def compare(A: DataType, B: DataType): A = normalize_to_spectrum(A) attrs = A.attrs B = normalize_to_spectrum(B) # normalize total intensity TOTAL_INTENSITY = 1000000 A = A / (A.sum(A.dims) / TOTAL_INTENSITY) B = B / (B.sum(B.dims) / TOTAL_INTENSITY) A.attrs.update(**attrs) tool = ComparisonTool(other=B) return tool.make_tool(A)
def estimate_prior_adjustment(data: DataType, region: Union[dict, str] = None) -> float: r""" Estimates the parameters of a distribution generating the intensity histogram of pixels in a spectrum. In a perfectly linear, single-electron single-count detector, this would be a poisson distribution with \lambda=mean(counts) over the window. Despite this, we can estimate \lambda phenomenologically and verify that a Poisson distribution provides a good prior for the data, allowing us to perform statistical bootstrapping. You should use this with a spectrum that has uniform intensity, i.e. with a copper reference or similar. :param data: :return: returns sigma / mu, adjustment factor for the Poisson distribution """ data = normalize_to_spectrum(data) if region is None: region = 'copper_prior' region = normalize_region(region) if 'cycle' in data.dims: data = data.sum('cycle') data = data.S.zero_spectrometer_edges().S.region_sel(region) values = data.values.ravel() values = values[np.where(values)] return np.std(values) / np.mean(values)
def determine_broadened_fermi_distribution(reference_data: DataType, fixed_temperature=True): """ Determine the parameters for broadening by temperature and instrumental resolution for a piece of data. As a general rule, we first try to estimate the instrumental broadening and linewidth broadening according to calibrations provided for the beamline + instrument, as a starting point. We also calculate the thermal broadening to expect, and fit an edge location. Then we use a Gaussian convolved Fermi-Dirac distribution against an affine density of states near the Fermi level, with a constant offset background above the Fermi level as a simple but effective model when away from lineshapes. These parameters can be used to bootstrap a fit to actual data or used directly in ``normalize_by_fermi_dirac``. :param reference_data: :return: """ params = {} if fixed_temperature: params['fd_width'] = { 'value': reference_data.S.temp * K_BOLTZMANN_EV_KELVIN, 'vary': False, } reference_data = normalize_to_spectrum(reference_data) sum_dims = list(reference_data.dims) sum_dims.remove('eV') return AffineBroadenedFD().guess_fit(reference_data.sum(sum_dims), params=params)
def summarize(data: DataType, axes=None): data = normalize_to_spectrum(data) axes_shapes_for_dims = { 1: (1, 1), 2: (1, 1), 3: (2, 2), # one extra here 4: (3, 2), # corresponds to 4 choose 2 axes } if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(axes_shapes_for_dims.get(len(data.dims)), figsize=(8, 8)) flat_axes = axes.ravel() combinations = list(itertools.combinations(data.dims, 2)) for axi, combination in zip(flat_axes, combinations): data.sum(combination).plot(ax=axi) fancy_labels(axi) for i in range(len(combinations), len(flat_axes)): flat_axes[i].set_axis_off() return axes
def find_kf_by_mdc(slice: DataType, offset=0, **kwargs): """ Offset is used to control the radial offset from the pocket for studies where you want to go slightly off the Fermi momentum :param slice: :param offset: :param kwargs: :return: """ if isinstance(slice, xr.Dataset): slice = assert isinstance(slice, xr.DataArray) if 'eV' in slice.dims: slice = slice.sum('eV') lor = LorentzianModel() bkg = AffineBackgroundModel(prefix='b_') result = (lor + bkg).guess_fit(data=slice, params=kwargs) return result.params['center'].value + offset
def normalize_total(data: DataType): data = normalize_to_spectrum(data) return data / (data.sum(data.dims) / 1000000)
def broadcast_model(model_cls: Union[type, TypeIterable], data: DataType, broadcast_dims, params=None, progress=True, dataset=True, weights=None, safe=False, prefixes=None, window=None, multithread=False): """ Perform a fit across a number of dimensions. Allows composite models as well as models defined and compiled through strings. :param model_cls: :param data: :param broadcast_dims: :param params: :param progress: :param dataset: :param weights: :param safe: :param window: :return: """ if params is None: params = {} if isinstance(broadcast_dims, str): broadcast_dims = [broadcast_dims] data = normalize_to_spectrum(data) cs = {} for dim in broadcast_dims: cs[dim] = data.coords[dim] other_axes = set(data.dims).difference(set(broadcast_dims)) template = data.sum(list(other_axes)) template.values = np.ndarray(template.shape, dtype=np.object) residual = data.copy(deep=True) residual.values = np.zeros(residual.shape) model = compile_model(parse_model(model_cls), params=params, prefixes=prefixes) if isinstance(params, (list, tuple)): params = {} new_params = model.make_params() n_fits = identity = lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x wrap_progress = identity if progress: wrap_progress = tqdm_notebook _fit_func = functools.partial(_perform_fit, data=data, model=model, params=params, safe=safe, weights=weights, window=window) if multithread: with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: for fit_result, fit_residual, coords in _fit_func, template.T.iter_coords()): template.loc[coords] = fit_result residual.loc[coords] = fit_residual else: for indices, cut_coords in wrap_progress( template.T.enumerate_iter_coords(), desc='Fitting', total=n_fits): fit_result, fit_residual, _ = _fit_func(cut_coords) template.loc[cut_coords] = fit_result residual.loc[cut_coords] = fit_residual if dataset: return xr.Dataset( { 'results': template, 'data': data, 'residual': residual, 'norm_residual': residual / data, }, residual.coords) template.attrs['original_data'] = data return template