예제 #1
    def compute_kernel(self):
        _2L = 2 * self.L
        kernel = np.zeros((_2L, _2L, _2L), dtype=self.as_type)
        filters_f = self.src.filters.evaluate_grid(self.L)
        sq_filters_f = np.array(filters_f ** 2, dtype=self.as_type)

        for i in range(0, self.n, self.batch_size):
            pts_rot = rotated_grids(self.L, self.src.rots[:, :, i:i+self.batch_size])
            weights = sq_filters_f[:, :, self.src.filters.indices[i:i+self.batch_size]]
            weights *= self.src.amplitudes[i:i+self.batch_size] ** 2

            if self.L % 2 == 0:
                weights[0, :, :] = 0
                weights[:, 0, :] = 0

            pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, -1))
            weights = m_flatten(weights)

            kernel += 1 / (self.n * self.L ** 4) * anufft3(weights, pts_rot, (_2L, _2L, _2L), real=True)

        # Ensure symmetric kernel
        kernel[0, :, :] = 0
        kernel[:, 0, :] = 0
        kernel[:, :, 0] = 0

        logger.info('Computing non-centered Fourier Transform')
        kernel = mdim_ifftshift(kernel, range(0, 3))
        kernel_f = fft2(kernel, axes=(0, 1, 2))
        kernel_f = np.real(kernel_f)

        return FourierKernel(kernel_f, centered=False)
예제 #2
def im_backproject(im, rot_matrices):
    Backproject images along rotation
    :param im: An L-by-L-by-n array of images to backproject.
    :param rot_matrices: An 3-by-3-by-n array of rotation matrices corresponding to viewing directions.
    :return: An L-by-L-by-L volumes corresponding to the sum of the backprojected images.
    L, _, n = im.shape
    ensure(L == im.shape[1], "im must be LxLxK")
    ensure(n == rot_matrices.shape[2],
           "No. of rotation matrices must match the number of images")

    pts_rot = rotated_grids(L, rot_matrices)
    pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, -1))

    im_f = centered_fft2(im) / (L**2)
    if L % 2 == 0:
        im_f[0, :, :] = 0
        im_f[:, 0, :] = 0
    im_f = m_flatten(im_f)

    plan = Plan(sz=(L, L, L), fourier_pts=pts_rot)
    vol = np.real(plan.adjoint(im_f)) / L

    return vol
예제 #3
    def evaluate_t(self, v):
        Evaluate coefficient in dual basis
        :param v: The coefficient array to be evaluated. The first dimensions must equal `self.sz`.
        :return: The evaluation of the coefficient array `v` in the dual basis of `basis`.
            This is an array of vectors whose first dimension equals `self.basis_count` and whose remaining dimensions
            correspond to higher dimensions of `v`.
        x, sz_roll = unroll_dim(v, self.d + 1)
        x = m_reshape(x,
                      new_shape=tuple([np.prod(self.sz)] +

        r_idx = self.basis_coords['r_idx']
        ang_idx = self.basis_coords['ang_idx']
        mask = m_flatten(self.basis_coords['mask'])

        ind = 0
        ind_radial = 0
        ind_ang = 0

        v = np.zeros(shape=tuple([self.basis_count] + list(x.shape[1:])))
        for ell in range(0, self.ell_max + 1):
            k_max = self.k_max[ell]
            idx_radial = ind_radial + np.arange(0, k_max)
            nrms = self._norms[idx_radial]
            radial = self._precomp['radial'][:, idx_radial]
            radial = radial / nrms

            sgns = (1, ) if ell == 0 else (1, -1)
            for _ in sgns:
                ang = self._precomp['ang'][:, ind_ang]
                ang_radial = np.expand_dims(ang[ang_idx],
                                            axis=1) * radial[r_idx]
                idx = ind + np.arange(0, k_max)
                v[idx] = ang_radial.T @ x[mask]
                ind += len(idx)
                ind_ang += 1

            ind_radial += len(idx_radial)

        v = roll_dim(v, sz_roll)
        return v
예제 #4
    def evaluate(self, v):
        Evaluate coefficient vector in basis
        :param v: A coefficient vector (or an array of coefficient vectors) to be evaluated.
            The first dimension must equal `self.basis_count`.
        :return: The evaluation of the coefficient vector(s) `v` for this basis.
            This is an array whose first dimensions equal `self.z` and the remaining dimensions correspond to
            dimensions two and higher of `v`.
        v, sz_roll = unroll_dim(v, 2)

        r_idx = self.basis_coords['r_idx']
        ang_idx = self.basis_coords['ang_idx']
        mask = m_flatten(self.basis_coords['mask'])

        ind = 0
        ind_radial = 0
        ind_ang = 0

        x = np.zeros(shape=tuple([np.prod(self.sz)] + list(v.shape[1:])))
        for ell in range(0, self.ell_max + 1):
            k_max = self.k_max[ell]
            idx_radial = ind_radial + np.arange(0, k_max)
            nrms = self._norms[idx_radial]
            radial = self._precomp['radial'][:, idx_radial]
            radial = radial / nrms

            sgns = (1, ) if ell == 0 else (1, -1)
            for _ in sgns:
                ang = self._precomp['ang'][:, ind_ang]
                ang_radial = np.expand_dims(ang[ang_idx],
                                            axis=1) * radial[r_idx]
                idx = ind + np.arange(0, k_max)
                x[mask] += ang_radial @ v[idx]
                ind += len(idx)
                ind_ang += 1

            ind_radial += len(idx_radial)

        x = m_reshape(x, self.sz + x.shape[1:])
        x = roll_dim(x, sz_roll)

        return x
예제 #5
    def precomp(self):
        Precomute the basis functions on a polar Fourier 3D grid.

        Gaussian quadrature points and weights are also generated
        in radical and phi dimensions.
        n_r = int(self.ell_max + 1)
        n_theta = int(2 * self.sz[0])
        n_phi = int(self.ell_max + 1)

        r, wt_r = lgwt(n_r, 0.0, self.c)
        z, wt_z = lgwt(n_phi, -1, 1)
        r = m_reshape(r, (n_r, 1))
        wt_r = m_reshape(wt_r, (n_r, 1))
        z = m_reshape(z, (n_phi, 1))
        wt_z = m_reshape(wt_z, (n_phi, 1))
        phi = np.arccos(z)
        wt_phi = wt_z
        theta = 2 * pi * np.arange(n_theta).T / (2 * n_theta)
        theta = m_reshape(theta, (n_theta, 1))

        # evaluate basis function in the radial dimension
        radial_wtd = np.zeros(shape=(n_r, np.max(self.k_max),
                                     self.ell_max + 1))
        for ell in range(0, self.ell_max + 1):
            k_max_ell = self.k_max[ell]
            rmat = r * self.r0[0:k_max_ell, ell].T / self.c
            radial_ell = np.zeros_like(rmat)
            for ik in range(0, k_max_ell):
                radial_ell[:, ik] = sph_bessel(ell, rmat[:, ik])
            nrm = np.abs(sph_bessel(ell + 1, self.r0[0:k_max_ell, ell].T) / 4)
            radial_ell = radial_ell / nrm
            radial_ell_wtd = r**2 * wt_r * radial_ell
            radial_wtd[:, 0:k_max_ell, ell] = radial_ell_wtd

        # evaluate basis function in the phi dimension
        ang_phi_wtd_even = []
        ang_phi_wtd_odd = []
        for m in range(0, self.ell_max + 1):
            n_even_ell = int(
                np.floor((self.ell_max - m) / 2) + 1 -
                np.mod(self.ell_max, 2) * np.mod(m, 2))
            n_odd_ell = int(self.ell_max - m + 1 - n_even_ell)
            phi_wtd_m_even = np.zeros((n_phi, n_even_ell), dtype=phi.dtype)
            phi_wtd_m_odd = np.zeros((n_phi, n_odd_ell), dtype=phi.dtype)

            ind_even = 0
            ind_odd = 0
            for ell in range(m, self.ell_max + 1):
                phi_m_ell = norm_assoc_legendre(ell, m, z)
                nrm_inv = np.sqrt(0.5 / pi)
                phi_m_ell = nrm_inv * phi_m_ell
                phi_wtd_m_ell = wt_phi * phi_m_ell
                if np.mod(ell, 2) == 0:
                    phi_wtd_m_even[:, ind_even] = phi_wtd_m_ell[:, 0]
                    ind_even = ind_even + 1
                    phi_wtd_m_odd[:, ind_odd] = phi_wtd_m_ell[:, 0]
                    ind_odd = ind_odd + 1


        # evaluate basis function in the theta dimension
        ang_theta = np.zeros((n_theta, 2 * self.ell_max + 1),

        ang_theta[:, 0:self.ell_max] = np.sqrt(2) * np.sin(
            theta @ m_reshape(np.arange(self.ell_max, 0, -1),
                              (1, self.ell_max)))
        ang_theta[:, self.ell_max] = np.ones(n_theta, dtype=theta.dtype)
                  self.ell_max + 1:2 * self.ell_max + 1] = np.sqrt(2) * np.cos(
                      theta @ m_reshape(np.arange(1, self.ell_max + 1),
                                        (1, self.ell_max)))

        ang_theta_wtd = (2 * pi / n_theta) * ang_theta

        theta_grid, phi_grid, r_grid = np.meshgrid(theta,
        fourier_x = m_flatten(r_grid * np.cos(theta_grid) * np.sin(phi_grid))
        fourier_y = m_flatten(r_grid * np.sin(theta_grid) * np.sin(phi_grid))
        fourier_z = m_flatten(r_grid * np.cos(phi_grid))
        fourier_pts = 2 * pi * np.vstack(
            (fourier_x[np.newaxis, ...], fourier_y[np.newaxis, ...],
             fourier_z[np.newaxis, ...]))

        return {
            'radial_wtd': radial_wtd,
            'ang_phi_wtd_even': ang_phi_wtd_even,
            'ang_phi_wtd_odd': ang_phi_wtd_odd,
            'ang_theta_wtd': ang_theta_wtd,
            'fourier_pts': fourier_pts