def command(sourcepath): """ Do something spectacular. """ dataset = gdal.Open(sourcepath) sdp = pyramids.SingleDatasetPyramid(dataset) from arjan.monitor import Monitor; mon = Monitor() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=init, initargs=(sdp,)), range(1000)) mon.check('') print(sdp.levels[-1].array)
def command(sourcepath, targetpath, timestep=None): """ Do something spectacular. """ quaddataset = quads.get_dataset(sourcepath) ascdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName(b'aaigrid') ascdriver.CreateCopy(b'arjen.asc', quaddataset) quaddata = quaddataset.ReadAsArray() if timestep is None: logger.debug('Calculating maximum flow velocity.') with Dataset(sourcepath) as dataset: fvx = dataset.variables['ucx'][:].max(0) fvy = dataset.variables['ucy'][:].max(0) else: with Dataset(sourcepath) as dataset: logger.debug('Calculating flow velocity for time = {}.'.format( dataset.variables['time'][timestep], )) fvx = dataset.variables['ucx'][:][timestep] fvy = dataset.variables['ucy'][:][timestep] # Create linear array fv = np.empty(fvx.size + 1), mask=True, ) # Fill with flowvelocity from netcdf fv[0:-1] = np.sqrt(fvx ** 2 + fvy ** 2) # Create mem dataset mem_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(b'mem') fvdataset = mem_driver.Create( b'', quaddataset.RasterXSize, quaddataset.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ) fvdataset.SetGeoTransform(quaddataset.GetGeoTransform()) fvband = fvdataset.GetRasterBand(1) fvband.Fill(-999) fvband.SetNoDataValue(-999) fvband.WriteArray(fv[quaddata].filled(-999)) # Create asciifile asc_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(b'aaigrid') asc_driver.CreateCopy( targetpath, fvdataset, options=[b'DECIMAL_PRECISION=3'] ) # Creating asciifile via vsimem to show capability # Note that we need to vsipath = '/vsimem/' + targetpath from arjan.monitor import Monitor mon = Monitor() for i in range(500): vsipath = '/vsimem/' + targetpath + str(i) asc_driver.CreateCopy( vsipath, fvdataset, options=[b'DECIMAL_PRECISION=3'] ) mon.check('') a = np.ones(10000000) mon.check('ones') vsifile = gdal.VSIFOpenL(vsipath, b'r') with open(targetpath + '.demo', 'w') as demofile: demofile.write(gdal.VSIFReadL( gdal.VSIStatL(vsipath).size, # Size 1, # Count vsifile )) gdal.VSIFCloseL(vsifile)