예제 #1
    def _setup_sim(self, **kwargs):
        """ Create a simulation interface to Assimulo using CVODE, given
        a problem definition


        # Create Assimulo interface
        sim = CVode(self.prob)
        sim.discr = 'BDF'
        sim.maxord = 5

        # Setup some default arguments for the ODE solver, or override
        # if available. This is very hackish, but it's fine for now while
        # the number of anticipated tuning knobs is small.
        if 'maxh' in kwargs:
            sim.maxh = kwargs['maxh']
            sim.maxh = np.min([0.1, self.output_dt])

        if 'minh' in kwargs:
            sim.minh = kwargs['minh']
        # else: sim.minh = 0.001

        if "iter" in kwargs:
            sim.iter = kwargs['iter']
            sim.iter = 'Newton'

        if "linear_solver" in kwargs:
            sim.linear_solver = kwargs['linear_solver']

        if "max_steps" in kwargs:  # DIFFERENT NAME!!!!
            sim.maxsteps = kwargs['max_steps']
            sim.maxsteps = 1000

        if "time_limit" in kwargs:
            sim.time_limit = kwargs['time_limit']
            sim.report_continuously = True
            sim.time_limit = 0.0

        # Don't save the [t_-, t_+] around events
        sim.store_event_points = False

        # Setup tolerances
        nr = self.args[0]
        sim.rtol = state_rtol
        sim.atol = state_atol + [1e-12] * nr

        if not self.console:
            sim.verbosity = 50
            sim.verbosity = 40
        # sim.report_continuously = False

        # Save the Assimulo interface
        return sim
예제 #2
    def _setup_sim(self, **kwargs):
        """ Create a simulation interface to Assimulo using CVODE, given
        a problem definition


        # Create Assimulo interface
        sim = CVode(self.prob)
        sim.discr = 'BDF'
        sim.maxord = 5

        # Setup some default arguments for the ODE solver, or override
        # if available. This is very hackish, but it's fine for now while
        # the number of anticipated tuning knobs is small.
        if 'maxh' in kwargs:
            sim.maxh = kwargs['maxh']
            sim.maxh = np.min([0.1, self.output_dt])

        if 'minh' in kwargs:
            sim.minh = kwargs['minh']
        # else: sim.minh = 0.001

        if "iter" in kwargs:
            sim.iter = kwargs['iter']
            sim.iter = 'Newton'

        if "linear_solver" in kwargs:
            sim.linear_solver = kwargs['linear_solver']

        if "max_steps" in kwargs:  # DIFFERENT NAME!!!!
            sim.maxsteps = kwargs['max_steps']
            sim.maxsteps = 1000

        if "time_limit" in kwargs:
            sim.time_limit = kwargs['time_limit']
            sim.report_continuously = True
            sim.time_limit = 0.0

        # Don't save the [t_-, t_+] around events
        sim.store_event_points = False

        # Setup tolerances
        nr = self.args[0]
        sim.rtol = state_rtol
        sim.atol = state_atol + [1e-12]*nr

        if not self.console:
            sim.verbosity = 50
            sim.verbosity = 40
        # sim.report_continuously = False

        # Save the Assimulo interface
        return sim
예제 #3
def run_example(with_plots=True):

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82

        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1])

    #Defines the jacobian*vector product
    def jacv(t, y, fy, v):
        j = N.array([[0, 1.], [0, 0]])
        return N.dot(j, v)

    y0 = [1.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions

    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0)

    exp_mod.jacv = jacv  #Sets the jacobian
    exp_mod.name = 'Example using the Jacobian Vector product'

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.linear_solver = 'SPGMR'  #Change linear solver
    #exp_sim.options["usejac"] = False

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        5, 1000)  #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points

    #Basic tests
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][0], -121.75000000, 4)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][1], -49.100000000)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y)
예제 #4
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t,y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82

        return N.array([yd_0,yd_1])
    #Defines the jacobian*vector product
    def jacv(t,y,fy,v):
        j = N.array([[0,1.],[0,0]])
        return N.dot(j,v)
    y0 = [1.0,0.0] #Initial conditions
    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,y0)
    exp_mod.jacv = jacv #Sets the jacobian
    exp_mod.name = 'Example using the Jacobian Vector product'
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod) #Create a CVode solver
    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.linear_solver = 'SPGMR' #Change linear solver
    #exp_sim.options["usejac"] = False
    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(5, 1000) #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points
    #Basic tests
    if with_plots:
예제 #5
파일: Wave.py 프로젝트: xvasseur/my_GDTPHS
    def integration_assimulo(self, **kwargs):
        Perform time integration for ODEs with the assimulo package
        assert self.set_time_setting == 1, 'Time discretization must be specified first'
        if self.tclose > 0:
            close    = True
            close    = False

        # Control vector
        self.U = interpolate(self.boundary_cntrl_space, self.Vb).vector()[self.bndr_i_b]
        if self.discontinous_boundary_values == 1:
            self.U[self.Corner_indices] = self.U[self.Corner_indices]/2

        # Definition of the sparse solver for the ODE rhs function to
        # be defined next
        #my_solver = factorized(csc_matrix(self.M))
        my_solver = factorized(self.M)
        #my_jac_o  = csr_matrix(my_solver(self.J @ self.Q))
        #my_jac_c  = csr_matrix(my_solver((self.J - self.R) @ self.Q))
        # Definition of the rhs function required in assimulo
        def rhs(t,y):
            Definition of the rhs function required in the ODE part of assimulo
            if close:
                if t < self.tclose:
                    z = self.my_mult(self.J, self.my_mult(self.Q,y)) + self.my_mult(self.Bext,self.U* self.boundary_cntrl_time(t,self.tclose))
                    z = self.my_mult((self.J - self.R), self.my_mult(self.Q,y))
                z = self.my_mult(self.J, self.my_mult(self.Q,y)) + self.my_mult(self.Bext,self.U* self.boundary_cntrl_time(t,self.tclose)) 
            return my_solver(z)
        def jacobian(t,y):
            Jacobian related to the ODE formulation
            if close:
                if t < self.tclose:
                    my_jac = my_jac_o
                    my_jac = my_jac_c
                my_jac = my_jac_o
            return my_jac
        def jacv(t,y,fy,v):
            Jacobian matrix-vector product related to the ODE formulation
            if close:
                if t < self.tclose:
                    z = self.my_mult(self.J, self.my_mult(self.Q,v) )
                    z = self.my_mult((self.J - self.R), self.my_mult(self.Q,v))
                z = self.my_mult(self.J, self.my_mult(self.Q,v))
            return my_solver(z)
        print('ODE Integration using assimulo built-in functions:')

# https://jmodelica.org/assimulo/_modules/assimulo/examples/cvode_with_preconditioning.html#run_example
        model                     = Explicit_Problem(rhs,self.A0,self.tinit)
        #model.jac                 = jacobian
        model.jacv                = jacv
        sim                       = CVode(model,**kwargs)
        sim.atol                  = 1e-3 
        sim.rtol                  = 1e-3 
        sim.linear_solver         = 'SPGMR' 
        sim.maxord                = 3
        #sim.usejac                = True
        #sim                       = RungeKutta34(model,**kwargs)
        time_span, ODE_solution   = sim.simulate(self.tfinal)
        A_ode = ODE_solution.transpose()
        # Hamiltonian
        self.Nt    = A_ode.shape[1]
        self.tspan = np.array(time_span)
        Ham_ode = np.zeros(self.Nt)
        for k in range(self.Nt):
            #Ham_ode[k] = 1/2 * A_ode[:,k] @ self.M @ self.Q @ A_ode[:,k]
            Ham_ode[k] = 1/2 * self.my_mult(A_ode[:,k].T, \
                               self.my_mult(self.M, self.my_mult(self.Q, A_ode[:,k])))
        # Get q variables
        Aq_ode = A_ode[:self.Nq,:] 
        # Get p variables
        Ap_ode = A_ode[self.Nq:,:]

        # Get Deformation
        Rho = np.zeros(self.Np)
        for i in range(self.Np):
            Rho[i] = self.rho(self.coord_p[i])
        W_ode = np.zeros((self.Np,self.Nt))
        theta = .5
        for k in range(self.Nt-1):
            W_ode[:,k+1] = W_ode[:,k] + self.dt * 1/Rho[:] * ( theta * Ap_ode[:,k+1] + (1-theta) * Ap_ode[:,k] ) 

        self.Ham_ode = Ham_ode
        return Aq_ode, Ap_ode, Ham_ode, W_ode, np.array(time_span)
예제 #6
파일: Heat.py 프로젝트: xvasseur/my_GDTPHS
    def integration_assimulo(self, **kwargs):
        Perform time integration for ODEs with the assimulo package
        assert self.set_time_setting == 1, 'Time discretization must be specified first'
        if self.tclose > 0:
            close    = True
            close    = False

        # Control vector
        self.U = interpolate(self.boundary_cntrl_space, self.Vb).vector()[self.bndr_i_b]
        if self.discontinous_boundary_values == 1:
            self.U[self.Corner_indices] = self.U[self.Corner_indices]/2

        # Definition of the sparse solver for the ODE rhs function to
        # be defined next
        my_solver = factorized(csc_matrix(self.Mp_rho_Cv))
        C         = self.A
        if self.sparse == 1:
            my_jac_o  = csr_matrix(my_solver(C.toarray()))
            my_jac_o  = my_solver(C)
        # Definition of the rhs function required in assimulo
        def rhs(t,y):
            Definition of the rhs function required in the ODE part of assimulo
            z = self.my_mult(self.A, y) + self.my_mult(self.Bext,self.U* self.boundary_cntrl_time(t,self.tclose)) 
            return my_solver(z)
            #z                                    = np.zeros(shape=y.shape[:])        
            #z[0:self.Np]                         = self.my_mult(self.Mp, yd[0:self.Np])              - self.my_mult(D, y[self.Np+self.Nq:self.Np+2*self.Nq]) 
            #z[self.Np:self.Np+self.Nq]           = self.my_mult(self.Mq, y[self.Np:self.Np+self.Nq]) + self.my_mult(D.T, y[0:self.Np]) - self.my_mult(self.Bp, self.U* self.boundary_cntrl_time(t,self.tclose))
            #z[self.Np+self.Nq:self.Np+2*self.Nq] = self.my_mult(self.Mq, y[self.Np+self.Nq:self.Np+2*self.Nq]) - self.my_mult(self.L,y[self.Np:self.Np+self.Nq])
            #return z
        def jacobian(t,y):
            Jacobian related to the ODE formulation
            my_jac = my_jac_o 
            return my_jac
        def jacv(t,y,fy,v):
            Jacobian matrix-vector product related to the ODE formulation
            return None
        print('ODE Integration using assimulo built-in functions:')

# https://jmodelica.org/assimulo/_modules/assimulo/examples/cvode_with_preconditioning.html#run_example
        model                     = Explicit_Problem(rhs,self.Tp0,self.tinit)
        sim                       = CVode(model,**kwargs)
        sim.atol                  = 1e-3 
        sim.rtol                  = 1e-3 
        sim.linear_solver         = 'SPGMR' 
        sim.maxord                = 3
        #sim.usejac                = True
        #sim                       = RungeKutta34(model,**kwargs)
        time_span, ODE_solution   = sim.simulate(self.tfinal)
        A_ode = ODE_solution.transpose()
        # Hamiltonian
        self.Nt    = A_ode.shape[1]
        self.tspan = np.array(time_span)
        Ham_ode = np.zeros(self.Nt)
        for k in range(self.Nt):
            Ham_ode[k] = 1/2 * self.my_mult(A_ode[:,k].T, \
                               self.my_mult(self.Mp_rho_Cv,  A_ode[:,k]))
        self.Ham_ode = Ham_ode
        return Ham_ode, np.array(time_span)