예제 #1
    def setUp(self):
        for virtvar in ['boundaries', 'celltype']:
            assert getattr(self,virtvar) is not None, 'Virtual "%s"!' % virtvar

        # Basic unit cell information:
        pbc_c = {'zero'    : (False,False,False), \
                 'periodic': (True,True,True), \
                 'mixed'   : (True, False, True)}[self.boundaries]
        a, b = self.a, 2**0.5*self.a
        cell_cv = {'general'   : np.array([[0,a,a],[a/2,0,a/2],[a/2,a/2,0]]),
                   'rotated'   : np.array([[0,0,b],[b/2,0,0],[0,b/2,0]]),
                   'inverted'   : np.array([[0,0,b],[0,b/2,0],[b/2,0,0]]),
                   'orthogonal': np.diag([b, b/2, b/2])}[self.celltype]
        cell_cv = np.array([(4-3*pbc)*c_v for pbc,c_v in zip(pbc_c, cell_cv)])

        # Decide how many kpoints to sample from the 1st Brillouin Zone
        kpts_c = np.ceil((10/Bohr)/np.sum(cell_cv**2,axis=1)**0.5).astype(int)
        kpts_c = tuple(kpts_c*pbc_c + 1-pbc_c)
        bzk_kc = kpts2ndarray(kpts_c)
        self.gamma = len(bzk_kc) == 1 and not bzk_kc[0].any()

        #p = InputParameters()
        #Z_a = self.atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
        #xcfunc = XC(p.xc)
        #setups = Setups(Z_a, p.setups, p.basis, p.lmax, xcfunc)
        #symmetry, weight_k, self.ibzk_kc = reduce_kpoints(self.atoms, bzk_kc,
        #                                                  setups, p.usesymm)

        self.ibzk_kc = bzk_kc.copy() # don't use symmetry reduction of kpoints
        self.nibzkpts = len(self.ibzk_kc)
        self.ibzk_kv = kpoint_convert(cell_cv, skpts_kc=self.ibzk_kc)

        # Parse parallelization parameters and create suitable communicators.
        #parsize_domain, parsize_bands = create_parsize_minbands(self.nbands, world.size)
        parsize_domain, parsize_bands = world.size//gcd(world.size, self.nibzkpts), 1
        assert self.nbands % np.prod(parsize_bands) == 0
        domain_comm, kpt_comm, band_comm = distribute_cpus(parsize_domain,
            parsize_bands, self.nspins, self.nibzkpts)

        # Set up band descriptor:
        self.bd = BandDescriptor(self.nbands, band_comm)

        # Set up grid descriptor:
        N_c = np.round(np.sum(cell_cv**2, axis=1)**0.5 / self.h)
        N_c += 4-N_c % 4 # makes domain decomposition easier
        self.gd = GridDescriptor(N_c, cell_cv, pbc_c, domain_comm, parsize_domain)
        self.assertEqual(self.gamma, np.all(~self.gd.pbc_c))

        # What to do about kpoints?
        self.kpt_comm = kpt_comm

        if debug and world.rank == 0:
            comm_sizes = tuple([comm.size for comm in [world, self.bd.comm, \
                                                   self.gd.comm, self.kpt_comm]])
            print '%d world, %d band, %d domain, %d kpt' % comm_sizes
예제 #2
    def setUp(self):
        for virtvar in ['boundaries', 'celltype']:
            assert getattr(self,virtvar) is not None, 'Virtual "%s"!' % virtvar

        # Basic unit cell information:
        pbc_c = {'zero'    : (False,False,False), \
                 'periodic': (True,True,True), \
                 'mixed'   : (True, False, True)}[self.boundaries]
        a, b = self.a, 2**0.5*self.a
        cell_cv = {'general'   : np.array([[0,a,a],[a/2,0,a/2],[a/2,a/2,0]]),
                   'rotated'   : np.array([[0,0,b],[b/2,0,0],[0,b/2,0]]),
                   'inverted'   : np.array([[0,0,b],[0,b/2,0],[b/2,0,0]]),
                   'orthogonal': np.diag([b, b/2, b/2])}[self.celltype]
        cell_cv = np.array([(4-3*pbc)*c_v for pbc,c_v in zip(pbc_c, cell_cv)])

        # Decide how many kpoints to sample from the 1st Brillouin Zone
        kpts_c = np.ceil((10/Bohr)/np.sum(cell_cv**2,axis=1)**0.5).astype(int)
        kpts_c = tuple(kpts_c*pbc_c + 1-pbc_c)
        bzk_kc = kpts2ndarray(kpts_c)
        self.gamma = len(bzk_kc) == 1 and not bzk_kc[0].any()

        #p = InputParameters()
        #Z_a = self.atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
        #xcfunc = XC(p.xc)
        #setups = Setups(Z_a, p.setups, p.basis, p.lmax, xcfunc)
        #symmetry, weight_k, self.ibzk_kc = reduce_kpoints(self.atoms, bzk_kc,
        #                                                  setups, p.usesymm)

        self.ibzk_kc = bzk_kc.copy() # don't use symmetry reduction of kpoints
        self.nibzkpts = len(self.ibzk_kc)
        self.ibzk_kv = kpoint_convert(cell_cv, skpts_kc=self.ibzk_kc)

        # Parse parallelization parameters and create suitable communicators.
        #parsize, parsize_bands = create_parsize_minbands(self.nbands, world.size)
        parsize, parsize_bands = world.size//gcd(world.size, self.nibzkpts), 1
        assert self.nbands % np.prod(parsize_bands) == 0
        domain_comm, kpt_comm, band_comm = distribute_cpus(parsize,
            parsize_bands, self.nspins, self.nibzkpts)

        # Set up band descriptor:
        self.bd = BandDescriptor(self.nbands, band_comm)

        # Set up grid descriptor:
        N_c = np.round(np.sum(cell_cv**2, axis=1)**0.5 / self.h)
        N_c += 4-N_c % 4 # makes domain decomposition easier
        self.gd = GridDescriptor(N_c, cell_cv, pbc_c, domain_comm, parsize)
        self.assertEqual(self.gamma, np.all(~self.gd.pbc_c))

        # What to do about kpoints?
        self.kpt_comm = kpt_comm

        if debug and world.rank == 0:
            comm_sizes = tuple([comm.size for comm in [world, self.bd.comm, \
                                                   self.gd.comm, self.kpt_comm]])
            print '%d world, %d band, %d domain, %d kpt' % comm_sizes
예제 #3
파일: helpers.py 프로젝트: eronca/pyscf
def get_bandpath_fcc(ase_atom, npoints=30):
    # Set-up the band-path via special points
    from ase.dft.kpoints import ibz_points, kpoint_convert, get_bandpath
    points = ibz_points['fcc']
    G = points['Gamma']
    X = points['X']
    W = points['W']
    K = points['K']
    L = points['L']
    kpts_reduced, kpath, sp_points = get_bandpath([L, G, X, W, K, G], 
                                                  ase_atom.cell, npoints=npoints)
    kpts_cartes = kpoint_convert(ase_atom.cell, skpts_kc=kpts_reduced)

    return kpts_reduced, kpts_cartes, kpath, sp_points
예제 #4
def get_bandpath_fcc(ase_atom, npoints=30):
    # Set-up the band-path via special points
    from ase.dft.kpoints import ibz_points, kpoint_convert, get_bandpath
    points = ibz_points['fcc']
    G = points['Gamma']
    X = points['X']
    W = points['W']
    K = points['K']
    L = points['L']
    kpts_reduced, kpath, sp_points = get_bandpath([L, G, X, W, K, G], 
                                                  ase_atom.cell, npoints=npoints)
    kpts_cartes = kpoint_convert(ase_atom.cell, skpts_kc=kpts_reduced)

    return kpts_reduced, kpts_cartes, kpath, sp_points
예제 #5
파일: helpers.py 프로젝트: berquist/pyscf
def get_bandpath_fcc(ase_atom, npoints=30):
    # Set-up the band-path via special points
    from ase.dft.kpoints import ibz_points, kpoint_convert, get_bandpath

    points = ibz_points["fcc"]
    G = points["Gamma"]
    X = points["X"]
    W = points["W"]
    K = points["K"]
    L = points["L"]
    kpts_reduced, kpath, sp_points = get_bandpath([L, G, X, W, K, G], ase_atom.cell, npoints=npoints)
    kpts_cartes = kpoint_convert(ase_atom.cell, skpts_kc=kpts_reduced)

    return kpts_reduced, kpts_cartes, kpath, sp_points
예제 #6
    def get_bandpath_as_aims_strings(self, pbc=[True, True, True]):
        """This function sets up the band path according to Setyawan-Curtarolo conventions.

            list: List of strings containing the k-path sections.
        from ase.dft.kpoints import parse_path_string, kpoint_convert

        atoms = self.structure.atoms
        atoms.pbc = pbc
        path = parse_path_string(
        # list Of lists of path segments
        points = atoms.cell.get_bravais_lattice(
        segments = []
        for seg in path:
            section = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(seg[:-1], seg[1:])]
        output_bands = []
        index = 1
        for seg in segments:
                "## Brillouin Zone section Nr. {:d}\n".format(index))
            for sec in seg:
                dist = np.array(points[sec[1]]) - np.array(points[sec[0]])
                length = np.linalg.norm(
                    kpoint_convert(atoms.cell, skpts_kc=dist))
                npoints = np.int_(np.round(np.asarray(length) * 20))
                vec1 = "{:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f}".format(*points[sec[0]])
                vec2 = "{:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f}".format(*points[sec[1]])
                    "{vec1} \t {vec2} \t {npoints} \t {label1} {label2}".
            index += 1
        return output_bands
예제 #7
def read_pw_out(fileobj, index=-1, results_required=True):
    """Reads Quantum ESPRESSO output files.

    The atomistic configurations as well as results (energy, force, stress,
    magnetic moments) of the calculation are read for all configurations
    within the output file.

    Will probably raise errors for broken or incomplete files.

    fileobj : file|str
        A file like object or filename
    index : slice
        The index of configurations to extract.
    results_required : bool
        If True, atomistic configurations that do not have any
        associated results will not be included. This prevents double
        printed configurations and incomplete calculations from being
        returned as the final configuration with no results data.

    structure : Atoms
        The next structure from the index slice. The Atoms has a
        SinglePointCalculator attached with any results parsed from
        the file.

    if isinstance(fileobj, str):
        fileobj = open(fileobj, 'rU')

    # work with a copy in memory for faster random access
    pwo_lines = fileobj.readlines()

    # TODO: index -1 special case?
    # Index all the interesting points
    indexes = {
        _PW_START: [],
        _PW_END: [],
        _PW_CELL: [],
        _PW_POS: [],
        _PW_MAGMOM: [],
        _PW_FORCE: [],
        _PW_TOTEN: [],
        _PW_STRESS: [],
        _PW_FERMI: [],
        _PW_KPTS: [],
        _PW_BANDS: [],
        _PW_BANDSTRUCTURE: [],
        _PW_NITER: [],
        _PW_DONE: [],
        _PW_WALLTIME: []

    for idx, line in enumerate(pwo_lines):
        for identifier in indexes:
            if identifier in line:

    # Configurations are either at the start, or defined in ATOMIC_POSITIONS
    # in a subsequent step. Can deal with concatenated output files.
    all_config_indexes = sorted(indexes[_PW_START] + indexes[_PW_POS])

    # Slice only requested indexes
    # setting results_required argument stops configuration-only
    # structures from being returned. This ensures the [-1] structure
    # is one that has results. Two cases:
    # - SCF of last configuration is not converged, job terminated
    #   abnormally.
    # - 'relax' and 'vc-relax' re-prints the final configuration but
    #   only 'vc-relax' recalculates.
    if results_required:
        results_indexes = sorted(indexes[_PW_TOTEN] + indexes[_PW_FORCE] +
                                 indexes[_PW_STRESS] + indexes[_PW_MAGMOM] +
                                 indexes[_PW_BANDS] +
                                 indexes[_PW_ELECTROSTATIC_EMBEDDING] +

        # Prune to only configurations with results data before the next
        # configuration
        results_config_indexes = []
        for config_index, config_index_next in zip(
                all_config_indexes, all_config_indexes[1:] + [len(pwo_lines)]):
            if any([
                    config_index < results_index < config_index_next
                    for results_index in results_indexes

        # slice from the subset
        image_indexes = results_config_indexes[index]
        image_indexes = all_config_indexes[index]

    # Extract initialisation information each time PWSCF starts
    # to add to subsequent configurations. Use None so slices know
    # when to fill in the blanks.
    pwscf_start_info = dict((idx, None) for idx in indexes[_PW_START])

    if isinstance(image_indexes, int):
        image_indexes = [image_indexes]

    for image_index in image_indexes:
        # Find the nearest calculation start to parse info. Needed in,
        # for example, relaxation where cell is only printed at the
        # start.
        if image_index in indexes[_PW_START]:
            prev_start_index = image_index
            # The greatest start index before this structure
            prev_start_index = [
                idx for idx in indexes[_PW_START] if idx < image_index

        # add structure to reference if not there
        if pwscf_start_info[prev_start_index] is None:
            pwscf_start_info[prev_start_index] = parse_pwo_start(
                pwo_lines, prev_start_index)

        # Get the bounds for information for this structure. Any associated
        # values will be between the image_index and the following one,
        # EXCEPT for cell, which will be 4 lines before if it exists.
        for next_index in all_config_indexes:
            if next_index > image_index:
            # right to the end of the file
            next_index = len(pwo_lines)

        # Get the structure
        # Use this for any missing data
        prev_structure = pwscf_start_info[prev_start_index]['atoms']
        if image_index in indexes[_PW_START]:
            structure = prev_structure.copy()  # parsed from start info
            if _PW_CELL in pwo_lines[image_index - 5]:
                # CELL_PARAMETERS would be just before positions if present
                cell, cell_alat = get_cell_parameters(pwo_lines[image_index -
                cell = prev_structure.cell
                cell_alat = pwscf_start_info[prev_start_index]['alat']

            # give at least enough lines to parse the positions
            # should be same format as input card
            n_atoms = len(prev_structure)
            positions_card = get_atomic_positions(
                pwo_lines[image_index:image_index + n_atoms + 1],

            # convert to Atoms object
            symbols = [
                label_to_symbol(position[0]) for position in positions_card
            tags = [label_to_tag(position[0]) for position in positions_card]
            positions = [position[1] for position in positions_card]

            constraint_idx = [position[2] for position in positions_card]
            constraint = get_constraint(constraint_idx)

            structure = Atoms(symbols=symbols,

        # Extract calculation results
        # Energy
        energy = None
        for energy_index in indexes[_PW_TOTEN]:
            if image_index < energy_index < next_index:
                energy = float(
                    pwo_lines[energy_index].split()[-2]) * units['Ry']

        # Electrostatic enbedding energy
        elec_embedding_energy = None
        for eee_index in indexes[_PW_ELECTROSTATIC_EMBEDDING]:
            if image_index < eee_index < next_index:
                elec_embedding_energy = float(
                    pwo_lines[eee_index].split()[-2]) * units['Ry']

        # Number of iterations
        n_iterations = None
        for niter_index in indexes[_PW_NITER]:
            if image_index < niter_index < next_index:
                n_iterations = int(

        # Forces
        forces = None
        for force_index in indexes[_PW_FORCE]:
            if image_index < force_index < next_index:
                # Before QE 5.3 'negative rho' added 2 lines before forces
                # Use exact lines to stop before 'non-local' forces
                # in high verbosity
                if not pwo_lines[force_index + 2].strip():
                    force_index += 4
                    force_index += 2
                # assume contiguous
                forces = [[float(x) for x in force_line.split()[-3:]]
                          for force_line in pwo_lines[force_index:force_index +
                forces = np.array(forces) * units['Ry'] / units['Bohr']

        # Stress
        stress = None
        for stress_index in indexes[_PW_STRESS]:
            if image_index < stress_index < next_index:
                sxx, sxy, sxz = pwo_lines[stress_index + 1].split()[:3]
                _, syy, syz = pwo_lines[stress_index + 2].split()[:3]
                _, _, szz = pwo_lines[stress_index + 3].split()[:3]
                stress = np.array([sxx, syy, szz, syz, sxz, sxy], dtype=float)
                # sign convention is opposite of ase
                stress *= -1 * units['Ry'] / (units['Bohr']**3)

        # Magmoms
        magmoms = None
        for magmoms_index in indexes[_PW_MAGMOM]:
            if image_index < magmoms_index < next_index:
                magmoms = [
                    for mag_line in pwo_lines[magmoms_index + 1:magmoms_index +
                                              1 + len(structure)]

        # Fermi level / highest occupied level and lowest unoccupied level
        efermi = None
        lumo_ene = None
        for fermi_index in indexes[_PW_FERMI]:
            if image_index < fermi_index < next_index:
                efermi = float(pwo_lines[fermi_index].split()[-2])

        if efermi is None:
            for ho_index in indexes[_PW_HIGHEST_OCCUPIED]:
                if image_index < ho_index < next_index:
                    efermi = float(pwo_lines[ho_index].split()[-1])

        if efermi is None:
            for holf_index in indexes[_PW_HIGHEST_OCCUPIED_LOWEST_FREE]:
                if image_index < holf_index < next_index:
                    efermi = float(pwo_lines[holf_index].split()[-2])
                    lumo_ene = float(pwo_lines[holf_index].split()[-1])

        # K-points
        ibzkpts = None
        weights = None
        kpoints_warning = "Number of k-points >= 100: " + \
                          "set verbosity='high' to print them."

        for kpts_index in indexes[_PW_KPTS]:
            nkpts = int(pwo_lines[kpts_index].split()[4])
            kpts_index += 2

            if pwo_lines[kpts_index].strip() == kpoints_warning:

            # QE prints the k-points in units of 2*pi/alat
            # with alat defined as the length of the first
            # cell vector
            cell = structure.get_cell()
            alat = np.linalg.norm(cell[0])
            ibzkpts = []
            weights = []
            for i in range(nkpts):
                L = pwo_lines[kpts_index + i].split()
                coord = np.array([L[-6], L[-5], L[-4].strip('),')],
                coord *= 2 * np.pi / alat
                coord = kpoint_convert(cell, ckpts_kv=coord)
            ibzkpts = np.array(ibzkpts)
            weights = np.array(weights)

        # Bands
        kpts = None
        kpoints_warning = "Number of k-points >= 100: " + \
                          "set verbosity='high' to print the bands."

        for bands_index in indexes[_PW_BANDS] + indexes[_PW_BANDSTRUCTURE]:
            if image_index < bands_index < next_index:
                bands_index += 2

                if pwo_lines[bands_index].strip() == kpoints_warning:

                assert ibzkpts is not None
                spin, bands, eigenvalues = 0, [], [[], []]

                while True:
                    L = pwo_lines[bands_index].replace('-', ' -').split()
                    if len(L) == 0:
                        if len(bands) > 0:
                            bands = []
                    elif L == ['occupation', 'numbers']:
                        # Skip the lines with the occupation numbers
                        bands_index += len(eigenvalues[spin][0]) // 8 + 1
                    elif L[0] == 'k' and L[1].startswith('='):
                    elif 'SPIN' in L:
                        if 'DOWN' in L:
                            spin += 1
                            bands.extend(map(float, L))
                        except ValueError:
                    bands_index += 1

                if spin == 1:
                    assert len(eigenvalues[0]) == len(eigenvalues[1])
                # assert len(eigenvalues[0]) == len(ibzkpts), \
                #     (np.shape(eigenvalues), len(ibzkpts))

                kpts = []
                for s in range(spin + 1):
                    for w, k, e in zip(weights, ibzkpts, eigenvalues[s]):
                        kpt = SinglePointKPoint(w, s, k, eps_n=e)

        # Convergence
        job_done = False
        for done_index in indexes[_PW_DONE]:
            if image_index < done_index < next_index:
                job_done = True

        # Walltime
        walltime = None
        for wt_index in indexes[_PW_WALLTIME]:
            if image_index < wt_index < next_index:
                walltime = time_to_float(pwo_lines[wt_index].split()[-2])

        # Put everything together
        calc = SinglePointDFTCalculator(structure,
        calc.results['homo_energy'] = efermi
        calc.results['lumo_energy'] = lumo_ene
        calc.results['electrostatic embedding'] = elec_embedding_energy
        calc.results['iterations'] = n_iterations
        calc.results['job done'] = job_done
        calc.results['walltime'] = walltime

        calc.kpts = kpts
        structure.calc = calc

        yield structure
예제 #8
def plot_bands(scftype, basis, ngs, nmp=None):
    # Set-up the unit cell
    from ase.lattice import bulk
    from ase.dft.kpoints import ibz_points, kpoint_convert, get_bandpath
    ase_atom = bulk('C', 'diamond', a=3.5668*ANG2BOHR)
    print "Cell volume =", ase_atom.get_volume(), "Bohr^3"

    # Set-up the band-path via special points
    points = ibz_points['fcc']
    G = points['Gamma']
    X = points['X']
    W = points['W']
    K = points['K']
    L = points['L']
    band_kpts, x, X = get_bandpath([L, G, X, W, K, G], ase_atom.cell, npoints=30)
    abs_kpts = kpoint_convert(ase_atom.cell, skpts_kc=band_kpts) 

    # Build the cell
    cell = pbcgto.Cell()
    cell.unit = 'B'
    cell.atom = pyscf_ase.ase_atoms_to_pyscf(ase_atom)
    cell.h = ase_atom.cell
    cell.basis = 'gth-%s'%(basis)
    #cell.basis = 'gth-szv'
    #cell.basis = 'gth-dzvp'
    cell.pseudo = 'gth-pade'
    cell.gs = np.array([ngs,ngs,ngs])
    cell.verbose = 7

    # Perform the gamma-point SCF
    if scftype == 'dft':
        mf = pbcdft.RKS(cell)
        mf.xc = 'lda,vwn'
    elif scftype == 'hf':
        mf = pbchf.RHF(cell, exxdiv=None)
        scaled_mp_kpts = ase.dft.kpoints.monkhorst_pack((nmp,nmp,nmp))
        abs_mp_kpts = cell.get_abs_kpts(scaled_mp_kpts)
        if scftype == 'kdft':
            mf = pbcdft.KRKS(cell, abs_mp_kpts)
            mf.xc = 'lda,vwn'
            mf = pbchf.KRHF(cell, abs_mp_kpts, exxdiv='vcut_sph')

    mf.analytic_int = False
    print "SCF evals =", mf.mo_energy

    # Proceed along k-point band-path
    e_kn = []
    efermi = -99
    for kpt in abs_kpts:
        e, c = mf.get_bands(kpt)
        print kpt, e
        if e[4-1] > efermi:
            efermi = e[4-1]
    for k, ek in enumerate(e_kn):
        e_kn[k] = ek-efermi

    # Write the bands to stdout 
    f = open('bands_%s_%s_%d_%d.dat'%(scftype,basis,ngs,nmp),'w')
    f.write("# Special points:\n")
    for point, label in zip(X,['L', 'G', 'X', 'W', 'K', 'G']):
        f.write("# %0.6f %s\n"%(point,label))
    for kk, ek in zip(x, e_kn):
        f.write("%0.6f "%(kk))
        for ekn in ek:
            f.write("%0.6f "%(ekn))

    # Plot the band structure via matplotlib
    emin = -1.0
    emax = 1.0
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
    nbands = cell.nao_nr()
    for n in range(nbands):
        plt.plot(x, [e_kn[i][n] for i in range(len(x))])
    for p in X:
        plt.plot([p, p], [emin, emax], 'k-')
    plt.plot([0, X[-1]], [0, 0], 'k-')
    plt.xticks(X, ['$%s$' % n for n in ['L', r'\Gamma', 'X', 'W', 'K', r'\Gamma']])
    plt.axis(xmin=0, xmax=X[-1], ymin=emin, ymax=emax)
    plt.ylabel('Energy [au]')

    if nmp is None: