def eigs(self): """ Eigendecomposition of volume covariance matrix of simulation :return: A 2-tuple: eigs_true: The eigenvectors of the volume covariance matrix in the form of an L-by-L-by-L-by-(C-1) array, where C is the number of distinct states in the simulation lambdas_true: The eigenvalues of the covariance matrix in the form of a (C-1)-by-(C-1) diagonal matrix. """ C = self.C vols_c = self.vols - np.expand_dims(self.mean_true(), 3) p = np.ones(C) / C vols_c = vol_to_vec(vols_c) Q, R = qr(vols_c, mode='economic') # Rank is at most C-1, so remove last vector Q = Q[:, :-1] R = R[:-1, :] w, v = eigh(make_symmat(R @ np.diag(p) @ R.T)) eigs_true = vec_to_vol(Q @ v) # Arrange in descending order (flip column order in eigenvector matrix) w = w[::-1] eigs_true = np.flip(eigs_true, axis=-1) return eigs_true, np.diag(w)
def src_backward(self, mean_vol, noise_variance, shrink_method=None): """ Apply adjoint mapping to source :return: The sum of the outer products of the mean-subtracted images in `src`, corrected by the expected noise contribution and expressed as coefficients of `basis`. """ covar_b = np.zeros((self.L, self.L, self.L, self.L, self.L, self.L), dtype=self.as_type) for i in range(0, self.n, self.batch_size): im = self.src.images(i, self.batch_size) batch_n = im.shape[-1] im_centered = im - self.src.vol_forward(mean_vol, i, self.batch_size) im_centered_b = np.zeros((self.L, self.L, self.L, batch_n), dtype=self.as_type) for j in range(batch_n): im_centered_b[:, :, :, j] = self.src.im_backward( im_centered[:, :, j], i + j) im_centered_b = vol_to_vec(im_centered_b) covar_b += vecmat_to_volmat( im_centered_b @ im_centered_b.T) / self.n covar_b_coeff = self.basis.mat_evaluate_t(covar_b) return self._shrink(covar_b_coeff, noise_variance, shrink_method)
def covar_true(self): eigs_true, lamdbas_true = self.eigs() eigs_true = vol_to_vec(eigs_true) covar_true = eigs_true @ lamdbas_true @ eigs_true.T covar_true = vecmat_to_volmat(covar_true) return covar_true
def vol_coords(self, mean_vol=None, eig_vols=None): """ Coordinates of simulation volumes in a given basis :param mean_vol: A mean volume in the form of an L-by-L-by-L array (default `mean_true`). :param eig_vols: A set of eigenvolumes in an L-by-L-by-L-by-K array (default `eigs`). :return: """ if mean_vol is None: mean_vol = self.mean_true() if eig_vols is None: eig_vols = self.eigs()[0] vols = self.vols - np.expand_dims(mean_vol, 3) coords = vol_to_vec(eig_vols).T @ vol_to_vec(vols) res = vols - vec_to_vol(vol_to_vec(eig_vols) @ coords) res_norms = np.diag(anorm(res, (0, 1, 2))) res_inners = vol_to_vec(mean_vol).T @ vol_to_vec(res) return coords.squeeze(), res_norms, res_inners
def compute_kernel(self): # TODO: Most of this stuff is duplicated in MeanEstimator - move up the hierarchy? n = self.n L = self.L _2L = 2 * self.L kernel = np.zeros((_2L, _2L, _2L, _2L, _2L, _2L), dtype=self.as_type) filters_f = self.src.filters.evaluate_grid(L) sq_filters_f = np.array(filters_f**2, dtype=self.as_type) for i in tqdm(range(0, n, self.batch_size)): pts_rot = rotated_grids(L, self.src.rots[:, :, i:i + self.batch_size]) weights = sq_filters_f[:, :, self.src.filters.indices[i:i + self.batch_size]] weights *= self.src.amplitudes[i:i + self.batch_size]**2 if L % 2 == 0: weights[0, :, :] = 0 weights[:, 0, :] = 0 # TODO: This is where this differs from MeanEstimator pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, L**2, -1)) weights = m_reshape(weights, (L**2, -1)) batch_n = weights.shape[-1] factors = np.zeros((_2L, _2L, _2L, batch_n), dtype=self.as_type) # TODO: Numpy has got to have a functional shortcut to avoid looping like this! for j in range(batch_n): factors[:, :, :, j] = anufft3(weights[:, j], pts_rot[:, :, j], (_2L, _2L, _2L), real=True) factors = vol_to_vec(factors) kernel += vecmat_to_volmat(factors @ factors.T) / (n * L**8) # Ensure symmetric kernel kernel[0, :, :, :, :, :] = 0 kernel[:, 0, :, :, :, :] = 0 kernel[:, :, 0, :, :, :] = 0 kernel[:, :, :, 0, :, :] = 0 kernel[:, :, :, :, 0, :] = 0 kernel[:, :, :, :, :, 0] = 0'Computing non-centered Fourier Transform') kernel = mdim_ifftshift(kernel, range(0, 6)) kernel_f = fftn(kernel) # Kernel is always symmetric in spatial domain and therefore real in Fourier kernel_f = np.real(kernel_f) return FourierKernel(kernel_f, centered=False)
def eval_eigs(self, eigs_est, lambdas_est): """ Evaluate covariance eigendecomposition accuracy :param eigs_est: The estimated volume eigenvectors in an L-by-L-by-L-by-K array. :param lambdas_est: The estimated eigenvalues in a K-by-K diagonal matrix (default `diag(ones(K, 1))`). :return: """ eigs_true, lambdas_true = self.eigs() B = vol_to_vec(eigs_est).T @ vol_to_vec(eigs_true) norm_true = anorm(lambdas_true) norm_est = anorm(lambdas_est) inner = ainner(B @ lambdas_true, lambdas_est @ B) err = np.sqrt(norm_true**2 + norm_est**2 - 2 * inner) rel_err = err / norm_true corr = inner / (norm_true * norm_est) # TODO: Determine Principal Angles and return as a dict value return {'err': err, 'rel_err': rel_err, 'corr': corr}
def eval_coords(self, mean_vol, eig_vols, coords_est): """ Evaluate coordinate estimation :param mean_vol: A mean volume in the form of an L-by-L-by-L array. :param eig_vols: A set of eigenvolumes in an L-by-L-by-L-by-K array. :param coords_est: The estimated coordinates in the affine space defined centered at `mean_vol` and spanned by `eig_vols`. :return: """ coords_true, res_norms, res_inners = self.vol_coords( mean_vol, eig_vols) # 0-indexed states vector states = self.states - 1 coords_true = coords_true[states] res_norms = res_norms[states] res_inners = res_inners[states] mean_eigs_inners = np.asscalar( vol_to_vec(mean_vol).T @ vol_to_vec(eig_vols)) coords_err = coords_true - coords_est err = np.hypot(res_norms, coords_err) mean_vol_norm2 = anorm(mean_vol)**2 norm_true = np.sqrt(coords_true**2 + mean_vol_norm2 + 2 * res_inners + 2 * mean_eigs_inners * coords_true) norm_true = np.hypot(res_norms, norm_true) rel_err = err / norm_true inner = mean_vol_norm2 + mean_eigs_inners * ( coords_true + coords_est) + coords_true * coords_est + res_inners norm_est = np.sqrt(coords_est**2 + mean_vol_norm2 + 2 * mean_eigs_inners * coords_est) corr = inner / (norm_true * norm_est) return {'err': err, 'rel_err': rel_err, 'corr': corr}
def expand_t(self, v): ensure(v.shape[0] == self.basis_count, f'First dimension of v must be {self.basis_count}') v, sz_roll = unroll_dim(v, 2) b = vol_to_vec(self.evaluate(v)) operator = LinearOperator( shape=(self.N**3, self.N**3), matvec=lambda x: vol_to_vec( self.evaluate(self.evaluate_t(vec_to_vol(x))))) # TODO: (from MATLAB implementation) - Check that this tolerance make sense for multiple columns in v tol = 10 * np.finfo(v.dtype).eps'Expanding array in dual basis') v, info = cg(operator, b, tol=tol) if info != 0: raise RuntimeError('Unable to converge!') v = roll_dim(v, sz_roll) x = vec_to_vol(v) return x
def toeplitz(self, L=None): """ Compute the 3D Toeplitz matrix corresponding to this Fourier Kernel :param L: The size of the volumes to be convolved (default M/2, where the dimensions of this Fourier Kernel are MxMxM :return: An six-dimensional Toeplitz matrix of size L describing the convolution of a volume with this kernel """ if L is None: L = int(self.M / 2) A = np.eye(L**3, dtype=self.as_type) for i in range(L**3): A[:, i] = vol_to_vec(self.convolve_volume(vec_to_vol(A[:, i]))) A = vecmat_to_volmat(A) return A
def testVolToVec2(self): m = np.empty((3, 3, 3)) m2 = vol_to_vec(m) self.assertEqual(m2.shape, (27, ))