Compare the accuracy of reconstructions made from projections taken over 180
degrees with ones taken over 90 degrees.

import astra1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import phantoms
import offset90_v2
import graphs

#create phantom
jet = phantoms.shockjet(129, 800, 4, 2000, 6)

s1 = astra1.sinogram(jet, np.pi, 180)
s2 = astra1.sinogram(jet, np.pi / 2, 90)
s3 = offset90_v2.mirror_sinogram(s2)
graphs.colourmap(s1 - s3)

# reconstruct for different amount of angles and plot the average discrepancy..
# .. from the phantom jet
#ang_discrepancy = []
#angles = range(2,50,10) # range of different number of angles to take projections at

#for a in angles:
#    s1 = astra1.sinogram(jet, np.pi, a)
#    r1 = astra1.reconstruct(s1, 'SIRT', 100)

def resize(r, d):
    # resizes the reconstruction to the desired size
    # r is the reconstruction
    # d is the desired size
    resized = np.zeros((d, d))
    start = int((r.shape[0] - d) / 2)
    resized = r[start + 2:start + d + 2, start:start + d]
    return resized

if __name__ == "__main__":

    j = phantoms.offset_jet(0, 0)
    sino = astra1.sinogram(j, np.pi / 2, 180)

    # make offset jet
    ofsj = phantoms.offset_jet(48, 55)
    plt.title('Original phantom')

    # take projections and make sinogram
    offsino = astra1.sinogram(ofsj, np.pi / 2, 180)
    plt.title('90 degrees sinogram')

    # straighten
    offsino = centre_sino(offsino)  #, np.pi/2, 48, 55)
    plt.title('Line of symmetry through axis of rotation')
예제 #3
def supergaussianjet(n, s, p):
    # n is dimenstions of array (128)
    # s is the standard deviation of the gaussian
    # p is the power in the exponent of the super-gaussian
    s2 = s * s
    x, y = np.meshgrid(range(int(-n / 2), int(n / 2), 1),
                       range(int(-n / 2), int(n / 2), 1))
    rp = (x * x + y * y)**(p / 2)
    return np.array(np.exp(-rp / (2 * s2)))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    jet = shockjet(129, 800, 4, 2000, 6)
    sino = astra1.sinogram(jet, np.pi, 180)
    reconstruction = astra1.reconstruct(sino, 'SIRT', 40, np.pi)
    offset = offset_bar(10,20)
    sino = astra1.sinogram(offset, np.pi, 180)
    #gaussian = gaussianjet(128,800)
    #sino = astra1.sinogram(gaussian, np.pi, 180)

예제 #4
ang_discrepancy_no_noise = []
ang_discrepancy_poisson_noise = []
ang_discrepancy_sandp_noise = []
ang_discrepancy_gaussian_noise = []

angles = range(1,90)#range of different number of angles to take projections at
num_iterations = 15
alg ='FBP'
poi =   False 
sandp = False
gauss = True
for a in angles:
    # a is number of angles used to get sinogram
    #print(a, 'angles')

    sinogram_ = astra1.sinogram(jet, np.pi, a, poi, sandp, gauss)
    sinogram_correct_units = real_units.num_density(sinogram_)
    reconstruction = astra1.reconstruct(sinogram_correct_units, alg, num_iterations)
    d = (np.mean(abs(jet_correct_units - reconstruction)) / np.mean(jet_correct_units)) *100 
    if poi == True:

    if sandp == True:
    if gauss == True:

    if [poi,gauss,sandp] == [False,False,False]:
예제 #5
To investigate the accuracy of the reconstruction with different numbers of 
import astra1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import phantoms
import pylab
#create phantom
jet = phantoms.shockjet(129, 800, 4, 2000, 6)

# reconstruct for different number of iterations and plot the average discrepancy..
# .. from the phantom jet
iterations = range(
    1, 40)  # range of different number of iterations to reconstruct with
iter_discrepancy = []
alg = 'SIRT'
for i in iterations:
    # i is number of iterations used to get reconstruction
    print(i, 'iterations')
    s = astra1.sinogram(jet, np.pi, 90)
    r = astra1.reconstruct(s, alg, i)
    e = np.mean(abs(jet - r)) / np.mean(jet) * 100

plt.plot(iterations, iter_discrepancy)
plt.xlabel('Number of iterations for reconstruction')
plt.ylabel('Average discrepancy relative to average phantom value (%)')

diff_phant_clean = (phant_centr - reconstruction_clean) 
diff_phant_noise = (phant_centr - reconstruction_noise) 
plt.title('Lineout of the difference between the phantom and the reconstruction.')

for n in n_iterations:

    # find the different reconstructions of the phantom 
    sino_noise = astra1.sinogram(phant_centr, np.pi, n_projections, gaussian_noise=True, s_and_p_noise=True)
    fbp_noise = astra1.reconstruct(sino_noise, 'FBP', n)
    sirt_noise = astra1.reconstruct(sino_noise, 'SIRT', n)
    sino_clean = astra1.sinogram(phant_centr, np.pi, n_projections)
    fbp_clean = astra1.reconstruct(sino_clean, 'FBP', n)
    sirt_clean = astra1.reconstruct(sino_clean, 'SIRT', n)
    print('90 Clean')
    sino_90 = astra1.sinogram(phant_centr, np.pi/2, n_projections)
    #sino_90 = offset90_v2_29_11.centre_sino(sino_90)
    sino_90 = offset90_v2_29_11.mirror_sinogram(sino_90)
    fbp_90 = astra1.reconstruct(sino_90, 'FBP', n, np.pi)
    #fbp_90 = offset90_v2_29_11.resize(fbp_90, 129)
    sirt_90 = astra1.reconstruct(sino_90, 'SIRT', n, np.pi)
    sino_mirr = np.zeros((2*num_angles,s.shape[1]))
    sino_mirr[0:num_angles, 0:s.shape[1]] += s
    sinogram2 = np.flip(s,0)
    sino_mirr[num_angles:2*num_angles, 0:s.shape[1]] += sinogram2[0:]
    return sino_mirr

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #create phantom
    jet = phantoms.shockjet(129,800,4,2000,6)
    # create sinogram from phantom
    num_angles =  90
    sinogram90 = astra1.sinogram(jet, np.pi/2, num_angles)
    sino_mirr = mirror_sinogram(sinogram90)
    # image of sinogram
    imageio.imwrite('sino_mirr.png', sino_mirr)
    sinogram180 = astra1.sinogram(jet, np.pi, 2*num_angles)
    ## image of the full proper sinogram
    imageio.imwrite('sinogram180.png', sinogram180)
    # difference of sinogram from 90 and the normal 180
    sino_diff = sinogram180 - sino_mirr
예제 #8
import imageio
import numpy as np
import real_units
import phantoms

#create phantom
jet = phantoms.shockjet(129, 800, 4, 2000, 6)

#create phantom with correct units
jet_correct_units = real_units.num_density(jet)

# above is commented out as messes with reconstruction scaling issues - FIXED
#above is commented out as messes with addition of noise

# create sinogram from phantom
sinogram_ = astra1.sinogram(jet, np.pi, 180, False, False, True)
#sinogram__= astra1.sinogram(jet_correct_units,np.pi,180,True)
sinogram_correct_units = real_units.num_density(sinogram_)
# create sinogram with noise from phantom

sinogram_poisson_noise = astra1.sinogram_poisson(,sinogram,jet, np.pi, 180)
sinogram_poisson_s_and_p = astra1.add_salt_pepper(jet_correct_units,np.pi,180,0.01)

# create reconstruction
reconstruction = astra1.reconstruct(sinogram_correct_units, 'FBP', 100)

# birds eye view of phantom
imageio.imwrite("shockjet_phantom.png", jet_correct_units)
예제 #9
    # d is the desired size
    resized = np.zeros((d, d))
    start = int((r.shape[0] - d) / 2)
    resized = r[start + 2:start + d + 2, start:start + d]
    return resized

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # make offset jet
    ofsj = phantoms.offset_jet(48, 55)
    plt.title('Original phantom')

    # take projections and make sinogram
    offsino = astra1.sinogram(ofsj, np.pi / 2, 90)
    plt.title('90 degrees sinogram')

    # straighten
    offsino = centre_sino(offsino)  #, np.pi/2, 48, 55)
    plt.title('Line of symmetry through axis of rotation')

    # mirror
    offsino = mirror_sinogram(offsino)
    plt.title('Mirrored to 180 degrees')

    # reconstruction
    off_recon = astra1.reconstruct(offsino, 'FBP', 100, np.pi)
예제 #10
fbp_noise_err = []
sirt_noise_err = []
fbp_clean_err = []
sirt_clean_err = []
fbp_90_err = []
sirt_90_err = []
fbp_90_noise_err = []
sirt_90_noise_err = []

for n in n_projections:

    # find the different reconstructions of the phantom 
    sino_noise = astra1.sinogram(phant, np.pi, n, gaussian_noise=True)
    fbp_noise = astra1.reconstruct(sino_noise, 'FBP', n_iterations)
    sirt_noise = astra1.reconstruct(sino_noise, 'SIRT', n_iterations)
    sino_clean = astra1.sinogram(phant, np.pi, n)
    fbp_clean = astra1.reconstruct(sino_clean, 'FBP', n_iterations)
    sirt_clean = astra1.reconstruct(sino_clean, 'SIRT', n_iterations)
    print('90 Clean')
    sino_90 = astra1.sinogram(phant, np.pi/2, n)
    sino_90 = offset90_v2.centre_sino(sino_90)
    sino_90 = offset90_v2.mirror_sinogram(sino_90)
    fbp_90 = astra1.reconstruct(sino_90, 'FBP', n_iterations, np.pi)
    sirt_90 = astra1.reconstruct(sino_90, 'SIRT', n_iterations, np.pi)