예제 #1
  def __init__(self, tree):
    self.children = [[], []]
    # self.children is of length 2:
    # 0. List of length 1 or 2.
    #    If length 1, it is just an ASTIdentifiers.
    #    If length 2, the first is an arbitrary expression and the second is an
    #    identifier (a field access of the first).
    #    e.g.:
    #      (i.j).k => [Expression for "(i.j)", Expression for "k"]
    # 1. List of argument expressions (possibly empty)
    if tree.children[0].value == 'Identifiers':
      self.children[0] = [ASTExpression.get_expr_node(tree.children[0])]
      if tree.children[2].value == 'ArgumentList':
        self.children[1] = ASTUtils.get_arg_list(tree.children[2])
      prefix_exprs = [ASTExpression.get_expr_node(tree.children[0]),

      arg_list = []
      if tree.children[4].value == 'ArgumentList':
        arg_list = ASTUtils.get_arg_list(tree.children[4])

      self.children = [prefix_exprs, arg_list]

    super(ASTMethodInvocation, self).__init__()
예제 #2
 def show(self, depth = 0, types = False):
   ASTUtils.println('ASTBinary, operator: {0} {1}'.format(self.operator,
       ASTUtils.type_string(self.expr_type, types)), depth)
   ASTUtils.println('Left operand:', depth)
   self.children[0].show(depth + 1, types)
   ASTUtils.println('Right operand:', depth)
   self.children[1].show(depth + 1, types)
예제 #3
 def show(self, depth = 0, types = False):
   ASTUtils.println('ASTClassInstanceCreation {0}'.format(
       ASTUtils.type_string(self.expr_type)), depth)
   ASTUtils.println('Class type:', depth)
   self.children[0].show(depth + 1, types)
   for i, x in enumerate(self.children[1]):
     ASTUtils.println('Argument {0}:'.format(str(i)), depth)
     x.show(depth + 1, types)
예제 #4
  def __init__(self, tree):
    # Children is of length 2:
    # 0. ASTType corresponding to class type.
    # 1. List of arguments (possibly empty).
    self.children = [ASTType(tree.children[1].children[0]), []]

    if tree.children[3].value == 'ArgumentList':
      self.children[1] = ASTUtils.get_arg_list(tree.children[3])

    super(ASTClassInstanceCreation, self).__init__()
예제 #5
  def __init__(self, tree):
    if isinstance(tree, str):
      # Allow creating an ASTIdentifiers node directly from a string.
      self.children = tree.split('.')
    elif tree.value == 'Identifier':
      self.children = [tree.lexeme]
      self.children = ASTUtils.get_ids_list(tree)

    self.first_definition = (None, None)
    super(ASTIdentifiers, self).__init__()
예제 #6
 def show(self, depth = 0, types = False):
   ASTUtils.println('ASTIdentifiers: {0} {1}'.format(str(self),
       ASTUtils.type_string(self.expr_type, types)), depth)
예제 #7
 def show(self, depth = 0, types = False):
       'ASTInstanceOf Type: {0} {1}'.format(str(self.type_node),
           ASTUtils.type_string(self.expr_type)), depth)
   self.children[0].show(depth + 1, types)
예제 #8
 def show(self, depth = 0, types = False):
   ASTUtils.println('ASTMethodInvocation {0}'.format(
       ASTUtils.type_string(self.expr_type, types)), depth)
   if len(self.children[0]) == 1:
     ASTUtils.println('Method identifiers:', depth)
     self.children[0][0].show(depth + 1, types=False)
     ASTUtils.println('Expression:', depth)
     self.children[0][0].show(depth + 1, types)
     ASTUtils.println('Field access from expression:', depth)
     self.children[0][1].show(depth + 1, types=False)
   for i, x in enumerate(self.children[1]):
     ASTUtils.println('Argument {0}:'.format(str(i)), depth)
     x.show(depth + 1, types)
예제 #9
 def show(self, depth = 0, types = False):
   ASTUtils.println('ASTThis {0}'.format(ASTUtils.type_string(
       self.expr_type)), depth)
예제 #10
  def get_expr_node(tree):
    Given a *Expression node, returns the appropriate ASTNode.
    Can also take a Primary[NoNewArray] node and return the appropriate ASTNode.

    # TODO(mehdi): Is this Primary case even needed? See if they can fall into
    # the general case.
    # Handle the case where tree is a Primary[NoNewArray] node.
    if tree.value == 'Primary' or tree.value == 'PrimaryNoNewArray':
      # Before going down one node, handle the only case where there are
      # multiple children, the "( Expression )" case.
      if len(tree.children) == 3 and tree.children[0].value == '(':
        return ASTExpression.get_expr_node(tree.children[1])

      child = tree.children[0]
      if child.value == 'ArrayCreationExpression':
        return ASTArrayCreation(child)
      elif child.value == 'PrimaryNoNewArray':
        child = child.children[0]

      if child.value == 'Literal':
        return ASTLiteral(child)
      elif child.value == 'this':
        return ASTThis(child)
      elif child.value == 'ClassInstanceCreationExpression':
        return ASTClassInstanceCreation(child)
      elif child.value == 'FieldAccess':
        return ASTFieldAccess(child)
      elif child.value == 'MethodInvocation':
        return ASTMethodInvocation(child)
      elif child.value == 'ArrayAccess':
        return ASTArrayAccess(child)
      elif child.value == 'Identifiers' or child.value == 'Identifier':
        return ASTIdentifiers(child)

    # Default to the general case where the tree is a long Expression parse tree
    # that widens based on the type of expression.
    child = ASTUtils.get_nonpath_child(tree)

    if child.value == 'Literal':
      return ASTLiteral(child)
    elif (child.value == 'UnaryExpression'
          or child.value == 'UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus'):
      return ASTUnary(child)
    elif child.value == 'CastExpression':
      return ASTCast(child)
    elif child.value == 'Assignment':
      return ASTAssignment(child)
    elif child.value == 'ArrayAccess':
      return ASTArrayAccess(child)
    elif child.value == 'this':
      return ASTThis(child)
    elif child.value == 'super':
      return ASTSuper(child)
    elif child.value == 'FieldAccess':
      return ASTFieldAccess(child)
    elif child.value == 'MethodInvocation':
      return ASTMethodInvocation(child)
    elif child.value == 'ArrayCreationExpression':
      return ASTArrayCreation(child)
    elif child.value == 'ClassInstanceCreationExpression':
      return ASTClassInstanceCreation(child)
    elif child.value == 'PrimaryNoNewArray':
      return ASTExpression.get_expr_node(child.children[1])
    elif child.value == 'Identifiers' or child.value == 'Identifier':
      return ASTIdentifiers(child)
      possible_binary_rules = [
          'ConditionalOrExpression', 'ConditionalAndExpression',
          'InclusiveOrExpression', 'ExclusiveOrExpression', 'AndExpression',
          'EqualityExpression', 'RelationalExpression', 'AdditiveExpression',

      # If it's not one of the possible binary types, we're in trouble...
      if child.value not in possible_binary_rules:
        raise ASTExpressionError(
            'Invalid binary expression type "{0}"'.format(child.value))

      return make_ast_binary_node(child)

    raise ASTExpressionError('Unhandled Expression')
예제 #11
 def show(self, depth = 0, types = False):
       'Literal of type {0}: {1} {2}'.format(self.literal_type,
       self.children[0], ASTUtils.type_string(self.expr_type, types)), depth)
예제 #12
 def show(self, depth = 0, types = False):
     'ASTFieldAccess {0}'.format(ASTUtils.type_string(self.expr_type, types)),
   self.children[0].show(depth + 1, types)
   self.children[1].show(depth + 1, False)