def plot_coincidence_v_interval_rate(data): """Plot results :param distances: dictionary with occuring distances for different combinations of number of detectors. :param coincidence_rates: dictionary of occuring coincidence rates for different combinations of number of detectors. :param rate_errors: errors on the coincidence rates. """ (distances, coincidence_rates, interval_rates, distance_errors, rate_errors, pairs) = data markers = {4: 'o', 6: 'triangle', 8: 'square'} colors = {4: 'red', 6: 'black!50!green', 8: 'black!20!blue'} plot = Plot('loglog') plot.plot([1e-7, 1e-1], [1e-7, 1e-1], mark=None) for n in distances.keys(): plot.scatter(interval_rates[n], coincidence_rates[n], yerr=rate_errors[n], mark=markers[n], markstyle='%s, thin, mark size=.75pt' % colors[n]) plot.set_xlabel(r'Rate based on coincidence intervals [\si{\hertz}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Rate based on coincidences and exposure [\si{\hertz}]') plot.set_axis_options('log origin y=infty') plot.set_xlimits(min=1e-7, max=1e-1) plot.set_ylimits(min=1e-7, max=1e-1) plot.save_as_pdf('interval_v_coincidence_rate')
def main(ts, ns): station = Station(501) traces = station.event_trace(ts, ns, True) dr = DataReduction() reduced_traces, o = dr.reduce_traces(array(traces).T, return_offset=True) reduced_traces = reduced_traces.T plot = Plot() t = arange(len(traces[0])) * 2.5 for i, trace in enumerate(traces): plot.plot(t, trace, linestyle='%s, thin' % COLORS[i], mark=None) plot.draw_vertical_line(o * 2.5, 'gray') plot.draw_vertical_line((o + len(reduced_traces[0])) * 2.5, 'gray') plot.set_axis_options('line join=round') plot.set_xlabel(r'Event time [\si{\ns}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Signal strength [ADCcounts]') plot.set_xlimits(t[0], t[-1]) plot.save_as_pdf('raw_traces_%d_%d' % (ts, ns)) t = arange(o, o + len(reduced_traces[0])) * 2.5 for i, trace in enumerate(reduced_traces): plot.plot(t, trace, linestyle='%s, thin' % COLORS[i], mark=None) plot.set_axis_options('line join=round') plot.set_xlabel(r'Event time [\si{\ns}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Signal strength [ADCcounts]') plot.set_xlimits(t[0], t[-1]) plot.save_as_pdf('reduced_traces_%d_%d' % (ts, ns))
def plot_coincidence_rate_distance(data, sim_data): """Plot results :param distances: dictionary with occuring distances for different combinations of number of detectors. :param coincidence_rates: dictionary of occuring coincidence rates for different combinations of number of detectors. :param rate_errors: errors on the coincidence rates. """ (distances, coincidence_rates, interval_rates, distance_errors, rate_errors, pairs) = data sim_distances, sim_energies, sim_areas = sim_data markers = {4: 'o', 6: 'triangle', 8: 'square'} colors = {4: 'red', 6: 'black!50!green', 8: 'black!20!blue'} coincidence_window = 10e-6 # seconds freq_2 = 0.3 freq_4 = 0.6 background = { 4: 2 * freq_2 * freq_2 * coincidence_window, 6: 2 * freq_2 * freq_4 * coincidence_window, 8: 2 * freq_4 * freq_4 * coincidence_window } for rates, name in [(coincidence_rates, 'coincidence'), (interval_rates, 'interval')]: plot = Plot('loglog') for n in distances.keys(): plot.draw_horizontal_line(background[n], 'dashed,' + colors[n]) # for n in distances.keys(): for n in [4, 8]: expected_rates = expected_rate(distances[n], rates[n], background[n], sim_distances, sim_energies, sim_areas[n], n=n) plot.plot(sim_distances, expected_rates, linestyle=colors[n], mark=None, markstyle='mark size=0.5pt') for n in distances.keys(): plot.scatter(distances[n], rates[n], xerr=distance_errors[n], yerr=rate_errors[n], mark=markers[n], markstyle='%s, mark size=.75pt' % colors[n]) plot.set_xlabel(r'Distance between stations [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'%s rate [\si{\hertz}]' % name.title()) plot.set_axis_options('log origin y=infty') plot.set_xlimits(min=1, max=20e3) plot.set_ylimits(min=1e-7, max=5e-1) plot.save_as_pdf('distance_v_%s_rate' % name)
def make_logo(): size = '.02\linewidth' x = arange(0, 2*pi, .01) y = sin(x) plot = Plot(width=size, height=size) plot.set_ylimits(-1.3, 1.3) plot.set_yticks([-1, 0, 1]) plot.set_ytick_labels(['', '', '']) plot.set_xticks([0, pi, 2*pi]) plot.set_xtick_labels(['', '', '']) plot.plot(x, y, mark=None, linestyle='thick') plot.set_axis_options("axis line style=thick, major tick length=.04cm") plot.save_as_pdf('logo')
def plot_traces(traces, label='', raw=False): """Plot traces Does not take different mV/ADC for HiSPARC II-III into account! :param traces: list of lists of trace values. :param label: name (suffix) for the output pdf. """ colors = ['black', 'red', 'black!40!green', 'blue'] plot = Plot(width=r'.6\textwidth') times = arange(0, len(traces[0]) * 2.5, 2.5) for i, trace in enumerate(traces): if not raw: if max(trace) * 0.57 < 500: use_milli = True trace = [t * -0.57 for t in trace] else: use_milli = False trace = [t * -0.57 / 1e3 for t in trace] plot.plot(times, trace, linestyle='%s, thin' % colors[i], mark=None) if len(traces[0]) == 2400 and raw: plot.add_pin_at_xy(500, 10, 'pre-trigger', location='below', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(1750, 10, 'trigger', location='below', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(4250, 10, 'post-trigger', location='below', use_arrow=False) plot.draw_vertical_line(1000, 'gray') plot.draw_vertical_line(2500, 'gray') if raw: plot.set_ylabel(r'Signal strength [ADCcounts]') elif use_milli: plot.set_ylabel(r'Signal strength [\si{\milli\volt}]') else: plot.set_ylabel(r'Signal strength [\si{\volt}]') plot.set_xlabel(r'Event time [\si{\ns}]') plot.set_xlimits(0, times[-1]) plot.set_axis_options('line join=round') plot.save_as_pdf('trace_' + label)
def plot_delta_time(ids, **kwargs): """ Plot delta versus the timestamps """ if type(ids) is int: ids = [ids] # Begin Figure plot = Plot() for index, id in enumerate(ids): ext_timestamps, deltas = get(id) # daystamps = (np.array(ext_timestamps) - min(ext_timestamps)) / 864e11 daystamps = (np.array(ext_timestamps) - min(ext_timestamps)) / 864e11 * 24 * 60 end = min(len(daystamps), 6000) skip = 3 plot.plot(daystamps[:end:skip], deltas[:end:skip], mark=None, linestyle='very thin') if kwargs.keys(): plot.set_title('Tijdtest delta time' + kwargs[kwargs.keys()[0]]) # plot.set_xlabel(r'Time in test [days]') plot.set_xlabel(r'Time in test [minutes]') plot.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta$ t (swap - reference) [\si{\ns}]') plot.set_xlimits(0, daystamps[:end][-1]) plot.set_ylimits(-50, 50) # plot.set_ylimits(-175, 175) plot.set_axis_options('line join=round') # Save Figure if len(ids) == 1: name = 'delta_time/tt_delta_time_%03d' % ids[0] elif kwargs.keys(): name = 'delta_time/tt_delta_time_' + kwargs[kwargs.keys()[0]] plot.save_as_pdf(PLOT_PATH + name) print 'tt_analyse: Plotted delta vs time'
def stopover(offsets): """Compare direct to via offsets for stations far appart :param offsets: Dictionary of dictionaries with offset functions. """ aoffsets = get_aligned_offsets(offsets, START, STOP, STEP) timestamps = range(START, STOP, STEP) stations = offsets.keys() for from_station, to_station in combinations(stations, 2): plot = Plot() all_offs = [] for i, via_station in enumerate(stations): if via_station in [from_station, to_station]: continue offs = (aoffsets[from_station][via_station] + aoffsets[via_station][to_station]) all_offs.append(offs) plot.plot(timestamps, offs, linestyle='very thin, black!%d' % (i * 5 + 30), mark=None) offs = aoffsets[from_station][to_station] plot.plot(timestamps, offs, linestyle='red', mark=None) # all_offs.append(offs) mean_offs = nanmean(all_offs, axis=0) plot.plot(timestamps, mean_offs, linestyle='blue', mark=None) plot.set_xlimits(START, STOP) plot.set_ylimits(-100, 100) plot.set_ylabel(r'Station offset residual [\si{\ns}]') plot.set_xlabel('Timestamp') plot.set_axis_options('line join=round') plot.save_as_pdf('plots/stop_over_%d_%d' % (from_station, to_station))
def main(): x = np.arange(10) y = (x / 2.0) - 3.0 colors = ["black", "red", "blue", "yellow", "purple"] plot = Plot() for i in range(5): plot.plot(x, y - i, mark="", linestyle=colors[i]) plot.set_axis_options( "yticklabel pos=right,\n" "grid=major,\n" "legend entries={$a$,[red]$b$,[green]$c$,$d$,$a^2$},\n" "legend pos=north west" ) plot.set_xlabel("Something important") plot.set_ylabel("A related thing")"any_option") x = np.linspace(0.6 * np.pi, 10 * np.pi, 150) y = np.sin(x) / x plot = MultiPlot(1, 2, width=r".4\linewidth", height=r".25\linewidth") subplot = plot.get_subplot_at(0, 0) subplot.plot(x, y, mark=None) subplot = plot.get_subplot_at(0, 1) subplot.plot(x, y, mark=None) plot.show_xticklabels_for_all([(0, 0), (0, 1)]) plot.show_yticklabels(0, 1) plot.set_axis_options(0, 1, "yticklabel pos=right, grid=major") plot.set_axis_options_for_all(None, r"enlargelimits=false") plot.set_xlabel("Something important") plot.set_ylabel("A related thing")"multi_any_option")
def plot_histogram(data, timestamps, station_numbers): """Make a 2D histogram plot of the number of events over time per station :param data: list of lists, with the number of events. :param station_numbers: list of station numbers in the data list. """ plot = Plot(width=r'\linewidth', height=r'1.3\linewidth') plot.histogram2d(data.T[::7][1:], timestamps[::7] / 1e9, np.arange(len(station_numbers) + 1), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) plot.set_label( gps_to_datetime(timestamps[-1]).date().isoformat(), 'upper left') plot.set_xlimits(min=YEARS_TICKS[0] / 1e9, max=timestamps[-1] / 1e9) plot.set_xticks(YEARS_TICKS / 1e9) plot.set_xtick_labels(YEARS_LABELS) plot.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, len(station_numbers) + 0.5)) plot.set_ytick_labels(['%d' % s for s in sorted(station_numbers)], style=r'font=\sffamily\tiny') plot.set_axis_options('ytick pos=right') plot.save_as_pdf('eventtime_histogram_network_hour')
def plot_traces(traces1, traces2, overlap=0, label=''): """Plot traces :param traces: list of lists of trace values. :param label: name (suffix) for the output pdf. """ colors1 = ['black', 'red', 'black!40!green', 'blue'] colors2 = ['gray', 'black!40!red', 'black!60!green', 'black!40!blue'] plot = Plot(width=r'1.\textwidth', height=r'.3\textwidth') times1 = arange(0, len(traces1[0]) * 2.5, 2.5) times2 = arange((len(traces1[0]) - overlap) * 2.5, (len(traces1[0]) + len(traces2[0]) - overlap) * 2.5, 2.5) for i, trace in enumerate(traces1): plot.plot(times1, array(trace) + i * 20, linestyle='%s, ultra thin' % colors1[i], mark=None) plot.draw_vertical_line(1000, 'gray, very thin') plot.draw_vertical_line(2500, 'gray, very thin') plot.draw_vertical_line(6000, 'pink, dashed, very thin') plot.add_pin_at_xy(0, 450, r'\tiny{pre-trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(1000, 450, r'\tiny{trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(2500, 450, r'\tiny{post-trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(6000, 450, r'\tiny{end of first event}', location='left', use_arrow=True) for i, trace in enumerate(traces2): plot.plot(times2, array(trace) + i * 20, linestyle='%s, ultra thin' % colors2[i], mark=None) plot.draw_vertical_line(6000 - (overlap * 2.5), 'pink, very thin') plot.draw_vertical_line(7000 - (overlap * 2.5), 'gray, very thin') plot.draw_vertical_line(8500 - (overlap * 2.5), 'gray, very thin') plot.add_pin_at_xy(6000 - (overlap * 2.5), 400, r'\tiny{pre-trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(7000 - (overlap * 2.5), 400, r'\tiny{trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(8500 - (overlap * 2.5), 400, r'\tiny{post-trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.set_ylabel(r'Signal strength [ADCcounts]') plot.set_xlabel(r'Event time [\si{\ns}]') plot.set_ylimits(0, 500) plot.set_xlimits(0, times2[-1]) plot.set_axis_options('line join=round') plot.save_as_pdf('trace_' + label)
def plot_active_stations(timestamps, stations, aligned_data, data, i): first_ts = [] last_ts = [] stations_with_data = [] assert aligned_data.shape[0] == len(stations) for n in range(aligned_data.shape[0]): prev_ts = 0 for ts, has_data in zip(timestamps, aligned_data[n]): if has_data: if prev_ts > 30: # Running for at least 30 hours. first_ts.append(ts) stations_with_data.append(stations[n]) break else: prev_ts += 1 else: prev_ts = 0 for station in stations_with_data: end_ts = get_station_end_timestamp(station, data) if end_ts is not None: last_ts.append(end_ts) first_ts = sorted(first_ts) last_ts = sorted(last_ts) diff_stations = array([1] * len(first_ts) + [-1] * len(last_ts)) idx = argsort(first_ts + last_ts) n_stations = diff_stations[idx].cumsum() # Get maximinum number of simultaneaously active stations per 7 days n_active_aligned = (aligned_data != 0).sum(axis=0) n_binned, t_binned, _ = binned_statistic(timestamps, n_active_aligned, npmax, bins=len(timestamps) / (7 * 24)) # Get average number of detected events per 7 days # todo; scale 2/4 detector stations summed_data = aligned_data.sum(axis=0) e_binned, t_binned, _ = binned_statistic(timestamps, summed_data, average, bins=len(timestamps) / (7 * 24)) plot = Plot(width=r'.5\textwidth') plot.plot([t / 1e9 for t in sorted(first_ts + last_ts)], n_stations, linestyle='gray, thick', mark=None, use_steps=True) plot.histogram(n_binned, t_binned / 1e9, linestyle='thick') plot.histogram(e_binned * max(n_binned) / max(e_binned), t_binned / 1e9, linestyle='blue') plot.set_axis_options('line join=round') plot.set_ylabel('Number of stations') plot.set_xlabel('Date') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xticks([datetime_to_gps(date(y, 1, 1)) / 1e9 for y in YEARS[::3]]) plot.set_xtick_labels(['%d' % y for y in YEARS[::3]]) plot.save_as_pdf('active_stations_%s' % ['network', 'spa'][i])