예제 #1
def transform(cls):
    Mimics Flask-SQLAlchemy's _include_sqlalchemy
    if cls.name == "SQLAlchemy":
        import sqlalchemy  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        import sqlalchemy.orm  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

        for module in sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy.orm:
            for key in module.__all__:
                cls.locals[key] = [ClassDef(key, None)]
    if cls.name == "scoped_session":
        from sqlalchemy.orm import Session  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

        for key in Session.public_methods:
            cls.locals[key] = [ClassDef(key, None)]
예제 #2
def transform(node: NodeNG) -> None:
    """Make pylint understand FlaskSQLAlchemy proxies and wrappers.

    Note : it _looks_ like astroid transforms are run in some kind of try/except
    mechanism which makes some errors fail silently. For example, if you call:

    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    here, you would think it will raise an:
    `AttributeError: type object 'Session' has no attribute 'foo'`
    but... no. Instead it stops the transform and continue to the next node, so pylint
    does not raise an error, so you think your code (and ours) works, but it's not :-(
    So we need to write tests that fails to make sure our plugin works.
    if node.name == "SQLAlchemy":
        import sqlalchemy
        import sqlalchemy.orm

        for module in sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy.orm:
            for key in sorted(module.__all__, key=sort_module_keys):
                if key not in FLASK_SQLALCHEMY_WRAPS:
                    node.locals[key] = [ClassDef(key, None)]
                    node.locals[key] = [
                        ClassDef(key, None), node.locals["Query"]
    elif node.name == "scoped_session":
        from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

        for key in sorted(dir(Session), reverse=True):
            # `query` is in fact a proxy to `query_property`
            if key == "query":
                node.locals[key] = [
                    ClassDef(key, None), node.locals["query_property"]
                node.locals[key] = [ClassDef(key, None)]
예제 #3
def cubicweb_transform(module):
    # handle objectify_predicate decorator (and its former name until bw compat
    # is kept). Only look at module level functions, should be enough.
    for assnodes in module.locals.values():
        for node in assnodes:
            if isinstance(node, FunctionDef) and node.decorators:
                for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
                        for infered in decorator.infer():
                            if infered.name in ('objectify_predicate',
                    except InferenceError:
    # add yams base types into 'yams.buildobjs', astng doesn't grasp globals()
    # magic in there
    if module.name == 'yams.buildobjs':
        from yams import BASE_TYPES
        for etype in BASE_TYPES:
            module.locals[etype] = [ClassDef(etype, None)]
    # add data() to uiprops module
    elif module.name.split('.')[-1] == 'uiprops':
        fake = AstroidBuilder(MANAGER).string_build('''
def data(string):
  return u''
        module.locals['data'] = fake.locals['data']
    # handle lower case with underscores for relation names in schema.py
    if not module.qname().endswith('.schema'):
    schema_locals = module.locals
    for assnodes in schema_locals.values():
        for node in assnodes:
            if not isinstance(node, ClassDef):
            # XXX can we infer ancestor classes? it would be better to know for sure that
            # one of the mother classes is yams.buildobjs.RelationDefinition for instance
            for base in node.basenames:
                if base in ('RelationDefinition', 'ComputedRelation',
                    new_name = node.name.replace('_', '').capitalize()
                    schema_locals[new_name] = schema_locals[node.name]
                    del schema_locals[node.name]
                    node.name = new_name