNormalization()
        for text in data.values:
            text = "[CLS] " + text
            text = self.split_text(text)
            text = tn.replace_char_rep(text=text)
            text = tn.replace_words_rep(text=text)
            text = tn.text_demojis(text=text)
            text = tn.text_demoticons(text=text)
            text = tn.remove_multiple_spaces(text=text)
            text = text.strip()
            text = text + " [END]"

        return cleaned_texts
예제 #6
 def __init__(self):
     self.sequencer = SequenceSplitter()
     self.normalizer = TextNormalization()
예제 #7
파일: predict.py 프로젝트: Jwuthri/Aristote
class Predictor(BaseTensorflowModel):

    def __init__(self, base_path=MODEL_PATH, name='model_name', max_words=20000, cleaning_func=None, gpu=False):
        self.normalizer = TextNormalization()
        self.cleaning_func = cleaning_func
        msl = ModelSaverLoader(base_path, name, True)
        info = msl.load_info()
        label_type = info.get('label_type')
        architecture = info.get('architecture')
        number_labels = info.get('number_labels')
        pretrained_embedding = info.get('pretrained_embedding')
        input_size = info.get('input_size', 0)
        vocab_size = info.get('vocab_size', 0)
        embedding_size = info.get('embedding_size')
        super().__init__(label_type, architecture, number_labels, pretrained_embedding, base_path, name, True)
        self.build_model(input_size, embedding_size, vocab_size)
        self.model = self.load_weights(self.model)
        self.tokenizer = self.load_tokenizer()
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.possible_words = list(self.tokenizer.word_index.keys())[:max_words]
        self.no_completion = (',', '!', '?', ':', ';', '.', '\n', '\n\n', '', ' ')
        self.end_sentence = ('!', '?', '.', '\n', '\n\n')
        self.no_space_needed = (" ", "\n", "\n\n")
        self.splitter = " "
        self.delimiters = "|".join([
            "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "\\(", "\\)", "_", "-", ",", "<", "\\.",
            ">", "\\?", "`", "~", ":", ";", "\\+", "=", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\n{2,}", "\\s"
        _ = self.predict("")

    def split_text(self, text):
        text = text.lower()

        return re.sub(r'(' + self.delimiters + ')', r' \1 ', text).strip()

    def clean_text(self, text):
        text = self.split_text(text)
        text = self.normalizer.replace_char_rep(text=text)
        text = self.normalizer.replace_words_rep(text=text)
        text = self.normalizer.text_demojis(text=text)
        text = self.normalizer.text_demoticons(text=text)
        if self.cleaning_func:
            text = self.cleaning_func(text)
        text = self.normalizer.remove_multiple_spaces(text=text)
        text = text.strip()

        return text

    def to_sequence(self, text):
        tokenized_text = self.tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([text])[0]
        padded_tokenized_text = pad_sequences([tokenized_text], maxlen=self.input_size, padding='pre')

        return padded_tokenized_text

    def split_text_last_word(self, text):
        return text.split(self.splitter)[-1], "".join(text.split(self.splitter)[:-1])

    def get_prediction_startwith(self, predictions, word, threshold=0.3):
        tokens_ids = np.where(predictions[0] >= threshold)[0]
        scores = [predictions[0][idx] for idx in tokens_ids]
        token_score = list(zip(tokens_ids, scores))
        token_score_possible = dict(
            [(self.tokenizer.index_word.get(token), score) for (token, score) in token_score if score >= threshold])
        sorted_token = sorted(token_score_possible.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
        for token, score in sorted_token:
            if token.startswith(word):
                return token, score

        return "", 0.0

    def word_completion(self, text, threshold=0.3):
        score, token = 0.0, ""
        if text[-1] == self.splitter:
            return text, [score], [token]
        splitted_text = self.split_text(text)
        last_word, begin_text = self.split_text_last_word(splitted_text)
        cleaned_text = self.clean_text(begin_text)
        if last_word not in self.no_completion:
            padded_tokenized_text = self.to_sequence(cleaned_text)
            predictions = self.model.predict(padded_tokenized_text)
            token, score = self.get_prediction_startwith(predictions,last_word, threshold)
            text += token[len(last_word):]

        return text, [score], [token[len(last_word):]]

    def next_word(self, text):
        splitted_text = self.split_text(text)
        last_word = splitted_text.split(self.splitter)[-1]
        cleaned_text = self.clean_text(splitted_text)
        tokenized_text = self.tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([cleaned_text])[0]
        padded_tokenized_text = pad_sequences([tokenized_text], maxlen=self.input_size, padding='pre')
        predictions = self.model.predict(padded_tokenized_text)
        prediction = np.argmax(predictions[0])
        token = self.tokenizer.index_word.get(prediction)
        score = predictions[0][prediction]
        if (token not in string.punctuation) and (token not in self.no_space_needed) and (text[-1] != self.splitter):
            if last_word in self.end_sentence:
                token = token.capitalize()
            token = " " + token

        return score, token

    def next_words(self, text, threshold=0.4, max_predictions=5):
        scores, tokens, score, number_predicted_words, continue_prediction = [], [], 1.0, 0, True
        while continue_prediction:
            score_token, token = self.next_word(text)
            score *= score_token
            if score >= threshold:
                number_predicted_words += 1
                text += token
                continue_prediction = False
            if number_predicted_words == max_predictions:
                continue_prediction = False

        return text, scores, tokens

    def generate(self, x, max_predictions=100):
        text = x
        text, _, _ = self.word_completion(text)
        text, _, _ = self.next_words(text, threshold=0.0, max_predictions=max_predictions)
        predicted_text = text[len(x):]

        return {"input_text": x, "predicted_text": predicted_text}

    # @timer
    def predict(self, x, completion_threshold=0.2, prediction_threshold=0.3, max_predictions=5):
        text = x
        text, completion_score, completion_token = self.word_completion(text, threshold=completion_threshold)
        text, next_word_scores, next_word_tokens = self.next_words(
            text, threshold=prediction_threshold, max_predictions=max_predictions)
        predicted_text = text[len(x):]
        scores = completion_score + next_word_scores
        tokens = completion_token + next_word_tokens

        return {"input_text": x, "predicted_text": predicted_text, "scores": scores, "tokens": tokens}
예제 #8
 def test_text_decontraction(self):
     text = "I'd like to know yall guys"
     decontraction_text = TextNormalization().text_decontraction(text)
     assert decontraction_text == "I would like to know you all guys"
예제 #9
 def test_text_demoticons(self):
     text = 'Let me tell you something you already know :)'
     demoticons_text = TextNormalization().text_demoticons(text, how_replace='mean')
     assert demoticons_text == 'Let me tell you something you already know Happy face or smiley'
     demoticons_text = TextNormalization().text_demoticons(text, how_replace="")
     assert demoticons_text == 'Let me tell you something you already know '
예제 #10
 def test_text_demojize(self):
     text = 'Let me tell you something you already know 👍'
     demojize_text = TextNormalization().text_demojis(text, how_replace='mean')
     assert demojize_text == 'Let me tell you something you already know thumbs_up'
     demojize_text = TextNormalization().text_demojis(text, how_replace="")
     assert demojize_text == 'Let me tell you something you already know '
예제 #11
 def test_word_stemming(self):
     word = "shipping"
     stemmed_word = TextNormalization().word_stemming(word)
     assert stemmed_word == 'ship'
예제 #12
 def test_text_correction(self):
     text = 'Let me tell you somthing you alrady know.'
     cleaned_text = TextNormalization().text_correction(text)
     assert cleaned_text == 'Let me tell you something you already know.'