def run (self): coll_obj = CollisionObject() coll_obj.operation.operation = CollisionObjectOperation.ADD = self.name_of_the_target_object coll_obj.header = rospy.Header() coll_obj.header.frame_id = self.frame_id coll_obj.poses = [self.pose_of_the_target_object] coll_obj.shapes = [self.shape] coll_obj.padding = self.padding pub = rospy.Publisher('/collision_object',CollisionObject,latch=True) rospy.loginfo('Thread publishing on /collision_object topic (%s)',self.name_of_the_target_object) while (rospy.is_shutdown() == False) and (self.end == False): coll_obj.header.stamp = try: pub.publish(coll_obj) except Exception, e: rospy.logerr("Error on publishing to /collision_object topic: %s", e) return 0 rospy.logdebug('Thread is looping') rospy.sleep(2)
def _add_table_to_map(self, table, table_name): co = CollisionObject() = table_name if not = 'current_table' co.header = table.pose.header #we do NOT want a padded table co.padding = -1 if len(table.convex_hull.vertices) > 0: if self.table_thickness > 0: table_z = range(0, int(1000*self.table_thickness/2.0), int(1000*TABLE_RESOLUTION)) table_z.append(1000.0*self.table_thickness/2.0) sgnrng = [1.0, -1.0] else: table_z = [0] sgnrng = [1.0] for z in table_z: for sgn in sgnrng: co.shapes.append(table.convex_hull) ps = tl.transform_pose_stamped(self._wi.world_frame, table.pose) ps.pose.position.z += sgn*z/1000.0 co.poses.append(tl.transform_pose(table.pose.header.frame_id, ps.header.frame_id, ps.pose)) rospy.logdebug('Adding table as convex hull') else: bbox = Shape() bbox.type = bbox.BOX bbox.dimensions = [abs(table.x_max - table.x_min), abs(table.y_max - table.y_min), self.table_thickness] co.shapes.append(bbox) co.poses.append(table.pose.pose) rospy.logdebug('Adding table as bounding box') self._wi.add_object(co) return