def fit_data(self, event_name='', method=None, iterations=None, frack_step=20, num_walkers=None, num_temps=1, burn=None, post_burn=None, fracking=True, gibbs=False, pool=None, output_path='', suffix='', write=False, upload=False, upload_token='', check_upload_quality=True, convergence_type=None, convergence_criteria=None, save_full_chain=False, extra_outputs=None): """Fit the data for a given event. Fitting performed using a combination of emcee and fracking. """ if self._speak: speak('Fitting ' + event_name, self._speak) from mosfit.__init__ import __version__ global model model = self._model prt = self._printer upload_model = upload and iterations > 0 if pool is not None: self._pool = pool if upload: try: import dropbox except ImportError: if self._test: pass else: prt.message('install_db', error=True) raise if not self._pool.is_master(): try: self._pool.wait() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass return (None, None, None) self._method = method if self._method == 'nester': self._sampler = Nester(self, model, iterations, burn, post_burn, num_walkers, convergence_criteria, convergence_type, gibbs, fracking, frack_step) else: self._sampler = Ensembler(self, model, iterations, burn, post_burn, num_temps, num_walkers, convergence_criteria, convergence_type, gibbs, fracking, frack_step) prt.message('constructing') if write: if self._speak: speak(prt._strings['saving_output'], self._speak) if self._event_path: entry = Entry.init_from_file(catalog=None, name=self._event_name, path=self._event_path, merge=False, pop_schema=False, ignore_keys=[ENTRY.MODELS], compare_to_existing=False) new_photometry = [] for photo in entry.get(ENTRY.PHOTOMETRY, []): if PHOTOMETRY.REALIZATION not in photo: new_photometry.append(photo) if len(new_photometry): entry[ENTRY.PHOTOMETRY] = new_photometry else: entry = Entry(name=self._event_name) uentry = Entry(name=self._event_name) data_keys = set() for task in model._call_stack: if model._call_stack[task]['kind'] == 'data': data_keys.update( list(model._call_stack[task].get('keys', {}).keys())) entryhash = entry.get_hash(keys=list(sorted(list(data_keys)))) # Accumulate all the sources and add them to each entry. sources = [] for root in model._references: for ref in model._references[root]: sources.append(entry.add_source(**ref)) sources.append(entry.add_source(**self._DEFAULT_SOURCE)) source = ','.join(sources) usources = [] for root in model._references: for ref in model._references[root]: usources.append(uentry.add_source(**ref)) usources.append(uentry.add_source(**self._DEFAULT_SOURCE)) usource = ','.join(usources) model_setup = OrderedDict() for ti, task in enumerate(model._call_stack): task_copy = deepcopy(model._call_stack[task]) if (task_copy['kind'] == 'parameter' and task in model._parameter_json): task_copy.update(model._parameter_json[task]) model_setup[task] = task_copy modeldict = OrderedDict([(MODEL.NAME, model._model_name), (MODEL.SETUP, model_setup), (MODEL.CODE, 'MOSFiT'), (MODEL.DATE, time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")), (MODEL.VERSION, __version__), (MODEL.SOURCE, source)]) self._sampler.prepare_output(check_upload_quality, upload) self._sampler.append_output(modeldict) umodeldict = deepcopy(modeldict) umodeldict[MODEL.SOURCE] = usource modelhash = get_model_hash(umodeldict, ignore_keys=[MODEL.DATE, MODEL.SOURCE]) umodelnum = uentry.add_model(**umodeldict) if self._sampler._upload_model is not None: upload_model = self._sampler._upload_model modelnum = entry.add_model(**modeldict) samples, probs, weights = self._sampler.get_samples() extras = OrderedDict() samples_to_plot = self._sampler._nwalkers if isinstance(self._sampler, Nester): icdf = np.cumsum(np.concatenate(([0.0], weights))) draws = np.random.rand(samples_to_plot) indices = np.searchsorted(icdf, draws) - 1 else: indices = list(range(samples_to_plot)) ri = 0 selected_extra = False for xi, x in enumerate(samples): ri = ri + 1 prt.message('outputting_walker', [ri, len(samples)], inline=True, min_time=0.2) if xi in indices: output = model.run_stack(x, root='output') if extra_outputs is not None: if not extra_outputs and not selected_extra: extra_options = list(output.keys()) prt.message('available_keys') for opt in extra_options: prt.prt('- {}'.format(opt)) selected_extra = True for key in extra_outputs: new_val = output.get(key, []) new_val = all_to_list(new_val) extras.setdefault(key, []).append(new_val) for i in range(len(output['times'])): if not np.isfinite(output['model_observations'][i]): continue photodict = { PHOTOMETRY.TIME: output['times'][i] + output['min_times'], PHOTOMETRY.MODEL: modelnum, PHOTOMETRY.SOURCE: source, PHOTOMETRY.REALIZATION: str(ri) } if output['observation_types'][i] == 'magnitude': photodict[PHOTOMETRY.BAND] = output['bands'][i] photodict[PHOTOMETRY. MAGNITUDE] = output['model_observations'][i] photodict[PHOTOMETRY. E_MAGNITUDE] = output['model_variances'][i] elif output['observation_types'][i] == 'magcount': if output['model_observations'][i] == 0.0: continue photodict[PHOTOMETRY.BAND] = output['bands'][i] photodict[PHOTOMETRY. COUNT_RATE] = output['model_observations'][i] photodict[PHOTOMETRY. E_COUNT_RATE] = output['model_variances'][i] photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE] = -2.5 * np.log10( output['model_observations'] [i]) + output['all_zeropoints'][i] photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_UPPER_MAGNITUDE] = 2.5 * ( np.log10(output['model_observations'][i] + output['model_variances'][i]) - np.log10(output['model_observations'][i])) if (output['model_variances'][i] > output['model_observations'][i]): photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT] = True else: photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_LOWER_MAGNITUDE] = 2.5 * ( np.log10(output['model_observations'][i]) - np.log10(output['model_observations'][i] - output['model_variances'][i])) elif output['observation_types'][i] == 'fluxdensity': photodict[PHOTOMETRY.FREQUENCY] = output[ 'frequencies'][i] * frequency_unit('GHz') photodict[PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY] = output[ 'model_observations'][i] * flux_density_unit('µJy') photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_LOWER_FLUX_DENSITY] = ( photodict[PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY] - (10.0** (np.log10(photodict[PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY]) - output['model_variances'][i] / 2.5)) * flux_density_unit('µJy')) photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_UPPER_FLUX_DENSITY] = ( 10.0**(np.log10(photodict[PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY]) + output['model_variances'][i] / 2.5) * flux_density_unit('µJy') - photodict[PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY]) photodict[PHOTOMETRY.U_FREQUENCY] = 'GHz' photodict[PHOTOMETRY.U_FLUX_DENSITY] = 'µJy' elif output['observation_types'][i] == 'countrate': photodict[PHOTOMETRY. COUNT_RATE] = output['model_observations'][i] photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_LOWER_COUNT_RATE] = ( photodict[PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE] - (10.0**(np.log10(photodict[PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE]) - output['model_variances'][i] / 2.5))) photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_UPPER_COUNT_RATE] = ( 10.0**(np.log10(photodict[PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE]) + output['model_variances'][i] / 2.5) - photodict[PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE]) photodict[PHOTOMETRY.U_COUNT_RATE] = 's^-1' if ('model_upper_limits' in output and output['model_upper_limits'][i]): photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT] = bool( output['model_upper_limits'][i]) if self._limiting_magnitude is not None: photodict[PHOTOMETRY.SIMULATED] = True if 'telescopes' in output and output['telescopes'][i]: photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.TELESCOPE] = output['telescopes'][i] if 'systems' in output and output['systems'][i]: photodict[PHOTOMETRY.SYSTEM] = output['systems'][i] if 'bandsets' in output and output['bandsets'][i]: photodict[PHOTOMETRY.BAND_SET] = output['bandsets'][i] if 'instruments' in output and output['instruments'][i]: photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.INSTRUMENT] = output['instruments'][i] if 'modes' in output and output['modes'][i]: photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MODE] = output['modes'][i] entry.add_photometry(compare_to_existing=False, check_for_dupes=False, **photodict) uphotodict = deepcopy(photodict) uphotodict[PHOTOMETRY.SOURCE] = umodelnum uentry.add_photometry(compare_to_existing=False, check_for_dupes=False, **uphotodict) else: output = model.run_stack(x, root='objective') parameters = OrderedDict() derived_keys = set() pi = 0 for ti, task in enumerate(model._call_stack): # if task not in model._free_parameters: # continue if model._call_stack[task]['kind'] != 'parameter': continue paramdict = OrderedDict( (('latex', model._modules[task].latex()), ('log', model._modules[task].is_log()))) if task in model._free_parameters: poutput = model._modules[task].process( **{'fraction': x[pi]}) value = list(poutput.values())[0] paramdict['value'] = value paramdict['fraction'] = x[pi] pi = pi + 1 else: if output.get(task, None) is not None: paramdict['value'] = output[task] parameters.update({model._modules[task].name(): paramdict}) # Dump out any derived parameter keys derived_keys.update(model._modules[task].get_derived_keys()) for key in list(sorted(list(derived_keys))): if (output.get(key, None) is not None and key not in parameters): parameters.update({key: {'value': output[key]}}) realdict = {REALIZATION.PARAMETERS: parameters} if probs is not None: realdict[REALIZATION.SCORE] = str(probs[xi]) else: realdict[REALIZATION.SCORE] = str( ln_likelihood(x) + ln_prior(x)) realdict[REALIZATION.ALIAS] = str(ri) realdict[REALIZATION.WEIGHT] = str(weights[xi]) entry[ENTRY.MODELS][0].add_realization(check_for_dupes=False, **realdict) urealdict = deepcopy(realdict) uentry[ENTRY.MODELS][0].add_realization(check_for_dupes=False, **urealdict) prt.message('all_walkers_written', inline=True) entry.sanitize() oentry = {self._event_name: entry._ordered(entry)} uentry.sanitize() ouentry = {self._event_name: uentry._ordered(uentry)} uname = '_'.join([self._event_name, entryhash, modelhash]) if output_path and not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) if not os.path.exists(model.get_products_path()): os.makedirs(model.get_products_path()) if write: prt.message('writing_complete') with open_atomic( os.path.join(model.get_products_path(), 'walkers.json'), 'w') as flast, open_atomic( os.path.join( model.get_products_path(), self._event_name + (('_' + suffix) if suffix else '') + '.json'), 'w') as feven: entabbed_json_dump(oentry, flast, separators=(',', ':')) entabbed_json_dump(oentry, feven, separators=(',', ':')) if save_full_chain: prt.message('writing_full_chain') with open_atomic( os.path.join(model.get_products_path(), 'chain.json'), 'w') as flast, open_atomic( os.path.join( model.get_products_path(), self._event_name + '_chain' + (('_' + suffix) if suffix else '') + '.json'), 'w') as feven: entabbed_json_dump(self._sampler._all_chain.tolist(), flast, separators=(',', ':')) entabbed_json_dump(self._sampler._all_chain.tolist(), feven, separators=(',', ':')) if extra_outputs is not None: prt.message('writing_extras') with open_atomic( os.path.join(model.get_products_path(), 'extras.json'), 'w') as flast, open_atomic( os.path.join( model.get_products_path(), self._event_name + '_extras' + (('_' + suffix) if suffix else '') + '.json'), 'w') as feven: entabbed_json_dump(extras, flast, separators=(',', ':')) entabbed_json_dump(extras, feven, separators=(',', ':')) prt.message('writing_model') with open_atomic( os.path.join(model.get_products_path(), 'upload.json'), 'w') as flast, open_atomic( os.path.join( model.get_products_path(), uname + (('_' + suffix) if suffix else '') + '.json'), 'w') as feven: entabbed_json_dump(ouentry, flast, separators=(',', ':')) entabbed_json_dump(ouentry, feven, separators=(',', ':')) if upload_model: prt.message('ul_fit', [entryhash, self._sampler._modelhash]) upayload = entabbed_json_dumps(ouentry, separators=(',', ':')) try: dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(upload_token) dbx.files_upload(upayload.encode(), '/' + uname + '.json', mode=dropbox.files.WriteMode.overwrite) prt.message('ul_complete') except Exception: if self._test: pass else: raise if upload: for ce in self._converter.get_converted(): dentry = Entry.init_from_file(catalog=None, name=ce[0], path=ce[1], merge=False, pop_schema=False, ignore_keys=[ENTRY.MODELS], compare_to_existing=False) dentry.sanitize() odentry = {ce[0]: uentry._ordered(dentry)} dpayload = entabbed_json_dumps(odentry, separators=(',', ':')) text = prt.message('ul_devent', [ce[0]], prt=False) ul_devent = prt.prompt(text, kind='bool', message=False) if ul_devent: dpath = '/' + slugify( ce[0] + '_' + dentry[ENTRY.SOURCES][0].get( SOURCE.BIBCODE, dentry[ENTRY.SOURCES][0].get( SOURCE.NAME, 'NOSOURCE'))) + '.json' try: dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(upload_token) dbx.files_upload( dpayload.encode(), dpath, mode=dropbox.files.WriteMode.overwrite) prt.message('ul_complete') except Exception: if self._test: pass else: raise return (entry, samples, probs)
def generate_event_list(self, event_list): """Generate a list of events and/or convert events to JSON format.""" prt = self._printer cidict = OrderedDict() intro_shown = False new_event_list = [] previous_file = None for event in event_list: rsource = {SOURCE.NAME: self._DEFAULT_SOURCE} use_self_source = None new_events = [] toffset = Decimal('0') if ('.' in event and os.path.isfile(event) and not event.endswith('.json')): if not intro_shown: prt.message('converter_info') intro_shown = True prt.message('converting_to_json', [event]) with open(event, 'r') as f: ftxt = # Try a couple of table formats from astropy. table = None try: table = read(ftxt, Reader=Cds, guess=False) except Exception: pass else: prt.message('convert_cds') flines = [table.colnames] + [ list(x) for x in np.array(table).tolist()] for i in range(len(flines)): flines[i] = [str(x) for x in flines[i]] try: table = read(ftxt, Reader=Latex, guess=False) except Exception: pass else: prt.message('convert_latex') flines = [table.colnames] + [ list(x) for x in np.array(table).tolist()] if table is None: # Count to try and determine delimiter. delims = [' ', '\t', ',', ';', '|', '&'] delimnames = [ 'Space: ` `', 'Tab: `\t`', 'Comma: `,`', 'Semi-colon: `;`', 'Bar: `|`', 'Ampersand: `&`'] delim = None delimcounts = [ftxt.count(x) for x in delims] maxdelimcount = max(delimcounts) delim = delims[delimcounts.index(maxdelimcount)] # If two delimiter options are close in count, ask user. for i, x in enumerate(delimcounts): if x > 0.5 * maxdelimcount and delims[i] != delim: delim = None if delim is None: odelims = list(np.array(delimnames)[ np.array(delimcounts) > 0]) delim = delims[prt.prompt( 'delim', kind='option', options=odelims) - 1] ad = list(delims) ad.remove(delim) ad = ''.join(ad) fsplit = ftxt.splitlines() fsplit = [ x.replace('$', '').replace('\\pm', delim) .replace('±', delim).replace('(', delim + '(') .strip(ad + '()# ').replace('′', "'") for x in fsplit] flines = [] for fs in fsplit: flines.append(list( csv.reader([fs], delimiter=delim))[0]) flines = [[ x.strip(ad + '#$()\\') for x in y] for y in flines] # Find band columns if they exist and insert error columns # if they don't exist. for fi, fl in enumerate(list(flines)): flcopy = list(fl) offset = 0 if not any([is_number(x) for x in fl]): for fci, fc in enumerate(fl): if (fc in self._band_names and (fci == len(fl) - 1 or fl[fci + 1] not in self._emagstrs)): flcopy.insert(fci + 1 + offset, 'e mag') offset += 1 flines[fi] = flcopy # Find the most frequent column count. These are probably # the tables we wish to read. flens = [len(x) for x in flines] ncols = Counter(flens).most_common(1)[0][0] newlines = [] potential_name = None for fi, fl in enumerate(flines): if (len(fl) and flens[fi] == 1 and fi < len(flines) - 1 and flens[fi + 1] == ncols and not len(newlines)): potential_name = fl[0] if flens[fi] == ncols: if potential_name is not None and any( [is_number(x) for x in fl]): newlines.append([potential_name] + list(fl)) else: newlines.append(list(fl)) flines = newlines for fi, fl in enumerate(flines): if len(fl) == ncols and potential_name is not None: if not any([is_number(x) for x in fl]): flines[fi] = ['name'] + list(fl) # If none of the rows contain numeric data, the file # is likely a list of transient names. if (len(flines) and (not any(any([is_number(x) or x == '' for x in y]) for y in flines) or len(flines) == 1)): new_events = [ it for s in flines for it in s] # If last row is numeric, then likely this is a file with # transient data. elif (len(flines) > 1 and any([is_number(x) for x in flines[-1]])): # Check that each row has the same number of columns. if len(set([len(x) for x in flines])) > 1: print(set([len(x) for x in flines])) raise ValueError( 'Number of columns in each row not ' 'consistent!') if len(cidict) and len(new_event_list): msg = ('is_file_same' if previous_file else 'is_event_same') reps = [previous_file] if previous_file else [''.join( new_event_list[-1].split('.')[:-1])] text = prt.text(msg, reps) is_same = prt.prompt(text, message=False, kind='bool') if not is_same: cidict = OrderedDict() # If the first row has no numbers it is likely a header. if not len(cidict): self.assign_columns(cidict, flines) perms = 1 for key in cidict: if isinstance(cidict[key], list) and not isinstance( cidict[key], string_types): if cidict[key][0] != 'j': perms = len(cidict[key]) # Get event name (if single event) or list of names from # table. event_names = [] if ENTRY.NAME in cidict: for fi, fl in enumerate(flines): flines[fi][cidict[ENTRY.NAME]] = name_clean( fl[cidict[ENTRY.NAME]]) event_names = list(sorted(set([ x[cidict[ENTRY.NAME]] for x in flines[ self._first_data:]]))) new_events = [x + '.json' for x in event_names] else: new_event_name = '.'.join(event.split( '.')[:-1]).split('/')[-1] text = prt.message( 'is_event_name', [new_event_name], prt=False) is_name = prt.prompt(text, message=False, kind='bool', default='y') if not is_name: new_event_name = '' while new_event_name.strip() == '': new_event_name = prt.prompt( 'enter_name', kind='string') event_names.append(new_event_name) new_events = [new_event_name + '.json'] # Create a new event, populate the photometry, and dump # to a JSON file in the run directory. entries = OrderedDict([(x, Entry(name=x)) for x in event_names]) # Clean up the data a bit now that we know the column # identities. # Strip common prefixes/suffixes from band names if PHOTOMETRY.BAND in cidict: bi = cidict[PHOTOMETRY.BAND] for d in [True, False]: if not isinstance(bi, (int, np.integer)): break strip_cols = [] lens = [len(x[bi]) for x in flines[self._first_data:]] llen = min(lens) ra = range(llen) if d else range(-1, -llen - 1, -1) for li in ra: letter = None for row in list(flines[self._first_data:]): if letter is None: letter = row[bi][li] elif row[bi][li] != letter: letter = None break if letter is not None: strip_cols.append(li) else: break if len(strip_cols) == llen: break for ri in range(len(flines[self._first_data:])): flines[self._first_data + ri][bi] = ''.join( [c for i, c in enumerate(flines[ self._first_data + ri][bi]) if (i if d else i - len(flines[ self._first_data + ri][bi])) not in strip_cols]) if (PHOTOMETRY.TIME in cidict and (not isinstance(cidict[PHOTOMETRY.TIME], list) or len(cidict[PHOTOMETRY.TIME]) <= 2)): bi = cidict[PHOTOMETRY.TIME] if isinstance(bi, list) and not isinstance( bi, string_types) and isinstance( bi[0], string_types) and bi[0] == 'jd': bi = bi[-1] mmtimes = [float(x[bi]) for x in flines[self._first_data:]] mintime, maxtime = min(mmtimes), max(mmtimes) if mintime < 10000: while True: try: response = prt.prompt( 'small_time_offset', kind='string') if response is not None: toffset = Decimal(response) break except Exception: pass elif maxtime > 60000 and cidict[ PHOTOMETRY.TIME][0] != 'jd': isjd = prt.prompt( 'large_time_offset', kind='bool', default='y') if isjd: toffset = Decimal('-2400000.5') for row in flines[self._first_data:]: photodict = {} rname = (row[cidict[ENTRY.NAME]] if ENTRY.NAME in cidict else event_names[0]) for pi in range(perms): sources = set() for key in cidict: if key in self._bool_keys: rval = row[cidict[key]] if rval in self._FALSE_VALS: rval = False elif rval in self._TRUE_VALS: rval = True if type(rval) != 'bool': try: rval = bool(rval) except Exception: pass if type(rval) != 'bool': try: rval = bool(float(rval)) except Exception: rval = True if not rval: continue row[cidict[key]] = rval elif key == 'reference': if (isinstance(cidict[key], string_types) and len(cidict[key]) == 19): new_src = entries[rname].add_source( bibcode=cidict[key]) sources.update(new_src) row[ cidict[key]] = new_src elif key == ENTRY.NAME: continue elif (isinstance(key, Key) and key.type == KEY_TYPES.TIME and isinstance(cidict[key], list) and not isinstance(cidict[key], string_types)): tval = np.array(row)[np.array(cidict[key][ 1:], dtype=int)] if cidict[key][0] == 'j': date = '-'.join([x.zfill(2) for x in tval]) date = self._month_rep.sub( lambda x: self._MONTH_IDS[], date) photodict[key] = str( astrotime(date, format='isot').mjd) elif cidict[key][0] == 'jd': photodict[key] = str( jd_to_mjd(Decimal(tval[-1]))) continue val = cidict[key] if (isinstance(val, list) and not isinstance(val, string_types)): val = val[pi] if isinstance(val, string_types): if val != '': photodict[key] = val else: photodict[key] = row[val] else: if isinstance(val, string_types): if val != '': photodict[key] = val else: photodict[key] = row[val] if self._data_type == 2: if self._zp: photodict[PHOTOMETRY.ZERO_POINT] = self._zp else: photodict[PHOTOMETRY.ZERO_POINT] = ( row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.ZERO_POINT][pi]] if isinstance(cidict[ PHOTOMETRY.ZERO_POINT], list) else row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.ZERO_POINT]]) zpp = photodict[PHOTOMETRY.ZERO_POINT] cc = ( row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE][pi]] if isinstance(cidict[ PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE], list) else row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE]]) ecc = ( row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.E_COUNT_RATE][pi]] if isinstance(cidict[ PHOTOMETRY.E_COUNT_RATE], list) else row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.E_COUNT_RATE]]) if '<' in cc: set_pd_mag_from_counts( photodict, ec=cc.strip('<'), zp=zpp) else: set_pd_mag_from_counts( photodict, c=cc, ec=ecc, zp=zpp) elif self._data_type == 3: photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.U_FLUX_DENSITY] = self._ufd if PHOTOMETRY.U_FLUX_DENSITY in cidict: photodict[PHOTOMETRY.U_FLUX_DENSITY] = ( row[cidict[ PHOTOMETRY.U_FLUX_DENSITY][pi]] if isinstance(cidict[ PHOTOMETRY. U_FLUX_DENSITY], list) else row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.U_FLUX_DENSITY]]) if photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.U_FLUX_DENSITY] == '': photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.U_FLUX_DENSITY] = 'µJy' fd = ( row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY][pi]] if isinstance(cidict[ PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY], list) else row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY]]) efd = ( row[cidict[ PHOTOMETRY.E_FLUX_DENSITY][pi]] if isinstance(cidict[ PHOTOMETRY.E_FLUX_DENSITY], list) else row[cidict[PHOTOMETRY.E_FLUX_DENSITY]]) mult = Decimal('1') ufd = photodict[PHOTOMETRY.U_FLUX_DENSITY] if ufd.lower() in [ 'mjy', 'millijy', 'millijansky']: mult = Decimal('1e3') elif ufd.lower() in ['jy', 'jansky']: mult = Decimal('1e6') if '<' in fd: set_pd_mag_from_flux_density( photodict, efd=str( Decimal(fd.strip('<')) * mult)) else: set_pd_mag_from_flux_density( photodict, fd=Decimal(fd) * mult, efd=Decimal(efd) * mult) if not len(sources): if use_self_source is None: sopts = [ ('Bibcode', 'b'), ('Last name', 'l')] if self._require_source: sel_str = 'must_select_source' else: sel_str = 'select_source' text = prt.text(sel_str) skind = prt.prompt( text, kind='option', options=sopts, default='b', none_string=( None if self._require_source else 'Neither, tag MOSFiT as source')) if skind == 'b': rsource = {} bibcode = '' while len(bibcode) != 19: bibcode = prt.prompt( 'bibcode', kind='string', allow_blank=False ) bibcode = bibcode.strip() if ( '[0-9]{4}..........[\.0-9]{4}' '[A-Za-z]', bibcode) is None): bibcode = '' rsource[ SOURCE.BIBCODE] = bibcode use_self_source = False elif skind == 'l': rsource = {} last_name = prt.prompt( 'last_name', kind='string' ) rsource[ SOURCE.NAME] = ( last_name.strip().title() + ' et al., in preparation') use_self_source = False elif skind == 'n': use_self_source = True photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.SOURCE] = entries[ rname].add_source(**rsource) if any([x in photodict.get( PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE, '') for x in ['<', '>']]): photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT] = True photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE] = photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE].strip('<>') if '<' in photodict.get(PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE, ''): photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT] = True photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE] = photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.COUNT_RATE].strip('<') if PHOTOMETRY.E_COUNT_RATE in photodict: del(photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_COUNT_RATE]) if '<' in photodict.get( PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY, ''): photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT] = True photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY] = photodict[ PHOTOMETRY.FLUX_DENSITY].strip('<') if PHOTOMETRY.E_FLUX_DENSITY in photodict: del(photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_FLUX_DENSITY]) # Apply offset time if set. if (PHOTOMETRY.TIME in photodict and toffset != Decimal('0')): photodict[PHOTOMETRY.TIME] = str( Decimal(photodict[PHOTOMETRY.TIME]) + toffset) # Skip entries for which key values are not # expected type. if not all([ is_number(photodict.get(x, '')) for x in photodict.keys() if (PHOTOMETRY.get_key_by_name(x).type == KEY_TYPES.NUMERIC)]): continue # Skip placeholder values. if float(photodict.get( PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE, 0.0)) > 50.0: continue # Add system if specified by user. if (self._system is not None and PHOTOMETRY.SYSTEM not in photodict): photodict[PHOTOMETRY.SYSTEM] = self._system # Remove keys not in the `PHOTOMETRY` class. for key in list(photodict.keys()): if key not in PHOTOMETRY.vals(): del(photodict[key]) # Add the photometry. entries[rname].add_photometry( **photodict) merge_with_existing = None for ei, entry in enumerate(entries): entries[entry].sanitize() if os.path.isfile(new_events[ei]): if merge_with_existing is None: merge_with_existing = prt.prompt( 'merge_with_existing', default='y') if merge_with_existing: existing = Entry.init_from_file( catalog=None, name=event_names[ei], path=new_events[ei], merge=False, pop_schema=False, ignore_keys=[ENTRY.MODELS], compare_to_existing=False) Catalog().copy_entry_to_entry( existing, entries[entry]) oentry = entries[entry]._ordered(entries[entry]) entabbed_json_dump( {entry: oentry}, open(new_events[ei], 'w'), separators=(',', ':')) self._converted.extend([ [event_names[x], new_events[x]] for x in range(len(event_names))]) new_event_list.extend(new_events) previous_file = event else: new_event_list.append(event) return new_event_list