def build_export_from_files(run, lf, root="", with_default=True, with_results=False): """Build an export file from a list of files. """ prof = AsterProfil(run=run) if with_default: prof.add_default_parameters() ddat = build_dict_file(run, prof, dict_typ_test(root), lf, ['com?', '[0-9]*']) dres = {} if with_results: dres = build_dict_file(run, prof, dict_typ_result(), lf) for dicf, dr in ((ddat, 'D'), (dres, 'R')): lcom_i = [] for f, dico in dicf.items(): if dico['type'] != 'comm' or osp.splitext(f)[-1] == '.comm': prof.Set(dr, dico) else: lcom_i.append([f, dico]) lcom_i.sort() for f, dico in lcom_i: prof.Set(dr, dico) return prof
def run_distrib(self, list_val): """ Module permettant de lancer N+1 calculs avec le module de calculs distribues d'asrun """ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parametres # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code_Aster installation ASTER_ROOT = self.ASTER_ROOT as_run = self.as_run # General resudir = self.resudir clean = self.clean info = # Study export = self.export # MACR_RECAL inputs parametres = self.parametres calcul = self.calcul experience = self.experience parametres = self.parametres calcul = self.calcul experience = self.experience CalcGradient = self.CalcGradient NMAX_SIMULT = self.NMAX_SIMULT # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import des modules python d'ASTK # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not ASTER_ROOT: try: ASTER_ROOT = os.environ['ASTER_ROOT'] except: pass try: sys.path.append( os.path.join(ASTER_ROOT, 'ASTK', 'ASTK_SERV', 'lib')) sys.path.append( os.path.join( ASTER_ROOT, 'lib', 'python%s.%s' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]), 'site-packages')) except: pass assert is_list_of_dict(list_val) nbval = len(list_val) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generation des etudes esclaves # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sys.argv = [''] run = AsRunFactory() # if info<=2: run.options['debug_stderr'] = False # pas d'output d'executions des esclaves dans l'output maitre if self.unity_follow and info == 2: run.options['debug_stderr'] = True else: run.options[ 'debug_stderr'] = False # pas d'output d'executions des esclaves dans l'output maitre # Master profile prof = AsterProfil(run=run, filename=export) tmp_param = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: username = prof.param['username'][0] except: username = os.environ['LOGNAME'] try: noeud = prof.param['noeud'][0] except: noeud = platform.uname()[1] tmp_param = "%s@%s:%s" % (username, noeud, tmp_param) prof.Set( 'R', { 'type': 'repe', 'isrep': True, 'ul': 0, 'compr': False, 'path': tmp_param }) if info >= 2: print(prof) # Si batch n'est pas possible, on bascule en interactif if not prof['mode'][0] or (prof['mode'][0] == 'batch' and run.get('batch') == 'non'): UTMESS('I', 'RECAL0_28', valk=noeud) prof['mode'] = 'interactif' prof['version'] = ExecutionParameter().get_option("rcdir") # result directories if resudir: if not os.path.isdir(resudir): try: os.mkdir(resudir) except: if info >= 1: UTMESS('A', 'RECAL0_82', valk=resudir) resudir = None if not resudir: # Par defaut, dans un sous-repertoire du repertoire d'execution pref = 'tmp_macr_recal_' # On cherche s'il y a un fichier hostfile pour placer les fichiers dans un repertoire partage l_fr = getattr(prof, 'data') l_tmp = l_fr[:] for dico in l_tmp: if dico['type'] == 'hostfile': pref = get_shared_tmpdir('tmp_macr_recal_') break # Si batch alors on place les fichiers dans un repertoire partage if prof['mode'][0] == 'batch': pref = get_shared_tmpdir('tmp_macr_recal1_') resudir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=pref) flashdir = os.path.join(resudir, 'flash') if info >= 1: UTMESS('I', 'RECAL0_81', valk=resudir) prof.WriteExportTo(os.path.join(resudir, 'master.export')) # get hostrc object hostrc = get_hostrc(run, prof) # timeout before rejected a job timeout = prof.get_timeout() # Ajout des impressions de tables a la fin du .comm t = [] reponses = calcul for i in range(len(reponses)): _ul = str(int(100 + i)) num_ul = '99' # Pour la dynamique la table avec la matrice MAC a un traitement different if self.DYNAMIQUE: if ('MAC' in reponses[i][2]): t.append(self.ajout_post_mac(reponses[i])) try: os.remove('tmp_macr_recal' + os.sep + "REPE_TABLE" + os.sep + "fort." + _ul) except: pass t.append("\n# Recuperation de la table : " + str(reponses[i][0]) + "\n") t.append("DEFI_FICHIER(UNITE=" + num_ul + ", FICHIER='" + os.path.join('.', 'REPE_OUT', 'fort.' + _ul) + "',);\n") t.append("IMPR_TABLE(TABLE=" + str(reponses[i][0]) + ", FORMAT='ASTER', UNITE=" + num_ul + ", INFO=1, FORMAT_R='E30.20',);\n") t.append("DEFI_FICHIER(ACTION='LIBERER', UNITE=" + num_ul + ",);\n") # Pour la dynamique uniquement if self.DYNAMIQUE: if ( self.DYNAMIQUE['APPARIEMENT_MANUEL'] == 'OUI' and self.graph_mac and (True in ['MAC' in reponses[ii][2] for ii in range(len(reponses))]) ): ## on cherche a inverser la liste de frequences potentiellement changee par la fenetre MAC for ind_rep in range(len(reponses)): if reponses[ind_rep][2] == 'FREQ': t.append("data1 = " + reponses[ind_rep][0] + ".EXTR_TABLE().Array('" + reponses[ind_rep][1] + "','FREQ')\n" ) ## on recupere la table des frequences t.append("nume_freq=data1[:,0].tolist()\n") t.append("val_freq=data1[:,1].tolist()\n") t.append( "val_freq_permute=[]\n" ) ## val_freq_permute contient la liste de frequences permutee t.append("for ii in range(len(list_num_pour_freq)):\n") t.append( " if list_num_pour_freq[ii]==list_exp_pour_freq[ii]:\n" ) t.append( " val_freq_permute.append(val_freq[ii])\n") t.append(" else:\n") t.append( " ii_p= list_exp_pour_freq.index(list_num_pour_freq[ii])\n" ) t.append( " val_freq_permute.append(val_freq[ii_p])\n") t.append("DETRUIRE(CONCEPT=_F(NOM=" + str(reponses[ind_rep][0]) + "),)\n") t.append( reponses[ind_rep][0] + "=CREA_TABLE(LISTE=(_F(PARA='" + reponses[ind_rep][1] + "',LISTE_I=nume_freq,),_F(PARA='FREQ',LISTE_R=val_freq_permute,),),)\n" ) # number of threads to follow execution numthread = 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Executions des etudes esclaves # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- Execute calcutions in parallel using a Dispatcher object # elementary task... task = DistribParametricTask( run=run, prof=prof, # IN hostrc=hostrc, nbmaxitem=self.NMAX_SIMULT, timeout=timeout, resudir=resudir, flashdir=flashdir, keywords={'POST_CALCUL': '\n'.join(t)}, info=info, nbnook=[ 0, ] * numthread, exec_result=[]) # OUT # ... and dispatch task on 'list_tests' etiq = 'calc_%%0%dd' % (int(log10(nbval)) + 1) labels = [etiq % (i + 1) for i in range(nbval)] couples = list(zip(labels, list_val)) if info >= 2: print(couples) execution = Dispatcher(couples, task, numthread=numthread) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Liste des diagnostics # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- d_diag = {} for result in task.exec_result: label = result[0] diag = result[2] if len(result) >= 8: output_filename = os.path.join('~', 'flasheur', str(result[7])) else: output_filename = '' d_diag[label] = diag # Affichage de l'output de l'esclave dans l'output du maitre if self.unity_follow: affiche(unity=self.unity_follow, filename=output_filename, label=label, filetype='stdout') # Calcul esclave NOOK if not diag[0:2] in ['OK', '<A']: # Affichage de l'output et/ou de l'error de l'esclave dans l'output du maitre try: affiche(unity=None, filename=output_filename, label=label, filetype='stdout') error_filename = '.'.join( output_filename.split('.') [0:-1]) + '.e' + output_filename.split('.')[-1][1:] affiche(unity=None, filename=error_filename, label=label, filetype='stderr') except Exception as e: print(e) if diag in ['<F>_NOT_RUN', '<A>_NOT_SUBMITTED']: UTMESS('F', 'RECAL0_86', valk=(label, diag)) else: UTMESS('A', 'RECAL0_83', valk=(label, output_filename)) if not d_diag: UTMESS('F', 'RECAL0_84', valk=resudir) self.list_diag = [d_diag[label] for label in labels] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Arret si tous les jobs ne se sont pas deroules correctement # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if sum(task.nbnook) > 0: UTMESS('F', 'RECAL0_84', valk=resudir) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Recuperation des tables calculees # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lcalc = [] i = 0 for c in labels: tbl = get_tables(tables_calc=calcul, tmp_repe_table=os.path.join( resudir, c, 'REPE_OUT'), prof=prof) Lcalc.append(tbl) # On stocke sous la forme d'une liste de numpy i += 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calcul de la fonctionnelle et du gradient # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if debug: print("AA4/Lcalc=", Lcalc) fonctionnelle, gradient = self.calc2fonc_gradient(Lcalc) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean result directories # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if clean: shutil.rmtree(resudir, ignore_errors=True) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save all calculated responses # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.Lcalc = Lcalc return fonctionnelle, gradient