def match_kdtree_catalog(wcs, catfn): from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import ( tree_open, tree_close, tree_build_radec, tree_free, trees_match, tree_permute, ) from astrometry.libkd import spherematch_c from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import deg2dist, xyztoradec import numpy as np import sys rc, dc = wcs.get_center() rr = wcs.get_radius() kd = tree_open(catfn) kd2 = tree_build_radec(np.array([rc]), np.array([dc])) r = deg2dist(rr) I, J, nil = trees_match(kd, kd2, r, permuted=False) # HACK # I2,J,d = trees_match(kd, kd2, r) xyz = spherematch_c.kdtree_get_positions(kd, I.astype(np.uint32)) # print 'I', I I2 = tree_permute(kd, I) # print 'I2', I2 tree_free(kd2) tree_close(kd) tra, tdec = xyztoradec(xyz) return tra, tdec, I2
def __call__(self, ra, dec, spherematch=True, radius=0, contains=False): T = # HACK - magic 13x9 +1 arcmin. if radius == 0: radius = sqrt(14.**2 + 10.**2)/2. d2 = arcmin2distsq(radius) if self.sdssxyz is None: self.sdssxyz = radectoxyz(T.ra, T.dec) if not spherematch: rcfs = [] for r,d in broadcast(ra,dec): xyz = radectoxyz(r,d) dist2s = sum((xyz - self.sdssxyz)**2, axis=1) I = flatnonzero(dist2s < d2) rcfs.append(zip(T[I].run, T[I].camcol, T[I].field, T[I].ra, T[I].dec)) else: from astrometry.libkd import spherematch if self.kd is None: self.kd = spherematch.tree_build(self.sdssxyz) rds = array([x for x in broadcast(ra,dec)]) xyz = radectoxyz(rds[:,0], rds[:,1]).astype(double) kd2 = spherematch.tree_build(xyz) notself = False inds,D = spherematch.trees_match(self.kd, kd2, np.sqrt(d2), notself=notself, permuted=True) if len(inds) == 0: return [] I = np.argsort(D[:,0]) inds = inds[I] rcfs = [[] for i in range(len(rds))] cols = T.columns() gotem = False if contains: if ('ramin' in cols and 'ramax' in cols and 'decmin' in cols and 'decmax' in cols): gotem = True for j,i in inds: (r,d) = rds[i] if (r >= T.ramin[j] and r <= T.ramax[j] and d >= T.decmin[j] and d <= T.decmax[j]): rcfs[i].append(([j], T.camcol[j], T.field[j], T.ra[j], T.dec[j])) #print '%i fields contain the first query RA,Dec' % len(rcfs[0]) else: print('you requested fields *containing* the query RA,Dec,') print('but the fields list file \"%s\" doesn\'t contain RAMIN,RAMAX,DECMIN, and DECMAX columns' % tablefn) if not gotem: for j,i in inds: rcfs[i].append(([j], T.camcol[j], T.field[j], T.ra[j], T.dec[j])) if isscalar(ra) and isscalar(dec): return rcfs[0] return rcfs
def _match_tile(X): tid, tile_ra, tile_dec, tile_obstime, tile_theta, tile_obsha, match_radius = X loc_ra, loc_dec = xy2radec(hw, tile_ra, tile_dec, tile_obstime, tile_theta, tile_obsha, stuck_x, stuck_y, False, 0) kd = tree_build_radec(loc_ra, loc_dec) I, J, d = trees_match(starkd, kd, match_radius) print('Tile', tid, 'matched', len(I), 'stars') if len(I): res = tid, I, loc_ra[J], loc_dec[J], stuck_loc[J], np.rad2deg( d) * 3600. else: res = None return res
def match_kdtree_catalog(wcs, catfn): from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import tree_open, tree_close, tree_build_radec, tree_free, trees_match, tree_permute from astrometry.libkd import spherematch_c from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import deg2dist, xyztoradec import numpy as np import sys rc,dc = wcs.get_center() rr = wcs.get_radius() kd = tree_open(catfn) kd2 = tree_build_radec(np.array([rc]), np.array([dc])) r = deg2dist(rr) I,J,nil = trees_match(kd, kd2, r, permuted=False) del kd2 xyz = kd.get_data(I.astype(np.uint32)) I = kd.permute(I) del kd tra,tdec = xyztoradec(xyz) return tra, tdec, I
def match_kdtree_catalog(wcs, catfn): from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import tree_open, tree_close, tree_build_radec, tree_free, trees_match, tree_permute from astrometry.libkd import spherematch_c from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import deg2dist, xyztoradec import numpy as np import sys rc, dc = wcs.get_center() rr = wcs.get_radius() kd = tree_open(catfn) kd2 = tree_build_radec(np.array([rc]), np.array([dc])) r = deg2dist(rr) I, J, nil = trees_match(kd, kd2, r, permuted=False) # HACK #I2,J,d = trees_match(kd, kd2, r) xyz = spherematch_c.kdtree_get_positions(kd, I.astype(np.uint32)) #print 'I', I I2 = tree_permute(kd, I) #print 'I2', I2 tree_free(kd2) tree_close(kd) tra, tdec = xyztoradec(xyz) return tra, tdec, I2
def plot_wcs_outline(wcsfn, plotfn, W=256, H=256, width=36, zoom=True, zoomwidth=3.6, grid=10, hd=False, hd_labels=False, tycho2=False): anutil.log_init(3) #anutil.log_set_level(3) wcs = anutil.Tan(wcsfn, 0) ra, dec = wcs.radec_center() plot = ps.Plotstuff(outformat='png', size=(W, H), rdw=(ra, dec, width)) plot.linestep = 1. plot.color = 'verydarkblue' plot.plot('fill') plot.fontsize = 12 #plot.color = 'gray' # dark gray plot.rgb = (0.3, 0.3, 0.3) if grid is not None: plot.plot_grid(*([grid] * 4)) plot.rgb = (0.4, 0.6, 0.4) ann = plot.annotations ann.NGC = ann.bright = ann.HD = 0 ann.constellations = 1 ann.constellation_labels = 1 ann.constellation_labels_long = 1 plot.plot('annotations') plot.stroke() ann.constellation_labels = 0 ann.constellation_labels_long = 0 ann.constellation_lines = 0 ann.constellation_markers = 1 plot.markersize = 3 plot.rgb = (0.4, 0.6, 0.4) plot.plot('annotations') plot.fill() ann.constellation_markers = 0 ann.bright_labels = False ann.bright = True plot.markersize = 2 if zoom >= 2: ann.bright_labels = True plot.plot('annotations') ann.bright = False ann.bright_labels = False plot.fill() if hd: ann.HD = True ann.HD_labels = hd_labels ps.plot_annotations_set_hd_catalog(ann, settings.HENRY_DRAPER_CAT) plot.plot('annotations') plot.stroke() ann.HD = False ann.HD_labels = False if tycho2 and settings.TYCHO2_KD: from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import tree_open, tree_close, tree_build_radec, tree_free, trees_match from astrometry.libkd import spherematch_c from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import deg2dist, xyztoradec import numpy as np import sys kd = tree_open(settings.TYCHO2_KD) # this is a bit silly: build a tree with a single point, then do match() kd2 = tree_build_radec(np.array([ra]), np.array([dec])) r = deg2dist(width * np.sqrt(2.) / 2.) #r = deg2dist(wcs.radius()) I, nil, nil = trees_match(kd, kd2, r, permuted=False) del nil #print 'Matched', len(I) xyz = spherematch_c.kdtree_get_positions(kd, I) del I tree_free(kd2) tree_close(kd) #print >>sys.stderr, 'Got', xyz.shape, xyz tra, tdec = xyztoradec(xyz) #print >>sys.stderr, 'RA,Dec', ra,dec plot.apply_settings() for r, d in zip(tra, tdec): plot.marker_radec(r, d) plot.fill() ann.NGC = 1 plot.plot('annotations') ann.NGC = 0 plot.color = 'white' plot.lw = 3 out = plot.outline out.wcs_file = wcsfn plot.plot('outline') if zoom: # MAGIC width, height are arbitrary zoomwcs = anutil.anwcs_create_box(ra, dec, zoomwidth, 1000, 1000) out.wcs = zoomwcs plot.lw = 1 plot.dashed(3) plot.plot('outline') plot.write(plotfn)
def in_footprint(parent, nside=2048, dr='dr9'): """Find all galaxies in the DESI footprint. """ import time import healpy as hp import legacyhalos.misc #tiles = #indesi = SGA.misc.is_point_in_desi(tiles, parent['RA'], parent['DEC']).astype(bool) parentpix = legacyhalos.misc.radec2pix(nside, parent['RA'], parent['DEC']) #parentpix = np.hstack((parentpix, hp.pixelfunc.get_all_neighbours(nside, parentpix, nest=True).flatten())) drdir = os.path.join(sample_dir(), dr) bands = ('g', 'r', 'z') camera = ('90prime', 'mosaic', 'decam') indesi = dict() for cam in camera: for band in bands: indesi.update( {'{}_{}'.format(cam, band): np.zeros(len(parent), dtype=bool)}) #indesi = np.zeros(len(parent), dtype=bool) t0 = time.time() for cam, radius in zip(camera, (0.44, 0.21, 0.17)): if False: from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import trees_match, tree_open kdccds = tree_open( os.path.join(drdir, 'survey-ccds-{}-{}.kd.fits'.format(cam, dr))) I, J, dd = trees_match(kdparent, kdccds, np.radians(radius)) #, nearest=True) else: ccdsfile = os.path.join( drdir, 'survey-ccds-{}-{}.kd.fits'.format(cam, dr)) ccds = ccds = ccds[ccds['ccd_cuts'] == 0] print('Read {} CCDs from {}'.format(len(ccds), ccdsfile)) for band in bands: ww = ccds['filter'] == band if np.sum(ww) > 0: # add the neighboring healpixels to protect against edge effects ccdpix = legacyhalos.misc.radec2pix( nside, ccds['ra'][ww], ccds['dec'][ww]) ccdpix = np.hstack( (ccdpix, hp.pixelfunc.get_all_neighbours(nside, ccdpix, nest=True).flatten())) if np.sum( ccdpix == -1 ) > 0: # remove the "no neighbors" healpixel, if it exists ccdpix = np.delete(ccdpix, np.where(ccdpix == -1)[0]) I = np.isin(parentpix, ccdpix) indesi['{}_{}'.format(cam, band)][I] = True else: I = [False] #print('Found {} galaxies in {} {} footprint in {:.1f} sec'.format(np.sum(I), cam, time.time() - t0)) print(' Found {} galaxies in {} {} footprint.'.format( np.sum(I), cam, band)) print('Total time to find galaxies in footprint = {:.1f} sec'.format( time.time() - t0)) parent['IN_FOOTPRINT_NORTH'] = indesi['90prime_g'] | indesi[ '90prime_r'] | indesi['mosaic_z'] parent['IN_FOOTPRINT_NORTH_GRZ'] = indesi['90prime_g'] & indesi[ '90prime_r'] & indesi['mosaic_z'] parent['IN_FOOTPRINT_SOUTH'] = indesi['decam_g'] | indesi[ 'decam_r'] | indesi['decam_z'] parent['IN_FOOTPRINT_SOUTH_GRZ'] = indesi['decam_g'] & indesi[ 'decam_r'] & indesi['decam_z'] parent['IN_FOOTPRINT'] = parent['IN_FOOTPRINT_NORTH'] | parent[ 'IN_FOOTPRINT_SOUTH'] parent['IN_FOOTPRINT_GRZ'] = parent['IN_FOOTPRINT_NORTH_GRZ'] | parent[ 'IN_FOOTPRINT_SOUTH_GRZ'] #plt.scatter(parent['RA'], parent['DEC'], s=1) #plt.scatter(parent['RA'][indesi], parent['DEC'][indesi], s=1) #plt.xlim(360, 0) #bb = parent[parent['IN_FOOTPRINT_NORTH_GRZ'] & parent['IN_FOOTPRINT_SOUTH_GRZ']] #plt.scatter(bb['RA'], bb['DEC'], s=1) #plt.xlim(300, 90) ; plt.ylim(30, 36) #plt.axhline(y=32.375, color='k') #plt.xlabel('RA') ; plt.ylabel('Dec') print( ' Identified {}/{} ({:.2f}%) galaxies inside and {}/{} ({:.2f}%) galaxies outside the DESI footprint.' .format(np.sum(parent['IN_FOOTPRINT']), len(parent), 100 * np.sum(parent['IN_FOOTPRINT']) / len(parent), np.sum(~parent['IN_FOOTPRINT']), len(parent), 100 * np.sum(~parent['IN_FOOTPRINT']) / len(parent))) return parent
continue ann.add_target(T.ra[i], T.dec[i], 'Abell %i' %[i]) if opt.t2cat: from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import tree_open, tree_close, tree_build_radec, tree_free, trees_match from astrometry.libkd import spherematch_c from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import deg2dist, xyztoradec import numpy as np import sys wcs = plot.wcs rc,dc = wcs.get_center() rr = wcs.get_radius() kd = tree_open(opt.t2cat) kd2 = tree_build_radec(np.array([rc]), np.array([dc])) r = deg2dist(rr) I,J,d = trees_match(kd, kd2, r, permuted=False) # HACK I2,J,d = trees_match(kd, kd2, r) xyz = spherematch_c.kdtree_get_positions(kd, I) tree_free(kd2) tree_close(kd) tra,tdec = xyztoradec(xyz) T = fits_table(opt.t2cat, hdu=6) for r,d,t1,t2,t3 in zip(tra,tdec, T.tyc1[I2], T.tyc2[I2], T.tyc3[I2]): if not plot.wcs.is_inside(r, d): continue ann.add_target(r, d, 'Tycho-2 %i-%i-%i' % (t1,t2,t3)) plot.color = opt.textcolor plot.fontsize = opt.textsize
t0 = time() (inds,dists) = spherematch.nearest(x1, x2, r) dt = time() - t0 t0 = time() inds = spherematch.match(x1, x2, r, indexlist=True) dt = time() - t0 kd = spherematch.tree_build(x1) kd.print() R = spherematch.tree_search(kd, x2[0,:], 1.) print('tree_search:', len(R), 'results') spherematch.tree_close(kd) kd2 = spherematch.tree_build(x2) I,J,d = spherematch.trees_match(kd, kd2, 1.) print('trees_match:', len(I), 'matches') I,J,d = spherematch.trees_match(kd, kd2, 1., nearest=True) print('trees_match:', len(I), 'matches (nearest)') print('Kd bounding-box:', spherematch.tree_bbox(kd)) print('Kd bounding-box:', kd.bbox) print('Kd data:', spherematch.tree_data(kd, np.array([0,3,5]).astype(np.uint32))) print('Kd data:', kd.get_data(np.array([0,3,5]).astype(np.uint32))) print('Permute:', spherematch.tree_permute(kd, np.array([3,5,7]).astype(np.int32)))
ra = np.append(ra, ra[0]) dec = T.dec[hull.vertices] dec = np.append(dec, dec[0]) hulls.append((ra, dec)) aligns = {} #for i in []: for i in range(len(kds)): for j in range(i + 1, len(kds)): print('Matching trees', i, 'and', j) r_arcsec = 0.2 radius = np.deg2rad(r_arcsec / 3600) I, J, d2 = trees_match(kds[i], kds[j], radius) print(len(I), 'matches') if len(I) == 0: continue Ti = TT[i] Tj = TT[j] dec = Ti[I].dec cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) dr = (Ti[I].ra - Tj[J].ra) * cosdec * 3600. dd = (Ti[I].dec - Tj[J].dec) * 3600. if False: al = Alignment(Ti, Tj, searchradius=r_arcsec) print('Aligning...') if not al.shift():
def plot_wcs_outline(wcsfn, plotfn, W=256, H=256, width=36, zoom=True, zoomwidth=3.6, grid=10, hd=False, hd_labels=False, tycho2=False): anutil.log_init(3) #anutil.log_set_level(3) wcs = anutil.Tan(wcsfn, 0) ra,dec = wcs.radec_center() plot = ps.Plotstuff(outformat='png', size=(W, H), rdw=(ra,dec,width)) plot.linestep = 1. plot.color = 'verydarkblue' plot.plot('fill') plot.fontsize = 12 #plot.color = 'gray' # dark gray plot.rgb = (0.3,0.3,0.3) if grid is not None: plot.plot_grid(*([grid]*4)) plot.rgb = (0.4, 0.6, 0.4) ann = plot.annotations ann.NGC = ann.bright = ann.HD = 0 ann.constellations = 1 ann.constellation_labels = 1 ann.constellation_labels_long = 1 plot.plot('annotations') plot.stroke() ann.constellation_labels = 0 ann.constellation_labels_long = 0 ann.constellation_lines = 0 ann.constellation_markers = 1 plot.markersize = 3 plot.rgb = (0.4, 0.6, 0.4) plot.plot('annotations') plot.fill() ann.constellation_markers = 0 ann.bright_labels = False ann.bright = True plot.markersize = 2 if zoom >= 2: ann.bright_labels = True plot.plot('annotations') ann.bright = False ann.bright_labels = False plot.fill() if hd: ann.HD = True ann.HD_labels = hd_labels ps.plot_annotations_set_hd_catalog(ann, settings.HENRY_DRAPER_CAT) plot.plot('annotations') plot.stroke() ann.HD = False ann.HD_labels = False if tycho2: from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import tree_open, tree_close, tree_build_radec, tree_free, trees_match from astrometry.libkd import spherematch_c from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import deg2dist, xyztoradec import numpy as np import sys kd = tree_open(settings.TYCHO2_KD) # this is a bit silly: build a tree with a single point, then do match() kd2 = tree_build_radec(np.array([ra]), np.array([dec])) r = deg2dist(width * np.sqrt(2.) / 2.) #r = deg2dist(wcs.radius()) I,J,d = trees_match(kd, kd2, r, permuted=False) del J del d #print 'Matched', len(I) xyz = spherematch_c.kdtree_get_positions(kd, I) del I tree_free(kd2) tree_close(kd) #print >>sys.stderr, 'Got', xyz.shape, xyz tra,tdec = xyztoradec(xyz) #print >>sys.stderr, 'RA,Dec', ra,dec plot.apply_settings() for r,d in zip(tra,tdec): plot.marker_radec(r,d) plot.fill() ann.NGC = 1 plot.plot('annotations') ann.NGC = 0 plot.color = 'white' plot.lw = 3 out = plot.outline out.wcs_file = wcsfn plot.plot('outline') if zoom: # MAGIC width, height are arbitrary zoomwcs = anutil.anwcs_create_box(ra, dec, zoomwidth, 1000,1000) out.wcs = zoomwcs plot.lw = 1 plot.dashed(3) plot.plot('outline') plot.write(plotfn)
(inds,dists) = spherematch.nearest(x1, x2, r) dt = time() - t0 t0 = time() inds = spherematch.match(x1, x2, r, indexlist=True) dt = time() - t0 kd = spherematch.tree_build(x1) spherematch.tree_print(kd) kd.print() R = spherematch.tree_search(kd, x2[0,:], 1.) print('tree_search:', len(R), 'results') spherematch.tree_close(kd) kd2 = spherematch.tree_build(x2) I,J,d = spherematch.trees_match(kd, kd2, 1.) print('trees_match:', len(I), 'matches') I,J,d = spherematch.trees_match(kd, kd2, 1., nearest=True) print('trees_match:', len(I), 'matches (nearest)') print('Kd bounding-box:', spherematch.tree_bbox(kd)) print('Kd bounding-box:', kd.bbox) print('Kd data:', spherematch.tree_data(kd, np.array([0,3,5]).astype(np.uint32))) print('Kd data:', kd.get_data(np.array([0,3,5]).astype(np.uint32))) print('Permute:', spherematch.tree_permute(kd, np.array([3,5,7]).astype(np.int32)))
def find_alignments(fns, wcsfns, gaia_fn, aff_fn, aligned_fn): from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import tree_build_radec, trees_match from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec from astrometry.util.plotutils import plothist from astrometry.util.util import Tan import fitsio from astrom_common import getwcsoutline from singles import find_overlaps if True: WCS = [] for fn in wcsfns: wcs = Tan(fn) WCS.append(wcs) names = [fn.replace('-bright.fits', '') for fn in fns] outlines = [getwcsoutline(wcs) for wcs in WCS] overlaps, areas = find_overlaps(outlines) print('Reading tables...') TT = [fits_table(fn) for fn in fns] print('Building trees...') kds = [tree_build_radec(T.ra, T.dec) for T in TT] for T, name in zip(TT, names): = np.array([name] * len(T)) allra = np.hstack([T.ra for T in TT]) alldec = np.hstack([T.dec for T in TT]) minra = np.min(allra) maxra = np.max(allra) mindec = np.min(alldec) maxdec = np.max(alldec) print('RA,Dec range:', minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec) plothist(allra, alldec) plt.axis([maxra, minra, mindec, maxdec]) plt.xlabel('RA (deg)') plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)') plt.savefig('match-all.png') Tref = fits_table(gaia_fn) r_arcsec = 0.2 I, J, d = match_radec(Tref.ra, Tref.dec, allra, alldec, r_arcsec / 3600.) dec = alldec[J] cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) dr = (Tref.ra[I] - allra[J]) * cosdec * 3600. dd = (Tref.dec[I] - alldec[J]) * 3600. plt.clf() rr = (-r_arcsec * 1000, +r_arcsec * 1000) plothist(dr * 1000., dd * 1000., nbins=100, range=(rr, rr)) plt.xlabel('dRA (milli-arcsec)') plt.ylabel('dDec (milli-arcsec)') plt.savefig('match-all-ref-before.png') # Initial matching of all stars r_arcsec = 0.2 I, J, d = match_radec(allra, alldec, allra, alldec, r_arcsec / 3600., notself=True) dec = alldec[I] cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) dr = (allra[I] - allra[J]) * cosdec * 3600. dd = (alldec[I] - alldec[J]) * 3600. plt.clf() rr = (-r_arcsec * 1000, +r_arcsec * 1000) plothist(dr * 1000., dd * 1000., nbins=100, range=(rr, rr)) plt.xlabel('dRA (milli-arcsec)') plt.ylabel('dDec (milli-arcsec)') plt.savefig('match-all-before.png') hulls = [] from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull for T in TT: hull = ConvexHull(np.vstack((T.ra, T.dec)).T) ra = T.ra[hull.vertices] ra = np.append(ra, ra[0]) dec = T.dec[hull.vertices] dec = np.append(dec, dec[0]) hulls.append((ra, dec)) aligns = {} #for i in []: for i in range(len(kds)): for j in range(i + 1, len(kds)): print('Matching trees', i, 'and', j) r_arcsec = 0.2 radius = np.deg2rad(r_arcsec / 3600) I, J, d2 = trees_match(kds[i], kds[j], radius) print(len(I), 'matches') if len(I) == 0: continue Ti = TT[i] Tj = TT[j] dec = Ti[I].dec cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) dr = (Ti[I].ra - Tj[J].ra) * cosdec * 3600. dd = (Ti[I].dec - Tj[J].dec) * 3600. if False: al = Alignment(Ti, Tj, searchradius=r_arcsec) print('Aligning...') if not al.shift(): print('Failed to find Alignment between fields') continue aligns[(i, j)] = al plt.clf() plotalignment(al) plt.savefig('match-align-%02i-%02i.png' % (i, j)) plt.clf() #plothist(np.append(Ti.ra, Tj.ra), np.append(Ti.dec, Tj.dec), docolorbar=False, doclf=False, dohot=False, # imshowargs=dict(cmap=antigray)) plothist(Ti.ra[I], Ti.dec[I], docolorbar=False, doclf=False) r, d = hulls[i] plt.plot(r, d, 'r-') r, d = hulls[j] plt.plot(r, d, 'b-') mra = Ti.ra[I] mdec = Ti.dec[I] mnra = np.min(mra) mxra = np.max(mra) mndec = np.min(mdec) mxdec = np.max(mdec) plt.plot([mnra, mnra, mxra, mxra, mnra], [mndec, mxdec, mxdec, mndec, mndec], 'g-') plt.axis([maxra, minra, mindec, maxdec]) plt.xlabel('RA (deg)') plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)') plt.savefig('match-radec-%02i-%02i.png' % (i, j)) plt.clf() rr = (-r_arcsec, +r_arcsec) plothist(dr, dd, nbins=100, range=(rr, rr)) plt.xlabel('dRA (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('dDec (arcsec)') plt.savefig('match-dradec-%02i-%02i.png' % (i, j)) #for roundi,(Nk,R) in enumerate(NkeepRads): refrad = 0.15 targetrad = 0.005 ps = PlotSequence('shift') from astrom_intra import intrabrickshift from singles import plot_all_alignments #Rads = [0.25, 0.1] Rads = [0.2, 0.050, 0.020] #Rads = [0.1] affs = None # this is the reference point around which rotations take place, NOT reference catalog stars. refrd = None for roundi, R in enumerate(Rads): if roundi > 0: refrad = 0.050 TT1 = TT nb = int(np.ceil(R / targetrad)) nb = max(nb, 5) if nb % 2 == 0: nb += 1 print('Round', roundi + 1, ': matching with radius', R) print('Nbins:', nb) # kwargs to pass to intrabrickshift ikwargs = {} minoverlap = 0.01 tryoverlaps = (overlaps > minoverlap) ikwargs.update( do_affine=True, #mp=mp, #alignplotargs=dict(bins=25), alignplotargs=dict(bins=50), overlaps=tryoverlaps) ikwargs.update(ref=Tref, refrad=refrad) # kwargs to pass to Alignment akwargs = {} i1 = intrabrickshift(TT1, matchradius=R, refradecs=refrd, align_kwargs=dict(histbins=nb, **akwargs), **ikwargs) refrd = i1.get_reference_radecs() filts = ['' for n in names] ap = i1.alplotgrid Nk = 100000 plot_all_alignments(ap, R * 1000, refrad * 1000, roundi + 1, names, filts, ps, overlaps, outlines, Nk) for T, aff in zip(TT, i1.affines): T.ra, T.dec = aff.apply(T.ra, T.dec) if affs is None: affs = i1.affines else: for a, a2 in zip(affs, i1.affines): a.add(a2) from astrom_common import Affine T = Affine.toTable(affs) T.filenames = fns #T.flt = fltfns #T.gst = gstfns #T.chip = chips # FAKE -- used as a name in alignment_plots T.gst = np.array([n + '.gst.fits' for n in names]) T.writeto(aff_fn) # Final matching of all stars allra = np.hstack([T.ra for T in TT]) alldec = np.hstack([T.dec for T in TT]) r_arcsec = 0.2 I, J, d = match_radec(allra, alldec, allra, alldec, r_arcsec / 3600., notself=True) dec = alldec[I] cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) dr = (allra[I] - allra[J]) * cosdec * 3600. dd = (alldec[I] - alldec[J]) * 3600. plt.clf() rr = (-r_arcsec * 1000, +r_arcsec * 1000) plothist(dr * 1000., dd * 1000., nbins=100, range=(rr, rr)) plt.xlabel('dRA (milli-arcsec)') plt.ylabel('dDec (milli-arcsec)') plt.savefig('match-all-after.png') I, J, d = match_radec(Tref.ra, Tref.dec, allra, alldec, r_arcsec / 3600.) dec = alldec[J] cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) dr = (Tref.ra[I] - allra[J]) * cosdec * 3600. dd = (Tref.dec[I] - alldec[J]) * 3600. plt.clf() rr = (-r_arcsec * 1000, +r_arcsec * 1000) plothist(dr * 1000., dd * 1000., nbins=100, range=(rr, rr)) plt.xlabel('dRA (milli-arcsec)') plt.ylabel('dDec (milli-arcsec)') plt.savefig('match-all-ref-after.png') r_arcsec = 0.02 I, J, d = match_radec(allra, alldec, allra, alldec, r_arcsec / 3600., notself=True) dec = alldec[I] cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) dr = (allra[I] - allra[J]) * cosdec * 3600. dd = (alldec[I] - alldec[J]) * 3600. plt.clf() rr = (-r_arcsec * 1000, +r_arcsec * 1000) plothist(dr * 1000., dd * 1000., nbins=100, range=(rr, rr)) plt.xlabel('dRA (milli-arcsec)') plt.ylabel('dDec (milli-arcsec)') plt.savefig('match-all-after2.png') T = fits_table() T.ra = allra T.dec = alldec for col in [ 'f814w_vega', 'f475w_vega', 'f336w_vega', 'f275w_vega', 'f110w_vega', 'f160w_vega', 'name' ]: T.set(col, np.hstack([t.get(col) for t in TT])) T.writeto(aligned_fn) if False: from singles import alignment_plots dataset = 'M31' Nkeep = 100000 R = 0.1 minoverlap = 0.01 perfield = False nocache = True from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc mp = multiproc() filts = ['F475W' for n in names] chips = [-1] * len(names) exptimes = [1] * len(names) Nall = [0] * len(names) rd = (minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec) cnames = names meta = (chips, names, cnames, filts, exptimes, Nall, rd) alignment_plots(afffn, dataset, Nkeep, 0, R, minoverlap, perfield, nocache, mp, 0, tables=(TT, outlines, meta), lexsort=False)