예제 #1
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: kcantosh/glosim2
def get_localEnv(frame, centerIdx, cutoff, onlyDict=False):
    Get the local atomic environment around an atom in an atomic frame.

    :param frame: ase or quippy Atoms object
    :param centerIdx: int
    Index of the local environment center.
    :param cutoff: float
    Cutoff radius of the local environment.
    :return: ase Atoms object
    Local atomic environment. The center atom is in first position.
    import ase.atoms
    import quippy.atoms
    from ase.neighborlist import NeighborList
    from ase import Atoms as aseAtoms
    if isinstance(frame, quippy.atoms.Atoms):
        atoms = qp2ase(frame)
    elif isinstance(frame, ase.atoms.Atoms):
        atoms = frame
        raise ValueError

    n = len(atoms.get_atomic_numbers())
    nl = NeighborList([
        cutoff / 2.,
    ] * n,

    cell = atoms.get_cell()
    pbc = atoms.get_pbc()
    pos = atoms.get_positions()
    positions = [
    zList = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
    numbers = [

    indices, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(centerIdx)

    # print offsets,len(atom.get_atomic_numbers())
    for i, offset in zip(indices, offsets):
        positions.append(pos[i] + np.dot(offset, cell))

    atomsParam = dict(numbers=numbers, cell=cell, positions=positions, pbc=pbc)

    if onlyDict:
        return atomsParam
        return aseAtoms(**atomsParam)
예제 #2
    def _get_dispersion_params(self, atoms):
        self.alpha_ref, self.C6_ref, self.RvdW_ref = get_free_atom_data(\
                                            atoms.get_chemical_symbols() )
        self.alpha_ref = np.asarray(self.alpha_ref)
        self.C6_ref, self.RvdW_ref = np.asarray(self.C6_ref), np.asarray(
        if self.use_fractional_ionic_approach:
            from ase.calculators.AlphaModel import AlphaModel
            from os.path import dirname

            dir_ref = dirname(__file__) + '/alpha_FI_refdata/'
            Z = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
            if not hasattr(self, 'atomic_charges'):
                from ase.calculators.calculator import PropertyNotImplementedError
                    q = atoms.get_charges()
                except (RuntimeError, PropertyNotImplementedError):
                    msg = 'WARNING: Cannot get charges for fractional ionic approach from atoms object.\n'
                    msg += '         Please, provide argument atomic_charges. Using neutral atoms for now...'
                    q = np.zeros_like(Z)
                q = np.asarray(self.atomic_charges)

            Npop_l = np.int64(Z - q)
            f_FI = Z - q - Npop_l
            a_FI = AlphaModel(filename=dir_ref + 'Model' + self.alpha_model +
            a_dyn = np.zeros((self.n_omega_SCS + 1, self.n_atoms))
            for i in range(self.n_atoms):
                fi = f_FI[i]
                ZNu, ZNl = (Z[i], Npop_l[i] + 1), (Z[i], Npop_l[i])
                ZNul = [ZNu, ZNl]
                a_dyn[:,i] =    fi   * a_FI.GetAlpha(ZNu, omega=mbd_mod.omega_grid) + \
                             (1.-fi) * a_FI.GetAlpha(ZNl, omega=mbd_mod.omega_grid)
                self.C6_ref[i] =    fi*fi     * a_FI.GetC6(ZNu) + \
                                2.*fi*(1.-fi) * a_FI.GetC6(ZNul) + \
                               (1.-fi)*(1.-fi)* a_FI.GetC6(ZNl)

            self.alpha_ref = a_dyn[0, :]
            self.a_div_a0 *= Z / (Z - q)
            self.alpha_dyn_TS = a_dyn * self.a_div_a0

        self.alpha_0_TS = self.alpha_ref * self.a_div_a0
        self.C6_TS = self.C6_ref * self.a_div_a0 * self.a_div_a0
        if not self.use_fractional_ionic_approach:
            self.alpha_dyn_TS = mbd_mod.alpha_dynamic_ts_all('C', self.n_omega_SCS, \
                                                      self.alpha_0_TS, c6=self.C6_TS)

        if self.use_RvdW_from_alpha:
            self.RvdW_TS = 2.54 * self.alpha_0_TS**(1. / 7.)
            self.RvdW_TS = self.RvdW_ref * self.a_div_a0**(1. / 3.)

        self.omega_TS = mbd_mod.omega_eff(self.C6_TS, self.alpha_0_TS)
예제 #3
def dft_d_pbc(atoms, scaling_factor=0.75, interactionlist=None, interactionmatrix=None, cutoff_radius=DF_CUTOFF_RADIUS):
    """Main function making the D-G06 DFT-D correction available for
    systems with periodic boundary conditions. Applies the lattice
    summation defined in "lattice_sum" to the intra- and inter-cell
    evaluation of the D-G06 correction carried out in "d_g06_cell".

        >>> HCldim = Atoms('Cl2')
        >>> x1 = ( 1.65, 0, -0.01)
        >>> x2 = (-1.65, 0,  0.01)
        >>> HCldim.set_positions([x1,x2])
        >>> HCldim.set_atomic_numbers([ 17, 17])
        >>> HCldim.set_cell([(10.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 10.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 3.3)])
        >>> HCldim.set_pbc([False,]*3)
        >>> dft_d_pbc(HCldim)
        (-0.016281380498314325, array([[-0.01672876,  0.        ,  0.00010139],
               [ 0.01672876,  0.        , -0.00010139]]))
        >>> iso_c, iso_g = dft_d_iso(HCldim)
	>>> pbc_c, pbc_g = dft_d_pbc(HCldim)
	>>> iso_c == pbc_c, iso_g == pbc_g
	(True, array([[ True,  True,  True],
	       [ True,  True,  True]], dtype=bool))
    # Obtain data about system
    atom_numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
    positions = atoms.get_positions()
    periodic_directions = atoms.get_pbc()
    elem_cell = atoms.get_cell()
    # Number of atoms within a single copy
    N_atoms = len(positions)
    # Check input i.e. if interactionlist and interactionmatrix are set properly
    interactionlist, interactionmatrix = check_interaction_group_input(N_atoms, interactionlist, interactionmatrix)
    # Start with Calculation
    # Get DFT-D parameters
    params = [d_g06_parameters(ind_1) for ind_1 in atom_numbers]
    # Define function "func" as "d_g06" for the lattice summation done in "lattice_sum"
    def func(t):
        return d_g06_cell(N_atoms, params, positions, interactionlist, interactionmatrix, cutoff_radius, t_vec=t)

    # Call lattice summation with function "d_g06_cell"
    dispersion_correction, gradient_contribution = lattice_sum(
        func, positions, elem_cell, periodic_directions, cutoff_radius
    # Scale dispersion correction and forces according to used XC-functional
    dispersion_correction = dispersion_correction * scaling_factor
    gradient_contribution = gradient_contribution * scaling_factor
    return dispersion_correction, gradient_contribution
예제 #4
def dft_d_iso(atoms, scaling_factor=0.75, interactionlist=None, interactionmatrix=None, cutoff_radius=DF_CUTOFF_RADIUS):
    """Main function making the D-G06 DFT-D correction available for
    isolated systems. Consists in the application of an intra-cell
    evaluation of the D-G06 correction carried out in "d_g06_cell".

        >>> HCldim = Atoms('Cl2')
        >>> x1 = ( 1.65, 0, -0.01)
        >>> x2 = (-1.65, 0,  0.01)
        >>> HCldim.set_positions([x1,x2])
        >>> HCldim.set_atomic_numbers([ 17, 17])
        >>> dft_d_pbc(HCldim)
	(-0.016281380498314325, array([[-0.01672876,  0.        ,  0.00010139],
	       [ 0.01672876,  0.        , -0.00010139]]))
    # Obtain data about system
    atom_numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
    positions = atoms.get_positions()
    # Number of atoms within a single copy
    N_atoms = len(positions)
    # Check input i.e. if interactionlist and interactionmatrix are set properly
    interactionlist, interactionmatrix = check_interaction_group_input(N_atoms, interactionlist, interactionmatrix)
    interactionmatrix = np.array(interactionmatrix)
    # Start with Calculation
    # Get DFT-D parameters
    params = [d_g06_parameters(ind_1) for ind_1 in atom_numbers]
    # Define function "func" as "d_g06" for the lattice summation done in "lattice_sum"
    dispersion_correction, gradient_contribution = d_g06_cell(
        N_atoms, params, positions, interactionlist, interactionmatrix, cutoff_radius
    # Scale dispersion correction and forces according to used XC-functional
    dispersion_correction = dispersion_correction * scaling_factor
    gradient_contribution = gradient_contribution * scaling_factor
    return dispersion_correction, gradient_contribution
예제 #5
    def initialize_sdc(self, atoms=None):
        """ Initialization of all parameters in the sedc-module.

        Here we initialize all parameters in order to successfully calculate
        with sdc_recode module. The priority of parameters is user > default >
        dummy. The bare minimum of required parameters is:

        * atoms             [ ASE atoms-object of the system treated        ]
        * sedc_n_groups     [ integer, number of differently treated groups ]
        * sedc_groups       [ array of integers, number of atoms per group  ]
        * sedc_pbc_switches [ np.array of 6-dim vectors specifying the VdW
                              contributions in A,B,C in positive and
                              negative direction                            ]

        This has to be done after the creation of our calculator-object,
        because otherwise we do not have the atoms-module to calculate most of
        the required properties.

        for arg in self.valid_args:
            if hasattr(self, arg):
                # In order to avoid lengthy np-initialization in aims-script
                if (arg == 'sedc_pbc_g_switches'):
                    setattr(sdc.sdc_recode, arg,
                            eval('np.transpose(self.' + arg + ')'))
                elif (arg == 'sedc_tssurf_vfree_div_vbulk'):
                    tmp_array = \
                        np.array(([1] * atoms.get_number_of_atoms()),
                    species = []
                    n_species = 0
                    for atom in atoms:
                        species_i = atom.number
                        if species_i not in species:
                            n_species += 1
                    for i,a in enumerate(atoms):
                        for ss, s in enumerate(species):
                            if s==a.number:
                                tmp_array[i] = \
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_tssurf_vfree_div_vbulk = \
                    setattr(sdc.sdc_recode, arg, eval('self.' + arg))
            elif arg in self.default_parameters:
                setattr(sdc.sdc_recode, arg, self.default_parameters[arg])
                if (arg == 'internal_cart_coord'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.internal_cart_coord = \
                elif (arg == 'sedc_cart_coord'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_cart_coord = \
                elif (arg == 'sedc_cell_vectors'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_cell_vectors = \
                elif (arg == 'sedc_species'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_species = \
                elif (arg == 'sedc_n_ions'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_n_ions = \
                elif (arg == 'sedc_pbc_g_fold'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_pbc_g_fold = [0] * self.sedc_n_groups
                elif (arg == 'sedc_ts_veff_div_vfree'):
                    if not self.hirshvolrat_is_set:
                        sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_ts_veff_div_vfree = \
                            np.array(([1] * atoms.get_number_of_atoms()),
                elif (arg == 'sedc_tssurf_vfree_div_vbulk'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_tssurf_vfree_div_vbulk = \
                        np.array(([1] * atoms.get_number_of_atoms()),
                elif (arg == 'sedc_skip_atom'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_skip_atom = \
                        np.array(([-1] * atoms.get_number_of_atoms()),
                elif (arg == 'sedc_pbc_g_only_intra'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_pbc_g_only_intra = \
                        [0] * self.sedc_n_groups
                elif (arg == 'sedc_pbc_g_cells'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_pbc_g_cells = \
                                (1, self.sedc_n_groups))
                elif (arg == 'sedc_pbc_g_skip'):
                    sdc.sdc_recode.sedc_pbc_g_skip = [0] * self.sedc_n_groups
                    print("You've been sloppy my friend. :) Variable:", arg, \
                          " does not exist!")