예제 #1
def alpha_beta2XanYan(input_model, reference_files):
    Create the transform from detector to Xan, Yan frame.

    forward transform:
        label_mapper is LabelMapperDict()
        {channel_wave_range (): channel_number}
        selector is {channel_number: ab2Xan & ab2Yan}
        label_mapper is LabelMapperDict()
        {channel_wave_range (): channel_number}
        selector is {channel_number: Xan2ab & Yan2ab}
    band = input_model.meta.instrument.band
    channel = input_model.meta.instrument.channel
    # used to read the wavelength range
    channels = [c + band for c in channel]

    f = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['v2v3'])
    v23 = f.tree['model']
    f = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['wavelengthrange'])
    # the following should go in the asdf reader
    wave_range = f.tree['wavelengthrange'].copy()
    wave_channels = f.tree['channels']
    wr = {}
    for ch, r in zip(wave_channels, wave_range):
        wr[ch] = r

    dict_mapper = {}
    sel = {}
    for c in channels:
        ch = int(c[0])
        dict_mapper[tuple(wr[c])] = models.Mapping((2,), name="mapping_lam") | \
                   models.Const1D(ch, name="channel #")
        map1 = models.Mapping((1, 0, 1, 0), name='map2poly')
        map1._outputs = ('alpha', 'beta', 'alpha', 'beta')
        map1._inputs = ('alpha', 'beta')
        map1.inverse = models.Mapping((0, 1))
        ident1 = models.Identity(1, name='identity_lam')
        ident1._inputs = ('lam',)
        chan_v23 = v23[c]
        v23chan_backward = chan_v23.inverse
        del chan_v23.inverse
        v23_spatial = map1 | chan_v23
        v23_spatial.inverse = map1 | v23chan_backward
        v23c = v23_spatial & ident1
        sel[ch] = v23c

    wave_range_mapper = selector.LabelMapperRange(('alpha', 'beta', 'lam'), dict_mapper,
                                                  inputs_mapping=models.Mapping([2, ]))
    wave_range_mapper.inverse = wave_range_mapper.copy()
    ab2xyan = selector.RegionsSelector(('alpha', 'beta', 'lam'), ('v2', 'v3', 'lam'),

    return ab2xyan
예제 #2
def detector_to_gwa(reference_files, detector, disperser):
    Transform from DETECTOR frame to GWA frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.
    detector : str
        The detector keyword.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from DETECTOR frame to GWA frame.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['fpa']) as f:
        fpa = f.tree[detector].copy()
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['camera']) as f:
        camera = f.tree['model'].copy()

    angles = [
        disperser['theta_x'], disperser['theta_y'], disperser['theta_z'],
    rotation = Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order="xyzy", name='rotaton')
    u2dircos = Unitless2DirCos(name='unitless2directional_cosines')
    model = (fpa | camera | u2dircos | rotation)
    return model
예제 #3
파일: miri.py 프로젝트: nden/jwst
def alpha_beta2XanYan(input_model, reference_files):
    Create the transform from detector to Xan, Yan frame.

    forward transform:
        label_mapper is LabelMapperDict()
        {channel_wave_range (): channel_number}
        selector is {channel_number: ab2Xan & ab2Yan}
        label_mapper is LabelMapperDict()
        {channel_wave_range (): channel_number}
        selector is {channel_number: Xan2ab & Yan2ab}
    band = input_model.meta.instrument.band
    channel = input_model.meta.instrument.channel
    # used to read the wavelength range
    channels = [c + band for c in channel]

    f = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['v2v3'])
    v23 = f.tree['model']
    f = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['wavelengthrange'])
    # the following should go in the asdf reader
    wave_range = f.tree['wavelengthrange'].copy()
    wave_channels = f.tree['channels']
    wr = {}
    for ch, r in zip(wave_channels, wave_range):
        wr[ch] = r

    dict_mapper = {}
    sel = {}
    for c in channels:
        ch = int(c[0])
        dict_mapper[tuple(wr[c])] = models.Mapping((2,), name="mapping_lam") | \
                   models.Const1D(ch, name="channel #")
        map1 = models.Mapping((1, 0, 1, 0), name='map2poly')
        map1._outputs = ('alpha', 'beta', 'alpha', 'beta')
        map1._inputs = ('alpha', 'beta')
        map1.inverse = models.Mapping((0, 1))
        ident1 = models.Identity(1, name='identity_lam')
        ident1._inputs = ('lam',)
        chan_v23 = v23[c]
        v23chan_backward = chan_v23.inverse
        del chan_v23.inverse
        v23_spatial = map1 | chan_v23
        v23_spatial.inverse = map1 | v23chan_backward
        v23c = v23_spatial & ident1
        sel[ch] = v23c

    wave_range_mapper = selector.LabelMapperRange(('alpha', 'beta', 'lam'), dict_mapper,
    wave_range_mapper.inverse = wave_range_mapper.copy()
    ab2xyan = selector.RegionsSelector(('alpha', 'beta', 'lam'), ('v2', 'v3', 'lam'),

    return ab2xyan
예제 #4
파일: miri.py 프로젝트: nden/jwst
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    Create pixe2sky and sky2pixel transformation for the MIRI imager.

    model : jwst_lib.models.ImagingModel
        input model
    reference_files : dict
        reference files from CRDS

    using CDP 3 Reference distortion file

    reference files/corrections needed (pixel to sky):

    1. Filter dependent shift in (x,y) (!with an oposite sign to that delievred by the IT)
    2. Apply MI
    3. Apply Ai and BI matrices
    4. Apply the TI matrix (this gives V2/V3 coordinates)
    5. Apply V2/V3 to sky transformation

    ref_file: filter_offset.asdf - (1)
    ref_file: distortion.asdf -(2,3,4)
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    filter_offset = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['filteroffset']).tree[input_model.meta.instrument.filter]
    full_distortion = models.Shift(filter_offset['row_offset']) & models.Shift(
        filter_offset['column_offset']) | distortion
    full_distortion = full_distortion.rename('distortion')
    return full_distortion
예제 #5
def calc_cube(numb, fried_parameter = 4, time_between = 0.7):
    filepath = os.getcwd().split("vApp_reduction",1)[0]+"vApp_reduction/data/psf_cube_cache/"
    filepath += "psf_cube_"+str(float(fried_parameter))+"_"+str(float(time_between))+"_"+str(int(numb))+".asdf"

    #expand to only demand numb =< numb on disk
    if os.path.exists(filepath):

        tree = AsdfFile.open(filepath, copy_arrays=True).tree
        tree_keys = tree.keys()
        psf_params = sorted(list(filter(lambda key: isinstance(key, float), tree_keys)))
        psf_cube = list(map(lambda param: np.copy(tree[param]), psf_params))
        return psf_cube, psf_params
        path =  os.getcwd()+"/code/psf/generate_vAPP_cube.py"
        params = [str(fried_parameter), str(time_between), str(numb)]
        cmd = [sys.executable, path, *params]
        print("please run: ")
        print(' '.join(cmd))
        input("Press Enter to continue...")

        tree = AsdfFile.open(filepath).tree
        tree_keys = tree.keys()
        psf_params = sorted(list(filter(lambda key: isinstance(key, float), tree_keys)))
        psf_cube = list(map(lambda param: tree[param], psf_params))

        return psf_cube, psf_params
예제 #6
def test_backwards_compat_gcrs():
    obsgeoloc = (
    obsgeovel = (2.0, 1.0, 8.0)

    old_frame_yaml =  """
  - !wcs/celestial_frame-1.0.0
    axes_names: [lon, lat]
    name: CelestialFrame
      type: GCRS
        - [%f, %f, %f]
        - !unit/unit-1.0.0 m
        - [%f, %f, %f]
        - !unit/unit-1.0.0 m s-1
      obstime: !time/time-1.0.0 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000
    unit: [!unit/unit-1.0.0 deg, !unit/unit-1.0.0 deg]
""" % (obsgeovel + obsgeoloc)

    new_frame_yaml = """
  - !wcs/celestial_frame-1.1.0
    axes_names: [lon, lat]
    name: CelestialFrame
      type: GCRS
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m s-1, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m s-1, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m s-1, value: %f}
      obstime: !time/time-1.1.0 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000
    unit: [!unit/unit-1.0.0 deg, !unit/unit-1.0.0 deg]
""" % (obsgeovel + obsgeoloc)

    old_buff = helpers.yaml_to_asdf(old_frame_yaml)
    old_asdf = AsdfFile.open(old_buff)
    old_frame = old_asdf.tree['frames'][0]
    old_loc = old_frame.reference_frame.obsgeoloc
    old_vel = old_frame.reference_frame.obsgeovel

    new_buff = helpers.yaml_to_asdf(new_frame_yaml)
    new_asdf = AsdfFile.open(new_buff)
    new_frame = new_asdf.tree['frames'][0]
    new_loc = new_frame.reference_frame.obsgeoloc
    new_vel = new_frame.reference_frame.obsgeovel

    assert (old_loc.x == new_loc.x and old_loc.y == new_loc.y and
        old_loc.z == new_loc.z)
    assert (old_vel.x == new_vel.x and old_vel.y == new_vel.y and
        old_vel.z == new_vel.z)
예제 #7
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def detector_to_gwa(reference_files, detector, disperser):
    Transform from DETECTOR frame to GWA frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.
    detector : str
        The detector keyword.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from DETECTOR frame to GWA frame.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['fpa']) as f:
        fpa = f.tree[detector].copy()
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['camera']) as f:
        camera = f.tree['model'].copy()

    angles = [disperser['theta_x'], disperser['theta_y'],
               disperser['theta_z'], disperser['tilt_y']]
    rotation = Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order="xyzy", name='rotaton')
    u2dircos = Unitless2DirCos(name='unitless2directional_cosines')
    model = (models.Shift(-1) & models.Shift(-1) | fpa | camera | u2dircos | rotation)
    return model
예제 #8
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: hbushouse/jwst
def ifuslit_to_msa(slits, reference_files):
    The transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.

    slits_id : list
        A list of slit IDs for all open shutters/slitlets.
    msafile : str
        The name of the msa reference file.

    model : `~jwst_lib.pipeline_models.Slit2Msa` model.
        Transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifufore']) as f:
        ifufore = f.tree['model']

    ifuslicer = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifuslicer'])
    models = {}
    ifuslicer_model = (ifuslicer.tree['model']).rename('ifuslicer_model')
    for slit in slits:
        slitdata = ifuslicer.tree['data'][slit]
        slitdata_model = (get_slit_location_model(slitdata)).rename('slitdata_model')
        msa_transform = slitdata_model | ifuslicer_model
        models[slit] = msa_transform

    return Slit2Msa(models)
예제 #9
def test_backwards_compat_gcrs():
    obsgeoloc = (
    obsgeovel = (2.0, 1.0, 8.0)

    old_frame_yaml =  """
  - !wcs/celestial_frame-1.0.0
    axes_names: [lon, lat]
    name: CelestialFrame
      type: GCRS
        - [%f, %f, %f]
        - !unit/unit-1.0.0 m
        - [%f, %f, %f]
        - !unit/unit-1.0.0 m s-1
      obstime: !time/time-1.0.0 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000
    unit: [!unit/unit-1.0.0 deg, !unit/unit-1.0.0 deg]
""" % (obsgeovel + obsgeoloc)

    new_frame_yaml = """
  - !wcs/celestial_frame-1.1.0
    axes_names: [lon, lat]
    name: CelestialFrame
      type: GCRS
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m s-1, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m s-1, value: %f}
      - !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: !unit/unit-1.0.0 m s-1, value: %f}
      obstime: !time/time-1.1.0 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000
    unit: [!unit/unit-1.0.0 deg, !unit/unit-1.0.0 deg]
""" % (obsgeovel + obsgeoloc)

    old_buff = helpers.yaml_to_asdf(old_frame_yaml)
    old_asdf = AsdfFile.open(old_buff)
    old_frame = old_asdf.tree['frames'][0]
    old_loc = old_frame.reference_frame.obsgeoloc
    old_vel = old_frame.reference_frame.obsgeovel

    new_buff = helpers.yaml_to_asdf(new_frame_yaml)
    new_asdf = AsdfFile.open(new_buff)
    new_frame = new_asdf.tree['frames'][0]
    new_loc = new_frame.reference_frame.obsgeoloc
    new_vel = new_frame.reference_frame.obsgeovel

    assert (old_loc.x == new_loc.x and old_loc.y == new_loc.y and
        old_loc.z == new_loc.z)
    assert (old_vel.x == new_vel.x and old_vel.y == new_vel.y and
        old_vel.z == new_vel.z)
예제 #10
def ifu_msa_to_oteip(reference_files):
    Transform from the MSA frame to the OTEIP frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from MSA to OTEIP.
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['fore']) as f:
        fore = f.tree['model'].copy()
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifufore']) as f:
        ifufore = f.tree['model'].copy()

    msa2fore_mapping = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))
    msa2fore_mapping.inverse = Identity(3)
    ifu_fore_transform = ifufore & Identity(1)
    ifu_fore_transform.inverse = Mapping(
        (0, 1, 2, 2)) | ifufore.inverse & Identity(1)
    fore_transform = msa2fore_mapping | fore & Identity(1)
    return msa2fore_mapping | ifu_fore_transform | fore_transform
예제 #11
def ifuslit_to_msa(slits, reference_files):
    The transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.

    slits_id : list
        A list of slit IDs for all open shutters/slitlets.
    msafile : str
        The name of the msa reference file.

    model : `~jwst_lib.pipeline_models.Slit2Msa` model.
        Transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifufore']) as f:
        ifufore = f.tree['model']

    ifuslicer = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifuslicer'])
    models = {}
    ifuslicer_model = (ifuslicer.tree['model']).rename('ifuslicer_model')
    for slit in slits:
        slitdata = ifuslicer.tree['data'][slit]
        slitdata_model = (
        msa_transform = slitdata_model | ifuslicer_model
        models[slit] = msa_transform

    return Slit2Msa(models)
예제 #12
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def ifu_msa_to_oteip(reference_files):
    Transform from the MSA frame to the OTEIP frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from MSA to OTEIP.
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['fore']) as f:
        fore = f.tree['model'].copy()
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifufore']) as f:
        ifufore = f.tree['model'].copy()

    msa2fore_mapping = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))
    msa2fore_mapping.inverse = Identity(3)
    ifu_fore_transform = ifufore & Identity(1)
    ifu_fore_transform.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2)) | ifufore.inverse & Identity(1)
    fore_transform = msa2fore_mapping | fore & Identity(1)
    return msa2fore_mapping | ifu_fore_transform | fore_transform
예제 #13
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    Create pixe2sky and sky2pixel transformation for the MIRI imager.

    model : jwst.datamodels.ImagingModel
        input model
    reference_files : dict
        reference files from CRDS

    using CDP 3 Reference distortion file

    reference files/corrections needed (pixel to sky):

    1. Filter dependent shift in (x,y) (!with an oposite sign to that delievred by the IT)
    2. Apply MI
    3. Apply Ai and BI matrices
    4. Apply the TI matrix (this gives V2/V3 coordinates)
    5. Apply V2/V3 to sky transformation

    ref_file: filter_offset.asdf - (1)
    ref_file: distortion.asdf -(2,3,4)
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    filter_offset = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['filteroffset']).tree[input_model.meta.instrument.filter]
    full_distortion = models.Shift(filter_offset['row_offset']) & models.Shift(
        filter_offset['column_offset']) | distortion
    full_distortion = full_distortion.rename('distortion')
    return full_distortion
예제 #14
def gwa_to_ifuslit(slits, disperser, wrange, order, reference_files):
    GWA to SLIT transform.

    slits : list
        A list of slit IDs for all IFU slits 0-29.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.
    filter : str
        The filter used.
    grating : str
        The grating used in the observation.
    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~jwst_lib.pipeline_models.Gwa2Slit` model.
        Transform from GWA frame to SLIT frame.
    agreq = AngleFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'],
    lgreq = WavelengthFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'],
    collimator2gwa = collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser)
    lam = (wrange[1] - wrange[0]) / 2 + wrange[0]

    ifuslicer = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifuslicer'])
    ifupost = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifupost'])
    slit_models = {}
    ifuslicer_model = ifuslicer.tree['model']
    for slit in slits:
        slitdata = ifuslicer.tree['data'][slit]
        slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
        ifuslicer_transform = (slitdata_model | ifuslicer_model)
        ifupost_transform = ifupost.tree[slit]['model']
        msa2gwa = ifuslicer_transform | ifupost_transform | collimator2gwa
        gwa2msa = gwa_to_ymsa(msa2gwa)  # TODO: Use model sets here
        bgwa2msa = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1), n_inputs=3) | \
                 Const1D(0) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Identity(2) | \
                 Identity(1) & gwa2msa & Identity(2) | \
                 Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3)) | Identity(2) & msa2gwa & Identity(2) | \
                 Mapping((0, 1, 2, 5), n_inputs=7)| Identity(2) & lgreq

        # msa to before_gwa
        #msa2bgwa = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2)) | msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping((3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
        msa2bgwa = msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping((3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
        bgwa2msa.inverse = msa2bgwa
        slit_models[slit] = bgwa2msa

    return Gwa2Slit(slit_models)
예제 #15
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    Create pixe2sky and sky2pixel transformation for the MIRI imager.

    model : jwst.datamodels.ImagingModel
        input model
    reference_files : dict
        reference files from CRDS

    using CDP 3 Reference distortion file
        Old one: ~~MIRI_FM_MIRIMAGE_F1000W_PSF_03.01.00.fits~~
    Current one: MIRI_FM_MIRIMAGE_DISTORTION_06.03.00.fits

    reference files/corrections needed (pixel to sky):

    1. Filter dependent shift in (x,y) (!with an oposite sign to that delievred by the IT)
    2. Apply MI
    3. Apply Ai and BI matrices
    4. Apply the TI matrix (this gives V2/V3 coordinates)
    5. Apply V2/V3 to sky transformation

    ref_file: filter_offset.asdf - (1)
    ref_file: distortion.asdf -(2,3,4)

    # Load the distortion and filter from the reference files.

    # Load in the distortion file.
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    filter_offset = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['filteroffset']).tree[

    # Now apply each of the models.  The Scale(60) converts from arc-minutes to deg.
    full_distortion = models.Shift(
        filter_offset['column_offset']) & models.Shift(
            filter_offset['row_offset']) | distortion | models.Scale(
                1 / 60) & models.Scale(1 / 60)

    # ToDo: This will likely have to change in the future, but the "filteroffset" file we have
    # ToDo: currently does not contain that key.
    filter_offset = None
    if input_model.meta.instrument.filter in AsdfFile.open(
        filter_offset = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['filteroffset']).tree[
        full_distortion = models.Shift(
            filter_offset['row_offset']) & models.Shift(
                filter_offset['column_offset']) | distortion
        full_distortion = distortion

    full_distortion = full_distortion.rename('distortion')

    return full_distortion
예제 #16
def imaging(input_model, reference_files):
    Imaging pipeline

    frames : detector, gwa, msa, sky
    # Get the corrected disperser model
    disperser = get_disperser(input_model, reference_files['disperser'])

    # DETECTOR to GWA transform
    det2gwa = detector_to_gwa(reference_files,
                              input_model.meta.instrument.detector, disperser)

    gwa_through = Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(
        1) & Identity(1)

    angles = [
        disperser['theta_x'], disperser['theta_y'], disperser['theta_z'],
    rotation = Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order="xyzy",
    dircos2unitless = DirCos2Unitless(name='directional_cosines2unitless')

    col = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['collimator']).tree['model']

    # Get the default spectral order and wavelength range and record them in the model.
    sporder, wrange = get_spectral_order_wrange(
        input_model, reference_files['wavelengthrange'])
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.waverange_start = wrange[0]
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.waverange_end = wrange[1]
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.spectral_order = sporder

    lam = wrange[0] + (wrange[1] - wrange[0]) * .5

    lam_model = Mapping((0, 1, 1)) | Identity(2) & Const1D(lam)

    gwa2msa = gwa_through | rotation | dircos2unitless | col | lam_model
    gwa2msa.inverse = col.inverse | dircos2unitless.inverse | rotation.inverse | gwa_through

    # MSA to OTEIP transform
    msa2ote = msa_to_oteip(reference_files)
    msa2oteip = msa2ote | Mapping((0, 1), n_inputs=3)
    msa2oteip.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | msa2ote.inverse | Mapping(
        (0, 1), n_inputs=3)
    # OTEIP to V2,V3 transform
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ote']) as f:
        oteip2v23 = f.tree['model'].copy()

    # Create coordinate frames in the NIRSPEC WCS pipeline
    # "detector", "gwa", "msa", "oteip", "v2v3", "world"
    det, gwa, msa_frame, oteip, v2v3 = create_imaging_frames()

    imaging_pipeline = [(det, det2gwa), (gwa, gwa2msa), (msa_frame, msa2oteip),
                        (oteip, oteip2v23), (v2v3, None)]

    return imaging_pipeline
예제 #17
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def gwa_to_ifuslit(slits, disperser, wrange, order, reference_files):
    GWA to SLIT transform.

    slits : list
        A list of slit IDs for all IFU slits 0-29.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.
    filter : str
        The filter used.
    grating : str
        The grating used in the observation.
    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~jwst.transforms.Gwa2Slit` model.
        Transform from GWA frame to SLIT frame.
    ymin = -.55
    ymax = .55
    agreq = AngleFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'], order, name='alpha_from_greq')
    lgreq = WavelengthFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'], order, name='lambda_from_greq')
    collimator2gwa = collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser)
    mask = mask_slit(ymin, ymax)

    ifuslicer = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifuslicer'])
    ifupost = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ifupost'])
    slit_models = {}
    ifuslicer_model = ifuslicer.tree['model']
    for slit in slits:
        slitdata = ifuslicer.tree['data'][slit]
        slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
        ifuslicer_transform = (slitdata_model | ifuslicer_model)
        ifupost_transform = ifupost.tree[slit]['model']
        msa2gwa = ifuslicer_transform | ifupost_transform | collimator2gwa
        gwa2msa = gwa_to_ymsa(msa2gwa)# TODO: Use model sets here
        bgwa2msa = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1), n_inputs=3) | \
                 Const1D(0) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Identity(2) | \
                 Identity(1) & gwa2msa & Identity(2) | \
                 Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3)) | Identity(2) & msa2gwa & Identity(2) | \
                 Mapping((0, 1, 2, 5), n_inputs=7) | Identity(2) & lgreq | mask

        # msa to before_gwa
        #msa2bgwa = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2)) | msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping((3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
        msa2bgwa = msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping((3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
        bgwa2msa.inverse = msa2bgwa
        slit_models[slit] = bgwa2msa

    return Gwa2Slit(slit_models)
예제 #18
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: hbushouse/jwst
def imaging(input_model, reference_files):
    Imaging pipeline

    frames : detector, gwa, msa, sky
    # Get the corrected disperser model
    disperser = get_disperser(input_model, reference_files['disperser'])

    # DETECTOR to GWA transform
    det2gwa = detector_to_gwa(reference_files, input_model.meta.instrument.detector, disperser)

    gwa_through = Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Identity(1)

    angles = [ disperser['theta_x'], disperser['theta_y'],
               disperser['theta_z'], disperser['tilt_y']]
    rotation = Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order="xyzy", name='rotaton').inverse
    dircos2unitless = DirCos2Unitless(name='directional_cosines2unitless')

    col = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['collimator']).tree['model']

    # Get the default spectral order and wavelength range and record them in the model.
    sporder, wrange = get_spectral_order_wrange(input_model, reference_files['wavelengthrange'])
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.waverange_start = wrange[0]
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.waverange_end = wrange[1]
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.spectral_order = sporder

    lam = wrange[0] + (wrange[1] - wrange[0]) * .5

    lam_model = Mapping((0, 1, 1)) | Identity(2) & Const1D(lam)

    gwa2msa = gwa_through | rotation | dircos2unitless | col | lam_model
    gwa2msa.inverse = col.inverse | dircos2unitless.inverse | rotation.inverse | gwa_through

    # MSA to OTEIP transform
    msa2ote = msa_to_oteip(reference_files)
    msa2oteip = msa2ote | Mapping((0, 1), n_inputs=3)
    msa2oteip.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | msa2ote.inverse | Mapping((0, 1), n_inputs=3)
    # OTEIP to V2,V3 transform
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ote']) as f:
        oteip2v23 = f.tree['model'].copy()

    # Create coordinate frames in the NIRSPEC WCS pipeline
    # "detector", "gwa", "msa", "oteip", "v2v3", "world"
    det, gwa, msa_frame, oteip, v2v3 = create_imaging_frames()

    imaging_pipeline = [(det, det2gwa),
                    (gwa,  gwa2msa),
                    (msa_frame, msa2oteip),
                    (oteip, oteip2v23),
                    (v2v3, None)]

    return imaging_pipeline
예제 #19
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    Create pixe2sky and sky2pixel transformation for the MIRI imager.

    model : jwst.datamodels.ImagingModel
        input model
    reference_files : dict
        reference files from CRDS

    using CDP 3 Reference distortion file
        Old one: ~~MIRI_FM_MIRIMAGE_F1000W_PSF_03.01.00.fits~~
    Current one: MIRI_FM_MIRIMAGE_DISTORTION_06.03.00.fits

    reference files/corrections needed (pixel to sky):

    1. Filter dependent shift in (x,y) (!with an oposite sign to that delievred by the IT)
    2. Apply MI
    3. Apply Ai and BI matrices
    4. Apply the TI matrix (this gives V2/V3 coordinates)
    5. Apply V2/V3 to sky transformation

    ref_file: filter_offset.asdf - (1)
    ref_file: distortion.asdf -(2,3,4)

    # Load the distortion and filter from the reference files.

    # Load in the distortion file.
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    filter_offset = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['filteroffset']).tree[input_model.meta.instrument.filter]

    # Now apply each of the models.  The Scale(60) converts from arc-minutes to deg.
    full_distortion = models.Shift(filter_offset['column_offset']) & models.Shift(
        filter_offset['row_offset']) | distortion | models.Scale(1/60) & models.Scale(1/60)

    # ToDo: This will likely have to change in the future, but the "filteroffset" file we have
    # ToDo: currently does not contain that key.
    filter_offset = None
    if input_model.meta.instrument.filter in  AsdfFile.open(reference_files['filteroffset']).tree:
        filter_offset = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['filteroffset']).tree[input_model.meta.instrument.filter]
        full_distortion = models.Shift(filter_offset['row_offset']) & models.Shift(
            filter_offset['column_offset']) | distortion
        full_distortion = distortion

    full_distortion = full_distortion.rename('distortion')

    return full_distortion
예제 #20
def slit_to_msa(slits_id, msafile):
    The transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.

    slits_id : list
        A list of slit IDs for all open shutters/slitlets.
    msafile : str
        The name of the msa reference file.

    model : `~jwst_lib.pipeline_models.Slit2Msa` model.
        Transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.
    msa = AsdfFile.open(msafile)
    models = {}
    for i in range(1, 6):
        slit_names = slits_id[slits_id[:, 0] == i]
        if slit_names.any():
            msa_model = msa.tree[i]['model']
            for slit in slit_names:
                index = slit[1] - 1
                slitdata = msa.tree[slit[0]]['data'][index]
                slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
                msa_transform = slitdata_model | msa_model
                s = slitid_to_slit(np.array([slit]))[0]
                models[s] = msa_transform
    return Slit2Msa(models)
예제 #21
    def get_coord_transform_model(self, filename):
        #read in asdf distortion transformation reference file
        #Read in the CRDS-format distortion reference file
        with AsdfFile.open(filename) as dist_file:
            coord_transform = dist_file.tree['model']

        return coord_transform
예제 #22
def get_spectral_order_wrange(input_model, wavelengthrange_file):
    Read the spectral order and wavelength range from the reference file.

    filter : str
        The filter used.
    grating : str
        The grating used in the observation.
    wavelength_range_file : str
        Reference file of type "wavelengthrange".
    full_range = [.6e-6, 5.3e-6]

    filter = input_model.meta.instrument.filter
    lamp = input_model.meta.instrument.lamp_state
    grating = input_model.meta.instrument.grating

    wave_range = AsdfFile.open(wavelengthrange_file)
    if filter == "OPAQUE":
        keyword = lamp + '_' + grating
        keyword = filter + '_' + grating
        order = wave_range.tree['filter_grating'][keyword]['order']
        wrange = wave_range.tree['filter_grating'][keyword]['range']
    except KeyError:
        order = -1
        wrange = full_range
            "Combination {0} missing in wavelengthrange file, setting order to -1 and range to {1}."
            .format(keyword, full_range))
    return order, wrange
예제 #23
 def test_msa(self):
     for slit in self.slits:
         msa = AsdfFile.open(
         name, xmsa, ymsa, xsizemsa, ysizemsa, xsky, ysky, xsizesky, yskysize, \
             xsca1, ysca1, xsca2, ysca2, xsizesca, ysizesca = self._get_reference_data(slit)
         assert_allclose(msa(0, 0), (xmsa, ymsa))
예제 #24
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: sosey/jwst
def oteip_to_v23(reference_files):
    Transform from the OTEIP frame to the V2V3 frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from OTEIP to V2V3.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ote']) as f:
        ote = f.tree['model'].copy()
    fore2ote_mapping = Identity(3, name='fore2ote_mapping')
    fore2ote_mapping.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))
    # Create the transform to v2/v3/lambda.  The wavelength units up to this point are
    # meters as required by the pipeline but the desired output wavelength units is microns.
    # So we are going to Scale the spectral units by 1e6 (meters -> microns)
    # The spatial units are currently in deg. Convertin to arcsec.
    oteip_to_xyan = fore2ote_mapping | (ote & Scale(1e6))
    # Add a shift for the aperture.
    oteip2v23 = oteip_to_xyan | Identity(1) & (Shift(468 / 3600) | Scale(-1)) & Identity(1)

    return oteip2v23
예제 #25
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: sosey/jwst
def slit_to_msa(open_slits, msafile):
    The transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.

    open_slits : list
        A list of slit IDs for all open shutters/slitlets.
    msafile : str
        The name of the msa reference file.

    model : `~jwst.transforms.Slit2Msa` model.
        Transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.
    msa = AsdfFile.open(msafile)
    models = []
    for quadrant in range(1, 6):
        slits_in_quadrant = [s for s in open_slits if s.quadrant==quadrant]
        if any(slits_in_quadrant):
            msa_data = msa.tree[quadrant]['data']
            msa_model = msa.tree[quadrant]['model']
            for slit in slits_in_quadrant:
                slit_id = slit.shutter_id
                slitdata = msa_data[slit_id]
                slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
                msa_transform = slitdata_model | msa_model
    return Slit2Msa(open_slits, models)
예제 #26
파일: miri.py 프로젝트: mattjhill/jwst
def get_wavelength_range(input_model, path=None):
    Return the wavelength range used for computing the WCS.

    Needs access to the reference file used to construct the WCS object.

    input_model : `jwst.datamodels.ImagingModel`
        Data model after assign_wcs has been run.
    path : str
        Directory where the reference file is. (optional)
    fname = input_model.meta.ref_file.wavelengthrange.name.split('/')[-1]
    if path is None and not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise IOError(
            "Reference file {0} not found. Please specify a path.".format(
        fname = os.path.join(path, fname)
        f = AsdfFile.open(fname)

    wave_range = f.tree['wavelengthrange'].copy()
    wave_channels = f.tree['channels']

    wr = dict(zip(wave_channels, wave_range))
    channel = input_model.meta.instrument.channel
    band = input_model.meta.instrument.band

    return dict([(ch + band, wr[ch + band]) for ch in channel])
예제 #27
파일: miri.py 프로젝트: stscirij/jwst
def get_wavelength_range(input_model, path=None):
    Return the wavelength range used for computing the WCS.

    Needs access to the reference file used to construct the WCS object.

    input_model : `jwst.datamodels.ImagingModel`
        Data model after assign_wcs has been run.
    path : str
        Directory where the reference file is. (optional)
    fname = input_model.meta.ref_file.wavelengthrange.name.split('/')[-1]
    if path is None and not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise IOError("Reference file {0} not found. Please specify a path.".format(fname))
        fname = os.path.join(path, fname)
        f = AsdfFile.open(fname)

    wave_range = f.tree['wavelengthrange'].copy()
    wave_channels = f.tree['channels']

    wr = dict(zip(wave_channels, wave_range))
    channel = input_model.meta.instrument.channel
    band = input_model.meta.instrument.band

    return dict([(ch+band, wr[ch+band]) for ch in channel ])
예제 #28
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def slit_to_msa(slits_id, msafile):
    The transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.

    slits_id : list
        A list of slit IDs for all open shutters/slitlets.
    msafile : str
        The name of the msa reference file.

    model : `~jwst.transforms.Slit2Msa` model.
        Transform from slit_frame to msa_frame.
    msa = AsdfFile.open(msafile)
    models = {}
    for i in range(1, 6):
        slit_names = slits_id[slits_id[:, 0] == i]
        if slit_names.any():
            msa_model = msa.tree[i]['model']
            for slit in slit_names:
                index = slit[1] - 1
                slitdata = msa.tree[slit[0]]['data'][index]
                slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
                msa_transform = slitdata_model | msa_model
                s = slitid_to_slit(np.array([slit]))[0]
                models[s] = msa_transform
    return Slit2Msa(models)
예제 #29
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser):
    Transform from COLLIMATOR to GWA frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from COLLIMATOR to GWA frame.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['collimator']) as f:
        collimator = f.tree['model'].copy()
    angles = [disperser['theta_x'], disperser['theta_y'],
              disperser['theta_z'], disperser['tilt_y']]
    rotation = Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order="xyzy", name='rotaton')
    u2dircos = Unitless2DirCos(name='unitless2directional_cosines')

    return collimator.inverse | u2dircos | rotation
예제 #30
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def get_spectral_order_wrange(input_model, wavelengthrange_file):
    Read the spectral order and wavelength range from the reference file.

    filter : str
        The filter used.
    grating : str
        The grating used in the observation.
    wavelength_range_file : str
        Reference file of type "wavelengthrange".
    full_range = [.6e-6, 5.3e-6]

    filter = input_model.meta.instrument.filter
    lamp = input_model.meta.instrument.lamp_state
    grating = input_model.meta.instrument.grating

    wave_range = AsdfFile.open(wavelengthrange_file)
    if filter == "OPAQUE":
        keyword = lamp + '_' + grating
        keyword = filter + '_' + grating
        order = wave_range.tree['filter_grating'][keyword]['order']
        wrange = wave_range.tree['filter_grating'][keyword]['range']
    except KeyError:
        order = -1
        wrange = full_range
        log.warning("Combination {0} missing in wavelengthrange file, setting order to -1 and range to {1}.".format(keyword, full_range))
    return order, wrange
예제 #31
def collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser):
    Transform from COLLIMATOR to GWA frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from COLLIMATOR to GWA frame.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['collimator']) as f:
        collimator = f.tree['model'].copy()
    angles = [
        disperser['theta_x'], disperser['theta_y'], disperser['theta_z'],
    rotation = Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order="xyzy", name='rotaton')
    u2dircos = Unitless2DirCos(name='unitless2directional_cosines')

    return collimator.inverse | u2dircos | rotation
예제 #32
def test_transform(asdf_file):
    asdf_file: str
        reference file with distortion

    xy, v2, v3 values are from technical report with CDP-3 delivery
    v2 = np.array([-8, -7.5, -7, -6.5, -8, -7.5, -7, -6.5, -8, -7.5, -7, -6.5],
    v3 = np.array([-2, -2, -2, -2, -1.5, -1.5, -1.5, -1.5, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    xy = np.array([[945.80, 728.45], [676.57, 748.63], [408.29, 768.69],
                   [138.02, 789.09], [924.30, 456.59], [655.18, 477.89],
                   [387.05, 498.99], [116.92, 519.96], [904.31, 185.02],
                   [635.09, 207.37], [366.53, 229.45], [95.58, 250.95]],

    f = AsdfFile.open(asdf_file)
    transform = f.tree['model']
    x, y = transform.inverse(v2, v3)
    assert_allclose(x, xy[:, 0], atol=.05)
    assert_allclose(y, xy[:, 1], atol=.05)
    s1, s2 = transform(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1])
    assert_allclose(s1, v2, atol=0.05)
    assert_allclose(s2, v3, atol=.05)
예제 #33
def gwa_to_slit(slits_id, disperser, wrange, order, reference_files):
    GWA to SLIT transform.

    slits_id : list
        A list of slit IDs for all open shutters/slitlets.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.
    filter : str
        The filter used.
    grating : str
        The grating used in the observation.
    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~jwst_lib.pipeline_models.Gwa2Slit` model.
        Transform from GWA frame to SLIT frame.
    agreq = AngleFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'],
    lgreq = WavelengthFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'],
    collimator2gwa = collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser)

    msa = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['msa'])
    slit_models = {}
    for i in range(1, 6):
        slit_names = slits_id[slits_id[:, 0] == i]
        if slit_names.any():
            msa_model = msa.tree[i]['model']
            for slit in slit_names:
                index = slit[1] - 1
                slitdata = msa.tree[slit[0]]['data'][index]
                slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
                msa_transform = slitdata_model | msa_model
                msa2gwa = (msa_transform | collimator2gwa)
                gwa2msa = gwa_to_ymsa(msa2gwa)  # TODO: Use model sets here
                bgwa2msa = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1), n_inputs=3) | \
                    Const1D(0) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Identity(2) | \
                    Identity(1) & gwa2msa & Identity(2) | \
                    Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3)) | Identity(2) & msa2gwa & Identity(2) | \
                    Mapping((0, 1, 2, 5), n_inputs=7)| Identity(2) & lgreq

                # msa to before_gwa
                msa2bgwa = msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping(
                    (3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
                bgwa2msa.inverse = msa2bgwa
                s = slitid_to_slit(np.array([slit]))[0]
                slit_models[s] = bgwa2msa
    return Gwa2Slit(slit_models)
예제 #34
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def gwa_to_slit(slits_id, disperser, wrange, order, reference_files):
    GWA to SLIT transform.

    slits_id : list
        A list of slit IDs for all open shutters/slitlets.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.
    filter : str
        The filter used.
    grating : str
        The grating used in the observation.
    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~jwst.transforms.Gwa2Slit` model.
        Transform from GWA frame to SLIT frame.
    ymin = -.55
    ymax = .55
    agreq = AngleFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'], order, name='alpha_from_greq')
    lgreq = WavelengthFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'], order, name='lambda_from_greq')
    collimator2gwa = collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser)
    mask = mask_slit(ymin, ymax)

    msa = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['msa'])
    slit_models = {}
    for i in range(1, 6):
        slit_names = slits_id[slits_id[:, 0] == i]
        if slit_names.any():
            msa_model = msa.tree[i]['model']
            for slit in slit_names:
                index = slit[1] - 1
                slitdata = msa.tree[slit[0]]['data'][index]
                slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
                msa_transform = slitdata_model | msa_model
                msa2gwa = (msa_transform | collimator2gwa)
                gwa2msa = gwa_to_ymsa(msa2gwa)# TODO: Use model sets here
                bgwa2msa = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1), n_inputs=3) | \
                    Const1D(0) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Identity(2) | \
                    Identity(1) & gwa2msa & Identity(2) | \
                    Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3)) | Identity(2) & msa2gwa & Identity(2) | \
                    Mapping((0, 1, 2, 5), n_inputs=7) | Identity(2) & lgreq | mask

                # msa to before_gwa
                msa2bgwa = msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping((3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
                bgwa2msa.inverse = msa2bgwa
                s = slitid_to_slit(np.array([slit]))[0]
                slit_models[s] = bgwa2msa
    return Gwa2Slit(slit_models)
예제 #35
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    # Convert to deg - output of distortion models is in arcsec.
    transform = distortion | Scale(1 / 3600) & Scale(1 / 3600)

        bb = transform.bounding_box
    except NotImplementedError:
        shape = input_model.data.shape
        # Note: Since bounding_box is attached to the model here it's in reverse order.
        transform.bounding_box = ((-0.5, shape[0] - 0.5), (-0.5,
                                                           shape[1] - 0.5))
    return transform
예제 #36
파일: miri.py 프로젝트: mattjhill/jwst
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    Create pixe2sky and sky2pixel transformation for the MIRI imager.

    input_model : `jwst.datamodels.ImagingModel`
        Data model.
    reference_files : dict
        Dictionary {reftype: reference file name}.

    1. Filter dependent shift in (x,y) (!with an oposite sign to that delivered by the IT)
    2. Apply MI
    3. Apply Ai and BI matrices
    4. Apply the TI matrix (this gives Xan/Yan coordinates)
    5. Aply the XanYan --> V2V3 transform
    5. Apply V2V3 --> sky transform

    ref_file: filter_offset.asdf - (1)
    ref_file: distortion.asdf -(2,3,4)
    # Read in the distortion.
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    obsfilter = input_model.meta.instrument.filter

    # Add an offset for the filter
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['filteroffset']) as filter_offset:
        if obsfilter in filter_offset.tree:
            filter_corr = filter_offset.tree[obsfilter]
            distortion = models.Shift(
                filter_corr['column_offset']) & models.Shift(
                    filter_corr['row_offset']) | distortion

    # Apply XanYan --> V2V3 and scale to degrees
    distortion = distortion | models.Identity(1) & (models.Scale(-1) | models.Shift(-7.8)) | \
               models.Scale(1/60) & models.Scale(1/60)
    return distortion
예제 #37
파일: miri.py 프로젝트: sosey/jwst
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    Create pixe2sky and sky2pixel transformation for the MIRI imager.

    model : jwst.datamodels.ImagingModel
        input model
    reference_files : dict
        reference files from CRDS

    1. Filter dependent shift in (x,y) (!with an oposite sign to that delivered by the IT)
    2. Apply MI
    3. Apply Ai and BI matrices
    4. Apply the TI matrix (this gives Xan/Yan coordinates)
    5. Aply the XanYan --> V2V3 transform
    5. Apply V2V3 --> sky transform

    ref_file: filter_offset.asdf - (1)
    ref_file: distortion.asdf -(2,3,4)
    # Read in the distortion.
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    obsfilter = input_model.meta.instrument.filter

    # Add an offset for the filter
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['filteroffset']) as filter_offset:
        if obsfilter in filter_offset.tree:
            filter_corr = filter_offset.tree[obsfilter]
            distortion = models.Shift(filter_corr['column_offset']) & models.Shift(
                filter_corr['row_offset']) | distortion

    # Apply XanYan --> V2V3 and scale to degrees
    distortion = distortion | models.Identity(1) & (models.Scale(-1) | models.Shift(-7.8)) | \
               models.Scale(1/60) & models.Scale(1/60)
    return distortion
예제 #38
파일: niriss.py 프로젝트: sosey/jwst
def niriss_soss(input_model, reference_files):
    The NIRISS SOSS pipeline includes 3 coordinate frames -
    detector, focal plane and sky

    reference_files={'specwcs': 'soss_wavelengths_configuration.asdf'}

    # Get the target RA and DEC, they will be used for setting the WCS RA and DEC based on a conversation
    # with Kevin Volk.
        target_ra = float(input_model['meta.target.ra'])
        target_dec = float(input_model['meta.target.dec'])
        # There was an error getting the target RA and DEC, so we are not going to continue.
        raise ValueError('Problem getting the TARG_RA or TARG_DEC from input model {}'.format(input_model))

    # Define the frames
    detector = cf.Frame2D(name='detector', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix))
    spec = cf.SpectralFrame(name='spectral', axes_order=(2,), unit=(u.micron,),
    sky = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS(),
                            axes_names=('ra', 'dec'),
                            axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.deg, u.deg), name='sky')
    world = cf.CompositeFrame([sky, spec], name='world')
        with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['specwcs']) as wl:
            wl1 = wl.tree[1].copy()
            wl2 = wl.tree[2].copy()
            wl3 = wl.tree[3].copy()
    except Exception as e:
        raise IOError('Error reading wavelength correction from {}'.format(reference_files['specwcs']))

    cm_order1 = (Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (Const1D(target_ra) & Const1D(target_dec) & wl1)).rename('Order1')
    cm_order2 = (Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (Const1D(target_ra) & Const1D(target_dec) & wl2)).rename('Order2')
    cm_order3 = (Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (Const1D(target_ra) & Const1D(target_dec) & wl3)).rename('Order3')

    # Define the transforms, they should accept (x,y) and return (ra, dec, lambda)
    soss_model = NirissSOSSModel([1, 2, 3], [cm_order1, cm_order2, cm_order3]).rename('3-order SOSS Model')

    # Define the pipeline based on the frames and models above.
    pipeline = [(detector, soss_model),
                (world, None)

    return pipeline
예제 #39
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: hbushouse/jwst
def oteip_to_v23(reference_files):
    Transform from the OTEIP frame to the V2V3 frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from OTEIP to V2V3.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ote']) as f:
        ote = f.tree['model'].copy()
    fore2ote_mapping = Identity(3, name='fore2ote_mapping')
    fore2ote_mapping.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))
    # Convert the wavelength to microns
    return fore2ote_mapping | (ote & Identity(1) / Const1D(1e-6))
예제 #40
def oteip_to_v23(reference_files):
    Transform from the OTEIP frame to the V2V3 frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from OTEIP to V2V3.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ote']) as f:
        ote = f.tree['model'].copy()
    fore2ote_mapping = Identity(3, name='fore2ote_mapping')
    fore2ote_mapping.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))
    # Convert the wavelength to microns
    return fore2ote_mapping | (ote & Identity(1) / Const1D(1e-6))
예제 #41
def get_disperser(input_model, disperserfile):
    Return the disperser information corrected for the uncertainty in the GWA position.

    input_model : `jwst_lib.models.DataModel`
        The input data model - either an ImageModel or a CubeModel.
    disperserfile : str
        The name of the disperser reference file.

    disperser : dict
        The corrected disperser information.
    with AsdfFile.open(disperserfile) as f:
        disperser = f.tree
    xtilt = input_model.meta.instrument.gwa_xtilt
    ytilt = input_model.meta.instrument.gwa_ytilt
    disperser = correct_tilt(disperser, xtilt, ytilt)
    return disperser
예제 #42
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def get_disperser(input_model, disperserfile):
    Return the disperser information corrected for the uncertainty in the GWA position.

    input_model : `jwst.datamodels.DataModel`
        The input data model - either an ImageModel or a CubeModel.
    disperserfile : str
        The name of the disperser reference file.

    disperser : dict
        The corrected disperser information.
    with AsdfFile.open(disperserfile) as f:
        disperser = f.tree
    xtilt = input_model.meta.instrument.gwa_xtilt
    ytilt = input_model.meta.instrument.gwa_ytilt
    disperser = correct_tilt(disperser, xtilt, ytilt)
    return disperser
예제 #43
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def oteip_to_v23(reference_files):
    Transform from the OTEIP frame to the V2V3 frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from OTEIP to V2V3.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ote']) as f:
        ote = f.tree['model'].copy()
    fore2ote_mapping = Identity(3, name='fore2ote_mapping')
    fore2ote_mapping.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))
    # Create the transform to v2/v3/lambda.  The wavelength units up to this point are
    # meters as required by the pipeline but the desired output wavelength units is microns.
    # So we are going to Scale the spectral units by 1e6 (meters -> microns)
    return fore2ote_mapping | (ote & Scale(1e6))
예제 #44
def test_transform(asdf_file):
    asdf_file: str
        reference file with distortion

    xy, v2, v3 values are from technical report with CDP-3 delivery
    v2 = np.array([-2, -2, -2, -2, -1.5, -1.5, -1.5, -1.5, -1, -1, -1, -1], dtype=np.float)
    v3 = np.array([-8, -7.5, -7, -6.5, -8, -7.5, -7, -6.5, -8, -7.5, -7, -6.5], dtype=np.float)
    xy = np.array([[945.80, 728.45], [676.57, 748.63], [408.29, 768.69], [138.02, 789.09],
                   [924.30, 456.59],[655.18, 477.89], [387.05, 498.99], [116.92, 519.96],
                   [904.31, 185.02], [635.09, 207.37], [366.53, 229.45], [95.58, 250.95]],

    f = AsdfFile.open(asdf_file)
    transform = f.tree['distortion']
    x, y = transform.inverse(v2, v3)
    assert_allclose(x, xy[:,0], atol=.05)
    assert_allclose(y, xy[:,1], atol=.05)
    s1, s2 = transform (xy[:,0], xy[:,1])
    assert_allclose(s1, v2, atol=0.05)
    assert_allclose(s2, v3, atol=.05)
예제 #45
def oteip_to_v23(reference_files):
    Transform from the OTEIP frame to the V2V3 frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from OTEIP to V2V3.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ote']) as f:
        ote = f.tree['model'].copy()
    fore2ote_mapping = Identity(3, name='fore2ote_mapping')
    fore2ote_mapping.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))

    # Create the transform to v2/v3/lambda.  The wavelength units up to this point are
    # meters as required by the pipeline but the desired output wavelength units is microns.
    # So we are going to Scale the spectral units by 1e6 (meters -> microns)
    return fore2ote_mapping | (ote & Scale(1e6))
예제 #46
파일: example.py 프로젝트: vmarkovtsev/asdf
    def run(self):
        filename = self.arguments[0]

        cwd = os.getcwd()

        parts = []
            ff = AsdfFile()
            code = AsdfFile._open_impl(ff, filename, _get_yaml_content=True)
            code = '{0} {1}\n'.format(ASDF_MAGIC, version_string) + code.strip().decode('utf-8')
            literal = nodes.literal_block(code, code)
            literal['language'] = 'yaml'
            set_source_info(self, literal)

            kwargs = dict()
            # Use the ignore_unrecognized_tag parameter as a proxy for both options
            kwargs['ignore_unrecognized_tag'] = 'ignore_unrecognized_tag' in self.arguments
            kwargs['ignore_missing_extensions'] = 'ignore_unrecognized_tag' in self.arguments

            with AsdfFile.open(filename, **kwargs) as ff:
                for i, block in enumerate(ff.blocks.internal_blocks):
                    data = codecs.encode(block.data.tostring(), 'hex')
                    if len(data) > 40:
                        data = data[:40] + '...'.encode()
                    allocated = block._allocated
                    size = block._size
                    data_size = block._data_size
                    flags = block._flags

                    if flags & BLOCK_FLAG_STREAMED:
                        allocated = size = data_size = 0

                    lines = []
                    lines.append('BLOCK {0}:'.format(i))

                    human_flags = []
                    for key, val in FLAGS.items():
                        if flags & key:
                    if len(human_flags):
                        lines.append('    flags: {0}'.format(' | '.join(human_flags)))
                    if block.input_compression:
                        lines.append('    compression: {0}'.format(block.input_compression))
                    lines.append('    allocated_size: {0}'.format(allocated))
                    lines.append('    used_size: {0}'.format(size))
                    lines.append('    data_size: {0}'.format(data_size))
                    lines.append('    data: {0}'.format(data))

                    code = '\n'.join(lines)

                    literal = nodes.literal_block(code, code)
                    literal['language'] = 'yaml'
                    set_source_info(self, literal)

                internal_blocks = list(ff.blocks.internal_blocks)
                if (len(internal_blocks) and
                    internal_blocks[-1].array_storage != 'streamed'):
                    buff = io.BytesIO()
                    ff.blocks.write_block_index(buff, ff)
                    block_index = buff.getvalue().decode('utf-8')
                    literal = nodes.literal_block(block_index, block_index)
                    literal['language'] = 'yaml'
                    set_source_info(self, literal)


        result = nodes.literal_block()
        textnodes, messages = self.state.inline_text(filename, self.lineno)
        title = nodes.title(filename, '', *textnodes)
        result += title
        result += parts
        return [result]
예제 #47
def dist_coeff():
    """ Create distortion correction reference file.

	coefficients: float

	The order of the input text files with coefficients is from det2sky and then sky2det.

    "Put coefficients into variables by reading in text files"
    coeffxr, coeffyr = np.loadtxt(sys.argv[1],
                                  usecols=(1, 2),

    coeffxi, coeffyi = np.loadtxt(sys.argv[2],
                                  usecols=(1, 2),

    "Transform coefficients to get undistorted, real, sky x."
    x0_0r = coeffxr[0]
    print('Coefficient for x0_0: ', x0_0r)
    x1_0r = coeffxr[1]
    print('Coefficient for x1_0: ', x1_0r)
    x0_1r = coeffxr[2]
    print('Coefficient for x0_1: ', x0_1r)
    x2_0r = coeffxr[3]
    print('Coefficient for x2_0: ', x2_0r)
    x1_1r = coeffxr[4]
    print('Coefficient for x1_1: ', x1_1r)
    x0_2r = coeffxr[5]
    print('Coefficient for x0_2: ', x0_2r)
    x3_0r = coeffxr[6]
    print('Coefficient for x3_0: ', x3_0r)
    x2_1r = coeffxr[7]
    print('Coefficient for x2_1: ', x2_1r)
    x1_2r = coeffxr[8]
    print('Coefficient for x1_2: ', x1_2r)
    x0_3r = coeffxr[9]
    print('Coefficient for x0_3: ', x0_3r)
    x4_0r = coeffxr[10]
    print('Coefficient for x4_0: ', x4_0r)
    x3_1r = coeffxr[11]
    print('Coefficient for x3_1: ', x3_1r)
    x2_2r = coeffxr[12]
    print('Coefficient for x2_2: ', x2_2r)
    x1_3r = coeffxr[13]
    print('Coefficient for x1_3: ', x1_3r)
    x0_4r = coeffxr[14]
    print('Coefficient for x0_4: ', x0_4r)

    "Transform coefficients to get undistorted, real, sky y."
    y0_0r = coeffyr[0]
    print('Coefficient for y0_0: ', y0_0r)
    y1_0r = coeffyr[1]
    print('Coefficient for y1_0: ', y1_0r)
    y0_1r = coeffyr[2]
    print('Coefficient for y0_1: ', y0_1r)
    y2_0r = coeffyr[3]
    print('Coefficient for y2_0: ', y2_0r)
    y1_1r = coeffyr[4]
    print('Coefficient for y1_1: ', y1_1r)
    y0_2r = coeffyr[5]
    print('Coefficient for y0_2: ', y0_2r)
    y3_0r = coeffyr[6]
    print('Coefficient for y3_0: ', y3_0r)
    y2_1r = coeffyr[7]
    print('Coefficient for y2_1: ', y2_1r)
    y1_2r = coeffyr[8]
    print('Coefficient for y1_2: ', y1_2r)
    y0_3r = coeffyr[9]
    print('Coefficient for y0_3: ', y0_3r)
    y4_0r = coeffyr[10]
    print('Coefficient for y4_0: ', y4_0r)
    y3_1r = coeffyr[11]
    print('Coefficient for y3_1: ', y3_1r)
    y2_2r = coeffyr[12]
    print('Coefficient for y2_2: ', y2_2r)
    y1_3r = coeffyr[13]
    print('Coefficient for y1_3: ', y1_3r)
    y0_4r = coeffyr[14]
    print('Coefficient for y0_4: ', y0_4r)

    "Transform coefficients to get distorted, ideal, detector x."
    x0_0i = coeffxi[0]
    print('Coefficient for x0_0: ', x0_0i)
    x1_0i = coeffxi[1]
    print('Coefficient for x1_0: ', x1_0i)
    x0_1i = coeffxi[2]
    print('Coefficient for x0_1: ', x0_1i)
    x2_0i = coeffxi[3]
    print('Coefficient for x2_0: ', x2_0i)
    x1_1i = coeffxi[4]
    print('Coefficient for x1_1: ', x1_1i)
    x0_2i = coeffxi[5]
    print('Coefficient for x0_2: ', x0_2i)
    x3_0i = coeffxi[6]
    print('Coefficient for x3_0: ', x3_0i)
    x2_1i = coeffxi[7]
    print('Coefficient for x2_1: ', x2_1i)
    x1_2i = coeffxi[8]
    print('Coefficient for x1_2: ', x1_2i)
    x0_3i = coeffxi[9]
    print('Coefficient for x0_3: ', x0_3i)
    x4_0i = coeffxi[10]
    print('Coefficient for x4_0: ', x4_0i)
    x3_1i = coeffxi[11]
    print('Coefficient for x3_1: ', x3_1i)
    x2_2i = coeffxi[12]
    print('Coefficient for x2_2: ', x2_2i)
    x1_3i = coeffxi[13]
    print('Coefficient for x1_3: ', x1_3i)
    x0_4i = coeffxi[14]
    print('Coefficient for x0_4: ', x0_4i)

    "Transform coefficients to get distorted, ideal, detector y."
    y0_0i = coeffyi[0]
    print('Coefficient for y0_0: ', y0_0i)
    y1_0i = coeffyi[1]
    print('Coefficient for y1_0: ', y1_0i)
    y0_1i = coeffyi[2]
    print('Coefficient for y0_1: ', y0_1i)
    y2_0i = coeffyi[3]
    print('Coefficient for y2_0: ', y2_0i)
    y1_1i = coeffyi[4]
    print('Coefficient for y1_1: ', y1_1i)
    y0_2i = coeffyi[5]
    print('Coefficient for y0_2: ', y0_2i)
    y3_0i = coeffyi[6]
    print('Coefficient for y3_0: ', y3_0i)
    y2_1i = coeffyi[7]
    print('Coefficient for y2_1: ', y2_1i)
    y1_2i = coeffyi[8]
    print('Coefficient for y1_2: ', y1_2i)
    y0_3i = coeffyi[9]
    print('Coefficient for y0_3: ', y0_3i)
    y4_0i = coeffyi[10]
    print('Coefficient for y4_0: ', y4_0i)
    y3_1i = coeffyi[11]
    print('Coefficient for y3_1: ', y3_1i)
    y2_2i = coeffyi[12]
    print('Coefficient for y2_2: ', y2_2i)
    y1_3i = coeffyi[13]
    print('Coefficient for y1_3: ', y1_3i)
    y0_4i = coeffyi[14]
    print('Coefficient for y0_4: ', y0_4i)

    "Generate ideal or detector coordinates."
    x_pix = np.arange(0, 2048, 1)
    y_pix = np.arange(0, 2048, 1)

    x_det_orig = []
    y_det_orig = []

    for x, y in itertools.product(x_pix, y_pix):

    print('Done with first for loop!!!!')


    "To go from ideal, distorted to real, undistorted."

    x_sky = []
    y_sky = []

    for x, y in zip(x_det_orig, y_det_orig):
        x_real, y_real = apply_coeff(x, y, coeffxr, coeffyr)

    print(' ')
    print('Done with second for loop!!!!')

    x_sky = np.array(x_sky)
    y_sky = np.array(y_sky)
    print('Above is for transformation to sky pixels.')

    "To go from real, undistorted to ideal, distorted."

    x_det = []
    y_det = []

    for x, y in zip(x_sky, y_sky):
        x_ideal, y_ideal = apply_coeff(x, y, coeffxi, coeffyi)

    print(' ')
    print('Done with third for loop!!!!')

    print('Above is for transformation to detector pixels.')

    "Derive residuals from the complete transformation."
    x_det = np.array(x_det)
    y_det = np.array(y_det)
    x_det_orig = np.array(x_det_orig)
    y_det_orig = np.array(y_det_orig)

    resid_x = x_det - x_det_orig
    resid_y = y_det - y_det_orig
    print(' ')
    print('Residual in x: ', resid_x)
    print(np.min(resid_x), np.max(resid_x))
    print(' ')
    print('Residual in y: ', resid_y)
    print(np.min(resid_y), np.max(resid_y))

    'Open asdf reference file and transfrom from det to sky.'
    f = AsdfFile.open('niriss_ref_distortion_image.asdf')
    det2sky_trans = f.tree['model']
    sky_x, sky_y = det2sky_trans(x_det_orig, y_det_orig)

    'Transform from sky to det.'
    sky2det_trans = det2sky_trans.inverse
    inv_x, inv_y = sky2det_trans(sky_x, sky_y)

    'Calculate residuals from reference file.'
    x_resid_ref = inv_x - x_det_orig
    y_resid_ref = inv_y - y_det_orig

    'Calculate residuals of residuals.'
    x_resid_resid = np.absolute(resid_x - x_resid_ref)
    y_resid_resid = np.absolute(resid_y - y_resid_ref)

    print(' ')
    print('The minimum in x_resid_resid is: ', np.min(x_resid_resid))
    print('The maximum in x_resid_resid is: ', np.max(x_resid_resid))
    print('The mean in x_resid_resid is: ', np.mean(x_resid_resid))
    print('The standard deviation in x_resid_resid is: ',
    print('The median in x_resid_resid is: ', np.median(x_resid_resid))

    print(' ')
    print('The minimum in y_resid_resid is: ', np.min(y_resid_resid))
    print('The maximum in y_resid_resid is: ', np.max(y_resid_resid))
    print('The mean in y_resid_resid is: ', np.mean(y_resid_resid))
    print('The standard deviation in y_resid_resid is: ',
    print('The median in y_resid_resid is: ', np.median(y_resid_resid))

    print(' ')
    print('Done, Done, and Done. Git the bleep along little doggies.')
예제 #48
파일: miri.py 프로젝트: nden/jwst
def detector_to_alpha_beta(input_model, reference_files):
    Create the transform from detector to alpha, beta frame.

    forward transform:
        label_mapper is the regions array
        selector is {slice_number: alphs_model & beta_model & lambda_model}
    backward transform:
        label_mapper is LabelMapperDict
           {channel_wave_range (): LabelMapperDict}
                                   {beta: slice_number}
        selector is {slice_number: x_transform & y_transform}
    band = input_model.meta.instrument.band
    channel = input_model.meta.instrument.channel
    # used to read the wavelength range
    channels = [c + band for c in channel]

    f = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion'])
    # The name of the model indicates the output coordinate
    alpha_model = f.tree['alpha_model']
    beta_model = f.tree['beta_model']
    x_model = f.tree['x_model']
    y_model = f.tree['y_model']
    slice_model = f.tree['slice_model']
    f = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['specwcs'])
    lambda_model = f.tree['model']
    f = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['regions'])
    regions = f.tree['regions'].copy()
    label_mapper = selector.LabelMapperArray(regions)
    transforms = {}

    for sl in alpha_model:
        chan = str(sl // 100) + band
        forward = models.Mapping([1, 0, 0, 1, 0]) | \
                alpha_model[sl] & beta_model[sl] & lambda_model[sl]
        inv = models.Mapping([2, 0, 2, 0]) | x_model[sl] & y_model[sl]
        forward.inverse = inv
        transforms[sl] = forward

    f = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['wavelengthrange'])
    # the following should go in the asdf reader
    wave_range = f.tree['wavelengthrange'].copy()
    wave_channels = f.tree['channels']
    wr = {}
    for ch, r in zip(wave_channels, wave_range):
        wr[ch] = r
    ch_dict = {}
    for c in channels:
        ch_dict.update({tuple(wr[c]): selector.LabelMapperDict(('alpha', 'beta', 'lam'), slice_model[c],
                                                   models.Mapping([1,], n_inputs=3))})
    alpha_beta_mapper = selector.LabelMapperRange(('alpha', 'beta', 'lam'), ch_dict,
    label_mapper.inverse = alpha_beta_mapper

    det2alpha_beta = selector.RegionsSelector(('x', 'y'), ('alpha', 'beta', 'lam'),
                                              label_mapper=label_mapper, selector=transforms)
    return det2alpha_beta
예제 #49
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def slit_to_detector(input_model, slits_id, lam, reference_files):
    For each slit computes the transform from the MSA to the detector.

    Used to flag stuck open shutters.
    Reftypes needed:
    reftypes = ['fpa', 'camera', 'disperser', 'collimator', 'msa', 'wavelengthrange']

    input_model : jwst.datamodels.DataModel
        Input data model
    slits : list
        A list of slit IDs. A slit ID is a tuple of (quadrant, slit_nimber)
    lam : float
        wavelength, in meters
    reference_files : dict
        A dictionary with WCS reference_files, {reftype: refname}

    msa2det : dict
        A dictionary with the MSA to detector transform for each slit, {slit_id: astropy.modeling.Model}
    slits_msa2det = {}
    # read models from reference files
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['fpa']) as f:
        fpa = f.tree[input_model.meta.instrument.detector].copy()
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['camera']) as f:
        camera = f.tree['model'].copy()
    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['disperser']) as f:
        disperser = f.tree

    dircos2u = DirCos2Unitless(name='directional2unitless_cosines')
    disperser = correct_tilt(disperser, input_model.meta.instrument.gwa_xtilt,
    angles = [disperser['theta_x'], disperser['theta_y'],
               disperser['theta_z'], disperser['tilt_y']]
    rotation = Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order="xyzy", name='rotaton')

    order, wrange = get_spectral_order_wrange(input_model, reference_files['wavelengthrange'])
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.waverange_start = wrange[0]
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.waverange_end = wrange[1]
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.spectral_order = order

    agreq = AngleFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'], order, name='alpha_from_greq')
    # GWA to detector
    gwa2det = rotation.inverse | dircos2u | camera.inverse | fpa.inverse
    # collimator to GWA
    collimator2gwa = collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser)

    msa = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['msa'])
    for i in range(1, 5):
        slit_names = slits_id[slits_id[:, 0] == i]
        if slit_names.any():
            msa_model = msa.tree[i]['model']
            for slit in slit_names:
                index = slit[1] - 1
                slitdata = msa.tree[slit[0]]['data'][index]
                slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
                # absolute positions of the slit on the MSA
                msa_transform = slitdata_model | msa_model
                s = slitid_to_slit(np.array([slit]))[0]
                msa2gwa = (msa_transform | collimator2gwa) & Identity(1) | Mapping((3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
                slits_msa2det[s] = msa2gwa | gwa2det

    return slits_msa2det
예제 #50
파일: model_base.py 프로젝트: nden/jwst
    def __init__(self, init=None, schema=None, extensions=None,
        init : shape tuple, file path, file object, astropy.io.fits.HDUList, numpy array, None

            - None: A default data model with no shape

            - shape tuple: Initialize with empty data of the given

            - file path: Initialize from the given file (FITS or ASDF)

            - readable file object: Initialize from the given file

            - ``astropy.io.fits.HDUList``: Initialize from the given

            - A numpy array: Used to initialize the data array

            - dict: The object model tree for the data model

        schema : tree of objects representing a JSON schema, or string naming a schema, optional
            The schema to use to understand the elements on the model.
            If not provided, the schema associated with this class
            will be used.
        extensions: classes extending the standard set of extensions
        pass_invalid_values: If True, values that do not validate the schema can
            be read and written, but with a warning message
        filename = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        base_url = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(filename), 'schemas', '')
        if schema is None:
            schema_path = os.path.join(base_url, self.schema_url)
            schema = asdf_schema.load_schema(
                schema_path, resolve_references=True)

        self._schema = mschema.flatten_combiners(schema)

        if extensions is not None:
            extensions = jwst_extensions[:]
        self._extensions = extensions

        if "PASS_INVALID_VALUES" in os.environ:
            pass_invalid_values = os.environ["PASS_INVALID_VALUES"]
                self._pass_invalid_values = bool(int(pass_invalid_values))
            except ValueError:
                self._pass_invalid_values = False
            self._pass_invalid_values = pass_invalid_values

        self._files_to_close = []
        is_array = False
        is_shape = False
        shape = None
        if init is None:
            asdf = AsdfFile(extensions=extensions)
        elif isinstance(init, dict):
            asdf = AsdfFile(init, extensions=extensions)
        elif isinstance(init, np.ndarray):
            asdf = AsdfFile(extensions=extensions)
            shape = init.shape
            is_array = True
        elif isinstance(init, self.__class__):
            instance = copy.deepcopy(init._instance)
            self._schema = init._schema
            self._shape = init._shape
            self._asdf = AsdfFile(instance, extensions=self._extensions)
            self._instance = instance
            self._ctx = self
            self.__class__ = init.__class__
        elif isinstance(init, DataModel):
            raise TypeError(
                "Passed in {0!r} is not of the expected subclass {1!r}".format(
                    init.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__))
        elif isinstance(init, AsdfFile):
            asdf = init
        elif isinstance(init, tuple):
            for item in init:
                if not isinstance(item, int):
                    raise ValueError("shape must be a tuple of ints")
            shape = init
            asdf = AsdfFile()
            is_shape = True
        elif isinstance(init, fits.HDUList):
            asdf = fits_support.from_fits(init, self._schema,
        elif isinstance(init, six.string_types):
            if isinstance(init, bytes):
                init = init.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
                hdulist = fits.open(init)
            except IOError:
                    asdf = AsdfFile.open(init, extensions=self._extensions)
                    # TODO: Add json support
                except ValueError:
                    raise IOError(
                        "File does not appear to be a FITS or ASDF file.")
                asdf = fits_support.from_fits(hdulist, self._schema,

        self._shape = shape
        self._instance = asdf.tree
        self._asdf = asdf
        self._ctx = self

        # if the input model doesn't have a date set, use the current date/time
        if self.meta.date is None:
            self.meta.date = Time(datetime.datetime.now())
            self.meta.date = self.meta.date.value

        # if the input is from a file, set the filename attribute
        if isinstance(init, six.string_types):
            self.meta.filename = os.path.basename(init)

        if is_array:
            primary_array_name = self.get_primary_array_name()
            if primary_array_name is None:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Array passed to model.__init__, but model has no primary "
                    "array in its schema")
            setattr(self, primary_array_name, init)

        if is_shape:
            getattr(self, self.get_primary_array_name())
예제 #51
파일: nircam.py 프로젝트: sosey/jwst
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    # Convert to deg - output of distortion models is in arcsec.
    transform = distortion | Scale(1/3600) & Scale(1/3600)
    return transform
예제 #52
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: sosey/jwst
def gwa_to_slit(open_slits, input_model, disperser, reference_files):
    GWA to SLIT transform.

    open_slits : list
        A list of slit IDs for all open shutters/slitlets.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.
    filter : str
        The filter used.
    grating : str
        The grating used in the observation.
    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~jwst.transforms.Gwa2Slit` model.
        Transform from GWA frame to SLIT frame.
    wrange = (input_model.meta.wcsinfo.waverange_start,
    order = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.spectral_order

    agreq = angle_from_disperser(disperser, input_model)
    collimator2gwa = collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser)
    lgreq = wavelength_from_disperser(disperser, input_model)

    # The wavelength units up to this point are
    # meters as required by the pipeline but the desired output wavelength units is microns.
    # So we are going to Scale the spectral units by 1e6 (meters -> microns)
    if input_model.meta.instrument.filter == 'OPAQUE':
        lgreq = lgreq | Scale(1e6)

    msa = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['msa'])
    slit_models = []
    for quadrant in range(1, 6):
        slits_in_quadrant = [s for s in open_slits if s.quadrant==quadrant]
        log.info("There are {0} open slits in quadrant {1}".format(len(slits_in_quadrant), quadrant))
        if any(slits_in_quadrant):
            msa_model = msa.tree[quadrant]['model']
            log.info("Getting slits location for quadrant {0}".format(quadrant))
            msa_data = msa.tree[quadrant]['data']
            for slit in slits_in_quadrant:
                mask = mask_slit(slit.ymin, slit.ymax)
                slit_id = slit.shutter_id
                slitdata = msa_data[slit_id]
                slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
                msa_transform = slitdata_model | msa_model
                msa2gwa = (msa_transform | collimator2gwa)
                gwa2msa = gwa_to_ymsa(msa2gwa)# TODO: Use model sets here
                bgwa2msa = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1), n_inputs=3) | \
                    Const1D(0) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Identity(2) | \
                    Identity(1) & gwa2msa & Identity(2) | \
                    Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3)) | Identity(2) & msa2gwa & Identity(2) | \
                    Mapping((0, 1, 2, 3, 5), n_inputs=7) | Identity(2) & lgreq | mask
                    #Mapping((0, 1, 2, 5), n_inputs=7) | Identity(2) & lgreq | mask
                    # and modify lgreq to accept alpha_in, beta_in, alpha_out
                # msa to before_gwa
                msa2bgwa = msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping((3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
                bgwa2msa.inverse = msa2bgwa
    return Gwa2Slit(open_slits, slit_models)
예제 #53
    def __init__(self,
        init : shape tuple, file path, file object, astropy.io.fits.HDUList, numpy array, None

            - None: A default data model with no shape

            - shape tuple: Initialize with empty data of the given

            - file path: Initialize from the given file (FITS or ASDF)

            - readable file object: Initialize from the given file

            - ``astropy.io.fits.HDUList``: Initialize from the given

            - A numpy array: Used to initialize the data array

            - dict: The object model tree for the data model

        schema : tree of objects representing a JSON schema, or string naming a schema, optional
            The schema to use to understand the elements on the model.
            If not provided, the schema associated with this class
            will be used.

        extensions: classes extending the standard set of extensions, optional.
            If an extension is defined, the prefix used should be 'url'.

        pass_invalid_values: If true, values that do not validate the schema can
            be read and written and only a warning will be generated
        # Set the extensions
        if extensions is None:
            extensions = jwst_extensions[:]
        self._extensions = extensions

        # Override value of pass_invalid value if environment value set
        if "PASS_INVALID_VALUES" in os.environ:
            pass_invalid_values = os.environ["PASS_INVALID_VALUES"]
                pass_invalid_values = bool(int(pass_invalid_values))
            except ValueError:
                pass_invalid_values = False

        self._pass_invalid_values = pass_invalid_values

        # Construct the path to the schema files
        filename = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        base_url = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), 'schemas', '')

        # Load the schema files
        if schema is None:
            schema_path = os.path.join(base_url, self.schema_url)
            extension_list = asdf_extension.AsdfExtensionList(self._extensions)
            schema = asdf_schema.load_schema(

        self._schema = mschema.flatten_combiners(schema)
        # Determine what kind of input we have (init) and execute the
        # proper code to intiailize the model
        self._files_to_close = []
        self._iscopy = False

        is_array = False
        is_shape = False
        shape = None

        if init is None:
            asdf = AsdfFile(extensions=extensions)
        elif isinstance(init, dict):
            asdf = AsdfFile(init, extensions=extensions)
        elif isinstance(init, np.ndarray):
            asdf = AsdfFile(extensions=extensions)
            shape = init.shape
            is_array = True
        elif isinstance(init, self.__class__):
            self.clone(self, init)
        elif isinstance(init, DataModel):
            raise TypeError(
                "Passed in {0!r} is not of the expected subclass {1!r}".format(
                    init.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__))
        elif isinstance(init, AsdfFile):
            asdf = init
        elif isinstance(init, tuple):
            for item in init:
                if not isinstance(item, int):
                    raise ValueError("shape must be a tuple of ints")
            shape = init
            asdf = AsdfFile()
            is_shape = True
        elif isinstance(init, fits.HDUList):
            asdf = fits_support.from_fits(init, self._schema, extensions,

        elif isinstance(init, (six.string_types, bytes)):
            if isinstance(init, bytes):
                init = init.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
            file_type = filetype.check(init)

            if file_type == "fits":
                hdulist = fits.open(init)
                asdf = fits_support.from_fits(hdulist, self._schema,
                                              extensions, pass_invalid_values)

            elif file_type == "asdf":
                asdf = AsdfFile.open(init, extensions=extensions)

                # TODO handle json files as well
                raise IOError(
                    "File does not appear to be a FITS or ASDF file.")

            raise ValueError("Can't initialize datamodel using {0}".format(

        # Initialize object fields as determined fro the code above

        self._shape = shape
        self._instance = asdf.tree
        self._asdf = asdf
        self._ctx = self

        # if the input is from a file, set the filename attribute
        if isinstance(init, six.string_types):
            self.meta.filename = os.path.basename(init)
        elif isinstance(init, fits.HDUList):
            info = init.fileinfo(0)
            if info is not None:
                filename = info.get('filename')
                if filename is not None:
                    self.meta.filename = os.path.basename(filename)

        # if the input model doesn't have a date set, use the current date/time
        if self.meta.date is None:
            self.meta.date = Time(datetime.datetime.now())
            if hasattr(self.meta.date, 'value'):
                self.meta.date.format = 'isot'
                self.meta.date = str(self.meta.date.value)

        # store the data model type, if not already set
        if hasattr(self.meta, 'model_type'):
            if self.meta.model_type is None:
                self.meta.model_type = self.__class__.__name__
            self.meta.model_type = None

        if is_array:
            primary_array_name = self.get_primary_array_name()
            if primary_array_name is None:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Array passed to DataModel.__init__, but model has "
                    "no primary array in its schema")
            setattr(self, primary_array_name, init)

        # TODO this code looks useless
        if is_shape:
            getattr(self, self.get_primary_array_name())
예제 #54
    def __init__(self,
        init : shape tuple, file path, file object, astropy.io.fits.HDUList, numpy array, None

            - None: A default data model with no shape

            - shape tuple: Initialize with empty data of the given

            - file path: Initialize from the given file (FITS or ASDF)

            - readable file object: Initialize from the given file

            - ``astropy.io.fits.HDUList``: Initialize from the given

            - A numpy array: Used to initialize the data array

            - dict: The object model tree for the data model

        schema : tree of objects representing a JSON schema, or string naming a schema, optional
            The schema to use to understand the elements on the model.
            If not provided, the schema associated with this class
            will be used.

        extensions: classes extending the standard set of extensions, optional.
            If an extension is defined, the prefix used should be 'url'.

        pass_invalid_values: If true, values that do not validate the schema
            will be added to the metadata. If false, they will be set to None

        strict_validation: if true, an schema validation errors will generate
            an excption. If false, they will generate a warning.
        # Set the extensions
        self._extensions = extensions

        # Override value of validation parameters
        # if environment value set
        self._pass_invalid_values = self.get_envar("PASS_INVALID_VALUES",
        self._strict_validation = self.get_envar("STRICT_VALIDATION",

        # Construct the path to the schema files
        filename = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        base_url = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), 'schemas', '')

        # Load the schema files
        if schema is None:
            schema_path = os.path.join(base_url, self.schema_url)
            # Create an AsdfFile so we can use its resolver for loading schemas
            asdf_file = AsdfFile(extensions=self._extensions)
            if hasattr(asdf_file, 'resolver'):
                file_resolver = asdf_file.resolver
                file_resolver = self.get_resolver(asdf_file)
            schema = asdf_schema.load_schema(schema_path,

        self._schema = mschema.flatten_combiners(schema)

        # Provide the object as context to other classes and functions
        self._ctx = self

        # Determine what kind of input we have (init) and execute the
        # proper code to intiailize the model
        self._files_to_close = []
        self._iscopy = False
        is_array = False
        is_shape = False
        shape = None

        if init is None:
            asdf = AsdfFile(extensions=extensions)

        elif isinstance(init, dict):
            asdf = AsdfFile(init, extensions=self._extensions)

        elif isinstance(init, np.ndarray):
            asdf = AsdfFile(extensions=self._extensions)
            shape = init.shape
            is_array = True

        elif isinstance(init, tuple):
            for item in init:
                if not isinstance(item, int):
                    raise ValueError("shape must be a tuple of ints")

            shape = init
            asdf = AsdfFile()
            is_shape = True

        elif isinstance(init, DataModel):
            self.clone(self, init)
            if not isinstance(init, self.__class__):

        elif isinstance(init, AsdfFile):
            asdf = init

        elif isinstance(init, fits.HDUList):
            asdf = fits_support.from_fits(init, self._schema, self._extensions,

        elif isinstance(init, (str, bytes)):
            if isinstance(init, bytes):
                init = init.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
            file_type = filetype.check(init)

            if file_type == "fits":
                hdulist = fits.open(init)
                asdf = fits_support.from_fits(hdulist, self._schema,
                                              self._extensions, self._ctx)


            elif file_type == "asdf":
                asdf = AsdfFile.open(init, extensions=self._extensions)

                # TODO handle json files as well
                raise IOError(
                    "File does not appear to be a FITS or ASDF file.")

            raise ValueError("Can't initialize datamodel using {0}".format(

        # Initialize object fields as determined from the code above
        self._shape = shape
        self._instance = asdf.tree
        self._asdf = asdf

        # Initalize class dependent hidden fields
        self._no_asdf_extension = False

        # Instantiate the primary array of the image
        if is_array:
            primary_array_name = self.get_primary_array_name()
            if not primary_array_name:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Array passed to DataModel.__init__, but model has "
                    "no primary array in its schema")
            setattr(self, primary_array_name, init)

        if is_shape:
            if not self.get_primary_array_name():
                raise TypeError(
                    "Shape passed to DataModel.__init__, but model has "
                    "no primary array in its schema")

        # if the input is from a file, set the filename attribute
        if isinstance(init, str):
            self.meta.filename = os.path.basename(init)
        elif isinstance(init, fits.HDUList):
            info = init.fileinfo(0)
            if info is not None:
                filename = info.get('filename')
                if filename is not None:
                    self.meta.filename = os.path.basename(filename)

        # if the input model doesn't have a date set, use the current date/time
        if not self.meta.hasattr('date'):
            current_date = Time(datetime.datetime.now())
            current_date.format = 'isot'
            self.meta.date = current_date.value

        # store the data model type, if not already set
        klass = self.__class__.__name__
        if klass != 'DataModel':
            if not self.meta.hasattr('model_type'):
                self.meta.model_type = klass
예제 #55
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    return distortion
예제 #56
파일: nircam.py 프로젝트: philhodge/jwst
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    return distortion