예제 #1
def randint(low, high, size, dtype=int64):
    Generate a pdarray with random values in a specified range.

    low : int
        The low value (inclusive) of the range
    high : int
        The high value (exclusive for int, inclusive for float) of the range
    size : int
        The length of the returned array
    dtype : {int64, float64, bool}
        The dtype of the array

        Values drawn uniformly from the specified range having the desired dtype

    Calling randint with dtype=float64 will result in uniform non-integral
    floating point values.

    >>> ak.randint(0, 10, 5)
    array([5, 7, 4, 8, 3])

    >>> ak.randint(0, 1, 3, dtype=ak.float64)
    array([0.92176432277231968, 0.083130710959903542, 0.68894208386667544])

    >>> ak.randint(0, 1, 5, dtype=ak.bool)
    array([True, False, True, True, True])
    # TO DO: separate out into int and float versions
    # TO DO: float version should accept non-integer low and high
    if not all((np.isscalar(low), np.isscalar(high), np.isscalar(size))):
        raise TypeError("all arguments must be scalars")
    dtype = akdtype(dtype)  # normalize dtype
    # check dtype for error
    if dtype.name not in DTypes:
        raise TypeError("unsupported dtype {}".format(dtype))
    if isinstance(low, int) and isinstance(high, int) and isinstance(
            size, int):
        kind, itemsize = translate_np_dtype(dtype)
        repMsg = generic_msg("randint {} {} {} {}".format(
            low, high, size, dtype.name))
        return create_pdarray(repMsg)
        raise TypeError("min,max,size must be int {} {} {}".format(
            low, high, size))
예제 #2
def randint(low, high, size, dtype=int64):
    Generate a pdarray with random values in a specified range.

    low : int
        The low value (inclusive) of the range
    high : int
        The high value (exclusive for int, inclusive for float) of the range
    size : int
        The length of the returned array
    dtype : {int64, float64, bool}
        The dtype of the array

        Values drawn uniformly from the specified range having the desired dtype

    Calling randint with dtype=float64 will result in uniform non-integral
    floating point values.

    >>> ak.randint(0, 10, 5)
    array([5, 7, 4, 8, 3])

    >>> ak.randint(0, 1, 3, dtype=ak.float64)
    array([0.92176432277231968, 0.083130710959903542, 0.68894208386667544])

    >>> ak.randint(0, 1, 5, dtype=ak.bool)
    array([True, False, True, True, True])
    if not all((np.isscalar(low), np.isscalar(high), np.isscalar(size))):
        raise TypeError("all arguments must be scalars")
    if resolve_scalar_dtype(size) != 'int64':
        raise TypeError("size must be integer")
    if size < 0 or high < low:
        raise ValueError("Incompatible arguments")
    dtype = akdtype(dtype) # normalize dtype
    # check dtype for error
    if dtype.name not in DTypes:
        raise TypeError("unsupported dtype {}".format(dtype))
    lowstr = NUMBER_FORMAT_STRINGS[dtype.name].format(low)
    highstr = NUMBER_FORMAT_STRINGS[dtype.name].format(high)
    sizestr = NUMBER_FORMAT_STRINGS['int64'].format(size)
    repMsg = generic_msg("randint {} {} {} {}".format(sizestr, dtype.name, lowstr, highstr))
    return create_pdarray(repMsg)
예제 #3
def ones(size: int, dtype: type = float64) -> pdarray:
    Create a pdarray filled with ones.

    size : int
        Size of the array (only rank-1 arrays supported)
    dtype : {float64, int64, bool}
        Resulting array type, default float64

        Ones of the requested size and dtype
        Raised if the supplied dtype is not supported or if the size
        parameter is neither an int nor a str that is parseable to an int.

    See Also
    zeros, ones_like

    >>> ak.ones(5, dtype=ak.int64)
    array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

    >>> ak.ones(5, dtype=ak.float64)
    array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

    >>> ak.ones(5, dtype=ak.bool)
    array([True, True, True, True, True])
    if not np.isscalar(size):
        raise TypeError("size must be a scalar, not {}".\
    dtype = akdtype(dtype)  # normalize dtype
    # check dtype for error
    if cast(np.dtype, dtype).name not in numericDTypes:
        raise TypeError("unsupported dtype {}".format(dtype))
    kind, itemsize = translate_np_dtype(dtype)
    repMsg = generic_msg("create {} {}".format(
        cast(np.dtype, dtype).name, size))
    a = create_pdarray(cast(str, repMsg))
    return a
예제 #4
def zeros(size : int_scalars, dtype : type=np.float64) -> pdarray:
    Create a pdarray filled with zeros.

    size : int_scalars
        Size of the array (only rank-1 arrays supported)
    dtype : all_scalars
        Type of resulting array, default float64

        Zeros of the requested size and dtype
        Raised if the supplied dtype is not supported or if the size
        parameter is neither an int nor a str that is parseable to an int.

    See Also
    ones, zeros_like

    >>> ak.zeros(5, dtype=ak.int64)
    array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    >>> ak.zeros(5, dtype=ak.float64)
    array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    >>> ak.zeros(5, dtype=ak.bool)
    array([False, False, False, False, False])
    if not np.isscalar(size):
        raise TypeError("size must be a scalar, not {}".\
    dtype = akdtype(dtype) # normalize dtype
    # check dtype for error
    if cast(np.dtype,dtype).name not in NumericDTypes:
        raise TypeError("unsupported dtype {}".format(dtype))
    repMsg = generic_msg(cmd="create", args="{} {}".format(
                                    cast(np.dtype,dtype).name, size))
    return create_pdarray(repMsg)
예제 #5
def ones(size, dtype=float64):
    Create a pdarray filled with ones.

    size : int
        Size of the array (only rank-1 arrays supported)
    dtype : {float64, int64, bool}
        Resulting array type, default float64

        Ones of the requested size and dtype

    See Also
    zeros, ones_like

    >>> ak.ones(5, dtype=ak.int64)
    array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    >>> ak.ones(5, dtype=ak.float64)
    array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    >>> ak.ones(5, dtype=ak.bool)
    array([True, True, True, True, True])
    if not np.isscalar(size):
        raise TypeError("size must be a scalar, not {}".format(type(size)))
    dtype = akdtype(dtype) # normalize dtype
    # check dtype for error
    if dtype.name not in DTypes:
        raise TypeError("unsupported dtype {}".format(dtype))
    kind, itemsize = translate_np_dtype(dtype)
    repMsg = generic_msg("create {} {}".format(dtype.name, size))
    a = create_pdarray(repMsg)
    return a
예제 #6
def zeros(size, dtype=np.float64):
    Create a pdarray filled with zeros.

    size : int
        Size of the array (only rank-1 arrays supported)
    dtype : {float64, int64, bool}
        Type of resulting array, default float64

        Zeros of the requested size and dtype

    See Also
    ones, zeros_like

    >>> ak.zeros(5, dtype=ak.int64)
    array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    >>> ak.zeros(5, dtype=ak.float64)
    array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    >>> ak.zeros(5, dtype=ak.bool)
    array([False, False, False, False, False])
    if not np.isscalar(size):
        raise TypeError("size must be a scalar, not {}".format(type(size)))
    dtype = akdtype(dtype) # normalize dtype
    # check dtype for error
    if dtype.name not in DTypes:
        raise TypeError("unsupported dtype {}".format(dtype))
    kind, itemsize = translate_np_dtype(dtype)
    repMsg = generic_msg("create {} {}".format(dtype.name, size))
    return create_pdarray(repMsg)
예제 #7
def randint(low: Union[int, float],
            high: Union[int, float],
            size: int,
            seed: Union[None, int] = None) -> pdarray:
    Generate a pdarray of randomized int, float, or bool values in a specified range.

    low : Union[int,float]
        The low value (inclusive) of the range
    high : Union[int,float]
        The high value (exclusive for int, inclusive for float) of the range
    size : int
        The length of the returned array
    dtype : {int64, float64, bool}
        The dtype of the array

        Values drawn uniformly from the specified range having the desired dtype
        Raised if dtype.name not in DTypes, size is not an int, low or if 
        not a scalar
        Raised if size < 0 or if high < low

    Calling randint with dtype=float64 will result in uniform non-integral
    floating point values.

    >>> ak.randint(0, 10, 5)
    array([5, 7, 4, 8, 3])

    >>> ak.randint(0, 1, 3, dtype=ak.float64)
    array([0.92176432277231968, 0.083130710959903542, 0.68894208386667544])

    >>> ak.randint(0, 1, 5, dtype=ak.bool)
    array([True, False, True, True, True])
    if not all((np.isscalar(low), np.isscalar(high), np.isscalar(size))):
        raise TypeError("all arguments must be scalars")
    if resolve_scalar_dtype(size) != 'int64':
        raise TypeError("The size parameter must be an integer")
    if resolve_scalar_dtype(low) not in RANDINT_TYPES:
        raise TypeError("The low parameter must be an integer or float")
    if resolve_scalar_dtype(high) not in RANDINT_TYPES:
        raise TypeError("The high parameter must be an integer or float")
    if size < 0 or high < low:
        raise ValueError("size must be > 0 and high > low")
    dtype = akdtype(dtype)  # normalize dtype
    # check dtype for error
    if dtype.name not in DTypes:
        raise TypeError("unsupported dtype {}".format(dtype))
    lowstr = NUMBER_FORMAT_STRINGS[dtype.name].format(low)
    highstr = NUMBER_FORMAT_STRINGS[dtype.name].format(high)
    sizestr = NUMBER_FORMAT_STRINGS['int64'].format(size)
    repMsg = generic_msg("randint {} {} {} {} {}".\
                         format(sizestr, dtype.name, lowstr, highstr, seed))
    return create_pdarray(cast(str, repMsg))
예제 #8
def randint(low: Union[int, float],
            high: Union[int, float],
            size: int,
            seed: int = None) -> pdarray:
    Generate a pdarray of randomized int, float, or bool values in a 
    specified range bounded by the low and high parameters.

    low : Union[int,float]
        The low value (inclusive) of the range
    high : Union[int,float]
        The high value (exclusive for int, inclusive for float) of the range
    size : int
        The length of the returned array
    dtype : {int64, float64, bool}
        The dtype of the array
    seed : int
        Index for where to pull the first returned value

        Values drawn uniformly from the specified range having the desired dtype
        Raised if dtype.name not in DTypes, size is not an int, low or high is
        not an int or float, or seed is not an int
        Raised if size < 0 or if high < low

    Calling randint with dtype=float64 will result in uniform non-integral
    floating point values.

    >>> ak.randint(0, 10, 5)
    array([5, 7, 4, 8, 3])

    >>> ak.randint(0, 1, 3, dtype=ak.float64)
    array([0.92176432277231968, 0.083130710959903542, 0.68894208386667544])

    >>> ak.randint(0, 1, 5, dtype=ak.bool)
    array([True, False, True, True, True])
    >>> ak.randint(1, 5, 10, seed=2)
    array([4, 3, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 4, 3, 2])

    >>> ak.randint(1, 5, 3, dtype=ak.float64, seed=2)
    array([2.9160772326374946, 4.353429832157099, 4.5392023718621486])
    >>> ak.randint(1, 5, 10, dtype=ak.bool, seed=2)
    array([False, True, True, True, True, False, True, True, True, True])
    if size < 0 or high < low:
        raise ValueError("size must be > 0 and high > low")
    dtype = akdtype(dtype)  # normalize dtype
    # check dtype for error
    if dtype.name not in DTypes:
        raise TypeError("unsupported dtype {}".format(dtype))
    lowstr = NUMBER_FORMAT_STRINGS[dtype.name].format(low)
    highstr = NUMBER_FORMAT_STRINGS[dtype.name].format(high)
    sizestr = NUMBER_FORMAT_STRINGS['int64'].format(size)
    repMsg = generic_msg("randint {} {} {} {} {}".\
                         format(sizestr, dtype.name, lowstr, highstr, seed))
    return create_pdarray(repMsg)