예제 #1
    x = True
    assert isinstance(t, IntT)
    x = 1
  return Const(x, type = t)

true = one(Bool)
one_i32 = one(Int32)
one_i64 = one(Int64)
one_f32 = one(Float32)
one_f64 = one(Float64)

none_t = NoneType
none = Const(None, type = none_t)

slice_none_t = array_type.make_slice_type(none_t, none_t, none_t)
slice_none = syntax.Slice(none, none, none, type = slice_none_t)

def is_python_int(x):
  return isinstance(x, (int, long))

def is_python_float(x):
  return isinstance(x, float)

def is_python_bool(x):
  return isinstance(x, bool)

def is_python_scalar(x):
  return isinstance(x,  (bool, int, long, float))

def is_python_constant(x):
예제 #2
 def expr_Slice():
   start = annotate_child(expr.start)
   stop = annotate_child(expr.stop)
   step = annotate_child(expr.step)
   slice_t = array_type.make_slice_type(start.type, stop.type, step.type)
   return typed_ast.Slice(start, stop, step, type = slice_t)
예제 #3
 def transform_Slice(self, expr):
   start = self.transform_expr(expr.start)
   stop = self.transform_expr(expr.stop)
   step = self.transform_expr(expr.step)
   slice_t = array_type.make_slice_type(start.type, stop.type, step.type)
   return syntax.Slice(start, stop, step, type = slice_t)
예제 #4
  def transform_TiledReduce(self, expr):
    args = expr.args
    axes = expr.axes

    # TODO: Should make sure that all the shapes conform here,
    # but we don't yet have anything like assertions or error handling.
    niters = self.shape(args[0], syntax_helpers.unwrap_constant(axes[0]))

    if expr.fixed_tile_size:
      self.fixed_idx += 1
      tile_size = syntax_helpers.const(self.fixed_tile_sizes[self.fixed_idx])
      self.tiling = True
      self.fn.has_tiles = True
      self.nesting_idx += 1
      tile_size = self.index(self.tile_sizes_param, self.nesting_idx,
                             temp = True, name = "tilesize")

    slice_t = array_type.make_slice_type(Int64, Int64, Int64)

    untiled_map_fn = self.get_fn(expr.fn)

    acc_type = untiled_map_fn.return_type
    acc_is_array = not isinstance(acc_type, ScalarT)

    tiled_map_fn = self.transform_TypedFn(untiled_map_fn)
    map_closure_args = [self.get_closure_arg(e)
                        for e in self.closure_elts(expr.fn)]

    untiled_combine = self.get_fn(expr.combine)
    combine_closure_args = []

    tiled_combine = self.transform_TypedFn(untiled_combine, acc_is_array)
    if self.output_var and acc_is_array:
      result = self.output_var
      shape_args = map_closure_args + args
      result = self._create_output_array(untiled_map_fn, shape_args,
                                         [], "loop_result")
    init = result
    rslt_t = result.type

    if not acc_is_array:
      result_before = self.fresh_var(rslt_t, "result_before")
      init = result_before

    # Lift the initial value and fill it.
    def init_unpack(i, cur):
      if i == 0:
        return syntax.Assign(cur, syntax_helpers.zero_f64)
        j = self.fresh_i64("j")
        start = zero_i64
        stop = self.shape(cur, 0)

        n = self.index_along_axis(cur, 0, j)
        self.blocks += init_unpack(i-1, n)
        body = self.blocks.pop()

        return syntax.ForLoop(j, start, stop, one_i64, body, {})
    num_exps = array_type.get_rank(init.type) - \

    # TODO: Get rid of this when safe to do so.
    if not expr.fixed_tile_size or True:
      self.comment("TiledReduce in %s: init_unpack" % self.fn.name)
      self.blocks += init_unpack(num_exps, init)

    # Loop over the remaining tiles.
    merge = {}

    if not acc_is_array:
      result_after = self.fresh_var(rslt_t, "result_after")
      merge[result.name] = (result_before, result_after)

    def make_loop(start, stop, step, do_min = True):
      i = self.fresh_var(niters.type, "i")
      slice_stop = self.add(i, step, "next_bound")
      slice_stop_min = self.min(slice_stop, stop) if do_min \
                       else slice_stop

      tile_bounds = syntax.Slice(i, slice_stop_min, one_i64, type = slice_t)
      nested_args = [self.index_along_axis(arg, axis, tile_bounds)
                     for arg, axis in zip(args, axes)]

      new_acc = self.fresh_var(tiled_map_fn.return_type, "new_acc")
      self.comment("TiledReduce in %s: map_fn " % self.fn.name)
                map_closure_args + nested_args,
                result_var = new_acc)

      loop_body = self.blocks.pop()
      if acc_is_array:
        outidx = self.tuple([syntax_helpers.slice_none] * result.type.rank)
        result_slice = self.index(result, outidx, temp = False)
                  combine_closure_args + [result, new_acc, result_slice],
                  result_var = None)
                  combine_closure_args + [result, new_acc],
                  self.type_env, loop_body,
                  result_var = result_after)
      return syntax.ForLoop(i, start, stop, step, loop_body, merge)

    assert isinstance(tile_size, syntax.Expr), "%s not an expr" % tile_size

    self.comment("TiledReduce in %s: combine" % self.fn.name)

    if expr.fixed_tile_size and \
       config.opt_reg_tiles_not_tile_size_dependent and \
       syntax_helpers.unwrap_constant(tile_size) > 1:
      num_tiles = self.div(niters, tile_size, "num_tiles")
      tile_stop = self.mul(num_tiles, tile_size, "tile_stop")
      loop1 = make_loop(zero_i64, tile_stop, tile_size, False)
      loop2_start = self.assign_temp(loop1.var, "loop2_start")
      self.blocks.append(make_loop(loop2_start, niters, one_i64, False))
      self.blocks.append(make_loop(zero_i64, niters, tile_size))

    return result
예제 #5
  def transform_TiledMap(self, expr):
    args = expr.args
    axes = expr.axes

    # TODO: Should make sure that all the shapes conform here,
    # but we don't yet have anything like assertions or error handling
    niters = self.shape(expr.args[0],

    # Create the tile size variable and find the number of tiles
    if expr.fixed_tile_size:
      self.fixed_idx += 1
      tile_size = syntax_helpers.const(self.fixed_tile_sizes[self.fixed_idx])
      self.tiling = True
      self.fn.has_tiles = True
      self.nesting_idx += 1
      tile_size = self.index(self.tile_sizes_param, self.nesting_idx,
                             temp = True, name = "tilesize")

    untiled_inner_fn = self.get_fn(expr.fn)
    if isinstance(untiled_inner_fn.return_type, ScalarT):
      tiled_inner_fn = self.transform_TypedFn(untiled_inner_fn)
      tiled_inner_fn = self.transform_TypedFn(untiled_inner_fn,
                                              preallocate_output = True)

    nested_has_tiles = tiled_inner_fn.has_tiles

    # Increase the nesting_idx by the number of tiles in the nested fn
    self.nesting_idx += tiled_inner_fn.num_tiles

    slice_t = array_type.make_slice_type(Int64, Int64, Int64)

    closure_args = [self.get_closure_arg(e)
                    for e in self.closure_elts(expr.fn)]

    if self.output_var and \
       not isinstance(untiled_inner_fn.return_type, ScalarT):
      array_result = self.output_var
      shape_args = closure_args + expr.args
      array_result = self._create_output_array(untiled_inner_fn, shape_args,
                                               [], "array_result")

    assert self.output_var is None or \
           self.output_var.type.__class__ is ArrayT, \
           "Invalid output var %s : %s" % \
           (self.output_var, self.output_var.type)

    def make_loop(start, stop, step, do_min = True):
      i = self.fresh_var(niters.type, "i")

      slice_stop = self.add(i, step, "slice_stop")
      slice_stop_min = self.min(slice_stop, niters, "slice_min") if do_min \
                       else slice_stop

      tile_bounds = syntax.Slice(i, slice_stop_min, one_i64, type = slice_t)
      nested_args = [self.index_along_axis(arg, axis, tile_bounds)
                     for arg, axis in zip(args, axes)]
      out_idx = self.fixed_idx if expr.fixed_tile_size else self.nesting_idx
      output_region = self.index_along_axis(array_result, out_idx, tile_bounds)

      if nested_has_tiles:
      body = self.blocks.pop()
                closure_args + nested_args,
                result_var = None)
      return syntax.ForLoop(i, start, stop, step, body, {})

    assert isinstance(tile_size, syntax.Expr)
    self.comment("TiledMap in %s" % self.fn.name)

    if expr.fixed_tile_size and \
       config.opt_reg_tiles_not_tile_size_dependent and \
       syntax_helpers.unwrap_constant(tile_size) > 1:
      num_tiles = self.div(niters, tile_size, "num_tiles")
      tile_stop = self.mul(num_tiles, tile_size, "tile_stop")
      loop1 = make_loop(zero_i64, tile_stop, tile_size, False)
      loop2_start = self.assign_temp(loop1.var, "loop2_start")
      self.blocks.append(make_loop(loop2_start, niters, one_i64, False))
      self.blocks.append(make_loop(zero_i64, niters, tile_size))
    return array_result
예제 #6
 def slice_value(self, start, stop, step):
   slice_t = array_type.make_slice_type(start.type, stop.type, step.type)
   return Slice(start, stop, step, type = slice_t)
예제 #7
def gen_par_work_function(adverb_class, f, nonlocals, nonlocal_types,
                          args_t, arg_types, dont_slice_position = -1):
  key = (adverb_class, f.name, tuple(arg_types), config.opt_tile)
  if key in _par_wrapper_cache:
    return _par_wrapper_cache[key]
    fn = gen_tiled_wrapper(adverb_class, f, arg_types, nonlocal_types)
    num_tiles = fn.num_tiles
    # Construct a typed parallel wrapper function that unpacks the args struct
    # and calls the (possibly tiled) payload function with its slices of the
    # arguments.
    start_var = syntax.Var(names.fresh("start"), type = Int64)
    stop_var = syntax.Var(names.fresh("stop"), type = Int64)
    args_var = syntax.Var(names.fresh("args"), type = args_t)
    tile_type = tuple_type.make_tuple_type([Int64 for _ in range(num_tiles)])
    tile_sizes_var = syntax.Var(names.fresh("tile_sizes"), type = tile_type)
    inputs = [start_var, stop_var, args_var, tile_sizes_var]

    # Manually unpack the args into types Vars and slice into them.
    slice_t = array_type.make_slice_type(Int64, Int64, Int64)
    arg_slice = syntax.Slice(start_var, stop_var, syntax_helpers.one_i64,
                             type = slice_t)
    def slice_arg(arg, t):
      indices = [arg_slice]
      for _ in xrange(1, arg.type.rank):
      tuple_t = tuple_type.make_tuple_type(syntax_helpers.get_types(indices))
      index_tuple = syntax.Tuple(indices, tuple_t)
      result_t = t.index_type(tuple_t)
      return syntax.Index(arg, index_tuple, type = result_t)
    unpacked_args = []
    i = 0
    for t in nonlocal_types:
      unpacked_args.append(syntax.Attribute(args_var, ("arg%d" % i), type = t))
      i += 1
    for t in arg_types:
      attr = syntax.Attribute(args_var, ("arg%d" % i), type = t)

      if isinstance(t, array_type.ArrayT) and i != dont_slice_position:
        # TODO: Handle axis.
        unpacked_args.append(slice_arg(attr, t))
      i += 1

    # If tiling, pass in the tile params array.
    if config.opt_tile:

    # Make a typed closure that calls the payload function with the arg slices.
    closure_t = closure_type.make_closure_type(fn, [])
    nested_closure = syntax.Closure(fn, [], type = closure_t)
    return_t = fn.return_type
    call = syntax.Call(nested_closure, unpacked_args, type = return_t)

    output_name = names.fresh("output")
    output_attr = syntax.Attribute(args_var, "output", type = return_t)
    output_var = syntax.Var(output_name, type = output_attr.type)
    output_slice = slice_arg(output_var, return_t)
    body = [syntax.Assign(output_var, output_attr),
            syntax.Assign(output_slice, call),
    type_env = {output_name:output_slice.type}
    for arg in inputs:
      type_env[arg.name] = arg.type

    # Construct the typed wrapper.
    wrapper_name = adverb_class.node_type() + fn.name + "_par"
    parallel_wrapper = \
        syntax.TypedFn(name = names.fresh(wrapper_name),
                       arg_names = [var.name for var in inputs],
                       input_types = syntax_helpers.get_types(inputs),
                       body = body,
                       return_type = core_types.NoneType,
                       type_env = type_env)
    lowered = lowering(parallel_wrapper)

    lowered.num_tiles = num_tiles
    lowered.dl_tile_estimates = fn.dl_tile_estimates
    lowered.ml_tile_estimates = fn.ml_tile_estimates
    _par_wrapper_cache[key] = lowered
    return lowered