def to_node(self): if self.is_tuple != '': elements = self.__create_elements() return ast.Tuple(elts=elements, ctx=ast.Load) elif self.is_list != '': elements = self.__create_elements() return ast.List(elts=elements, ctx=ast.Load) elif self.is_dict != '': if self.values is None: return ast.Dict(keys=[], values=[]) elif self.__is_dict(): keys, values = self.__create_keys_values() return ast.Dict(keys=keys, values=values) else: elements = self.__create_elements() return ast.Set(elts=elements, ctx=ast.Load) elif is not None: return elif self.number is not None: return self.number.to_node() elif self.none is not None: return self.none.to_node() elif self.boolean is not None: return self.boolean.to_node() elif self.string is not None: return self.string[0].to_node()
def replace_tc_pos(node): with switch(node): if ast.Expr( value=ast.Call(func=func, args=args, keywords=keywords)): starred = [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, ast.Starred)] kwargs = [kw for kw in keywords if kw.arg is None] if len(kwargs): kwargs = kwargs[0].value if len(starred): starred = starred[0].value with hq as code: # get rid of starargs return (TCOType.IGNORE, ast_literal[func], (ast_literal[ast.List(args, ast.Load())] + list(ast_literal[starred])), ast_literal[kwargs or ast.Dict([], [])]) else: with hq as code: return (TCOType.IGNORE, ast_literal[func], ast_literal[ast.List(args, ast.Load())], ast_literal[kwargs or ast.Dict([], [])]) return code elif ast.If(test=test, body=body, orelse=orelse): body[-1] = replace_tc_pos(body[-1]) if orelse: orelse[-1] = replace_tc_pos(orelse[-1]) return ast.If(test, body, orelse) else: return node
def test_dict(self): d = ast.Dict([], [ast.Name("x", ast.Load())]) self.expr(d, "same number of keys as values") d = ast.Dict([None], [ast.Name("x", ast.Load())]) self.expr(d, "None disallowed") d = ast.Dict([ast.Name("x", ast.Load())], [None]) self.expr(d, "None disallowed")
def return_replacer(tree, **kw): with switch(tree): if ast.Return( value=ast.Call(func=func, args=args, keywords=keywords)): starred = [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, ast.Starred)] kwargs = [kw for kw in keywords if kw.arg is None] if len(kwargs): kwargs = kwargs[0].value if len(starred): starred = starred[0].value with hq as code: # get rid of starargs return (TCOType.CALL, ast_literal[func], (ast_literal[ast.List(args, ast.Load())] + list(ast_literal[starred])), ast_literal[kwargs or ast.Dict([], [])]) else: with hq as code: return (TCOType.CALL, ast_literal[func], ast_literal[ast.List(args, ast.Load())], ast_literal[kwargs or ast.Dict([], [])]) return code else: return tree
def to_ast(self): return ast.Call(func=super(Class, self).to_ast(), args=[ast.Str(, ast.Dict(keys=list(map(lambda x: ast.Str(s=x), self.members.keys())), values=list(map(lambda x: x.to_ast(), self.members.values()))), ast.Dict(keys=list(map(lambda x: ast.Str(s=x), self.instance_members.keys())), values=list(map(lambda x: x.to_ast(), self.instance_members.values()))) ], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)
def build_requests_command(request): # Method tree = ast.parse('requests.{}()'.format(request.command.lower())) call = tree.body[0].value call.keywords = [] # URL call.args.append(ast.Str(request.url())) # Authorization (prepare) method, token = request.auth() # Headers header_keys = [] header_values = [] for header in sorted(request.headers): if header in EXCLUDE_HEADERS_REQUESTS: continue header_keys.append(ast.Str(header)) header_values.append(ast.Str(request.headers[header])) if method != 'Basic' and 'Authorization' in request.headers: header_keys.append(ast.Str('Authorization')) header_values.append(ast.Str(request.headers['Authorization'])) if header_keys and header_values: call.keywords.append( ast.keyword('headers', ast.Dict(header_keys, header_values))) # JSON or raw data data = maybe_str( if data: if request.headers.get('Content-Type') == 'application/json': json_keys = [] json_values = [] for k, v in data.items(): json_keys.append(ast.Str(maybe_str(k))) v = maybe_str(v) if isinstance(v, str): json_values.append(ast.Str(v)) else: json_values.append(ast.parse(str(v)).body[0].value) if json_keys and json_values: call.keywords.append( ast.keyword('json', ast.Dict(json_keys, json_values))) else: call.keywords.append(ast.keyword('data', ast.Str(data))) # Authorization if method == 'Basic': token = maybe_str(token) call.keywords.append( ast.keyword('auth', ast.Tuple( tuple(map(ast.Str, token.split(':'))), None))) return astunparse.unparse(tree).strip()
def test_gen_arguments_py(monkeypatch): assert isinstance(rm.gen_arguments_py([]), types.GeneratorType) assert list(rm.gen_arguments_py([])) == [] ret = rm.gen_arguments_py(my_parameters) assert ast.dump(ret.__next__().value) == ast.dump( ast.Dict(keys=[[ast.Constant(value="type")]], values=[[ast.Constant(value="bool")]])) assert ast.dump(ret.__next__().value) == ast.dump( ast.Dict( keys=[[ast.Constant(value="required")], [ast.Constant(value="type")]], values=[[ast.Constant(value=True)], [ast.Constant(value="int")]], ))
def ast_repr(x): """Similar to repr(), but returns an AST instead of a String, which when evaluated will return the given value.""" tx = type(x) if tx in (int, float): return ast.Num(n=x) elif tx is bytes: return ast.Bytes(s=x) elif isinstance(x, str): return ast.Str(s=x) elif tx is list: return ast.List(elts=list(map(ast_repr, x))) elif tx is dict: return ast.Dict(keys=list(map(ast_repr, x.keys())), values=list(map(ast_repr, x.values()))) elif tx is set: return ast.Set(elts=list(map(ast_repr, x))) elif tx is Literal: return x.body elif tx is Captured: return compat.Call(ast.Name(id="Captured"), [x.val, ast_repr(], []) elif tx in (bool, type(None)): return ast.NameConstant(value=x) elif isinstance(x, ast.AST): fields = [ast.keyword(a, ast_repr(b)) for a, b in ast.iter_fields(x)] # This hard-codes an expectation that ast classes will be # bound to the name `ast`. There must be a better way. return compat.Call( ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='ast', ctx=ast.Load()), attr=x.__class__.__name__, ctx=ast.Load()), [], fields) raise Exception("Don't know how to ast_repr this: ", x)
def visit_Module(self, module): """`TestStrings.visit_Module` initializes the capture. After all the nodes are visit we append `create_test and test_update` to populate the `"__test__"` attribute. """ self.strings = [] module = self.visit_body(module) module.body += ([create_test] + [ ast.copy_location( ast.Expr( ast.Call( func=test_update, args=[ ast.Dict( keys=[ ast.Str("string-{}".format(node.lineno)) ], values=[node], ) ], keywords=[], )), node, ) for node in self.strings ] if self.strings else []) return module
def _py2ast(v, ctx): if isinstance(v, (int, long, float)): return ast.Num(v) elif isinstance(v, str): return ast.Str(v) elif isinstance(v, list): return ast.List([BaseASTOptimizer._py2ast(x, ctx) for x in v], ctx) elif isinstance(v, dict): items = v.items() keys = [BaseASTOptimizer._py2ast(k, ctx) for k, v in items] vals = [BaseASTOptimizer._py2ast(v, ctx) for k, v in items] return ast.Dict(keys, vals) elif isinstance(v, tuple): return ast.Tuple([BaseASTOptimizer._py2ast(x, ctx) for x in v], ctx) elif isinstance(v, set): assert isinstance(ctx, ast.Load) return ast.Set([BaseASTOptimizer._py2ast(x, ctx) for x in v]) elif v is None: assert isinstance(ctx, ast.Load) return ast.Name('None', ctx) elif v is True: assert isinstance(ctx, ast.Load) return ast.Name('True', ctx) elif v is False: assert isinstance(ctx, ast.Load) return ast.Name('False', ctx) else: assert False, ('_py2ast', v)
def prepare(self): for i in self.children: i.prepare() # Compile the keywords. keyword_values = {} keyword_keys = [] keyword_exprs = [] for k, expr in self.keyword: node = py_compile(expr, 'eval', ast_node=True) if is_constant(node): keyword_values[k] = py_eval_bytecode(compile_expr(node)) else: keyword_keys.append(ast.Str(s=k)) keyword_exprs.append(node) if keyword_values: self.keyword_values = keyword_values else: self.keyword_values = None if keyword_keys: node = ast.Dict(keys=keyword_keys, values=keyword_exprs) ast.copy_location(node, keyword_exprs[0]) self.keyword_exprs = compile_expr(node) else: self.keyword_exprs = None
def ast_repr(x): """Similar to repr(), but returns an AST instead of a String, which when evaluated will return the given value.""" if type(x) in (int, float): return ast.Num(n=x) elif type(x) in (str, unicode): return ast.Str(s=x) elif type(x) is list: return ast.List(elts=map(ast_repr, x)) elif type(x) is dict: return ast.Dict(keys=map(ast_repr, x.keys()), values=map(ast_repr, x.values())) elif type(x) is set: return ast.Set(elts=map(ast_repr, x)) elif type(x) is Literal: return x.body elif x is None: return ast.Name(id="None") elif x is True: return ast.Name(id="True") elif x is False: return ast.Name(id="False") elif isinstance(x, ast.AST): fields = [ast.keyword(a, ast_repr(b)) for a, b in ast.iter_fields(x)] return ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id=x.__class__.__name__), args=[], keywords=fields, starargs=None, kwargs=None) raise Exception("Don't know how to ast_repr this: ", x)
def value2pyliteral(val): # noqa: C901 """ Transforms a python value into a literal in AST form. """ if val is None: return ast.NameConstant(value=None) elif val is ...: return ast.Ellipsis() elif val is True: return ast.NameConstant(value=True) elif val is False: return ast.NameConstant(value=False) elif isinstance(val, int): return ast.Num(n=val) elif isinstance(val, float): return ast.Num(n=val) elif isinstance(val, str): return ast.Str(s=val) elif isinstance(val, bytes): return ast.Bytes(s=val) elif isinstance(val, tuple): return ast.Tuple(elts=[value2pyliteral(item) for item in val]) elif isinstance(val, list): return ast.List(elts=[value2pyliteral(item) for item in val]) elif isinstance(val, dict): return ast.Dict( # .keys() and .values() have been documented to return things in the # same order since Py2 keys=[value2pyliteral(item) for item in val.keys()], values=[value2pyliteral(item) for item in val.values()], ) elif isinstance(val, set): return ast.Set(elts=[value2pyliteral(item) for item in val]) else: raise ValueError(f"Can't translate {val!r} into a literal")
def visit_Assign(self, node): print(" in MyTransformer.visit_Assign()") # print(" targets =", node.targets[0].id) # print(" value =", node.value) # create new node | Assign(expr* targets, expr value) new_node = node # assign random new value to this variable rand_num = random.randint(0, 8) new_value_dict = { 0: ast.Num(0), 1: ast.Str("random \x00 string"), 2: ast.NameConstant(False), 3: ast.NameConstant(True), 4: ast.List(elts=[ ast.Num(0), ast.Num(1), ast.Str("2"), ast.Num(3), ast.Num(999999) ], ctx=ast.Load()), # print("how did this happen?") 5: ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='print', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str("how did this happen?")], keywords=[]), # infinity 6: ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='float', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str("inf")], keywords=[]), # -infinity 7: ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='float', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str("-inf")], keywords=[]), # random dictionary 8: ast.Dict(keys=[ast.Num(0), ast.Num(1), ast.Str("key3")], values=[ast.Str("Zero"), ast.Str("One"), ast.Num(3)]) } new_value = new_value_dict[rand_num] print(" new_value =", new_value) new_node.value = new_value ast.copy_location(new_node, node) ast.fix_missing_locations(new_node) return new_node
def visit_Assign(self, stmt): if self._is_vararg(stmt.targets[0]): # x = dict(foo='bar', ...) if isinstance(stmt.value, ast.Call) and \ isinstance(stmt.value.func, ast.Name) and \ == 'dict': keys, vals = unzip([(kw.arg, kw.value) for kw in stmt.value.keywords]) stmt.value = ast.Dict([ast.Str(k) for k in keys], vals) self.change = True return self.visit(stmt) # x = {'foo': 'bar', ...} elif isinstance(stmt.value, ast.Dict) and len(stmt.value.keys) > 0: name = stmt.targets[0].id new_stmts = [parse_stmt(f'{name} = {{}}')] for k, v in zip(stmt.value.keys, stmt.value.values): assgn = parse_stmt(f'{name}[_] = _') assgn.targets[0].slice.value = k assgn.value = v new_stmts.append(assgn) self.change = True return [self.visit(stmt) for stmt in new_stmts] self.generic_visit(stmt) return stmt
def _param_ast(param: ServiceParameter) -> ast.arg: """Create the ast node for the parameter of a function. This can be typed. """ if"/"): annotation = ast.Dict(keys=None, values=None) annotation = ast.Subscript( value=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="typing"), attr="Dict"), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Tuple( elts=[ast.Name( id="str"), ast.Name(id="str")])), ) return ast.arg( arg=snakeit(param.extra_data["(placeholderParam)"]["paramName"]), annotation=annotation, ) annotation = None if param.type == "string": if param.multiple: annotation = ast.Name(id="OptionalListStr") else: annotation = ast.Name(id="str") elif param.type == "number": annotation = ast.Name(id="int") elif param.type == "boolean": annotation = ast.Name(id="bool") elif param.type == "file": annotation = ast.Name(id="typing.BinaryIO") return ast.arg(arg=snakeit(, annotation=annotation)
def dict_word_visitor(node: concat.parse.DictWordNode): """Converts a DictWordNode to a Python expression. The expression looks like `push({(Quotation([...1])(stack,stash),stack.pop())[-1]:(Quotation([...2])(stack,stash),stack.pop())[-1],......})`.""" load = ast.Load() pairs = [] for key, value in node.dict_children: key_quote = to_transpiled_quotation(key, node.location, visitors) value_quote = to_transpiled_quotation( value, node.location, visitors ) stack = ast.Name(id='stack', ctx=load) stash = ast.Name(id='stash', ctx=load) key_quote_call = ast.Call( func=key_quote, args=[stack, stash], keywords=[] ) value_quote_call = ast.Call( func=value_quote, args=[stack, stash], keywords=[] ) py_key = pack_expressions([key_quote_call, pop_stack()]) py_value = pack_expressions([value_quote_call, pop_stack()]) pairs.append((py_key, py_value)) dictionary = ast.Dict( keys=[*dict(pairs)], values=[*dict(pairs).values()] ) push_func = ast.Name(id='push', ctx=load) py_node = ast.Call(func=push_func, args=[dictionary], keywords=[]) py_node.lineno, py_node.col_offset = node.location return py_node
def _create_discriminator_field(self, type_obj): items = {} for child in type_obj.get_all_children(): items[ child. discriminator_value] = f"commercetools.schemas.{child.package_name}.{}Schema" field = type_obj.get_discriminator_field() self.generator.add_import_statement(self.resource.package_name, "commercetools", "helpers") return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="helpers.Discriminator"), args=[], keywords=[ ast.keyword( arg="discriminator_field", value=ast.Tuple(elts=[ ast.Str(, ast.Str(s=field.attribute_name) ]), ), ast.keyword( arg="discriminator_schemas", value=ast.Dict( keys=[ast.Str(s=v) for v in items.keys()], values=[ast.Str(s=v) for v in items.values()], ), ), ast.keyword(arg="unknown", value=ast.Name(id="marshmallow.EXCLUDE")), ast.keyword(arg="allow_none", value=ast.NameConstant(True)), ], )
def obj_to_ast(obj): if isinstance(obj, tuple): return ast.Tuple(elts=tuple(map(obj_to_ast, obj))) elif isinstance(obj, dict): k, v = unzip([(obj_to_ast(k), obj_to_ast(v)) for k, v in obj.items()]) return ast.Dict(k, v) elif isinstance(obj, list): return ast.List(list(map(obj_to_ast, obj))) elif isinstance(obj, type): return ast.Name(id=obj.__name__) elif isinstance(obj, int): return ast.Num(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): return ast.Str(obj) elif obj is None: return ast.NameConstant(None) elif isinstance(obj, (typing._GenericAlias, typing._SpecialForm)): # TODO: types # issue was in pandas, where importing pandas._typing.Axis would # resolve module to typing, attempt to do "from typing import Axis" return ast.NameConstant(None) elif isinstance(obj, float) and math.isinf(obj): return parse_expr('float("inf")') elif isinstance(obj, bytes): return ast.Bytes(s=obj) else: raise ObjConversionException(f"No converter for {obj}")
def astify_json_obj(obj): obj = maybe_str(obj) if isinstance(obj, str): return ast.Str(obj) elif obj is None: return ast.Name(obj, ast.Load()) elif isinstance(obj, bool): return ast.Name(obj, ast.Load()) elif isinstance(obj, int): return ast.Name(obj, ast.Load()) elif isinstance(obj, float): return ast.Name(obj, ast.Load()) elif isinstance(obj, list): json_values = [] for v in obj: json_values.append(astify_json_obj(v)) return ast.List(json_values, ast.Load()) elif isinstance(obj, dict): json_values = [] json_keys = [] for k, v in obj.items(): json_keys.append(ast.Str(maybe_str(k))) json_values.append(astify_json_obj(v)) return ast.Dict(json_keys, json_values) else: raise Exception('Cannot astify {0:s}'.format(str(obj)))
def size_container_folding(value): """ Convert value to ast expression if size is not too big. Converter for sized container. """ if len(value) < MAX_LEN: if isinstance(value, list): return ast.List(map(to_ast, value), ast.Load()) elif isinstance(value, tuple): return ast.Tuple(map(to_ast, value), ast.Load()) elif isinstance(value, set): return ast.Set(map(to_ast, value)) elif isinstance(value, dict): keys = map(to_ast, value.iterkeys()) values = map(to_ast, value.itervalues()) return ast.Dict(keys, values) elif isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): return ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(ast.Name('numpy', ast.Load()), 'array', ast.Load()), args=[to_ast(value.tolist())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None) else: raise ConversionError() else: raise ToNotEval()
def __init__(self, signature, func, args, keywords=None, py_func=None, **kw): if py_func and not kw.get('name', None): kw['name'] = py_func.__name__ if signature is None: signature = minitypes.FunctionType(return_type=object_, args=[object_] * len(args)) if keywords: signature.args.extend([object_] * len(keywords)) super(ObjectCallNode, self).__init__(signature, args) assert func is not None self.function = func self.py_func = py_func self.args_tuple = ast.Tuple(elts=args, ctx=ast.Load()) self.args_tuple.variable = Variable( numba_types.TupleType(size=len(args))) if keywords: keywords = [(ConstNode(k.arg), k.value) for k in keywords] keys, values = zip(*keywords) self.kwargs_dict = ast.Dict(list(keys), list(values)) self.kwargs_dict.variable = Variable(minitypes.object_) else: self.kwargs_dict = NULL_obj self.type = signature.return_type
def _init_non_primitive_nested_class(node_assign, object_, prop): """ If the nested list is non-primitive, initialise sub-classes in a list comp If the nest is primitive, we can simply get it Marshmallow will do the type marshalling """ return ast.ListComp( elt=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=ObjectGenerator._nesting_class(node_assign)), args=[ast.Name(id="el")], keywords=[], ), generators=[ ast.comprehension( target=ast.Name(id="el"), iter=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id=object_), attr="get"), args=[ast.Str(s=prop), ast.Dict(keys=[], values=[])], keywords=[], ), ifs=[], is_async=0, ) ], )
def _new_constant(node, value): if isinstance(value, ast.AST): # convenient shortcut: return the AST object unchanged return value # FIXME: test the config directly here? if value is None: new_node = ast.Constant(value=None) elif isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes)): new_node = ast.Constant(value=value) elif isinstance(value, (tuple, frozenset)): if not _is_constant(value): raise TypeError("container items are not constant") new_node = ast.Constant(value=value) elif isinstance(value, list): elts = [_new_constant(node, elt) for elt in value] new_node = ast.List(elts=elts, ctx=ast.Load()) elif isinstance(value, dict): keys = [] values = [] for key, value in value.items(): keys.append(_new_constant(node, key)) values.append(_new_constant(node, value)) new_node = ast.Dict(keys=keys, values=values, ctx=ast.Load()) elif isinstance(value, set): elts = [_new_constant(node, elt) for elt in value] new_node = ast.Set(elts=elts, ctx=ast.Load()) else: raise TypeError("unknown type: %s" % type(value).__name__) copy_lineno(node, new_node) return new_node
def add_aux_db_engine(self, bind_name, backend_version): for dbe in self.find_aux_db_engine_discovery_map(): dict_keys = [ast.Str(s='backend_version')] dict_values = [ast.Str(s=backend_version)] _dict = ast.Dict(keys=dict_keys, values=dict_values) dbe.value.keys.append(ast.Str(s=bind_name)) dbe.value.values.append(_dict)
def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ast.ClassDef) -> Any: """ visit class def """ clz = 'Main' base_clz = 'ViewFlow' func_name = 'create_nodes' self.clz = self.clz_as if self.clz_as else self.clz if == clz and node.bases[0].id == base_clz: for x in node.body: if type(x).__name__ == FUNCTION_DEF and == func_name: for y in x.body: if type(y).__name__ == RETURN: # check the node ID for duplicates for z in y.value.elts: # valid node self.valid_node(z) # update node if z.values[1].s == self.node_id: raise CommandError( 'Run failed, duplicate node id') dict_node = ast.Dict(keys=[ ast.Str(s='cls'), ast.Str(s='id'), ast.Str(s='next'), ast.Num(n='x'), ast.Num(n='y') ], values=[ ast.Name(id=self.clz, ctx=ast.Load()), ast.Str(s=self.node_id), self.process_NameConstant( self.next_node_id), ast.Num(n=self.coord_x), ast.Num(n=self.coord_y), ]) # try update relate node info for idx, item in enumerate(y.value.elts): try: if item.values[2].s and item.values[ 2].s == self.next_node_id: item.values[2].s = self.node_id except AttributeError: continue # insert target node info if self.next_node_id: for idx, item in enumerate(y.value.elts): if self.next_node_id == item.values[1].s: y.value.elts.insert(idx, dict_node) break else: y.value.elts.append(dict_node) break break return node
def build_local_args(self): """ build a local var named args that will be given as input to the command. """ keys, values = self.get_keys_values(self.input_args[0]) self.args.append( ast_mod.Assign(targets=[ast_name('args', ctx=ast_mod.Store())], value=ast_mod.Dict(keys=keys, values=values)))
def visit_Dict(self, node: Dict, *args, **kwargs) -> C.Dict: keys = self.visit(node.keys, *args, **kwargs) values = self.visit(node.values, *args, **kwargs) return C.Dict( keys=keys, values=values, )
def make_dict(cursor_trail, tree): """Dict(expr* keys, expr* values) """ selected_node = core_logic.get_node_at_cursor(cursor_trail, tree) expr = selected_node if isinstance(selected_node, ast.expr) else make_expression() return ast.Dict(keys=[ast.Name(id="key", ctx=ast.Load())], values=[expr])
def _to_ast_keyword(self, hps): """Returns an ``ast.keyword`` for the ``hyperparameters`` kwarg if there are any.""" if hps: keys, values = zip(*six.iteritems(hps)) return ast.keyword(arg="hyperparameters", value=ast.Dict(keys=keys, values=values)) return None