예제 #1
파일: summary.py 프로젝트: puckvg/ase-copy
def create_table(
        row,  # AtomsRow
        header,  # List[str]
        keys,  # List[str]
        key_descriptions,  # Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str]]
        digits=3  # int
):  # -> Dict[str, Any]
    """Create table-dict from row."""
    table = []
    for key in keys:
        if key == 'age':
            age = float_to_time_string(now() - row.ctime, True)
            table.append(('Age', age))
        value = row.get(key)
        if value is not None:
            if isinstance(value, float):
                value = '{:.{}f}'.format(value, digits)
            elif not isinstance(value, str):
                value = str(value)
            desc, unit = key_descriptions.get(key, ['', key, ''])[1:]
            if unit:
                value += ' ' + unit
            table.append((desc, value))
    return {'type': 'table', 'header': header, 'rows': table}
예제 #2
def row2dct(
        key_descriptions: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str,
                                          str]] = {}) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Convert row to dict of things for printing or a web-page."""

    from ase.db.core import float_to_time_string, now

    dct = {}

    atoms = Atoms(cell=row.cell, pbc=row.pbc)
    dct['size'] = kptdensity2monkhorstpack(atoms, kptdensity=1.8, even=False)

    dct['cell'] = [['{:.3f}'.format(a) for a in axis] for axis in row.cell]
    par = ['{:.3f}'.format(x) for x in cell_to_cellpar(row.cell)]
    dct['lengths'] = par[:3]
    dct['angles'] = par[3:]

    stress = row.get('stress')
    if stress is not None:
        dct['stress'] = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(s) for s in stress)

    dct['formula'] = Formula(row.formula).format('abc')

    dipole = row.get('dipole')
    if dipole is not None:
        dct['dipole'] = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(d) for d in dipole)

    data = row.get('data')
    if data:
        dct['data'] = ', '.join(data.keys())

    constraints = row.get('constraints')
    if constraints:
        dct['constraints'] = ', '.join(c.__class__.__name__
                                       for c in constraints)

    keys = ({'id', 'energy', 'fmax', 'smax', 'mass', 'age'}
            | set(key_descriptions) | set(row.key_value_pairs))
    dct['table'] = []
    for key in keys:
        if key == 'age':
            age = float_to_time_string(now() - row.ctime, True)
            dct['table'].append(('ctime', 'Age', age))
        value = row.get(key)
        if value is not None:
            if isinstance(value, float):
                value = '{:.3f}'.format(value)
            elif not isinstance(value, str):
                value = str(value)
            desc, unit = key_descriptions.get(key, ['', '', ''])[1:]
            if unit:
                value += ' ' + unit
            dct['table'].append((key, desc, value))

    return dct
예제 #3
파일: table.py 프로젝트: arosen93/rASE
 def set_columns(self, columns):
     self.values = []
     for c in columns:
         if c == 'age':
             value = float_to_time_string(now() - self.dct.ctime)
         elif c == 'pbc':
             value = ''.join('FT'[int(p)] for p in self.dct.pbc)
             value = getattr(self.dct, c, None)
예제 #4
파일: table.py 프로젝트: rosswhitfield/ase
 def set_columns(self, columns):
     self.values = []
     for c in columns:
         if c == 'age':
             value = float_to_time_string(now() - self.dct.ctime)
         elif c == 'pbc':
             value = ''.join('FT'[p] for p in self.dct.pbc)
             value = getattr(self.dct, c, None)
예제 #5
파일: table.py 프로젝트: askhl/ase
 def age(self, d):
     return float_to_time_string(now() - d.ctime)
예제 #6
 def age(self, d):
     return float_to_time_string(now() - d.ctime)
예제 #7
파일: summary.py 프로젝트: PHOTOX/fuase
    def __init__(self, dct, subscript=None):
        self.dct = dct
        self.cell = [['{0:.3f}'.format(a) for a in axis] for axis in dct.cell]
        forces = dict2forces(dct)
        if forces is None:
            fmax = None
            self.forces = None
            fmax = (forces**2).sum(1).max()**0.5
            N = len(forces)
            self.forces = []
            for n, f in enumerate(forces):
                if n < 5 or n >= N - 5:
                    f = tuple('{0:10.3f}'.format(x) for x in f)
                    symbol = chemical_symbols[dct.numbers[n]]
                    self.forces.append((n, symbol) + f)
                elif n == 5:
                    self.forces.append((' ...', '',
                                        '       ...',
                                        '       ...',
                                        '       ...'))
        self.stress = dct.get('stress')
        if self.stress is not None:
            self.stress = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(s) for s in self.stress)
        if 'masses' in dct:
            mass = dct.masses.sum()
            mass = atomic_masses[dct.numbers].sum()
        formula = hill(dct.numbers)
        if subscript:
            formula = subscript.sub(r'<sub>\1</sub>', formula)
        table = [
            ('id', dct.id),
            ('age', float_to_time_string(now() - dct.ctime, True)),
            ('formula', formula),
            ('user', dct.user),
            ('calculator', dct.get('calculator')),
            ('energy [eV]', dct.get('energy')),
            ('fmax [eV/Ang]', fmax),
            ('charge [|e|]', dct.get('charge')),
            ('mass [au]', mass),
            ('unique id', dct.unique_id),
            ('volume [Ang^3]', abs(np.linalg.det(dct.cell)))]
        self.table = [(name, value) for name, value in table
                      if value is not None]

        if 'key_value_pairs' in dct:
            self.key_value_pairs = sorted(dct.key_value_pairs.items())
            self.key_value_pairs = None

        if 'keywords' in dct:
            self.keywords = ', '.join(sorted(dct.keywords))
            self.keywords = None
        self.dipole = dct.get('dipole')
        if self.dipole is not None:
            self.dipole = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(d) for d in self.dipole)
        self.data = dct.get('data')
        if self.data:
            self.data = ', '.join(self.data.keys())
        self.constraints = dct.get('constraints')
        if self.constraints:
            self.constraints = ', '.join(d['name'] for d in self.constraints)
예제 #8
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: grhawk/ASE
 def age(self, d):
     return float_to_time_string((time() - T0) / YEAR - d.timestamp)
예제 #9
파일: summary.py 프로젝트: nateharms/ase
    def __init__(self, row, meta={}, subscript=None, prefix='', tmpdir='.'):
        self.row = row

        self.cell = [['{:.3f}'.format(a) for a in axis] for axis in row.cell]
        par = ['{:.3f}'.format(x) for x in cell_to_cellpar(row.cell)]
        self.lengths = par[:3]
        self.angles = par[3:]

        forces = row.get('constrained_forces')
        if forces is None:
            fmax = None
            self.forces = None
            fmax = (forces**2).sum(1).max()**0.5
            N = len(forces)
            self.forces = []
            for n, f in enumerate(forces):
                if n < 5 or n >= N - 5:
                    f = tuple('{0:10.3f}'.format(x) for x in f)
                    symbol = chemical_symbols[row.numbers[n]]
                    self.forces.append((n, symbol) + f)
                elif n == 5:
                        (' ...', '', '       ...', '       ...', '       ...'))

        self.stress = row.get('stress')
        if self.stress is not None:
            self.stress = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(s) for s in self.stress)

        if 'masses' in row:
            mass = row.masses.sum()
            mass = atomic_masses[row.numbers].sum()

        self.formula = formula_metal(row.numbers)

        if subscript:
            self.formula = subscript.sub(r'<sub>\1</sub>', self.formula)

        age = float_to_time_string(now() - row.ctime, True)

        table = dict(
            (key, value) for key, value in
            [('id', row.id), ('age', age), ('formula',
                                            self.formula), ('user', row.user),
              row.get('calculator')), (
                  row.get('energy')), ('fmax',
                                       fmax), ('charge', row.get('charge')),
              mass), ('magmom',
                      row.get('magmom')), (
                          'unique id',
                          row.unique_id), ('volume', row.get('volume'))]
            if value is not None)


        for key, value in table.items():
            if isinstance(value, float):
                table[key] = '{:.3f}'.format(value)

        kd = meta.get('key_descriptions', {})

        misc = set(table.keys())
        self.layout = []
        for headline, columns in meta['layout']:
            empty = True
            newcolumns = []
            for column in columns:
                newcolumn = []
                for block in column:
                    if block is None:
                    elif isinstance(block, tuple):
                        title, keys = block
                        rows = []
                        for key in keys:
                            value = table.get(key, None)
                            if value is not None:
                                if key in misc:
                                desc, unit = kd.get(key, [0, key, ''])[1:]
                                rows.append((desc, value, unit))
                        if rows:
                            block = (title, rows)
                    elif any(block.endswith(ext) for ext in ['.png', '.csv']):
                        name = op.join(tmpdir, prefix + block)
                        if not op.isfile(name):
                            self.create_figures(row, prefix, tmpdir,
                        if op.getsize(name) == 0:
                            # Skip empty files:
                            block = None
                        elif block.endswith('.csv'):
                            block = read_csv_table(name)
                        assert block in ['ATOMS', 'CELL', 'FORCES'], block

                    if block is not None:
                        empty = False

            if not empty:
                self.layout.append((headline, newcolumns))

        if misc:
            rows = []
            for key in sorted(misc):
                value = table[key]
                desc, unit = kd.get(key, [0, key, ''])[1:]
                rows.append((desc, value, unit))
            self.layout.append(('Miscellaneous', [[('Items', rows)]]))

        self.dipole = row.get('dipole')
        if self.dipole is not None:
            self.dipole = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(d) for d in self.dipole)

        self.data = row.get('data')
        if self.data:
            self.data = ', '.join(self.data.keys())

        self.constraints = row.get('constraints')
        if self.constraints:
            self.constraints = ', '.join(d['name'] for d in self.constraints)
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, dct, subscript=None):
        self.dct = dct

        self.cell = [['{0:.3f}'.format(a) for a in axis] for axis in dct.cell]

        forces = dict2forces(dct)
        if forces is None:
            fmax = None
            self.forces = None
            fmax = (forces**2).sum(1).max()**0.5
            N = len(forces)
            self.forces = []
            for n, f in enumerate(forces):
                if n < 5 or n >= N - 5:
                    f = tuple('{0:10.3f}'.format(x) for x in f)
                    symbol = chemical_symbols[dct.numbers[n]]
                    self.forces.append((n, symbol) + f)
                elif n == 5:
                        (' ...', '', '       ...', '       ...', '       ...'))

        self.stress = dct.get('stress')
        if self.stress is not None:
            self.stress = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(s) for s in self.stress)

        if 'masses' in dct:
            mass = dct.masses.sum()
            mass = atomic_masses[dct.numbers].sum()

        formula = hill(dct.numbers)
        if subscript:
            formula = subscript.sub(r'<sub>\1</sub>', formula)

        table = [('id', dct.id),
                 ('age', float_to_time_string(now() - dct.ctime, True)),
                 ('formula', formula), ('user', dct.user),
                 ('calculator', dct.get('calculator')),
                 ('energy [eV]', dct.get('energy')), ('fmax [eV/Ang]', fmax),
                 ('charge [|e|]', dct.get('charge')), ('mass [au]', mass),
                 ('unique id', dct.unique_id),
                 ('volume [Ang^3]', abs(np.linalg.det(dct.cell)))]
        self.table = [(name, value) for name, value in table
                      if value is not None]

        if 'key_value_pairs' in dct:
            self.key_value_pairs = sorted(dct.key_value_pairs.items())
            self.key_value_pairs = None

        if 'keywords' in dct:
            self.keywords = ', '.join(sorted(dct.keywords))
            self.keywords = None

        self.dipole = dct.get('dipole')
        if self.dipole is not None:
            self.dipole = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(d) for d in self.dipole)

        self.data = dct.get('data')
        if self.data:
            self.data = ', '.join(self.data.keys())

        self.constraints = dct.get('constraints')
        if self.constraints:
            self.constraints = ', '.join(d['name'] for d in self.constraints)
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, row, subscript=None):
        self.row = row

        self.cell = [["{0:.3f}".format(a) for a in axis] for axis in row.cell]

        forces = row.get("constrained_forces")
        if forces is None:
            fmax = None
            self.forces = None
            fmax = (forces ** 2).sum(1).max() ** 0.5
            N = len(forces)
            self.forces = []
            for n, f in enumerate(forces):
                if n < 5 or n >= N - 5:
                    f = tuple("{0:10.3f}".format(x) for x in f)
                    symbol = chemical_symbols[row.numbers[n]]
                    self.forces.append((n, symbol) + f)
                elif n == 5:
                    self.forces.append((" ...", "", "       ...", "       ...", "       ..."))

        self.stress = row.get("stress")
        if self.stress is not None:
            self.stress = ", ".join("{0:.3f}".format(s) for s in self.stress)

        if "masses" in row:
            mass = row.masses.sum()
            mass = atomic_masses[row.numbers].sum()

        formula = hill(row.numbers)
        if subscript:
            formula = subscript.sub(r"<sub>\1</sub>", formula)

        table = [
            ("id", "", row.id),
            ("age", "", float_to_time_string(now() - row.ctime, True)),
            ("formula", "", formula),
            ("user", "", row.user),
            ("calculator", "", row.get("calculator")),
            ("energy", "eV", row.get("energy")),
            ("fmax", "eV/Ang", fmax),
            ("charge", "|e|", row.get("charge")),
            ("mass", "au", mass),
            ("magnetic moment", "au", row.get("magmom")),
            ("unique id", "", row.unique_id),
            ("volume", "Ang^3", row.get("volume")),

        self.table = [(name, unit, value) for name, unit, value in table if value is not None]

        self.key_value_pairs = sorted(row.key_value_pairs.items()) or None

        self.dipole = row.get("dipole")
        if self.dipole is not None:
            self.dipole = ", ".join("{0:.3f}".format(d) for d in self.dipole)

        self.plots = []
        self.data = row.get("data")
        if self.data:
            plots = []
            for name, value in self.data.items():
                if isinstance(value, dict) and "xlabel" in value:
                    plots.append((value.get("number"), name))
            self.plots = [name for number, name in sorted(plots)]

            self.data = ", ".join(self.data.keys())

        self.constraints = row.get("constraints")
        if self.constraints:
            self.constraints = ", ".join(d["name"] for d in self.constraints)