def test_Try(self): # try/except where 'except' is only dead code. exc_clause = ast.ExceptHandler(None, None, [ast.Expr(ast.Str('dead code'))]) try_exc = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], [exc_clause], [], []) expect = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], [ast.ExceptHandler(None, None, [ast.Pass()])], [], []) self.check_transform(try_exc, expect)
def test_Try(self): except_ = ast.ExceptHandler(None, None, self.simple_stmt()) # Always keep try/except. got = ast.Try([self.func], [except_], [], []) want = got self.check_transform(got, want) # try/except/finally where 'finally' is simple -> try/except got = ast.Try([self.func], [except_], [], self.simple_stmt()) self.check_transform(got, want) # try/except/else where 'else' is simple -> try/except got = ast.Try([self.func], [except_], self.simple_stmt(), []) self.check_transform(got, want) # try/finally where 'finally' is simple -> unwrap 'try' got = ast.Module([ast.Try([self.func], [], [], self.simple_stmt())]) want = ast.Module([self.func]) self.check_transform(got, want)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): # Pre-hook. pre_hook_expr = ast.Expr(value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='start', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[])) # Post-hook. finalbody = [ ast.Global(names=[self._result_id]), ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id=self._result_id, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='take_snapshot', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[])), ast.Expr(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='stop', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[])) ] body_elems = [pre_hook_expr] body_elems.extend([elem for elem in node.body]) node.body.clear() node.body.append( ast.Try(body=body_elems, handlers=[], orelse=[], finalbody=finalbody)) return ast.fix_missing_locations(node)
def generic_visit(self, node): import ast import sys ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit(self, node) if isinstance(node, ast.stmt) and not isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef): if sys.version_info[0] == 3: new_node = ast.Try(body=[node], handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler(type=None, name=None, body=[ast.Pass()]) ], orelse=[], finalbody=[ast.Pass()]) else: new_node = ast.TryExcept(body=[node], handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler( type=None, name=None, body=[ast.Pass()]) ], orelse=[]) return ast.copy_location(new_node, node) return node
def visit_For(self, loop_): """ >>> self = FirstPassFor(buffer='foo') >>> code = ''' ... ... for i in range(5): ... for j in range(5): ... k = i + j ... print(k) ... ... ''' >>> tree = ast.parse(code) >>> loop_, = tree.body """ loop = self.generic_visit(loop_) var = ast.Name(id=__random_string__(), ctx=ast.Store()) assign = ast.Assign(targets=[var], value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='iter', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[loop.iter], keywords=[])) first_pass = ast.Try( body=[ast.Assign(targets=[], value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='next', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=var, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[]))], handlers=[ast.ExceptHandler(type=ast.Name(id='StopIteration', ctx=ast.Load()), name=None, body=[ast.Pass()])], orelse=loop.body, finalbody=[] ) content = f'`for {astor.to_source(} in {astor.to_source(loop.iter).strip()} ...`' return [ make_annotation(buffer=self.buffer, content=content, cell_type='2', lineno=loop.lineno), ast.Expr(loop.iter), assign, first_pass ]
def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> Any: self.generic_visit(node) target = node.targets[0] if not isinstance(target, ast.Name): return node expr = ast.Name(, ctx=ast.Load()) name = check = ast.Try( body=[ast.Expr(expr)], handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler( type=ast.Tuple( elts=[ast.Name(id=_n(NameError), ctx=ast.Load())], ctx=ast.Load(), ), name=None, body=[ast.Expr(value=ast.Constant(value=Ellipsis))], ) ], orelse=[ ast.Raise( exc=ast.Call( func=ast.Name( id=_n(ImmutabilityGuard.proxy_Assign), ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[ast.Constant(value=name)], keywords=[], ), cause=None, ) ], finalbody=[], ) return [check, node]
def generic_visit(self, node): """Surround node statement with a try/except block to catch errors. This method is called for every node of the parsed code, and only changes statement lines. Args: node (ast.AST): node statement to surround. """ super(ErrorsCatchTransformer, self).generic_visit(node) if (isinstance(node, ast.stmt) and not isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): new_node = ast.Try( # pylint: disable=no-member orelse=[], body=[node], finalbody=[], handlers=self.exception_handlers) else: new_node = ast.TryExcept( # pylint: disable=no-member orelse=[], body=[node], handlers=self.exception_handlers) return ast.copy_location(new_node, node) return node
def ast_nodes(self) -> List[ast.stmt]: """Get the list of generated AST nodes. In case the `wrap_nodes` property was set, the nodes will be wrapped in ``` try: [nodes] except BaseException: pass ``` Returns: A list of AST nodes """ if self._wrap_nodes: nodes: List[ast.stmt] = [ ast.Try( body=self._ast_nodes, handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler( body=[ast.Pass()], name=None, type=ast.Name(ctx=ast.Load(), id="BaseException"), ) ], orelse=[], finalbody=[], ) ] return nodes return self._ast_nodes
def wrap_starred_assign(self, n, targets): if PY2: return n starred = find_starred_variables(targets) if not starred: return n list_stmts = [] for var in starred: call = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id=b("__renpy__list__"), ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=var, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None) assign = ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id=var, ctx=ast.Store())], value=call, ) list_stmts.append(assign) return ast.Try( body=[n], handlers=[], orelse=[], finalbody=list_stmts, )
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): if len(preconditions[]) == 0: return node ast_name = ast.Name(id="PreconditionException", ctx=ast.Load()) node_exception = ast.Raise(exc=ast_name, cause=None) precondition_node = preconditions[][0] assert_node = ast.Assert(precondition_node, lineno=node.lineno, col_offset=node.col_offset, end_lineno=node.lineno, end_col_offset=node.end_col_offset) ast_exception = ast.Name(id="Exception", ctx=ast.Load()) handler = ast.ExceptHandler(type=ast_exception, name=None, body=[node_exception]) try_node = ast.Try(body=[assert_node], handlers=[handler], orelse=[], finalbody=[node.body]) #if_node = ast.If(precondition_node,[node.body],[node_exception]) node_res = ast.FunctionDef(, node.args, [try_node], node.decorator_list, node.returns, node.type_comment, lineno=node.lineno, col_offset=node.col_offset, end_lineno=node.lineno, end_col_offset=node.end_col_offset) ast.fix_missing_locations(node_res) return node_res
def gen_unpack_wrapper(self, node, target, ctx='store'): """Helper function to protect tuple unpacks. node: used to copy the locations for the new nodes. target: is the tuple which must be protected. ctx: Defines the context of the returned temporary node. It returns a tuple with two element. Element 1: Is a temporary name node which must be used to replace the target. The context (store, param) is defined by the 'ctx' parameter.. Element 2: Is a try .. finally where the body performs the protected tuple unpack of the temporary variable into the original target. """ # Generate a tmp name to replace the tuple with. tnam = self.tmpName # Generates an expressions which protects the unpack. # converter looks like 'wrapper(tnam)'. # 'wrapper' takes care to protect sequence unpacking with __rl_getiter__. converter = self.protect_unpack_sequence(target, ast.Name(tnam, ast.Load())) # Assign the expression to the original names. # Cleanup the temporary variable. # Generates: # try: # # converter is 'wrapper(tnam)' # arg = converter # finally: # del tmp_arg try_body = [ast.Assign(targets=[target], value=converter)] finalbody = [self.gen_del_stmt(tnam)] cleanup = ast.Try(body=try_body, finalbody=finalbody, handlers=[], orelse=[]) if ctx == 'store': ctx = ast.Store() elif ctx == 'param': ctx = ast.Param() else: # pragma: no cover # Only store and param are defined ctx. raise NotImplementedError('bad ctx "%s"' % type(ctx)) # This node is used to catch the tuple in a tmp variable. tmp_target = ast.Name(tnam, ctx) copy_locations(tmp_target, node) copy_locations(cleanup, node) return (tmp_target, cleanup)
def 试试(主体, 处理, 片段): return ast.Try( body=主体, handlers=处理, orelse=[], finalbody=[], lineno=语法树.取行号(片段), col_offset=语法树.取列号(片段))
def visitTry(self, n, *args): body = self.dispatch_statements(n.body, *args) handlers = self.reduce(n.handlers, *args) orelse = self.dispatch_statements(n.orelse, *args) finalbody = self.dispatch_statements(n.finalbody, *args) return ast.Try(body=body, handlers=handlers, orelse=orelse, finalbody=finalbody)
def gen_block_TryExcept(self, expr_try, expr_except): assert ((type(expr_try) and type(expr_except)) == list) # TODO: could be made in one-liner exception_handler = [ ast.ExceptHandler(ast.Name("Exception", ast.Store()), "e", expr_except) ] tryExcept_block = ast.Try(expr_try, exception_handler, [], []) return (tryExcept_block)
def add_required_imports(tree: ast.Module, required_imports: typ.Set[common.ImportDecl]) -> None: """Add imports required by fixers. Some fixers depend on modules which may not be imported in the source module. As an example, occurrences of 'map' might be replaced with 'itertools.imap', in which case, "import itertools" will be added in the module scope. A further quirk is that all reqired imports must be added before any other statment. This is because that statement could be subject to the fix which requires the import. As a side effect, a module may end up being imported twice, if the module is imported after some statement. """ (future_imports_offset, imports_end_offset, found_imports) = parse_imports(tree) missing_imports = sorted(required_imports - found_imports) import_node: ast.stmt for import_decl in missing_imports: if import_decl.import_name is None: import_node = ast.Import( names=[ast.alias(name=import_decl.module_name, asname=None)]) else: import_node = ast.ImportFrom( module=import_decl.module_name, level=0, names=[ast.alias(name=import_decl.import_name, asname=None)], ) if import_decl.py2_module_name: asname = import_decl.import_name or import_decl.module_name fallback_import = ast.Import(names=[ ast.alias(name=import_decl.py2_module_name, asname=asname) ]) import_node = ast.Try( body=[import_node], handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler( type=ast.Name(id='ImportError', ctx=ast.Load()), name=None, body=[fallback_import], ) ], orelse=[], finalbody=[], ) if import_decl.module_name == '__future__': tree.body.insert(future_imports_offset, import_node) future_imports_offset += 1 imports_end_offset += 1 else: tree.body.insert(imports_end_offset, import_node) imports_end_offset += 1
def try_stmt_rewrite(mark, body, excs, rescues, orelse, final): excs = excs or [] rescues = rescues or [] def handlers(): for (type, name), body in zip(excs, rescues): yield ast.ExceptHandler(type, name, body) return ast.Try(body, list(handlers()), orelse or [], final or [], **loc @ mark)
def generate_try(max_depth=None): body = generate_block(max_depth=max_depth) num_handlers = random.randrange(1, 3) handlers = [ _generate_except_handler(max_depth=max_depth) for _ in range(num_handlers) ] orelse = random.choice([generate_block(max_depth=max_depth), []]) finalbody = random.choice([generate_block(max_depth=max_depth), []]) return ast.Try(body, handlers, orelse, finalbody)
def visit_Try(self, try_): handlers = [] for handler in try_.handlers: handlers.append( ast.ExceptHandler(type=handler.type, name=None, body=self._annotate_nodes(handler.body))) return ast.Try(body=self._annotate_nodes(try_.body), handlers=handlers, orelse=self._annotate_nodes(try_.orelse), finalbody=self._annotate_nodes(try_.finalbody))
def _try_fallback(node: ast.stmt, fallback_node: ast.stmt) -> ast.Try: return ast.Try( body=[node], handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler(type=ast.Name(id="ImportError", ctx=ast.Load()), name=None, body=[fallback_node]) ], orelse=[], finalbody=[], )
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): node.parent = self.fundef self.fundef = node if len(list(filter(lambda n: isinstance(n, ast.Name) and is 'rep_fun', node.decorator_list))) > 0: self.recs.append( self.generic_visit(node) r_args = {} for arg in node.args.args: arg_name = arg.arg try: if self.fundef.locals[arg_name] > 1: r_args[arg_name] = self.freshName('x') # self.fundef.locals[arg_name] += 1 except KeyError as e: pass # generate code to pre-initialize staged vars # we stage all vars that are written to more than once inits = [ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id=id, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='_var', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[])) \ for id in node.locals if node.locals[id] > 1] a_nodes = [ast.Expr( ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='_assign', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=arg,ctx=ast.Load()), ast.Name(id=r_args[arg],ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[])) \ for arg in r_args] new_node = ast.FunctionDef(, args=ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg=r_args[arg.arg],annotation=None) if arg.arg in r_args else arg for arg in node.args.args], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]), # node.args, body=[ast.Try(body=inits + a_nodes + node.body, handlers=[ast.ExceptHandler( type=ast.Name(id='NonLocalReturnValue', ctx=ast.Load()), name='r', body=[ast.Return(value=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='r', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='value', ctx=ast.Load()))])], orelse=[], finalbody=[])], decorator_list=list(filter(lambda n: isinstance(n, ast.Name) and!='lms' and!='rep_fun', node.decorator_list)) ) ast.copy_location(new_node, node) ast.fix_missing_locations(new_node) self.fundef = node.parent return new_node
def visit_Try(self, node: Try, *args, **kwargs) -> C.Try: body = self.visit(node.body, *args, **kwargs) handlers = self.visit(node.handlers, *args, **kwargs) orelse = self.visit(node.orelse, *args, **kwargs) finalbody = self.visit(node.finalbody, *args, **kwargs) return C.Try( body=body, handlers=handlers, orelse=orelse, finalbody=finalbody, )
def test_Try(self): # except exc_clause = ast.ExceptHandler(ast.Name('X', ast.Load()), None, [ast.Pass()]) exc_clause_2 = ast.ExceptHandler(None, None, [ast.Pass()]) try_except = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], [exc_clause, exc_clause_2], None, None) self.verify(try_except, 'try:pass\nexcept X:pass\nexcept:pass') # except/else try_except_else = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], [exc_clause, exc_clause_2], [ast.Pass()], None) self.verify(try_except_else, 'try:pass\nexcept X:pass\nexcept:pass\nelse:pass') # except/finally exc_clause = ast.ExceptHandler(None, None, [ast.Pass()]) try_except_finally = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], [exc_clause_2], None, [ast.Pass()]) self.verify(try_except_finally, 'try:pass\nexcept:pass\nfinally:pass') # except/else/finally try_except_else_finally = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], [exc_clause_2], [ast.Pass()], [ast.Pass()]) self.verify(try_except_else_finally, 'try:pass\nexcept:pass\nelse:pass\nfinally:pass') # else/finally try_else_finally = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], None, [ast.Pass()], [ast.Pass()]) self.verify(try_else_finally, 'try:pass\nelse:pass\nfinally:pass') # finally try_finally = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], None, None, [ast.Pass()]) self.verify(try_finally, 'try:pass\nfinally:pass')
def Try(draw, statements) -> ast.Try: body = draw(lists(statements, min_size=1, max_size=3)) handlers = draw(lists(ExceptHandler(statements), min_size=0, max_size=2)) if handlers: orelse = draw(lists(statements, min_size=1, max_size=3)) else: orelse = [] finalbody = draw(lists(statements, min_size=1, max_size=3)) return ast.Try(body=body, handlers=handlers, orelse=orelse, finalbody=finalbody)
def make_try(): """Try(stmt* body, excepthandler* handlers, stmt* orelse, stmt* finalbody)""" return ast.Try( body=[ast.Pass()], handlers=[make_exception_handler()], # The else and the finally are not that common # let's not include them by default orelse=[], # orelse=[ast.Pass()], finalbody=[], # finalbody=[ast.Pass()], )
def _rewrite_if(tree, var_name=None, gen_sym=None, **kw_args): # TODO refactor into a _rewrite_switch and a _rewrite_if """ Rewrite if statements to treat pattern matches as boolean expressions. Recall that normally a pattern match is a statement which will throw a PatternMatchException if the match fails. We can therefore use try-blocks to produce the desired branching behavior. var_name is an optional parameter used for rewriting switch statements. If present, it will transform predicates which are expressions into pattern matches. """ # with q as rewritten: # try: # with matching: # u%(matchPattern) # u%(successBody) # except PatternMatchException: # u%(_maybe_rewrite_if(failBody)) # return rewritten if not isinstance(tree, ast.If): return tree if var_name: tree.test = ast.BinOp(tree.test, ast.LShift(), ast.Name(var_name, ast.Load())) elif not (isinstance(tree.test, ast.BinOp) and isinstance(tree.test.op, ast.LShift)): return tree handler = ast.ExceptHandler(hq[PatternMatchException], None, tree.orelse) try_stmt = ast.Try(tree.body, [handler], [], []) match = [ast.Expr(tree.test)] _matching_walker.recurse(match, gen_sym=gen_sym) try_stmt.body = match + try_stmt.body if len(handler.body) == 1: # (== tree.orelse) # Might be an elif handler.body = [_rewrite_if(handler.body[0], var_name, gen_sym)] elif not handler.body: handler.body = [ast.Pass()] return try_stmt
def visit_Module(self, node): setDoneNode = ast.Expr(ast.Call(ast.Attribute(ast.Name("finishedExecSig", ast.Load()), "set_result", ast.Load()), [ast.NameConstant(None)], [])) setExceptionNode = ast.Expr(ast.Call(ast.Attribute(ast.Name("finishedExecSig", ast.Load()), "set_exception", ast.Load()), [ast.Name("e", ast.Load())], [])) mainBody = node.body + [setDoneNode] tryExceptNode = ast.ExceptHandler(ast.Name("Exception", ast.Load()), "e", [setExceptionNode]) tryNode = ast.Try(mainBody, [tryExceptNode], [], []) newNode = ast.Module([tryNode]) ast.copy_location(newNode, node) ast.fix_missing_locations(newNode) return newNode
def gen_try_except(try_body, exception_body): return ast.Try( body=try_body, handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler( type=ast.Name(id='Exception', ctx=ast.Load()), name=None, body=exception_body, ) ], type_ignores=[], orelse=None, finalbody=[], )
def visit_Try(self, node): loop_guard = self.add_loop_block() self.curr_block = loop_guard self.add_stmt(loop_guard, ast.Try(body=[], handlers=[], orelse=[], finalbody=[])) after_try_block = self.new_block() self.add_stmt(after_try_block, ast.Name(id='handle errors', ctx=ast.Load())) self.populate_body(node.body, self.curr_block = after_try_block if node.handlers: for handler in node.handlers: before_handler_block = self.new_block() self.curr_block = before_handler_block self.add_edge(,, handler.type if handler.type else ast.Name(id='Error', ctx=ast.Load())) after_handler_block = self.new_block() self.add_stmt(after_handler_block, ast.Name(id='end except', ctx=ast.Load())) self.populate_body(handler.body, self.add_edge(, if node.orelse: before_else_block = self.new_block() self.curr_block = before_else_block self.add_edge(,, ast.Name(id='No Error', ctx=ast.Load())) after_else_block = self.new_block() self.add_stmt(after_else_block, ast.Name(id='end no error', ctx=ast.Load())) self.populate_body(node.orelse, self.add_edge(, finally_block = self.new_block() self.curr_block = finally_block if node.finalbody: self.add_edge(,, ast.Name(id='Finally', ctx=ast.Load())) after_finally_block = self.new_block() self.populate_body(node.finalbody, self.curr_block = after_finally_block else: self.add_edge(,
def ast_func(tree): hook_tree = ast.parse(fixindentation(inspect.getsource(globalify))) # try: # f() # finally: # hook() try_wrap = ast.Try(body=deepcopy(tree.body[0].body), handlers=[], orelse=[], finalbody=deepcopy(hook_tree.body[0].body)) tree.body[0].body = [try_wrap] return tree
def convert_assign_py3(lhs, rhs): loaded = convert_name(lhs, ast.Load()) return ast.Try(body=[ ast.Expr(loaded), ], handlers=[gen_except_handler(ast.Assign([lhs], rhs))], orelse=[ ast.If(test=gen_hasattr_call(loaded, BOX_SIGNATURE), body=[ ast.Expr(gen_box_call(loaded, rhs)), ], orelse=[ ast.Assign([lhs], rhs), ]) ], finalbody=[])