예제 #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.pos = Point(0.0, 0.0)
     self.vel = Point(0.0, 0.0)
     self.theta = 0.0
     self.theta_vel = 0.0
     self.radius = 0.0
     self.orig = []
     self.pts = []
     self.alive = True
     self.wrap = Point(True, True)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, sprite):

        self.color = [255, 255, 255]
        self.fade = 15
        self.alive = True
        self.sides = []

        for start, end in zip(sprite.orig[1:], sprite.orig[:-1]):
            side = Sprite()
            side.orig = [start, end]
            side.pos = Point(sprite.pos.x, sprite.pos.y)
            side.vel = Point((random() * 4) - 2, (random() * 4) - 2)
            side.theta = sprite.theta
예제 #3
    def init_edge(self):

        side = randint(0, 3)

        if side == 0:
            self.pos = Point(25, random() * ScreenSize.height)
        elif side == 1:
            self.pos = Point(ScreenSize.width - 25,
                             random() * ScreenSize.height)
        elif side == 2:
            self.pos = Point(random() * ScreenSize.width, 25)
            self.pos = Point(random() * ScreenSize.width,
                             ScreenSize.height - 25)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.speed = 0.27
     self.decay = 0.98
     self.pos = Point(350, 200)
     self.time_to_respawn = 0
예제 #5
파일: sprite.py 프로젝트: jjengo/asteroids
 def __init__(self):
     self.pos = Point(0.0, 0.0)
     self.vel = Point(0.0, 0.0)
     self.theta = 0.0
     self.theta_vel = 0.0
     self.radius = 0.0
     self.orig = []
     self.pts = []
     self.alive = True
     self.wrap = Point(True, True)
예제 #6
    def set_points(self, xpts, ypts, connect=False):

        self.orig = [Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(xpts, ypts)]
        if connect:

        # Calculate bounding circle radius
        for pt in self.orig:
            dist = math.sqrt((pt.x**2) + (pt.y**2))
            if dist > self.radius:
                self.radius = dist
예제 #7
파일: sprite.py 프로젝트: jjengo/asteroids
    def contains(self, pt):
        # Even # of edge crossings = outside polygon
        # Odd # of edge crossing = inside polygon
        n = len(self.pts)
        inside = False
        p1 = Point(self.pts[0].x, self.pts[0].y)

        # Count edge crossings by casting a ray from inside the polygon     
        for i in range(n + 1):
            p2 = self.pts[i % n]

            if pt.y > min(p1.y, p2.y) and pt.y <= max(p1.y, p2.y) and pt.x <= max(p1.x, p2.x):
                if p1.y != p2.y:
                    xinters = (pt.y - p1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) / (p2.y - p1.y) + p1.x
                if p1.x == p2.x or pt.x <= xinters:
                    inside = not inside
            p1.x, p1.y = p2.x, p2.y        
        return inside
예제 #8
    def fire_bullet(self, pt):

        self.time_to_fire = 30

        # Fire bullet toward specific point
        if self.size == Saucer.Small:

            # Add a little bit of error
            dest = Point(pt.x, pt.y)
            dest.x += randint(-20, 20)
            dest.y += randint(-20, 20)

            # Calculate theta and velocity toward point
            theta = math.atan2(dest.x - self.pos.x, self.pos.y - dest.y)
            vel = Point(math.sin(theta) * 5.0, -math.cos(theta) * 5.0)
            return Bullet(self.pos.x + vel.x, self.pos.y + vel.y, theta)

        # Fire bullet in random direction
            theta = random() * (2.0 * math.pi)
            vel = Point(math.sin(theta) * 10.0, -math.cos(theta) * 10.0)
            return Bullet(self.pos.x + vel.x, self.pos.y + vel.y, theta)
예제 #9
    def contains(self, pt):

        # Even # of edge crossings = outside polygon
        # Odd # of edge crossing = inside polygon

        n = len(self.pts)
        inside = False
        p1 = Point(self.pts[0].x, self.pts[0].y)

        # Count edge crossings by casting a ray from inside the polygon
        for i in range(n + 1):
            p2 = self.pts[i % n]

            if pt.y > min(p1.y, p2.y) and pt.y <= max(
                    p1.y, p2.y) and pt.x <= max(p1.x, p2.x):
                if p1.y != p2.y:
                    xinters = (pt.y - p1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) / (p2.y -
                                                               p1.y) + p1.x
                if p1.x == p2.x or pt.x <= xinters:
                    inside = not inside
            p1.x, p1.y = p2.x, p2.y

        return inside
예제 #10
    def update(self):

        # Update position based on velocity
        self.pos.x += self.vel.x
        self.pos.y += self.vel.y

        # Update angle based on velocity

        # Wrap position within screen bounds
        if self.wrap.x:
            self.pos.x = wrap_x(self)
        if self.wrap.y:
            self.pos.y = wrap_y(self)

        # Update vertices based on pos and angle
        self.pts = []
        for pt in self.orig:
            newx = (pt.x * math.cos(self.theta)) - (
                pt.y * math.sin(self.theta)) + self.pos.x
            newy = (pt.x * math.sin(self.theta)) + (
                pt.y * math.cos(self.theta)) + self.pos.y
            self.pts.append(Point(newx, newy))
예제 #11
    def vapor_bounds_range(self):

        bounds = []
        size = int(abs(self.vel.x) + abs(self.vel.y))
        if size < 6:
            size = 6

        for dy in range(size):

            pts = []
            gap = 3
            y = self.orig[1].y + dy

            for x in range(int(self.orig[1].x + gap),
                           int(self.orig[2].x - gap), 1):
                newx = (x * math.cos(self.theta)) - (
                    y * math.sin(self.theta)) + self.pos.x
                newy = (x * math.sin(self.theta)) + (
                    y * math.cos(self.theta)) + self.pos.y
                pts.append(Point(newx, newy))


        return bounds
예제 #12
class Sprite(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.pos = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        self.vel = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        self.theta = 0.0
        self.theta_vel = 0.0
        self.radius = 0.0
        self.orig = []
        self.pts = []
        self.alive = True
        self.wrap = Point(True, True)

    # Set points and calculate radius
    def set_points(self, xpts, ypts, connect=False):

        self.orig = [Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(xpts, ypts)]
        if connect:

        # Calculate bounding circle radius
        for pt in self.orig:
            dist = math.sqrt((pt.x**2) + (pt.y**2))
            if dist > self.radius:
                self.radius = dist

    # Move to location x,y
    def move(self, x, y):
        self.pos.move(x, y)

    # Move location by dx,dy
    def translate(self, dx, dy):
        self.pos.translate(dx, dy)

    # Scale points to a size [0.0 - 1.0]
    def scale(self, ratio):
        xpts = [pt.x * ratio for pt in self.orig]
        ypts = [pt.y * ratio for pt in self.orig]
        self.set_points(xpts, ypts)

    # Rotate angle by dt
    def rotate(self, dt):
        self.theta += dt
        if self.theta < 0:
            self.theta += 2.0 * math.pi
        if self.theta > (2.0 * math.pi):
            self.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi

    # Return if vertices create a closed polygon
    def is_polygon(self):
        if len(self.pts) > 1:
            return self.pts[0].x == self.pts[-1].x and self.pts[
                0].y == self.pts[-1].y
            return False

    # Use ray casting from inside the polygon to determine containment.
    def contains(self, pt):

        # Even # of edge crossings = outside polygon
        # Odd # of edge crossing = inside polygon

        n = len(self.pts)
        inside = False
        p1 = Point(self.pts[0].x, self.pts[0].y)

        # Count edge crossings by casting a ray from inside the polygon
        for i in range(n + 1):
            p2 = self.pts[i % n]

            if pt.y > min(p1.y, p2.y) and pt.y <= max(
                    p1.y, p2.y) and pt.x <= max(p1.x, p2.x):
                if p1.y != p2.y:
                    xinters = (pt.y - p1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) / (p2.y -
                                                               p1.y) + p1.x
                if p1.x == p2.x or pt.x <= xinters:
                    inside = not inside
            p1.x, p1.y = p2.x, p2.y

        return inside

    # Checks if the polygon contains any sprite vertices
    def collision(self, sprite):

        # Only polygons can collide
        if not self.is_polygon() or not sprite.is_polygon():
            return False

        # Only check if in close proximity
        if not self.proximity(sprite):
            return False

        # First check if this polygon contains any vertex
        for pt in sprite.pts:
            if self.contains(pt):
                return True

        # Next check sprite polygon against current vertices
        for pt in self.pts:
            if sprite.contains(pt):
                return True

        return False

    # Use pythagorean theorem to check proximmity distance
    def proximity(self, s, dist=55):
        a2 = (s.pos.x - self.pos.x)**2
        b2 = (s.pos.y - self.pos.y)**2
        return math.sqrt(a2 + b2) < dist

    # Update all coordinate values
    def update(self):

        # Update position based on velocity
        self.pos.x += self.vel.x
        self.pos.y += self.vel.y

        # Update angle based on velocity

        # Wrap position within screen bounds
        if self.wrap.x:
            self.pos.x = wrap_x(self)
        if self.wrap.y:
            self.pos.y = wrap_y(self)

        # Update vertices based on pos and angle
        self.pts = []
        for pt in self.orig:
            newx = (pt.x * math.cos(self.theta)) - (
                pt.y * math.sin(self.theta)) + self.pos.x
            newy = (pt.x * math.sin(self.theta)) + (
                pt.y * math.cos(self.theta)) + self.pos.y
            self.pts.append(Point(newx, newy))

    # Draw to the display
    def render(self, gfx, color=[255, 255, 255]):
        for start, end in zip(self.pts[:-1], self.pts[1:]):
            pygame.draw.aaline(gfx, color, (start.x, start.y), (end.x, end.y),
예제 #13
파일: sprite.py 프로젝트: jjengo/asteroids
class Sprite(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.pos = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        self.vel = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        self.theta = 0.0
        self.theta_vel = 0.0
        self.radius = 0.0
        self.orig = []
        self.pts = []
        self.alive = True
        self.wrap = Point(True, True)
    # Set points and calculate radius
    def set_points(self, xpts, ypts, connect=False):
        self.orig = [Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(xpts, ypts)]
        if connect:

        # Calculate bounding circle radius
        for pt in self.orig:
            dist = math.sqrt((pt.x ** 2) + (pt.y ** 2))
            if dist > self.radius:
                self.radius = dist
    # Move to location x,y
    def move(self, x, y):
        self.pos.move(x, y)
    # Move location by dx,dy
    def translate(self, dx, dy):
        self.pos.translate(dx, dy)
    # Scale points to a size [0.0 - 1.0]
    def scale(self, ratio):
        xpts = [pt.x * ratio for pt in self.orig]
        ypts = [pt.y * ratio for pt in self.orig]
        self.set_points(xpts, ypts)
    # Rotate angle by dt
    def rotate(self, dt):
        self.theta += dt
        if self.theta < 0:
            self.theta += 2.0 * math.pi
        if self.theta > (2.0 * math.pi):
            self.theta -= 2.0 * math.pi
    # Return if vertices create a closed polygon
    def is_polygon(self):
        if len(self.pts) > 1:
            return self.pts[0].x == self.pts[-1].x and self.pts[0].y == self.pts[-1].y
            return False
    # Use ray casting from inside the polygon to determine containment. 
    def contains(self, pt):
        # Even # of edge crossings = outside polygon
        # Odd # of edge crossing = inside polygon
        n = len(self.pts)
        inside = False
        p1 = Point(self.pts[0].x, self.pts[0].y)

        # Count edge crossings by casting a ray from inside the polygon     
        for i in range(n + 1):
            p2 = self.pts[i % n]

            if pt.y > min(p1.y, p2.y) and pt.y <= max(p1.y, p2.y) and pt.x <= max(p1.x, p2.x):
                if p1.y != p2.y:
                    xinters = (pt.y - p1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) / (p2.y - p1.y) + p1.x
                if p1.x == p2.x or pt.x <= xinters:
                    inside = not inside
            p1.x, p1.y = p2.x, p2.y        
        return inside

    # Checks if the polygon contains any sprite vertices            
    def collision(self, sprite):
        # Only polygons can collide
        if not self.is_polygon() or not sprite.is_polygon():
            return False
        # Only check if in close proximity
        if not self.proximity(sprite):
            return False
        # First check if this polygon contains any vertex
        for pt in sprite.pts:
            if self.contains(pt):
                return True
        # Next check sprite polygon against current vertices
        for pt in self.pts:
            if sprite.contains(pt):
                return True
        return False

    # Use pythagorean theorem to check proximmity distance
    def proximity(self, s, dist=55):
        a2 = (s.pos.x - self.pos.x) ** 2
        b2 = (s.pos.y - self.pos.y) ** 2
        return math.sqrt(a2 + b2) < dist

    # Update all coordinate values
    def update(self):
        # Update position based on velocity
        self.pos.x += self.vel.x
        self.pos.y += self.vel.y
        # Update angle based on velocity
        # Wrap position within screen bounds
        if self.wrap.x:
            self.pos.x = wrap_x(self)
        if self.wrap.y:
            self.pos.y = wrap_y(self)
        # Update vertices based on pos and angle
        self.pts = []
        for pt in self.orig:
            newx = (pt.x * math.cos(self.theta)) - (pt.y * math.sin(self.theta)) + self.pos.x
            newy = (pt.x * math.sin(self.theta)) + (pt.y * math.cos(self.theta)) + self.pos.y
            self.pts.append(Point(newx, newy))
    # Draw to the display
    def render(self, gfx, color=[255, 255, 255]):
        for start, end in zip(self.pts[:-1], self.pts[1:]):
            pygame.draw.aaline(gfx, color, (start.x, start.y), (end.x, end.y), 1)
예제 #14
 def respawn(self):
     self.time_to_respawn = 100
     self.pos = Point(350, 200)
     self.vel = Point(0, 0)