예제 #1
    def __init__(self, atoms, BZpath=[], npoints=10, outnc='harris.nc'):
        """Headline here ... XXX.

        atoms is an ase.Atoms object with calculator
        attached. Presumably the self-consistent charge density has
        already been calculated, otherwise, it will be.

        BZpath is a list of tuples describing the path through the
        Brillouin zone. The tuples have the form (label, kpt), e.g. ::

          [('$\Gamma$',[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
           ('X',[0.0, 0.5, 0.5]),
           ('L',[0.5, 0.0, 0.0]),
           ('$\Gamma$',[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])]

        the label is used in the figure and can include latex markup.

        npoints is the number of points on each segment. It can either
        be a constant, which is used for every segment, or a list of
        integers that is an integer for each segment.

        self.atoms = atoms
        self.calc = atoms.get_calculator()
        #first, we make sure the charge density is up to date.
        self.ef = self.calc.get_ef()  #self-consistent fermi level

        self.labels = [x[0] for x in BZpath]
        self.kpt_path = [np.array(x[1], dtype=np.float) for x in BZpath]
        self.npoints = npoints

        #first, setup the kpt path
        kpts = []
        #start at second kpt and go to second to last segment
        nsegments = len(self.kpt_path) - 1
        for i in range(nsegments - 1):

            #get number of points on path. this counts the first point
                i_npt = npoints[i]
            except TypeError:
                i_npt = npoints

            #this is the vector connecting the two endpoint kpts of a segment
            kdiff = self.kpt_path[i + 1] - self.kpt_path[i]

            #make a vector of evenly spaced intervals, one longer than needed
            #because we chop off the last entry.
            for j in np.linspace(0, 1, i_npt + 1)[0:-1]:
                k = self.kpt_path[i] + j * kdiff
                #shift by small random amount to break symmetry and
                #prevent time-inversion reduction
                krand = (1. + np.random.random(3)) / 1.e4

                k += krand

        #now fill in the last segment, and end on the last point
            i_npt = npoints[-1]
        except TypeError:
            i_npt = npoints

        kdiff = self.kpt_path[-1] - self.kpt_path[-2]
        for j in np.linspace(0, 1, i_npt + 1)[1:]:
            k = self.kpt_path[-2] + j * kdiff
            #shift by small random amount to break symmetry and
            #prevent time-inversion reduction
            krand = (1. + np.random.random(3)) / 1.e4
            k += krand

        #these are now the points needed for the Harris calculation.
        self.kpts = kpts

        self.dos = DOS(self.calc)
        self.dos_energies = self.dos.get_energies()
        self.dos_dos = self.dos.get_dos()

        #try to avoid rerunning the calculation if it is already done!
        if os.path.exists(outnc):
            self.calc = Jacapo(outnc)
            print('calculation of harris required')

            #save some time by not calculating stress

            #this seems to be necessary sometimes
            self.calc.delete_ncattdimvar(outnc, ncdims=['number_plane_waves'])

            #this has to come after removing number_of_planewaves

            #freeze charge density
            #and, run calculation
예제 #2
파일: jacapo.py 프로젝트: slabanja/ase
            'ScientificPython version 2.8 or greater is required')
except (ImportError, NotAvailable):
    print "No Scientific python found. Check your PYTHONPATH"
    raise NotAvailable('ScientificPython version 2.8 or greater is required')

if not (os.system('which dacapo.run') == 0):
    print "No Dacapo Fortran executable (dacapo.run) found. Check your path settings."
    raise NotAvailable(
        'dacapo.run is not installed on this machine or not in the path')

# Now Scientific 2.8 and dacapo.run should both be available

from ase import Atoms, Atom
from ase.calculators.jacapo import Jacapo

atoms = Atoms([Atom('H', [0, 0, 0])], cell=(2, 2, 2))

calc = Jacapo('Jacapo-test.nc',
              kpts=(1, 1, 1),


print atoms.get_potential_energy()
os.system('rm -f Jacapo-test.nc Jacapo-test.txt')