예제 #1
def test_to_string_padding():
    a = Angle(0.5653, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(unit='deg', sep=':', pad=True) == r'00:33:55.08'

    # Test to make sure negative angles are padded correctly
    a = Angle(-0.5653, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(unit='deg', sep=':', pad=True) == r'-00:33:55.08'
예제 #2
def test_to_string_radian_with_precision():
    Regression test for a bug that caused ``to_string`` to crash for angles in
    radians when specifying the precision.

    # Check that specifying the precision works
    a = Angle(3., unit=u.rad)
    assert a.to_string(precision=3, sep='fromunit') == '3.000rad'
예제 #3
def test_to_string_formats():
    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(format='latex') == r'$1^\circ06{}^\prime48.078{}^{\prime\prime}$'
    assert a.to_string(format='unicode') == '1°06′48.078″'

    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.hour)
    assert a.to_string(format='latex') == r'$1^\mathrm{h}06^\mathrm{m}48.078^\mathrm{s}$'
    assert a.to_string(format='unicode') == '1ʰ06ᵐ48.078ˢ'

    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.radian)
    assert a.to_string(format='latex') == r'$1.11336\mathrm{rad}$'
    assert a.to_string(format='unicode') == '1.11336rad'
예제 #4
def test_large_angle_representation():
    """Test that angles above 360 degrees can be output as strings,
    in repr, str, and to_string.  (regression test for #1413)"""
    a = Angle(350, u.deg) + Angle(350, u.deg)
예제 #5
def test_wrap_at():
    a = Angle([-20, 150, 350, 360] * u.deg)
    assert np.all(a.wrap_at(360 * u.deg).degree == np.array([340., 150., 350., 0.]))
    assert np.all(a.wrap_at(Angle(360, unit=u.deg)).degree == np.array([340., 150., 350., 0.]))
    assert np.all(a.wrap_at('360d').degree == np.array([340., 150., 350., 0.]))
    assert np.all(a.wrap_at('180d').degree == np.array([-20., 150., -10., 0.]))
    assert np.all(a.wrap_at(np.pi * u.rad).degree == np.array([-20., 150., -10., 0.]))

    # Test wrapping a scalar Angle
    a = Angle('190d')
    assert a.wrap_at('180d') == Angle('-170d')

    a = Angle(np.arange(-1000.0, 1000.0, 0.125), unit=u.deg)
    for wrap_angle in (270, 0.2, 0.0, 360.0, 500, -2000.125):
        aw = a.wrap_at(wrap_angle * u.deg)
        assert np.all(aw.degree >= wrap_angle - 360.0)
        assert np.all(aw.degree < wrap_angle)

        aw = a.to(u.rad).wrap_at(wrap_angle * u.deg)
        assert np.all(aw.degree >= wrap_angle - 360.0)
        assert np.all(aw.degree < wrap_angle)
예제 #6
def test_sexagesimal_rounding_up():
    a = Angle(359.9999999999, unit=u.deg)

    assert a.to_string(precision=None) == '360d00m00s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=4) == '360d00m00.0000s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=5) == '360d00m00.00000s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=6) == '360d00m00.000000s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=7) == '359d59m59.9999996s'

    a = Angle(3.999999, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(fields=2, precision=None) == '4d00m'
    assert a.to_string(fields=2, precision=1) == '4d00m'
    assert a.to_string(fields=2, precision=5) == '4d00m'
    assert a.to_string(fields=1, precision=1) == '4d'
    assert a.to_string(fields=1, precision=5) == '4d'
예제 #7
def test_is_within_bounds():
    a = Angle([-20, 150, 350] * u.deg)
    assert a.is_within_bounds('0d', '360d') is False
    assert a.is_within_bounds(None, '360d') is True
    assert a.is_within_bounds(-30 * u.deg, None) is True

    a = Angle('-20d')
    assert a.is_within_bounds('0d', '360d') is False
    assert a.is_within_bounds(None, '360d') is True
    assert a.is_within_bounds(-30 * u.deg, None) is True
예제 #8
def test_to_string_precision():
    # There are already some tests in test_api.py, but this is a regression
    # test for the bug in issue #1319 which caused incorrect formatting of the
    # seconds for precision=0

    angle = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.degree)

    assert angle.to_string(precision=3) == '-1d14m04.444s'
    assert angle.to_string(precision=1) == '-1d14m04.4s'
    assert angle.to_string(precision=0) == '-1d14m04s'

    angle2 = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.hourangle)

    assert angle2.to_string(precision=3, unit=u.hour) == '-1h14m04.444s'
    assert angle2.to_string(precision=1, unit=u.hour) == '-1h14m04.4s'
    assert angle2.to_string(precision=0, unit=u.hour) == '-1h14m04s'

    # Regression test for #7141
    angle3 = Angle(-0.5, unit=u.degree)
    assert angle3.to_string(precision=0, fields=3) == '-0d30m00s'
    assert angle3.to_string(precision=0, fields=2) == '-0d30m'
    assert angle3.to_string(precision=0, fields=1) == '-1d'
예제 #9
def test_to_string_decimal():

    # There are already some tests in test_api.py, but this is a regression
    # test for the bug in issue #1323 which caused decimal formatting to not
    # work

    angle1 = Angle(2., unit=u.degree)

    assert angle1.to_string(decimal=True, precision=3) == '2.000'
    assert angle1.to_string(decimal=True, precision=1) == '2.0'
    assert angle1.to_string(decimal=True, precision=0) == '2'

    angle2 = Angle(3., unit=u.hourangle)

    assert angle2.to_string(decimal=True, precision=3) == '3.000'
    assert angle2.to_string(decimal=True, precision=1) == '3.0'
    assert angle2.to_string(decimal=True, precision=0) == '3'

    angle3 = Angle(4., unit=u.radian)

    assert angle3.to_string(decimal=True, precision=3) == '4.000'
    assert angle3.to_string(decimal=True, precision=1) == '4.0'
    assert angle3.to_string(decimal=True, precision=0) == '4'
예제 #10
def test_repr_latex():
    Check the _repr_latex_ method, used primarily by IPython notebooks

    # try with both scalar
    scangle = Angle(2.1, u.deg)
    rlscangle = scangle._repr_latex_()

    # and array angles
    arrangle = Angle([1, 2.1], u.deg)
    rlarrangle = arrangle._repr_latex_()

    assert rlscangle == r'$2^\circ06{}^\prime00{}^{\prime\prime}$'
    assert rlscangle.split('$')[1] in rlarrangle

    # make sure the ... appears for large arrays
    bigarrangle = Angle(np.ones(50000)/50000., u.deg)
    assert '...' in bigarrangle._repr_latex_()
예제 #11
def test__str__():
    Check the __str__ method used in printing the Angle

    # scalar angle
    scangle = Angle('10.2345d')
    strscangle = scangle.__str__()
    assert strscangle == '10d14m04.2s'

    # non-scalar array angles
    arrangle = Angle(['10.2345d', '-20d'])
    strarrangle = arrangle.__str__()

    assert strarrangle == '[10d14m04.2s -20d00m00s]'

    # summarizing for large arrays, ... should appear
    bigarrangle = Angle(np.ones(10000), u.deg)
    assert '...' in bigarrangle.__str__()
예제 #12
def test_angle_formatting():
    Tests string formatting for Angle objects

    The string method of Angle has this signature:
    def string(self, unit=DEGREE, decimal=False, sep=" ", precision=5,

    The "decimal" parameter defaults to False since if you need to print the
    Angle as a decimal, there's no need to use the "format" method (see

    angle = Angle("54.12412", unit=u.degree)

    # __str__ is the default `format`
    assert str(angle) == angle.to_string()

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3h36m29.7888s'
    assert "Angle as HMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.hour)) == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3:36:29.7888'
    assert "Angle as HMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=":")) == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3:36:29.79'
    assert "Angle as HMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=":",
                                      precision=2)) == res

    # Note that you can provide one, two, or three separators passed as a
    # tuple or list

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3h36m29.7888s'
    assert "Angle as HMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.hour,
                                                   sep=("h", "m", "s"),
                                                   precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3-36|29.7888'
    assert "Angle as HMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=["-", "|"],
                                                   precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3-36-29.7888'
    assert "Angle as HMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep="-",
                                                    precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 03h36m29.7888s'
    assert "Angle as HMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, precision=4,
                                                  pad=True)) == res

    # Same as above, in degrees

    angle = Angle("3 36 29.78880", unit=u.degree)

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3d36m29.7888s'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree)) == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3:36:29.7888'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=":")) == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3:36:29.79'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=":",
                                      precision=2)) == res

    # Note that you can provide one, two, or three separators passed as a
    # tuple or list

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3d36m29.7888s'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree,
                                                   sep=("d", "m", "s"),
                                                   precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3-36|29.7888'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=["-", "|"],
                                                   precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3-36-29.7888'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep="-",
                                                    precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 03d36m29.7888s'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, precision=4,
                                                  pad=True)) == res

    res = 'Angle as rad: 0.0629763rad'
    assert "Angle as rad: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.radian)) == res

    res = 'Angle as rad decimal: 0.0629763'
    assert "Angle as rad decimal: {0}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.radian, decimal=True)) == res

    # check negative angles

    angle = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.degree)
    angle2 = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.hour)

    assert angle.to_string() == '-1d14m04.4444s'
    assert angle.to_string(pad=True) == '-01d14m04.4444s'
    assert angle.to_string(unit=u.hour) == '-0h04m56.2963s'
    assert angle2.to_string(unit=u.hour, pad=True) == '-01h14m04.4444s'
    assert angle.to_string(unit=u.radian, decimal=True) == '-0.0215473'
예제 #13
def test_plus_sixty_hm():
    # Test for HM parser
    with pytest.warns(IllegalMinuteWarning):
        a = Angle('00:60', u.hour)
    assert_allclose(a.hour, 1.)
예제 #14
def test_negative_zero_dm():
    # Test for DM parser
    a = Angle('-00:10', u.deg)
    assert_allclose(a.degree, -10. / 60.)
예제 #15
def test_angle_formatting():
    Tests string formatting for Angle objects
    The string method of Angle has this signature:
    def string(self, unit=DEGREE, decimal=False, sep=" ", precision=5,

    The "decimal" parameter defaults to False since if you need to print the
    Angle as a decimal, there's no need to use the "format" method (see

    angle = Angle("54.12412", unit=u.degree)

    # __str__ is the default `format`
    assert str(angle) == angle.to_string()

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3h36m29.7888s'
    assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour)}" == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3:36:29.7888'
    assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=':')}" == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3:36:29.79'
    assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=':', precision=2)}" == res

    # Note that you can provide one, two, or three separators passed as a
    # tuple or list

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3h36m29.7888s'
    assert "Angle as HMS: {}".format(
        angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=("h", "m", "s"), precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3-36|29.7888'
    assert "Angle as HMS: {}".format(
        angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=["-", "|"], precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 3-36-29.7888'
    assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep='-', precision=4)}" == res

    res = 'Angle as HMS: 03h36m29.7888s'
    assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, precision=4, pad=True)}" == res

    # Same as above, in degrees

    angle = Angle("3 36 29.78880", unit=u.degree)

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3d36m29.7888s'
    assert f"Angle as DMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.degree)}" == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3:36:29.7888'
    assert f"Angle as DMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=':')}" == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3:36:29.79'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(
        angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=":", precision=2)) == res

    # Note that you can provide one, two, or three separators passed as a
    # tuple or list

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3d36m29.7888s'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(
        angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=("d", "m", "s"),
                        precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3-36|29.7888'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(
        angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=["-", "|"], precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 3-36-29.7888'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(
        angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep="-", precision=4)) == res

    res = 'Angle as DMS: 03d36m29.7888s'
    assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(
        angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, precision=4, pad=True)) == res

    res = 'Angle as rad: 0.0629763rad'
    assert f"Angle as rad: {angle.to_string(unit=u.radian)}" == res

    res = 'Angle as rad decimal: 0.0629763'
    assert f"Angle as rad decimal: {angle.to_string(unit=u.radian, decimal=True)}" == res

    # check negative angles

    angle = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.degree)
    angle2 = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.hour)

    assert angle.to_string() == '-1d14m04.444404s'
    assert angle.to_string(pad=True) == '-01d14m04.444404s'
    assert angle.to_string(unit=u.hour) == '-0h04m56.2962936s'
    assert angle2.to_string(unit=u.hour, pad=True) == '-01h14m04.444404s'
    assert angle.to_string(unit=u.radian, decimal=True) == '-0.0215473'
예제 #16
 def parse_test(i=0):
     Angle(angles, unit='hour')
예제 #17
 def dec_dms(self):
         a = Angle(float(self.dec), unit='degree').dms
     except Exception as e:
         return self.dec
     return "{:+03.0f}:{:02.0f}:{:05.2f}".format(a[0], abs(a[1]), abs(a[2]))
예제 #18
def test_to_string_precision():
    # There are already some tests in test_api.py, but this is a regression
    # test for the bug in issue #1319 which caused incorrect formatting of the
    # seconds for precision=0

    angle = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.degree)

    assert angle.to_string(precision=3) == '-1d14m04.444s'
    assert angle.to_string(precision=1) == '-1d14m04.4s'
    assert angle.to_string(precision=0) == '-1d14m04s'

    angle2 = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.hourangle)

    assert angle2.to_string(precision=3, unit=u.hour) == '-1h14m04.444s'
    assert angle2.to_string(precision=1, unit=u.hour) == '-1h14m04.4s'
    assert angle2.to_string(precision=0, unit=u.hour) == '-1h14m04s'

    # Regression test for #7141
    angle3 = Angle(-0.5, unit=u.degree)
    assert angle3.to_string(precision=0, fields=3) == '-0d30m00s'
    assert angle3.to_string(precision=0, fields=2) == '-0d30m'
    assert angle3.to_string(precision=0, fields=1) == '-1d'
예제 #19
def test_plus_sixty_dms():
    # Test for DMS parser
    with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning):
        a = Angle('+00:00:60', u.deg)
    assert_allclose(a.degree, 1. / 60.)
예제 #20
def test_sexagesimal_rounding_up():
    a = Angle(359.999999999999, unit=u.deg)

    assert a.to_string(precision=None) == '360d00m00s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=4) == '360d00m00.0000s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=5) == '360d00m00.00000s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=6) == '360d00m00.000000s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=7) == '360d00m00.0000000s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=8) == '360d00m00.00000000s'
    assert a.to_string(precision=9) == '359d59m59.999999996s'

    a = Angle(3.999999, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(fields=2, precision=None) == '4d00m'
    assert a.to_string(fields=2, precision=1) == '4d00m'
    assert a.to_string(fields=2, precision=5) == '4d00m'
    assert a.to_string(fields=1, precision=1) == '4d'
    assert a.to_string(fields=1, precision=5) == '4d'
예제 #21
def test_to_string_fields():
    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(fields=1) == r'1d'
    assert a.to_string(fields=2) == r'1d07m'
    assert a.to_string(fields=3) == r'1d06m48.078s'
예제 #22
def test_to_string_formats():
    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(format='latex') == r'$1^\circ06{}^\prime48.078{}^{\prime\prime}$'
    assert a.to_string(format='unicode') == '1°06′48.078″'

    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.hour)
    assert a.to_string(format='latex') == r'$1^{\mathrm{h}}06^{\mathrm{m}}48.078^{\mathrm{s}}$'
    assert a.to_string(format='unicode') == '1ʰ06ᵐ48.078ˢ'

    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.radian)
    assert a.to_string(format='latex') == r'$1.11336\mathrm{rad}$'
    assert a.to_string(format='unicode') == '1.11336rad'
예제 #23
def test_to_string_decimal():

    # There are already some tests in test_api.py, but this is a regression
    # test for the bug in issue #1323 which caused decimal formatting to not
    # work

    angle1 = Angle(2., unit=u.degree)

    assert angle1.to_string(decimal=True, precision=3) == '2.000'
    assert angle1.to_string(decimal=True, precision=1) == '2.0'
    assert angle1.to_string(decimal=True, precision=0) == '2'

    angle2 = Angle(3., unit=u.hourangle)

    assert angle2.to_string(decimal=True, precision=3) == '3.000'
    assert angle2.to_string(decimal=True, precision=1) == '3.0'
    assert angle2.to_string(decimal=True, precision=0) == '3'

    angle3 = Angle(4., unit=u.radian)

    assert angle3.to_string(decimal=True, precision=3) == '4.000'
    assert angle3.to_string(decimal=True, precision=1) == '4.0'
    assert angle3.to_string(decimal=True, precision=0) == '4'
예제 #24
def test_to_string_fields_colon():
    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(fields=2, sep=':') == '1:07'
    assert a.to_string(fields=3, sep=':') == '1:06:48.078'
    assert a.to_string(fields=1, sep=':') == '1'
예제 #25
def test_sexagesimal_round_down():
    a1 = Angle(1, u.deg).to(u.hourangle)
    a2 = Angle(2, u.deg)
    assert a1.to_string() == '0h04m00s'
    assert a2.to_string() == '2d00m00s'
예제 #26
def test_to_string_fields_colon():
    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(fields=2, sep=':') == '1:07'
    assert a.to_string(fields=3, sep=':') == '1:06:48.078'
    assert a.to_string(fields=1, sep=':') == '1'
예제 #27
def test_sexagesimal_round_down():
    a1 = Angle(1, u.deg).to(u.hourangle)
    a2 = Angle(2, u.deg)
    assert a1.to_string() == '0h04m00s'
    assert a2.to_string() == '2d00m00s'
예제 #28
def test_angle_to_is_angle():
    with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning):
        a = Angle('00:00:60', u.deg)
    assert isinstance(a, Angle)
    assert isinstance(a.to(u.rad), Angle)
예제 #29
 def ra_hms(self):
         a = Angle(float(self.ra), unit='degree').hms
     except Exception as e:
         return self.ra
     return "{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}:{:05.2f}".format(*a)
예제 #30
def test_angle_to_quantity():
    with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning):
        a = Angle('00:00:60', u.deg)
    q = u.Quantity(a)
    assert isinstance(q, u.Quantity)
    assert q.unit is u.deg
예제 #31
def test_angle_wrap_at_nan():
    # Check that no attempt is made to wrap a NaN angle
    angle = Angle([0, np.nan, 1] * u.deg)
    angle.flags.writeable = False  # to force an error if a write is attempted
    angle.wrap_at(180 * u.deg, inplace=True)
예제 #32
def test_angle_string():
    with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning):
        a = Angle('00:00:60', u.deg)
    assert str(a) == '0d01m00s'
    a = Angle('00:00:59S', u.deg)
    assert str(a) == '-0d00m59s'
    a = Angle('00:00:59N', u.deg)
    assert str(a) == '0d00m59s'
    a = Angle('00:00:59E', u.deg)
    assert str(a) == '0d00m59s'
    a = Angle('00:00:59W', u.deg)
    assert str(a) == '-0d00m59s'
    a = Angle('-00:00:10', u.hour)
    assert str(a) == '-0h00m10s'
    a = Angle('00:00:59E', u.hour)
    assert str(a) == '0h00m59s'
    a = Angle('00:00:59W', u.hour)
    assert str(a) == '-0h00m59s'
    a = Angle(3.2, u.radian)
    assert str(a) == '3.2rad'
    a = Angle(4.2, u.microarcsecond)
    assert str(a) == '4.2uarcsec'
    a = Angle('1.0uarcsec')
    assert a.value == 1.0
    assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond
    a = Angle('1.0uarcsecN')
    assert a.value == 1.0
    assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond
    a = Angle('1.0uarcsecS')
    assert a.value == -1.0
    assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond
    a = Angle('1.0uarcsecE')
    assert a.value == 1.0
    assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond
    a = Angle('1.0uarcsecW')
    assert a.value == -1.0
    assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond
    a = Angle("3d")
    assert_allclose(a.value, 3.0)
    assert a.unit == u.degree
    a = Angle("3dN")
    assert str(a) == "3d00m00s"
    assert a.unit == u.degree
    a = Angle("3dS")
    assert str(a) == "-3d00m00s"
    assert a.unit == u.degree
    a = Angle("3dE")
    assert str(a) == "3d00m00s"
    assert a.unit == u.degree
    a = Angle("3dW")
    assert str(a) == "-3d00m00s"
    assert a.unit == u.degree
    a = Angle('10"')
    assert_allclose(a.value, 10.0)
    assert a.unit == u.arcsecond
    a = Angle("10'N")
    assert_allclose(a.value, 10.0)
    assert a.unit == u.arcminute
    a = Angle("10'S")
    assert_allclose(a.value, -10.0)
    assert a.unit == u.arcminute
    a = Angle("10'E")
    assert_allclose(a.value, 10.0)
    assert a.unit == u.arcminute
    a = Angle("10'W")
    assert_allclose(a.value, -10.0)
    assert a.unit == u.arcminute
    a = Angle('45°55′12″N')
    assert str(a) == '45d55m12s'
    assert_allclose(a.value, 45.92)
    assert a.unit == u.deg
    a = Angle('45°55′12″S')
    assert str(a) == '-45d55m12s'
    assert_allclose(a.value, -45.92)
    assert a.unit == u.deg
    a = Angle('45°55′12″E')
    assert str(a) == '45d55m12s'
    assert_allclose(a.value, 45.92)
    assert a.unit == u.deg
    a = Angle('45°55′12″W')
    assert str(a) == '-45d55m12s'
    assert_allclose(a.value, -45.92)
    assert a.unit == u.deg
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
예제 #33
def test_create_angles():
    Tests creating and accessing Angle objects
    ''' The "angle" is a fundamental object. The internal
    representation is stored in radians, but this is transparent to the user.
    Units *must* be specified rather than a default value be assumed. This is
    as much for self-documenting code as anything else.

    Angle objects simply represent a single angular coordinate. More specific
    angular coordinates (e.g. Longitude, Latitude) are subclasses of Angle.'''

    a1 = Angle(54.12412, unit=u.degree)
    a2 = Angle("54.12412", unit=u.degree)
    a3 = Angle("54:07:26.832", unit=u.degree)
    a4 = Angle("54.12412 deg")
    a5 = Angle("54.12412 degrees")
    a6 = Angle("54.12412°")  # because we like Unicode
    a8 = Angle("54°07'26.832\"")
    a9 = Angle([54, 7, 26.832], unit=u.degree)
    assert_allclose(a9.value, [54, 7, 26.832])
    assert a9.unit is u.degree

    a10 = Angle(3.60827466667, unit=u.hour)
    a11 = Angle("3:36:29.7888000120", unit=u.hour)
    with pytest.warns(AstropyDeprecationWarning, match='hms_to_hour'):
        a12 = Angle((3, 36, 29.7888000120), unit=u.hour)  # *must* be a tuple
    with pytest.warns(AstropyDeprecationWarning, match='hms_to_hour'):
        # Regression test for #5001
        a13 = Angle((3, 36, 29.7888000120), unit='hour')

    Angle(0.944644098745, unit=u.radian)

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
        # raises an exception because this is ambiguous

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
        Angle(54.12412, unit=u.m)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Angle(12.34, unit="not a unit")

    a14 = Angle("03h36m29.7888000120")  # no trailing 's', but unambiguous

    a15 = Angle("5h4m3s")  # single digits, no decimal
    assert a15.unit == u.hourangle

    a16 = Angle("1 d")
    a17 = Angle("1 degree")

    assert a16.degree == 1
    assert a17.degree == 1

    a18 = Angle("54 07.4472", unit=u.degree)
    a19 = Angle("54:07.4472", unit=u.degree)
    a20 = Angle("54d07.4472m", unit=u.degree)
    a21 = Angle("3h36m", unit=u.hour)
    a22 = Angle("3.6h", unit=u.hour)
    a23 = Angle("- 3h", unit=u.hour)
    a24 = Angle("+ 3h", unit=u.hour)

    # ensure the above angles that should match do
    assert a1 == a2 == a3 == a4 == a5 == a6 == a8 == a18 == a19 == a20
    assert_allclose(a1.radian, a2.radian)
    assert_allclose(a2.degree, a3.degree)
    assert_allclose(a3.radian, a4.radian)
    assert_allclose(a4.radian, a5.radian)
    assert_allclose(a5.radian, a6.radian)

    assert_allclose(a10.degree, a11.degree)
    assert a11 == a12 == a13 == a14
    assert a21 == a22
    assert a23 == -a24

    # check for illegal ranges / values
    with pytest.raises(IllegalSecondError):
        a = Angle("12 32 99", unit=u.degree)

    with pytest.raises(IllegalMinuteError):
        a = Angle("12 99 23", unit=u.degree)

    with pytest.raises(IllegalSecondError):
        a = Angle("12 32 99", unit=u.hour)

    with pytest.raises(IllegalMinuteError):
        a = Angle("12 99 23", unit=u.hour)

    with pytest.raises(IllegalHourError):
        a = Angle("99 25 51.0", unit=u.hour)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        a = Angle("12 25 51.0xxx", unit=u.hour)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        a = Angle("12h34321m32.2s")

    assert a1 is not None
예제 #34
def test_wrap_at_inplace():
    a = Angle([-20, 150, 350, 360] * u.deg)
    out = a.wrap_at('180d', inplace=True)
    assert out is None
    assert np.all(a.degree == np.array([-20., 150., -10., 0.]))
예제 #35
def test_to_string_vector():
    # Regression test for the fact that vectorize doesn't work with Numpy 1.6
    assert Angle([1. / 7., 1. / 7.],
                 unit='deg').to_string()[0] == "0d08m34.28571429s"
    assert Angle([1. / 7.], unit='deg').to_string()[0] == "0d08m34.28571429s"
    assert Angle(1. / 7., unit='deg').to_string() == "0d08m34.28571429s"
예제 #36
def test_empty_sep():
    a = Angle('05h04m31.93830s')

    assert a.to_string(sep='', precision=2, pad=True) == '050431.94'
예제 #37
def test_negative_zero_hm():
    # Test for HM parser
    a = Angle('-00:10', u.hour)
    assert_allclose(a.hour, -10. / 60.)
예제 #38
def test_to_string_fields():
    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.deg)
    assert a.to_string(fields=1) == r'1d'
    assert a.to_string(fields=2) == r'1d07m'
    assert a.to_string(fields=3) == r'1d06m48.078s'
예제 #39
def test_negative_fifty_nine_sixty_dms():
    # Test for DMS parser
    with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning):
        a = Angle('-00:59:60', u.deg)
    assert_allclose(a.degree, -1.)
예제 #40
def test_angle_mismatched_unit():
    a = Angle('+6h7m8s', unit=u.degree)
    assert_allclose(a.value, 91.78333333333332)
예제 #41
def test_angle_to_is_angle():
    with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning):
        a = Angle('00:00:60', u.deg)
    assert isinstance(a, Angle)
    assert isinstance(a.to(u.rad), Angle)
예제 #42
def test_empty_sep():
    a = Angle('05h04m31.93830s')

    assert a.to_string(sep='', precision=2, pad=True) == '050431.94'
예제 #43
def test_wrap_at_inplace():
    a = Angle([-20, 150, 350, 360] * u.deg)
    out = a.wrap_at('180d', inplace=True)
    assert out is None
    assert np.all(a.degree == np.array([-20., 150., -10., 0.]))
예제 #44
def test_array_angle_tostring():
    aobj = Angle([1, 2], u.deg)
    assert aobj.to_string().dtype.kind == 'U'
    assert np.all(aobj.to_string() == ['1d00m00s', '2d00m00s'])
예제 #45
def test_latitude():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lat = Latitude(['91d', '89d'])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lat = Latitude('-91d')

    lat = Latitude(['90d', '89d'])
    # check that one can get items
    assert lat[0] == 90 * u.deg
    assert lat[1] == 89 * u.deg
    # and that comparison with angles works
    assert np.all(lat == Angle(['90d', '89d']))
    # check setitem works
    lat[1] = 45. * u.deg
    assert np.all(lat == Angle(['90d', '45d']))
    # but not with values out of range
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lat[0] = 90.001 * u.deg
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lat[0] = -90.001 * u.deg
    # these should also not destroy input (#1851)
    assert np.all(lat == Angle(['90d', '45d']))

    # conserve type on unit change (closes #1423)
    angle = lat.to('radian')
    assert type(angle) is Latitude
    # but not on calculations
    angle = lat - 190 * u.deg
    assert type(angle) is Angle
    assert angle[0] == -100 * u.deg

    lat = Latitude('80d')
    angle = lat / 2.
    assert type(angle) is Angle
    assert angle == 40 * u.deg

    angle = lat * 2.
    assert type(angle) is Angle
    assert angle == 160 * u.deg

    angle = -lat
    assert type(angle) is Angle
    assert angle == -80 * u.deg

    # Test errors when trying to interoperate with longitudes.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        lon = Longitude(10, 'deg')
        lat = Latitude(lon)
    assert "A Latitude angle cannot be created from a Longitude angle" in str(

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        lon = Longitude(10, 'deg')
        lat = Latitude([20], 'deg')
        lat[0] = lon
    assert "A Longitude angle cannot be assigned to a Latitude angle" in str(

    # Check we can work around the Lat vs Long checks by casting explicitly to Angle.
    lon = Longitude(10, 'deg')
    lat = Latitude(Angle(lon))
    assert lat.value == 10.0
    # Check setitem.
    lon = Longitude(10, 'deg')
    lat = Latitude([20], 'deg')
    lat[0] = Angle(lon)
    assert lat.value[0] == 10.0
예제 #46
def test_to_string_scalar():
    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.deg)
    assert isinstance(a.to_string(), str)
예제 #47
def test_array_angle_tostring():
    aobj = Angle([1, 2], u.deg)
    assert aobj.to_string().dtype.kind == 'U'
    assert np.all(aobj.to_string() == ['1d00m00s', '2d00m00s'])
예제 #48
def test_longitude():
    # Default wrapping at 360d with an array input
    lon = Longitude(['370d', '88d'])
    assert np.all(lon == Longitude(['10d', '88d']))
    assert np.all(lon == Angle(['10d', '88d']))

    # conserve type on unit change and keep wrap_angle (closes #1423)
    angle = lon.to('hourangle')
    assert type(angle) is Longitude
    assert angle.wrap_angle == lon.wrap_angle
    angle = lon[0]
    assert type(angle) is Longitude
    assert angle.wrap_angle == lon.wrap_angle
    angle = lon[1:]
    assert type(angle) is Longitude
    assert angle.wrap_angle == lon.wrap_angle

    # but not on calculations
    angle = lon / 2.
    assert np.all(angle == Angle(['5d', '44d']))
    assert type(angle) is Angle
    assert not hasattr(angle, 'wrap_angle')

    angle = lon * 2. + 400 * u.deg
    assert np.all(angle == Angle(['420d', '576d']))
    assert type(angle) is Angle

    # Test setting a mutable value and having it wrap
    lon[1] = -10 * u.deg
    assert np.all(lon == Angle(['10d', '350d']))

    # Test wrapping and try hitting some edge cases
    lon = Longitude(np.array([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]) * np.pi, unit=u.radian)
    assert np.all(lon.degree == np.array([0., 90, 180, 270, 0]))

    lon = Longitude(np.array([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]) * np.pi,
    assert np.all(lon.degree == np.array([0., 90, -180, -90, 0]))

    # Wrap on setting wrap_angle property (also test auto-conversion of wrap_angle to an Angle)
    lon = Longitude(np.array([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]) * np.pi, unit=u.radian)
    lon.wrap_angle = '180d'
    assert np.all(lon.degree == np.array([0., 90, -180, -90, 0]))

    lon = Longitude('460d')
    assert lon == Angle('100d')
    lon.wrap_angle = '90d'
    assert lon == Angle('-260d')

    # check that if we initialize a longitude with another longitude,
    # wrap_angle is kept by default
    lon2 = Longitude(lon)
    assert lon2.wrap_angle == lon.wrap_angle
    # but not if we explicitly set it
    lon3 = Longitude(lon, wrap_angle='180d')
    assert lon3.wrap_angle == 180 * u.deg

    # check for problem reported in #2037 about Longitude initializing to -0
    lon = Longitude(0, u.deg)
    lonstr = lon.to_string()
    assert not lonstr.startswith('-')

    # also make sure dtype is correctly conserved
    assert Longitude(0, u.deg, dtype=float).dtype == np.dtype(float)
    assert Longitude(0, u.deg, dtype=int).dtype == np.dtype(int)

    # Test errors when trying to interoperate with latitudes.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        lat = Latitude(10, 'deg')
        lon = Longitude(lat)
    assert "A Longitude angle cannot be created from a Latitude angle" in str(

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        lat = Latitude(10, 'deg')
        lon = Longitude([20], 'deg')
        lon[0] = lat
    assert "A Latitude angle cannot be assigned to a Longitude angle" in str(

    # Check we can work around the Lat vs Long checks by casting explicitly to Angle.
    lat = Latitude(10, 'deg')
    lon = Longitude(Angle(lat))
    assert lon.value == 10.0
    # Check setitem.
    lat = Latitude(10, 'deg')
    lon = Longitude([20], 'deg')
    lon[0] = Angle(lat)
    assert lon.value[0] == 10.0
예제 #49
def test_wrap_at():
    a = Angle([-20, 150, 350, 360] * u.deg)
    assert np.all(
        a.wrap_at(360 * u.deg).degree == np.array([340., 150., 350., 0.]))
    assert np.all(
        a.wrap_at(Angle(360, unit=u.deg)).degree == np.array(
            [340., 150., 350., 0.]))
    assert np.all(a.wrap_at('360d').degree == np.array([340., 150., 350., 0.]))
    assert np.all(a.wrap_at('180d').degree == np.array([-20., 150., -10., 0.]))
    assert np.all(
        a.wrap_at(np.pi * u.rad).degree == np.array([-20., 150., -10., 0.]))

    # Test wrapping a scalar Angle
    a = Angle('190d')
    assert a.wrap_at('180d') == Angle('-170d')

    a = Angle(np.arange(-1000.0, 1000.0, 0.125), unit=u.deg)
    for wrap_angle in (270, 0.2, 0.0, 360.0, 500, -2000.125):
        aw = a.wrap_at(wrap_angle * u.deg)
        assert np.all(aw.degree >= wrap_angle - 360.0)
        assert np.all(aw.degree < wrap_angle)

        aw = a.to(u.rad).wrap_at(wrap_angle * u.deg)
        assert np.all(aw.degree >= wrap_angle - 360.0)
        assert np.all(aw.degree < wrap_angle)
예제 #50
def test_to_string_scalar():
    a = Angle(1.113355, unit=u.deg)
    assert isinstance(a.to_string(), str)