def demo(): chart = BarChart(10, 40, [fn, fn], char="=", gradient=[(20, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (30, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (40, Screen.COLOUR_RED)]) print(chart) chart = BarChart(13, 60, [wv(1), wv(2), wv(3), wv(4), wv(5), wv(7), wv(8), wv(9)], colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, axes=BarChart.BOTH, scale=2.0) print(chart) chart = BarChart(7, 60, [lambda: time.time() * 10 % 101], gradient=[(10, 234), (20, 236), (30, 238), (40, 240), (50, 242), (60, 244), (70, 246), (80, 248), (90, 250), (100, 252)], char=">", scale=100.0, labels=True, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS) print(chart) chart = BarChart(10, 60, [wv(1), wv(2), wv(3), wv(4), wv(5), wv(7), wv(8), wv(9)], colour=[c for c in range(1, 8)], scale=2.0, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=0.5, labels=True, border=False) print(chart)
def demo(screen): scenes = [] if screen.width != 132 or screen.height != 24: effects = [ Print(screen, FigletText("Resize to 132x24"), y=screen.height//2-3), ] else: effects = [ Print(screen, BarChart(10, 40, [fn, fn], char="=", gradient=[(20, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (30, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (40, Screen.COLOUR_RED)]), x=13, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, BarChart( 13, 60, [wv(1), wv(2), wv(3), wv(4), wv(5), wv(7), wv(8), wv(9)], colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, axes=BarChart.BOTH, scale=2.0), x=68, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, BarChart( 7, 60, [lambda: time.time() * 10 % 101], gradient=[ (33, Screen.COLOUR_RED, Screen.COLOUR_RED), (66, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (100, Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.COLOUR_WHITE), ] if screen.colours < 256 else [ (10, 234, 234), (20, 236, 236), (30, 238, 238), (40, 240, 240), (50, 242, 242), (60, 244, 244), (70, 246, 246), (80, 248, 248), (90, 250, 250), (100, 252, 252) ], char=">", scale=100.0, labels=True, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS), x=68, y=16, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, BarChart( 10, 60, [wv(1), wv(2), wv(3), wv(4), wv(5), wv(7), wv(8), wv(9)], colour=[c for c in range(1, 8)], bg=[c for c in range(1, 8)], scale=2.0, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=0.5, labels=True, border=False), x=3, y=13, transparent=False, speed=2) ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)), stop_on_resize=True)
def test_bar_chart(self): """ Check that the BarChart renderer works. """ # Internal test function for rendering def fn(): return 10 # Check default implementation renderer = BarChart(7, 20, [fn, fn]) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "+------------------+\n" + "| |\n" + "| |###### |\n" + "| | |\n" + "| |###### |\n" + "| |\n" + "+------------------+") self.assertEqual( "\n".join(renderer.images[0]), "+------------------+\n" + "| |\n" + "| |###### |\n" + "| | |\n" + "| |###### |\n" + "| |\n" + "+------------------+") # Switch on non-defaults renderer = BarChart(5, 30, [fn, fn], scale=10.0, axes=BarChart.BOTH, intervals=2.5, labels=True, border=False, keys=["A", "B"]) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "A |########################## \n" + " | : : : \n" + "B |########################## \n" + " +------+------+-----+------ \n" + " 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ") # Check gradients renderer = BarChart(7, 20, [fn, fn], gradient=[(4, 1), (8, 2), (15, 2)]) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "+------------------+\n" + "| |\n" + "| |###### |\n" + "| | |\n" + "| |###### |\n" + "| |\n" + "+------------------+") self.assertEqual(renderer.rendered_text[1][2], [(7, 2, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (7, 2, 0), (1, 2, 0), (1, 2, 0), (2, 2, 0), (2, 2, 0), (2, 2, 0), (2, 2, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (7, 2, 0)])
def demo(screen): #self._screen = screen scenes = [] #Taille Rpi avec ecran 3,5" : 60x20 message = "Resize to 60x20\nActual %sx%s" % (screen.width,screen.height) if screen.width != 60 or screen.height != 20: effects = [ Print(screen, FigletText(message), y=screen.height//2-3), ] else: # Rendu permettant l'affichage de l'horloge. renderClock = fxobdfiglet.FigletClock(screen.width, screen.height) renderExtTemp = fxobdfiglet.FigletExtTemp(screen.width, screen.height) renderRPM = fxobdfiglet.FigletRPM(screen.width, screen.height) #Creation de l'effet (inclusion de plusieurs rendus). effects = [ #Ext Temperature Print(screen, BarChart(5, 40, [wv(3)], char="=", gradient=[(12, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (20, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (24, Screen.COLOUR_RED)], scale=24, intervals=5, labels=True), x=5, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, FigletText("%s"%screen.width, font=u'lcd'), y=1, x= 40), #Engine temperature Print(screen, BarChart(7, 40, [wv(2)], char="=", gradient=[(20, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (40, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (60, Screen.COLOUR_RED)], scale=80, intervals=10, labels=False), x=5, y=5, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, renderRPM, y=10, x= 40), #Affichage de la date et de l heure pb de rafraichissement il faut utiliser le fliglet dynamique. Print(screen, renderClock, x=(screen.width)//2-renderClock.max_width, y= screen.height-1), #x=(screen.width-wv(4).__len__())//2, y= screen.height-1), ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)), stop_on_resize=True)
def demo(screen, scene): # scenes = [Scene([MainView(screen, datacache)], -1, name="Main Screen"), # Scene([TimeView(screen, datacache, 0)], -1, name="P Screen"), # Scene([TimeView(screen, datacache, 1)], -1, name="B Screen"), # Scene([TimeView(screen, datacache, 2)], -1, name="L Screen") # ] effect2 = Stars(screen, screen.width) effects = [ Print(screen, BarChart(10, 40, [10, 10], char="=", gradient=[(20, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (30, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (40, Screen.COLOUR_RED)]), x=13, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2) ] scenes2 = [Scene([MainView(screen, datacache)], -1, name="Main Screen")] scenes3 = [Scene([effect2], -1)], stop_on_resize=True, start_scene=scene, allow_int=True)
def ui(screen): scenes = [] if screen.width != 70 or screen.height != 53: effects = [ Print(screen, FigletText("Resize to 70x53"), y=screen.height // 2 - 3) ] else: effects = [ Print(screen, FigletText("OptionsGAME"), y=0), Print(screen, BarChart(8, 68, [wvc(9, 8), wv(9, 8)], scale=100.0, labels=True, intervals=25.0, border=False, bg=[1, 2], colour=[1, 2], axes=BarChart.X_AXIS), x=1, y=7, transparent=False, speed=1), Print(screen, BarChart(20, 68, [wv(7), wv(8), wv(9)], char="x", scale=100.0, labels=True, intervals=25.0, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, gradient=[(50, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (75, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (100, Screen.COLOUR_RED)]), x=1, y=15, transparent=False, speed=1) ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)), stop_on_resize=True)
def test_defaults(self): renderer = BarChart(7, 17, [fn(10), fn(5)]) expected = ("╔═══════════════╗\n" "║ ║\n" "║ │########## ║\n" "║ │ ║\n" "║ │##### ║\n" "║ ║\n" "╚═══════════════╝") self.assertEqual(str(renderer), expected) self.assertEqual("\n".join(renderer.images[0]), expected)
def test_styles(self): renderer = BarChart(7, 17, [fn(10), fn(5)]) renderer.border_style = SINGLE_LINE self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "┌───────────────┐\n" "│ │\n" "│ │########## │\n" "│ │ │\n" "│ │##### │\n" "│ │\n" "└───────────────┘") renderer.border_style = ASCII_LINE renderer.axes_style = ASCII_LINE self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "+---------------+\n" "| |\n" "| |########## |\n" "| | |\n" "| |##### |\n" "| |\n" "+---------------+")
def test_scale(self): renderer = BarChart(5, 41, [fn(5), fn(10)], scale=10.0, axes=BarChart.BOTH, intervals=2.5, labels=True, border=False) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), # 1234567890123456789!12345678901234567890 "│#################### │ \n" + "│ │ │ │ \n" + "│########################################\n" + "└─────────┴─────────┴─────────┴──────────\n" + " 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0")
def demo(screen): scenes = [] effects = [ Print(screen, BarChart(5, 80, [get_volume], char="=", gradient=[(20, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (30, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (40, Screen.COLOUR_RED)]), x=13, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2), ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)) screen.print_at("hihihihi", 10, 10), stop_on_resize=True)
def test_gradients(self): gradients = [ (2, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), (4, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (5, Screen.COLOUR_RED), ] renderer = BarChart(3, 5, [fn(5), fn(3), fn(1)], border=False, axes=BarChart.NO_AXIS, gap=0, gradient=gradients) self.assertEqual( renderer.rendered_text, ( #12345 ['#####', '### ', '# '], [ [ # First bar colour sets (2, 2, 4), # 2 ticks of green with blue background (2, 2, 4), (3, 2, 0), # 2 ticks of yellow with black background (3, 2, 0), (1, 2, 0) # 1 tick of red with black background ], [ # Second bar colour sets (2, 2, 4), # 2 ticks of green with blue background (2, 2, 4), (3, 2, 0), # 2 ticks of yellow with black background (None, 0, 0), # 2 ticks empty (None, 0, 0), ], [ # Third bar colour sets (2, 2, 4), # 1 tick of green with blue background (None, 0, 0), # 4 ticks empty (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), (None, 0, 0), ], ]))
def prepare_display(self): # Effects are all the stuff which will be shown on the display # Speed 0 means: Redraw only when draw_next_frame is executed effects = [ self.preset_frame, self.sender_frame, Print(self.screen, Box(80, 8, True), x=0, y=17, speed=0), Print(self.screen, ColourImageFile(self.screen, LOGO, 9, bg=7), x=0, y=0, speed=0), Print(self.screen, FigletText(self.asciisierer(self.akt_sender_str)), x=1, y=18, speed=0), Print(self.screen, BarChart(4, 80, [self.get_vol], colour=2, char=' ', bg=7, scale=100, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=25, labels=True, border=False), x=0, y=26, transparent=False, speed=0) ] # Start displaying self.scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)) self.screen.set_scenes(self.scenes) # Update the screen for the first time self.screen.draw_next_frame()
def demo(screen): scenes = [] if screen.width != 132 or screen.height != 24: pass # effects = [ # Print(screen, FigletText("Resize to 132x24"), # y=screen.height//2-3), # ] if True: effects = [ Print( screen, BarChart(20, 40, [fn, fn, fn2], char="d", gradient=[(20, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (30, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (40, Screen.COLOUR_RED)]), x=1, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2, delete_count=50, ), Matrix(screen, delete_count=50) # Clock(screen, x=10, y=10, r=10) # Print(screen, # BarChart( # 13, 60, # [wv(1), wv(2), wv(3), wv(4), wv(5), wv(7), wv(8), wv(9)], # colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, # axes=BarChart.BOTH, # scale=2.0), # x=68, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2), # Print(screen, # BarChart( # 7, 60, [lambda: time.time() * 10 % 101], # gradient=[ # (33, Screen.COLOUR_RED, Screen.COLOUR_RED), # (66, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), # (100, Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.COLOUR_WHITE), # ] if screen.colours < 256 else [ # (10, 234, 234), (20, 236, 236), (30, 238, 238), # (40, 240, 240), (50, 242, 242), (60, 244, 244), # (70, 246, 246), (80, 248, 248), (90, 250, 250), # (100, 252, 252) # ], # char=">", # scale=100.0, # labels=True, # axes=BarChart.X_AXIS), # x=68, y=16, transparent=False, speed=2), # Print(screen, # BarChart( # 10, 60, # [wv(1), wv(2), wv(3), wv(4), wv(5), wv(7), wv(8), wv(9)], # colour=[c for c in range(1, 8)], # bg=[c for c in range(1, 8)], # scale=2.0, # axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, # intervals=0.5, # labels=True, # border=False), # x=3, y=13, transparent=False, speed=2) ] # if time.time() - start < delta: scenes.append(Scene(effects)), stop_on_resize=True)
def graphs(screen): global simulation # global moneyFunctions names = [table.players[0].name for table in simulation.tables] money = Print( screen, BarChart( 14, 100, [money0, money1, money2], # BarChart(14, 100, moneyFunctions, char="=", gradient=[(STARTING_MONEY / 4, Screen.COLOUR_RED), (STARTING_MONEY / 4 * 3, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (STARTING_MONEY, Screen.COLOUR_WHITE), (MAX_MONEY, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN)], scale=MAX_MONEY, labels=True, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=MAX_MONEY / 4, keys=names), x=3, y=2, transparent=False, speed=1) won = Print(screen, BarChart(14, 25, [won0, won1, won2], char="W", keys=names, labels=True, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=MAX_WON, scale=MAX_WON), x=3, y=20, transparent=False, speed=1) lost = Print(screen, BarChart(14, 15, [lost0, lost1, lost2], char="L", labels=True, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=MAX_LOST, scale=MAX_LOST), x=33, y=20, transparent=False, speed=1) pushed = Print(screen, BarChart(14, 15, [pushed0, pushed1, pushed2], char="P", labels=True, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=MAX_PUSH, scale=MAX_PUSH), x=53, y=20, transparent=False, speed=1) scenes = [] scenes.append(Scene([money, lost, pushed], duration=200)) # scenes.append(Scene([money, won, lost, pushed], duration=50)) while simulation.has_players():, repeat=False)
def test_args_no_scale(self): renderer = BarChart(3, 10, [fn(10), fn(5)], char='=', border=False, axes=BarChart.NO_AXIS) self.assertEqual(str(renderer), "==========\n" + " \n" + "===== ") renderer = BarChart(7, 16, [fn(10), fn(5)], char='=', axes=BarChart.NO_AXIS) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "╔══════════════╗\n" "║ ║\n" "║ ========== ║\n" "║ ║\n" "║ ===== ║\n" "║ ║\n" "╚══════════════╝") renderer = BarChart(7, 17, [fn(10), fn(5)], char='=', axes=BarChart.Y_AXIS) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "╔═══════════════╗\n" "║ ║\n" "║ │========== ║\n" "║ │ ║\n" "║ │===== ║\n" "║ ║\n" "╚═══════════════╝") renderer = BarChart(8, 17, [fn(10), fn(5)], char='=', axes=BarChart.BOTH) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "╔═══════════════╗\n" "║ ║\n" "║ │========== ║\n" "║ │ ║\n" "║ │===== ║\n" "║ └────────── ║\n" "║ ║\n" "╚═══════════════╝") renderer = BarChart(8, 21, [fn(10), fn(5)], char='=', axes=BarChart.BOTH, keys=['a', 'bbb']) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "╔═══════════════════╗\n" "║ ║\n" "║ a │========== ║\n" "║ │ ║\n" "║ bbb │===== ║\n" "║ └────────── ║\n" "║ ║\n" "╚═══════════════════╝") renderer = BarChart(9, 21, [fn(10), fn(5)], char='=', axes=BarChart.BOTH, keys=['a', 'bbb'], labels=True) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "╔═══════════════════╗\n" "║ ║\n" "║ a │========== ║\n" "║ │ ║\n" "║ bbb │===== ║\n" "║ └────────── ║\n" "║ 0 10 ║\n" "║ ║\n" "╚═══════════════════╝") renderer = BarChart(9, 21, [fn(10), fn(4)], char='=', axes=BarChart.BOTH, keys=['a', 'bbb'], labels=True, intervals=5) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "╔═══════════════════╗\n" "║ ║\n" "║ a │========== ║\n" "║ │ │ ║\n" "║ bbb │====│ ║\n" "║ └────┴───── ║\n" "║ 0 5 10 ║\n" "║ ║\n" "╚═══════════════════╝") renderer = BarChart(8, 21, [fn(10), fn(4)], char='=', axes=BarChart.BOTH, keys=['a', 'bbb'], labels=True, intervals=5, gap=0) self.assertEqual( str(renderer), "╔═══════════════════╗\n" "║ ║\n" "║ a │========== ║\n" "║ bbb │====│ ║\n" "║ └────┴───── ║\n" "║ 0 5 10 ║\n" "║ ║\n" "╚═══════════════════╝")
def demo(screen): scenes = [] if screen.width != 132 or screen.height != 24: effects = [ Print(screen, FigletText("Resize to 132x24"), y=screen.height // 2 - 3), ] else: # Horizontal Charts hchart1 = BarChart( 9, 22, [fn, fn], char="═", gradient=[(7, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (9, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (10, Screen.COLOUR_RED)], keys=["one", "two"], gap=1, ) hchart2 = BarChart( 10, 25, [wv(1), wv(3), wv(5), wv(7), wv(9)], colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, axes=BarChart.BOTH, scale=2.0) hchart2.border_style = ASCII_LINE hchart2.axes_style = ASCII_LINE hchart3 = BarChart( 10, 40, [wv(1), wv(2), wv(3), wv(4), wv(5), wv(7), wv(8), wv(9)], colour=[c for c in range(1, 8)], bg=[c for c in range(1, 8)], scale=2.0, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=0.5, labels=True, border=False) hchart4 = BarChart(7, 30, [lambda: time.time() * 10 % 101], gradient=[ (33, Screen.COLOUR_RED, Screen.COLOUR_RED), (66, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (100, Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.COLOUR_WHITE), ] if screen.colours < 256 else [(10, 234, 234), (20, 236, 236), (30, 238, 238), (40, 240, 240), (50, 242, 242), (60, 244, 244), (70, 246, 246), (80, 248, 248), (90, 250, 250), (100, 252, 252)], char=">", scale=100.0, labels=True, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS) hchart4.border_style = SINGLE_LINE # Vertical Charts vchart1 = VBarChart( 12, 21, [fn2, fn2], char="═", gradient=[(3, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), (4, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (5, Screen.COLOUR_RED)], keys=["one", "two"], ) vchart2 = VBarChart( 12, 17, [wv(1), wv(3), wv(5), wv(7), wv(9)], colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, axes=BarChart.BOTH, scale=2.0, gap=0) vchart2.border_style = ASCII_LINE vchart2.axes_style = ASCII_LINE vchart3 = VBarChart( 12, 39, [wv(1), wv(2), wv(3), wv(4), wv(5), wv(7), wv(8), wv(9)], colour=[c for c in range(1, 8)], bg=[c for c in range(1, 8)], gap=0, scale=2.0, axes=BarChart.Y_AXIS, intervals=0.5, labels=True, border=False) vchart4 = VBarChart(12, 16, [lambda: time.time() * 10 % 101], gradient=[ (33, Screen.COLOUR_RED, Screen.COLOUR_RED), (66, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), (100, Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.COLOUR_WHITE), ] if screen.colours < 256 else [(10, 234, 234), (20, 236, 236), (30, 238, 238), (40, 240, 240), (50, 242, 242), (60, 244, 244), (70, 246, 246), (80, 248, 248), (90, 250, 250), (100, 252, 252)], char=">", scale=100.0, labels=True, axes=VBarChart.Y_AXIS) vchart4.border_style = SINGLE_LINE effects = [ Print(screen, hchart1, x=1, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, hchart2, x=25, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, hchart3, x=52, y=1, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, hchart4, x=96, y=2, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, vchart1, x=2, y=12, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, vchart2, x=29, y=12, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, vchart3, x=52, y=12, transparent=False, speed=2), Print(screen, vchart4, x=103, y=12, transparent=False, speed=2), ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)), stop_on_resize=True)
def demo(screen): scenes = [] preset_frame = Frame(screen, 11, 26, can_scroll=False, title="Tastenbelegung", x=SF_X, y=SF_Y, reduce_cpu=True) pr_layout = Layout([10, 90], fill_frame=True) preset_frame.add_layout(pr_layout) sender_frame = Frame(screen, 11, 26, can_scroll=False, title="Senderliste", x=27, y=6, reduce_cpu=True) sender_layout0 = Layout([10, 90, 10], fill_frame=True) sender_frame.add_layout(sender_layout0) optionen = [(" ", 1), ("Zweiter", 2), ("Dritter", 3), ("Vierter", 4), ("Deutschlandradio", 5), ("Absolut Relax", 6), ("Siebter", 7), ("hmm", 8)] sender = [ "123456789012345678901", "Erster", "Zweiter", "Dritter", "Vierter", "Fünfter", "Sechster" ] Senderkiste = ListBox(8, optionen, False) sender_layout0.add_widget(Senderkiste, 1) Senderkiste.blur() Senderkiste.start_line = 1 format_sl_layout(sender_layout0) # format_pr_layout(pr_layout) for i, s in zip(range(1, 6), sender): pr_layout.add_widget(Label(str(i), 1, align=u'^')) pr_layout.add_widget(Label(s, 1, align='^'), 1) preset_frame.fix() sender_frame.fix() effects = [ preset_frame, sender_frame, Print(screen, Box(26, 15, True), x=UHR_K_X, y=UHR_K_Y), Print(screen, Box(80, 8, True), x=0, y=17), Clock(screen, 67, 7, 6), Print(screen, FigletText("Retroradio!"), x=0, y=0), # Print(screen, BarChart(4, 80, [get_vol], colour=2, scale=100, # axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=25, labels=True, border=False), x=0, y=26, # transparent=False), # Print(screen, SpeechBubble("Lautstärke"), x=0, y=23), Print(screen, FigletText("Deutschlandradio"), x=1, y=18), Print(screen, BarChart(4, 80, [get_vol], colour=2, char=' ', bg=7, scale=100, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=25, labels=True, border=False), x=0, y=26, transparent=False, speed=2) ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1))
def run_display(screen): scenes = [] AKT_SENDER = "Retro rockt!" # Prepare frame for the presets preset_frame = Frame(screen, 7, 29, can_scroll=False, title="Tastenbelegung", x=0, y=10, reduce_cpu=True) pr_layout = Layout([10, 90], fill_frame=True) preset_frame.add_layout(pr_layout) # Prepare frame for the sender list sender_frame = Frame(screen, 17, 50, can_scroll=False, title="Senderliste", x=30, y=0, reduce_cpu=True) sender_layout0 = Layout([10, 80, 10], fill_frame=True) sender_frame.add_layout(sender_layout0) # Load the json config-file cfg = load_config() # Prepare the layouts, add spaces etc format_sl_layout(sender_layout0) # Nicht mehr nötig nach aktuellem Stand # format_pr_layout(pr_layout) # Create the sender-labels and fill them initially. Return them for # later changing sender_labels = gen_and_add_sender_labels(sender_layout0, parse_sender(cfg, 0)) preset_labels = gen_and_add_preset_labels(pr_layout, parse_presets(cfg)) preset_frame.fix() sender_frame.fix() # Effects are all the stuff which will be shown on the display effects = [ preset_frame, sender_frame, # Print(screen, Box(26, 15, True), x=54, y=0), Print(screen, Box(80, 8, True), x=0, y=17, speed=2), # Clock(screen, 68, 7, 5), Print(screen, ColourImageFile(screen, LOGO, 9, bg=7), x=0, y=0, speed=2), Print(screen, FigletText(asciisierer(AKT_SENDER)), x=1, y=18), Print(screen, BarChart(4, 80, [get_vol], colour=2, char=' ', bg=7, scale=100, axes=BarChart.X_AXIS, intervals=25, labels=True, border=False), x=0, y=26, transparent=False, speed=2) ] # Start displaying scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1))