"image/bmp": 'bmp',
    "image/gif": 'gif',
    "image/jpeg": 'jpeg',
    "image/pjpeg": 'pjpeg',
    "image/png": 'png',
    "image/x-png": 'png',
    "text/html": 'html',
    "text/java": 'java',
    "text/plain": 'txt',
    "text/x-java": 'java',
    "text/x-java-source": 'java',
    "text/x-log": 'log',
    "text/xml": 'xml'

jive = JiveConverter()

def parse_date(date_str):
    return datetime.strptime(date_str[:-8], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')

def fix_internal_links_in_post(post):
    """will replace old internal urls with the new ones."""

    def link_is_naked(match):
        """naked link either starts at the beginning of string
        or is not inside the jive link construct: [...]"""
        pos = match.start()
        # the second test is rather naive as it assumes that a
        # | will be preceded by something like [some link
        # which we don't test here
        return pos < 2 or post.text[pos-2] not in ('[', '|')
예제 #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.converter = JiveConverter()
예제 #3
 def setUp(self):
     self.converter = JiveConverter()
예제 #4
class JiveTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.converter = JiveConverter()

    def convert(self, text):
        return self.converter.convert(text)

    def test_headings(self):
        text = """
h1. Heading1
blah blah
h2. Heading 2
blah blah
h3. Heading 3
blah blah
        expected = """<h1>Heading1</h1>
<p>blah blah</p>
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<p>blah blah</p>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<p>blah blah</p>"""
        output = self.convert(text)
        self.assertEqual(output, expected)

    def test_horizontal_rules(self):
        text = """
some text
        expected = "<hr/>\n<p>some text</p>"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_list1(self):
        text = """
* one
* two
* three
        expected = """<ul>
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_list2(self):
        text = """
# one
# two
# three
        expected = """<ol>
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_list3(self):
        text = """
* one
** two
* three
        expected = """<ul>
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq1(self):
        text = """
bq. two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq2(self):
        text = """{quote}
two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq3(self):
        text = """[quote=alex]
two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><span class="quote-header">alex wrote:</span><br/>
<p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq4(self):
        text = """[quote=alex]
two plus two equals four

two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><span class="quote-header">alex wrote:</span><br/>
<p>two plus two equals four</p>
<p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq5(self):
        text = """> {quote:title=alex wrote:}{quote}
> two plus two equals four
> two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><span class="quote-header">alex wrote:</span><br/>
<p>two plus two equals four</p>
<p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_code0(self):
        text = """something {code}#comment _haha_ http://example.com {code}"""
        expected = """<p>something</p>
<pre><code>#comment _haha_ http://example.com </code></pre>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_code1(self):
        text = """something {code:html}#comment _haha_ http://example.com {code}"""
        expected = """<p>something</p>
<pre><code>#comment _haha_ http://example.com </code></pre>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_links1(self):
        text = """[url]http://example.com/2[/url] blah
http://example.com/1 blah
[link text3|http://example.com/3|tooltip text3] blah2 
[link text4|http://example.com/4|tooltip text4]
[[email protected]]
        expected = """<p><a href="http://example.com/2">http://example.com/2</a> blah<br/>
<a href="http://example.com/1">http://example.com/1</a> blah<br/>
<a href="http://example.com/3" title="tooltip text3">link text3</a> blah2 <br/>
<a href="http://example.com/4" title="tooltip text4">link text4</a><br/>
<img src="http://example.com/img.png"/><br/>
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br/>
<a href="/some/file/">/some/file/</a></p>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bold(self):
        text = "*some text*"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), "<p><strong>some text</strong></p>")

    def test_italics(self):
        text = "+some text+"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), "<p><em>some text</em></p>")

    def test_underline(self):
        text = "_some text_"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), '<p><span class="underline">some text</span></p>')

    def test_super(self):
        text = "e = mc^2^"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), "<p>e = mc<sup>2</sup></p>")

    def test_sub(self):
        text = "e~1~"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), "<p>e<sub>1</sub></p>")

    def test_strike(self):
        text = "--A--"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), "<p><strike>A</strike></p>")

    def test_leading_spaces(self):
        """test lazy copy-pasted code"""
        text = """
function() {
        expected = """<p>function() {<br/>
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_fancy(self):
        text = """
h1. Once [upon|http://example.com] a *time*
There was a queen who said:
I _find_ *this* interesting

{code}e = mc^2;{code}

As you said:

# one
# two
# *three*
# [four|http://example.com/four|item four]
# *five*, --six--, +seven+, _eight_
h2. Another time
Nothing happened.
        expected = """<h1>Once <a href="http://example.com">upon</a> a <strong>time</strong></h1>
<p>There was a queen who said:</p>
<blockquote><p>I <span class="underline">find</span> <strong>this</strong> interesting</p>
<pre><code>e = mc^2;</code></pre>
<p>As you said:</p>
<li><a href="http://example.com/four" title="item four">four</a></li>
<li><strong>five</strong>, <strike>six</strike>, <em>seven</em>, <span class="underline">eight</span></li>
<h2>Another time</h2>
<p>Nothing happened.</p>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_internal_link_re(self):
        self.assertTrue(link_re.search("soasao /message.jspa?messageID=8477 a"))
예제 #5
class JiveTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.converter = JiveConverter()

    def convert(self, text):
        return self.converter.convert(text)

    def test_headings(self):
        text = """
h1. Heading1
blah blah
h2. Heading 2
blah blah
h3. Heading 3
blah blah
        expected = """<h1>Heading1</h1>
<p>blah blah</p>
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<p>blah blah</p>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<p>blah blah</p>"""
        output = self.convert(text)
        self.assertEqual(output, expected)

    def test_horizontal_rules(self):
        text = """
some text
        expected = '<hr/>\n<p>some text</p>'
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_list1(self):
        text = """
* one
* two
* three
        expected = """<ul>
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_list2(self):
        text = """
# one
# two
# three
        expected = """<ol>
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_list3(self):
        text = """
* one
** two
* three
        expected = """<ul>
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq1(self):
        text = """
bq. two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq2(self):
        text = """{quote}
two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq3(self):
        text = """[quote=alex]
two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><span class="quote-header">alex wrote:</span><br/>
<p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq4(self):
        text = """[quote=alex]
two plus two equals four

two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><span class="quote-header">alex wrote:</span><br/>
<p>two plus two equals four</p>
<p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bq5(self):
        text = """> {quote:title=alex wrote:}{quote}
> two plus two equals four
> two plus two equals four
        expected = """<blockquote><span class="quote-header">alex wrote:</span><br/>
<p>two plus two equals four</p>
<p>two plus two equals four</p></blockquote>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_code0(self):
        text = """something {code}#comment _haha_ http://example.com {code}"""
        expected = """<p>something</p>
<pre><code>#comment _haha_ http://example.com </code></pre>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_code1(self):
        text = """something {code:html}#comment _haha_ http://example.com {code}"""
        expected = """<p>something</p>
<pre><code>#comment _haha_ http://example.com </code></pre>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_links1(self):
        text = """[url]http://example.com/2[/url] blah
http://example.com/1 blah
[link text3|http://example.com/3|tooltip text3] blah2 
[link text4|http://example.com/4|tooltip text4]
[[email protected]]
        expected = """<p><a href="http://example.com/2">http://example.com/2</a> blah<br/>
<a href="http://example.com/1">http://example.com/1</a> blah<br/>
<a href="http://example.com/3" title="tooltip text3">link text3</a> blah2 <br/>
<a href="http://example.com/4" title="tooltip text4">link text4</a><br/>
<img src="http://example.com/img.png"/><br/>
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br/>
<a href="/some/file/">/some/file/</a></p>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_bold(self):
        text = "*some text*"
                         '<p><strong>some text</strong></p>')

    def test_italics(self):
        text = "+some text+"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), '<p><em>some text</em></p>')

    def test_underline(self):
        text = "_some text_"
                         '<p><span class="underline">some text</span></p>')

    def test_super(self):
        text = "e = mc^2^"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), '<p>e = mc<sup>2</sup></p>')

    def test_sub(self):
        text = "e~1~"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), '<p>e<sub>1</sub></p>')

    def test_strike(self):
        text = "--A--"
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), '<p><strike>A</strike></p>')

    def test_leading_spaces(self):
        """test lazy copy-pasted code"""
        text = """
function() {
        expected = """<p>function() {<br/>
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_fancy(self):
        text = """
h1. Once [upon|http://example.com] a *time*
There was a queen who said:
I _find_ *this* interesting

{code}e = mc^2;{code}

As you said:

# one
# two
# *three*
# [four|http://example.com/four|item four]
# *five*, --six--, +seven+, _eight_
h2. Another time
Nothing happened.
        expected = """<h1>Once <a href="http://example.com">upon</a> a <strong>time</strong></h1>
<p>There was a queen who said:</p>
<blockquote><p>I <span class="underline">find</span> <strong>this</strong> interesting</p>
<pre><code>e = mc^2;</code></pre>
<p>As you said:</p>
<li><a href="http://example.com/four" title="item four">four</a></li>
<li><strong>five</strong>, <strike>six</strike>, <em>seven</em>, <span class="underline">eight</span></li>
<h2>Another time</h2>
<p>Nothing happened.</p>"""
        self.assertEqual(self.convert(text), expected)

    def test_internal_link_re(self):
            link_re.search('soasao /message.jspa?messageID=8477 a'))