def compare_problematic(self): # Assumes j results from self.rename_john_zptfile() j=fits_table('/project/projectdirs/desi/users/burleigh/test_data/old/john_combined_renamed.fits') a=fits_table('/project/projectdirs/desi/users/burleigh/test_data/old/arjun_combined.fits') # Compare discrep_keys=['zpt','zptavg',\ 'skycounts','skyrms','skymag',\ 'transp','phoff','rarms','decrms','raoff','decoff'] panels=len(discrep_keys) cols=3 if panels % cols == 0: rows=panels/cols else: rows=panels/cols+1 fig,axes= plt.subplots(rows,cols,figsize=(20,10)) ax=axes.flatten() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4,wspace=0.3) cnt=-1 for key in discrep_keys: cnt+=1 arjun= a.get( self.trans.j2a[key] ) john= j.get( self.trans.j2a[key] ) if key == 'skymag': arjun=arjun[ j.get('exptime') > 50] john=john[ j.get('exptime') > 50] ax[cnt].scatter(john,arjun) ylab=ax[cnt].set_ylabel('Arjun',fontsize='large') xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s (John)' % key,fontsize='large')
def setHdus(self, p): self.hdus = p t = fits_table(p[6].data) # the table has only one row... assert(len(t) == 1) t = t[0] #self.table = t self.gain = t.gain self.dark_variance = t.dark_variance = self.skyerr = t.skyerr self.psp_status = t.status # Double-Gaussian PSF params self.dgpsf_s1 = t.psf_sigma1_2g self.dgpsf_s2 = t.psf_sigma2_2g self.dgpsf_b = t.psf_b_2g # summary PSF width (sigmas) self.psf_fwhm = t.psf_width * (2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2.))) # 2-gaussian plus power-law PSF params self.plpsf_s1 = t.psf_sigma1 self.plpsf_s2 = t.psf_sigma2 self.plpsf_b = t.psf_b self.plpsf_p0 = t.psf_p0 self.plpsf_beta = t.psf_beta self.plpsf_sigmap = t.psf_sigmap t = fits_table(p[8].data) self.per_run_apcorrs = t.ap_corr_run
def cat_vcc(req, ver): import json tag = 'ngc' ralo = float(req.GET['ralo']) rahi = float(req.GET['rahi']) declo = float(req.GET['declo']) dechi = float(req.GET['dechi']) ver = int(ver) if not ver in catversions[tag]: raise RuntimeError('Invalid version %i for tag %s' % (ver, tag)) from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table, merge_tables import numpy as np from decals import settings TT = [] T = fits_table(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'virgo-cluster-cat-2.fits')) print(len(T), 'in VCC 2; ra', ralo, rahi, 'dec', declo, dechi) T.cut((T.ra > ralo) * (T.ra < rahi) * (T.dec > declo) * (T.dec < dechi)) print(len(T), 'in cut') TT.append(T) T = fits_table(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'virgo-cluster-cat-3.fits')) print(len(T), 'in VCC 3; ra', ralo, rahi, 'dec', declo, dechi) T.cut((T.ra > ralo) * (T.ra < rahi) * (T.dec > declo) * (T.dec < dechi)) print(len(T), 'in cut') T.evcc_id = np.array(['-']*len(T)) T.rename('id', 'vcc_id') TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) rd = list((float(r),float(d)) for r,d in zip(T.ra, T.dec)) names = [] for t in T: evcc = t.evcc_id.strip() vcc = t.vcc_id.strip() ngc = t.ngc.strip() nms = [] if evcc != '-': nms.append('EVCC ' + evcc) if vcc != '-': nms.append('VCC ' + vcc) if ngc != '-': nms.append('NGC ' + ngc) names.append(' / '.join(nms)) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(dict(rd=rd, name=names)), content_type='application/json')
def decals_dr3_check_wcsfailed(): import fitsio basedir = os.environ['LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR'] image_basedir = os.path.join(basedir, 'images') for fn in [#'survey-ccds-decals.fits.gz', 'survey-ccds-nondecals.fits.gz', 'survey-ccds-extra.fits.gz', ]: T = fits_table(fn) T.wcscal = np.zeros(len(T), bool) fns = np.unique(np.array([f.strip() for f in T.image_filename])) H = fits_table() H.image_filename = fns H.primary_header = [] for ifn,f in enumerate(fns): imgfn = os.path.join(image_basedir, f) print('Reading', imgfn) ff = open(imgfn, 'r') h = ff.close() hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() hdrstring = '' while True: line = h[:80] h = h[80:] # fitsio apparently can't handle CONTINUE if line[:8] != 'CONTINUE': hdr.add_record(line) hdrstring += line if line == ('END' + ' '*77): break H.primary_header.append(hdrstring) #hdr = fitsio.read_header(imgfn) expnum = hdr['EXPNUM'] wcscal = hdr['WCSCAL'] wcsok = (wcscal == 'Successful') print('File', f, 'expnum', expnum, 'WCS cal', wcscal, 'ok', wcsok) I = np.flatnonzero(T.expnum == expnum) T.wcscal[I] = wcsok T.wcsok = T.wcscal.astype(np.uint8) T.writeto('new-' + fn) H.primary_header = np.array(H.primary_header) H.writeto('headers-' + fn)
def getMaskPlane(self, name): # Mask planes are described in HDU 11 (the last HDU) if self.maskmap is None: self.maskmap = {} T = fits_table(self.hdus[-1].data) T.cut(T.defname == 'S_MASKTYPE') for k,v in zip(T.attributename, T.value): k = k.replace('S_MASK_', '') if k == 'S_NMASK_TYPES': continue self.maskmap[k] = v if not name in self.maskmap: raise RuntimeError('Unknown mask plane \"%s\"' % name) return fits_table(self.hdus[1 + self.maskmap[name]].data)
def mzls_to_20160315(): basedir = os.environ['LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR'] cam = 'mosaic' image_basedir = os.path.join(basedir, 'images') TT = [] for fn,dirnms in [ ('/global/homes/a/arjundey/ZeroPoints/mzls-zpt-all.fits', ['CP20160202','CP20160203','CP20160204','CP20160205','CP20160206','CP20160208', 'CP20160209','CP20160210','CP20160211','CP20160212','CP20160213','CP20160214', 'CP20160215','CP20160216','CP20160217','CP20160219','CP20160224','CP20160225', 'CP20160226','CP20160227','CP20160228','CP20160229','CP20160301','CP20160302', 'CP20160303','CP20160304','CP20160305','CP20160306','CP20160308','CP20160309', 'CP20160310','CP20160311','CP20160312','CP20160313','CP20160314','CP20160315', 'CP20160316','CP20160317','CP20160318','CP20160319','CP20160320','CP20160325', 'CP20160326','CP20160327','CP20160328','CP20160330','CP20160331','CP20160401', 'CP20160402','CP20160403','CP20160404','CP20160408',]), ]: T = fits_table(fn) normalize_zeropoints(fn, dirnms, image_basedir, cam, T=T) TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) I = np.flatnonzero(T.fwhm == 0) if len(I): T.fwhm[I] = T.seeing[I] / 0.262 outfn = 'survey-ccds-mzls-to-20160315.fits' T.writeto(outfn) print('Wrote', outfn) for fn in [outfn]: os.system('gzip --best ' + fn)
def mzls_dr4(v2=True): if v2: zpname='arjuns-ccds-mzls-v2thruMarch19.fits' savefn='survey-ccds-mzls-v2thruMarch19.fits.gz' else: zpname='arjuns-ccds-mzls-v3.fits' savefn='survey-ccds-mzls-v3.fits.gz' basedir = os.environ['LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR'] cam = 'mosaic' image_basedir = os.path.join(basedir, 'images') TT = [] # mzls_cpdirs_...txt is list of all possible CP directories for fn,dirnms in [ (zpname, list(np.loadtxt('mzls_cpdirs_thruMarch19.txt',dtype=str))), ]: T = fits_table(fn) normalize_zeropoints(fn, dirnms, image_basedir, cam, T=T) TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) I = np.flatnonzero(T.fwhm == 0) if len(I): T.fwhm[I] = T.seeing[I] / 0.262 T.writeto(savefn) print('Wrote', savefn)
def decals_dr3_plus(): basedir = os.environ['LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR'] cam = 'decam' image_basedir = os.path.join(basedir, 'images') TT = [] expnums = [547257, 535154, 535106] for fn,dirnms in [ ('/global/homes/a/arjundey/ZeroPoints/decals-zpt-20160407.fits', ['CP20160407',]), ('/global/homes/a/arjundey/ZeroPoints/decals-zpt-20160606.fits', ['CP20160606',]), ]: T = fits_table(fn) T.cut(np.nonzero([e not in expnums for e in T.expnum])[0]) normalize_zeropoints(fn, dirnms, image_basedir, cam, T=T) TT.append(T) dirnms = ['CP20160407','CP20160606'] for fn in [ '/global/cscratch1/sd/arjundey/ZeroPoints/zeropoint-c4d_160408_023844_oki_r_v1.fits', '/global/cscratch1/sd/arjundey/ZeroPoints/zeropoint-c4d_160408_001343_oki_r_v1.fits', '/global/cscratch1/sd/arjundey/ZeroPoints/zeropoint-c4d_160607_023641_oki_g_v1.fits', ]: T = normalize_zeropoints(fn, dirnms, image_basedir, cam) TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) outfn = 'survey-ccds-dr3plus.fits' T.writeto(outfn) print('Wrote', outfn) for fn in [outfn]: os.system('gzip --best ' + fn)
def cat_phat_clusters(req, ver): import json from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table, merge_tables tag = 'phat-clusters' ralo = float(req.GET['ralo']) rahi = float(req.GET['rahi']) declo = float(req.GET['declo']) dechi = float(req.GET['dechi']) ver = int(ver) if not ver in catversions[tag]: raise RuntimeError('Invalid version %i for tag %s' % (ver, tag)) cat = fits_table(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'phat-clusters.fits')) cat.cut((cat.ra >= ralo ) * (cat.ra <= rahi) * (cat.dec >= declo) * (cat.dec <= dechi)) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(dict( name=[str(s.strip()) for s in], rd=[(float(o.ra),float(o.dec)) for o in cat], mag=[float(o.mag) for o in cat], young=[bool(o.young) for o in cat], velocity=[float(o.velocity) for o in cat], metallicity=[float(o.metallicity) for o in cat], )), content_type='application/json')
def catalog_to_fits(cat): from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table import numpy as np cols = ['ra','dec','g','r','z','w1','w2','w3','w4', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'type',] values = cat.values_list(*cols) def convert_nan(x): if x is None: return np.nan return x T = fits_table() for i,c in enumerate(cols): v = values[0][i] convert = None if isinstance(v, unicode): convert = str if isinstance(v, float): convert = convert_nan #print('Type of column', c, 'is', type(v), 'eg', v) cname = c if convert is None: T.set(cname, np.array([v[i] for v in values])) else: T.set(cname, np.array([convert(v[i]) for v in values])) return T
def __init__(self, fn=None, ext=1): if fn is not None: from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table T = fits_table(fn, ext=ext) ims = T.psf_mask[0] print('Got', ims.shape, 'PSF images') hdr = T.get_header() # PSF distortion bases are polynomials of x,y assert(hdr['POLNAME1'].strip() == 'X_IMAGE') assert(hdr['POLNAME2'].strip() == 'Y_IMAGE') assert(hdr['POLGRP1'] == 1) assert(hdr['POLGRP2'] == 1) assert(hdr['POLNGRP' ] == 1) x0 = hdr.get('POLZERO1') xscale = hdr.get('POLSCAL1') y0 = hdr.get('POLZERO2') yscale = hdr.get('POLSCAL2') degree = hdr.get('POLDEG1') self.sampling = hdr.get('PSF_SAMP') print('PsfEx sampling:', self.sampling) # number of terms in polynomial ne = (degree + 1) * (degree + 2) / 2 assert(hdr['PSFAXIS3'] == ne) assert(len(ims.shape) == 3) assert(ims.shape[0] == ne) self.psfbases = ims self.xscale, self.yscale = xscale, yscale = degree print('PsfEx degree:', bh,bw = self.psfbases[0].shape self.radius = (bh+1)/2. self.x0,self.y0 = x0,y0
def get_ccds(self): ''' Returns the table of CCDs. ''' fn = os.path.join(self.decals_dir, 'decals-ccds.fits') if not os.path.exists(fn): fn += '.gz' print('Reading CCDs from', fn) T = fits_table(fn) print('Got', len(T), 'CCDs') cols = T.columns() # Make DR1 CCDs table somewhat compatible with DR2 if 'extname' in cols and not 'ccdname' in cols: T.ccdname = T.extname if not 'camera' in cols: = np.array(['decam'] * len(T)) if 'cpimage' in cols and not 'image_filename' in cols: T.image_filename = T.cpimage if 'cpimage_hdu' in cols and not 'image_hdu' in cols: T.image_hdu = T.cpimage_hdu if 'ccdname' in T.columns(): # "N4 " -> "N4" T.ccdname = np.array([s.strip() for s in T.ccdname]) return T
def add_depth_tag(decals, brick, outdir, overwrite=False): outfn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', brick[:3], 'tractor-%s.fits' % brick) if os.path.exists(outfn) and not overwrite: print 'Exists:', outfn return fn = decals.find_file('tractor', brick=brick) if not os.path.exists(fn): print 'Does not exist:', fn return T = fits_table(fn, lower=False) primhdr = fitsio.read_header(fn) hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn, ext=1) print 'Read', len(T), 'from', fn T.decam_depth = np.zeros((len(T), len(decals.allbands)), np.float32) T.decam_galdepth = np.zeros((len(T), len(decals.allbands)), np.float32) bands = 'grz' ibands = [decals.index_of_band(b) for b in bands] ix = np.clip(np.round(T.bx).astype(int), 0, 3599) iy = np.clip(np.round(, 0, 3599) for iband,band in zip(ibands, bands): fn = decals.find_file('depth', brick=brick, band=band) if os.path.exists(fn): print 'Reading', fn img = T.decam_depth[:,iband] = img[iy, ix] fn = decals.find_file('galdepth', brick=brick, band=band) if os.path.exists(fn): print 'Reading', fn img = T.decam_galdepth[:,iband] = img[iy, ix] outfn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', brick[:3], 'tractor-%s.fits' % brick) trymakedirs(outfn, dir=True) for s in [ 'Data product of the DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS)', 'Full documentation at', ]: primhdr.add_record(dict(name='COMMENT', value=s, comment=s)) # print 'Header:', hdr # T.writeto(outfn, header=hdr, primheader=primhdr) # Yuck, all this to get the units right tmpfn = outfn + '.tmp' fits = fitsio.FITS(tmpfn, 'rw', clobber=True) fits.write(None, header=primhdr) cols = T.get_columns() units = [] for i in range(1, len(cols)+1): u = hdr.get('TUNIT%i' % i, '') units.append(u) # decam_depth units fluxiv = '1/nanomaggy^2' units[-2] = fluxiv units[-1] = fluxiv fits.write([T.get(c) for c in cols], names=cols, header=hdr, units=units) fits.close() os.rename(tmpfn, outfn) print 'Wrote', outfn
def make_fits_images(run, camcol, field): """gets field files from local cache (or sdss), returns UGRIZ dict of fits images""" print """==================================================\n\n Grabbing image files from the cache. TODO: turn off the tractor printing... """ imgs = {} for band in BANDS: print "reading in band %s" % band imgs[band] = sdss.get_tractor_image_dr9(run, camcol, field, band) fn = asdss.DR9().retrieve('photoField', run, camcol, field) F = aufits.fits_table(fn) # convert to FitsImage's imgfits = {} for iband,band in enumerate(BANDS): print "converting images %s" % band frame = asdss.DR9().readFrame(run, camcol, field, band) calib = np.median(frame.getCalibVec()) gain = F[0].gain[iband] darkvar = F[0].dark_variance[iband] sky = np.median(frame.getSky()) imgfits[band] = celeste.FitsImage(band, timg=imgs[band], calib=calib, gain=gain, darkvar=darkvar, sky=sky) return imgfits
def write_fits(self, filename, hdr=None, primhdr=None): tt = type(self) sky_type = '%s.%s' % (tt.__module__, tt.__name__) if hdr is None: import fitsio hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() if primhdr is None: import fitsio primhdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() hdr.add_record(dict(name='SKY', value=sky_type, comment='Sky class')) primhdr.add_record(dict(name='SKY', value=sky_type, comment='Sky class')) #hdr.add_record(dict(name='SPL_ORD', value=self.order, # comment='Spline sky order')) # this writes all params as header cards #self.toFitsHeader(hdr, prefix='SKY_') #fits = fitsio.FITS(filename, 'rw') #fits.write(None, header=primhdr, clobber=True) #fits.write(self.c, header=hdr) #fits.close() from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table T = fits_table() T.xgrid = np.atleast_2d(self.xgrid).astype(np.int32) T.ygrid = np.atleast_2d(self.ygrid).astype(np.int32) T.x0 = np.atleast_1d(self.x0).astype(np.int32) T.y0 = np.atleast_1d(self.y0).astype(np.int32) gridvals = self.spl(self.xgrid, self.ygrid).T T.gridvals = np.array([gridvals]).astype(np.float32) T.order = np.atleast_1d(self.order).astype(np.uint8) assert(len(T) == 1) T.writeto(filename, header=hdr, primheader=primhdr)
def from_fits(cls, filename, header, row=0): from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table T = fits_table(filename) T = T[row] sky = cls(T.xgrid, T.ygrid, T.gridvals, order=T.order) sky.shift(T.x0, T.y0) return sky
def __init__(self, fn=None, ext=1): if fn is not None: from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table T = fits_table(fn, ext=ext) ims = T.psf_mask[0] print("Got", ims.shape, "PSF images") hdr = T.get_header() # PSF distortion bases are polynomials of x,y assert hdr["POLNAME1"].strip() == "X_IMAGE" assert hdr["POLNAME2"].strip() == "Y_IMAGE" assert hdr["POLGRP1"] == 1 assert hdr["POLGRP2"] == 1 assert hdr["POLNGRP"] == 1 x0 = hdr.get("POLZERO1") xscale = hdr.get("POLSCAL1") y0 = hdr.get("POLZERO2") yscale = hdr.get("POLSCAL2") degree = hdr.get("POLDEG1") self.sampling = hdr.get("PSF_SAMP") print("PsfEx sampling:", self.sampling) # number of terms in polynomial ne = (degree + 1) * (degree + 2) / 2 assert hdr["PSFAXIS3"] == ne assert len(ims.shape) == 3 assert ims.shape[0] == ne self.psfbases = ims self.xscale, self.yscale = xscale, yscale = degree print("PsfEx degree:", bh, bw = self.psfbases[0].shape self.radius = (bh + 1) / 2.0 self.x0, self.y0 = x0, y0
def read(fn, F=None, primhdr=None, table=None): ''' F: fitsio.FITS object to use an already-open file. primhdr: FITS header object for the primary HDU. table: astrometry.util.fits table ''' if F is None: import fitsio F = fitsio.FITS(fn) if primhdr is None: primhdr = F[0].read_header() band = primhdr['FILTER'].strip() run = primhdr['RUN'] camcol = primhdr['CAMCOL'] field = 0 # 'FRAME' != field if table is None: tab = fits_table(F[3].read(lower=True)) else: tab = table assert(len(tab) == 1) tab = tab[0] return AsTrans(run, camcol, field, band, node=np.deg2rad(tab.node), incl=np.deg2rad(tab.incl), astrans=tab, cut_to_band=False)
def tractor_cat(fn): '''uses Dustin's fits_table() function to read his tractor catalog then returns it as dictionary of np arrays his fits_table handles booleans with weird values like 84 for "brick_primary", and converts that to True/False''' temp = fits_table(fn) data={} for key in temp.columns(): data[key]= temp.get(key) return data
def read_intermediate_catalog(self, brick, **kwargs): ''' Reads the intermediate tractor catalog for the given brickname. *kwargs*: passed to self.find_file() Returns (T, hdr, primhdr) ''' fn = self.find_file('tractor-intermediate', brick=brick, **kwargs) T = fits_table(fn) hdr = T.get_header() primhdr = fitsio.read_header(fn) in_flux_prefix = '' # Ensure flux arrays are 2d (N x 1) keys = ['flux', 'flux_ivar', 'rchi2', 'fracflux', 'fracmasked', 'fracin', 'nobs', 'anymask', 'allmask', 'psfsize', 'depth', 'galdepth'] for k in keys: incol = '%s%s' % (in_flux_prefix, k) X = T.get(incol) # Hmm, if we need to reshape one of these arrays, we will # need to do all of them. if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[:, np.newaxis] T.set(incol, X) return T, hdr, primhdr
def setHdus(self, p): self.hdus = p self.table = fits_table(self.hdus[1].data)[0] T = self.table self.aa = T.aa.astype(float) self.kk = T.kk.astype(float) self.airmass = T.airmass
def main(): """Main program. """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', help='Run calib processes even if files already exist?') parser.add_argument('--ccds', help='Set ccds.fits file to load') parser.add_argument('--expnum', type=int, help='Cut to a single exposure') parser.add_argument('--extname', '--ccdname', help='Cut to a single extension/CCD name') parser.add_argument('--no-astrom', dest='astrom', action='store_false', help='Do not compute astrometric calibs') parser.add_argument('--no-psf', dest='psfex', action='store_false', help='Do not compute PsfEx calibs') parser.add_argument('--no-sky', dest='sky', action='store_false', help='Do not compute sky models') parser.add_argument('--run-se', action='store_true', help='Run SourceExtractor') parser.add_argument('--splinesky', action='store_true', help='Spline sky, not constant') parser.add_argument('args',nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) opt = parser.parse_args() D = Decals() if opt.ccds is not None: T = fits_table(opt.ccds) print('Read', len(T), 'from', opt.ccds) else: T = D.get_ccds() #print len(T), 'CCDs' if len(opt.args) == 0: if opt.expnum is not None: T.cut(T.expnum == opt.expnum) print('Cut to', len(T), 'with expnum =', opt.expnum) if opt.extname is not None: T.cut(np.array([(t.strip() == opt.extname) for t in T.ccdname])) print('Cut to', len(T), 'with extname =', opt.extname) opt.args = range(len(T)) for a in opt.args: i = int(a) t = T[i] im = D.get_image_object(t) print('Running', im.calname) kwargs = dict(pvastrom=opt.astrom, psfex=opt.psfex, if opt.force: kwargs.update(force=True) if opt.run_se: kwargs.update(se=True) if opt.splinesky: kwargs.update(splinesky=True) run_calibs((im, kwargs)) return 0
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--name1", help="Name for first data set") parser.add_argument("--name2", help="Name for second data set") parser.add_argument("--plot-prefix", default="compare", help='Prefix for plot filenames; default "%default"') parser.add_argument("--match", default=1.0, help="Astrometric cross-match distance in arcsec") parser.add_argument("dir1", help="First directory to compare") parser.add_argument("dir2", help="Second directory to compare") opt = parser.parse_args() ps = PlotSequence(opt.plot_prefix) name1 = opt.name1 if name1 is None: name1 = os.path.basename(opt.dir1) if not len(name1): name1 = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(opt.dir1)) name2 = opt.name2 if name2 is None: name2 = os.path.basename(opt.dir2) if not len(name2): name2 = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(opt.dir2)) tt = "Comparing %s to %s" % (name1, name2) # regex for tractor-*.fits catalog filename catre = re.compile("tractor-.*.fits") cat1, cat2 = [], [] for basedir, cat in [(opt.dir1, cat1), (opt.dir2, cat2)]: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir, followlinks=True): for fn in filenames: if not catre.match(fn): print("Skipping", fn, "due to filename") continue fn = os.path.join(dirpath, fn) t = fits_table(fn) print(len(t), "from", fn) cat.append(t) cat1 = merge_tables(cat1, columns="fillzero") cat2 = merge_tables(cat2, columns="fillzero") print("Total of", len(cat1), "from", name1) print("Total of", len(cat2), "from", name2) cat1.cut(cat1.brick_primary) cat2.cut(cat2.brick_primary) print("Total of", len(cat1), "BRICK_PRIMARY from", name1) print("Total of", len(cat2), "BRICK_PRIMARY from", name2) cat1.cut((cat1.decam_anymask[:, 1] == 0) * (cat1.decam_anymask[:, 2] == 0) * (cat1.decam_anymask[:, 4] == 0)) cat2.cut((cat2.decam_anymask[:, 1] == 0) * (cat2.decam_anymask[:, 2] == 0) * (cat2.decam_anymask[:, 4] == 0)) print("Total of", len(cat1), "unmasked from", name1) print("Total of", len(cat2), "unmasked from", name2) I, J, d = match_radec(cat1.ra, cat1.dec, cat2.ra, cat2.dec, opt.match / 3600.0, nearest=True) print(len(I), "matched") matched1 = cat1[I] matched2 = cat2[J]
def bricks_near_radec(ra,dec,d_ra=1.,d_dec=1.): '''given bricks table, return all bricknames with brick centers [ra-d_ra,ra+d_ra],[dec-d_dec,dec+d_dec]''' b=fits_table('survey-bricks.fits.gz') ra1,ra2= ra-d_ra, ra+d_ra dec1,dec2= dec-d_dec, dec+d_dec ind= np.all((b.get('ra') >= ra1,b.get('ra') <= ra2,b.get('dec') >= dec1,b.get('dec') <= dec2),axis=0) print 'these bricks have centers between %.1f < ra < %.1f and %.1f < dec < %.1f' % (ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2) return b.get('brickname')[ind]
def get_bricks(self): ''' Returns a table of bricks. The caller owns the table. For read-only purposes, see *get_bricks_readonly()*, which uses a cached version. ''' return fits_table(self.find_file('bricks'))
def get_bricks(self): ''' Returns a table of bricks. The caller owns the table. For read-only purposes, see *get_bricks_readonly()*, which uses a cached version. ''' return fits_table(os.path.join(self.decals_dir, 'decals-bricks.fits'))
def readPhotoObj(self, run, camcol, field, filename=None): obj = PhotoObj(run, camcol, field) if filename is None: fn = self.getPath('photoObj', run, camcol, field) else: fn = filename obj.table = fits_table(fn) return obj
def overlap_bricks(bricks_fn,ra,dec,dx): '''given bricks table, return all bricknames with brick centers [ra-dx,ra+dx],[dec-dx,dec+dx]''' b=fits_table(bricks_fn) ra1,ra2= ra-dx, ra+dx dec1,dec2= dec-dx, dec+dx ind= np.all((b.get('ra') >= ra1,b.get('ra') <= ra2,b.get('dec') >= dec1,b.get('dec') <= dec2),axis=0) print 'these bricks have centers between %.1f < ra < %.1f and %.1f < dec < %.1f' % (ra1,ra2,dec1,dec2) for name,ra,dec in zip(b.get('brickname')[ind],b.get('ra')[ind],b.get('dec')[ind]): print name,ra,dec
def upload_cat(req): import tempfile from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from map.views import index if req.method != 'POST': return HttpResponse('POST only') print('Files:', req.FILES) cat = req.FILES['catalog'] dirnm = settings.USER_QUERY_DIR if not os.path.exists(dirnm): try: os.makedirs(dirnm) except: pass f,tmpfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.fits', dir=dirnm) os.close(f) os.unlink(tmpfn) print('Saving to', tmpfn) with open(tmpfn, 'wb+') as destination: for chunk in cat.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) print('Wrote', tmpfn) try: T = fits_table(tmpfn) except: return HttpResponse('Must upload FITS format catalog including "RA", "Dec", optionally "Name" columns') # Rename and resave columns if necessary if rename_cols(T): T.write_to(tmpfn) cols = T.columns() if not (('ra' in cols) and ('dec' in cols)): return HttpResponse('Must upload catalog including "RA", "Dec", optionally "Name" columns') ra,dec = T.ra[0], T.dec[0] catname = tmpfn.replace(dirnm, '').replace('.fits', '') if catname.startswith('/'): catname = catname[1:] try: import fitsio primhdr = fitsio.read_header(tmpfn) name = primhdr.get('CATNAME', '') color = primhdr.get('CATCOLOR', '') if len(name): catname = catname + '-n%s' % name.strip().replace(' ','_') if len(color): catname = catname + '-c%s' % color.strip() except: pass return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(index) + '?ra=%.4f&dec=%.4f&catalog=%s' % (ra, dec, catname))
def main(): brickname = '2428p117' objtype = 'STAR' lobjtype = objtype.lower() decals_sim_dir = '/Users/ioannis/decals_sim_dir/star/2428p117' zoom = [1800,2400,1800,2400] #zoom = [1800,2000,1800,2000] #zoom = None decals = Decals() brickinfo = decals.get_brick_by_name(brickname) brickwcs = wcs_for_brick(brickinfo) W, H, pixscale = brickwcs.get_width(), brickwcs.get_height(), brickwcs.pixel_scale() if zoom is not None: # See also runbrick.stage_tims() #(x0,x1,y0,y1) = args.zoom (x0,x1,y0,y1) = zoom W = x1-x0 H = y1-y0 targetwcs = brickwcs.get_subimage(x0, y0, W, H) bounds = brickwcs.radec_bounds() ra_range = bounds[1]-bounds[0] dec_range = bounds[3]-bounds[2] radec_center = brickwcs.radec_center() print(radec_center, ra_range, dec_range) corners = np.array([brickwcs.pixelxy2radec(x,y) for x,y in [(1,1),(W,1),(W,H),(1,H),(1,1)]]) # Identify the CCDs in the region of interest. ccdinfo = decals.ccds_touching_wcs(brickwcs) ccdinfo.about()'Got {} CCDs'.format(len(ccdinfo))) # Generate the catalog of simulated sources here! simcat = fits_table('simcat-{}-{}-00.fits'.format(brickname,lobjtype)) #simcat = fits.getdata('simcat-{}-{}-00.fits'.format(brickname,lobjtype)) simcat.about() blobxy = zip(simcat.x,simcat.y) simdecals = SimDecals(sim_sources=simcat) # For testing! #sim = SimImage(simdecals,ccdinfo[0]) #tim = sim.get_tractor_image(const2psf=True) run_brick(brickname, decals=simdecals, outdir=decals_sim_dir, threads=8, zoom=zoom, wise=False, sdssInit=False, forceAll=True, writePickles=False, blobxy=blobxy, pixPsf=False, stages=['tims','srcs','fitblobs', 'fitblobs_finish','coadds', 'writecat'])
def main(args): """Main program. """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This script is used to produce lists of CCDs or bricks, for production purposes (building qdo queue, eg).") parser.add_argument('--calibs', action='store_true', help='Output CCDs that need to be calibrated.') parser.add_argument('--nper', type=int, default=None, help='Batch N calibs per line') parser.add_argument('--byexp', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run one whole exposure per job (not one CCD per job)') parser.add_argument('--forced', action='store_true', help='Output forced-photometry commands') parser.add_argument('--lsb', action='store_true', help='Output Low-Surface-Brightness commands') parser.add_argument('--stage', help='Stage image files to given directory') parser.add_argument('--touching', action='store_true', help='Cut to only CCDs touching selected bricks') parser.add_argument('--near', action='store_true', help='Quick cut to only CCDs near selected bricks') parser.add_argument('--check-coadd', action='store_true', help='Check which coadds actually need to run.') parser.add_argument('--out', help='Output filename for calibs, default %(default)s', default='jobs') parser.add_argument('--command', action='store_true', help='Write out full command-line to run calib') parser.add_argument('--opt', help='With --command, extra options to add') parser.add_argument('--maxra', type=float, help='Maximum RA to run') parser.add_argument('--minra', type=float, help='Minimum RA to run') parser.add_argument('--maxdec', type=float, help='Maximum Dec to run') parser.add_argument('--mindec', type=float, help='Minimum Dec to run') parser.add_argument('--region', help='Region to select') parser.add_argument('--bricks', help='Set bricks.fits file to load') parser.add_argument('--ccds', help='Set ccds.fits file to load') parser.add_argument('--ignore_cuts', action='store_true',default=False,help='no photometric cuts') parser.add_argument('--save_to_fits', action='store_true',default=False,help='save cut brick,ccd to fits table') parser.add_argument('--name', action='store',default='dr3',help='save with this suffix, e.g. refers to ccds table') parser.add_argument('--delete-sky', action='store_true', help='Delete any existing sky calibration files') parser.add_argument('--write-ccds', help='Write CCDs list as FITS table?') parser.add_argument('--nccds', action='store_true', default=False, help='Prints number of CCDs per brick') parser.add_argument('--bands', default='g,r,z', help='Set bands to keep: comma-separated list.') opt = parser.parse_args(args) want_ccds = (opt.calibs or opt.forced or opt.lsb) want_bricks = not want_ccds survey = LegacySurveyData() if opt.bricks is not None: B = fits_table(opt.bricks) log('Read', len(B), 'from', opt.bricks) else: B = survey.get_bricks() log('Bricks Dec range:', B.dec.min(), B.dec.max()) if opt.ccds is not None: T = fits_table(opt.ccds) log('Read', len(T), 'from', opt.ccds) else: T = survey.get_ccds() log(len(T), 'CCDs') T.index = np.arange(len(T)) if opt.ignore_cuts == False: log('Applying CCD cuts...') if 'ccd_cuts' in T.columns(): T.cut(T.ccd_cuts == 0) log(len(T), 'CCDs survive cuts') bands = opt.bands.split(',') log('Filters:', np.unique(T.filter)) T.cut(np.flatnonzero(np.array([f in bands for f in T.filter]))) log('Cut to', len(T), 'CCDs in filters', bands) log('CCDs Dec range:', T.dec.min(), T.dec.max()) # I,J,d,counts = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, 0.2, nearest=True, count=True) # plt.clf() # plt.hist(counts, counts.max()+1) # plt.savefig('bricks.png') # B.cut(I[counts >= 9]) # plt.clf() # plt.plot(B.ra, B.dec, 'b.') # #plt.scatter(B.ra[I], B.dec[I], c=counts) # plt.savefig('bricks2.png') # DES Stripe82 #rlo,rhi = 350.,360. # rlo,rhi = 300., 10. # dlo,dhi = -6., 4. # TINY bit #rlo,rhi = 350.,351.1 #dlo,dhi = 0., 1.1 # EDR+ # 860 bricks # ~10,000 CCDs #rlo,rhi = 239,246 #dlo,dhi = 5, 13 # DR1 #rlo,rhi = 0, 360 # part 1 #dlo,dhi = 25, 40 # part 2 #dlo,dhi = 20,25 # part 3 #dlo,dhi = 15,20 # part 4 #dlo,dhi = 10,15 # part 5 #dlo,dhi = 5,10 # the rest #dlo,dhi = -11, 5 #dlo,dhi = 15,25.5 dlo,dhi = -25, 40 rlo,rhi = 0, 360 # Arjun says 3x3 coverage area is roughly # RA=240-252 DEC=6-12 (but not completely rectangular) # COSMOS #rlo,rhi = 148.9, 151.2 #dlo,dhi = 0.9, 3.5 # A nice well-behaved region (EDR2/3) # rlo,rhi = 243.6, 244.6 # dlo,dhi = 8.1, 8.6 # 56 bricks, ~725 CCDs #B.cut((B.ra > 240) * (B.ra < 242) * (B.dec > 5) * (B.dec < 7)) # 240 bricks, ~3000 CCDs #B.cut((B.ra > 240) * (B.ra < 244) * (B.dec > 5) * (B.dec < 9)) # 535 bricks, ~7000 CCDs #B.cut((B.ra > 240) * (B.ra < 245) * (B.dec > 5) * (B.dec < 12)) if opt.region in ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4']: nm = dict(test1='2446p115', # weird stuff around bright star test2='1183p292', # faint sources around bright galaxy test3='3503p005', # DES test4='1163p277', # Pollux )[opt.region] B.cut(np.flatnonzero(np.array([s == nm for s in B.brickname]))) log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks') log(B.ra, B.dec) dlo,dhi = -90,90 rlo,rhi = 0, 360 elif opt.region == 'edr': # EDR: # 535 bricks, ~7000 CCDs rlo,rhi = 240,245 dlo,dhi = 5, 12 elif opt.region == 'dr8-decam': rlo,rhi = 0, 360 dlo,dhi = -70, 40 log('DR8-DECam region') elif opt.region == 'edrplus': rlo,rhi = 235,248 dlo,dhi = 5, 15 elif opt.region == 'edr-south': rlo,rhi = 240,245 dlo,dhi = 5, 10 elif opt.region == 'cosmos1': # 16 bricks in the core of the COSMOS field. rlo,rhi = 149.75, 150.75 dlo,dhi = 1.6, 2.6 elif opt.region == 'pristine': # Stream? rlo,rhi = 240,250 dlo,dhi = 10,15 elif opt.region == 'des': dlo, dhi = -6., 4. rlo, rhi = 317., 7. T.cut(np.flatnonzero(np.array(['CPDES82' in fn for fn in T.cpimage]))) log('Cut to', len(T), 'CCDs with "CPDES82" in filename') elif opt.region == 'subdes': rlo,rhi = 320., 360. dlo,dhi = -1.25, 1.25 elif opt.region == 'northwest': rlo,rhi = 240,360 dlo,dhi = 20,40 elif opt.region == 'north': rlo,rhi = 120,240 dlo,dhi = 20,40 elif opt.region == 'northeast': rlo,rhi = 0,120 dlo,dhi = 20,40 elif opt.region == 'southwest': rlo,rhi = 240,360 dlo,dhi = -20,0 elif opt.region == 'south': rlo,rhi = 120,240 dlo,dhi = -20,0 elif opt.region == 'southeast': rlo,rhi = 0,120 dlo,dhi = -20,0 elif opt.region == 'southsoutheast': rlo,rhi = 0,120 dlo,dhi = -20,-10 elif opt.region == 'midwest': rlo,rhi = 240,360 dlo,dhi = 0,20 elif opt.region == 'middle': rlo,rhi = 120,240 dlo,dhi = 0,20 elif opt.region == 'mideast': rlo,rhi = 0,120 dlo,dhi = 0,20 elif opt.region == 'grz': # Bricks with grz coverage. # Be sure to use --bricks survey-bricks-in-dr1.fits # which has_[grz] columns. B.cut((B.has_g == 1) * (B.has_r == 1) * (B.has_z == 1)) log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks with grz coverage') elif opt.region == 'nogrz': # Bricks without grz coverage. # Be sure to use --bricks survey-bricks-in-dr1.fits # which has_[grz] columns. B.cut(np.logical_not((B.has_g == 1) * (B.has_r == 1) * (B.has_z == 1))) log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks withOUT grz coverage') elif opt.region == 'deep2': rlo,rhi = 250,260 dlo,dhi = 30,35 elif opt.region == 'deep2f2': rlo,rhi = 251.4, 254.4 dlo,dhi = 34.6, 35.3 elif opt.region == 'deep2f3': rlo,rhi = 351.25, 353.75 dlo,dhi = 0, 0.5 elif opt.region == 'deep3': rlo,rhi = 214,216 dlo,dhi = 52.25,53.25 elif opt.region == 'virgo': rlo,rhi = 185,190 dlo,dhi = 10, 15 elif opt.region == 'virgo2': rlo,rhi = 182,192 dlo,dhi = 8, 18 elif opt.region == 'coma': # van Dokkum et al Coma cluster ultra-diffuse galaxies: 3x3 field centered on Coma cluster rc,dc = 195., 28. dd = 1.5 cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(dc)) rlo,rhi = rc - dd/cosdec, rc + dd/cosdec dlo,dhi = dc - dd, dc + dd elif opt.region == 'lsb': rlo,rhi = 147.2, 147.8 dlo,dhi = -0.4, 0.4 elif opt.region == 'eboss-sgc': # generous boundaries to make sure get all relevant images # RA -45 to +45 # Dec -5 to +7 rlo,rhi = 310., 50. dlo,dhi = -6., 6. elif opt.region == 'eboss-ngc': # generous boundaries to make sure get all relevant images # NGC ELGs # RA 115 to 175 # Dec 15 to 30 # rlo,rhi = 122., 177. # dlo,dhi = 12., 32. rlo,rhi = 126., 168. dlo,dhi = 18., 33. elif opt.region == 'mzls': dlo,dhi = -10., 90. # -10: pull in Stripe 82 data too elif opt.region == 'dr4-bootes': # #dlo,dhi = 34., 35. #rlo,rhi = 209.5, 210.5 dlo,dhi = 33., 36. rlo,rhi = 216.5, 219.5 elif opt.region == 'des-sn-x3': #rlo,rhi = 36., 37. #dlo,dhi = -5., -4. rlo,rhi = 36., 36.5 dlo,dhi = -4.5, -4. elif opt.region == 'ngc2632': # open cluster rlo,rhi = 129.0, 131.0 dlo,dhi = 19.0, 20.5 elif opt.region == 'dr8sky': rlo,rhi = 35.0, 37.0 dlo,dhi = -3.0, -1.0 # ADM DR8 test regions, see, e.g.: # elif opt.region == 'dr8-test-s82': rlo, rhi = 0, 45 dlo, dhi = -1.25, 1.25 elif opt.region == 'dr8-test-hsc-sgc': rlo, rhi = 30, 40 dlo, dhi = -6.5, -1.25 elif opt.region == 'dr8-test-hsc-ngc': rlo, rhi = 177.5, 182.5 dlo, dhi = -1, 1 elif opt.region == 'dr8-test-edr': rlo, rhi = 240, 245 dlo, dhi = 5, 12 elif opt.region == 'dr8-test-hsc-north': rlo, rhi = 240, 250 dlo, dhi = 42, 45 elif opt.region == 'dr8-test-deep2-egs': rlo, rhi = 213, 216.5 dlo, dhi = 52, 54 elif opt.region == 'dr8-test-overlap': rlo, rhi = 132, 140.5 dlo, dhi = 31.5, 35 if opt.mindec is not None: dlo = opt.mindec if opt.maxdec is not None: dhi = opt.maxdec if opt.minra is not None: rlo = opt.minra if opt.maxra is not None: rhi = opt.maxra if rlo < rhi: B.cut((B.ra >= rlo) * (B.ra <= rhi) * (B.dec >= dlo) * (B.dec <= dhi)) else: # RA wrap B.cut(np.logical_or(B.ra >= rlo, B.ra <= rhi) * (B.dec >= dlo) * (B.dec <= dhi)) log(len(B), 'bricks in range; cut Dec range', B.dec.min(), B.dec.max()) #for name in B.get('brickname'): # print(name) #B.writeto('bricks-cut.fits') bricksize = 0.25 # A bit more than 0.25-degree brick radius + Bok image radius ~ 0.57 search_radius = 1.05 * np.sqrt(2.) * (bricksize + (0.455 * 4096 / 3600.))/2. log(len(T), 'CCDs') log(len(B), 'Bricks') I,J,_ = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, search_radius, nearest=True) B.cut(I) log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks near CCDs') log('Bricks Dec range:', B.dec.min(), B.dec.max()) # plt.clf() # plt.plot(B.ra, B.dec, 'b.') # plt.title('DR3 bricks') # plt.axis([360, 0, np.min(B.dec)-1, np.max(B.dec)+1]) # plt.savefig('bricks.png') if opt.touching: I,J,_ = match_radec(T.ra, T.dec, B.ra, B.dec, search_radius, nearest=True) # list the ones that will be cut # drop = np.ones(len(T)) # drop[I] = False # for i in np.flatnonzero(drop): # from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import degrees_between # dists = degrees_between(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra[i], T.dec[i]) # mindist = min(dists) # print('Dropping:', T.ra[i], T.dec[i], 'min dist', mindist, 'search_radius', search_radius) T.cut(I) log('Cut to', len(T), 'CCDs near bricks') if opt.forced: log('Writing forced-photometry commands to', opt.out) f = open(opt.out,'w') log('Total of', len(T), 'CCDs') #T.cut(allI) camexp = set([(c,e) for c,e in zip(, T.expnum)]) print(len(camexp), 'unique camera/exposure pairs') for cam,exp in camexp: #expstr = '%08i' % exp #outfn = os.path.join('forced', cam, expstr[:5], 'forced-%s-%s.fits' % (cam, exp)) #f.write('%s %s all %s\n' % (cam, exp, outfn)) f.write('%s %s\n' % (cam, exp)) f.close() log('Wrote', opt.out) return 0 # sort by RA increasing B.cut(np.argsort(B.ra)) if opt.save_to_fits: assert(opt.touching) # Write cut tables to file for tab,typ in zip([B,T],['bricks','ccds']): fn='%s-%s-cut.fits' % (typ,opt.region) if os.path.exists(fn): os.remove(fn) tab.writeto(fn) log('Wrote %s' % fn) # Write text files listing ccd and filename names # nm1,nm2= 'ccds-%s.txt'% opt.region,'filenames-%s.txt' % opt.region # if os.path.exists(nm1): # os.remove(nm1) # if os.path.exists(nm2): # os.remove(nm2) # f1,f2=open(nm1,'w'),open(nm2,'w') # fns= list(set(T.get('image_filename'))) # for fn in fns: # f2.write('%s\n' % fn.strip()) # for ti in T: # f1.write('%s\n' % ti.get('image_filename').strip()) # f1.close() # f2.close() # log('Wrote *-names.txt') if opt.touching: if want_bricks: # Shortcut the list of bricks that are definitely touching CCDs -- # a brick-ccd pair within this radius must be touching. closest_radius = 0.95 * (bricksize + 0.262 * 2048 / 3600.) / 2. J1,_,_ = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, closest_radius, nearest=True) log(len(J1), 'of', len(B), 'bricks definitely touch CCDs') tocheck = np.ones(len(B), bool) tocheck[J1] = False J2 = [] for j in np.flatnonzero(tocheck): b = B[j] wcs = wcs_for_brick(b) I = ccds_touching_wcs(wcs, T) log(len(I), 'CCDs for brick', b.brickname) if len(I) == 0: continue J2.append(j) J = np.hstack((J1, J2)) J = np.sort(J).astype(int) B.cut(J) log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks touching CCDs') else: J = [] allI = set() for j,b in enumerate(B): wcs = wcs_for_brick(b) I = ccds_touching_wcs(wcs, T) log(len(I), 'CCDs for brick', b.brickname) if len(I) == 0: continue allI.update(I) J.append(j) allI = list(allI) allI.sort() B.cut(np.array(J)) log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks touching CCDs') elif opt.near: # Find CCDs near bricks allI,_,_ = match_radec(T.ra, T.dec, B.ra, B.dec, search_radius, nearest=True) # Find bricks near CCDs J,_,_ = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, search_radius, nearest=True) B.cut(J) log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks near CCDs') else: allI = np.arange(len(T)) if opt.byexp: _,eI = np.unique(T.expnum[allI], return_index=True) allI = allI[eI] print('Cut to', len(allI), 'expnums') if opt.nccds: from queue import Queue from threading import Thread log('Checking number of CCDs per brick') def worker(): while True: i = q.get() if i is None: break b = B[i] wcs = wcs_for_brick(b) I = ccds_touching_wcs(wcs, T) log(b.brickname, len(I)) q.task_done() q = Queue() num_threads = 24 threads = [] for i in range(num_threads): t = Thread(target=worker) t.start() threads.append(t) for i in range(len(B)): q.put(i) q.join() for i in range(num_threads): q.put(None) for t in threads: t.join() if opt.write_ccds: T[allI].writeto(opt.write_ccds) log('Wrote', opt.write_ccds) if want_bricks: # Print the list of bricks and exit. for b in B: print(b.brickname) if opt.save_to_fits: B.writeto('bricks-%s-touching.fits' % opt.region) if not want_ccds: return 0 ## Be careful here -- T has been cut; we want to write out T.index. ## 'allI' contains indices into T. if opt.stage is not None: cmd_pat = 'rsync -LRarv %s %s' fns = set() for iccd in allI: im = survey.get_image_object(T[iccd]) fns.update([im.imgfn, im.wtfn, im.dqfn, im.psffn, im.merged_psffn, im.merged_skyfn, im.skyfn]) for i,fn in enumerate(fns): print('File', i+1, 'of', len(fns), ':', fn) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('No such file:', fn) continue base = survey.get_survey_dir() if base.endswith('/'): base = base[:-1] rel = os.path.relpath(fn, base) dest = os.path.join(opt.stage, rel) print('Dest:', dest) if os.path.exists(dest): print('Exists:', dest) continue cmd = cmd_pat % ('%s/./%s' % (base, rel), opt.stage) print(cmd) rtn = os.system(cmd) assert(rtn == 0) return 0 if opt.lsb: log('Writing LSB commands to', opt.out) f = open(opt.out,'w') log('Total of', len(allI), 'CCDs') for j,i in enumerate(allI): exp = T.expnum[i] ext = T.ccdname[i].strip() outfn = 'lsb/lsb-%s-%s.fits' % (exp, ext) f.write('python legacyanalysis/ --expnum %i --extname %s --out %s -F -n > lsb/lsb-%s-%s.log 2>&1\n' % (exp, ext, outfn, exp, ext)) f.close() log('Wrote', opt.out) return 0 log('Writing calibs to', opt.out) f = open(opt.out,'w') log('Total of', len(allI), 'CCDs') batch = [] def write_batch(f, batch, cmd): if cmd is None: cmd = '' f.write(cmd + ' '.join(batch) + '\n') cmd = None if opt.command: cmd = 'python legacypipe/ ' if opt.opt is not None: cmd += opt.opt + ' ' for j,i in enumerate(allI): if opt.delete_sky: log(j+1, 'of', len(allI)) im = survey.get_image_object(T[i]) if opt.delete_sky and os.path.exists(im.skyfn): log(' deleting:', im.skyfn) os.unlink(im.skyfn) if opt.command: if opt.byexp: s = '--expnum %i' % (T.expnum[i]) else: s = '%i-%s' % (T.expnum[i], T.ccdname[i]) prefix = 'python legacypipe/ ' if opt.opt is not None: prefix = prefix + opt.opt #('python legacypipe/ --expnum %i --ccdname %s' % # (T.expnum[i], T.ccdname[i])) else: s = '%i' % T.index[i] prefix = '' if j < 10: print('Index', T.index[i], 'expnum', T.expnum[i], 'ccdname', T.ccdname[i], 'filename', T.image_filename[i]) if not opt.nper: f.write(prefix + s + '\n') else: batch.append(s) if len(batch) >= opt.nper: write_batch(f, batch, cmd) batch = [] if len(batch): write_batch(f, batch, cmd) f.close() log('Wrote', opt.out) return 0
print(len(C), 'CCDs in', region) C.cut(np.array([f in bands for f in C.filter])) print(len(C), 'in', bands) C.cut(C.exptime >= 50.) print(len(C), 'with exptime >= 50 sec') C.cut(survey.photometric_ccds(C)) print(len(C), 'photometric') C.cut(np.lexsort((C.expnum, C.filter))) C.writeto(cfn) else: C = fits_table(cfn) plt.clf() plt.plot(C.ra, C.dec, 'bo', alpha=0.2) plt.savefig('rd.png') # Find the unique exposures (not CCDs), save as E. C.galnorm = C.galnorm_mean nil, I = np.unique(C.expnum, return_index=True) E = C[I] print(len(E), 'exposures') if False: # Find the extinction in the center of the COSMOS region and apply it # as a correction to our target depths (so that we reach that depth # for de-reddened mags).
plot.plot('outline') mjd0 = 57789.0 db = ComputedExptime.objects.filter(starttime__gt=mjd0, starttime__lt=mjd0 + 0.8) print(db.count(), 'entries from', mjd0) adj = db.filter(adjfactor__gt=1.) print(adj.count(), 'entries with adjfactor > 1') #adj = db_to_fits(adj) ps = PlotSequence('adjust', format='%03i') tiles = fits_table('obstatus/mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits') tiles.cut(tiles.get('pass') <= 3) tiles.cut(tiles.dec >= 30) for a in adj[:10]: tileid = a.tileid print() print('tile id', tileid) i = np.flatnonzero(tiles.tileid == tileid) tile = tiles[i[0]] ra, dec = tile.ra, tile.dec tilepass = tile.get('pass') others = a.otherpasses_set.all() print(others.count(), 'other passes involved') others = others.filter(depth__gt=1, depth__lt=30)
def __init__(self, fn=None, ext=1, Ti=None): ''' If *fn* is not None, reads a PsfEx file from the given filename and *ext*. Else if *Ti* is not None, reads from one row of a merged PsfEx table. ''' if fn is not None: from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table T = fits_table(fn, ext=ext) ims = T.psf_mask[0] ims = ims.astype(np.float32) #print('Got', ims.shape, 'PSF images') hdr = T.get_header() ngrp = hdr['POLNGRP'] assert (ngrp in [0, 1]) if ngrp == 0: # Constant PSF. degree = 0 x0 = y0 = 0. xscale = yscale = 1. else: assert (hdr['POLNGRP'] == 1) # PSF distortion bases are polynomials of x,y assert (hdr['POLNAME1'].strip() == 'X_IMAGE') assert (hdr['POLNAME2'].strip() == 'Y_IMAGE') assert (hdr['POLGRP1'] == 1) assert (hdr['POLGRP2'] == 1) x0 = hdr.get('POLZERO1') xscale = hdr.get('POLSCAL1') y0 = hdr.get('POLZERO2') yscale = hdr.get('POLSCAL2') degree = hdr.get('POLDEG1') self.sampling = hdr.get('PSF_SAMP') #print('PsfEx sampling:', self.sampling) # number of terms in polynomial ne = (degree + 1) * (degree + 2) // 2 assert (hdr['PSFAXIS3'] == ne) assert (len(ims.shape) == 3) assert (ims.shape[0] == ne) self.psfbases = ims self.xscale, self.yscale = xscale, yscale = degree #print('PsfEx degree:', bh, bw = self.psfbases[0].shape self.radius = (bh + 1) / 2. self.x0, self.y0 = x0, y0 self.fwhm = hdr.get('PSF_FWHM') elif Ti is not None: self.sampling = Ti.psf_samp degree = Ti.poldeg1 # PSF distortion bases are polynomials of x,y if degree > 0: assert (Ti.polname1.strip() == 'X_IMAGE') assert (Ti.polname2.strip() == 'Y_IMAGE') assert (Ti.polgrp1 == 1) assert (Ti.polgrp2 == 1) assert (Ti.polngrp == 1) self.x0 = Ti.polzero1 self.y0 = Ti.polzero2 self.xscale = Ti.polscal1 self.yscale = Ti.polscal2 = degree # number of terms in polynomial ne = (degree + 1) * (degree + 2) / 2 assert (Ti.psfaxis3 == ne) ims = Ti.psf_mask ims = ims.astype(np.float32) assert (len(ims.shape) == 3) assert (ims.shape[0] == ne) self.psfbases = ims bh, bw = self.psfbases[0].shape self.radius = (bh + 1) / 2. self.fwhm = Ti.psf_fwhm
ps.savefig() sys.exit(0) # Test RexGalaxy surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase6') outdir = 'out-testcase6-rex' main(args=['--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '500', '600', '650', '750', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--rex', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir] + extra_args) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert(os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert(len(T) == 2) print('Types:', T.type) # Since there is a Tycho-2 star in the blob, forced to be PSF. assert(T.type[0] == 'PSF ') cmd = ('(cd %s && sha256sum -c %s)' % (outdir, os.path.join('tractor', '110', 'brick-1102p240.sha256sum'))) print(cmd) rtn = os.system(cmd) assert(rtn == 0) # Test with a Tycho-2 star in the blob. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase6') outdir = 'out-testcase6' main(args=['--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '500', '600', '650', '750',
def main(): # I read a DESI DR8 target catalog, cut to ELGs, then took a narrow # r-mag slice around the peak of that distribution; # desi/target/catalogs/dr8/0.31.1/targets/main/resolve/targets-dr8-hp-1,5,11,50,55,60,83,84,86,89,91,98,119,155,158,174,186,187,190.fits') # Then took the median g and z mags # And opened the coadd invvar mags for a random brick in that footprint # (0701p000) to find the median per-pixel invvars. r = 23.0 g = 23.4 z = 22.2 # Selecting EXPs, the peak of the shapeexp_r was ~ 0.75". r_e = 0.75 # Image properties: giv = 77000. riv = 27000. ziv = 8000. # PSF sizes were roughly equal, 1.16, 1.17, 1.19" # -> sigma = 1.9 DECam pixels psf_sigma = 1.9 H, W = 1000, 1000 seed = 42 np.random.seed(seed) ra, dec = 70., 1. brick = BrickDuck(ra, dec, 'custom-0700p010') wcs = wcs_for_brick(brick, W=W, H=H) bands = 'grz' tims = [] for band, iv in zip(bands, [giv, riv, ziv]): img = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) tiv = np.zeros_like(img) + iv s = psf_sigma**2 psf = GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., s, s, 0.) twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs) sky = ConstantSky(0.) photocal = LinearPhotoCal(1., band=band) tai = TAITime(None, mjd=55700.) tim = tractor.Image(data=img, invvar=tiv, psf=psf, wcs=twcs, sky=sky, photocal=photocal, name='fake %s' % band, time=tai) tim.skyver = ('1', '1') tim.psfver = ('1', '1') tim.plver = '1' tim.x0 = tim.y0 = 0 tim.subwcs = wcs tim.psfnorm = 1. / (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psf_sigma) tim.galnorm = tim.psfnorm tim.propid = '2020A-000' = band tim.dq = None tim.sig1 = 1. / np.sqrt(iv) tim.psf_sigma = psf_sigma tim.primhdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tims.append(tim) # Simulated catalog gflux = NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(g) rflux = NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(r) zflux = NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(z) box = 50 CX, CY = np.meshgrid(np.arange(box // 2, W, box), np.arange(box // 2, H, box)) ny, nx = CX.shape BA, PHI = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, nx), np.linspace(0., 180., ny)) cat = [] for cx, cy, ba, phi in zip(CX.ravel(), CY.ravel(), BA.ravel(), PHI.ravel()): #print('x,y %.1f,%.1f, ba %.2f, phi %.2f' % (cx, cy, ba, phi)) r, d = wcs.pixelxy2radec(cx + 1, cy + 1) src = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(r, d), NanoMaggies(order=bands, g=gflux, r=rflux, z=zflux), EllipseE.fromRAbPhi(r_e, ba, phi)) cat.append(src) from legacypipe.catalog import prepare_fits_catalog TT = fits_table() TT.bx = CX.ravel() = CY.ravel() = BA.ravel() TT.phi = PHI.ravel() tcat = tractor.Catalog(*cat) T2 = prepare_fits_catalog(tcat, None, TT, bands, save_invvars=False) T2.writeto('sim-cat.fits') tr = Tractor(tims, cat) for band, tim in zip(bands, tims): mod = tr.getModelImage(tim) mod += np.random.standard_normal( size=tim.shape) * 1. / tim.getInvError() fitsio.write('sim-%s.fits' % band, mod, clobber=True) = mod ccds = fits_table() ccds.filter = np.array([f for f in bands]) ccds.ccd_cuts = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.int16) ccds.imgfn = np.array([ for tim in tims]) ccds.propid = np.array(['2020A-000'] * len(ccds)) ccds.fwhm = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) + psf_sigma * 2.35 ccds.mjd_obs = np.zeros(len(ccds)) = np.array(['fake'] * len(ccds)) survey = FakeLegacySurvey(ccds, tims) import logging verbose = False if verbose == 0: lvl = logging.INFO else: lvl = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout) # tractor logging is *soooo* chatty logging.getLogger('tractor.engine').setLevel(lvl + 10) run_brick(None, survey, radec=(ra, dec), width=W, height=H, do_calibs=False, gaia_stars=False, large_galaxies=False, tycho_stars=False, forceall=True, outliers=False) #, stages=['image_coadds'])
def unwise_forcedphot(cat, tiles, band=1, roiradecbox=None, use_ceres=True, ceres_block=8, save_fits=False, get_models=False, ps=None, psf_broadening=None, pixelized_psf=False, get_masks=None, move_crpix=False, modelsky_dir=None, tag=None): ''' Given a list of tractor sources *cat* and a list of unWISE tiles *tiles* (a fits_table with RA,Dec,coadd_id) runs forced photometry, returning a FITS table the same length as *cat*. *get_masks*: the WCS to resample mask bits into. ''' from tractor import PointSource, Tractor, ExpGalaxy, DevGalaxy from tractor.sersic import SersicGalaxy if tag is None: tag = '' else: tag = tag + ': ' if not pixelized_psf and psf_broadening is None: # PSF broadening in post-reactivation data, by band. # Newer version from Aaron's email to decam-chatter, 2018-06-14. broadening = {1: 1.0405, 2: 1.0346, 3: None, 4: None} psf_broadening = broadening[band] if False: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('wise-forced-w%i' % band) plots = (ps is not None) if plots: import pylab as plt wantims = (plots or save_fits or get_models) wanyband = 'w' if get_models: models = [] wband = 'w%i' % band Nsrcs = len(cat) phot = fits_table() # Filled in based on unique tile overlap phot.wise_coadd_id = np.array([' '] * Nsrcs, dtype='U8') phot.wise_x = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float32) phot.wise_y = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float32) phot.set('psfdepth_%s' % wband, np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float32)) nexp = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.int16) mjd = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float64) central_flux = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float32) ra = np.array([src.getPosition().ra for src in cat]) dec = np.array([src.getPosition().dec for src in cat]) fskeys = ['prochi2', 'profracflux'] fitstats = {} if get_masks: mh, mw = get_masks.shape maskmap = np.zeros((mh, mw), np.uint32) tims = [] for tile in tiles: info(tag + 'Reading WISE tile', tile.coadd_id, 'band', band) tim = get_unwise_tractor_image(tile.unwise_dir, tile.coadd_id, band, bandname=wanyband, roiradecbox=roiradecbox) if tim is None: debug('Actually, no overlap with WISE coadd tile', tile.coadd_id) continue if plots: sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(tim.getImage(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=10 * sig1) plt.colorbar() tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) plt.title('%s: tim data' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.hist((tim.getImage() * tim.inverr)[tim.inverr > 0].ravel(), range=(-5, 10), bins=100) plt.xlabel('Per-pixel intensity (Sigma)') plt.title(tag) ps.savefig() if move_crpix and band in [1, 2]: realwcs = tim.wcs.wcs x, y = realwcs.crpix tile_crpix = tile.get('crpix_w%i' % band) dx = tile_crpix[0] - 1024.5 dy = tile_crpix[1] - 1024.5 realwcs.set_crpix(x + dx, y + dy) debug('unWISE', tile.coadd_id, 'band', band, 'CRPIX', x, y, 'shift by', dx, dy, 'to', realwcs.crpix) if modelsky_dir and band in [1, 2]: fn = os.path.join(modelsky_dir, '%s.%i.mod.fits' % (tile.coadd_id, band)) if not os.path.exists(fn): raise RuntimeError('WARNING: does not exist:', fn) x0, x1, y0, y1 = tim.roi bg = fitsio.FITS(fn)[2][y0:y1, x0:x1] assert (bg.shape == tim.shape) if plots: plt.clf() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(tim.getImage(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=5 * sig1) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(bg, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=5 * sig1) tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) plt.suptitle(tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() ha = dict(range=(-5, 10), bins=100, histtype='step') plt.hist((tim.getImage() * tim.inverr)[tim.inverr > 0].ravel(), color='b', label='Original', **ha) plt.hist(((tim.getImage() - bg) * tim.inverr)[tim.inverr > 0].ravel(), color='g', label='Minus Background', **ha) plt.axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('Per-pixel intensity (Sigma)') plt.legend() plt.title(tag + ': background') ps.savefig() # Actually subtract the background! -= bg # Floor the per-pixel variances, # and add Poisson contribution from sources if band in [1, 2]: # in Vega nanomaggies per pixel floor_sigma = {1: 0.5, 2: 2.0} poissons = {1: 0.15, 2: 0.3} with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): new_ie = 1. / np.sqrt( (1. / tim.inverr)**2 + floor_sigma[band] + poissons[band]**2 * np.maximum(0., new_ie[tim.inverr == 0] = 0. if plots: plt.clf() plt.plot((1. / tim.inverr[tim.inverr > 0]).ravel(), (1. / new_ie[tim.inverr > 0]).ravel(), 'b.') plt.title('unWISE per-pixel error: %s band %i' % (tile.coadd_id, band)) plt.xlabel('original') plt.ylabel('floored') ps.savefig() assert (np.all(np.isfinite(new_ie))) assert (np.all(new_ie >= 0.)) tim.inverr = new_ie # Expand a 3-pixel radius around weight=0 (saturated) pixels # from Eddie via crowdsource # ## FIXME -- W3/W4 ?? satlimit = 85000 msat = (( > satlimit) | ((tim.nims == 0) & (tim.nuims > 1))) from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation xx, yy = np.mgrid[-3:3 + 1, -3:3 + 1] dilate = xx**2 + yy**2 <= 3**2 msat = binary_dilation(msat, dilate) nbefore = np.sum(tim.inverr == 0) tim.inverr[msat] = 0 nafter = np.sum(tim.inverr == 0) debug('Masking an additional', (nafter - nbefore), 'near-saturated pixels in unWISE', tile.coadd_id, 'band', band) # Read mask file? if get_masks: from astrometry.util.resample import resample_with_wcs, OverlapError # unwise_dir can be a colon-separated list of paths tilemask = None for d in tile.unwise_dir.split(':'): fn = os.path.join(d, tile.coadd_id[:3], tile.coadd_id, 'unwise-%s-msk.fits.gz' % tile.coadd_id) if os.path.exists(fn): debug('Reading unWISE mask file', fn) x0, x1, y0, y1 = tim.roi tilemask = fitsio.FITS(fn)[0][y0:y1, x0:x1] break if tilemask is None: info('unWISE mask file for tile', tile.coadd_id, 'does not exist') else: try: tanwcs = tim.wcs.wcs assert (tanwcs.shape == tilemask.shape) Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, _ = resample_with_wcs(get_masks, tanwcs, intType=np.int16) # Only deal with mask pixels that are set. I, = np.nonzero(tilemask[Yi, Xi] > 0) # Trim to unique area for this tile rr, dd = get_masks.pixelxy2radec(Xo[I] + 1, Yo[I] + 1) good = radec_in_unique_area(rr, dd, tile.ra1, tile.ra2, tile.dec1, tile.dec2) I = I[good] maskmap[Yo[I], Xo[I]] = tilemask[Yi[I], Xi[I]] except OverlapError: # Shouldn't happen by this point print('Warning: no overlap between WISE tile', tile.coadd_id, 'and brick') if plots: plt.clf() plt.imshow(tilemask, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Tile %s: mask' % tile.coadd_id) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(maskmap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Tile %s: accumulated maskmap' % tile.coadd_id) ps.savefig() # The tiles have some overlap, so zero out pixels outside the # tile's unique area. th, tw = tim.shape xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(tw), np.arange(th)) rr, dd = tim.wcs.wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx + 1, yy + 1) unique = radec_in_unique_area(rr, dd, tile.ra1, tile.ra2, tile.dec1, tile.dec2) debug('Tile', tile.coadd_id, '- total of', np.sum(unique), 'unique pixels out of', len(unique.flat), 'total pixels') if get_models: # Save the inverr before blanking out non-unique pixels, for making coadds with no gaps! # (actually, slightly more subtly, expand unique area by 1 pixel) from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation du = binary_dilation(unique) tim.coadd_inverr = tim.inverr * du tim.inverr[unique == False] = 0. del xx, yy, rr, dd, unique if plots: sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(tim.getImage() * (tim.inverr > 0), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=10 * sig1) plt.colorbar() tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) plt.title('%s: tim data (unique)' % tag) ps.savefig() if pixelized_psf: from unwise_psf import unwise_psf if (band == 1) or (band == 2): # we only have updated PSFs for W1 and W2 psfimg = unwise_psf.get_unwise_psf(band, tile.coadd_id, modelname='neo6_unwisecat') else: psfimg = unwise_psf.get_unwise_psf(band, tile.coadd_id) if band == 4: # oversample (the unwise_psf models are at native W4 5.5"/pix, # while the unWISE coadds are made at 2.75"/pix. ph, pw = psfimg.shape subpsf = np.zeros((ph * 2 - 1, pw * 2 - 1), np.float32) from astrometry.util.util import lanczos3_interpolate xx, yy = np.meshgrid( np.arange(0., pw - 0.51, 0.5, dtype=np.float32), np.arange(0., ph - 0.51, 0.5, dtype=np.float32)) xx = xx.ravel() yy = yy.ravel() ix = xx.astype(np.int32) iy = yy.astype(np.int32) dx = (xx - ix).astype(np.float32) dy = (yy - iy).astype(np.float32) psfimg = psfimg.astype(np.float32) rtn = lanczos3_interpolate(ix, iy, dx, dy, [subpsf.flat], [psfimg]) if plots: plt.clf() plt.imshow(psfimg, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Original PSF model') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(subpsf, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Subsampled PSF model') ps.savefig() psfimg = subpsf del xx, yy, ix, iy, dx, dy from tractor.psf import PixelizedPSF psfimg /= psfimg.sum() fluxrescales = {1: 1.04, 2: 1.005, 3: 1.0, 4: 1.0} psfimg *= fluxrescales[band] tim.psf = PixelizedPSF(psfimg) if psf_broadening is not None and not pixelized_psf: # psf_broadening is a factor by which the PSF FWHMs # should be scaled; the PSF is a little wider # post-reactivation. psf = tim.getPsf() from tractor import GaussianMixturePSF if isinstance(psf, GaussianMixturePSF): debug('Broadening PSF: from', psf) p0 = psf.getParams() pnames = psf.getParamNames() p1 = [ p * psf_broadening**2 if 'var' in name else p for (p, name) in zip(p0, pnames) ] psf.setParams(p1) debug('Broadened PSF:', psf) else: print( 'WARNING: cannot apply psf_broadening to WISE PSF of type', type(psf)) wcs = tim.wcs.wcs _, fx, fy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec) x = np.round(fx - 1.).astype(int) y = np.round(fy - 1.).astype(int) good = (x >= 0) * (x < tw) * (y >= 0) * (y < th) # Which sources are in this brick's unique area? usrc = radec_in_unique_area(ra, dec, tile.ra1, tile.ra2, tile.dec1, tile.dec2) I, = np.nonzero(good * usrc) nexp[I] = tim.nuims[y[I], x[I]] if hasattr(tim, 'mjdmin') and hasattr(tim, 'mjdmax'): mjd[I] = (tim.mjdmin + tim.mjdmax) / 2. phot.wise_coadd_id[I] = tile.coadd_id phot.wise_x[I] = fx[I] - 1. phot.wise_y[I] = fy[I] - 1. central_flux[I] = tim.getImage()[y[I], x[I]] del x, y, good, usrc # PSF norm for depth psf = tim.getPsf() h, w = tim.shape patch = psf.getPointSourcePatch(h // 2, w // 2).patch psfnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(patch**2)) # To handle zero-depth, we return 1/nanomaggies^2 units rather than mags. # In the small empty patches of the sky (eg W4 in 0922p702), we get sig1 = NaN if np.isfinite(tim.sig1): phot.get('psfdepth_%s' % wband)[I] = 1. / (tim.sig1 / psfnorm)**2 tim.tile = tile tims.append(tim) if plots: plt.clf() mn, mx = 0.1, 20000 plt.hist(np.log10(np.clip(central_flux, mn, mx)), bins=100, range=(np.log10(mn), np.log10(mx))) logt = np.arange(0, 5) plt.xticks(logt, ['%i' % i for i in 10.**logt]) plt.title('Central fluxes (W%i)' % band) plt.axvline(np.log10(20000), color='k') plt.axvline(np.log10(1000), color='k') ps.savefig() # Eddie's non-secret recipe: #- central pixel <= 1000: 19x19 pix box size #- central pixel in 1000 - 20000: 59x59 box size #- central pixel > 20000 or saturated: 149x149 box size #- object near "bright star": 299x299 box size nbig = nmedium = nsmall = 0 for src, cflux in zip(cat, central_flux): if cflux > 20000: R = 100 nbig += 1 elif cflux > 1000: R = 30 nmedium += 1 else: R = 15 nsmall += 1 if isinstance(src, PointSource): src.fixedRadius = R else: ### FIXME -- sizes for galaxies..... can we set PSF size separately? galrad = 0 # RexGalaxy is a subclass of ExpGalaxy if isinstance(src, (ExpGalaxy, DevGalaxy, SersicGalaxy)): galrad = pixscale = 2.75 src.halfsize = int(np.hypot(R, galrad * 5 / pixscale)) debug('Set WISE source sizes:', nbig, 'big', nmedium, 'medium', nsmall, 'small') tractor = Tractor(tims, cat) if use_ceres: from tractor.ceres_optimizer import CeresOptimizer tractor.optimizer = CeresOptimizer(BW=ceres_block, BH=ceres_block) tractor.freezeParamsRecursive('*') tractor.thawPathsTo(wanyband) t0 = Time() R = tractor.optimize_forced_photometry(fitstats=True, variance=True, shared_params=False, wantims=wantims) info(tag + 'unWISE forced photometry took', Time() - t0) if use_ceres: term = R.ceres_status['termination'] # Running out of memory can cause failure to converge and term # status = 2. Fail completely in this case. if term != 0: info(tag + 'Ceres termination status:', term) raise RuntimeError('Ceres terminated with status %i' % term) if wantims: ims1 = R.ims1 # can happen if empty source list (we still want to generate coadds) if ims1 is None: ims1 = R.ims0 flux_invvars = R.IV if R.fitstats is not None: for k in fskeys: x = getattr(R.fitstats, k) fitstats[k] = np.array(x).astype(np.float32) if save_fits: for i, tim in enumerate(tims): tile = tim.tile (dat, mod, _, chi, _) = ims1[i] wcshdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.wcs.wcs.add_to_header(wcshdr) tag = 'fit-%s-w%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) fitsio.write('%s-data.fits' % tag, dat, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) fitsio.write('%s-mod.fits' % tag, mod, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) fitsio.write('%s-chi.fits' % tag, chi, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) if plots: # Create models for just the brightest sources bright_cat = [ src for src in cat if src.getBrightness().getBand(wanyband) > 1000 ] debug('Bright soures:', len(bright_cat)) btr = Tractor(tims, bright_cat) for tim in tims: mod = btr.getModelImage(tim) tile = tim.tile tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=25 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: bright-star models' % tag) ps.savefig() if get_models: for i, tim in enumerate(tims): tile = tim.tile (dat, mod, _, _, _) = ims1[i] models.append( (tile.coadd_id, band, tim.wcs.wcs, dat, mod, tim.coadd_inverr)) if plots: for i, tim in enumerate(tims): tile = tim.tile tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) (dat, mod, _, chi, _) = ims1[i] sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(dat, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=25 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: data' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=25 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: model' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(chi, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-5, vmax=+5) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: chi' % tag) ps.savefig() nm = np.array([src.getBrightness().getBand(wanyband) for src in cat]) nm_ivar = flux_invvars # Sources out of bounds, eg, never change from their initial # fluxes. Zero them out instead. nm[nm_ivar == 0] = 0. phot.set('flux_%s' % wband, nm.astype(np.float32)) phot.set('flux_ivar_%s' % wband, nm_ivar.astype(np.float32)) for k in fskeys: phot.set(k + '_' + wband, fitstats.get(k, np.zeros(len(phot), np.float32))) phot.set('nobs_%s' % wband, nexp) phot.set('mjd_%s' % wband, mjd) rtn = wphotduck() rtn.phot = phot rtn.models = None rtn.maskmap = None if get_models: rtn.models = models if get_masks: rtn.maskmap = maskmap return rtn
def toFits(self, fn, data=None, hdr=None, merge=False): ''' If merge: merge params "amp0", "amp1", ... into an "amp" array. ''' from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table if hdr is None: import fitsio hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() hdr.add_record( dict(name='PSFEX_T', value=typestring(type(self)), comment='PsfEx type')) hdr.add_record( dict(name='PSF_TYPE', value=typestring(self.psfclass), comment='PsfEx PSF type')) hdr.add_record(dict(name='PSF_W', value=self.W, comment='Image width')) hdr.add_record(dict(name='PSF_H', value=self.H, comment='Image height')) # hdr.add_record(dict(name='PSF_SCALING', hdr.add_record( dict(name='PSF_K', value=self.K, comment='Number of PSF components')) hdr.add_record( dict(name='PSF_NX', value=self.nx, comment='Number of X grid points')) hdr.add_record( dict(name='PSF_NY', value=self.ny, comment='Number of Y grid points')) if data is None: data = self.splinedata (pp, XX, YY) = data ny, nx, nparams = pp.shape assert (ny == self.ny) assert (nx == self.nx) X = self.psfclass(*pp[0, 0]) names = X.getParamNames() hdr.add_record( dict(name='PSF_NA', value=len(names), comment='PSF number of params')) for i, nm in enumerate(names): hdr.add_record( dict(name='PSF_A%i' % i, value=nm, comment='PSF param name')) T = fits_table() T.xx = XX.reshape((1, len(XX))) T.yy = YY.reshape((1, len(YY))) if merge: # find like params and group them together. # assume names like "amp0" assert (self.K < 10) pnames = set() for nm in names: assert (nm[-1] in '0123456789'[:self.K]) pnames.add(nm[:-1]) assert (len(pnames) * self.K == nparams) pnames = list(pnames) pnames.sort() print('Pnames:', pnames) namemap = dict([(nm, i) for i, nm in enumerate(names)]) for i, nm in enumerate(pnames): X = np.empty((1, self.K, ny, nx)) for k in range(self.K): X[0, k, :, :] = pp[:, :, namemap['%s%i' % (nm, k)]] T.set(nm, X) # X = np.dstack([pp[:,:,namemap['%s%i' % (nm, k)]] for k in range(self.K)]) # print 'pname', nm, 'array:', X.shape # T.set(nm, X.reshape((1,self.K,ny,nx))) else: for i, nm in enumerate(names): T.set(nm, pp[:, :, i].reshape((1, ny, nx))) T.writeto(fn, header=hdr)
def _bounce_main((i, ccds)): try: outfn = 'ccds-annotated/ccds-annotated-%03i.fits' % i if os.path.exists(outfn): print('Already exists:', outfn) return main(outfn=outfn, ccds=ccds) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() if __name__ == '__main__': TT = [ fits_table('ccds-annotated/ccds-annotated-%03i.fits' % i) for i in range(515) ] T = merge_tables(TT) T.writeto('ccds-annotated.fits') import sys sys.exit() #sys.exit(main()) decals = Decals() ccds = decals.get_ccds() from astrometry.util.multiproc import * #mp = multiproc(8) mp = multiproc(4) N = 1000
def run_tiles(X): tiles, tag = X print('Running', tag, '-', len(tiles), 'tiles') # Aaron's file has all images share the boresight CRVAL, so they have large CRPIX values. T = fits_table( '/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/users/ameisner/GFA/gfa_reduce_etc/gfa_wcs+focus.bigtan-zenith.fits' ) Nbright = 10 tiles_ann = fits_table() tiles_ann.index = tiles.index gfa_regions = [] maxr = 0.[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1], for t in T: wcs = Tan(0., 0., t.crpix[0], t.crpix[1],[0, 0],[1, 0],[0, 1],[1, 1], float(t.naxis[0]), float(t.naxis[1])) ctype = t.extname[:5] cnum = int(t.extname[5]) h, w = wcs.shape x, y = [1, 1, w, w, 1], [1, h, h, 1, 1] r, d = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y) dists = degrees_between(0., 0., r, d) maxr = max(maxr, max(dists)) # x0, y0, x1, y1 rois = [] if ctype == 'FOCUS': # add the two half-chips. # wcs.get_subimage moves the CRPIX, but leave CRVAL unchanged, so tx,ty still work unchanged. # Aaron's WCS templates correct for the overscans #wcs_subs.append((cstr, cnum, 'a', wcs.get_subimage(0, 0, 1024, h))) #wcs_subs.append((cstr, cnum, 'b', wcs.get_subimage(1024, 0, 1024, h))) #all_sub_wcs[(cstr, cnum, 1)] = (tx, ty, wcs.get_subimage(50, 0, 1024, 1032)) #all_sub_wcs[(cstr, cnum, 2)] = (tx, ty, wcs.get_subimage(1174, 0, 1024, 1032)) # Add (negative) margin for donut size and telescope pointing uncertainty. # ~10" for donuts and ~10" for telescope pointing #margin = 100 #wcs_subs.append((cstr, cnum, 'a_margin', wcs.get_subimage(margin, margin, 1024-2*margin, h-2*margin))) #wcs_subs.append((cstr, cnum, 'b_margin', wcs.get_subimage(1024+margin, margin, 1024-2*margin, h-2*margin))) # Also add a positive margin for bright-star reflections off filters #margin = 125 #wcs_subs.append((cstr, cnum, 'expanded', wcs.get_subimage(-margin, -margin, w+2*margin, h+2*margin))) rois.append(('a', 0, 0, 1024, h)) rois.append(('b', 1024, 0, 2048, h)) margin = 100 rois.append( ('a_margin', margin, margin, 1024 - margin, h - margin)) rois.append( ('b_margin', 1024 + margin, margin, 2048 - margin, h - margin)) margin = 125 rois.append(('expanded', -margin, -margin, w + margin, h + margin)) else: # Guide chips include overscan pixels -- including a blank region in the middle. #print(cstr,cnum, 'shape', wcs.shape) #wcs_subs.append((cstr, cnum, 'ccd', wcs)) rois.append(('ccd', 0, 0, w, h)) # Add expanded GUIDE chips -- 25" margin / 0.2"/pix = 125 pix margin = 125 #wcs_subs.append((cstr, cnum, 'expanded', wcs.get_subimage(-margin, -margin, w+2*margin, h+2*margin))) rois.append(('expanded', -margin, -margin, w + margin, h + margin)) margin = 125 expwcs = wcs.get_subimage(-margin, -margin, w + 2 * margin, h + 2 * margin) newrois = [] for tag, x0, y0, x1, y1 in rois: name = '%s_%i_%s' % (ctype.lower(), cnum, tag) arr = np.zeros(len(tiles), (np.float32, Nbright)) tiles_ann.set('brightest_' + name, arr) # (the rois have zero-indexed x0,y0, and non-inclusive x1,y1!) newrois.append((name, arr, 1 + x0, 1 + y0, x1, y1)) gfa_regions.append((ctype, cnum, wcs, expwcs, newrois)) # DEBUG WCS # s = [] # for ctype,cnum,wcs,expwcs,rois in gfa_regions: # WCS = wcs # h,w = WCS.shape # #print('Expwcs:', w, 'x', h) # x = [1,1,w,w,1] # y = [1,h,h,1,1] # r,d = WCS.pixelxy2radec(x, y) # p = ','.join(['%.4f,%.4f' % (rr,dd) for rr,dd in zip(r,d)]) # s.append(p) # s = ';'.join(s) # print(''+s) # sys.exit(0) gaia = CachingGaiaCatalog(columns=[ 'ra', 'dec', 'phot_g_mean_mag', 'phot_bp_mean_mag', 'phot_rp_mean_mag', 'astrometric_excess_noise', 'astrometric_params_solved', 'source_id', 'pmra_error', 'pmdec_error', 'parallax_error', 'ra_error', 'dec_error', 'pmra', 'pmdec', 'parallax', 'ref_epoch' ]) tyc2fn = '/global/cfs/cdirs/cosmo/staging/tycho2/tycho2.kd.fits' tycho_kd = tree_open(tyc2fn) tycho_cat = fits_table(tyc2fn) maxrad = maxr * 1.05 for itile, tile in enumerate(tiles): #if not tile.in_imaging: # continue #if tile.centerid % 10 == 0: #print('tile program', tile.program, 'pass', tile.get('pass'), 'id', tile.centerid, gaia.get_healpix_tree.cache_info()) I = tree_search_radec(tycho_kd, tile.ra, tile.dec, maxrad) tycstars = tycho_cat[I] fix_tycho(tycstars) for cstr, cname, chipwcs, bigwcs, rois in gfa_regions: h, w = chipwcs.shape chipwcs.set_crval(tile.ra, tile.dec) bigwcs.set_crval(tile.ra, tile.dec) gstars = gaia.get_catalog_in_wcs(bigwcs, step=1032, margin=0) fix_gaia(gstars) bh, bw = bigwcs.shape ok, x, y = bigwcs.radec2pixelxy(tycstars.ra, tycstars.dec) tstars = tycstars[(x >= 1) * (y >= 1) * (x <= bw) * (y <= bh)] #print('Tile', tile.program, 'p', tile.get('pass'), tile.centerid, # 'GFA', cstr, cname, ':', len(gstars), 'Gaia stars', len(tstars), 'Tycho-2 stars') if len(gstars) + len(tstars) == 0: print('No stars in tile centerid', tile.centerid, 'chip', name) continue if len(gstars) > 0 and len(tstars) > 0: merge_gaia_tycho(gstars, tstars) stars = merge_tables([gstars, tstars], columns='fillzero') elif len(tstars) > 0: stars = tstars else: stars = gstars ok, x, y = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(stars.ra, stars.dec) for name, arr, x0, y0, x1, y1 in rois: J = np.flatnonzero( (x >= x0) * (x <= x1) * (y >= y0) * (y <= y1)) mags = stars.mag[J] #print(' ', len(mags), 'in name') K = np.argsort(mags) K = K[:Nbright] arr[itile, :len(K)] = mags[K] #tiles.add_columns_from(tiles_ann) return tiles_ann
def get_healpix_tree(self, healpix): from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table fname = self.fnpattern % dict(hp=healpix) tab = fits_table(fname, columns=self.columns) kd = tree_build_radec(tab.ra, tab.dec) return (kd, tab)
def main(fn, mp): basefn = os.path.basename(fn) tiles = fits_table(fn) #I = np.flatnonzero(tiles.in_imaging) #tiles.cut(I) ### Split the tiles into nearby chunks of work for multi-processing. from astrometry.util.util import radecdegtohealpix nside = 8 Nhp = 12 * nside**2 Ihps = [[] for i in range(Nhp)] for i, (r, d) in enumerate(zip(tiles.ra, tiles.dec)): hp = radecdegtohealpix(r, d, nside) assert (hp >= 0) Ihps[hp].append(i) args = [] tiles.index = np.arange(len(tiles)) for hp, I in enumerate(Ihps): if len(I) == 0: continue args.append((tiles[np.array(I)], 'HP %i' % hp)) print(len(args), 'big healpixes are populated') R =, args) tiles_ann = merge_tables(R) print(len(tiles), 'tiles') print(len(tiles_ann), 'annotated') tiles_ann.about() # unpermute I = np.zeros(len(tiles_ann), np.int32) I[tiles_ann.index] = np.arange(len(tiles_ann)) tiles_ann.cut(I) tiles.add_columns_from(tiles_ann) tiles.delete_column('index') outfn = basefn.replace('.fits', '-brightest.fits') tiles.writeto(outfn) # Nudge (only inside imaging footprint) from functools import reduce brightest = reduce(np.minimum, [ tiles.brightest_guide_0_expanded[:, 0], tiles.brightest_guide_2_expanded[:, 0], tiles.brightest_guide_3_expanded[:, 0], tiles.brightest_guide_5_expanded[:, 0], tiles.brightest_guide_7_expanded[:, 0], tiles.brightest_guide_8_expanded[:, 0], tiles.brightest_focus_1_expanded[:, 0], tiles.brightest_focus_4_expanded[:, 0], tiles.brightest_focus_6_expanded[:, 0], tiles.brightest_focus_9_expanded[:, 0], ]) if 'in_imaging' in tiles.get_columns(): I = np.flatnonzero((brightest < 6.) * tiles.in_imaging) else: I = np.flatnonzero((brightest < 6.)) print(len(I), 'tiles with G<6') tiles.nudge_ra = np.zeros(len(tiles), np.float32) tiles.nudge_dec = np.zeros(len(tiles), np.float32) tiles.nudge_brightest = np.zeros(len(tiles), np.float32) tiles.index = np.arange(len(tiles)) for nudge in range(1, 20): if len(I) == 0: break print('Nudging', len(I), 'by', nudge) ddec = 10. / 3600. dra = ddec / np.cos(np.deg2rad(tiles.dec[I])) # copy tiles nudgetiles = tiles[np.repeat(I, 4)] nudgetiles.nudge_ra[0::4] = +nudge * dra nudgetiles.nudge_ra[1::4] = -nudge * dra nudgetiles.nudge_dec[2::4] = +nudge * ddec nudgetiles.nudge_dec[3::4] = -nudge * ddec nudgetiles.ra += nudgetiles.nudge_ra nudgetiles.dec += nudgetiles.nudge_dec #ann = run_tiles((nudgetiles, 'nudge%i' % nudge)) # split into subsets args = [] isplit = np.linspace(0, len(nudgetiles), 33, dtype=int) for i0, i1 in zip(isplit, isplit[1:]): if i0 == i1: continue args.append((nudgetiles[i0:i1], 'nudge%i+%i' % (nudge, i0))) A =, args) ann = merge_tables(A) ann.brightest = reduce(np.minimum, [ ann.brightest_guide_0_expanded[:, 0], ann.brightest_guide_2_expanded[:, 0], ann.brightest_guide_3_expanded[:, 0], ann.brightest_guide_5_expanded[:, 0], ann.brightest_guide_7_expanded[:, 0], ann.brightest_guide_8_expanded[:, 0], ann.brightest_focus_1_expanded[:, 0], ann.brightest_focus_4_expanded[:, 0], ann.brightest_focus_6_expanded[:, 0], ann.brightest_focus_9_expanded[:, 0], ]) ok = (ann.brightest > 6) found = np.zeros(len(I), bool) for idir, dirok in enumerate([ok[0::4], ok[1::4], ok[2::4], ok[3::4]]): J = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_not(found) * dirok) print('Nudge dir', idir, ':', len(J), 'are okay') found[J] = True tiles.nudge_ra[I[J]] = nudgetiles.nudge_ra[J * 4 + idir] tiles.nudge_dec[I[J]] = nudgetiles.nudge_dec[J * 4 + idir] tiles.nudge_brightest[I[J]] = ann.brightest[J * 4 + idir] I = I[np.flatnonzero(found == False)] outfn = basefn.replace('.fits', '-brightest-nudged.fits') tiles.writeto(outfn)
def main(outfn='ccds-annotated.fits', ccds=None): decals = Decals() if ccds is None: ccds = decals.get_ccds() # File from the "observing" svn repo: # tiles = fits_table('decam-tiles_obstatus.fits') #ccds.cut(np.arange(100)) #print("HACK!") #ccds.cut(np.array([name in ['N15', 'N16', 'N21', 'N9'] # for name in ccds.ccdname]) * # ccds.expnum == 229683) I = decals.photometric_ccds(ccds) ccds.photometric = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool) ccds.photometric[I] = True I = decals.apply_blacklist(ccds) ccds.blacklist_ok = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool) ccds.blacklist_ok[I] = True ccds.good_region = np.empty((len(ccds), 4), np.int16) ccds.good_region[:, :] = -1 ccds.ra0 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.dec0 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.ra1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.dec1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.ra2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.dec2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.ra3 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.dec3 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.dra = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.ddec = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.ra_center = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.dec_center = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64) ccds.sig1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.meansky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.stdsky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.maxsky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.minsky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.pixscale_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.pixscale_std = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.pixscale_max = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.pixscale_min = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.psfnorm_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.psfnorm_std = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.galnorm_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.galnorm_std = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) gaussgalnorm = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) # 2nd moments ccds.psf_mx2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.psf_my2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.psf_mxy = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) # ccds.psf_a = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.psf_b = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.psf_theta = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.psf_ell = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.humidity = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.outtemp = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) ccds.tileid = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.int32) ccds.tilepass = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.uint8) ccds.tileebv = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) plvers = [] for iccd, ccd in enumerate(ccds): im = decals.get_image_object(ccd) print('Reading CCD %i of %i:' % (iccd + 1, len(ccds)), im) X = im.get_good_image_subregion() for i, x in enumerate(X): if x is not None: ccds.good_region[iccd, i] = x W, H = ccd.width, ccd.height psf = None wcs = None sky = None try: tim = im.get_tractor_image(pixPsf=True, splinesky=True, subsky=False, pixels=False) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() plvers.append('') continue if tim is None: plvers.append('') continue psf = tim.psf wcs = tim.wcs.wcs sky = hdr = tim.primhdr # print('Got PSF', psf) # print('Got sky', type(sky)) # print('Got WCS', wcs) ccds.humidity[iccd] = hdr.get('HUMIDITY') ccds.outtemp[iccd] = hdr.get('OUTTEMP') ccds.sig1[iccd] = tim.sig1 plvers.append(tim.plver) obj = hdr.get('OBJECT') # parse 'DECaLS_15150_r' words = obj.split('_') tile = None if len(words) == 3 and words[0] == 'DECaLS': try: tileid = int(words[1]) tile = tiles[tileid - 1] if tile.tileid != tileid: I = np.flatnonzero(tile.tileid == tileid) tile = tiles[I[0]] except: pass if tile is not None: ccds.tileid[iccd] = tile.tileid ccds.tilepass[iccd] = tile.get('pass') ccds.tileebv[iccd] = tile.ebv_med # Instantiate PSF on a grid S = 32 xx = np.linspace(1 + S, W - S, 5) yy = np.linspace(1 + S, H - S, 5) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) psfnorms = [] galnorms = [] for x, y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()): p = im.psf_norm(tim, x=x, y=y) g = im.galaxy_norm(tim, x=x, y=y) psfnorms.append(p) galnorms.append(g) ccds.psfnorm_mean[iccd] = np.mean(psfnorms) ccds.psfnorm_std[iccd] = np.std(psfnorms) ccds.galnorm_mean[iccd] = np.mean(galnorms) ccds.galnorm_std[iccd] = np.std(galnorms) # PSF in center of field cx, cy = (W + 1) / 2., (H + 1) / 2. p = psf.getPointSourcePatch(cx, cy).patch ph, pw = p.shape px, py = np.meshgrid(np.arange(pw), np.arange(ph)) psum = np.sum(p) # print('psum', psum) p /= psum # centroids cenx = np.sum(p * px) ceny = np.sum(p * py) # print('cenx,ceny', cenx,ceny) # second moments x2 = np.sum(p * (px - cenx)**2) y2 = np.sum(p * (py - ceny)**2) xy = np.sum(p * (px - cenx) * (py - ceny)) # semi-major/minor axes and position angle theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(2 * xy, x2 - y2) / 2.) theta = np.abs(theta) * np.sign(xy) s = np.sqrt(((x2 - y2) / 2.)**2 + xy**2) a = np.sqrt((x2 + y2) / 2. + s) b = np.sqrt((x2 + y2) / 2. - s) ell = 1. - b / a # print('PSF second moments', x2, y2, xy) # print('PSF position angle', theta) # print('PSF semi-axes', a, b) # print('PSF ellipticity', ell) ccds.psf_mx2[iccd] = x2 ccds.psf_my2[iccd] = y2 ccds.psf_mxy[iccd] = xy ccds.psf_a[iccd] = a ccds.psf_b[iccd] = b ccds.psf_theta[iccd] = theta ccds.psf_ell[iccd] = ell # Galaxy norm using Gaussian approximation of PSF. realpsf = tim.psf tim.psf = im.read_psf_model(0, 0, gaussPsf=True, psf_sigma=tim.psf_sigma) gaussgalnorm[iccd] = im.galaxy_norm(tim, x=cx, y=cy) tim.psf = realpsf # Sky mod = np.zeros((ccd.height, ccd.width), np.float32) sky.addTo(mod) ccds.meansky[iccd] = np.mean(mod) ccds.stdsky[iccd] = np.std(mod) ccds.maxsky[iccd] = mod.max() ccds.minsky[iccd] = mod.min() # WCS ccds.ra0[iccd], ccds.dec0[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1) ccds.ra1[iccd], ccds.dec1[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, H) ccds.ra2[iccd], ccds.dec2[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, H) ccds.ra3[iccd], ccds.dec3[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, 1) midx, midy = (W + 1) / 2., (H + 1) / 2. rc, dc = wcs.pixelxy2radec(midx, midy) ra, dec = wcs.pixelxy2radec([1, W, midx, midx], [midy, midy, 1, H]) ccds.dra[iccd] = max( degrees_between(ra, dc + np.zeros_like(ra), rc, dc)) ccds.ddec[iccd] = max( degrees_between(rc + np.zeros_like(dec), dec, rc, dc)) ccds.ra_center[iccd] = rc ccds.dec_center[iccd] = dc # Compute scale change across the chip # how many pixels to step step = 10 xx = np.linspace(1 + step, W - step, 5) yy = np.linspace(1 + step, H - step, 5) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) pixscale = [] for x, y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()): sx = [x - step, x - step, x + step, x + step, x - step] sy = [y - step, y + step, y + step, y - step, y - step] sr, sd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(sx, sy) rc, dc = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y) # project around a tiny little TAN WCS at (x,y), with 1" pixels locwcs = Tan(rc, dc, 0., 0., 1. / 3600, 0., 0., 1. / 3600, 1., 1.) ok, lx, ly = locwcs.radec2pixelxy(sr, sd) #print('local x,y:', lx, ly) A = polygon_area((lx, ly)) pixscale.append(np.sqrt(A / (2 * step)**2)) # print('Pixel scales:', pixscale) ccds.pixscale_mean[iccd] = np.mean(pixscale) ccds.pixscale_min[iccd] = min(pixscale) ccds.pixscale_max[iccd] = max(pixscale) ccds.pixscale_std[iccd] = np.std(pixscale) ccds.plver = np.array(plvers) sfd = tractor.sfd.SFDMap() allbands = 'ugrizY' filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in allbands] wisebands = ['WISE W1', 'WISE W2', 'WISE W3', 'WISE W4'] ebv, ext = sfd.extinction(filts + wisebands, ccds.ra_center, ccds.dec_center, get_ebv=True) ext = ext.astype(np.float32) ccds.ebv = ebv.astype(np.float32) ccds.decam_extinction = ext[:, :len(allbands)] ccds.wise_extinction = ext[:, len(allbands):] # Depth detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.psfnorm_mean depth = 5. * detsig1 # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag ccds.psfdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9) detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.galnorm_mean depth = 5. * detsig1 # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag ccds.galdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9) # Depth using Gaussian FWHM. psf_sigma = ccds.fwhm / 2.35 gnorm = 1. / (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psf_sigma) detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / gnorm depth = 5. * detsig1 # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag ccds.gausspsfdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9) # Gaussian galaxy depth detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / gaussgalnorm depth = 5. * detsig1 # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag ccds.gaussgaldepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9) ccds.writeto(outfn)
def prepare_fits_catalog(cat, invvars, T, bands, allbands=None, prefix='', save_invvars=True, force_keep=None): if T is None: from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table T = fits_table() if allbands is None: allbands = bands params0 = cat.getParams() flux = np.zeros((len(T), len(allbands)), np.float32) flux_ivar = np.zeros((len(T), len(allbands)), np.float32) for band in bands: i = allbands.index(band) for j, src in enumerate(cat): if src is not None: flux[j, i] = sum(b.getFlux(band) for b in src.getBrightnesses()) if invvars is None: continue # Oh my, this is tricky... set parameter values to the variance # vector so that we can read off the parameter variances via the # python object apis. cat.setParams(invvars) for j, src in enumerate(cat): if src is not None: flux_ivar[j, i] = sum( b.getFlux(band) for b in src.getBrightnesses()) cat.setParams(params0) T.set('%sflux' % prefix, flux) if save_invvars: T.set('%sflux_ivar' % prefix, flux_ivar) _get_tractor_fits_values(T, cat, '%s%%s' % prefix) if save_invvars: if invvars is not None: cat.setParams(invvars) else: cat.setParams(np.zeros(cat.numberOfParams())) _get_tractor_fits_values(T, cat, '%s%%s_ivar' % prefix) # Heh, "no uncertainty here!" T.delete_column('%stype_ivar' % prefix) cat.setParams(params0) # mod RA ra = T.get('%sra' % prefix) ra += (ra < 0) * 360. ra -= (ra > 360) * 360. # Downconvert RA,Dec invvars to float32 if save_invvars: for c in ['ra', 'dec']: col = '%s%s_ivar' % (prefix, c) T.set(col, T.get(col).astype(np.float32)) # Zero out unconstrained values flux = T.get('%s%s' % (prefix, 'flux')) iv = T.get('%s%s' % (prefix, 'flux_ivar')) if force_keep is not None: flux[(iv == 0) * np.logical_not(force_keep[:, np.newaxis])] = 0. else: flux[iv == 0] = 0. return T
def main(): import optparse import sys parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog <json>') parser.add_option('--base', default='plan', help='Plot base filename') parser.add_option('-t', '--obstatus', help='Show already-observed tiles?') parser.add_option( '--bands', help='Plot only already-observed tiles in the given bands', default='g,r,z') parser.add_option('--sgc', action='store_true', help='Center on SGC?') parser.add_option('--ralo', type=float, default=None) parser.add_option('--rahi', type=float, default=None) parser.add_option('--declo', type=float, default=None) parser.add_option('--dechi', type=float, default=None) parser.add_option( '--scaled', action='store_true', default=False, help='Scale plot so that 1 deg RA = 1 deg Dec (no COS term)') parser.add_option('--wide', action='store_true', default=False, help='Make wider plots?') parser.add_option('--also', action='append', default=[], help='Also plot the plan from the given filename.') parser.add_option('--mosaic', action='store_true', help='Set defaults for Mosaic survey') parser.add_option( '--start-time', help= 'Start time for this plan, HH:MM:SS UTC. Default: 12-degree twilight tonight.' ) parser.add_option('--start-date', help='Start date for this plan, YYYY-MM-DD UTC.') parser.add_option( '--stop-time', help='Stop time for this plan, HH:MM:SS UTC. Default: no limit.') parser.add_option( '--second-half', action='store_true', help='This plan starts at the start of the second half-night.') parser.add_option('--skip', type=int, default=1, help='Write every Nth plot only') parser.add_option('--threads', type=int, help='Multi-processing?') opt, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) if opt.mosaic: dd = dict(ralo=0, rahi=360, declo=30, dechi=88) else: dd = dict(ralo=0, rahi=360, declo=-10, dechi=35) for k in dd.keys(): if getattr(opt, k, None) is None: setattr(opt, k, dd[k]) start_date_specified = (opt.start_date is not None) if opt.start_date is None: # Get date at start of night, where we define a new day as # starting at noon UTC. now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # noon nightstart = now - datetime.timedelta(0, 12 * 3600) d = opt.start_date = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (d.year, d.month, print('Set start date to', opt.start_date) if opt.mosaic: from camera_mosaic import ephem_observer else: from camera_decam import ephem_observer obs = ephem_observer() obs.temp = 10.0 # deg celsius; average temp for August obs.pressure = 780.0 # mbar ### HACK = ephem.Date(opt.start_date + ' 8:00:00') #print('Obs date:', daystart = obs.horizon = -ephem.degrees('12:00:00.0') sun = ephem.Sun() eve_twi = obs.next_setting(sun) = eve_twi morn_twi = obs.next_rising(sun) print('Evening twilight:', eve_twi) print('Morning twilight:', morn_twi) assert (morn_twi > eve_twi) obs.horizon = 0. print('Eve twi:', eve_twi, 'Morning:', morn_twi) if opt.second_half: # Set start-time to the midpoint between 12-degree twilights. = ephem.Date((eve_twi + morn_twi) / 2.) print('Second half starts at', elif opt.start_time is None: # 12-degree twilight on start_date = eve_twi else: = ephem.Date(opt.start_date + ' ' + opt.start_time) if not start_date_specified and < daystart: # If --start-date is, eg, 2am, assume it's during the night starting on daystart. = ephem.Date(float( + 1.) print('Start date:', if opt.stop_time is not None: # The date should be unambiguous -- try the same as = # start time, add one day if necessary. date = stopdate = ephem.Date('%04i-%02i-%02i' % (date.year, date.month, + ' ' + opt.stop_time) if stopdate < stopdate = ephem.Date(float(stopdate) + 1.) print('Stop date:', stopdate) jfn = args[0] print('Reading JSON file', jfn) J = json.loads(open(jfn, 'rb').read()) print(len(J), 'entries') Jalso = [json.loads(open(fn, 'rb').read()) for fn in opt.also] # Get times when exposures should occur. times = [] LSTs = [] # If the JSON files include estimated times, use those if 'approx_datetime' in J[0]: for i, j in enumerate(J): = ephem.Date(str(j['approx_datetime'])) if opt.stop_time is not None and > stopdate: print('Tile', i, 'is after --stopdate') J = J[:i] assert (len(J) == len(times)) break times.append(ephem.Date( LSTs.append(np.rad2deg(float(obs.sidereal_time()))) print('Date', print('LST', obs.sidereal_time()) else: # Predict overheads lastra, lastdec = None, None for i in range(len(J)): print('Exposure', i, 'should start at', str( if opt.stop_time is not None and > stopdate: print('Tile', J[i], 'is after --stopdate') break times.append(ephem.Date( LSTs.append(np.rad2deg(float(obs.sidereal_time()))) overhead = 30. if lastra is not None: slew = degrees_between(lastra, lastdec, ras[i], decs[i]) lastra = ras[i] lastdec = decs[i] # Add 3 seconds per degree for slews longer than 2 degrees overhead += np.maximum(0, slew - 2.) * 3. # Add overhead print('Adding', exptime[i], 'seconds exptime plus', overhead, 'seconds overhead') += (exptime[i] + overhead) / (24 * 3600.) tiles = None if opt.obstatus is not None: from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table tiles = fits_table(opt.obstatus) print('Read', len(tiles), 'tiles') tiles = tiles[(tiles.in_des == 0) * np.logical_or( (tiles.in_sdss == 1), (tiles.in_sdss == 0) * (tiles.in_desi == 1))] print(len(tiles), 'in footprint') fcmap = dict(g='g', r='r', z='m', zd='m') ddecmap = dict(g=-0.2, r=0, z=0.2, zd=0.2) ras = np.array([j['RA'] for j in J]) decs = np.array([j['dec'] for j in J]) filts = np.array([j['filter'] for j in J]) exptime = np.array([j['expTime'] for j in J]) fieldname = [j['object'] for j in J] passnum = np.zeros(len(J), int) filtcc = np.array([fcmap[f] for f in filts]) ddecs = np.array([ddecmap[f] for f in filts]) # passmap = { 1: dict(marker='.'), # 2: dict(marker='o', mfc='none'), # 3: dict(marker='x') } passmap = { 1: dict(marker='.'), 2: dict(marker='.'), 3: dict(marker='.'), } opt.bands = opt.bands.split(',') if len(opt.bands) == 1: filtddec = {'g': 0, 'r': 0, 'z': 0} else: ddec = 0.4 filtddec = {'g': -ddec, 'r': 0, 'z': ddec} seqmap = ['r', 'y', 'g', 'b', 'm'] #seqcc = np.array([seqmap[s % len(seqmap)] for s in seqnum]) #seqcc = np.array([seqmap[s % len(seqmap)] for s in seqid]) ax = [ transform_ra(opt.rahi, opt), transform_ra(opt.ralo, opt), opt.declo, opt.dechi ] alsocolors = 'kbr' also = [] for Ja in Jalso: # We assume the --also plan files contain approx_datetime... atimes = np.array([ephem.Date(str(j['approx_datetime'])) for j in Ja]) aras = np.array([j['RA'] for j in Ja]) adecs = np.array([j['dec'] for j in Ja]) afilts = np.array([j['filter'] for j in Ja]) aexptime = np.array([j['expTime'] for j in Ja]) afieldname = [j['object'] for j in Ja] apassnum = np.zeros(len(Ja), int) if tiles is not None: for i, f in enumerate(afieldname): tile = get_tile_from_name(f, tiles) if tile is None: continue pa = tile.get('pass') apassnum[i] = pa also.append( (atimes, aras, adecs, afilts, aexptime, afieldname, apassnum)) # Try to get the pass number via parsing the field name to get tile id # and looking up the pass number in the tiles table. if tiles is not None: for i, f in enumerate(fieldname): tile = get_tile_from_name(f, tiles) if tile is None: continue pa = tile.get('pass') passnum[i] = pa print('Field', f, 'tileid', tile.tileid, 'pass', pa) allargs = [] for i in reversed(range(0, len(J), opt.skip)): #print('Exposure', i, 'of', len(J)) fn = '%s-%03i.png' % (opt.base, i) fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args[0]), fn) pargs = (opt, ax, tiles, filtddec, fcmap, passmap, also, LSTs, times, ras, decs, ddecs, fieldname, passnum, exptime, i, filtcc, alsocolors, ddecmap, fn) allargs.append(pargs) if opt.threads: from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc mp = multiproc(opt.threads, init=plot_init), allargs) else: plot_init() map(plot_one, allargs) #plot_one(pargs) print() cmd = 'avconv -r 4 -i %s-%%03d.png -y' % (opt.base, opt.base) print(cmd) os.system(cmd)
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-b', '--brick', help='Brick name to run; required unless --radec is given') parser.add_argument( '--survey-dir', type=str, default=None, help='Override the $LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR environment variable') parser.add_argument('-d', '--outdir', dest='output_dir', help='Set output base directory, default "."') parser.add_argument( '--out', help='Output filename -- if not set, defaults to path within --outdir.' ) parser.add_argument('-r', '--run', default=None, help='Set the run type to execute (for images)') parser.add_argument( '--catalog', help= 'Use the given FITS catalog file, rather than reading from a data release directory' ) parser.add_argument('--catalog-dir', help='Set LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR to use to read catalogs') parser.add_argument( '--catalog-dir-north', help='Set LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR to use to read Northern catalogs') parser.add_argument( '--catalog-dir-south', help='Set LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR to use to read Southern catalogs') parser.add_argument( '--catalog-resolve-dec-ngc', type=float, help= 'Dec at which to switch from Northern to Southern catalogs (NGC only)', default=32.375) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Make more verbose') opt = parser.parse_args() if opt.brick is None: parser.print_help() return -1 verbose = opt.verbose if verbose == 0: lvl = logging.INFO else: lvl = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout) # tractor logging is *soooo* chatty logging.getLogger('tractor.engine').setLevel(lvl + 10) from legacypipe.runs import get_survey survey = get_survey(, survey_dir=opt.survey_dir, output_dir=opt.output_dir) columns = [ 'release', 'brickid', 'objid', ] cat = None catsurvey = survey if opt.catalog is not None: cat = fits_table(opt.catalog, columns=columns) print('Read', len(cat), 'sources from', opt.catalog) else: from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import radectolb # The "north" and "south" directories often don't have # 'survey-bricks" files of their own -- use the 'survey' one # instead. brick = None for s in [survey, catsurvey]: try: brick = s.get_brick_by_name(opt.brick) break except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() pass l, b = radectolb(brick.ra, brick.dec) # NGC and above resolve line? -> north if b > 0 and brick.dec >= opt.catalog_resolve_dec_ngc: if opt.catalog_dir_north: catsurvey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir_north) else: if opt.catalog_dir_south: catsurvey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir_south) fn = catsurvey.find_file('tractor', brick=opt.brick) cat = fits_table(fn, columns=columns) print('Read', len(cat), 'sources from', fn) program_name = sys.argv[0] ## FIXME -- from catalog? release = 9999 version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, opt.survey_dir, release) from legacypipe.utils import add_bits from legacypipe.bits import DQ_BITS add_bits(version_hdr, DQ_BITS, 'DQMASK', 'DQ', 'D') from legacyzpts.psfzpt_cuts import CCD_CUT_BITS add_bits(version_hdr, CCD_CUT_BITS, 'CCD_CUTS', 'CC', 'C') for i, ap in enumerate(apertures_arcsec): version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='APRAD%i' % i, value=ap, comment='(optical) Aperture radius, in arcsec')) cat, forced = merge_forced(survey, opt.brick, cat) units = [] for i, col in enumerate(forced.get_columns()): units.append(forced._header.get('TUNIT%i' % (i + 1), '')) cols = forced.get_columns() if opt.out: cat.writeto(opt.out, primheader=version_hdr) forced.writeto(opt.out, append=True, units=units, columns=cols) else: with survey.write_output('forced-brick', brick=opt.brick) as out: cat.writeto(None, fits_object=out.fits, primheader=version_hdr) forced.writeto(None, fits_object=out.fits, append=True, units=units, columns=cols)
def main(): """Main program. """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', help='Run calib processes even if files already exist?') parser.add_argument('--ccds', help='Set ccds.fits file to load') parser.add_argument('--expnum', type=int, help='Cut to a single exposure') parser.add_argument('--extname', '--ccdname', help='Cut to a single extension/CCD name') parser.add_argument('--no-psf', dest='psfex', action='store_false', help='Do not compute PsfEx calibs') parser.add_argument('--no-sky', dest='sky', action='store_false', help='Do not compute sky models') parser.add_argument('--run-se', action='store_true', help='Run SourceExtractor') parser.add_argument('--splinesky', action='store_true', help='Spline sky, not constant') parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, help='Run multi-threaded', default=None) parser.add_argument('args',nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) opt = parser.parse_args() survey = LegacySurveyData() if opt.ccds is not None: T = fits_table(opt.ccds) print('Read', len(T), 'from', opt.ccds) else: T = survey.get_ccds() #print len(T), 'CCDs' if len(opt.args) == 0: if opt.expnum is not None: T.cut(T.expnum == opt.expnum) print('Cut to', len(T), 'with expnum =', opt.expnum) if opt.extname is not None: T.cut(np.array([(t.strip() == opt.extname) for t in T.ccdname])) print('Cut to', len(T), 'with extname =', opt.extname) opt.args = range(len(T)) args = [] for a in opt.args: # Check for "expnum-ccdname" format. if '-' in str(a): words = a.split('-') assert(len(words) == 2) expnum = int(words[0]) ccdname = words[1] I = np.flatnonzero((T.expnum == expnum) * (T.ccdname == ccdname)) if len(I) != 1: print('Found', len(I), 'CCDs for expnum', expnum, 'CCDname', ccdname, ':', I) assert(len(I) == 1) t = T[I[0]] else: i = int(a) print('Index', i) t = T[i] print('CCDnmatch', t.ccdnmatch) if t.ccdnmatch < 20 and not opt.force: print('Skipping ccdnmatch = %i' % t.ccdnmatch) continue im = survey.get_image_object(t) print('Running', im.calname) kwargs = dict(psfex=opt.psfex, if opt.force: kwargs.update(force=True) if opt.run_se: kwargs.update(se=True) if opt.splinesky: kwargs.update(splinesky=True) if opt.threads: args.append((im, kwargs)) else: run_calibs((im, kwargs)) if opt.threads: from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc mp = multiproc(opt.threads), args) return 0
def get_footprint_object(self): """Returns footprint object 'sfd'""" # work with SFD map and Decals/Mzls tiles # lonlat from SFD healpix is in galactic coords, convert this to Celestial hdu = fitsio.FITS(os.path.join(self.map_dir, 'lambda_sfd_ebv.fits')) sfd = EmptyClass() temp = hdu[1].read() sfd.temp = temp['TEMPERATURE'] npix = Healpix().get_nside(len(sfd.temp)) assert (npix == 512) sfd.l_indeg, sfd.b_indeg = hp.pix2ang(512, np.where(sfd.temp > 0)[0], nest=True, lonlat=True) #inPlane= np.where((sfd_gal_dec > -20) & (sfd_gal_dec < 20))[0] trans = Galactic(l=sfd.l_indeg *, b=sfd.b_indeg * radec = trans.transform_to(ICRS) sfd.ra, sfd.dec = radec.ra.value, radec.dec.value all_tiles = fits_table( os.path.join(self.tile_dir, 'mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits')) wdes_tiles = fits_table( os.path.join(self.tile_dir, 'decam-tiles_obstatus.fits')) inDESI = ((all_tiles.in_desi_orig == 1) | (all_tiles.in_desi == 1)) inDecals = ((inDESI) & (all_tiles.dec <= 30.)) #(mzls_decals.in_des == 0)) inMzls = ((inDESI) & (all_tiles.dec > 30.)) #(mzls_decals.in_des == 0)) inDes = ((wdes_tiles.in_desi_orig == 1) | (wdes_tiles.in_desi == 1)) inDes = ((inDes) & (wdes_tiles.in_des == 1)) #above30= mzls.dec > 30. #inDESI= ( (mzls.in_desi_orig == 1) | # (mzls.in_desi == 1)) #inMzls= ( (above30) & # (inDESI)) #desi= merge_tables([mzls,decals],columns='fillzero') des = wdes_tiles.copy() del wdes_tiles des.cut(inDes) mzls = all_tiles.copy() decals = all_tiles.copy() del all_tiles mzls.cut(inMzls) decals.cut(inDecals) ps = Healpix().get_pixscale(len(sfd.temp), unit='deg') # match_radec(ref,obs): for each point in ref, return matching point in obs print('matching tiles to healpix centers') I, J, d = match_radec(mzls.ra, mzls.dec, sfd.ra, sfd.dec, ps * 8) sfd.ipix_mzls = list(set(J)) I, J, d = match_radec(decals.ra, decals.dec, sfd.ra, sfd.dec, ps * 8) sfd.ipix_decals = list(set(J)) I, J, d = match_radec(des.ra, des.dec, sfd.ra, sfd.dec, ps * 8) sfd.ipix_des = list(set(J)) return sfd # legasurvey pts fill in in ps*3 I, J, d = match_radec(legsurvey.ra, legsurvey.dec, sfd.ra, sfd.dec, ps * 3) sfd.ipix_legsurvey = set(J) # des fills in with ps*8 I, J, d = match_radec(des.ra, des.dec, sfd.ra, sfd.dec, ps * 8) sfd.ipix_legsurvey.union(set(J)) sfd.ipix_legsurvey = list(sfd.ipix_legsurvey) return sfd
action='store', default=True) parser.add_argument('--dowhat', choices=[ 'bricks_notdone', 'time_per_brick', 'nersc_time', 'sanity_tractors' ], action='store', default=True) parser.add_argument('--fn', action='store', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() if args.dowhat == 'bricks_notdone': if args.therun == 'obiwan': b = fits_table( os.path.join(os.environ['LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR'], 'survey-bricks-eboss-ngc.fits.gz')) elif args.therun == 'dr4': b = fits_table( os.path.join(os.environ['LEGACY_SURVEY_DIR'], 'survey-bricks-dr4.fits.gz')) don = np.loadtxt(args.fn, dtype=str) fout = args.fn.replace('_done.tmp', '_notdone.tmp') if os.path.exists(fout): os.remove(fout) # Bricks not finished with open(fout, 'w') as fil: for brick in list(set(b.brickname).difference(set(don))): fil.write('%s\n' % brick) print('Wrote %s' % fout) # All Bricks
def from_fits(cls, filename, header, row=0): from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table T = fits_table(filename) T = T[row] return cls.from_fits_row(T)
cmd += "%d)" % ids[-1] else: # Slower vals = "" for i in ids[:-1]: vals += "(%d)," % i vals += "(%d)" % ids[-1] cmd = (cmd + " FROM %s as db RIGHT JOIN (values %s) " % (db_randoms_table, vals) + "as v(id) on (") #print('cmd= %s' % cmd) db.cur.execute(cmd) # List of tuples [(id,reshift,...),(id,reshift,...)] a = db.cur.fetchall() # Tuple of lists (ids,reshifts,...) tup = zip(*a) #tup[ith_col]) return {col: np.array(vals) for col, vals in zip(columns, tup)} #return np.array(sql_ids),np.array(sql_redshift) if __name__ == '__main__': T = getSrcsInBrick('1765p247', 'elg', db_table='obiwan_elg_ra175') simcat = fits_table( "/global/cscratch1/sd/kaylanb/obiwan_out/elg_9deg2_ra175/elg/176/1765p247/rs0/obiwan/simcat-elg-1765p247.fits" ) data_dict = all_psqlcols_for_ids(, db_randoms_table='obiwan_elg_ra175') for i in range(10): print(data_dict['id'][i], data_dict['redshift'][i])
def main(): print("Running with args %s" % sys.argv) import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--server", dest="server", default=Client.default_url, help="Set server base URL (eg, %default)", ) parser.add_option( "--apikey", "-k", dest="apikey", help="API key for web service; if not given will check AN_API_KEY environment variable", ) parser.add_option("--upload", "-u", dest="upload", help="Upload a file") parser.add_option( "--upload-xy", dest="upload_xy", help="Upload a FITS x,y table as JSON" ) parser.add_option( "--wait", "-w", dest="wait", action="store_true", help="After submitting, monitor job status", ) parser.add_option( "--wcs", dest="wcs", help="Download resulting wcs.fits file, saving to given filename; implies --wait if --urlupload or --upload", ) parser.add_option( "--newfits", dest="newfits", help="Download resulting new-image.fits file, saving to given filename; implies --wait if --urlupload or --upload", ) parser.add_option( "--kmz", dest="kmz", help="Download resulting kmz file, saving to given filename; implies --wait if --urlupload or --upload", ) parser.add_option( "--annotate", "-a", dest="annotate", help="store information about annotations in give file, JSON format; implies --wait if --urlupload or --upload", ) parser.add_option( "--urlupload", "-U", dest="upload_url", help="Upload a file at specified url" ) parser.add_option( "--scale-units", dest="scale_units", choices=("arcsecperpix", "arcminwidth", "degwidth", "focalmm"), help="Units for scale estimate", ) # parser.add_option('--scale-type', dest='scale_type', # choices=('ul', 'ev'), help='Scale bounds: lower/upper or estimate/error') parser.add_option( "--scale-lower", dest="scale_lower", type=float, help="Scale lower-bound" ) parser.add_option( "--scale-upper", dest="scale_upper", type=float, help="Scale upper-bound" ) parser.add_option( "--scale-est", dest="scale_est", type=float, help="Scale estimate" ) parser.add_option( "--scale-err", dest="scale_err", type=float, help='Scale estimate error (in PERCENT), eg "10" if you estimate can be off by 10%', ) parser.add_option("--ra", dest="center_ra", type=float, help="RA center") parser.add_option("--dec", dest="center_dec", type=float, help="Dec center") parser.add_option( "--radius", dest="radius", type=float, help="Search radius around RA,Dec center" ) parser.add_option( "--downsample", dest="downsample_factor", type=int, help="Downsample image by this factor", ) parser.add_option( "--positional_error", dest="positional_error", type=float, help="How many pixels a star may be from where it should be.", ) parser.add_option( "--parity", dest="parity", choices=("0", "1"), help="Parity (flip) of image" ) parser.add_option( "--tweak-order", dest="tweak_order", type=int, help="SIP distortion order (default: 2)", ) parser.add_option( "--crpix-center", dest="crpix_center", action="store_true", default=None, help="Set reference point to center of image?", ) parser.add_option( "--invert", action="store_true", default=None, help="Invert image before detecting sources -- for white-sky, black-stars images", ) parser.add_option("--image-width", type=int, help="Set image width for x,y lists") parser.add_option("--image-height", type=int, help="Set image height for x,y lists") parser.add_option( "--sdss", dest="sdss_wcs", nargs=2, help="Plot SDSS image for the given WCS file; write plot to given PNG filename", ) parser.add_option( "--galex", dest="galex_wcs", nargs=2, help="Plot GALEX image for the given WCS file; write plot to given PNG filename", ) parser.add_option( "--jobid", "-i", dest="solved_id", type=int, help="retrieve result for jobId instead of submitting new image", ) parser.add_option( "--substatus", "-s", dest="sub_id", help="Get status of a submission" ) parser.add_option("--jobstatus", "-j", dest="job_id", help="Get status of a job") parser.add_option( "--jobs", "-J", dest="myjobs", action="store_true", help="Get all my jobs" ) parser.add_option( "--jobsbyexacttag", "-T", dest="jobs_by_exact_tag", help="Get a list of jobs associated with a given tag--exact match", ) parser.add_option( "--jobsbytag", "-t", dest="jobs_by_tag", help="Get a list of jobs associated with a given tag", ) parser.add_option( "--private", "-p", dest="public", action="store_const", const="n", default="y", help="Hide this submission from other users", ) parser.add_option( "--allow_mod_sa", "-m", dest="allow_mod", action="store_const", const="sa", default="d", help="Select license to allow derivative works of submission, but only if shared under same conditions of original license", ) parser.add_option( "--no_mod", "-M", dest="allow_mod", action="store_const", const="n", default="d", help="Select license to disallow derivative works of submission", ) parser.add_option( "--no_commercial", "-c", dest="allow_commercial", action="store_const", const="n", default="d", help="Select license to disallow commercial use of submission", ) opt, args = parser.parse_args() if opt.apikey is None: # try the environment opt.apikey = os.environ.get("AN_API_KEY", None) if opt.apikey is None: parser.print_help() print() print("You must either specify --apikey or set AN_API_KEY") sys.exit(-1) args = {} args["apiurl"] = opt.server c = Client(**args) c.login(opt.apikey) if opt.upload or opt.upload_url or opt.upload_xy: if opt.wcs or opt.kmz or opt.newfits or opt.annotate: opt.wait = True kwargs = dict( allow_commercial_use=opt.allow_commercial, allow_modifications=opt.allow_mod, publicly_visible=opt.public, ) if opt.scale_lower and opt.scale_upper: kwargs.update( scale_lower=opt.scale_lower, scale_upper=opt.scale_upper, scale_type="ul", ) elif opt.scale_est and opt.scale_err: kwargs.update( scale_est=opt.scale_est, scale_err=opt.scale_err, scale_type="ev" ) elif opt.scale_lower or opt.scale_upper: kwargs.update(scale_type="ul") if opt.scale_lower: kwargs.update(scale_lower=opt.scale_lower) if opt.scale_upper: kwargs.update(scale_upper=opt.scale_upper) for key in [ "scale_units", "center_ra", "center_dec", "radius", "downsample_factor", "positional_error", "tweak_order", "crpix_center", ]: if getattr(opt, key) is not None: kwargs[key] = getattr(opt, key) if opt.parity is not None: kwargs.update(parity=int(opt.parity)) if opt.upload: upres = c.upload(opt.upload, **kwargs) if opt.upload_xy: from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table T = fits_table(opt.upload_xy) kwargs.update(x=[float(x) for x in T.x], y=[float(y) for y in T.y]) upres = c.upload(**kwargs) if opt.upload_url: upres = c.url_upload(opt.upload_url, **kwargs) stat = upres["status"] if stat != "success": print("Upload failed: status", stat) print(upres) sys.exit(-1) opt.sub_id = upres["subid"] if opt.wait: if opt.solved_id is None: if opt.sub_id is None: print("Can't --wait without a submission id or job id!") sys.exit(-1) while True: stat = c.sub_status(opt.sub_id, justdict=True) print("Got status:", stat) jobs = stat.get("jobs", []) if len(jobs): for j in jobs: if j is not None: break if j is not None: print("Selecting job id", j) opt.solved_id = j break time.sleep(5) while True: stat = c.job_status(opt.solved_id, justdict=True) print("Got job status:", stat) if stat.get("status", "") in ["success"]: success = stat["status"] == "success" break time.sleep(5) if opt.solved_id: # we have a jobId for retrieving results retrieveurls = [] if opt.wcs: # We don't need the API for this, just construct URL url = opt.server.replace("/api/", "/wcs_file/%i" % opt.solved_id) retrieveurls.append((url, opt.wcs)) if opt.kmz: url = opt.server.replace("/api/", "/kml_file/%i/" % opt.solved_id) retrieveurls.append((url, opt.kmz)) if opt.newfits: url = opt.server.replace("/api/", "/new_fits_file/%i/" % opt.solved_id) retrieveurls.append((url, opt.newfits)) for url, fn in retrieveurls: print("Retrieving file from", url, "to", fn) f = urlopen(url) txt = w = open(fn, "wb") w.write(txt) w.close() print("Wrote to", fn) if opt.annotate: result = c.annotate_data(opt.solved_id) with open(opt.annotate, "w") as f: f.write(python2json(result)) if opt.wait: # behaviour as in old implementation opt.sub_id = None if opt.sdss_wcs: (wcsfn, outfn) = opt.sdss_wcs c.sdss_plot(outfn, wcsfn) if opt.galex_wcs: (wcsfn, outfn) = opt.galex_wcs c.galex_plot(outfn, wcsfn) if opt.sub_id: print(c.sub_status(opt.sub_id)) if opt.job_id: print(c.job_status(opt.job_id)) if opt.jobs_by_tag: tag = opt.jobs_by_tag print(c.jobs_by_tag(tag, None)) if opt.jobs_by_exact_tag: tag = opt.jobs_by_exact_tag print(c.jobs_by_tag(tag, "yes")) if opt.myjobs: jobs = c.myjobs() print(jobs)
help='Search radius, in pixels (default 50)') parser.set_defaults(xcol='X', ycol='Y', nimage=0, cells=0, cellsize=0, rxcol='X', rycol='Y', nref=0) opt, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 3: parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) imxy = fits_table(args[0]) refxy = fits_table(args[1]) outfn = args[2] kwargs = {} if opt.cells: kwargs['ncells'] = opt.cells if opt.cellsize: kwargs['dcell'] = opt.cellsize ix = imxy.getcolumn(opt.xcol) iy = imxy.getcolumn(opt.ycol) ixy = vstack((ix, iy)).T if opt.nimage: ixy = ixy[:opt.nimage, :]
def galex_coadds(onegal, galaxy=None, radius_mosaic=30, radius_mask=None, pixscale=1.5, ref_pixscale=0.262, output_dir=None, galex_dir=None, log=None, centrals=True, verbose=False): '''Generate custom GALEX cutouts. radius_mosaic and radius_mask in arcsec pixscale: GALEX pixel scale in arcsec/pixel. ''' import fitsio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec from astrometry.util.resample import resample_with_wcs, OverlapError from tractor import (Tractor, NanoMaggies, Image, LinearPhotoCal, NCircularGaussianPSF, ConstantFitsWcs, ConstantSky) from legacypipe.survey import imsave_jpeg from legacypipe.catalog import read_fits_catalog if galaxy is None: galaxy = 'galaxy' if galex_dir is None: galex_dir = os.environ.get('GALEX_DIR') if output_dir is None: output_dir = '.' if radius_mask is None: radius_mask = radius_mosaic radius_search = 5.0 # [arcsec] else: radius_search = radius_mask W = H = np.ceil(2 * radius_mosaic / pixscale).astype('int') # [pixels] targetwcs = Tan(onegal['RA'], onegal['DEC'], (W + 1) / 2.0, (H + 1) / 2.0, -pixscale / 3600.0, 0.0, 0.0, pixscale / 3600.0, float(W), float(H)) # Read the custom Tractor catalog tractorfile = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}-tractor.fits'.format(galaxy)) if not os.path.isfile(tractorfile): print('Missing Tractor catalog {}'.format(tractorfile)) return 0 cat = fits_table(tractorfile) print('Read {} sources from {}'.format(len(cat), tractorfile), flush=True, file=log) keep = np.ones(len(cat)).astype(bool) if centrals: # Find the large central galaxy and mask out (ignore) all the models # which are within its elliptical mask. # This algorithm will have to change for mosaics not centered on large # galaxies, e.g., in galaxy groups. m1, m2, d12 = match_radec(cat.ra, cat.dec, onegal['RA'], onegal['DEC'], radius_search / 3600.0, nearest=False) if len(m1) == 0: print('No central galaxies found at the central coordinates!', flush=True, file=log) else: pixfactor = ref_pixscale / pixscale # shift the optical Tractor positions for mm in m1: morphtype = cat.type[mm].strip() if morphtype == 'EXP' or morphtype == 'COMP': e1, e2, r50 = cat.shapeexp_e1[mm], cat.shapeexp_e2[ mm], cat.shapeexp_r[mm] # [arcsec] elif morphtype == 'DEV' or morphtype == 'COMP': e1, e2, r50 = cat.shapedev_e1[mm], cat.shapedev_e2[ mm], cat.shapedev_r[mm] # [arcsec] else: r50 = None if r50: majoraxis = r50 * 5 / pixscale # [pixels] ba, phi = SGA.misc.convert_tractor_e1e2(e1, e2) these = SGA.misc.ellipse_mask(W / 2, W / 2, majoraxis, ba * majoraxis, np.radians(phi), cat.bx * pixfactor, * pixfactor) if np.sum(these) > 0: #keep[these] = False pass print('Hack!') keep[mm] = False #srcs = read_fits_catalog(cat) #_srcs = np.array(srcs)[~keep].tolist() #mod = SGA.misc.srcs2image(_srcs, ConstantFitsWcs(targetwcs), psf_sigma=3.0) #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ##plt.imshow(mod, origin='lower') ; plt.savefig('junk.png') #plt.imshow(np.log10(mod), origin='lower') ; plt.savefig('junk.png') #pdb.set_trace() srcs = read_fits_catalog(cat) for src in srcs: src.freezeAllBut('brightness') #srcs_nocentral = np.array(srcs)[keep].tolist() # Find all overlapping GALEX tiles and then read the tims. galex_tiles = _read_galex_tiles(targetwcs, galex_dir, log=log, verbose=verbose) gbands = ['n', 'f'] nicegbands = ['NUV', 'FUV'] zps = dict(n=20.08, f=18.82) coimgs, comods, coresids, coimgs_central, comods_nocentral = [], [], [], [], [] for niceband, band in zip(nicegbands, gbands): J = np.flatnonzero(galex_tiles.get('has_' + band)) print(len(J), 'GALEX tiles have coverage in band', band) coimg = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) comod = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) cowt = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) comod_nocentral = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for src in srcs: src.setBrightness(NanoMaggies(**{band: 1})) for j in J: brick = galex_tiles[j] fn = os.path.join( galex_dir, brick.tilename.strip(), '%s-%sd-intbgsub.fits.gz' % (brick.brickname, band)) #print(fn) gwcs = Tan(*[ float(f) for f in [ brick.crval1, brick.crval2, brick.crpix1, brick.crpix2, brick.cdelt1, 0., 0., brick.cdelt2, 3840., 3840. ] ]) img = #print('Read', img.shape) try: Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, nil = resample_with_wcs(targetwcs, gwcs, [], 3) except OverlapError: continue K = np.flatnonzero(img[Yi, Xi] != 0.) if len(K) == 0: continue Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi = Yo[K], Xo[K], Yi[K], Xi[K] wt = brick.get(band + 'exptime') coimg[Yo, Xo] += wt * img[Yi, Xi] cowt[Yo, Xo] += wt x0, x1, y0, y1 = min(Xi), max(Xi), min(Yi), max(Yi) subwcs = gwcs.get_subimage(x0, y0, x1 - x0 + 1, y1 - y0 + 1) twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(subwcs) timg = img[y0:y1 + 1, x0:x1 + 1] tie = np.ones_like(timg) ## HACK! #hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn) #zp = hdr[''] zp = zps[band] photocal = LinearPhotoCal(NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(zp), band=band) tsky = ConstantSky(0.0) # HACK -- circular Gaussian PSF of fixed size... # in arcsec #fwhms = dict(NUV=6.0, FUV=6.0) # -> sigma in pixels #sig = fwhms[band] / 2.35 / twcs.pixel_scale() sig = 6.0 / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) / twcs.pixel_scale() tpsf = NCircularGaussianPSF([sig], [1.]) tim = Image(data=timg, inverr=tie, psf=tpsf, wcs=twcs, sky=tsky, photocal=photocal, name='GALEX ' + band + brick.brickname) ## Build the model image with and without the central galaxy model. tractor = Tractor([tim], srcs) mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) tractor.freezeParam('images') tractor.optimize_forced_photometry(priors=False, shared_params=False) mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) srcs_nocentral = np.array(srcs)[keep].tolist() #srcs_nocentral = np.array(srcs)[nocentral].tolist() tractor_nocentral = Tractor([tim], srcs_nocentral) mod_nocentral = tractor_nocentral.getModelImage(0) comod[Yo, Xo] += wt * mod[Yi - y0, Xi - x0] comod_nocentral[Yo, Xo] += wt * mod_nocentral[Yi - y0, Xi - x0] coimg /= np.maximum(cowt, 1e-18) comod /= np.maximum(cowt, 1e-18) comod_nocentral /= np.maximum(cowt, 1e-18) coresid = coimg - comod # Subtract the model image which excludes the central (comod_nocentral) # from the data (coimg) to isolate the light of the central # (coimg_central). coimg_central = coimg - comod_nocentral coimgs.append(coimg) comods.append(comod) coresids.append(coresid) comods_nocentral.append(comod_nocentral) coimgs_central.append(coimg_central) # Write out the final images with and without the central, making sure # to apply the zeropoint to go from counts/s to AB nanomaggies. # for thisimg, imtype in zip((coimg, comod, comod_nocentral), ('image', 'model', 'model-nocentral')): fitsfile = os.path.join( output_dir, '{}-{}-{}.fits'.format(galaxy, imtype, niceband)) if verbose: print('Writing {}'.format(fitsfile)) fitsio.write(fitsfile, thisimg * 10**(-0.4 * (zp - 22.5)), clobber=True) # Build a color mosaic (but note that the images here are in units of # background-subtracted counts/s). #_galex_rgb = _galex_rgb_moustakas #_galex_rgb = _galex_rgb_dstn _galex_rgb = _galex_rgb_official for imgs, imtype in zip( (coimgs, comods, coresids, comods_nocentral, coimgs_central), ('image', 'model', 'resid', 'model-nocentral', 'image-central')): rgb = _galex_rgb(imgs) jpgfile = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}-{}-FUVNUV.jpg'.format(galaxy, imtype)) if verbose: print('Writing {}'.format(jpgfile)) imsave_jpeg(jpgfile, rgb, origin='lower') return 1
#summary_plots(summaryfn, ps) #sys.exit(0) #fns = glob('/project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr3/coadd/*/*/*-depth.fits') fns = glob( '/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr3/coadd/*/*/*-depth.fits' ) fns.sort() print(len(fns), 'depth files') fn = fns.pop(0) print('Reading', fn) # We'll keep all files for merging... TT = [] T = fits_table(fn) # Create / upgrade the count columns to int64. for band in 'grz': for pro in ['ptsrc', 'gal']: col = 'counts_%s_%s' % (pro, band) if not col in T.columns(): v = np.zeros(len(T), np.int64) else: v = T.get(col).astype(np.int64) T.set(col, v) T.brickname = np.array([brickname_from_filename(fn)] * len(T)) TT.append(T.copy()) for ifn, fn in enumerate(fns): print('Reading', ifn, 'of', len(fns), ':', fn) t = fits_table(fn)
def run_sed_matched_filters(SEDs, bands, detmaps, detivs, omit_xy, targetwcs, nsigma=5, saturated_pix=None, plots=False, ps=None, mp=None): ''' Runs a given set of SED-matched filters. Parameters ---------- SEDs : list of (name, sed) tuples The SEDs to run. The `sed` values are lists the same length as `bands`. bands : list of string The band names of `detmaps` and `detivs`. detmaps : numpy array, float Detection maps for each of the listed `bands`. detivs : numpy array, float Inverse-variances of the `detmaps`. omit_xy : None, or (xx,yy) tuple Existing sources to avoid. targetwcs : WCS object WCS object to use to convert pixel values into RA,Decs for the returned Tractor PointSource objects. nsigma : float, optional Detection threshold saturated_pix : None or numpy array, boolean Passed through to sed_matched_detection. A map of pixels that are always considered "hot" when determining whether a new source touches hot pixels of an existing source. plots : boolean, optional Create plots? ps : PlotSequence object Create plots? mp : multiproc object Multiprocessing Returns ------- Tnew : fits_table Table of new sources detected newcat : list of PointSource objects Newly detected objects, with positions and fluxes, as Tractor PointSource objects. hot : numpy array of bool "Hot pixels" containing sources. See also -------- sed_matched_detection : run a single SED-matched filter. ''' if omit_xy is not None: xx, yy = omit_xy n0 = len(xx) else: xx, yy = [], [] n0 = 0 H, W = detmaps[0].shape hot = np.zeros((H, W), bool) peaksn = [] apsn = [] for sedname, sed in SEDs: print('SED', sedname) if plots: pps = ps else: pps = None t0 = Time() sedhot, px, py, peakval, apval = sed_matched_detection( sedname, sed, detmaps, detivs, bands, xx, yy, nsigma=nsigma, saturated_pix=saturated_pix, ps=pps) print('SED took', Time() - t0) if sedhot is None: continue print(len(px), 'new peaks') hot |= sedhot # With an empty xx, np.append turns it into a double! xx = np.append(xx, px).astype(int) yy = np.append(yy, py).astype(int) peaksn.extend(peakval) apsn.extend(apval) # New peaks: peakx = xx[n0:] peaky = yy[n0:] if len(peakx) == 0: return None, None, None # Add sources for the new peaks we found pr, pd = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(peakx + 1, peaky + 1) print('Adding', len(pr), 'new sources') # Also create FITS table for new sources Tnew = fits_table() Tnew.ra = pr Tnew.dec = pd Tnew.tx = peakx Tnew.ty = peaky assert (len(peaksn) == len(Tnew)) assert (len(apsn) == len(Tnew)) Tnew.peaksn = np.array(peaksn) Tnew.apsn = np.array(apsn) Tnew.itx = np.clip(np.round(Tnew.tx), 0, W - 1).astype(int) Tnew.ity = np.clip(np.round(Tnew.ty), 0, H - 1).astype(int) newcat = [] for i, (r, d, x, y) in enumerate(zip(pr, pd, peakx, peaky)): fluxes = dict([(band, detmap[Tnew.ity[i], Tnew.itx[i]]) for band, detmap in zip(bands, detmaps)]) newcat.append( PointSource(RaDecPos(r, d), NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes))) return Tnew, newcat, hot
def __init__(self, targz_dir, decals=True): self.bricks = fits_table( os.path.join(targz_dir, 'legacysurveydir', 'survey-bricks.fits.gz')) if decals: self.bricks.cut((self.bricks.dec > -30) & (self.bricks.dec < 30))
def orig_code(data, nmatch): nside = Healpix().get_nside(len(data)) _, lo, hi = sigmaclip(data[data != 0], low=3, high=3) flag = np.logical_or(data < lo, data > hi) flag *= (nmatch > 20) ra, dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.where(flag)[0], lonlat=True) # PLOTTING ralim = [ra.min(), ra.max()] declim = [dec.min(), dec.max()] my_mollzoom(ra, dec, data[flag], 'outliers', ralim=ralim, declim=declim, vlim=(lo, hi)) temp_ra, temp_dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.where(np.ones(len(data), bool))[0], lonlat=True) keep= (temp_ra >= ralim[0])*\ (temp_ra <= ralim[1])*\ (temp_dec >= declim[0])*\ (temp_dec <= declim[1]) my_mollzoom(temp_ra[keep], temp_dec[keep], data[keep], 'all', ralim=ralim, declim=declim, vlim=(lo, hi)) keep *= (nmatch > 20) my_mollzoom(temp_ra[keep], temp_dec[keep], data[keep], 'nmatch_gt20', ralim=ralim, declim=declim, vlim=(lo, hi)) # Match bricks #heal= fits_table() #for col,arr in zip(['ra','dec'],[ra,dec]): # heal.set(col, arr) brick = fits_table( os.path.join(args.targz_dir, 'legacysurveydir', 'survey-bricks.fits.gz')) brick.cut( (brick.dec > -40)*\ (brick.dec < 40)) #deg_per_healpix= get_pixscale(npix,unit='deg') deg_per_brick = 0.25 #imatch,imiss,d2d= Matcher().match_within(heal,brick, dist= deg_per_brick/2) I, J, d = match_radec(ra, dec, brick.ra, brick.dec, deg_per_brick / 2, nearest=True) #raise ValueError brick.cut(imatch['obs']) my_scatter(brick.ra, brick.dec, 'bricks', ralim=ralim, declim=declim) id = fn.replace('/', '').replace('.fits', '') savenm = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'brick_table_%s.fits' % id) brick.writeto(savenm) print('Wrote %s' % savenm)
def get_healpix_catalog(self, healpix): #return super().get_healpix_catalog(healpix) from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table fname = self.fnpattern % dict(hp=healpix) #print('Reading', fname) return fits_table(fname, columns=self.columns)
def merge_forced(survey, brickname, cat, bands='grz'): ccdfn = survey.find_file('ccds-table', brick=brickname) CCDs = fits_table(ccdfn) print('Read', len(CCDs), 'CCDs') # objects in the catalog: (release,brickid,objid) catobjs = set([(r, b, o) for r, b, o in zip(cat.release, cat.brickid, cat.objid)]) # (release, brickid, objid, band) -> [ index in forced-phot table ] phot_index = {} camexp = set() FF = [] for ccd in CCDs: cam = key = (cam, ccd.expnum) if key in camexp: # already read this camera-expnum continue camexp.add(key) ffn = survey.find_file('forced', camera=cam, expnum=ccd.expnum) print('Forced phot filename:', ffn) F = fits_table(ffn) print('Read', len(F), 'forced-phot entries for CCD') ikeep = [] for i, (r, b, o) in enumerate(zip(F.release, F.brickid, F.objid)): if (r, b, o) in catobjs: ikeep.append(i) if len(ikeep) == 0: print('No catalog objects found in this forced-phot table.') continue F.cut(np.array(ikeep)) print('Cut to', len(F), 'phot entries matching catalog') FF.append(F) F = merge_tables(FF) F._header = FF[0]._header del FF I = np.lexsort( (F.expnum,, F.filter, F.objid, F.brickid, F.release)) F.cut(I) for i, (r, brick, o, band) in enumerate(zip(F.release, F.brickid, F.objid, F.filter)): key = (r, brick, o, band) if not key in phot_index: phot_index[key] = [] phot_index[key].append(i) # find largest number of photometry measurements! Nmax = max([len(inds) for inds in phot_index.values()]) print('Maximum number of photometry entries:', Nmax) for band in bands: nobs = np.zeros(len(cat), np.int32) indx = np.empty(len(cat), np.int32) indx[:] = -1 cat.set('nobs_%s' % band, nobs) cat.set('index_%s' % band, indx) for i, (r, brick, o) in enumerate(zip(cat.release, cat.brickid, cat.objid)): key = (r, brick, o, band) try: inds = phot_index[key] except KeyError: continue nobs[i] = len(inds) # Indices are all contiguous (so we only need store the first one) assert (np.all(np.array(inds) == (np.arange(len(inds)) + inds[0]))) indx[i] = inds[0] return cat, F