예제 #1
def test_dummy_write():
    # This writer does not write anything but needs
    # to be able to do the dummy actions
    with DummyWriter() as w:
        w.write(a=1, b=2)
        w.add_array('psi', (1, 2))
        w.fill(np.ones((1, 2)))
        with w.child('child') as w2:
        assert len(w) == 0
예제 #2
 def _open(self, filename, mode):
     from ase.io.ulm import ulmopen, DummyWriter
     if mode not in 'aw':
         raise ValueError('mode must be "w" or "a".')
     if self.master:
         self.backend = ulmopen(filename, mode, tag='ASE-Trajectory')
         if len(self.backend) > 0:
             r = ulmopen(filename)
             self.numbers = r.numbers
             self.pbc = r.pbc
         self.backend = DummyWriter()
예제 #3
class TrajectoryWriter:
    """Writes Atoms objects to a .traj file."""
    def __init__(self, filename, mode='w', atoms=None, properties=None,
                 extra=[], master=None):
        """A Trajectory writer, in write or append mode.


        filename: str
            The name of the file.  Traditionally ends in .traj.
        mode: str
            The mode.  'r' is read mode, the file should already exist, and
            no atoms argument should be specified.
            'w' is write mode.  The atoms argument specifies the Atoms
            object to be written to the file, if not given it must instead
            be given as an argument to the write() method.
            'a' is append mode.  It acts as write mode, except that
            data is appended to a preexisting file.
        atoms: Atoms object
            The Atoms object to be written in write or append mode.
        properties: list of str
            If specified, these calculator properties are saved in the
            trajectory.  If not specified, all supported quantities are
            saved.  Possible values: energy, forces, stress, dipole,
            charges, magmom and magmoms.
        master: bool
            Controls which process does the actual writing. The
            default is that process number 0 does this.  If this
            argument is given, processes where it is True will write.
        if master is None:
            master = (world.rank == 0)
        self.master = master
        self.atoms = atoms
        self.properties = properties

        self.description = {}
        self.numbers = None
        self.pbc = None
        self.masses = None
        self._open(filename, mode)

    def set_description(self, description):

    def _open(self, filename, mode):
        from ase.io.ulm import ulmopen, DummyWriter
        if mode not in 'aw':
            raise ValueError('mode must be "w" or "a".')
        if self.master:
            self.backend = ulmopen(filename, mode, tag='ASE-Trajectory')
            if len(self.backend) > 0:
                r = ulmopen(filename)
                self.numbers = r.numbers
                self.pbc = r.pbc
            self.backend = DummyWriter()

    def write(self, atoms=None, **kwargs):
        """Write the atoms to the file.

        If the atoms argument is not given, the atoms object specified
        when creating the trajectory object is used.

        Use keyword arguments to add extra properties::

            writer.write(atoms, energy=117, dipole=[0, 0, 1.0])
        b = self.backend

        if atoms is None:
            atoms = self.atoms

        if hasattr(atoms, 'interpolate'):
            # seems to be a NEB
            neb = atoms
            assert not neb.parallel or world.size == 1
            for image in neb.images:
        while hasattr(atoms, 'atoms_for_saving'):
            # Seems to be a Filter or similar, instructing us to
            # save the original atoms.
            atoms = atoms.atoms_for_saving

        if len(b) == 0:
            b.write(version=1, ase_version=__version__)
            if self.description:
            # Atomic numbers and periodic boundary conditions are only
            # written once - in the header.  Store them here so that we can
            # check that they are the same for all images:
            self.numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
            self.pbc = atoms.get_pbc()
            if (atoms.pbc != self.pbc).any():
                raise ValueError('Bad periodic boundary conditions!')
            elif len(atoms) != len(self.numbers):
                raise ValueError('Bad number of atoms!')
            elif (atoms.numbers != self.numbers).any():
                raise ValueError('Bad atomic numbers!')

        write_atoms(b, atoms, write_header=(len(b) == 0))

        calc = atoms.get_calculator()

        if calc is None and len(kwargs) > 0:
            calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms)

        if calc is not None:
            if not hasattr(calc, 'get_property'):
                calc = OldCalculatorWrapper(calc)
            c = b.child('calculator')
            if hasattr(calc, 'todict'):
                d = calc.todict()
                if d:
            for prop in all_properties:
                if prop in kwargs:
                    x = kwargs[prop]
                    if self.properties is not None:
                        if prop in self.properties:
                            x = calc.get_property(prop, atoms)
                            x = None
                            x = calc.get_property(prop, atoms,
                        except (PropertyNotImplementedError, KeyError):
                            # KeyError is needed for Jacapo.
                            x = None
                if x is not None:
                    if prop in ['stress', 'dipole']:
                        x = x.tolist()
                    c.write(prop, x)

        info = {}
        for key, value in atoms.info.items():
            except TypeError:
                warnings.warn('Skipping "{0}" info.'.format(key))
                info[key] = value
        if info:


    def close(self):
        """Close the trajectory file."""

    def __len__(self):
        return world.sum(len(self.backend))