예제 #1
파일: shelterbuddy.py 프로젝트: magul/asm3
    comments += "\nCircumstance: " + row["circumstance"]
    a.HiddenAnimalDetails = comments
    a.AnimalComments = getsbnotes(row["AnimalID"])
    if row["euthanasiaType"] != "0":
        a.Archived = 1
        a.DeceasedDate = a.DateBroughtIn
        a.PutToSleep = 1
        a.PTSReasonID = 4
    if row["crueltyCase"] == "TRUE":
        a.CrueltyCase = 1
    a.LastChangedDate = getdate(row["AddDateTime"])
    # Do we have a default image for this animal in the images folder and document table?
    if documents.has_key(row["AnimalID"]):
        imagedata = asm.load_image_from_file(documents[row["AnimalID"]])
        if imagedata is not None:
            asm.animal_image(a.ID, imagedata)

# tblperson.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblperson.csv"):
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[row["recnum"]] = o
    o.OwnerTitle = row["Title"]
    o.OwnerForeNames = row["FirstName"]
    o.OwnerSurname = row["LastName"]
    o.OwnerName = o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
    o.HomeTelephone = row["dep_HomePhone"]
    o.WorkTelephone = row["dep_WorkPhone"]
    o.MobileTelephone = row["dep_MobilePhone"]
    if addresses.has_key(row["physicalAddress"].strip()):
        a = addresses[row["physicalAddress"].strip()]
예제 #2
    if row["STATUS"] == 2:
        a.DeceasedDate = a.DateBroughtIn
        a.PTSReasonID = 2  # Died
    # Does this animal have an image? If so, add media/dbfs entries for it
        imdata = None
        if os.path.exists(PATH + "/images/%s.jpg" % row["ANIMALKEY"]):
            f = open(PATH + "/images/%s.jpg" % row["ANIMALKEY"], "rb")
            imdata = f.read()
        elif os.path.exists(PATH + "/images/%s.JPG" % row["ANIMALKEY"]):
            f = open(PATH + "/images/%s.JPG" % row["ANIMALKEY"], "rb")
            imdata = f.read()
        if imdata is not None:
            asm.animal_image(a.ID, imdata)

# Vaccinations
    for row in cvacc:
        if not ppa.has_key(row["ANIMALKEY"]): continue
        a = ppa[row["ANIMALKEY"]]
        # Each row contains a vaccination
        av = asm.AnimalVaccination()
        vaccdate = row["VACCEFFECT"]
        if vaccdate is None:
            vaccdate = a.DateBroughtIn
        av.AnimalID = a.ID
        av.VaccinationID = 8
        if row["VACCTYPE"].find("DHLPP") != -1: av.VaccinationID = 8
예제 #3
    if row["STATUS"] == 2:
        a.DeceasedDate = a.DateBroughtIn
        a.PTSReasonID = 2  # Died
    # Does this animal have an image? If so, add media/dbfs entries for it
        imdata = None
        if os.path.exists(PATH + "/images/%s.jpg" % row["ANIMALKEY"]):
            f = open(PATH + "/images/%s.jpg" % row["ANIMALKEY"], "rb")
            imdata = f.read()
        elif os.path.exists(PATH + "/images/%s.JPG" % row["ANIMALKEY"]):
            f = open(PATH + "/images/%s.JPG" % row["ANIMALKEY"], "rb")
            imdata = f.read()
        if imdata is not None:
            asm.animal_image(a.ID, imdata)

# Vaccinations
    for row in cvacc:
        if row["ANIMALKEY"] not in ppa: continue
        a = ppa[row["ANIMALKEY"]]
        # Each row contains a vaccination
        av = asm.AnimalVaccination()
        vaccdate = getdate(row["VACCEFFECTIVEDATE"])
        if vaccdate is None:
            vaccdate = a.DateBroughtIn
        av.AnimalID = a.ID
        av.VaccinationID = 8
        if row["VACCTYPE"].find("DHLPP") != -1: av.VaccinationID = 8
예제 #4
        a.DeceasedDate = dd
        a.Archived = 1
    elif di.startswith("Euthanized"):
        a.PutToSleep = 1
        a.PTSReasonID = 2
        a.DeceasedDate = dd
        a.Archived = 1

    # Does this animal have an image? If so, add media/dbfs entries for it
        imdata = None
        for i in range(0, 3):
            fname = "%s/%s-%s.jpg" % (PICTURES, a.ShelterCode, i)
            if os.path.exists(fname):
                with open(fname, "rb") as f:
                    asm.animal_image(a.ID, f.read())

# Run back through the animals, if we have any that are still
# on shelter after 1 year, add an adoption to an unknown owner
# asm.adopt_older_than(animals, movements, uo.ID, 365)

# Now that everything else is done, output stored records
for a in animals:
    print a
for o in owners:
    print o
for m in movements:
    print m

asm.stderr_summary(animals=animals, owners=owners, movements=movements)
예제 #5
파일: multiops.py 프로젝트: Reeco2014/asm3
    comments = "Original breed: " + breed1 + "/" + breed2
    comments += ", Color: " + color1 + "/" + color2
    comments += ", Status: " + status
    comments += ", Area: " + location + ", Pen: " + pen
    a.HiddenAnimalDetails = comments
    # All animals are non-shelter until we find them in the intake list
    a.NonShelterAnimal = 1
    a.Archived = 1

# Read and store images
asm.stderr("Process images")
for row in canimalimages:
    if not ppa.has_key(row["tblAnimalsID"]): continue
    a = ppa[row["tblAnimalsID"]]
        asm.load_image_from_file("%s/images/%s" %
                                 (PATH, row["ImageFilename"])))

# microchips, animal codes and document ids
asm.stderr("Process animal ID numbers")
for row in canimalids:
    if not ppa.has_key(row["tblAnimalsID"]): continue
    a = ppa[row["tblAnimalsID"]]
    # TODO: These can be customer specific, but appear to be default/fixed 2 == microchip
    if row["sysAnimalIDTypesID"] == "2":
        a.IdentichipNumber = row["Code"]
        a.Identichipped = 1
        a.IdentichipDate = asm.getdate_mmddyy(row["LastUpdate"])
    # 10 = police document id
    if row["sysAnimalIDTypesID"] == "10":
        asm.additional_field("DocumentID", 0, a.ID, row["Code"])
예제 #6
파일: multiops.py 프로젝트: magul/asm3
    if row["sysAnimalStatusChoicesID"] == "15":
        a.DeceasedDate = a.DateBroughtIn
        a.PutToSleep = 0
        a.PTSReasonID = 2
        a.Archived = 1
    comments = "Original breed: " + breed1 + "/" + breed2
    comments += ", Color: " + color1 + "/" + color2
    comments += ", Status: " + status
    comments += ", Area: " + location + ", Pen: " + pen
    a.HiddenAnimalDetails = comments

# Read and store images
for row in canimalimages:
    if not ppa.has_key(row["tblAnimalsID"]): continue
    a = ppa[row["tblAnimalsID"]]
    asm.animal_image(a.ID, asm.load_image_from_file("%s/images/%s" % (PATH, row["ImageFilename"])))

# microchips, animal codes and document ids
for row in canimalids:
    if not ppa.has_key(row["tblAnimalsID"]): continue
    a = ppa[row["tblAnimalsID"]]
    # TODO: These are customer specific. 2 == microchip
    if row["sysAnimalIDTypesID"] == "2":
        a.IdentichipNumber = row["Code"]
        a.Identichipped = 1
        a.IdentichipDate = asm.getdate_mmddyy(row["LastUpdate"])
    # 10 = police document id
    if row["sysAnimalIDTypesID"] == "10":
        asm.additional_field("DocumentID", 0, a.ID, row["Code"])
    # 21 = jcas animal code
    if row["sysAnimalIDTypesID"] == "21" and row["Code"].strip() != "":